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Created September 20, 2011 06:24
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class Opjam.Models.Wall extends Backbone.Model
paramRoot: 'wall'
numColumns: 16
numRows: 4
radius: 600 # Radius of the virtual circle
currentRotation: -12 # Initial position, measured in columns
animationDegree: 0.25 # Degrees per frame of animation
degreesPerColumn: =>
360 / @numColumns()
numColumns: =>
radius: =>
animationDegree: ->
currentRotation: ->
incrementCurrentRotation: (increment)=>
rotation = @get("currentRotation")
@set {currentRotation: (rotation + increment)}
currentRotationDegrees: -> # The current position, in columns * degrees per column
@currentRotation() * @degreesPerColumn()
# Number of frames in the rotation
# e.g. if we want to rotate 15 degrees at 0.25 degrees per frame
# We must have 60 frames
rotationFrames: ->
@degreesPerColumn() / @animationDegree()
class Opjam.Views.WallView extends Backbone.View
el: "#wall"
"click #next" : "next"
"click #prev" : "prev"
initialize: ->
@rotater = $("#rotate")[0]
setupImages: ->
for ring in $("#wall .ring")
for plate, i in $("a", ring)
transform = 'rotateY(' + (-@model.degreesPerColumn() * i) + 'deg) translateZ(' + -1 * @model.radius() + 'px)' = transform
next: ->
prev: =>
rotate: (increment) =>
@delegateEvents [] # Unbind all clicks
@animateRotate @model.rotationFrames(),
(increment * @model.animationDegree()),
# Always work in degrees here
animateRotate: (frames, increment, current) ->
if frames > 0
current = current + increment
transform = 'rotateY(' + current + 'deg)' = transform
setTimeout (=>
@animateRotate((frames - 1), increment, current)
), 0.1
@delegateEvents @events
initPosition: ->
transform = 'rotateY(' + @model.currentRotationDegrees() + 'deg)' = transform
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