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Last active December 27, 2019 01:59
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example of:
- using ctypes with the IDA SDK
- providing custom UI hints with dynamic data from Python
in this silly example, we display UI hints with the current timestamp.
a more useful plugin might inspect the hovered line, and display some documentation.
Author: Willi Ballenthin <>
Licence: Apache 2.0
import sys
import ctypes
import idc
import idaapi
import idautils
def get_ida_ctypes():
get the ida sdk dll.
Args: None
ctypes.CDLL: the IDA SDK DLL
idaname = 'ida64' if __EA64__ else 'ida'
if sys.platform == 'win32':
return ctypes.windll[idaname + '.wll']
elif sys.platform == 'linux2':
return ctypes.cdll['lib' + idaname + '.so']
elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
return ctypes.cdll['lib' + idaname + '.dylib']
raise RuntimeError('unknown platform: ' + sys.platform)
c_long_p = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_long)
c_int_p = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int)
c_char_pp = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_char_p)
# ctypes declaration for the `hook_type_t` type.
# the idaapi calling convention is stdcall, so we use WINFUNCTYPE;
# it is *not* cdecl (ctypes.CFUNCTYPE).
# relevant idasdk documentation:
# typedef int idaapi hook_cb_t(
# void *user_data,
# int notification_code,
# va_list va);
HookCb = ctypes.WINFUNCTYPE(
# return type
ctypes.c_int, # int idaapi
# argument types
ctypes.c_void_p, # void *user_data
ctypes.c_int, # int notification_code
ctypes.c_void_p, # va_list va
types of events that be hooked to with hook_to_notification_point().
this corresponds to `hook_type_t`.
# Hook to the processor module.
HT_IDP = 0
# Hook to the user interface.
HT_UI = 1
# Hook to the debugger.
HT_DBG = 2
# Hook to the database events.
HT_IDB = 3
# Internal debugger events.
HT_DEV = 4
# Custom/IDA views notifications.
# Output window notifications.
def do_hook_to_notification_point(dll, hook_type, cb, user_data):
register a callback for a class of events in IDA.
dll (ctypes.CDLL): the IDA SDK DLL
hook_type (int): hook type from HOOK_TYPES enum
cb (HookCb): the callback to register
user_data (ctypes.c_void_p): context provided to callback when invoked
Returns: None
relevant idasdk documentation:
idaman bool ida_export
hook_to_notification_point (
hook_type_t hook_type,
hook_cb_t *cb,
void *user_data)
hook_to_notification_point = dll.hook_to_notification_point
hook_to_notification_point.argtypes = [
ctypes.c_int, # hook_type_t hook_type
HookCb, # hook_cb_t *cb
ctypes.c_void_p, # void *user_data
hook_to_notification_point(hook_type, cb, user_data)
def do_unhook_from_notification_point(dll, hook_type, cb, user_data):
unregister a callback.
dll (ctypes.CDLL): the IDA SDK DLL
hook_type (int): hook type from HOOK_TYPES enum
cb (HookCb): the callback to register
user_data (ctypes.c_void_p): context provided to callback when invoked
Returns: None
relevant idasdk documentation:
idaman bool ida_export
unhook_from_notification_point (
hook_type_t hook_type,
hook_cb_t *cb,
void *user_data = NULL)
unhook_from_notification_point = dll.unhook_from_notification_point
unhook_from_notification_point.argtypes = [
ctypes.c_int, # hook_type_t hook_type
HookCb, # hook_cb_t *cb
ctypes.c_void_p, # void *user_data
unhook_from_notification_point(hook_type, cb, user_data)
# get single line hint for the given address.
# this is *not* used for the disasm listing hover tooltips.
# this is used for nav bar hover tooltips.
# relevant idasdk documentation:
# cb: ui wants to display a simple hint for an address.
# Use this event to generate a custom hint
# See also more generic ::ui_get_item_hint
# \param ea (::ea_t)
# \param buf (char *)
# \param bufsize (size_t)
# \return true if generated a hint
# i'm not sure where this is called.
# relevant idasdk documentation:
# cb: ui wants to display multiline hint for an item.
# See also more generic ::ui_get_custom_viewer_hint
# \param ea (ea_t, or item id like a structure or enum member)
# \param max_lines (int) maximal number of lines
# \param[out] important_lines (int *) number of important lines. if zero, output is ignored
# \param[out] hint (::qstring *) the output string
# \return true if generated a hint
# get multiple line hint for the given address
# this is invoked for at least the following views:
# - disasm
# - enums
# - structures
# relevant idasdk documentation:
# cb: ui wants to display a hint for a viewer (idaview or custom).
# \param viewer (TCustomControl*) viewer
# \param place (::place_t *) current position in the viewer
# \param[out] important_lines (int *) number of important lines.
# if zero, the result is ignored
# \param[out] hint (::qstring *) the output string
# \return true if generated a hint
class DynHintsPlugin(idaapi.plugin_t):
flags = idaapi.PLUGIN_KEEP
comment = "Display dynamically-generated hints."
help = "Display dynamically-generated hints."
wanted_name = "DynHints"
wanted_hotkey = "Ctrl-]"
def init(self):
import datetime
self.dll = get_ida_ctypes()
# can't use a bound method as a callback (since `self` doesn't get provided)
# so we'll create a closure that has access to `self`.
# via:
def cb(user_data, notification_code, va_list):
example hook_cb_t function that handles custom viewer hints.
user_data (ctypes.c_void_p): context supplied to callback registration
notification_code (int): one of the UI_NOTIFICATIONS enum values
va_list (ctypes.c_void_p): varargs that must be manually parsed
int: see notifiication code documentation for interpretation
- This is a closure that expects to have
# this function is called *a lot*, so don't do any heavy lifting
# until you know its the event you want.
# ctypes doesn't support varargs in callback functions.
# so, we need to parse the remaining arguments ourselves.
# on windows, varargs are sequential stack locations.
# so, lets access the members like an array of ints/pointers.
# WARNING: the following section that manually parses varargs is
# probably architecture and platfrom dependent!
va_list = ctypes.cast(va_list, c_long_p)
if notification_code == UI_NOTIFICATIONS.UI_GET_EA_HINT:
# ea is just a number:
# typedef uint32 ea_t
# via:
ea = va_list[0]
buf = ctypes.cast(va_list[1], ctypes.c_char_p)
bufsize = va_list[2]
print('>.. notification code: %s' % (notification_code))
print('>.. ea: %s' % (hex(ea)))
print('>.. buf: %s' % (buf))
print('>.. bufsize: %s' % (hex(bufsize)))
the_hint =' ')
self.dll.qstrncpy(buf, ctypes.c_char_p(the_hint), bufsize)
print('<.. buf: %s' % (buf))
return 1
viewer = ctypes.cast(va_list[0], c_long_p)
place = ctypes.cast(va_list[1], c_long_p)
important_lines = ctypes.cast(va_list[2], c_long_p)
hint = ctypes.cast(va_list[3], c_char_pp)
if not place:
print('ui_get_custom_viewer_hint: invalid place')
return 0
print('>.. notification code: %s' % (notification_code))
print('>.. important lines: %s %s' % (important_lines, important_lines.contents))
print('>.. hint: %s %s' % (hint, hint.contents))
# so, we'd like to fetch the EA of the current view.
# ideally, we'd do:
# ea = place.toea()
# but `place` is a raw c++ object pointer, and ctypes isn't that smart.
# next best would be to do something like:
# place = self.dll.get_custom_viewer_place(viewer);
# however, this doesn't work because `get_custom_viewer_place` is not an exported routine.
# it seems to be part of the IDA SDK static lib to which plugins link.
# next best would be to use `idaapi.get_custom_viewer_place`:
# place = idaapi.get_custom_viewer_place(viewer);
# but, this doesn't work because we're mixing a ctypes pointer with a swig function.
# so, we'll fall back to querying the current viewer, and fetching the place from there.
# let's only display for disassembly listings
# i only know how to test the view/form type using the `get_tform_type` function.
# therefore, we'll first query the current tform, and subsequently the current custom_viewer.
tform = idaapi.get_current_tform()
if idaapi.get_tform_type(tform) != idaapi.BWN_DISASM:
return 0
viewer = idaapi.get_current_viewer()
# `place` is a tuple (though techincally, a list), with elements:
# - place_t proxy
# - x position in characters
# - y position in characters from top of screen/form (-1 in graph view)
place, x, y = idaapi.get_custom_viewer_place(viewer, True)
the_hint = '0x%08X: %s' % (place.toea(),' '))
important_lines[0] = ctypes.c_long(1)
# we don't have access to the qstring c++ class methods,
# so we'll use a dummy routine to correctly set our qstring contents.
# `replace_tabs` assigns from a char * to a qstring *.
# relevant idasdk documentation:
# idaman THREAD_SAFE bool ida_export
# replace_tabs (
# qstring *out,
# const char *str,
# int tabsize)
self.dll.replace_tabs(hint, ctypes.c_char_p(the_hint), 4)
print('<.. important lines: %s %s' % (important_lines, important_lines.contents))
print('<.. hint: %s %s' % (hint, hint.contents))
return 1
return 0
# need to keep a ref around, or the function gets garbage collected
self.cb = HookCb(cb)
# need to keep a ref around, or the param gets garbage collected
self.ctx = ctypes.c_long(69)
return idaapi.PLUGIN_OK
def run(self, arg):
print('hints: run')
do_hook_to_notification_point(self.dll, HOOK_TYPES.HT_UI, self.cb, ctypes.byref(self.ctx))
def term(self):
print('hints: term')
do_unhook_from_notification_point(self.dll, HOOK_TYPES.HT_UI, self.cb, ctypes.byref(self.ctx))
return DynHintsPlugin()
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williballenthin commented Nov 28, 2016


ida view:


nav bar:


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williballenthin commented Nov 28, 2016

upon additional background research, there is simpler prior art available here:

i've ported the above script to use this technique. its much cleaner and safer:

i'll keep my implementation above around for posterity, since its still useful as an example of using ctypes with IDA. you probably shouldn't use it as-is, however.

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