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Last active July 20, 2023 18:23
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Code Sample from Path Tracing assignment in CMU 15-462 Computer Graphics, creating a Bounding Volume Hierarchy. By William Ozeas.
// The following functions build a Bounding Volume Hierarchy to speed up rendering
// using path tracing. We speed up collision checking by checking with the constructed
// bounding volumes instead of primitives. We want to construct these volumes in a way
// that minimizes a surface area heuristic. The hierarchy is organized into a tree
// structure with leaves of max_leaf_size and constructed recursively by splitting
// each volume 8 different ways along each axis and measuring which scores the highest
// using the heuristic.
// This is an excerpt of the path tracing assignment in CMU 15-462, Computer
// Graphics. The function header, BVH & BBox class, and first four lines of code were
// provided as starter code. Code written by William Ozeas in November 2021.
// Redistribution is not permitted.
// Begin Starter Code
template<typename Primitive>
void BVH<Primitive>::build(std::vector<Primitive>&& prims, size_t max_leaf_size) {
primitives = std::move(prims);
BBox box;
for(const Primitive& prim : primitives) box.enclose(prim.bbox());
// End Starter Code
if(primitives.size() <= max_leaf_size) {
root_idx = new_node(box, 0, primitives.size());
} else {
root_idx = build_recursive(max_leaf_size, box, 0, primitives.size(), 0);
//returns index of created bounding volume
template<typename Primitive>
size_t BVH<Primitive>::build_recursive(size_t max_leaf_size, BBox box, size_t start, size_t end, int lvl) {
//create a leaf with the start and end points instead of start and size
auto make_leaf = [&](BBox box, size_t start1, size_t end1) {
return new_node(box, start1, end1 - start1);
//compute the surface area heuristic
auto compute_SAH = [&](BBox B0, int primCount0, BBox B1, int primCount1, BBox parent) {
return (B0.surface_area()/parent.surface_area())*(float)primCount0 + (B1.surface_area()/parent.surface_area())*(float)primCount1;
const int bucketCount = 8;
BBox bestB0, bestB1;
float bestCoord = -1.0f;
float bestSAH = -1.0f;
int bestAxis = -1; //axes: x = 0, y = 1, z = 2
size_t bestPrimCount0 = 0;
size_t bestPrimCount1 = 0;
//along each axis, one at a time, split the bounding box into several pieces. Enclose resulting partitioned
//primitives into a new bounding box and measure heuristic, remembering the minimal split.
for(int axis = 0; axis < 3; axis++) {
float bucketSize = (box.max[axis] - box.min[axis])/((float)bucketCount);
float coord = box.min[axis];
for(int bucketIdx = 0; bucketIdx < bucketCount; bucketIdx++) {
coord += bucketSize;
//partition the primitives along coordinate coord
auto part = std::partition(std::next(primitives.begin(), start), std::next(primitives.begin(), end),
[&](Primitive& centroid) {
return centroid.bbox().center()[axis] <= coord;
BBox B0, B1;
int primCount0 = 0;
int primCount1 = 0;
for(auto prim = std::next(primitives.begin(), start); prim < part; prim++) {
for(auto prim = part; prim < std::next(primitives.begin(), end); prim++) {
float SAH = compute_SAH(B0, primCount0, B1, primCount1, box);
if(bestSAH < 0 || SAH < bestSAH) {
bestSAH = SAH;
bestCoord = coord;
bestAxis = axis;
bestB0 = B0;
bestB1 = B1;
bestPrimCount0 = primCount0;
bestPrimCount1 = primCount1;
//re-partition according to best measured heuristic
std::partition(std::next(primitives.begin(), start), std::next(primitives.begin(), end),
[&](Primitive& centroid) {
return centroid.bbox().center()[bestAxis] <= bestCoord;
size_t l, r; //child bounding volumes
if(bestPrimCount1 == 0 || bestPrimCount0 == 0) {
return make_leaf(box, start, end);
if(bestPrimCount0 <= max_leaf_size) {
l = make_leaf(bestB0, start, start + bestPrimCount0);
} else {
l = build_recursive(max_leaf_size, bestB0, start, start + bestPrimCount0, lvl + 1);
if(bestPrimCount1 <= max_leaf_size) {
r = make_leaf(bestB1, start + bestPrimCount0, end);
} else {
r = build_recursive(max_leaf_size, bestB1, start + bestPrimCount0, end, lvl + 1);
return new_node(box, start, end - start, l, r);
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