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Created December 8, 2017 09:35
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Ember modules with single quotes
Before After
Ember.$ import $ from 'jquery'
Ember.A import { A } from '@ember/array'
Ember.Application import Application from '@ember/application'
Ember.Array import EmberArray from '@ember/array'
Ember.ArrayProxy import ArrayProxy from '@ember/array/proxy'
Ember.AutoLocation import AutoLocation from '@ember/routing/auto-location'
Ember.Checkbox import Checkbox from '@ember/component/checkbox'
Ember.Component import Component from '@ember/component'
Ember.ContainerDebugAdapter import ContainerDebugAdapter from '@ember/debug/container-debug-adapter'
Ember.Controller import Controller from '@ember/controller'
Ember.DataAdapter import DataAdapter from '@ember/debug/data-adapter'
Ember.DefaultResolver import GlobalsResolver from '@ember/application/globals-resolver'
Ember.Enumerable import Enumerable from '@ember/enumerable'
Ember.Evented import Evented from '@ember/object/evented'
Ember.HashLocation import HashLocation from '@ember/routing/hash-location'
Ember.Helper import Helper from '@ember/component/helper'
Ember.Helper.helper import { helper } from '@ember/component/helper'
Ember.HistoryLocation import HistoryLocation from '@ember/routing/history-location'
Ember.LinkComponent import LinkComponent from '@ember/routing/link-component'
Ember.Location import Location from '@ember/routing/location'
Ember.Map import EmberMap from '@ember/map'
Ember.MapWithDefault import MapWithDefault from '@ember/map/with-default'
Ember.Mixin import Mixin from '@ember/object/mixin'
Ember.MutableArray import MutableArray from '@ember/array/mutable'
Ember.NoneLocation import NoneLocation from '@ember/routing/none-location'
Ember.Object import EmberObject from '@ember/object'
Ember.RSVP import RSVP from 'rsvp'
Ember.Resolver import Resolver from '@ember/application/resolver'
Ember.Route import Route from '@ember/routing/route'
Ember.Router import Router from '@ember/routing/router'
Ember.Service import Service from '@ember/service'
Ember.String.camelize import { camelize } from '@ember/string'
Ember.String.capitalize import { capitalize } from '@ember/string'
Ember.String.classify import { classify } from '@ember/string'
Ember.String.dasherize import { dasherize } from '@ember/string'
Ember.String.decamelize import { decamelize } from '@ember/string'
Ember.String.fmt import { fmt } from '@ember/string'
Ember.String.htmlSafe import { htmlSafe } from '@ember/string'
Ember.String.loc import { loc } from '@ember/string'
Ember.String.underscore import { underscore } from '@ember/string'
Ember.String.w import { w } from '@ember/string'
Ember.TextArea import TextArea from '@ember/component/text-area'
Ember.TextField import TextField from '@ember/component/text-field'
Ember.addListener import { addListener } from '@ember/object/events'
Ember.addObserver import { addObserver } from '@ember/object/observers'
Ember.aliasMethod import { aliasMethod } from '@ember/object'
Ember.assert import { assert } from '@ember/debug'
Ember.assign import { assign } from '@ember/polyfills'
Ember.cacheFor import { cacheFor } from '@ember/object/internals' import { compare } from '@ember/utils'
Ember.computed import { computed } from '@ember/object'
Ember.computed.alias import { alias } from '@ember/object/computed'
Ember.computed.and import { and } from '@ember/object/computed'
Ember.computed.bool import { bool } from '@ember/object/computed'
Ember.computed.collect import { collect } from '@ember/object/computed'
Ember.computed.deprecatingAlias import { deprecatingAlias } from '@ember/object/computed'
Ember.computed.empty import { empty } from '@ember/object/computed'
Ember.computed.equal import { equal } from '@ember/object/computed'
Ember.computed.filter import { filter } from '@ember/object/computed'
Ember.computed.filterBy import { filterBy } from '@ember/object/computed'
Ember.computed.filterProperty import { filterProperty } from '@ember/object/computed' import { gt } from '@ember/object/computed'
Ember.computed.gte import { gte } from '@ember/object/computed'
Ember.computed.intersect import { intersect } from '@ember/object/computed' import { lt } from '@ember/object/computed'
Ember.computed.lte import { lte } from '@ember/object/computed' import { map } from '@ember/object/computed'
Ember.computed.mapBy import { mapBy } from '@ember/object/computed'
Ember.computed.mapProperty import { mapProperty } from '@ember/object/computed'
Ember.computed.match import { match } from '@ember/object/computed'
Ember.computed.max import { max } from '@ember/object/computed'
Ember.computed.min import { min } from '@ember/object/computed'
Ember.computed.none import { none } from '@ember/object/computed'
Ember.computed.not import { not } from '@ember/object/computed'
Ember.computed.notEmpty import { notEmpty } from '@ember/object/computed'
Ember.computed.oneWay import { oneWay } from '@ember/object/computed'
Ember.computed.or import { or } from '@ember/object/computed'
Ember.computed.readOnly import { readOnly } from '@ember/object/computed'
Ember.computed.reads import { reads } from '@ember/object/computed'
Ember.computed.setDiff import { setDiff } from '@ember/object/computed'
Ember.computed.sort import { sort } from '@ember/object/computed'
Ember.computed.sum import { sum } from '@ember/object/computed'
Ember.computed.union import { union } from '@ember/object/computed'
Ember.computed.uniq import { uniq } from '@ember/object/computed'
Ember.copy import { copy } from '@ember/object/internals'
Ember.create import { create } from '@ember/polyfills'
Ember.debug import { debug } from '@ember/debug'
Ember.deprecate import { deprecate } from '@ember/application/deprecations'
Ember.deprecateFunc import { deprecateFunc } from '@ember/application/deprecations'
Ember.get import { get } from '@ember/object'
Ember.getOwner import { getOwner } from '@ember/application'
Ember.getProperties import { getProperties } from '@ember/object'
Ember.guidFor import { guidFor } from '@ember/object/internals'
Ember.inject.controller import { inject } from '@ember/controller'
Ember.inject.service import { inject } from '@ember/service'
Ember.inspect import { inspect } from '@ember/debug'
Ember.instrument import { instrument } from '@ember/instrumentation'
Ember.isArray import { isArray } from '@ember/array'
Ember.isBlank import { isBlank } from '@ember/utils'
Ember.isEmpty import { isEmpty } from '@ember/utils'
Ember.isEqual import { isEqual } from '@ember/utils'
Ember.isNone import { isNone } from '@ember/utils'
Ember.isPresent import { isPresent } from '@ember/utils'
Ember.keys import { keys } from '@ember/polyfills'
Ember.makeArray import { makeArray } from '@ember/array' import { observer } from '@ember/object'
Ember.on import { on } from '@ember/object/evented'
Ember.onLoad import { onLoad } from '@ember/application'
Ember.platform.defineProperty import { defineProperty } from '@ember/polyfills'
Ember.platform.hasPropertyAccessors import { hasPropertyAccessors } from '@ember/polyfills'
Ember.removeListener import { removeListener } from '@ember/object/events'
Ember.removeObserver import { removeObserver } from '@ember/object/observers'
Ember.reset import { reset } from '@ember/instrumentation' import { run } from '@ember/runloop' import { begin } from '@ember/runloop' import { bind } from '@ember/runloop' import { cancel } from '@ember/runloop' import { debounce } from '@ember/runloop' import { end } from '@ember/runloop' import { join } from '@ember/runloop' import { later } from '@ember/runloop' import { next } from '@ember/runloop' import { once } from '@ember/runloop' import { schedule } from '@ember/runloop' import { scheduleOnce } from '@ember/runloop' import { throttle } from '@ember/runloop'
Ember.runInDebug import { runInDebug } from '@ember/debug'
Ember.runLoadHooks import { runLoadHooks } from '@ember/application'
Ember.sendEvent import { sendEvent } from '@ember/object/events'
Ember.set import { set } from '@ember/object'
Ember.setOwner import { setOwner } from '@ember/application'
Ember.setProperties import { setProperties } from '@ember/object'
Ember.subscribe import { subscribe } from '@ember/instrumentation'
Ember.tryInvoke import { tryInvoke } from '@ember/utils'
Ember.trySet import { trySet } from '@ember/object'
Ember.typeOf import { typeOf } from '@ember/utils'
Ember.unsubscribe import { unsubscribe } from '@ember/instrumentation'
Ember.warn import { warn } from '@ember/debug'

Addendum 2 - Table of Module Names and Exports by Package

Each package is sorted by module name, then export name.


Module Global
import Application from '@ember/application' Ember.Application
import { getOwner } from '@ember/application' Ember.getOwner
import { onLoad } from '@ember/application' Ember.onLoad
import { runLoadHooks } from '@ember/application' Ember.runLoadHooks
import { setOwner } from '@ember/application' Ember.setOwner
import { deprecate } from '@ember/application/deprecations' Ember.deprecate
import { deprecateFunc } from '@ember/application/deprecations' Ember.deprecateFunc
import GlobalsResolver from '@ember/application/globals-resolver' Ember.DefaultResolver
import Resolver from '@ember/application/resolver' Ember.Resolver


Module Global
import EmberArray from '@ember/array' Ember.Array
import { A } from '@ember/array' Ember.A
import { isArray } from '@ember/array' Ember.isArray
import { makeArray } from '@ember/array' Ember.makeArray
import MutableArray from '@ember/array/mutable' Ember.MutableArray
import ArrayProxy from '@ember/array/proxy' Ember.ArrayProxy


Module Global
import Component from '@ember/component' Ember.Component
import Checkbox from '@ember/component/checkbox' Ember.Checkbox
import Helper from '@ember/component/helper' Ember.Helper
import { helper } from '@ember/component/helper' Ember.Helper.helper
import TextArea from '@ember/component/text-area' Ember.TextArea
import TextField from '@ember/component/text-field' Ember.TextField


Module Global
import Controller from '@ember/controller' Ember.Controller
import { inject } from '@ember/controller' Ember.inject.controller


Module Global
import { assert } from '@ember/debug' Ember.assert
import { debug } from '@ember/debug' Ember.debug
import { inspect } from '@ember/debug' Ember.inspect
import { runInDebug } from '@ember/debug' Ember.runInDebug
import { warn } from '@ember/debug' Ember.warn
import ContainerDebugAdapter from '@ember/debug/container-debug-adapter' Ember.ContainerDebugAdapter
import DataAdapter from '@ember/debug/data-adapter' Ember.DataAdapter


Module Global
import Enumerable from '@ember/enumerable' Ember.Enumerable


Module Global
import { instrument } from '@ember/instrumentation' Ember.instrument
import { reset } from '@ember/instrumentation' Ember.reset
import { subscribe } from '@ember/instrumentation' Ember.subscribe
import { unsubscribe } from '@ember/instrumentation' Ember.unsubscribe


Module Global
import EmberMap from '@ember/map' Ember.Map
import MapWithDefault from '@ember/map/with-default' Ember.MapWithDefault


Module Global
import EmberObject from '@ember/object' Ember.Object
import { aliasMethod } from '@ember/object' Ember.aliasMethod
import { computed } from '@ember/object' Ember.computed
import { get } from '@ember/object' Ember.get
import { getProperties } from '@ember/object' Ember.getProperties
import { observer } from '@ember/object'
import { set } from '@ember/object' Ember.set
import { setProperties } from '@ember/object' Ember.setProperties
import { trySet } from '@ember/object' Ember.trySet
import { alias } from '@ember/object/computed' Ember.computed.alias
import { and } from '@ember/object/computed' Ember.computed.and
import { bool } from '@ember/object/computed' Ember.computed.bool
import { collect } from '@ember/object/computed' Ember.computed.collect
import { deprecatingAlias } from '@ember/object/computed' Ember.computed.deprecatingAlias
import { empty } from '@ember/object/computed' Ember.computed.empty
import { equal } from '@ember/object/computed' Ember.computed.equal
import { filter } from '@ember/object/computed' Ember.computed.filter
import { filterBy } from '@ember/object/computed' Ember.computed.filterBy
import { filterProperty } from '@ember/object/computed' Ember.computed.filterProperty
import { gt } from '@ember/object/computed'
import { gte } from '@ember/object/computed' Ember.computed.gte
import { intersect } from '@ember/object/computed' Ember.computed.intersect
import { lt } from '@ember/object/computed'
import { lte } from '@ember/object/computed' Ember.computed.lte
import { map } from '@ember/object/computed'
import { mapBy } from '@ember/object/computed' Ember.computed.mapBy
import { mapProperty } from '@ember/object/computed' Ember.computed.mapProperty
import { match } from '@ember/object/computed' Ember.computed.match
import { max } from '@ember/object/computed' Ember.computed.max
import { min } from '@ember/object/computed' Ember.computed.min
import { none } from '@ember/object/computed' Ember.computed.none
import { not } from '@ember/object/computed' Ember.computed.not
import { notEmpty } from '@ember/object/computed' Ember.computed.notEmpty
import { oneWay } from '@ember/object/computed' Ember.computed.oneWay
import { or } from '@ember/object/computed' Ember.computed.or
import { readOnly } from '@ember/object/computed' Ember.computed.readOnly
import { reads } from '@ember/object/computed' Ember.computed.reads
import { setDiff } from '@ember/object/computed' Ember.computed.setDiff
import { sort } from '@ember/object/computed' Ember.computed.sort
import { sum } from '@ember/object/computed' Ember.computed.sum
import { union } from '@ember/object/computed' Ember.computed.union
import { uniq } from '@ember/object/computed' Ember.computed.uniq
import Evented from '@ember/object/evented' Ember.Evented
import { on } from '@ember/object/evented' Ember.on
import { addListener } from '@ember/object/events' Ember.addListener
import { removeListener } from '@ember/object/events' Ember.removeListener
import { sendEvent } from '@ember/object/events' Ember.sendEvent
import { cacheFor } from '@ember/object/internals' Ember.cacheFor
import { copy } from '@ember/object/internals' Ember.copy
import { guidFor } from '@ember/object/internals' Ember.guidFor
import Mixin from '@ember/object/mixin' Ember.Mixin
import { addObserver } from '@ember/object/observers' Ember.addObserver
import { removeObserver } from '@ember/object/observers' Ember.removeObserver


Module Global
import { assign } from '@ember/polyfills' Ember.assign
import { create } from '@ember/polyfills' Ember.create
import { defineProperty } from '@ember/polyfills' Ember.platform.defineProperty
import { hasPropertyAccessors } from '@ember/polyfills' Ember.platform.hasPropertyAccessors
import { keys } from '@ember/polyfills' Ember.keys


Module Global
import AutoLocation from '@ember/routing/auto-location' Ember.AutoLocation
import HashLocation from '@ember/routing/hash-location' Ember.HashLocation
import HistoryLocation from '@ember/routing/history-location' Ember.HistoryLocation
import LinkComponent from '@ember/routing/link-component' Ember.LinkComponent
import Location from '@ember/routing/location' Ember.Location
import NoneLocation from '@ember/routing/none-location' Ember.NoneLocation
import Route from '@ember/routing/route' Ember.Route
import Router from '@ember/routing/router' Ember.Router


Module Global
import { begin } from '@ember/runloop'
import { bind } from '@ember/runloop'
import { cancel } from '@ember/runloop'
import { debounce } from '@ember/runloop'
import { end } from '@ember/runloop'
import { join } from '@ember/runloop'
import { later } from '@ember/runloop'
import { next } from '@ember/runloop'
import { once } from '@ember/runloop'
import { run } from '@ember/runloop'
import { schedule } from '@ember/runloop'
import { scheduleOnce } from '@ember/runloop'
import { throttle } from '@ember/runloop'


Module Global
import Service from '@ember/service' Ember.Service
import { inject } from '@ember/service' Ember.inject.service


Module Global
import { camelize } from '@ember/string' Ember.String.camelize
import { capitalize } from '@ember/string' Ember.String.capitalize
import { classify } from '@ember/string' Ember.String.classify
import { dasherize } from '@ember/string' Ember.String.dasherize
import { decamelize } from '@ember/string' Ember.String.decamelize
import { fmt } from '@ember/string' Ember.String.fmt
import { htmlSafe } from '@ember/string' Ember.String.htmlSafe
import { loc } from '@ember/string' Ember.String.loc
import { underscore } from '@ember/string' Ember.String.underscore
import { w } from '@ember/string' Ember.String.w


Module Global
import { compare } from '@ember/utils'
import { isBlank } from '@ember/utils' Ember.isBlank
import { isEmpty } from '@ember/utils' Ember.isEmpty
import { isNone } from '@ember/utils' Ember.isNone
import { isPresent } from '@ember/utils' Ember.isPresent
import { tryInvoke } from '@ember/utils' Ember.tryInvoke
import { typeOf } from '@ember/utils' Ember.typeOf


Module Global
import $ from 'jquery' Ember.$


Module Global
import RSVP from 'rsvp' Ember.RSVP

Addendum 3 - Table of Modules with Side Effects

Module Description
import '@ember/extensions' Adds all of Ember's prototype extensions.
import '@ember/extensions/string' Adds just String prototype extensions.
import '@ember/extensions/array' Adds just Array prototype extensions.
import '@ember/extensions/function' Adds just Function prototype extensions.
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