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Created August 16, 2012 16:25
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A purely functional dataflow graph using Arrows
* A purely functional dataflow graph using Arrows.
* Note that the groupBy compbinator is built from the accum primitive.
* @author willtim
object Dataflow {
case class Auto[A,B] (run: A => (B, Auto[A,B])) { f =>
def >>> [C] (g: Auto[B,C]): Auto[A,C] =
Auto[A,C]( a => {
val (b, f2) =
val (c, g2) =
(c, f2 >>> g2)
def unit[A,B] (f: A => B): Auto[A,B] = Auto( a => (f(a), unit(f)) )
def run[A,B] (a: Auto[A,B], src: Iterable[A]) =
new Iterable[B] {
def iterator = new Iterator[B] {
val i = src.iterator
var s = a
def next: B = {
var (b, s2) =
s = s2
def hasNext: Boolean = i.hasNext
def accum[A,B] (acc: B, f: (A, B) => B): Auto[A,B] =
Auto[A,B]( a => {
val acc2 = f(a, acc)
(acc2, accum(acc2, f))
def groupBy[K,V] (f: (V,V)=>V): Auto[(K,V), Map[K,V]] = accum(Map(), {
case ( (k, v), m ) =>
m get k match {
case None => m + (k -> v)
case Some(v0) => m + (k -> f(v0,v))
def main(args: Array[String]) {
var g : Auto[(String,Int),Map[String,Int]] = groupBy(_+_)
println(run(g, List(("a",1),("b",2),("c",3),("a",4),("b",5))))
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