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Last active September 1, 2015 23:27
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Test of ML vs. REML Lambda estimation
get.lam <- function(x) attr(x$apVar, "Pars")[1]
get.vars <- function(n, lam){
tree <- rcoal(n=n)
x <- fastBM(geiger::rescale(tree, 'lambda', lambda = lam),sig2=0.5) # Brownian motion
ml <- tryCatch(get.lam(gls(x ~ 1, correlation = corPagel(1, tree, fixed=F), method = "ML")), error=function(z) NA)
reml <- tryCatch(get.lam(gls(x ~ 1, correlation = corPagel(1, tree, fixed=F), method = "REML")), error=function(z) NA)
params <- expand.grid(c(33, 66, 100), c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75))
reps <- 30
x <- 1
results <- matrix(NA, nrow=nrow(params)*reps, ncol=2)
for(i in seq_len(nrow(params))){
for(j in seq_len(reps)){
results[x,] <- get.vars(params[i,1], params[i,2])
x <- x+1
#t-test of difference between the two
abs.diff <- abs(results - rep(params[,2], each=reps))
t.test(abs.diff[,1], abs.diff[,2], paired=TRUE)
diff(apply(abs.diff, 2, mean, na.rm=TRUE))
#...marginally significant, but yes, REML is better by 0.03
#Boxplot of how much the two vary across tree size
ml.diff <- abs.diff[,1]-abs.diff[,2]
boxplot(ml.diff ~ rep(params[,1], each=reps))
boxplot(ml.diff ~ paste(rep(params[,1], each=reps), rep(params[,2], each=reps))) consistent trend - increase in variance (obviously) in smaller trees
# so, potentially, REML just got lucky this time on the average
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