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Created August 30, 2022 15:16
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Textual calculator example
Screen {
overflow: auto;
#calculator {
layout: table;
table-size: 4;
table-gutter: 1 2;
table-columns: 1fr;
table-rows: 2fr 1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr;
margin: 1 2;
min-width: 50;
Button {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
#numbers {
column-span: 4;
content-align: right middle;
padding: 0 1;
height: 100%;
background: $panel-darken-2;
.special {
tint: $text-panel 20%;
.zero {
column-span: 2;
from decimal import Decimal
from import App
from textual.layout import Container
from textual.reactive import Reactive
from textual.widgets import Button, Static
class CalculatorApp(App):
"""A working 'desktop' calculator."""
numbers = Reactive.init("0")
show_ac = Reactive(True)
left = Reactive.var(Decimal("0"))
right = Reactive.var(Decimal("0"))
value = Reactive.var("")
operator = Reactive.var("plus")
def watch_numbers(self, value: str) -> None:
"""Called when numbers is updated."""
# Update the Numbers widget
self.query_one("#numbers", Static).update(value)
def compute_show_ac(self) -> bool:
"""Compute switch to show AC or C button"""
return self.value in ("", "0") and self.numbers == "0"
def watch_show_ac(self, show_ac: bool) -> None:
"""Called when show_ac changes."""
self.query_one("#c").display = not show_ac
self.query_one("#ac").display = show_ac
def compose(self):
"""Add our buttons."""
yield Container(
Button("AC", id="ac"),
Button("C", id="c"),
Button("+/-", id="plus_minus"),
Button("%", id="percent"),
Button("÷", id="divide"),
Button("7", id="7"),
Button("8", id="8"),
Button("9", id="9"),
Button("×", id="multiply", variant="warning"),
Button("4", id="4"),
Button("5", id="5"),
Button("6", id="6"),
Button("-", id="minus", variant="warning"),
Button("1", id="1"),
Button("2", id="2"),
Button("3", id="3"),
Button("+", id="plus", variant="warning"),
Button("0", id="0", classes="operator zero"),
Button(".", id="point"),
Button("=", id="equals", variant="warning"),
def on_button_pressed(self, event: Button.Pressed) -> None:
"""Called when a button is pressed."""
button_id =
assert button_id is not None
self.bell() # Terminal bell
def do_math() -> None:
"""Does the math: LEFT OPERATOR RIGHT"""
if self.operator == "plus":
self.left += self.right
elif self.operator == "minus":
self.left -= self.right
elif self.operator == "divide":
self.left /= self.right
elif self.operator == "multiply":
self.left *= self.right
self.numbers = str(self.left)
self.value = ""
except Exception:
self.display = "Error"
if button_id.isdecimal():
self.numbers = self.value = self.value.lstrip("0") + button_id
elif button_id == "plus_minus":
self.numbers = self.value = str(Decimal(self.value or "0") * -1)
elif button_id == "percent":
self.numbers = self.value = str(Decimal(self.value or "0") / Decimal(100))
elif button_id == "point":
if "." not in self.value:
self.numbers = self.value = (self.value or "0") + "."
elif button_id == "ac":
self.value = ""
self.left = self.right = Decimal(0)
self.operator = "plus"
self.numbers = "0"
elif button_id == "c":
self.value = ""
self.numbers = "0"
elif button_id in ("plus", "minus", "divide", "multiply"):
self.right = Decimal(self.value or "0")
self.operator = button_id
elif button_id == "equals":
if self.value:
self.right = Decimal(self.value)
app = CalculatorApp(css_path="calculator.css")
if __name__ == "__main__":
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