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Created January 26, 2011 22:18
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Google Code Jam C - ThemePark
module Main where
import Text.Printf
import Data.List
profit :: Int -> Int -> [Int] -> Int
profit cap rides groups
| sum groups <= cap = rides * sum groups
| otherwise =
case toCaps . findCycle $ rideCaps cap rides groups of
(xs,[]) -> sum xs
([],ys) -> sumCycle rides ys
(xs,ys) -> sum xs + sumCycle (rides - length xs) ys
toCaps (xs,ys) = (map fst xs, map fst ys)
sumCycle :: Int -> [Int] -> Int
sumCycle rides cycle = a * sum cycle + sum (take b cycle)
l = length cycle
a = rides `div` l
b = rides `mod` l
-- the control
-- profit cap rides groups = sum . (map fst) $ rideCaps cap rides groups
-- returns stream of tuples with ride capacity and last group id in the ride
rideCaps :: Int -> Int -> [Int] -> [(Int,Int)]
rideCaps cap rides groups = rideCaps' cap rides (cycle (zip groups [0..])) 0
rideCaps' cap' rides' groups'@((g,c):gs) gcount'
| rides' == 0 = []
| cap' < g || gcount' == gcount =
(cap - cap', c) : rideCaps' cap (rides' - 1) groups' 0
| otherwise = rideCaps' (cap' - g) rides' gs (gcount' + 1)
gcount = length groups
processFile :: String -> String
processFile s = unlines $ zipWith (printf "Case #%d: %d") ([1..]::[Int]) profits
cs = map (map read . words) . drop 1 . lines $ s
profits = chop processCase cs
processCase :: [[Int]] -> (Int, [[Int]])
processCase ( [rides, cap, _ ] : groups : rest) =
(profit cap rides groups, rest)
processCase _ = error "Invalid Format!!!!!"
chop :: ([a] -> (b , [a])) -> [a] -> [b]
chop _ [] = []
chop f xs = y : chop f xs'
where (y, xs') = f xs
main :: IO ()
main = interact processFile
findCycle :: Eq a => [a] -> ([a],[a])
findCycle xxs = fCycle xxs xxs
where fCycle _ [] = (xxs,[]) -- not cyclic
fCycle _ [_] = (xxs,[])
fCycle (x:xs) (_:y:ys)
| x == y = fStart xxs xs
| otherwise = fCycle xs ys
fStart (x:xs) (y:ys)
| x == y = ([], x:fLength x xs)
| otherwise = let (as,bs) = fStart xs ys in (x:as,bs)
fLength x (y:ys)
| x == y = []
| otherwise = y:fLength x ys
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