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Created June 29, 2017 21:51
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A general way to bind a phylogeny to replace a given species on another phylogeny
# Functions
find.clade <- function(tree, tips){
clade.mat <- clade.matrix(tree)$clade.matrix
sums <- rowSums(clade.mat)
ancestors <- apply(clade.mat, 1, function(x) all(x[tips]==1))
sums[!ancestors] <- length(tree$tip.label)
bind.replace <- function(backbone, donor, replacing.tip.label){
size <- max(branching.times(donor))
bind.point <- which(backbone$tip.label == replacing.tip.label)
tree <- bind.tree(backbone, donor, where=bind.point)
clade <- find.clade(tree, which(tree$tip.label %in% donor$tip.label))
which.edge <- which(tree$edge[,2] == clade)
if(tree$edge.length[which.edge] < size)
stop("Donor phylogeny too large for backbone phylogeny")
tree$edge.length[which.edge] <- tree$edge.length[which.edge] - size
# Example
tree <- sim.bdtree(n=10)
donor <- sim.bdtree(n=3)
donor$tip.label <- letters[seq_along(donor$tip.label)]
plot(bind.replace(tree, donor, "s4")) #... you should change the tip label to be something you want bound in
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