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Created August 8, 2020 01:26
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#include <type_traits>
template <template <class... Ts> class Name, class ... Args>
struct Concept {
template <class> struct CheckConcept;
//#define RAJA_CXX_VERSION 17
template <bool, typename ... Cs>
struct AndImpl : std::integral_constant<bool, (CheckConcept<Cs>::value && ...)> {
template <bool, typename ... Cs>
struct OrImpl : std::integral_constant<bool, (CheckConcept<Cs>::value || ...)> {
template <bool Value, typename...>
struct AndImpl {
static constexpr bool value = Value;
template <typename C2, typename ... Rest>
struct AndImpl<true, C2, Rest...> : AndImpl<CheckConcept<C2>::value, Rest...> {
template <bool Value, typename...>
struct OrImpl {
static constexpr bool value = Value;
template <typename C2, typename ... Rest>
struct OrImpl<false, C2, Rest...> : OrImpl<CheckConcept<C2>::value, Rest...> {
template <bool, typename, typename Else>
struct IfImpl : CheckConcept<Else> {
template <typename Then, typename Else>
struct IfImpl<true, Then, Else> : CheckConcept<Then> {
template <typename... Args>
struct Cond {
static_assert ((sizeof...(Args) & 1) == 0, "Number of parameters to Cond must be even");
template <bool, typename...>
struct CondImpl;
template <typename Concept, typename Next, typename ... Rest>
struct CondImpl<false, Concept, Next, Rest...> : CondImpl<CheckConcept<Next>::value, Rest...> {
template <typename Concept, typename ... Rest>
struct CondImpl<true, Concept, Rest...> : CheckConcept<Concept> {
template <typename ... C2>
struct And {
static_assert (sizeof...(C2) >= 2, "Number of parameters for Conjunction should be >= 2");
template <typename ... C2>
struct Or {
static_assert (sizeof...(C2) >= 2, "Number of parameters for Disjunction should be >= 2");
template <typename Cond, typename Then, typename Else>
struct If {
template <typename...>
struct true_t {
static constexpr bool value = true;
using True = Concept<true_t>;
template <typename...>
struct false_t {
static constexpr bool value = false;
using False = Concept<false_t>;
template <class ... Ts>
struct CheckConcept<And<Ts...>> : AndImpl<true, Ts...> {
template <class ... Ts>
struct CheckConcept<Or<Ts...>> : AndImpl<false, Ts...> {
template <class Cond, class Then, class Else>
struct CheckConcept<If<Cond, Then, Else>> : IfImpl<CheckConcept<Cond>::value, Then, Else> {
template <class Test, class Concept, class... Rest>
struct CheckConcept<Cond<Test, Concept, Rest...>> : CondImpl<CheckConcept<Test>::value, Concept, Rest...> {
// I really don't want to talk about this, but it's a clever way to
// pack a concept name in a generic wrapper (to potentially take advantage of the
// preprocessor to generate concept definitions). By packing it up, we
// are then able to defer checking to the appropriate time
template <template <class...> class Name,
class ... Args>
struct CheckConcept<Concept<Name, Args...>> {
static constexpr bool value = is_detected_v<Name, Args...>;
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