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Calculate chebyshev polynomial that will approximate f(x) = sin(kx). where k = π/root. Uses gradient descent.
// Compiling with clang or gcc
// clang main.cpp -o main -march=native -O3 -ffast-math -Wextra -Werror -Wunused-parameter -lm
// Use "-march=native -ffast-math -O3" for faster gradient descent
// Use "-lm" if linking to glibc math libraries on Linux
// Remove "-W*" warning flags if you don't need checks
#include <stdio.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
static bool is_running = true;
#if _WIN32
#define NOMINMAX
#include <windows.h>
BOOL WINAPI sighandler(DWORD signum) {
if (signum == CTRL_C_EVENT) {
fprintf(stderr, "Signal caught, exiting!\n");
is_running = false;
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
#include <errno.h>
#include <signal.h>
static void sighandler(int signum) {
fprintf(stderr, "Signal caught, exiting! (%d)\n", signum);
is_running = false;
// Configuration
using grad_t = double;
using coefficient_t = double;
constexpr size_t PRINT_ITER = 10'000'000;
constexpr size_t TOTAL_ITER_ERROR_PLATEAU_THRESHOLD = 10'000;
// Learning rate update rule when minimum error reaches a plateau
// - If we update than rescale the learning rate
// - Otherwise we exit early
constexpr bool IS_UPDATE_LEARNING_RATE = true;
constexpr grad_t LEARNING_RATE_RESCALER = 1.1;
// We are solving for a[n] in g(x) = sum a[n]*x^(2n)
// Where f(x) = h(x)*g(x), where:
// - f(x) = target function
// - h(x) = modifier function to reduce complexity of function g(x) needs to solve
// - g(x) = polynomial that can be calculated using Horner's method
// Gradient descent hyperparameters
// - We are approximating f(x) in the range: x = [X_SAMPLE_START, X_SAMPLE_END] with TOTAL_SAMPLES
// - g(x) = sum a[n]*x^(2n) for n = [0, TOTAL_COEFFICIENTS-1]
// - learning rate: INITIAL_LEARNING_RATE
// - Decrease learning rate if unstable
// - rescaling gradients for de/da[n] by: x^(n*GRAD_RESCALE_MAGNITUDE + GRAD_RESCALE_BIAS)
// - NOTE: This drastically improves training speed, you should tweak it
// - Decrease GRAD_RESCALE_MAGNITUDE if training is unstable
// - NOTE: You should tweak this value before tweaking learning rate
// Sample functions to approximate
#if 1
// y = sin(2*pi*x)
template <typename T>
inline static T get_y_target(T x) {
return std::sin(T(M_PI)*2.0*x);
template <typename T>
inline static T get_h(T x) {
// constraint so that roots match sin(2*pi*x)
constexpr T B0 = T(0.5*0.5);
const T z = x*x;
return x*(z-B0);
constexpr size_t TOTAL_SAMPLES = 256;
constexpr grad_t X_SAMPLE_START = grad_t(0);
constexpr grad_t X_SAMPLE_END = grad_t(0.5);
constexpr size_t TOTAL_COEFFICIENTS = 6;
constexpr grad_t INITIAL_LEARNING_RATE = grad_t(1e0);
constexpr grad_t GRAD_RESCALE_MAGNITUDE = 4;
constexpr grad_t GRAD_RESCALE_BIAS = 1;
#elif 0
// y = cos(2*pi*x)
template <typename T>
inline static T get_y_target(T x) {
return std::cos(T(M_PI)*2.0*x);
template <typename T>
inline static T get_h(T x) {
// constraint so that roots match cos(2*pi*x)
constexpr T B0 = T(0.25*0.25);
constexpr T B1 = T(0.75*0.75);
const T z = x*x;
return (z-B0)*(z-B1);
constexpr size_t TOTAL_SAMPLES = 256;
constexpr grad_t X_SAMPLE_START = grad_t(0);
constexpr grad_t X_SAMPLE_END = grad_t(0.5 + 1e-2);
constexpr size_t TOTAL_COEFFICIENTS = 6;
constexpr grad_t INITIAL_LEARNING_RATE = grad_t(1e0);
constexpr grad_t GRAD_RESCALE_MAGNITUDE = 4;
constexpr grad_t GRAD_RESCALE_BIAS = 1;
// y = x^2 * exp(pi*x^2) * sin(2pix)
template <typename T>
inline static T get_y_target(T x) {
const T z = x*x;
return z*std::exp(T(M_PI)*z)*std::sin(2*T(M_PI)*x);
template <typename T>
inline static T get_h(T x) {
constexpr T B0 = T(0.5*0.5);
const T z = x*x;
return z*x*(z-B0);
constexpr size_t TOTAL_SAMPLES = 256;
constexpr grad_t X_SAMPLE_START = grad_t(0);
constexpr grad_t X_SAMPLE_END = grad_t(0.5 + 1e-2);
constexpr size_t TOTAL_COEFFICIENTS = 8;
constexpr grad_t INITIAL_LEARNING_RATE = grad_t(1e0);
constexpr grad_t GRAD_RESCALE_MAGNITUDE = 3.6; // needed to be decreased for stable gradient descent
constexpr grad_t GRAD_RESCALE_BIAS = 1;
inline static coefficient_t get_horner_polynomial(coefficient_t x, coefficient_t* A) {
// g(x) = sum a[n]*x^(2n)
// Use Horner's method to calculate this efficiently
const coefficient_t z = x*x;
coefficient_t g = A[TOTAL_COEFFICIENTS-1];
for (size_t i = 1; i < TOTAL_COEFFICIENTS; i++) {
size_t j = TOTAL_COEFFICIENTS-i-1;
g = g*z + A[j];
return g;
int main(int /*argc*/, char** /*argv*/) {
#if _WIN32
SetConsoleCtrlHandler(sighandler, TRUE);
struct sigaction sigact;
sigact.sa_handler = sighandler;
sigact.sa_flags = 0;
sigaction(SIGINT, &sigact, nullptr);
sigaction(SIGTERM, &sigact, nullptr);
sigaction(SIGQUIT, &sigact, nullptr);
sigaction(SIGPIPE, &sigact, nullptr);
coefficient_t poly[TOTAL_COEFFICIENTS] = {coefficient_t(0)};
static_assert(X_SAMPLE_END > X_SAMPLE_START, "Range of evaluation must be from x_min to x_max");
auto X_in = std::vector<grad_t>(TOTAL_SAMPLES);
auto Y_expected = std::vector<grad_t>(TOTAL_SAMPLES);
auto H_in = std::vector<grad_t>(TOTAL_SAMPLES);
for (size_t i = 0; i < TOTAL_SAMPLES; i++) {
const grad_t x = X_SAMPLE_START + grad_t(i)*EVAL_STEP;
const grad_t y = get_y_target(x);
const grad_t h = get_h(x);
X_in[i] = x;
Y_expected[i] = y;
H_in[i] = h;
// normalised gradients for each term
// de/da[n] = 2*(f-y)*h*x^2n
// = 2*e(x)*h*x^2n
// Assume e(x) converges to 0, then e_max = e^2n
// de/da[n] = 2*h*x^4n
// In reality the x^4n factor is approximated as x^(an+b)
// where a,b are hyperparameters
grad_t gradient_scale[TOTAL_COEFFICIENTS] = {0.0};
for (size_t i = 0; i < TOTAL_COEFFICIENTS; i++) {
grad_t scale = 0.0;
for (size_t j = 0; j < TOTAL_SAMPLES; j++) {
const grad_t x = grad_t(X_in[j]);
const grad_t h = grad_t(H_in[j]);
const grad_t n = grad_t(i)*GRAD_RESCALE_MAGNITUDE + GRAD_RESCALE_BIAS;
const grad_t x_n = std::pow(x, n);
scale += (h*x_n);
scale = std::abs(scale);
scale /= grad_t(TOTAL_SAMPLES);
gradient_scale[i] = grad_t(1) / scale;
printf("grad_rescale = [");
for (size_t i = 0; i < TOTAL_COEFFICIENTS; i++) {
printf("%.2e,", gradient_scale[i]);
printf("is_update_learning_rate: %u\n", IS_UPDATE_LEARNING_RATE);
constexpr grad_t NORM_SAMPLES = 1.0f / grad_t(TOTAL_SAMPLES);
grad_t learning_rate = INITIAL_LEARNING_RATE;
coefficient_t best_poly[TOTAL_COEFFICIENTS] = {coefficient_t(0)};
grad_t error_minimum = grad_t(1e6);
size_t error_minimum_iter = 0;
size_t total_iter_error_plateau = 0;
for (size_t iter = 0; ; iter++) {
grad_t total_error = grad_t(0);
grad_t gradients[TOTAL_COEFFICIENTS] = {grad_t(0)};
for (size_t i = 0; i < TOTAL_SAMPLES; i++) {
const coefficient_t x = X_in[i];
const coefficient_t y_given = coefficient_t(H_in[i])*get_horner_polynomial(coefficient_t(x), poly);
const grad_t y_expected = Y_expected[i];
const grad_t error = grad_t(y_given) - y_expected;
// gradient descent
// g(x) = sum a[n]*x^(2n)
// f(x) = g(x)*h(x)
// e(x) = [f(x) - y]^2
// de/df = 2*(f-y)
// df/dg = h
// de/dg = de/df * df/dg, chain rule
// de/dg = 2*(f-y)*h
// de/da[n] = de/dg * dg/da[n]
// dg/da[n] = x^(2n)
// de/da[n] = 2*(f-y)*h*x^2n
const grad_t z = x*x;
const grad_t h = H_in[i];
grad_t gradient = error*h*grad_t(2);
gradients[0] += gradient;
for (size_t j = 1; j < TOTAL_COEFFICIENTS; j++) {
gradient *= z;
gradients[j] += gradient;
total_error += std::abs(error);
// normalised error and gradient
total_error *= NORM_SAMPLES;
for (size_t i = 0; i < TOTAL_COEFFICIENTS; i++) {
const grad_t scale = NORM_SAMPLES * gradient_scale[i];
gradients[i] *= scale;
// save lowest error polynomial
if (total_error < error_minimum && !std::isnan(total_error)) {
error_minimum = total_error;
error_minimum_iter = iter;
total_iter_error_plateau = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < TOTAL_COEFFICIENTS; i++) {
best_poly[i] = poly[i];
} else {
if (iter % PRINT_ITER == 0) {
printf("[%zu] error=%.2e, grad=[", iter, total_error);
for (size_t i = 0; i < TOTAL_COEFFICIENTS; i++) {
printf("%.2e,", gradients[i]);
// apply gradients
bool has_nan = false;
for (size_t i = 0; i < TOTAL_COEFFICIENTS; i++) {
const grad_t delta = gradients[i] * learning_rate;
const grad_t coeff = grad_t(poly[i]) - delta;
poly[i] = coefficient_t(coeff);
if (std::abs(coeff) > 1e5f) {
printf("[%zu] [error] Detected exploding coefficient exiting\n", iter);
has_nan = true;
if (std::isnan(coeff) || std::isinf(coeff)) {
printf("[%zu] [error] Detected NAN in coefficient exiting\n", iter);
has_nan = true;
if (has_nan) {
printf("[%zu] [error] Early exit due to bad values, printing them now\n", iter);
printf(" learning_rate: %.2e\n", learning_rate);
printf(" grad: [");
for (size_t i = 0; i < TOTAL_COEFFICIENTS; i++) {
printf("%.2e,", gradients[i]);
printf(" poly: [");
for (size_t i = 0; i < TOTAL_COEFFICIENTS; i++) {
printf("%.2e,", poly[i]);
if (total_iter_error_plateau >= TOTAL_ITER_ERROR_PLATEAU_THRESHOLD) {
total_iter_error_plateau = 0;
learning_rate *= LEARNING_RATE_RESCALER;
} else {
printf("[%zu] [info] Exiting since error has plateaued after %zu iters\n",
if (!is_running) break;
printf("\n[BEST RESULTS]\n");
printf("step: %zu\n", error_minimum_iter);
printf("mean_absolute_error: %.2e\n", error_minimum);
printf("poly[%zu] = {", TOTAL_COEFFICIENTS);
for (size_t i = 0; i < TOTAL_COEFFICIENTS; i++) {
constexpr size_t total_dp = (sizeof(coefficient_t) == 4) ? 10 : 16;
printf("%.*f", int(total_dp), best_poly[i]);
return 0;
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// Definition of Chebyshev polynomial
Tn(cos(x)) = cos(nx)
T0(cos(x)) = cos(0x) = 1
T1(cos(x)) = cos(x)
T2(cos(x)) = cos(2x) = 2cos(x)^2 - 1
Let X = cos(x)
- T0(X) = 1
- T1(X) = X
- T2(X) = 2X^2 - 1
// Deriving trigonometric identities
e^j(a+b) = e^ja * e^jb
cis(a+b) = cis(a) * cis(b)
cos(a+b) = cos(a)cos(b) - sin(a)sin(b)
sin(a+b) = cos(a)sin(b) + sin(a)cos(b)
e^j(a-b) = e^ja * e^j(-b)
cis(a-b) = cis(a)*cis(-b)
cos(a-b) = cos(a)cos(b) + sin(a)sin(b)
sin(a-b) = -cos(a)sin(b) + sin(a)cos(b)
cos(a+b) + cos(a-b) = 2cos(a)cos(b)
cos(a)cos(b) = 1/2 * [ cos(a+b) + cos(a-b) ]
cos((n+1)x) = cos(x)cos(nx) - sin(x)sin(nx)
// Derive recursive definition for Chebyshev polynomials using trigonometric identities
T_(n+1)(cos(x)) = cos((n+1)x) = cos(x)cos(nx) - sin(x)sin(nx)
T_(n+1)(X) = X*Tn(X) - sin(x)sin(nx)
T_(n-1)(cos(x)) = cos(-x)cos(nx) - sin(-x)sin(nx)
T_(n-1)(X) = X*T_n(X) + sin(x)sin(nx)
T_(n+1)(X) + T_(n-1)(X) = 2*X*T_n(X)
T_(n+1)(X) = 2*X*T_n(X) - T_(n-1)(X)
T3(X) = 2X*T2(X) - T1(X)
T3(X) = 2X*(2X^2-1) - X
T3(X) = 4X^3 - 3X
// Derivation of closed form solutions to cosine integrals
= 1/2 * [ cos((n+m)*x) + cos((n-m)*x) ]
- Need to choose a monotonic slice since we are going to use substitution X = cos(x)
- For this to work with an integral the mapping between X <-> cos(x) must be reversible
int_0^pi cos(kx) dx = 0 | Integrals of harmonics are 0
I(x) = int_0^pi cos(nx)cos(mx) dx
= int_0^pi 1/2 * [ cos((n+m)*x) + cos((n-m)*x) ] dx
when n != m, I(x) = int_0^pi 1/2 * [ cos(k1*x) + cos(k2*x) ] dx = 0
when n == m, I(x) = int_0^pi 1/2 * [ cos(k1*x) + cos(0) ] dx = int_0^pi 1/2 dx = pi/2
when n == m == 0, I(x) = int_0^pi 1/2 * [cos(0) + cos(0) ] dx = int_0^pi dx = pi
// Expressing cosine integrals in terms of Chebyshev polynomials
Letting X = cos(x)
dX = -sin(x) dx | X^2 = cos^2(x) = 1-sin^2(x) | sin(x) = sqrt(1-X^2)
dx = -1/sqrt(1-X^2) dX
I(x) = int_1^-1 -Tn(X)*Tm(X)/sqrt(1-X^2) dX
I(x) = int_-1^1 Tn(X)*Tm(X)/sqrt(1-X^2) dX
when n != m, I(x) = 0
when n == m, I(x) = pi/2
when n == m == 0, I(x) = pi
// Using closed form integral solutions to represent arbitrary functions as sum of Chebyshev polynomials
- Approximate f(x) as a sum of Chebyshev polynomials
f(x) = sum_n An*Tn(x)
- Expanding the following integral with f(x) shows we can derive An for Tn(x)
I(x) = int_-1^1 f(x)*Tm(x)/sqrt(1-x^2) dx
I(x) = sum_n An int_-1^1 Tm(x)Tn(x)/sqrt(1-x^2) dx | substitute f(x) = sum_n An*Tn(x) | Notice the nested sum
I(x) = sum_n An In(x) | In(x) = int_-1^1 Tm(x)Tn(x)/sqrt(1-x^2) dx
- Substitute our closed form solutions to integrals involving Chebyshev polynomials
when m != n, In(x) = 0 | This property is called orthoganality
when m == n, In(x) = pi/2
when m == n == 0, In(x) = pi
- We can now solve for An for each unique value of n
- Get rid of integrals with Tm(x)Tn(x) where m != n, since this will evaluate to 0
I(x) = An In(x) | In(x) = int_-1^1 Tn(x)Tn(x)/sqrt(1-x^2) dx
- We have In(x) solved and An is what we want
- Solve for I(x) by using initial definition
I(x) = int_-1^1 f(x)*Tn(x)/sqrt(1-x^2) dx where m == n | Initial definition
I(x) = An*In(x) = int_-1^1 f(x)*Tn(x)/sqrt(1-x^2) dx
An = 1/In(x) * int_-1^1 f(x)*Tn(x)/sqrt(1-x^2) dx
where In(x) = pi/2 for n != 0
In(x) = pi for n == 0
// How do we calculate I(x) = int_-1^1 f(x)*Tn(x)/sqrt(1-x^2) dx ?
- Tm(x) is a Chebyshev polynomial. I.e. Tn(x) = sum_i ai*x^i
- Solve the integral as a sum of small integrals
- I(x) = sum_j int_aj^bj fj(x)*Tn(x)/sqrt(1-x^2) dx
- |bj-aj| == very small so we can use approximations for fj(x)
- Use a good approximation for fj(x) in the range x in [aj,bj]
- Zero order hold: fj(x) = [f(aj)+f(bj)]/2
- Linear fit: fj(x) = m0 + m1*x where fj(aj)=f(aj) and fj(bj)=f(bj)
- Quadratic fit: fj(x) = m0 + m1*x + m2*x^2
- Notice all of these approximations are polynomials
- If we approximate fj(x) between [aj,bj] as a polynomial, and Tn(x) is a Chebyshev polynomial
- Then Gj(x) = fj(x)*Tn(x) will also be a polynomial
- Gj(x) = sum_i ai*x^i
I(x) = int_-1^1 f(x)*Tn(x)/sqrt(1-x^2) dx
= sum_j int_aj^bj fj(x)*Tn(x)/sqrt(1-x^2) dx | x = [aj,bj] is our region where the polynomial fit fj(x) is made
= sum_j int_aj^bj Gj(x)/sqrt(1-x^2) dx
= sum_j int_aj^bj sum_i ai*x^i/sqrt(1-x^2) dx
= sum_j sum_i ai * int_a^b x^i/sqrt(1-x^2) dx | ai is our polynomial coefficient
// Deriving recursive closed form solution to integral of Jn(x) = x^n/sqrt(1-x^2)
Jn(x) = int x^n / sqrt(1-x^2) dx
= int x^(n-1) * x / sqrt(1-x^2) dx
- Using integral by parts: int u dv = uv - int v du
- u = x^(n-1) | du = (n-1)*x^(n-2)
- dv = x / sqrt(1-x^2) | v = -sqrt(1-x^2)
Jn(x) = - x^(n-1) * sqrt(1-x^2) + int sqrt(1-x^2) * (n-1) * x^(n-2) dx
= -x^(n-1) * sqrt(1-x^2) + (n-1) * int x^(n-2) * sqrt(1-x^2) dx
= -x^(n-1) * sqrt(1-x^2) + (n-1) * int x^(n-2) * (1-x^2) / sqrt(1-x^2) dx
= -x^(n-1) * sqrt(1-x^2) - (n-1) * int x^n / sqrt(1-x^2) dx + (n-1) * int x^(n-2) / sqrt(1-x^2) dx
= -x^(n-1) * sqrt(1-x^2) - (n-1) In(x) + (n-1) J_(n-2)(x)
Jn(x) = 1/n * [ -x^(n-1) * sqrt(1-x^2) + (n-1) * J_(n-2)(x) ]
- Get initial solutions for recursive solution
J0(x) = int 1 / sqrt(1-x^2) dx = arcsin(x)
J1(x) = int x / sqrt(1-x^2) dx = -sqrt(1-x^2)
// Putting all together
An = 1/In(x) * int_-1^1 f(x)*Tn(x)/sqrt(1-x^2) dx
An = 1/In(x) * I(x)
where In(x) = pi/2 for n != 0
In(x) = pi for n == 0
I(x) = int_-1^1 f(x)*Tn(x)/sqrt(1-x^2) dx
= sum_j sum_i ai * int_a^b x^i/sqrt(1-x^2) dx
= sum_j sum_i ai * Ji(x)
- j = index of x = [aj,bj] where fj(x) approximates f(x)
- i = power of polynomial coefficient in fj(x) = sum_i ai*x^i
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williamyang98 commented Jan 23, 2024

Gradient descent or direct computation

  • Directly computing Chebyshev polynomials gives a close result where the error decreases as number of Chebyshev polynomials increases.
  • We can improve on the direct computation by using gradient descent, which for the same order of polynomial gives a lower error.
  • The analytically derived result and gradient descent result produces similar polynomials, but the gradient descent version has a lower error.

Using gradient descent solver

  • Use doubles for coefficients and gradients for best approximation.
  • Increasing number of samples improves error more equally within roots, however this has diminishing returns past a certain sample count.
  • Using roots=[-0.5,0,+0.5] means we can use x = x - round(x) to keep f(x) = sin(2πx) within valid approximation range.
    • _mm_round_ps and _mm256_round_ps are x86 simd instructions so we can vectorise input clamping.
    • Much cheaper than arbitary floating point modulus.
  • Converting polynomial coefficients from double to float will introduce error.
    • We can change coefficient_t to float in solver and use the initial double solution as our initial poly[] = {}.
    • Keep grad_t as double.
    • Running the solver will give optimised values for float coefficients.

Calculated polynomials for f(x) = sin(2πx) and its mean absolute error

Using f64 for coefficients and gradient with 1024 samples.

N MAE Coefficients
6 7.07e-10 {-25.1327411142213464,64.8358266034100694,-67.0768851968012996,38.4999814590310407,-14.0736995967404166,3.2086237284325541}
5 6.01e-8 {-25.1327327703024501,64.8348800694709126,-67.0481124846729131,38.1547044862267200,-12.3089616248433558}

Using f32 for coefficients with initial estimate from f64 solution.

N MAE Coefficients
6 2.47e-8 {-25.1327419281,64.8358230591,-67.0768585205,38.5037078857,-14.1102266312,3.2983388901}
5 6.32e-8 {-25.1327323914,64.8348770142,-67.0481109619,38.1546096802,-12.3083391190}

Polynomials from original article

  • poly[6] = {-25.1327419281,64.8358230591,-67.0766296387,38.495880127,-14.0496635437,3.16160202026} @ 2.98e-8
  • Original article uses analytical solution then brute forces to minimize error.

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