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Created November 22, 2013 08:29
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Hoodlums experiments with Netwire and SDL. Requires: netwire, sdl and sdl-image
import Prelude hiding ((.), id)
import Control.Wire
import Control.Arrow
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Monoid
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Graphics.UI.SDL as SDL
import qualified Graphics.UI.SDL.Image as SDLi
type Point = (Double, Double)
imagePath = "/home/tim/development/hoodlums/mario.png"
main :: IO ()
main = SDL.withInit [SDL.InitEverything] $ do
screen <- SDL.setVideoMode 640 480 32 [SDL.SWSurface]
SDL.setCaption "Netwire Test" "netwire test"
tile <- SDLi.load imagePath
go screen tile clockSession position (S.empty, 0)
go screen tile s w (keyPresses, y) = do
((x', y'), w', s') <- stepSession_ w s (keyPresses, y)
(SDL.mapRGB . SDL.surfaceGetPixelFormat) screen 150 150 255 >>=
SDL.fillRect screen Nothing
(SDL.mapRGB . SDL.surfaceGetPixelFormat) screen 50 50 0 >>=
SDL.fillRect screen (Just $ SDL.Rect 0 383 640 97)
let r = Just (SDL.Rect (round x') (round y') 640 480)
SDL.blitSurface tile r screen Nothing
SDL.flip screen
keyPresses' <- parseEvents keyPresses
go screen tile s' w' (keyPresses', y')
position :: (Monoid e, Monad m) => Wire e m (Set SDL.Keysym, Double) Point
position = integral_ (0, 0) . velocity
velocity :: (Monoid e, Monad m) => Wire e m (Set SDL.Keysym, Double) Point
velocity = velocityX *** velocityY
velocityY :: (Monoid e, Monad m) => Wire e m Double Double
velocityY = integral_ 0 . (pure (-9.81)) . when (> -300)
<|> pure 0
velocityX :: (Monoid e, Monad m) => Wire e m (Set SDL.Keysym) Double
velocityX = pure (500) . when (keyDown SDL.SDLK_LEFT)
<|> pure (-500) . when (keyDown SDL.SDLK_RIGHT)
<|> pure (0)
parseEvents :: Set SDL.Keysym -> IO (Set SDL.Keysym)
parseEvents keysDown = do
event <- SDL.pollEvent
case event of
SDL.NoEvent -> return keysDown
SDL.KeyDown k -> parseEvents (S.insert k keysDown)
SDL.KeyUp k -> parseEvents (S.delete k keysDown)
_ -> parseEvents keysDown
keyDown :: SDL.SDLKey -> Set SDL.Keysym -> Bool
keyDown k = not . S.null . S.filter ((== k) . SDL.symKey)
instance Ord (SDL.Keysym) where
k `compare` k' = SDL.symUnicode k `compare` SDL.symUnicode k'
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