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Created September 19, 2011 00:47
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class Opjam.Models.Track extends Backbone.Model
paramRoot: 'track'
# Set of tracks, scope to a particular broadcast
class Opjam.Collections.TrackCollection extends Backbone.Collection
model: Opjam.Models.Track
url: ->
broadcast_id: ->
class Opjam.Models.Broadcast extends Backbone.Model
paramRoot: 'broadcast'
initialize: ->
# Set track collection
@tracks = new Opjam.Collections.TrackCollection()
# Backbone collections don't have attributes, and we can't easily set this association in the initializer
# So we simply set this field after the create
@tracks.broadcast = @
getCurrentTrack: ->
@currentTrack ||
setCurrentTrack: (index)->
@currentTrack = if index < @length
currentTrack: ->
class Opjam.Collections.BroadcastsCollection extends Backbone.Collection
model: Opjam.Models.Broadcast
url: '/broadcasts'
# Basically, I want a TrackCollection that attaches to a Broadcast
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