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Created August 4, 2014 08:18
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ACF5 Font Awesome Plugin
class acf_field_font_awesome extends acf_field {
* __construct
* This function will setup the field type data
* @type function
* @date 5/03/2014
* @since 5.0.0
* @param n/a
* @return n/a
function __construct() {
* name (string) Single word, no spaces. Underscores allowed
$this->name = 'font-awesome';
* label (string) Multiple words, can include spaces, visible when selecting a field type
$this->label = __('Font-Awesome Icon', 'acf-font-awesome');
* category (string) basic | content | choice | relational | jquery | layout | CUSTOM GROUP NAME
$this->category = 'content';
* defaults (array) Array of default settings which are merged into the field object. These are used later in settings
$this->defaults = array(
'enqueue_fa' => 0,
'allow_null' => 0,
'save_format' => 'element',
'default_value' => '',
'choices' => array(
'fa-adjust' => '&#xf042;',
'fa-adn' => '&#xf170;',
'fa-align-center' => '&#xf037;',
'fa-align-justify' => '&#xf039;',
'fa-align-left' => '&#xf036;',
'fa-align-right' => '&#xf038;',
'fa-ambulance' => '&#xf0f9;',
'fa-anchor' => '&#xf13d;',
'fa-android' => '&#xf17b;',
'fa-angle-double-down' => '&#xf103;',
'fa-angle-double-left' => '&#xf100;',
'fa-angle-double-right' => '&#xf101;',
'fa-angle-double-up' => '&#xf102;',
'fa-angle-down' => '&#xf107;',
'fa-angle-left' => '&#xf104;',
'fa-angle-right' => '&#xf105;',
'fa-angle-up' => '&#xf106;',
'fa-apple' => '&#xf179;',
'fa-archive' => '&#xf187;',
'fa-arrow-circle-down' => '&#xf0ab;',
'fa-arrow-circle-left' => '&#xf0a8;',
'fa-arrow-circle-o-down' => '&#xf01a;',
'fa-arrow-circle-o-left' => '&#xf190;',
'fa-arrow-circle-o-right' => '&#xf18e;',
'fa-arrow-circle-o-up' => '&#xf01b;',
'fa-arrow-circle-right' => '&#xf0a9;',
'fa-arrow-circle-up' => '&#xf0aa;',
'fa-arrow-down' => '&#xf063;',
'fa-arrow-left' => '&#xf060;',
'fa-arrow-right' => '&#xf061;',
'fa-arrow-up' => '&#xf062;',
'fa-arrows' => '&#xf047;',
'fa-arrows-alt' => '&#xf0b2;',
'fa-arrows-h' => '&#xf07e;',
'fa-arrows-v' => '&#xf07d;',
'fa-asterisk' => '&#xf069;',
'fa-automobile' => '&#xf1b9;',
'fa-backward' => '&#xf04a;',
'fa-ban' => '&#xf05e;',
'fa-bank' => '&#xf19c;',
'fa-bar-chart-o' => '&#xf080;',
'fa-barcode' => '&#xf02a;',
'fa-bars' => '&#xf0c9;',
'fa-beer' => '&#xf0fc;',
'fa-behance' => '&#xf1b4;',
'fa-behance-square' => '&#xf1b5;',
'fa-bell' => '&#xf0f3;',
'fa-bell-o' => '&#xf0a2;',
'fa-bitbucket' => '&#xf171;',
'fa-bitbucket-square' => '&#xf172;',
'fa-bitcoin' => '&#xf15a;',
'fa-bold' => '&#xf032;',
'fa-bolt' => '&#xf0e7;',
'fa-bomb' => '&#xf1e2;',
'fa-book' => '&#xf02d;',
'fa-bookmark' => '&#xf02e;',
'fa-bookmark-o' => '&#xf097;',
'fa-briefcase' => '&#xf0b1;',
'fa-btc' => '&#xf15a;',
'fa-bug' => '&#xf188;',
'fa-building' => '&#xf1ad;',
'fa-building-o' => '&#xf0f7;',
'fa-bullhorn' => '&#xf0a1;',
'fa-bullseye' => '&#xf140;',
'fa-cab' => '&#xf1ba;',
'fa-calendar' => '&#xf073;',
'fa-calendar-o' => '&#xf133;',
'fa-camera' => '&#xf030;',
'fa-camera-retro' => '&#xf083;',
'fa-car' => '&#xf1b9;',
'fa-caret-down' => '&#xf0d7;',
'fa-caret-left' => '&#xf0d9;',
'fa-caret-right' => '&#xf0da;',
'fa-caret-square-o-down' => '&#xf150;',
'fa-caret-square-o-left' => '&#xf191;',
'fa-caret-square-o-right' => '&#xf152;',
'fa-caret-square-o-up' => '&#xf151;',
'fa-caret-up' => '&#xf0d8;',
'fa-certificate' => '&#xf0a3;',
'fa-chain' => '&#xf0c1;',
'fa-chain-broken' => '&#xf127;',
'fa-check' => '&#xf00c;',
'fa-check-circle' => '&#xf058;',
'fa-check-circle-o' => '&#xf05d;',
'fa-check-square' => '&#xf14a;',
'fa-check-square-o' => '&#xf046;',
'fa-chevron-circle-down' => '&#xf13a;',
'fa-chevron-circle-left' => '&#xf137;',
'fa-chevron-circle-right' => '&#xf138;',
'fa-chevron-circle-up' => '&#xf139;',
'fa-chevron-down' => '&#xf078;',
'fa-chevron-left' => '&#xf053;',
'fa-chevron-right' => '&#xf054;',
'fa-chevron-up' => '&#xf077;',
'fa-child' => '&#xf1ae;',
'fa-circle' => '&#xf111;',
'fa-circle-o' => '&#xf10c;',
'fa-circle-o-notch' => '&#xf1ce;',
'fa-circle-thin' => '&#xf1db;',
'fa-clipboard' => '&#xf0ea;',
'fa-clock-o' => '&#xf017;',
'fa-cloud' => '&#xf0c2;',
'fa-cloud-download' => '&#xf0ed;',
'fa-cloud-upload' => '&#xf0ee;',
'fa-cny' => '&#xf157;',
'fa-code' => '&#xf121;',
'fa-code-fork' => '&#xf126;',
'fa-codepen' => '&#xf1cb;',
'fa-coffee' => '&#xf0f4;',
'fa-cog' => '&#xf013;',
'fa-cogs' => '&#xf085;',
'fa-columns' => '&#xf0db;',
'fa-comment' => '&#xf075;',
'fa-comment-o' => '&#xf0e5;',
'fa-comments' => '&#xf086;',
'fa-comments-o' => '&#xf0e6;',
'fa-compass' => '&#xf14e;',
'fa-compress' => '&#xf066;',
'fa-copy' => '&#xf0c5;',
'fa-credit-card' => '&#xf09d;',
'fa-crop' => '&#xf125;',
'fa-crosshairs' => '&#xf05b;',
'fa-css3' => '&#xf13c;',
'fa-cube' => '&#xf1b2;',
'fa-cubes' => '&#xf1b3;',
'fa-cut' => '&#xf0c4;',
'fa-cutlery' => '&#xf0f5;',
'fa-dashboard' => '&#xf0e4;',
'fa-database' => '&#xf1c0;',
'fa-dedent' => '&#xf03b;',
'fa-delicious' => '&#xf1a5;',
'fa-desktop' => '&#xf108;',
'fa-deviantart' => '&#xf1bd;',
'fa-digg' => '&#xf1a6;',
'fa-dollar' => '&#xf155;',
'fa-dot-circle-o' => '&#xf192;',
'fa-download' => '&#xf019;',
'fa-dribbble' => '&#xf17d;',
'fa-dropbox' => '&#xf16b;',
'fa-drupal' => '&#xf1a9;',
'fa-edit' => '&#xf044;',
'fa-eject' => '&#xf052;',
'fa-ellipsis-h' => '&#xf141;',
'fa-ellipsis-v' => '&#xf142;',
'fa-empire' => '&#xf1d1;',
'fa-envelope' => '&#xf0e0;',
'fa-envelope-o' => '&#xf003;',
'fa-envelope-square' => '&#xf199;',
'fa-eraser' => '&#xf12d;',
'fa-eur' => '&#xf153;',
'fa-euro' => '&#xf153;',
'fa-exchange' => '&#xf0ec;',
'fa-exclamation' => '&#xf12a;',
'fa-exclamation-circle' => '&#xf06a;',
'fa-exclamation-triangle' => '&#xf071;',
'fa-expand' => '&#xf065;',
'fa-external-link' => '&#xf08e;',
'fa-external-link-square' => '&#xf14c;',
'fa-eye' => '&#xf06e;',
'fa-eye-slash' => '&#xf070;',
'fa-facebook' => '&#xf09a;',
'fa-facebook-square' => '&#xf082;',
'fa-fast-backward' => '&#xf049;',
'fa-fast-forward' => '&#xf050;',
'fa-fax' => '&#xf1ac;',
'fa-female' => '&#xf182;',
'fa-fighter-jet' => '&#xf0fb;',
'fa-file' => '&#xf15b;',
'fa-file-archive-o' => '&#xf1c6;',
'fa-file-audio-o' => '&#xf1c7;',
'fa-file-code-o' => '&#xf1c9;',
'fa-file-excel-o' => '&#xf1c3;',
'fa-file-image-o' => '&#xf1c5;',
'fa-file-movie-o' => '&#xf1c8;',
'fa-file-o' => '&#xf016;',
'fa-file-pdf-o' => '&#xf1c1;',
'fa-file-photo-o' => '&#xf1c5;',
'fa-file-picture-o' => '&#xf1c5;',
'fa-file-powerpoint-o' => '&#xf1c4;',
'fa-file-sound-o' => '&#xf1c7;',
'fa-file-text' => '&#xf15c;',
'fa-file-text-o' => '&#xf0f6;',
'fa-file-video-o' => '&#xf1c8;',
'fa-file-word-o' => '&#xf1c2;',
'fa-file-zip-o' => '&#xf1c6;',
'fa-files-o' => '&#xf0c5;',
'fa-film' => '&#xf008;',
'fa-filter' => '&#xf0b0;',
'fa-fire' => '&#xf06d;',
'fa-fire-extinguisher' => '&#xf134;',
'fa-flag' => '&#xf024;',
'fa-flag-checkered' => '&#xf11e;',
'fa-flag-o' => '&#xf11d;',
'fa-flash' => '&#xf0e7;',
'fa-flask' => '&#xf0c3;',
'fa-flickr' => '&#xf16e;',
'fa-floppy-o' => '&#xf0c7;',
'fa-folder' => '&#xf07b;',
'fa-folder-o' => '&#xf114;',
'fa-folder-open' => '&#xf07c;',
'fa-folder-open-o' => '&#xf115;',
'fa-font' => '&#xf031;',
'fa-forward' => '&#xf04e;',
'fa-foursquare' => '&#xf180;',
'fa-frown-o' => '&#xf119;',
'fa-gamepad' => '&#xf11b;',
'fa-gavel' => '&#xf0e3;',
'fa-gbp' => '&#xf154;',
'fa-ge' => '&#xf1d1;',
'fa-gear' => '&#xf013;',
'fa-gears' => '&#xf085;',
'fa-gift' => '&#xf06b;',
'fa-git' => '&#xf1d3;',
'fa-git-square' => '&#xf1d2;',
'fa-github' => '&#xf09b;',
'fa-github-alt' => '&#xf113;',
'fa-github-square' => '&#xf092;',
'fa-gittip' => '&#xf184;',
'fa-glass' => '&#xf000;',
'fa-globe' => '&#xf0ac;',
'fa-google' => '&#xf1a0;',
'fa-google-plus' => '&#xf0d5;',
'fa-google-plus-square' => '&#xf0d4;',
'fa-graduation-cap' => '&#xf19d;',
'fa-group' => '&#xf0c0;',
'fa-h-square' => '&#xf0fd;',
'fa-hacker-news' => '&#xf1d4;',
'fa-hand-o-down' => '&#xf0a7;',
'fa-hand-o-left' => '&#xf0a5;',
'fa-hand-o-right' => '&#xf0a4;',
'fa-hand-o-up' => '&#xf0a6;',
'fa-hdd-o' => '&#xf0a0;',
'fa-header' => '&#xf1dc;',
'fa-headphones' => '&#xf025;',
'fa-heart' => '&#xf004;',
'fa-heart-o' => '&#xf08a;',
'fa-history' => '&#xf1da;',
'fa-home' => '&#xf015;',
'fa-hospital-o' => '&#xf0f8;',
'fa-html5' => '&#xf13b;',
'fa-image' => '&#xf03e;',
'fa-inbox' => '&#xf01c;',
'fa-indent' => '&#xf03c;',
'fa-info' => '&#xf129;',
'fa-info-circle' => '&#xf05a;',
'fa-inr' => '&#xf156;',
'fa-instagram' => '&#xf16d;',
'fa-institution' => '&#xf19c;',
'fa-italic' => '&#xf033;',
'fa-joomla' => '&#xf1aa;',
'fa-jpy' => '&#xf157;',
'fa-jsfiddle' => '&#xf1cc;',
'fa-key' => '&#xf084;',
'fa-keyboard-o' => '&#xf11c;',
'fa-krw' => '&#xf159;',
'fa-language' => '&#xf1ab;',
'fa-laptop' => '&#xf109;',
'fa-leaf' => '&#xf06c;',
'fa-legal' => '&#xf0e3;',
'fa-lemon-o' => '&#xf094;',
'fa-level-down' => '&#xf149;',
'fa-level-up' => '&#xf148;',
'fa-life-bouy' => '&#xf1cd;',
'fa-life-ring' => '&#xf1cd;',
'fa-life-saver' => '&#xf1cd;',
'fa-lightbulb-o' => '&#xf0eb;',
'fa-link' => '&#xf0c1;',
'fa-linkedin' => '&#xf0e1;',
'fa-linkedin-square' => '&#xf08c;',
'fa-linux' => '&#xf17c;',
'fa-list' => '&#xf03a;',
'fa-list-alt' => '&#xf022;',
'fa-list-ol' => '&#xf0cb;',
'fa-list-ul' => '&#xf0ca;',
'fa-location-arrow' => '&#xf124;',
'fa-lock' => '&#xf023;',
'fa-long-arrow-down' => '&#xf175;',
'fa-long-arrow-left' => '&#xf177;',
'fa-long-arrow-right' => '&#xf178;',
'fa-long-arrow-up' => '&#xf176;',
'fa-magic' => '&#xf0d0;',
'fa-magnet' => '&#xf076;',
'fa-mail-forward' => '&#xf064;',
'fa-mail-reply' => '&#xf112;',
'fa-mail-reply-all' => '&#xf122;',
'fa-male' => '&#xf183;',
'fa-map-marker' => '&#xf041;',
'fa-maxcdn' => '&#xf136;',
'fa-medkit' => '&#xf0fa;',
'fa-meh-o' => '&#xf11a;',
'fa-microphone' => '&#xf130;',
'fa-microphone-slash' => '&#xf131;',
'fa-minus' => '&#xf068;',
'fa-minus-circle' => '&#xf056;',
'fa-minus-square' => '&#xf146;',
'fa-minus-square-o' => '&#xf147;',
'fa-mobile' => '&#xf10b;',
'fa-mobile-phone' => '&#xf10b;',
'fa-money' => '&#xf0d6;',
'fa-moon-o' => '&#xf186;',
'fa-mortar-board' => '&#xf19d;',
'fa-music' => '&#xf001;',
'fa-navicon' => '&#xf0c9;',
'fa-openid' => '&#xf19b;',
'fa-outdent' => '&#xf03b;',
'fa-pagelines' => '&#xf18c;',
'fa-paper-plane' => '&#xf1d8;',
'fa-paper-plane-o' => '&#xf1d9;',
'fa-paperclip' => '&#xf0c6;',
'fa-paragraph' => '&#xf1dd;',
'fa-paste' => '&#xf0ea;',
'fa-pause' => '&#xf04c;',
'fa-paw' => '&#xf1b0;',
'fa-pencil' => '&#xf040;',
'fa-pencil-square' => '&#xf14b;',
'fa-pencil-square-o' => '&#xf044;',
'fa-phone' => '&#xf095;',
'fa-phone-square' => '&#xf098;',
'fa-photo' => '&#xf03e;',
'fa-picture-o' => '&#xf03e;',
'fa-pied-piper' => '&#xf1a7;',
'fa-pied-piper-alt' => '&#xf1a8;',
'fa-pied-piper-square' => '&#xf1a7;',
'fa-pinterest' => '&#xf0d2;',
'fa-pinterest-square' => '&#xf0d3;',
'fa-plane' => '&#xf072;',
'fa-play' => '&#xf04b;',
'fa-play-circle' => '&#xf144;',
'fa-play-circle-o' => '&#xf01d;',
'fa-plus' => '&#xf067;',
'fa-plus-circle' => '&#xf055;',
'fa-plus-square' => '&#xf0fe;',
'fa-plus-square-o' => '&#xf196;',
'fa-power-off' => '&#xf011;',
'fa-print' => '&#xf02f;',
'fa-puzzle-piece' => '&#xf12e;',
'fa-qq' => '&#xf1d6;',
'fa-qrcode' => '&#xf029;',
'fa-question' => '&#xf128;',
'fa-question-circle' => '&#xf059;',
'fa-quote-left' => '&#xf10d;',
'fa-quote-right' => '&#xf10e;',
'fa-ra' => '&#xf1d0;',
'fa-random' => '&#xf074;',
'fa-rebel' => '&#xf1d0;',
'fa-recycle' => '&#xf1b8;',
'fa-reddit' => '&#xf1a1;',
'fa-reddit-square' => '&#xf1a2;',
'fa-refresh' => '&#xf021;',
'fa-renren' => '&#xf18b;',
'fa-reorder' => '&#xf0c9;',
'fa-repeat' => '&#xf01e;',
'fa-reply' => '&#xf112;',
'fa-reply-all' => '&#xf122;',
'fa-retweet' => '&#xf079;',
'fa-rmb' => '&#xf157;',
'fa-road' => '&#xf018;',
'fa-rocket' => '&#xf135;',
'fa-rotate-left' => '&#xf0e2;',
'fa-rotate-right' => '&#xf01e;',
'fa-rouble' => '&#xf158;',
'fa-rss' => '&#xf09e;',
'fa-rss-square' => '&#xf143;',
'fa-rub' => '&#xf158;',
'fa-ruble' => '&#xf158;',
'fa-rupee' => '&#xf156;',
'fa-save' => '&#xf0c7;',
'fa-scissors' => '&#xf0c4;',
'fa-search' => '&#xf002;',
'fa-search-minus' => '&#xf010;',
'fa-search-plus' => '&#xf00e;',
'fa-send' => '&#xf1d8;',
'fa-send-o' => '&#xf1d9;',
'fa-share' => '&#xf064;',
'fa-share-alt' => '&#xf1e0;',
'fa-share-alt-square' => '&#xf1e1;',
'fa-share-square' => '&#xf14d;',
'fa-share-square-o' => '&#xf045;',
'fa-shield' => '&#xf132;',
'fa-shopping-cart' => '&#xf07a;',
'fa-sign-in' => '&#xf090;',
'fa-sign-out' => '&#xf08b;',
'fa-signal' => '&#xf012;',
'fa-sitemap' => '&#xf0e8;',
'fa-skype' => '&#xf17e;',
'fa-slack' => '&#xf198;',
'fa-sliders' => '&#xf1de;',
'fa-smile-o' => '&#xf118;',
'fa-sort' => '&#xf0dc;',
'fa-sort-alpha-asc' => '&#xf15d;',
'fa-sort-alpha-desc' => '&#xf15e;',
'fa-sort-amount-asc' => '&#xf160;',
'fa-sort-amount-desc' => '&#xf161;',
'fa-sort-asc' => '&#xf0de;',
'fa-sort-desc' => '&#xf0dd;',
'fa-sort-down' => '&#xf0dd;',
'fa-sort-numeric-asc' => '&#xf162;',
'fa-sort-numeric-desc' => '&#xf163;',
'fa-sort-up' => '&#xf0de;',
'fa-soundcloud' => '&#xf1be;',
'fa-space-shuttle' => '&#xf197;',
'fa-spinner' => '&#xf110;',
'fa-spoon' => '&#xf1b1;',
'fa-spotify' => '&#xf1bc;',
'fa-square' => '&#xf0c8;',
'fa-square-o' => '&#xf096;',
'fa-stack-exchange' => '&#xf18d;',
'fa-stack-overflow' => '&#xf16c;',
'fa-star' => '&#xf005;',
'fa-star-half' => '&#xf089;',
'fa-star-half-empty' => '&#xf123;',
'fa-star-half-full' => '&#xf123;',
'fa-star-half-o' => '&#xf123;',
'fa-star-o' => '&#xf006;',
'fa-steam' => '&#xf1b6;',
'fa-steam-square' => '&#xf1b7;',
'fa-step-backward' => '&#xf048;',
'fa-step-forward' => '&#xf051;',
'fa-stethoscope' => '&#xf0f1;',
'fa-stop' => '&#xf04d;',
'fa-strikethrough' => '&#xf0cc;',
'fa-stumbleupon' => '&#xf1a4;',
'fa-stumbleupon-circle' => '&#xf1a3;',
'fa-subscript' => '&#xf12c;',
'fa-suitcase' => '&#xf0f2;',
'fa-sun-o' => '&#xf185;',
'fa-superscript' => '&#xf12b;',
'fa-support' => '&#xf1cd;',
'fa-table' => '&#xf0ce;',
'fa-tablet' => '&#xf10a;',
'fa-tachometer' => '&#xf0e4;',
'fa-tag' => '&#xf02b;',
'fa-tags' => '&#xf02c;',
'fa-tasks' => '&#xf0ae;',
'fa-taxi' => '&#xf1ba;',
'fa-tencent-weibo' => '&#xf1d5;',
'fa-terminal' => '&#xf120;',
'fa-text-height' => '&#xf034;',
'fa-text-width' => '&#xf035;',
'fa-th' => '&#xf00a;',
'fa-th-large' => '&#xf009;',
'fa-th-list' => '&#xf00b;',
'fa-thumb-tack' => '&#xf08d;',
'fa-thumbs-down' => '&#xf165;',
'fa-thumbs-o-down' => '&#xf088;',
'fa-thumbs-o-up' => '&#xf087;',
'fa-thumbs-up' => '&#xf164;',
'fa-ticket' => '&#xf145;',
'fa-times' => '&#xf00d;',
'fa-times-circle' => '&#xf057;',
'fa-times-circle-o' => '&#xf05c;',
'fa-tint' => '&#xf043;',
'fa-toggle-down' => '&#xf150;',
'fa-toggle-left' => '&#xf191;',
'fa-toggle-right' => '&#xf152;',
'fa-toggle-up' => '&#xf151;',
'fa-trash-o' => '&#xf014;',
'fa-tree' => '&#xf1bb;',
'fa-trello' => '&#xf181;',
'fa-trophy' => '&#xf091;',
'fa-truck' => '&#xf0d1;',
'fa-try' => '&#xf195;',
'fa-tumblr' => '&#xf173;',
'fa-tumblr-square' => '&#xf174;',
'fa-turkish-lira' => '&#xf195;',
'fa-twitter' => '&#xf099;',
'fa-twitter-square' => '&#xf081;',
'fa-umbrella' => '&#xf0e9;',
'fa-underline' => '&#xf0cd;',
'fa-undo' => '&#xf0e2;',
'fa-university' => '&#xf19c;',
'fa-unlink' => '&#xf127;',
'fa-unlock' => '&#xf09c;',
'fa-unlock-alt' => '&#xf13e;',
'fa-unsorted' => '&#xf0dc;',
'fa-upload' => '&#xf093;',
'fa-usd' => '&#xf155;',
'fa-user' => '&#xf007;',
'fa-user-md' => '&#xf0f0;',
'fa-users' => '&#xf0c0;',
'fa-video-camera' => '&#xf03d;',
'fa-vimeo-square' => '&#xf194;',
'fa-vine' => '&#xf1ca;',
'fa-vk' => '&#xf189;',
'fa-volume-down' => '&#xf027;',
'fa-volume-off' => '&#xf026;',
'fa-volume-up' => '&#xf028;',
'fa-warning' => '&#xf071;',
'fa-wechat' => '&#xf1d7;',
'fa-weibo' => '&#xf18a;',
'fa-weixin' => '&#xf1d7;',
'fa-wheelchair' => '&#xf193;',
'fa-windows' => '&#xf17a;',
'fa-won' => '&#xf159;',
'fa-wordpress' => '&#xf19a;',
'fa-wrench' => '&#xf0ad;',
'fa-xing' => '&#xf168;',
'fa-xing-square' => '&#xf169;',
'fa-yahoo' => '&#xf19e;',
'fa-yen' => '&#xf157;',
'fa-youtube' => '&#xf167;',
'fa-youtube-play' => '&#xf16a;',
'fa-youtube-square' => '&#xf166;'
* l10n (array) Array of strings that are used in JavaScript. This allows JS strings to be translated in PHP and loaded via:
* var message = acf._e('FIELD_NAME', 'error');
$this->l10n = array(
'error' => __('Error! Please enter a higher value', 'acf-font-awesome'),
add_filter('acf/load_field', array( $this, 'maybe_enqueue_font_awesome' ) );
// do not delete!
* maybe_enqueue_font_awesome()
* If Enqueue FA is set to true, enqueue it in the footer. We cannot enqueue in the header because wp_head has already been called
function maybe_enqueue_font_awesome( $field ) {
if( 'font-awesome' == $field['name'] && $field['enqueue_fa'] ) {
add_action( 'wp_footer', array( $this, 'frontend_enqueue_scripts' ) );
return $field;
* render_field_settings()
* Create extra settings for your field. These are visible when editing a field
* @type action
* @since 3.6
* @date 23/01/13
* @param $field (array) the $field being edited
* @return n/a
function render_field_settings( $field ) {
* acf_render_field_setting
* This function will create a setting for your field. Simply pass the $field parameter and an array of field settings.
* The array of settings does not require a `value` or `prefix`; These settings are found from the $field array.
* More than one setting can be added by copy/paste the above code.
* Please note that you must also have a matching $defaults value for the field name (font_size)
$key = $field['name'];
acf_render_field_setting( $field, array(
'label' => __('Default Icon','acf-font-awesome'),
'instructions' => __('Set the default Icon','acf-font-awesome'),
'type' => 'select',
'name' => 'fields[' . $key . '][default_value]',
'value' => $field['default_value'],
'class' => 'fontawesome',
'choices' => array_merge( array( 'null' => __("Select",'acf-font-awesome') ), $field['choices'] ),
'prepend' => '<div class="fa-field-wrapper"><div class="fa-live-preview"></div>',
'append' => '</div>',
acf_render_field_setting( $field, array(
'label' => __('Return Value', 'acf-font-awesome'),
'instructions' => __('Specify the returned value on front end', 'acf-font-awesome'),
'type' => 'radio',
'name' => 'fields['.$key.'][save_format]',
'value' => $field['save_format'],
'choices' => array(
'element' => __("Icon Element",'acf-font-awesome'),
'object' => __("Icon Object",'acf-font-awesome'),
'class' => __("Icon Class",'acf-font-awesome'),
'layout' => 'horizontal'
acf_render_field_setting( $field, array(
'label' => __('Allow Null?', 'acf-font-awesome'),
'instructions' => __('Specify the returned value on front end', 'acf-font-awesome'),
'type' => 'radio',
'name' => 'fields['.$key.'][allow_null]',
'value' => $field['allow_null'],
'choices' => array(
1 => __('Yes','acf-font-awesome'),
0 => __('No','acf-font-awesome'),
'layout' => 'horizontal'
acf_render_field_setting( $field, array(
'label' => __('Enqueue FontAwesome?', 'acf-font-awesome'),
'instructions' => __('Set to Yes to enqueue FA in the footer on any pages using this field.', 'acf-font-awesome'),
'type' => 'radio',
'name' => 'fields['.$key.'][enqueue_fa]',
'value' => $field['enqueue_fa'],
'choices' => array(
1 => __('Yes','acf-font-awesome'),
0 => __('No','acf-font-awesome'),
'layout' => 'horizontal'
* render_field()
* Create the HTML interface for your field
* @param $field (array) the $field being rendered
* @type action
* @since 3.6
* @date 23/01/13
* @param $field (array) the $field being edited
* @return n/a
function render_field( $field ) {
* Review the data of $field.
* This will show what data is available
echo '<pre>';
print_r( $field );
echo '</pre>';
if( 'object' == $field['save_format'] )
$field['value'] = array( $field['value']->class );
// value must be array
if( !is_array($field['value']) )
// perhaps this is a default value with new lines in it?
if( strpos($field['value'], "\n") !== false )
// found multiple lines, explode it
$field['value'] = explode("\n", $field['value']);
$field['value'] = array( $field['value'] );
// trim value
$field['value'] = array_map('trim', $field['value']);
// html
echo '<div class="fa-field-wrapper">';
echo '<div class="fa-live-preview"></div>';
echo '<select id="' . $field['id'] . '" class="' . $field['class'] . ' fa-select2-field" name="' . $field['name'] . '" >';
// null
if( $field['allow_null'] )
echo '<option value="null">- ' . __("Select",'acf-font-awesome') . ' -</option>';
// loop through values and add them as options
if( is_array($field['choices']) )
foreach( $field['choices'] as $key => $value )
$selected = $this->find_selected( $key, $field['value'], $field['save_format'], $field['choices'] );
echo '<option value="'.$key.'" '.$selected.'>'.$value.' '.$key.'</option>';
echo '</select>';
echo '</div>';
function find_selected( $needle, $haystack, $type, $choices ) {
switch( $type )
case 'object':
case 'element':
$search = array( '<i class="fa ', '"></i>' );
$string = str_replace( $search, '', $haystack[0] );
case 'class':
$string = $haystack[0];
if( $string == $needle )
return 'selected="selected"';
return '';
* input_admin_enqueue_scripts()
* This action is called in the admin_enqueue_scripts action on the edit screen where your field is created.
* Use this action to add CSS + JavaScript to assist your render_field() action.
* @type action (admin_enqueue_scripts)
* @since 3.6
* @date 23/01/13
* @param n/a
* @return n/a
function input_admin_enqueue_scripts() {
$dir = plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ );
wp_enqueue_script('acf-input-font-awesome-select2', $dir . 'js/select2/select2.min.js');
wp_enqueue_script('acf-input-font-awesome-edit-input', $dir .'js/edit_input.js');
wp_enqueue_style('acf-input-font-awesome-input', $dir .'css/input.css');
wp_enqueue_style('acf-input-font-awesome-fa', $dir .'css/fontawesome.css');
wp_enqueue_style('acf-input-font-awesome-select2-css', $dir .'css/select2.css');
* field_group_admin_enqueue_scripts()
* This action is called in the admin_enqueue_scripts action on the edit screen where your field is edited.
* Use this action to add CSS + JavaScript to assist your render_field_options() action.
* @type action (admin_enqueue_scripts)
* @since 3.6
* @date 23/01/13
* @param n/a
* @return n/a
function field_group_admin_enqueue_scripts() {
$dir = plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ );
wp_enqueue_script('font-awesome-select2', $dir .'/js/select2/select2.min.js');
wp_enqueue_script('font-awesome-create-input', $dir .'js/create_input.js');
wp_enqueue_style('acf-input-font-awesome-input', $dir .'css/input.css');
wp_enqueue_style('acf-input-font-awesome-fa', $dir .'css/fontawesome.css');
wp_enqueue_style('acf-input-font-awesome-select2-css', $dir .'css/select2.css');
* frontend_enqueue_scripts()
* This action is called in the wp_enqueue_scripts action on the front end.
* $info
* @type action
function frontend_enqueue_scripts() {
$dir = plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ );
wp_register_style('font-awesome', $dir . 'font-awesome/css/fontawesome.css');
* load_value()
* This filter is applied to the $value after it is loaded from the db
* @type filter
* @since 3.6
* @date 23/01/13
* @param $value (mixed) the value found in the database
* @param $post_id (mixed) the $post_id from which the value was loaded
* @param $field (array) the field array holding all the field options
* @return $value
function load_value($value, $post_id, $field) {
// Note: This function can be removed if not used
switch( $field['save_format'] )
case 'object':
$icon_unicode = $this->defaults['choices'][ $value ];
$value = (object) array(
'unicode' => $icon_unicode,
'class' => $value,
'element' => '<i class="fa ' . $value . '"></i>'
case 'unicode':
$value = $this->defaults['choices'][ $value ];
case 'element':
$value = '<i class="fa ' . $value . '"></i>';
return $value;
// create field
new acf_field_font_awesome();
Plugin Name: Advanced Custom Fields: Slider Field
Description: Creates a slider field
Version: 1.0.0
Author: Steven Baltay
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:
// 1. set text domain
// Reference:
load_plugin_textdomain( 'acf-font-awesome', false, dirname( plugin_basename(__FILE__) ) . '/lang/' );
// 2. Include field type for ACF5
// $version = 5 and can be ignored until ACF6 exists
function include_field_types_font_awesome( $version ) {
add_action('acf/include_field_types', 'include_field_types_font_awesome');
//3. Include field type for ACF4
function register_fields_font_awesome() {
add_action('acf/register_fields', 'register_fields_font_awesome');
$(document).on( 'change', '.field_type select', function() {
if( $(this).val() == 'font-awesome' ) {
var font_awesome_form = $(this).closest( '.field_form' );
var font_awesome_select = $( 'select.fontawesome', font_awesome_form );
setTimeout(function() {
$( 'select.fontawesome', font_awesome_form ).select2({
width : '100%'
update_preview( font_awesome_select, $( font_awesome_select ).val() );
}, 1000);
acf.add_action( 'ready append', function( e, field ) {
element = $( 'select.fontawesome', field );
// Adding live preview container via js, because acf_render_field_setting prepend/append does NOT work
elementContainer = element.parent();
elementContainer.prepend('<div class="fa-field-wrapper"><div class="fa-live-preview"></div>');
$( element ).select2({
width : '100%'
update_preview( element, $(element).val() );
$(document).on( 'select2-selecting', 'select.fontawesome', function( object ) {
update_preview( this, object.val );
$(document).on( 'select2-highlight', 'select.fontawesome', function( object ) {
update_preview( this, object.val );
$(document).on( 'select2-close', 'select.fontawesome', function( object ) {
update_preview( this, $(this).val() );
function update_preview( element, selected ) {
var parent = $(element).parent();
$( '.fa-live-preview', parent ).html( '<i class="fa ' + selected + '"></i>' );
* acf/setup_fields
* This event is triggered when ACF adds any new elements to the DOM.
* @type function
* @since 1.0.0
* @date 01/01/12
* @param event e: an event object. This can be ignored
* @param Element postbox: An element which contains the new HTML
* @return N/A
fa_initialized = false;
acf.add_action('ready append', function( e, postbox ) {
if( $( '.fa-field-wrapper', postbox ).length > 0 ) {
if( fa_initialized ) {
var last_row = $( '.row-clone' ).prev( '.row' );
$( last_row ).each( function() {
$( 'select.fa-select2-field', this ).each( function() {
width : '100%'
update_preview( this, $(this).val() );
var last_layout = $( '.acf-flexible-content .values' ).last();
$( 'tbody > tr.field_type-font-awesome select.fa-select2-field', last_layout ).each( function() {
width : '100%'
update_preview( this, $(this).val() );
} else {
$( '.row' ).each( function() {
$( 'select.fa-select2-field', this ).each( function() {
width : '100%'
update_preview( this, $(this).val() );
$( '.acf-flexible-content .values tbody > tr.field_type-font-awesome select.fa-select2-field' ).each( function() {
width : '100%'
update_preview( this, $(this).val() );
$( '.field_type-font-awesome select.fa-select2-field' ).each( function() {
width : '100%'
update_preview( this, $(this).val() );
$( 'tr.row-clone select.fa-select2-field' ).each(function() {
$(this).select2( 'destroy' );
$( 'select.fa-select2-field' ).on( 'select2-selecting', function( object ) {
update_preview( this, object.val );
$( 'select.fa-select2-field' ).on( 'select2-highlight', function( object ) {
update_preview( this, object.val );
$( 'select.fa-select2-field' ).on( 'select2-close', function( object ) {
update_preview( this, $(this).val() );
fa_initialized = true;
function update_preview( element, selected ) {
var parent = $(element).parent();
$( '.fa-live-preview', parent ).html( '<i class="fa ' + selected + '"></i>' );
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That's awesome you've taken some time to get this working for ACF5.

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