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Last active June 29, 2020 18:16
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  • Save willmtemple/cc873e48ce18ac004f4407b7816af83d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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magic typescript function that returns its arguments' AST
// This uses my modified version of typescript from my branch
import * as ts from "typescript/built/local/typescript";
import * as fs from "fs";
import * as os from "os";
import { promisify } from "util";
const readFile = promisify(fs.readFile);
interface CallSite {
fileName: string;
lineNumber: number;
columnNumber: number;
* Gets the filename of the calling function
function getCaller(): CallSite {
const stack = new Error().stack.split("\n").slice(1);
let relevantStackEntry = stack.filter(
(s) => !s.includes(__filename) && s.includes(".ts")
if (relevantStackEntry.includes("(")) {
relevantStackEntry = relevantStackEntry.split("(")[1].split(")")[0];
} else {
relevantStackEntry = relevantStackEntry.split(" ").slice(-1)[0];
const site = relevantStackEntry.split(":");
return {
fileName: site[0],
lineNumber: parseInt(site[1]),
columnNumber: parseInt(site[2]),
async function readFragmentToString(callSite: CallSite): Promise<string> {
const content = (await readFile(callSite.fileName)).toString("utf-8");
const relevantLines = content.split(os.EOL).slice(callSite.lineNumber - 1);
relevantLines[0] = relevantLines[0].substring(callSite.columnNumber - 1);
return relevantLines.join(os.EOL);
export async function getAsts(..._: any[]): Promise<Array<ts.Expression>> {
const callSite = getCaller();
const text = await readFragmentToString(callSite);
// Prime the scanner with a new token
const expr = ts.Parser.parseExpression();
// Top level AST points to the call, so we know it will be a call expression
// and have arguments.
return (expr as any).arguments;
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needs source map support and for the TS source to be available wherever the map lists it, as the source file is read by the implementation

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