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Last active December 1, 2023 21:58
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interface Vertex<T> {
label: string; // TODO(will): do we really need the label here if it's already the key in the vertex map?
value: T;
interface IDirectedGraph<T> {
add_vertex(label: string, value: T): Vertex<T>;
add_edge(from: string, to: string): this;
get_vertex(label: string): Vertex<T> | null;
get_neighbors_out(label: string): Array<Vertex<T>>;
get_neighbors_in(label: string): Array<Vertex<T>>;
class DirectedGraph<T> implements IDirectedGraph<T> {
private readonly edgesOut: {
[from: string]: Array<string>;
} = {};
private readonly edgesIn: {
[to: string]: Array<string>;
} = {};
private readonly vertices: { [label: string]: Vertex<T> } = {};
// NOTE(will): add or update
add_vertex(label: string, value: T): Vertex<T> {
const vertex = this.vertices[label];
if (!vertex) {
this.vertices[label] = { label, value };
} else {
vertex.value = value;
return vertex;
add_edge(from: string, to: string): this {
const fromVertex = this.get_vertex(from);
if (!fromVertex) throw new Error(`Vertex ${from} does not exist`);
const toVertex = this.get_vertex(to);
if (!toVertex) throw new Error(`Vertex ${to} does not exist`);
// out edges
if (!this.edgesOut[fromVertex.label]) {
this.edgesOut[fromVertex.label] = new Array<string>();
// in edges
if (!this.edgesIn[toVertex.label]) {
this.edgesIn[toVertex.label] = new Array<string>();
return this;
get_vertex(label: string): Vertex<T> | null {
return this.vertices[label] || null;
get_neighbors_out(label: string): Array<Vertex<T>> {
const neighborLabels = this.edgesOut[label];
if (!neighborLabels) return new Array<Vertex<T>>();
const neighbors = new Array<Vertex<T>>();
for (const label of neighborLabels) {
const vertex = this.get_vertex(label);
if (vertex) neighbors.push(vertex);
return neighbors;
get_neighbors_in(label: string): Array<Vertex<T>> {
const neighborLabels = this.edgesIn[label];
if (!neighborLabels) return new Array<Vertex<T>>();
const neighbors = new Array<Vertex<T>>();
for (const label of neighborLabels) {
const vertex = this.get_vertex(label);
if (vertex) neighbors.push(vertex);
return neighbors;
class Sheet {
public readonly graph: IDirectedGraph<number> = new DirectedGraph<number>();
constructor() {}
// TODO(will): return undefined instead of throwing errors
get_cell(label: string): number {
const value = this.graph.get_vertex(label)?.value;
if (value) {
return value;
} else {
throw new Error("Cell does not exist");
// for a given vertex, update itself and all downstream vertices
update_cache(label: string): void {
// directly downstream vertices
const downstream = Array.from(this.graph.get_neighbors_out(label));
for (const vertex of downstream) {
// get the dependencies of the vertex in question
const deps = this.graph.get_neighbors_in(vertex.label);
let sum = 0;
for (const dep of deps) {
const vertex = this.graph.get_vertex(dep.label);
if (!vertex) throw new Error(`Cell ${dep} does not exist`);
sum += vertex.value;
// NOTE(will): we're using add_vertex to update, a little ugly but saves us an interface method
this.graph.add_vertex(vertex.label, sum);
// we've mutated the vertex, propagate changes downstream
set_cell(label: string, value: number | string[]): void {
if (typeof value === "number") {
// we're a leaf, directly set the value
this.graph.add_vertex(label, value);
} else {
// ...we're a node, add ourselves to the tree
// NOTE(will) add the veretx to the graph first, then calculate the sum
this.graph.add_vertex(label, 0);
let sum = 0;
for (const dep of value) {
const vertex = this.graph.get_vertex(dep);
if (!vertex) throw new Error(`Cell ${dep} does not exist`);
this.graph.add_edge(dep, label);
sum += vertex.value;
// add vertex in question
// NOTE(will): as long as there aren't cycles, we can use the cached value of our dependencies directly as they don't need to be recalculated
this.graph.add_vertex(label, sum);
// we've mutated the vertex, propagate changes downstream
function assert(something: boolean, message: string): void {
if (!something) throw new Error(message);
const sheet = new Sheet();
sheet.set_cell("A1", 1);
sheet.set_cell("A2", 2);
sheet.set_cell("A3", ["A1", "A2"]);
sheet.set_cell("A1", 3);
assert(sheet.get_cell("A3") === 5, "A3 should be 5");
sheet.set_cell("A4", ["A3", "A1"]);
assert(sheet.get_cell("A4") === 8, "A4 should be 8");
sheet.set_cell("A5", ["A1", "A1"]);
assert(sheet.get_cell("A5") === 6, "A5 should be 6");
sheet.set_cell("A6", ["A5", "A4"]);
assert(sheet.get_cell("A6") === 14, "A6 should be 14");
sheet.set_cell("A1", 1);
assert(sheet.get_cell("A3") === 3, "A3 should be 3");
assert(sheet.get_cell("A4") === 4, "A4 should be 4");
assert(sheet.get_cell("A5") === 2, "A5 should be 2");
assert(sheet.get_cell("A6") === 6, "A6 should be 6");
sheet.set_cell("A7", ["A1", "A1", "A2"]);
assert(sheet.get_cell("A7") === 4, "A7 should be 1 + 1 + 2");
sheet.set_cell("A2", 3);
assert(sheet.get_cell("A7") === 5, "A7 should be 1 + 1 + 3");
console.log("All tests passed 😅");
"devDependencies": {
"ts-node": "^10.9.1",
"typescript": "^5.3.2"

Fast{er} Spreadsheet


$ npm install -D


$ npx ts-node main.ts
All tests passed!
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