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Created December 13, 2019 11:10
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Create an AWS Route53 zone in a delegation set and change the NS record to match your vanity nameservers
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
echo "Please specify domain name"
exit 1
reference="$initials$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S)"
# create zone in AWS and store json output
zone=$(aws route53 create-hosted-zone --delegation-set-id $delegationsetid --caller-reference $reference --name $1)
# extract the new zone ID from the json output
zoneid=$(echo "$zone" | jq .HostedZone.Id | awk -F '/' '{print $3}')
# trim the trailing quote
reference="$initials$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S)"
changeresult=$(aws route53 change-resource-record-sets --hosted-zone-id $zoneid --cli-input-json $change)
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