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#include <orientdb-c/o_database_document.h>
#include <orientdb-c/o_document_value.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
void o_db_error_handler_function(int code, char * error, void * custom_info)
printf("code: message:%s",error);
willmoss / gist:6762799
Created September 30, 2013 12:03
#include "o_query_internal.h"
#include "o_string_buffer.h"
#include "o_output_stream_byte.h"
#include "o_output_stream_data.h"
#include "o_memory.h"
#include "o_record.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <orientdb-c/o_database_document.h>
#include <orientdb-c/o_document_value.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
void o_db_error_handler_function(int code, char * error, void * custom_info)
printf("code: message:%s",error);
recv: 00/0/ 11/17/
send: 03/3/ (1)
send: FFFFFFFF/-1/? FFFFFFFF/-1/? FFFFFFFF/-1/? FFFFFFFF/-1/? (4)
SID: FFFFFFFF / -1 / ? or FFFFFFFF / -1
send: 00/0/ 00/0/ 00/0/ 11/17/ (4)
send: 6F/111/o 72/114/r 69/105/i 65/101/e 6E/110/n 74/116/t 64/100/d 62/98/b 2D/45/- 63/99/c 20/32/ 63/99/c 6C/108/l 69/105/i 65/101/e 6E/110/n 74/116/t (17)
send: 00/0/ 00/0/ 00/0/ 05/5/ (4)
send: 61/97/a 6C/108/l 70/112/p 68/104/h 61/97/a (5)
send: 00/0/ 11/17/ (2)
send: 00/0/ 00/0/ 00/0/ 04/4/ (4)
git archive --format=tar master | gzip -9c | ssh root@ "tar --directory=/mywebdir -xvzf - && cd /mywebdir && bundle exec install"