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Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
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Save williamsodell/11276724 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
StackScript to install the LAMP stack plus phusion passenger on apache2 and rvm defaulting to ruby 2.0.0 and rails 4
# StackScript: 8644
# Generic functions
function system_update {
yum -y update
function install_basics {
yum -y install jwhois rsync openssh-clients wget
function postfix_install_loopback_only {
# Installs postfix and configure to listen only on the local interface. Also
# allows for local mail delivery
yum -y install postfix
yum -y remove sendmail
touch /tmp/restart-postfix
function goodstuff {
yum -y install vim-enhanced git
function restartServices {
# restarts services that have a file in /tmp/needs-restart/
for service in $(ls /tmp/restart-* | cut -d- -f2); do
/etc/init.d/$service restart
rm -f /tmp/restart-$service
# MySQL functions
function mysql_install {
# $1 - the mysql root password
if [ ! -n "$1" ]; then
echo "mysql_install() requires the root pass as its first argument"
return 1;
yum -y install mysql-server
/etc/init.d/mysqld start
echo "Sleeping while MySQL starts up for the first time..."
sleep 20
#Remove anonymous users
echo "DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE User='';" | mysql -u root
#Remove remote root
echo "DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE User='root' AND Host!='localhost';" | mysql -u root
#Remove test db
echo "DROP DATABASE test;" | mysql -u root
#Set root password
echo "UPDATE mysql.user SET Password=PASSWORD('$1') WHERE User='root';" | mysql -u root
#Flush privs
echo "FLUSH PRIVILEGES;" | mysql -u root
function mysql_tune {
# Tunes MySQL's memory usage to utilize the percentage of memory you specify, defaulting to 40%
# $1 - the percent of system memory to allocate towards MySQL
if [ ! -n "$1" ];
then PERCENT=40
else PERCENT="$1"
MYMEM=$((MEM*PERCENT/100)) # how much memory we'd like to tune mysql with
MYMEMCHUNKS=$((MYMEM/4)) # how many 4MB chunks we have to play with
# mysql config options we want to set to the percentages in the second list, respectively
OPTLIST=(key_buffer sort_buffer_size read_buffer_size read_rnd_buffer_size myisam_sort_buffer_size query_cache_size)
DISTLIST=(75 1 1 1 5 15)
for opt in ${OPTLIST[@]}; do
sed -i -e "/\[mysqld\]/,/\[.*\]/s/^$opt/#$opt/" /etc/my.cnf
for i in ${!OPTLIST[*]}; do
val=$(echo | awk "{print int((${DISTLIST[$i]} * $MYMEMCHUNKS/100))*4}")
if [ $val -lt 4 ]
then val=4
config="${config}\n${OPTLIST[$i]} = ${val}M"
sed -i -e "s/\(\[mysqld\]\)/\1\n$config\n/" /etc/my.cnf
touch /tmp/restart-mysqld
function mysql_create_database {
# $1 - the mysql root password
# $2 - the db name to create
if [ ! -n "$1" ]; then
echo "mysql_create_database() requires the root pass as its first argument"
return 1;
if [ ! -n "$2" ]; then
echo "mysql_create_database() requires the name of the database as the second argument"
return 1;
echo "CREATE DATABASE $2;" | mysql -u root -p"$1"
function mysql_create_user {
# $1 - the mysql root password
# $2 - the user to create
# $3 - their password
if [ ! -n "$1" ]; then
echo "mysql_create_user() requires the root pass as its first argument"
return 1;
if [ ! -n "$2" ]; then
echo "mysql_create_user() requires username as the second argument"
return 1;
if [ ! -n "$3" ]; then
echo "mysql_create_user() requires a password as the third argument"
return 1;
echo "CREATE USER '$2'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '$3';" | mysql -u root -p"$1"
function mysql_grant_user {
# $1 - the mysql root password
# $2 - the user to bestow privileges
# $3 - the database
if [ ! -n "$1" ]; then
echo "mysql_create_user() requires the root pass as its first argument"
return 1;
if [ ! -n "$2" ]; then
echo "mysql_create_user() requires username as the second argument"
return 1;
if [ ! -n "$3" ]; then
echo "mysql_create_user() requires a database as the third argument"
return 1;
echo "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON $3.* TO '$2'@'localhost';" | mysql -u root -p"$1"
echo "FLUSH PRIVILEGES;" | mysql -u root -p"$1"
# PHP functions
function php_install_with_apache {
yum -y install php php-mysql php-cli mod_php php-cli php-gd
touch /tmp/restart-httpd
function php_tune {
# Tunes PHP to utilize up to nMB per process, 32 by default
if [ ! -n "$1" ];
then MEM="32"
else MEM="${1}"
sed -i'-orig' "s/memory_limit = [0-9]\+M/memory_limit = ${MEM}M/" /etc/php.ini
touch /tmp/restart-httpd
# Apache functions
function apache_install {
# installs the system default apache2 MPM
yum -y install httpd
sed -i -e 's/^#NameVirtualHost \*:80$/NameVirtualHost *:80/' /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
mkdir -p /etc/httpd/{sites-enabled,sites-available}
echo "
Include sites-enabled/*" >> /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
mv /var/www/html /var/www/public
if [ ! -n "$1" ]; then
sed -i "s/root@localhost/$1/g" /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
sed -i "s/\/var\/www\/html/\/var\/www\/public/g" /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
touch /tmp/restart-httpd
echo "#!/bin/bash
# Configures a VirtualHost
# \$1 - required - the hostname of the virtualhost to create
if [ ! -n \"\$1\" ]; then
echo \"apache_virtualhost() requires the hostname as the first argument\"
return 1;
if [ -e \"/etc/httpd/sites-enabled/\${1}\" ]; then
echo /etc/httpd/sites-enabled/\${1} already exists
mkdir -p /var/www/\$1/htdocs /var/log/httpd/\$1
echo \"<VirtualHost *:80>\" > /etc/httpd/sites-available/\${1}
echo \" ServerName \$1\" >> /etc/httpd/sites-available/\${1}
echo \" DocumentRoot /var/www/\$1/htdocs/\" >> /etc/httpd/sites-available/\${1}
echo \" <Directory /var/www/\$1/htdocs/>\" >> /etc/httpd/sites-available/\${1}
echo \" AllowOverride All\" >> /etc/httpd/sites-available/\${1}
echo \" </Directory>\" >> /etc/httpd/sites-available/\${1}
echo \" ErrorLog /var/log/httpd/\$1/error.log\" >> /etc/httpd/sites-available/\${1}
echo \" CustomLog /var/log/httpd/\$1/access.log combined\" >> /etc/httpd/sites-available/\${1}
echo \"</VirtualHost>\" >> /etc/httpd/sites-available/\${1}
ln -s /etc/httpd/sites-available/\${1} /etc/httpd/sites-enabled/\${1}
ln -s /var/log/httpd/\$1 /var/www/\$1/logs
touch /tmp/restart-httpd" > /usr/local/bin/apache_virtualhost
chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/apache_virtualhost
function apache_tune {
# Tunes Apache's memory to use the percentage of RAM you specify, defaulting to 40%
# $1 - the percent of system memory to allocate towards Apache
if [ ! -n "$1" ];
then PERCENT=40
else PERCENT="$1"
yum -y install httpd
PERPROCMEM=10 # the amount of memory in MB each apache process is likely to utilize
MAXCLIENTS=$((MEM*PERCENT/100/PERPROCMEM)) # calculate MaxClients
MAXCLIENTS=${MAXCLIENTS/.*} # cast to an integer
sed -i -e "s/\(^[ \t]*\(MaxClients\|ServerLimit\)[ \t]*\)[0-9]*/\1$MAXCLIENTS/" /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
touch /tmp/restart-httpd
function apache_virtualhost_from_rdns {
# Configures a VirtualHost using the rdns of the first IP as the ServerName
apache_virtualhost $(get_rdns_primary_ip)
# Ruby functions
function rvm_install {
if [ ! -n "$1" ];
then RUBYVERSION=2.0.0
curl | bash -s stable
source /etc/profile
rvm requirements
rvm install "$RUBYVERSION"
rvm use "$RUBYVERSION" --default
function passenger_install {
gem install passenger
yum -y install curl-devel httpd-devel
passenger-install-apache2-module --auto
PATH=`gem environment gemdir`
echo "LoadModule passenger_module $PATH/gems/passenger-4.0.41/buildout/apache2/
<IfModule mod_passenger.c>
PassengerRoot $PATH/gems/passenger-4.0.41
PassengerDefaultRuby $PATH/wrappers/ruby
</IfModule>" > /etc/httpd/conf.d/passenger.conf
# Utility functions
function system_primary_ip {
# returns the primary IP assigned to eth0
echo $(ifconfig eth0 | awk -F: '/inet addr:/ {print $2}' | awk '{ print $1 }')
function get_rdns {
# calls host on an IP address and returns its reverse dns
if [ ! -e /usr/bin/host ]; then
yum -y install bind-utils > /dev/null
echo $(host $1 | awk '/pointer/ {print $5}' | sed 's/\.$//')
function get_rdns_primary_ip {
# returns the reverse dns of the primary IP assigned to this system
echo $(get_rdns $(system_primary_ip))
source <ssinclude StackScriptID="8644">
# <UDF name="db_password" Label="MySQL root Password" />
# <UDF name="db_name" Label="Create Database" default="" example="Optionally create this database" />
# <UDF name="db_user" Label="Create MySQL User" default="" example="Optionally create this user" />
# <UDF name="db_user_password" Label="MySQL User's Password" default="" example="User's password" />
# <UDF name="apache_server_admin" Label="Apache Server Admin Email" example="Server Admin Email" />
export logfile
system_update >> $logfile
install_basics >> $logfile
echo "System Updated" >> $logfile
postfix_install_loopback_only >> $logfile
echo "postfix_install_loopback_only" >> $logfile
mysql_install "$DB_PASSWORD" >> $logfile
mysql_tune 40 >> $logfile
echo "Mysql installed" >> $logfile
mysql_create_database "$DB_PASSWORD" "$DB_NAME" >> $logfile
mysql_create_user "$DB_PASSWORD" "$DB_USER" "$DB_USER_PASSWORD" >> $logfile
mysql_grant_user "$DB_PASSWORD" "$DB_USER" "$DB_NAME" >> $logfile
php_install_with_apache >> $logfile
php_tune >> $logfile
echo "Php installed" >> $logfile
apache_install "$APACHE_SERVER_ADMIN" >> $logfile
apache_tune 40 >> $logfile
apache_virtualhost_from_rdns >> $logfile
apache_mod_deflate_config >> $logfile
echo "apache installed" >> $logfile
goodstuff >> $logfile
echo "goodstuff installed" >> $logfile
#installing ruby
rvm_install >> $logfile
echo "Installed rvm" >> $logfile
gem install rails >> $logfile
echo "Installed rails" >> $logfile
passenger_install >> $logfile
echo "Built apache2 passenger module" >> $logfile
restartServices >> $logfile
echo "StackScript Finished!" >> $logfile
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