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Last active October 21, 2017 20:20
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  • Save willwade/d9d759d1911fb3f0d6ee7eade7f073f0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save willwade/d9d759d1911fb3f0d6ee7eade7f073f0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A quick oatsoft spider. NB: MOST of Oatsoft is available - including comments. We should be able to extract this into something else when needed.
"require": {
"league/html-to-markdown": "^4.2"
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
use League\HTMLToMarkdown\HtmlConverter;
$path = dirname(__FILE__);
$FILE_OUT = $path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."result.csv";
function is_link_404($url)
$handle = curl_init($url);
curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE);
curl_setopt($handle, CURLOPT_NOBODY, 1); // and *only* get the header
/* Get the HTML or whatever is linked in $url. */
$response = curl_exec($handle);
/* Check for 404 (file not found). */
$httpCode = curl_getinfo($handle, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
if($httpCode == 404) {
return False;
} else {
return True;
function csv_start()
global $FILE_OUT;
if (file_exists($FILE_OUT))
file_put_contents($FILE_OUT, "Title;Short;Long;Links;Categories;Download\r\n", FILE_APPEND);
function get_http($curl, $url, $post_fields=null)
global $path;
$ok = false;
while (!$ok)
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, $path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."cookies.txt");
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, $path.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."cookies.txt");
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Trident/4.0; GTB7.4; InfoPath.2; SV1; .NET CLR 3.3.69573; WOW64; en-US)");
if ($post_fields != null)
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post_fields);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
$res = curl_exec($curl);
if (!$res)
echo "Some get_http error";
$ok = true;
return $res;
$curl = curl_init();
$res = get_http($curl, "");
$pos = strpos($res, "Full listing of software");
$res = substr($res, $pos);
if (preg_match_all("/<a href=\\\"([^\\\"]+)\\\">([^<]+)<\\/a>\\s+<\\/dt>/ims", $res, $m))
for($i=0; $i<count($m[0]); $i++)
echo ($i+1)." from ".count($m[0])." - ".$m[2][$i]."...";
$url = "".$m[1][$i];
$res = get_http($curl, $url);
/**/$title = '"'.str_replace('"', '""', trim($m[2][$i])).'"';
if (preg_match("/<div class=\\\"documentDescription\\\">([^<]+)<\\/div>/ims", $res, $m2))
/**/$short = '"'.str_replace("\r", " ", str_replace("\n", " ", str_replace("\r\n", " ", str_replace('"', '""', trim($m2[1]))))).'"';
$short = "";
if (preg_match("/<\\/dl>\\s+<div class=\\\"visualClear\\\"><\\/div>\\s+(.+)<div class=\\\"visualClear\\\"><\\/div>\\s+<div class=\\\"visualClear\\\"><\\/div>\\s+<div class=\\\"visualClear\\\"><\\/div>/ims", $res, $m3))
/**/$long = '"'.str_replace("\r", " ", str_replace("\n", " ", str_replace("\r\n", " ", str_replace('"', '""', trim($m3[1]))))).'"';
$long = "";
/**/$links = "";
if (preg_match_all("/<a href=\\\"([^\\\"]+)\\\"\\s+class=\\\"link-plain\\\"[^>]+>([^<]+)</ims", $res, $m4))
$slinks = '';
for($j=0; $j<count($m4[0]); $j++)
$add = false;
$s = $m4[1][$j];
$titl = str_replace(" ", "_", strtolower($m4[2][$j]))."-";
if ($s == "Poll")
if (strpos($s, "@") !== FALSE)
$add = true;
if (strpos($s, "http://") !== FALSE)
$add = true;
$s = substr($s, strpos($s, "http://"));
if ($add)
if ($links != "")
$links .= ",";
$links .= $titl;
$links .= $s;
$slinks .= '- <a href="'.$s.'">'.ucwords(str_replace("_"," ",trim($titl,"-"))).'</a>'."\r\n";
$links = '"'.$links.'"';
/**/$categories = "";
if (preg_match_all("/title=\\\"[^\\\"]+\\\">([^\\\"]+)<\\/a>( -|)\\s+<\\/span>/ims", $res, $m5))
for($k=0; $k<count($m5[0]); $k++)
$s = $m5[1][$k];
if ($categories != "")
$categories .= ",";
$categories .= $s;
if (preg_match("/class=\\\"link-plain\\\"\\s+href=\\\"([^\\\"]+)\\\">\\s+<span>Download<\\/span>/ims", $res, $m6))
if (strpos($m6[1], "http://") !== FALSE)
$download = substr($m6[1], strpos($m6[1], "http://"));
$tags = '- '.str_replace(',',"\r\n".'- ',$categories);
$ttitle = trim($title,'"');
echo 'title:'.$ttitle."\r\n";
$stitle = str_replace("_","",$ttitle);
$stitle = str_replace("'","",$ttitle);
$stitle = str_replace(" ","",$ttitle);
echo 'stitle:'.$stitle."\r\n";
$slong = trim($long, '"');
$sshort = trim($short, '"');
$linkalive = (is_link_404($download)) ? '' : '(Warning: possible dead-link)';
$linkaliveTag = ($linkalive=='') ? '' : '- Possible-404';
$converter = new HtmlConverter();
$smarkdown = $converter->convert($slong);
$hexo_FILE_OUT = '../source/_posts/'.$stitle.'.md';
echo 'file:'.$hexo_FILE_OUT;
$template = <<<EOT
title: $ttitle
date: 2016-06-21 17:46:46
{% alert info no-icon %}
{% endalert %}
<!-- more -->
### Links:
### Download: $download $linkalive
file_put_contents($hexo_FILE_OUT, $template);
$template = '';
file_put_contents($FILE_OUT, "$title;$short;$long;$links;$categories;$download\r\n", FILE_APPEND);
echo "Ok.\n";
We can't make this file beautiful and searchable because it's too large.
"AAC Keys";"AAC Keys is a keyboard and mouse emulation program for Microsoft Windows-based and Macintosh computers. AAC Keys receives commands through your computer's serial port and translates them into keystrokes and mouse movements, giving you full control of your computer from another device such as an AAC system. (If your computer has only USB ports, an inexpensive adapter is available.)";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:</h2><p><br /></p><p>AAC Keys is a keyboard and mouse emulation program for Microsoft Windows-based and <strong>Macintosh</strong> computers. </p> <p>AAC Keys receives commands through your computer's serial port and translates them into keystrokes and mouse moves, giving you full control of your computer from another device. AAC Keys implements the common <a href=""/web/20150711141053/""><strong>GIDEI</strong></a> (General Input Device Emulating Interface) commands (see below). </p> <p>AAC Keys has been designed to work with Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT 4, and Windows 2000 operating systems. </p> <p>A Macintosh version was developed following the introduction of OS X . (Earlier Macintosh operating systems included SerialKeys.) The Macintosh version was developed by computer science students at <strong><a href=""/web/20150711141053/"">Millersville University of Pennsylvania</a></strong> under the supervision of <a href=""/web/20150711141053/""><strong>Dr. Blaise Liffick</strong></a>.</p>";"help-,project_home_page-";Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Communication,Using the Mouse;
"Accerciser";"Accerciser is an interactive Python accessibility explorer for the GNOME desktop. It uses AT-SPI to inspect and control widgets, allowing you to check if an application is providing correct information to assistive technologies and automated test frameworks.";"<p>This is to announce the first development release of Accerciser for the 1.4.0 (GNOME 2.24) cycle.</p><p></p><p>Accerciser has a simple plug-in framework which you can use to create custom views of accessibility information.</p><p> </p><p>Accerciser is also the first GNOME module, if ordered alphabetically.</p><p> </p><p>==============</p><p>Version 1.3.1</p><p>==============</p><p></p><p>What's new</p><p>==========</p><p>- Implement save functionality, thanks Brian Merrell.</p><p>- Quick select works better for finding accessible under mouse.</p><p>- Check pyatspi version.</p><p></p><p>New And Updated Translations</p><p>============================</p><p>- David Lodge (en_GB)</p><p>- Jorge González (es)</p><p>- Kjartan Maraas (nb)</p><p>- Laurent Dhima (sq)</p><p>Downloading Accerciser</p><p>======================</p><p><a href=""/web/20081006100655/""></a></p><p><a href=""/web/20081006100655/""></a></p>";"";General Tools,General Tools;
"Accessible BBC Listen Again";"The British Broadcast Company (BBC) allows people to listen to vast quantities of their radio output up to a week after it is first broadcast on one of their dozens of radio stations. This service, called Listen Again, relies on a web browser interface that might be difficult for some users, especially people with screen readers. Accessible BBC Listen Again allows you to access the BBC's Listen Again content through a truly accessible interface designed to work with any screen reader.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:</h2><p><br /></p><p>Select programmes and stations with the cursor keys and listen to them at your leisure. You get easy and simple access to hours of programming, including the ever-popular ""The Archers"" and ""In Touch"". </p><p>The new version (2.1) lets you access all of the Listen Again content among many other improvements (thanks to everyone for their suggestions!) It does still require that you have already installed <a title=""BBC version of RealPlayer"" href=""/web/20100610102158/"">RealPlayer from Real</a>. The copyright of the BBC recordings is unchanged: you are simply accessing them through a more accessible presentation of their own website. Version 2.1 should work better on more machines: several users contacted me with problems with 2.0</p>";"project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"Accessible Radio";"Accessible Radio is a way to listen to radio stations on the internet that is easy and simple to use and is designed to work with any screen reader.";"<p>Accessible Radio lets you listen to any of the BBC Radio stations.<br /></p>";"project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"Accessible RSS";"Interested in keeping up with the headlines and newspapers? A new technology called RSS has recently taken the Internet by storm. Websites provide ""feeds"" of their latest stories and headlines, and you can get these simple lists, updated every few minutes. Accessible RSS is an accessible application that lets you access these RSS feeds. NOTE: Accessible RSS is now included in the WebbIE3 installation.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:</h2><p><strong>Accessible RSS</strong> is an accessible application that lets you access these RSS feeds. It displays the headlines from web pages that support RSS. At present four sites (the BBC, the Daily Mail, the Guardian and the Daily Telegraph) are supported, but you can add your own if you find a site with an RSS feed. If you have WebbIE you can press return on a story to launch WebbIE with that story page, but you do not need WebbIE to read the feeds. If you do not have WebbIE the story will be shown in Internet Explorer</p> <ul><li><a title=""Installer for AccessibleRSS and WebbIE"" href=""/web/20140608112049/"">WebbIE 3 Installer</a> - includes the latest Accessible RSS News Reader.</li></ul> <p>You are likely to find that some feeds don't work: this may be because the feed is not valid. You can check the feed's validity at the <a href=""/web/20140608112049/"">Feed Validator service</a>.</p>";"project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"Accessible Web Directory";"This simple program lets you explore the DMOZ web directory, a catalogue of good websites. NOTE: Accessible Web Directory is now included in the WebbIE3 installation.";"<p>This simple program lets you explore the <a href=""/web/20140623052956/"">DMOZ web directory</a>, a catalogue of good websites. It's an alternative way to find web pages of interest. Simply explore categories of web pages and when you find one you like in the catalogue Accessible Web Directory will open it in your default web browser.</p>";"help-,project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"AccessiblePodcatcher";"AccessiblePodcatcher (formerly AccessiblePodcaster) is a simple way for blind and screen reader users to use podcasts.";;"help-,project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"ACollab";"ACollab is an accessible, open source, multi-group, Web-based collaborative work environment. Group member, group administrator, and system administrator tools are all compliant with international accessibility standards (WCAG 1.0, Section 508 US) so people with disabilities can participate fully in collaborative and administrative activities.";"<p>ACollab is available as a work groups <strong>addon for ATutor 1.4+</strong> , and as a standalone collaborative work environment that will run on its own. ACollab is ideal for groups working at a distance developing documentation, collaborating on research, or writing joint papers, and ideal for online educators who wish to add group learning activities to their ATutor courses. A <a href=""acollab/demo.php"">demo</a> and <a href=""acollab/download.php"">download</a> are available if you want to learn more. Or, read on for a list of <a href=""portal_factory#features"">ACollab features</a>.</p><h2 class=""Heading""></h2><h2 class=""Heading"">ACollab Features: </h2><ul><li><strong>Document Drafting Room</strong>: Group members can work within a Web-based document versioning system, collaborating on document development and publication. Documents developed in the Drafting Room can be transferred to the Shared Documents Library once finalized. </li><li><strong>Shared Documents Library</strong>: Group members can submit documents to the library, from which other group members, or public members, can retrieve those documents for viewing or downloading. </li><li><strong>Events Calendar</strong>: Events can be posted to the calendar by all group members, to announce activities, meetings, due dates, or other group related happenings. </li><li><strong>News &amp; Announcements</strong>: Group administrators, or system administrators, can post news to be presented to users when they first login to a group. </li><li><strong>Group Membership Index</strong>: Group members can view other group members' profiles and contact information. </li><li><strong>Mail Inbox</strong>: Members can communicate with each other privately. </li><li><strong>AChat-PHP</strong>: Accessible synchronous communication is possible between group members, ideal for online meetings or group socializing. </li><li><strong>AForum</strong>: AForum is an enhanced version for the ATutor forums. Members post message for others to retrieve later. Forums can be set to read only, reply only, as open discussion, or can be hidden from view. </li><li><strong>Multi-Lingual Interface</strong>: Language can be modified by system administrators, or new language packs can be created using the translation tools. </li><li><strong>Accessibility Compliance</strong>: Group member, group administrator, and system administrator tools are all compliant with international accessibility standards (WCAG 1.0, Section 508 US) so people with disabilities can participate fully in collaborative and administrative activities. </li><li><strong>Group Leaders</strong>: Create chat transcripts, define folders for sorting documents, assign group membership roles, create and manage forums, create mailing lists, post news and announcements, and manage group members. </li><li><strong>System Administrator</strong>: Create and manage groups, manage the system languages, and manage all users on a system. </li></ul><p><br /></p>";"help-,project_home_page-,support-";Educational and Learning,Text input Projects,Alternative Access,Learning and Education;
"Acomm";"AComm is an accessible Java-based Instant Messaging and Whiteboard tool. It has been designed to allow assistive technology users to participate in synchronous Internet-based communication activities that have traditionally been inaccessible to them.";"<p><br /></p><h2 class=""Heading"">AComm Features</h2><ul type=""none""><li>User can login to an existing Jabber account or sign up for a new one. </li><li>Roster provides ""presence"" information for contacts. </li><li>Users can participate in private or group chat/whiteboard sessions </li><li>Text chat window and optional whiteboard </li><li>Participant list on demand. </li><li>A variety of whiteboard drawing tools are available </li><li>Peer description allows any participant to describe the drawn objects. Anti-collision feature ensures one describer per object. </li><li>Accessibility options <ul><li>Option to play sound effect when a new message arrives. </li><li>Keyboard drawing checkbox </li><li>Manual refresh checkbox </li><li>Show only new checkbox </li><li>Newest message first checkbox </li></ul></li><li>Keyboard enabled drawing lets users use some features of the whiteboard without a mouse. </li><li>Save and open palette feature lets users create and describe pictures beforehand. </li></ul><h2 class=""Heading"">Requirements</h2><ul type=""none""><li><p>AComm is a Java application and requires that a Java Runtime Environment be installed on system it is running on.</p></li></ul>";"help-,project_home_page-,support-";Educational and Learning,General Tools,Accessing the Web,Alternative Access,Learning and Education;
"Acta";"Acta is an outline processor. It lets you organize just about anything -- reports, ideas, lists, projects, graphics -- in the form of an outline, where topics have subtopics.";;"help-,project_home_page-";Educational and Learning,General Tools,Other function,Learning and Education,General Tools,Other need;
"Agrip";"The of this project aim is to provide access to the mainstream gaming community not by producing specialist ""accessible games"" but by making mainstream games - and their associated extension and development tools - accessible. Downloads include an accessible version of Quake, the popular PC game.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the Authors:</h2><p><br />Over the past two years, AGRIP has developed an accessible version of Quake and <a href=""QuakeWorld"">QuakeWorld</a> which allows both single and multi-player games, including the collection of online player statistics. In the future we will add immersive 3D audio and level editing facilities - in addition to the gameplay modifications that are currently possible. At each milestone in the project, we make public releases of our software. </p><p>This page explains the history of the project and the technology involved in more detail. </p><p><strong>Contents:</strong> </p><ol start=""1""><li><a href=""portal_factory#head-a109afc74ec61374e55528b64d6c44ed4cde9829"">About the AGRIP Project</a> </li><li><a href=""portal_factory#head-cc42005755cbb0352a9cb9296a18505325e861d4"">About our Games</a> </li><li><a href=""portal_factory#head-203a06f9c01fc67c10338007e44e4149dc980caf"">The Technology we Use</a> </li></ol><p></p><h2 id=""head-a109afc74ec61374e55528b64d6c44ed4cde9829"">About the AGRIP Project</h2><p>Accessible Gaming Rendering Independence Possible (you can see why we shorten it to ""AGRIP""!) was started in May 2003 with the goal of making a mainstream first-person shooter game for the sighted accessible. It was founded by <a href=""MatthewAtkinson"">MatthewAtkinson</a> and <a href=""SabahattinGucukoglu"">SabahattinGucukoglu</a>. This section provides all sorts of information about the project. It is split into the following sections: </p><ul><li><p><a href=""ProjectInfoSection/ProjectRationale"">/ProjectRationale</a> - all about what we're doing and why we're doing it. </p></li><li><p><a href=""ProjectInfoSection/TheRoadmap"">/TheRoadmap</a> - our plans for development - posted here so you can contact us with suggestions on how to improve them. </p></li><li><p><a href=""ProjectInfoSection/TheLogo"">/TheLogo</a> - description and explanation of the logo, plus an audio version of it. </p></li><li><p><a href=""ProjectInfoSection/OnlineShop"">/OnlineShop</a> - information on how to show your support for the project, by wearing an AGRIP T-Shirt. </p></li></ul><p>If you've got any suggestions for further topics that could be added to this page (or others), feel free to either add them in yourself or <a href=""ContactUs"">ContactUs</a> with your suggestions. </p><h2 id=""head-cc42005755cbb0352a9cb9296a18505325e861d4"">About our Games</h2><p>For more information about the software on offer here, you can visit the start pages for each game: </p><ul><li><p><a href=""AccessibleQuake"">AccessibleQuake</a> - the original mainstream game made accessible </p></li><li><p><a href=""AudioQuake"">AudioQuake</a> - the next generation Internet <a href=""AudioGame"">AudioGame</a> </p></li></ul><p></p><h2 id=""head-203a06f9c01fc67c10338007e44e4149dc980caf"">The Technology we Use</h2><p>The world of game technology is a very interesting one. Here are links to some pages on the Wiki that you can use to start exploring and learning about the various bits and pieces fit together: </p><ul><li><p><a href=""GameStructure"">GameStructure</a> </p></li><li><p><a href=""GameEngine"">GameEngine</a> </p></li><li><p><a href=""GameCode"">GameCode</a> </p></li><li><p><a href=""QuakeC"">QuakeC</a> </p></li><li><p><a href=""AudioGame"">AudioGame</a> </p></li><li><p><a href=""ImplicitAccessibility"">ImplicitAccessibility</a> </p></li></ul><p><br /></p>";"help-,,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-,support-";Computer Automation,General Tools,Alternative Access,General Tools;
"Amaya";"Amaya is a complete Open Source accessible web browsing and authoring environment from WC3";"<p><br /></p><h2>W3C's Editor/Browser</h2><p>Amaya is a Web editor, i.e. a tool used to create and update documents directly on the Web. Browsing features are seamlessly integrated with the editing and remote access features in a uniform environment. This follows the original vision of the Web as a space for collaboration and not just a one-way publishing medium.</p><p>Work on Amaya started at W3C in 1996 to showcase Web technologies in a fully-featured Web client. The main motivation for developing Amaya was to provide a framework that can integrate as many W3C technologies as possible. It is used to demonstrate these technologies in action while taking advantage of their combination in a single, consistent environment.</p><p>Amaya started as an HTML + CSS style sheets editor. Since that time it was extended to support XML and an increasing number of XML applications such as the XHTML family, MathML, and SVG. It allows all those vocabularies to be edited simultaneously in compound documents.</p><p>Amaya includes a collaborative annotation application based on Resource Description Framework (<a href=""RDF/"">RDF</a>), XLink, and XPointer. Visit the <a href=""2001/Annotea/"">Annotea project</a> home page.</p><h2>Amaya - Open Source</h2><p>Amaya is an <a href=""/web/20100919093150/"">open source</a> software project hosted by W3C. You are invited to <a href=""Actors.html#contribute"">contribute</a> in many forms (documentation, translation, writing code, fixing bugs, porting to other platforms...).</p><p>The Amaya software is written in C and is available for Windows, Unix platforms and MacOS X.</p><h2>Amaya Team</h2><p>The application is jointly developed by W3C and the <a href=""/web/20100919093150/"">WAM</a> (Web, Adaptation and Multimedia) project at <a href=""/web/20100919093150/"">INRIA</a>. The core team includes: Irène Vatton (Project lead, INRIA), Laurent Carcone (W3C), Vincent Quint (INRIA).</p>";"help-,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-,support-";General Tools,Accessing the Web,General Tools;
"AMIS";"AMIS is a software program that you can use to read DAISY books. AMIS is a multilingual player for reading books complying with DAISY standards.";;"help-,,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-;group_id=86978&amp;func=browse,support-";Text to Speech,Alternative Access,Learning and Education;
"Another Lens";"Another Lens displays a magnified view of the area of the mouse cursor. Quite handy, for example, for drawing software.";;"help-,project_home_page-";Other function,Other need;
"ARASAAC Pictograms";"A free (CC-BY-NC-SA) resource of around 5000 colour and black &amp; white pictographic symbols from Catedu and the Aragonese Portal of Augmentative and Alternative Communication in Spain.";"<h2>From the authors:</h2><p>The ARASAAC portal offers graphic resources and materials to facilitate communication for those with some sort of problem in this area. <br /></p><h2>OATSoft comment:<br /></h2><p>This is an increasingly popular and widely used AAC resource, and the symbol file libraries are available with the file names translated into a growing number of languages. The file format provided is 500 pixels high PNG. Though the number of files is quite large, there is a fair amount of redundancy due to numerous duplication of symbols labelled with different names.<br /></p>";"project_home_page-";Symbol Library,Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Educational and Learning,Communication,Symbols,Learning and Education;
"at-spi";"at-spi (assistive technology service provider interface) is the primary assistive technology infrastructure for the Solaris and Linux operating environments.";"<p> Applications and toolkits supporting the AT-SPI include the GNOME GTK+ toolkit, the Java platform's Swing toolkit, OpenOffice, and Mozilla.</p><p>A second download is at:</p><p></p><p><a href=""/web/20081205083430/""></a><br /><br /></p>";"contact_address-mailto:Li.Yuan@Sun.COM,project_home_page-";General Tools,General Tools;
"atk";"The interface definitions of accessibility infrastructure. (GNOME)";"<p>Second download at</p><p><a href=""/web/20081205065700/""></a><br /></p>";"help-,contact_address-mailto:Li.Yuan@Sun.COM,project_home_page-";General Tools,General Tools;
"Atutor";"ATutor is an Open Source Web-based Learning Content Management System (LCMS) designed with accessibility and adaptability in mind.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">ATutor Features</h2><ul><li><strong>Accessibility</strong>: ATutor was designed with accessibility as a priority. A wide range of features ensure assistive technology users can participate fully in learner, instructor, and administrative activities. </li><li><strong>My Courses</strong> : Instructors and students can manage the ATutor courses they teach and/or are enrolled in. </li><li><strong>Adaptive Navigation</strong>: Learners can move through ATutor content using global, hierarchical, or sequential navigation tools. Navigation elements can be displayed as text, icons, or both text and icons, and they can be hidden to simplify the environment. </li><li><strong>Work Groups</strong>: When the ACollab add-on is installed on an ATutor system, learners can collaborate with others on course projects, communicate as a group with the forums and chat, share resources using their group library, schedule activities with the events calendar, and work together on project documents through the drafting room. Exercises or assignments can submitted to the group leader, or course instructor. </li><li><strong>Feedback</strong>: Following an action (such as saving preference settings, or posting a message), feedback is given on the status of the operation. This could be a success message, warnings to consider, or errors to fix. </li><li><strong>Preference Settings</strong>: Learners can control ATutor features and the theme ATutor is presented in. </li><li><strong>Communication Tools</strong>: Learners can communicate with others using ATutor's private mail, the discussion forums, the chat rooms, or the ""User's Online"" tool. Threads and messages can be sorted in a variety of ways. Students can communicate with those in other courses through shared forum, or a community forum. Subscribe to forums or topic threads to have forum messages sent by email. </li><li><strong>Content Package Viewer</strong>: Learners can export content from ATutor as Content Packages that can be viewed offline in the accompanying viewer. </li><li><strong>Content Tracker</strong>: Learners can keep track of the content pages they have visited. </li><li><strong>Test Manager</strong>: Learners can take tests, review test results, and keep track of their scores. </li><li><strong>Glossary</strong>: Words and phrases added to the glossary by the instructor, can be accessed from terms embedded within content pages, or viewed alphabetically in their entirety using the Glossary tool. </li><li><strong>Links Database</strong>: Each course has a tool for collecting links to course related Web-based information. Both students and instructors can add links. Instructors can also manage them. </li><li><strong>Course Search</strong>: A search engine allows learners to search course content. Search for courses in the course catalogue. </li><li><strong>TILE Repository Search</strong>: Learners can <a href=""/web/20131007203459/"">search the TILE learning objects repository</a> for content related to the topics they are studying, and download content packages for viewing offline. </li>Instructors<br /></ul>";"help-,,project_home_page-,support-";Educational and Learning,Learning and Education;
"Audio Enriched Links";"Audio Enriched Links provide previews of linked web pages to users with visual impairments.";;"help-,,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-;group_id=65529&amp;func=browse";Other function,Viewing the screen;
"AutoHotKey";"An open source macro style program that can re-map the mouse, keyboard and joystick functions as well as automate pretty much anything!";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:<br /></h2><p class=""size110"">AutoHotkey is a free, open-source utility for Windows. With it, you can:</p> <ul class=""size110""><li>Automate almost anything by sending keystrokes and mouse clicks. You can write a <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">mouse or keyboard macro</a> by hand or use the macro recorder.</li><li>Create <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">hotkeys</a> for keyboard, joystick, and mouse. Virtually any key, button, or combination can become a hotkey.</li><li><a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">Expand abbreviations</a> as you type them. For example, typing ""btw"" can automatically produce ""by the way"".</li><li>Create custom data entry forms, user interfaces, and menu bars. See <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">GUI</a> for details.</li><li><a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">Remap</a> keys and buttons on your keyboard, joystick, and mouse.</li><li>Respond to signals from hand-held remote controls via the <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">WinLIRC client script</a>.</li><li>Run existing AutoIt v2 scripts and enhance them with <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">new capabilities</a>.</li><li>Convert any script into an <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">EXE file</a> that can be run on computers that don't have AutoHotkey installed.</li></ul> <p class=""size110"">Getting started might be easier than you think. Check out the <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">quick-start tutorial</a>.<br /><br /></p><h2 class=""Heading"">OATS Comments:</h2><p>This is a fantastic resource for assistive technology!  It really unleashes the power of your PC and helps set it up to your exact requirements.  It's a bit technical to get into, but once into it it is easy - there are some great examples too.</p><p><br /></p><h2 class=""Heading"">More About Hotkeys</h2> <p>AutoHotkey unleashes the full potential of your keyboard, joystick, and mouse. For example, in addition to the typical Control, Alt, and Shift modifiers, you can use the Windows key and the Capslock key as modifiers. In fact, you can make any key or mouse button act as a modifier. For these and other capabilities, see <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">Advanced Hotkeys</a>.</p> <h3 class=""Subheading"">Other Features</h3> <ul><li class=""li2"">Change the volume, mute, and other <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">settings</a> of any soundcard.</li><li class=""li2"">Make any window <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">transparent</a>, <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">always-on-top</a>, or alter its <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">shape</a>.</li><li class=""li2""> Use a <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">joystick</a> or <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">keyboard</a> as a mouse.</li><li class=""li2""><a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">Monitor</a> your system. For example, close unwanted windows the moment they appear.</li><li class=""li2"">Retrieve and change the <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">clipboard's contents</a>, including file names copied from an Explorer window.</li><li class=""li2""><a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">Disable or override</a> Windows' own shortcut keys such as Win+E and Win+R.</li><li class=""li2"">Alleviate RSI with substitutes for <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">Alt-Tab</a> (using keys, mouse wheel, or buttons).</li><li class=""li2"">Customize the <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">tray icon menu</a> with your own icon, tooltip, menu items, and submenus.</li><li class=""li2"">Display <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">dialog boxes</a>, <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">tooltips</a>, <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">balloon tips</a>, and <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">popup menus</a> to interact with the user.</li><li class=""li2"">Perform scripted actions in <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">response</a> to system shutdown or logoff.</li><li class=""li2"">Detect how long the user has been <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">idle</a>. For example, run CPU intensive tasks only when the user is away.</li><li class=""li2"">Automate game actions by detecting <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">images</a> and <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">pixel colors</a>.</li><li class=""li2""><a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">Read</a>, <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">write</a>, and <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">parse</a> text files more easily than in other languages.</li><li class=""li2"">Perform operation(s) upon a set of files that match a <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">wildcard pattern</a>.</li><li class=""li2"">Work with the <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">registry</a> and <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">INI files</a>.</li></ul>";"help-,,project_home_page-,support-";Computer Automation,Other function,Using the Mouse,Alternative Access,Other need;
"AutoIT";"AutoIt v3 is a freeware BASIC-like scripting language designed for automating the Windows GUI and general scripting. It uses a combination of simulated keystrokes, mouse movement and window/control manipulation in order to automate tasks in a way not possible or reliable with other languages (e.g. VBScript and SendKeys). AutoIt is also very small, self-contained and will run on 95, 98, ME, NT4, 2000, XP, 2003 out of the box with no annoying ""runtimes"" required! You can even make compiled executable scripts that can run without AutoIt being installed!";"<h2 class=""Heading"">What the authors say:<br /></h2><p>AutoIt was initially designed for PC ""roll out"" situations to reliably configure thousands of PCs, but with the arrival of v3 it has become a powerful language able to cope with most scripting needs.</p> <p>AutoIt can: </p><ul><li>Provide a general-purpose scripting language for all Windows versions </li><li>Simulate keystrokes (supports most keyboard layouts)</li><li>Simulate mouse movements and clicks</li><li>Move, resize and manipulate windows</li><li>Interact directly with ""controls"" on a window (set/get text from edit controls, check boxes and radio buttons, select items in drop-down lists, etc.)</li><li>Create complex user interfaces (GUIs) </li><li>Work with the clipboard to cut/paste text items</li><li>Provide a scriptable RunAs function for Windows 2000/XP/2003 </li></ul> <p>Unlike AutoIt2, the new AutoIt v3 language has a much more standard syntax -similar to VBScript and BASIC - and now supports complex expressions, user functions, looping and everything else that veteran scripters would expect.</p> <p>As with previous versions, AutoIt has been designed to be as small as possible (~115KB) and stand-alone with no external .dll files or registry entries required.  Scripts can also be compiled into <em>stand-alone executables</em> with <strong>Aut2Exe</strong>.</p> <p>There will also be updates to the ActiveX and DLL versions of AutoIt called <strong>AutoItX</strong> - unlike v2 this will be a <em>combined control</em> (COM and standard DLL functions in the same DLL).  AutoItX will allow you to add the unique features of AutoIt to your own favourite scripting or programming languages! </p> <p>Best of all, AutoIt continues to be <strong>FREE</strong> - but if you want to support the time, money and effort spent on the project and web hosting then you may donate using the link to your left in the menu.<br /></p><p><br /></p><h2 class=""Heading"">OATS Comments:</h2><p></p><p>AutoIt very powerful scripting software - it will allow you to automate a great number of tasks.  For most end users there will probably be easier to use macro programs, (such as <a title=""AutoHotKey"" href=""resolveuid/79e8d41ffaba8813d198cc52a9aca17f"" target=""_self"">AutoHotKey</a>)  however for some people who want the 'ultimate power' in scripting, this might be appropriate.<br /></p>";"help-,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-,support-";Computer Automation,Other need;
"AutoTextTyper";"AutoTextTyper is a contextual menu plugin that lets you quickly and easily add commonly used text, such as email addresses, web sites, postal addresses, etc... You can then select any of those items from the menu and have them automatically typed into any application that supports contextual menus.";"<p>AutoTextTyper is a contextual menu plugin that lets you quickly and easily add commonly used text, such as email addresses, web sites, postal addresses, company names, form letters, and more, to a list of items in a contextual menu. You can also have the current date and/or time typed. You can then select any of those items from the menu and have them automatically typed into any application that supports contextual menus. You can also associate a key combination (a Hot Key) with a macro and use that Hot Key to invoke the macro.</p>";"help-,project_home_page-";Computer Automation,Text input Projects;
"AAC Keys";"AAC Keys is a keyboard and mouse emulation program for Microsoft Windows-based and Macintosh computers. AAC Keys receives commands through your computer's serial port and translates them into keystrokes and mouse movements, giving you full control of your computer from another device such as an AAC system. (If your computer has only USB ports, an inexpensive adapter is available.)";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:</h2><p><br /></p><p>AAC Keys is a keyboard and mouse emulation program for Microsoft Windows-based and <strong>Macintosh</strong> computers. </p> <p>AAC Keys receives commands through your computer's serial port and translates them into keystrokes and mouse moves, giving you full control of your computer from another device. AAC Keys implements the common <a href=""/web/20150711141053/""><strong>GIDEI</strong></a> (General Input Device Emulating Interface) commands (see below). </p> <p>AAC Keys has been designed to work with Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT 4, and Windows 2000 operating systems. </p> <p>A Macintosh version was developed following the introduction of OS X . (Earlier Macintosh operating systems included SerialKeys.) The Macintosh version was developed by computer science students at <strong><a href=""/web/20150711141053/"">Millersville University of Pennsylvania</a></strong> under the supervision of <a href=""/web/20150711141053/""><strong>Dr. Blaise Liffick</strong></a>.</p>";"help-,project_home_page-";Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Communication,Using the Mouse;
"Accerciser";"Accerciser is an interactive Python accessibility explorer for the GNOME desktop. It uses AT-SPI to inspect and control widgets, allowing you to check if an application is providing correct information to assistive technologies and automated test frameworks.";"<p>This is to announce the first development release of Accerciser for the 1.4.0 (GNOME 2.24) cycle.</p><p></p><p>Accerciser has a simple plug-in framework which you can use to create custom views of accessibility information.</p><p> </p><p>Accerciser is also the first GNOME module, if ordered alphabetically.</p><p> </p><p>==============</p><p>Version 1.3.1</p><p>==============</p><p></p><p>What's new</p><p>==========</p><p>- Implement save functionality, thanks Brian Merrell.</p><p>- Quick select works better for finding accessible under mouse.</p><p>- Check pyatspi version.</p><p></p><p>New And Updated Translations</p><p>============================</p><p>- David Lodge (en_GB)</p><p>- Jorge González (es)</p><p>- Kjartan Maraas (nb)</p><p>- Laurent Dhima (sq)</p><p>Downloading Accerciser</p><p>======================</p><p><a href=""/web/20081006100655/""></a></p><p><a href=""/web/20081006100655/""></a></p>";"";General Tools,General Tools;
"AAC Keys";"AAC Keys is a keyboard and mouse emulation program for Microsoft Windows-based and Macintosh computers. AAC Keys receives commands through your computer's serial port and translates them into keystrokes and mouse movements, giving you full control of your computer from another device such as an AAC system. (If your computer has only USB ports, an inexpensive adapter is available.)";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:</h2><p><br /></p><p>AAC Keys is a keyboard and mouse emulation program for Microsoft Windows-based and <strong>Macintosh</strong> computers. </p> <p>AAC Keys receives commands through your computer's serial port and translates them into keystrokes and mouse moves, giving you full control of your computer from another device. AAC Keys implements the common <a href=""/web/20150711141053/""><strong>GIDEI</strong></a> (General Input Device Emulating Interface) commands (see below). </p> <p>AAC Keys has been designed to work with Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT 4, and Windows 2000 operating systems. </p> <p>A Macintosh version was developed following the introduction of OS X . (Earlier Macintosh operating systems included SerialKeys.) The Macintosh version was developed by computer science students at <strong><a href=""/web/20150711141053/"">Millersville University of Pennsylvania</a></strong> under the supervision of <a href=""/web/20150711141053/""><strong>Dr. Blaise Liffick</strong></a>.</p>";"help-,project_home_page-";Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Communication,Using the Mouse;
"Accerciser";"Accerciser is an interactive Python accessibility explorer for the GNOME desktop. It uses AT-SPI to inspect and control widgets, allowing you to check if an application is providing correct information to assistive technologies and automated test frameworks.";"<p>This is to announce the first development release of Accerciser for the 1.4.0 (GNOME 2.24) cycle.</p><p></p><p>Accerciser has a simple plug-in framework which you can use to create custom views of accessibility information.</p><p> </p><p>Accerciser is also the first GNOME module, if ordered alphabetically.</p><p> </p><p>==============</p><p>Version 1.3.1</p><p>==============</p><p></p><p>What's new</p><p>==========</p><p>- Implement save functionality, thanks Brian Merrell.</p><p>- Quick select works better for finding accessible under mouse.</p><p>- Check pyatspi version.</p><p></p><p>New And Updated Translations</p><p>============================</p><p>- David Lodge (en_GB)</p><p>- Jorge González (es)</p><p>- Kjartan Maraas (nb)</p><p>- Laurent Dhima (sq)</p><p>Downloading Accerciser</p><p>======================</p><p><a href=""/web/20081006100655/""></a></p><p><a href=""/web/20081006100655/""></a></p>";"";General Tools,General Tools;
"Accessible BBC Listen Again";"The British Broadcast Company (BBC) allows people to listen to vast quantities of their radio output up to a week after it is first broadcast on one of their dozens of radio stations. This service, called Listen Again, relies on a web browser interface that might be difficult for some users, especially people with screen readers. Accessible BBC Listen Again allows you to access the BBC's Listen Again content through a truly accessible interface designed to work with any screen reader.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:</h2><p><br /></p><p>Select programmes and stations with the cursor keys and listen to them at your leisure. You get easy and simple access to hours of programming, including the ever-popular ""The Archers"" and ""In Touch"". </p><p>The new version (2.1) lets you access all of the Listen Again content among many other improvements (thanks to everyone for their suggestions!) It does still require that you have already installed <a title=""BBC version of RealPlayer"" href=""/web/20100610102158/"">RealPlayer from Real</a>. The copyright of the BBC recordings is unchanged: you are simply accessing them through a more accessible presentation of their own website. Version 2.1 should work better on more machines: several users contacted me with problems with 2.0</p>";"project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"Accessible Radio";"Accessible Radio is a way to listen to radio stations on the internet that is easy and simple to use and is designed to work with any screen reader.";"<p>Accessible Radio lets you listen to any of the BBC Radio stations.<br /></p>";"project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"Accessible RSS";"Interested in keeping up with the headlines and newspapers? A new technology called RSS has recently taken the Internet by storm. Websites provide ""feeds"" of their latest stories and headlines, and you can get these simple lists, updated every few minutes. Accessible RSS is an accessible application that lets you access these RSS feeds. NOTE: Accessible RSS is now included in the WebbIE3 installation.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:</h2><p><strong>Accessible RSS</strong> is an accessible application that lets you access these RSS feeds. It displays the headlines from web pages that support RSS. At present four sites (the BBC, the Daily Mail, the Guardian and the Daily Telegraph) are supported, but you can add your own if you find a site with an RSS feed. If you have WebbIE you can press return on a story to launch WebbIE with that story page, but you do not need WebbIE to read the feeds. If you do not have WebbIE the story will be shown in Internet Explorer</p> <ul><li><a title=""Installer for AccessibleRSS and WebbIE"" href=""/web/20140608112049/"">WebbIE 3 Installer</a> - includes the latest Accessible RSS News Reader.</li></ul> <p>You are likely to find that some feeds don't work: this may be because the feed is not valid. You can check the feed's validity at the <a href=""/web/20140608112049/"">Feed Validator service</a>.</p>";"project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"Accessible Web Directory";"This simple program lets you explore the DMOZ web directory, a catalogue of good websites. NOTE: Accessible Web Directory is now included in the WebbIE3 installation.";"<p>This simple program lets you explore the <a href=""/web/20140623052956/"">DMOZ web directory</a>, a catalogue of good websites. It's an alternative way to find web pages of interest. Simply explore categories of web pages and when you find one you like in the catalogue Accessible Web Directory will open it in your default web browser.</p>";"help-,project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"AccessiblePodcatcher";"AccessiblePodcatcher (formerly AccessiblePodcaster) is a simple way for blind and screen reader users to use podcasts.";;"help-,project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"ACollab";"ACollab is an accessible, open source, multi-group, Web-based collaborative work environment. Group member, group administrator, and system administrator tools are all compliant with international accessibility standards (WCAG 1.0, Section 508 US) so people with disabilities can participate fully in collaborative and administrative activities.";"<p>ACollab is available as a work groups <strong>addon for ATutor 1.4+</strong> , and as a standalone collaborative work environment that will run on its own. ACollab is ideal for groups working at a distance developing documentation, collaborating on research, or writing joint papers, and ideal for online educators who wish to add group learning activities to their ATutor courses. A <a href=""acollab/demo.php"">demo</a> and <a href=""acollab/download.php"">download</a> are available if you want to learn more. Or, read on for a list of <a href=""portal_factory#features"">ACollab features</a>.</p><h2 class=""Heading""></h2><h2 class=""Heading"">ACollab Features: </h2><ul><li><strong>Document Drafting Room</strong>: Group members can work within a Web-based document versioning system, collaborating on document development and publication. Documents developed in the Drafting Room can be transferred to the Shared Documents Library once finalized. </li><li><strong>Shared Documents Library</strong>: Group members can submit documents to the library, from which other group members, or public members, can retrieve those documents for viewing or downloading. </li><li><strong>Events Calendar</strong>: Events can be posted to the calendar by all group members, to announce activities, meetings, due dates, or other group related happenings. </li><li><strong>News &amp; Announcements</strong>: Group administrators, or system administrators, can post news to be presented to users when they first login to a group. </li><li><strong>Group Membership Index</strong>: Group members can view other group members' profiles and contact information. </li><li><strong>Mail Inbox</strong>: Members can communicate with each other privately. </li><li><strong>AChat-PHP</strong>: Accessible synchronous communication is possible between group members, ideal for online meetings or group socializing. </li><li><strong>AForum</strong>: AForum is an enhanced version for the ATutor forums. Members post message for others to retrieve later. Forums can be set to read only, reply only, as open discussion, or can be hidden from view. </li><li><strong>Multi-Lingual Interface</strong>: Language can be modified by system administrators, or new language packs can be created using the translation tools. </li><li><strong>Accessibility Compliance</strong>: Group member, group administrator, and system administrator tools are all compliant with international accessibility standards (WCAG 1.0, Section 508 US) so people with disabilities can participate fully in collaborative and administrative activities. </li><li><strong>Group Leaders</strong>: Create chat transcripts, define folders for sorting documents, assign group membership roles, create and manage forums, create mailing lists, post news and announcements, and manage group members. </li><li><strong>System Administrator</strong>: Create and manage groups, manage the system languages, and manage all users on a system. </li></ul><p><br /></p>";"help-,project_home_page-,support-";Educational and Learning,Text input Projects,Alternative Access,Learning and Education;
"Acomm";"AComm is an accessible Java-based Instant Messaging and Whiteboard tool. It has been designed to allow assistive technology users to participate in synchronous Internet-based communication activities that have traditionally been inaccessible to them.";"<p><br /></p><h2 class=""Heading"">AComm Features</h2><ul type=""none""><li>User can login to an existing Jabber account or sign up for a new one. </li><li>Roster provides ""presence"" information for contacts. </li><li>Users can participate in private or group chat/whiteboard sessions </li><li>Text chat window and optional whiteboard </li><li>Participant list on demand. </li><li>A variety of whiteboard drawing tools are available </li><li>Peer description allows any participant to describe the drawn objects. Anti-collision feature ensures one describer per object. </li><li>Accessibility options <ul><li>Option to play sound effect when a new message arrives. </li><li>Keyboard drawing checkbox </li><li>Manual refresh checkbox </li><li>Show only new checkbox </li><li>Newest message first checkbox </li></ul></li><li>Keyboard enabled drawing lets users use some features of the whiteboard without a mouse. </li><li>Save and open palette feature lets users create and describe pictures beforehand. </li></ul><h2 class=""Heading"">Requirements</h2><ul type=""none""><li><p>AComm is a Java application and requires that a Java Runtime Environment be installed on system it is running on.</p></li></ul>";"help-,project_home_page-,support-";Educational and Learning,General Tools,Accessing the Web,Alternative Access,Learning and Education;
"Acta";"Acta is an outline processor. It lets you organize just about anything -- reports, ideas, lists, projects, graphics -- in the form of an outline, where topics have subtopics.";;"help-,project_home_page-";Educational and Learning,General Tools,Other function,Learning and Education,General Tools,Other need;
"Agrip";"The of this project aim is to provide access to the mainstream gaming community not by producing specialist ""accessible games"" but by making mainstream games - and their associated extension and development tools - accessible. Downloads include an accessible version of Quake, the popular PC game.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the Authors:</h2><p><br />Over the past two years, AGRIP has developed an accessible version of Quake and <a href=""QuakeWorld"">QuakeWorld</a> which allows both single and multi-player games, including the collection of online player statistics. In the future we will add immersive 3D audio and level editing facilities - in addition to the gameplay modifications that are currently possible. At each milestone in the project, we make public releases of our software. </p><p>This page explains the history of the project and the technology involved in more detail. </p><p><strong>Contents:</strong> </p><ol start=""1""><li><a href=""portal_factory#head-a109afc74ec61374e55528b64d6c44ed4cde9829"">About the AGRIP Project</a> </li><li><a href=""portal_factory#head-cc42005755cbb0352a9cb9296a18505325e861d4"">About our Games</a> </li><li><a href=""portal_factory#head-203a06f9c01fc67c10338007e44e4149dc980caf"">The Technology we Use</a> </li></ol><p></p><h2 id=""head-a109afc74ec61374e55528b64d6c44ed4cde9829"">About the AGRIP Project</h2><p>Accessible Gaming Rendering Independence Possible (you can see why we shorten it to ""AGRIP""!) was started in May 2003 with the goal of making a mainstream first-person shooter game for the sighted accessible. It was founded by <a href=""MatthewAtkinson"">MatthewAtkinson</a> and <a href=""SabahattinGucukoglu"">SabahattinGucukoglu</a>. This section provides all sorts of information about the project. It is split into the following sections: </p><ul><li><p><a href=""ProjectInfoSection/ProjectRationale"">/ProjectRationale</a> - all about what we're doing and why we're doing it. </p></li><li><p><a href=""ProjectInfoSection/TheRoadmap"">/TheRoadmap</a> - our plans for development - posted here so you can contact us with suggestions on how to improve them. </p></li><li><p><a href=""ProjectInfoSection/TheLogo"">/TheLogo</a> - description and explanation of the logo, plus an audio version of it. </p></li><li><p><a href=""ProjectInfoSection/OnlineShop"">/OnlineShop</a> - information on how to show your support for the project, by wearing an AGRIP T-Shirt. </p></li></ul><p>If you've got any suggestions for further topics that could be added to this page (or others), feel free to either add them in yourself or <a href=""ContactUs"">ContactUs</a> with your suggestions. </p><h2 id=""head-cc42005755cbb0352a9cb9296a18505325e861d4"">About our Games</h2><p>For more information about the software on offer here, you can visit the start pages for each game: </p><ul><li><p><a href=""AccessibleQuake"">AccessibleQuake</a> - the original mainstream game made accessible </p></li><li><p><a href=""AudioQuake"">AudioQuake</a> - the next generation Internet <a href=""AudioGame"">AudioGame</a> </p></li></ul><p></p><h2 id=""head-203a06f9c01fc67c10338007e44e4149dc980caf"">The Technology we Use</h2><p>The world of game technology is a very interesting one. Here are links to some pages on the Wiki that you can use to start exploring and learning about the various bits and pieces fit together: </p><ul><li><p><a href=""GameStructure"">GameStructure</a> </p></li><li><p><a href=""GameEngine"">GameEngine</a> </p></li><li><p><a href=""GameCode"">GameCode</a> </p></li><li><p><a href=""QuakeC"">QuakeC</a> </p></li><li><p><a href=""AudioGame"">AudioGame</a> </p></li><li><p><a href=""ImplicitAccessibility"">ImplicitAccessibility</a> </p></li></ul><p><br /></p>";"help-,,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-,support-";Computer Automation,General Tools,Alternative Access,General Tools;
"Amaya";"Amaya is a complete Open Source accessible web browsing and authoring environment from WC3";"<p><br /></p><h2>W3C's Editor/Browser</h2><p>Amaya is a Web editor, i.e. a tool used to create and update documents directly on the Web. Browsing features are seamlessly integrated with the editing and remote access features in a uniform environment. This follows the original vision of the Web as a space for collaboration and not just a one-way publishing medium.</p><p>Work on Amaya started at W3C in 1996 to showcase Web technologies in a fully-featured Web client. The main motivation for developing Amaya was to provide a framework that can integrate as many W3C technologies as possible. It is used to demonstrate these technologies in action while taking advantage of their combination in a single, consistent environment.</p><p>Amaya started as an HTML + CSS style sheets editor. Since that time it was extended to support XML and an increasing number of XML applications such as the XHTML family, MathML, and SVG. It allows all those vocabularies to be edited simultaneously in compound documents.</p><p>Amaya includes a collaborative annotation application based on Resource Description Framework (<a href=""RDF/"">RDF</a>), XLink, and XPointer. Visit the <a href=""2001/Annotea/"">Annotea project</a> home page.</p><h2>Amaya - Open Source</h2><p>Amaya is an <a href=""/web/20100919093150/"">open source</a> software project hosted by W3C. You are invited to <a href=""Actors.html#contribute"">contribute</a> in many forms (documentation, translation, writing code, fixing bugs, porting to other platforms...).</p><p>The Amaya software is written in C and is available for Windows, Unix platforms and MacOS X.</p><h2>Amaya Team</h2><p>The application is jointly developed by W3C and the <a href=""/web/20100919093150/"">WAM</a> (Web, Adaptation and Multimedia) project at <a href=""/web/20100919093150/"">INRIA</a>. The core team includes: Irène Vatton (Project lead, INRIA), Laurent Carcone (W3C), Vincent Quint (INRIA).</p>";"help-,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-,support-";General Tools,Accessing the Web,General Tools;
"AMIS";"AMIS is a software program that you can use to read DAISY books. AMIS is a multilingual player for reading books complying with DAISY standards.";;"help-,,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-;group_id=86978&amp;func=browse,support-";Text to Speech,Alternative Access,Learning and Education;
"Another Lens";"Another Lens displays a magnified view of the area of the mouse cursor. Quite handy, for example, for drawing software.";;"help-,project_home_page-";Other function,Other need;
"AAC Keys";"AAC Keys is a keyboard and mouse emulation program for Microsoft Windows-based and Macintosh computers. AAC Keys receives commands through your computer's serial port and translates them into keystrokes and mouse movements, giving you full control of your computer from another device such as an AAC system. (If your computer has only USB ports, an inexpensive adapter is available.)";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:</h2><p><br /></p><p>AAC Keys is a keyboard and mouse emulation program for Microsoft Windows-based and <strong>Macintosh</strong> computers. </p> <p>AAC Keys receives commands through your computer's serial port and translates them into keystrokes and mouse moves, giving you full control of your computer from another device. AAC Keys implements the common <a href=""/web/20150711141053/""><strong>GIDEI</strong></a> (General Input Device Emulating Interface) commands (see below). </p> <p>AAC Keys has been designed to work with Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT 4, and Windows 2000 operating systems. </p> <p>A Macintosh version was developed following the introduction of OS X . (Earlier Macintosh operating systems included SerialKeys.) The Macintosh version was developed by computer science students at <strong><a href=""/web/20150711141053/"">Millersville University of Pennsylvania</a></strong> under the supervision of <a href=""/web/20150711141053/""><strong>Dr. Blaise Liffick</strong></a>.</p>";"help-,project_home_page-";Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Communication,Using the Mouse;
"Accerciser";"Accerciser is an interactive Python accessibility explorer for the GNOME desktop. It uses AT-SPI to inspect and control widgets, allowing you to check if an application is providing correct information to assistive technologies and automated test frameworks.";"<p>This is to announce the first development release of Accerciser for the 1.4.0 (GNOME 2.24) cycle.</p><p></p><p>Accerciser has a simple plug-in framework which you can use to create custom views of accessibility information.</p><p> </p><p>Accerciser is also the first GNOME module, if ordered alphabetically.</p><p> </p><p>==============</p><p>Version 1.3.1</p><p>==============</p><p></p><p>What's new</p><p>==========</p><p>- Implement save functionality, thanks Brian Merrell.</p><p>- Quick select works better for finding accessible under mouse.</p><p>- Check pyatspi version.</p><p></p><p>New And Updated Translations</p><p>============================</p><p>- David Lodge (en_GB)</p><p>- Jorge González (es)</p><p>- Kjartan Maraas (nb)</p><p>- Laurent Dhima (sq)</p><p>Downloading Accerciser</p><p>======================</p><p><a href=""/web/20081006100655/""></a></p><p><a href=""/web/20081006100655/""></a></p>";"";General Tools,General Tools;
"Accessible BBC Listen Again";"The British Broadcast Company (BBC) allows people to listen to vast quantities of their radio output up to a week after it is first broadcast on one of their dozens of radio stations. This service, called Listen Again, relies on a web browser interface that might be difficult for some users, especially people with screen readers. Accessible BBC Listen Again allows you to access the BBC's Listen Again content through a truly accessible interface designed to work with any screen reader.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:</h2><p><br /></p><p>Select programmes and stations with the cursor keys and listen to them at your leisure. You get easy and simple access to hours of programming, including the ever-popular ""The Archers"" and ""In Touch"". </p><p>The new version (2.1) lets you access all of the Listen Again content among many other improvements (thanks to everyone for their suggestions!) It does still require that you have already installed <a title=""BBC version of RealPlayer"" href=""/web/20100610102158/"">RealPlayer from Real</a>. The copyright of the BBC recordings is unchanged: you are simply accessing them through a more accessible presentation of their own website. Version 2.1 should work better on more machines: several users contacted me with problems with 2.0</p>";"project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"AAC Keys";"AAC Keys is a keyboard and mouse emulation program for Microsoft Windows-based and Macintosh computers. AAC Keys receives commands through your computer's serial port and translates them into keystrokes and mouse movements, giving you full control of your computer from another device such as an AAC system. (If your computer has only USB ports, an inexpensive adapter is available.)";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:</h2><p><br /></p><p>AAC Keys is a keyboard and mouse emulation program for Microsoft Windows-based and <strong>Macintosh</strong> computers. </p> <p>AAC Keys receives commands through your computer's serial port and translates them into keystrokes and mouse moves, giving you full control of your computer from another device. AAC Keys implements the common <a href=""/web/20150711141053/""><strong>GIDEI</strong></a> (General Input Device Emulating Interface) commands (see below). </p> <p>AAC Keys has been designed to work with Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT 4, and Windows 2000 operating systems. </p> <p>A Macintosh version was developed following the introduction of OS X . (Earlier Macintosh operating systems included SerialKeys.) The Macintosh version was developed by computer science students at <strong><a href=""/web/20150711141053/"">Millersville University of Pennsylvania</a></strong> under the supervision of <a href=""/web/20150711141053/""><strong>Dr. Blaise Liffick</strong></a>.</p>";"help-,project_home_page-";Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Communication,Using the Mouse;
"Accerciser";"Accerciser is an interactive Python accessibility explorer for the GNOME desktop. It uses AT-SPI to inspect and control widgets, allowing you to check if an application is providing correct information to assistive technologies and automated test frameworks.";"<p>This is to announce the first development release of Accerciser for the 1.4.0 (GNOME 2.24) cycle.</p><p></p><p>Accerciser has a simple plug-in framework which you can use to create custom views of accessibility information.</p><p> </p><p>Accerciser is also the first GNOME module, if ordered alphabetically.</p><p> </p><p>==============</p><p>Version 1.3.1</p><p>==============</p><p></p><p>What's new</p><p>==========</p><p>- Implement save functionality, thanks Brian Merrell.</p><p>- Quick select works better for finding accessible under mouse.</p><p>- Check pyatspi version.</p><p></p><p>New And Updated Translations</p><p>============================</p><p>- David Lodge (en_GB)</p><p>- Jorge González (es)</p><p>- Kjartan Maraas (nb)</p><p>- Laurent Dhima (sq)</p><p>Downloading Accerciser</p><p>======================</p><p><a href=""/web/20081006100655/""></a></p><p><a href=""/web/20081006100655/""></a></p>";"";General Tools,General Tools;
"Accessible BBC Listen Again";"The British Broadcast Company (BBC) allows people to listen to vast quantities of their radio output up to a week after it is first broadcast on one of their dozens of radio stations. This service, called Listen Again, relies on a web browser interface that might be difficult for some users, especially people with screen readers. Accessible BBC Listen Again allows you to access the BBC's Listen Again content through a truly accessible interface designed to work with any screen reader.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:</h2><p><br /></p><p>Select programmes and stations with the cursor keys and listen to them at your leisure. You get easy and simple access to hours of programming, including the ever-popular ""The Archers"" and ""In Touch"". </p><p>The new version (2.1) lets you access all of the Listen Again content among many other improvements (thanks to everyone for their suggestions!) It does still require that you have already installed <a title=""BBC version of RealPlayer"" href=""/web/20100610102158/"">RealPlayer from Real</a>. The copyright of the BBC recordings is unchanged: you are simply accessing them through a more accessible presentation of their own website. Version 2.1 should work better on more machines: several users contacted me with problems with 2.0</p>";"project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"Accessible Radio";"Accessible Radio is a way to listen to radio stations on the internet that is easy and simple to use and is designed to work with any screen reader.";"<p>Accessible Radio lets you listen to any of the BBC Radio stations.<br /></p>";"project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"AAC Keys";"AAC Keys is a keyboard and mouse emulation program for Microsoft Windows-based and Macintosh computers. AAC Keys receives commands through your computer's serial port and translates them into keystrokes and mouse movements, giving you full control of your computer from another device such as an AAC system. (If your computer has only USB ports, an inexpensive adapter is available.)";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:</h2><p><br /></p><p>AAC Keys is a keyboard and mouse emulation program for Microsoft Windows-based and <strong>Macintosh</strong> computers. </p> <p>AAC Keys receives commands through your computer's serial port and translates them into keystrokes and mouse moves, giving you full control of your computer from another device. AAC Keys implements the common <a href=""/web/20150711141053/""><strong>GIDEI</strong></a> (General Input Device Emulating Interface) commands (see below). </p> <p>AAC Keys has been designed to work with Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT 4, and Windows 2000 operating systems. </p> <p>A Macintosh version was developed following the introduction of OS X . (Earlier Macintosh operating systems included SerialKeys.) The Macintosh version was developed by computer science students at <strong><a href=""/web/20150711141053/"">Millersville University of Pennsylvania</a></strong> under the supervision of <a href=""/web/20150711141053/""><strong>Dr. Blaise Liffick</strong></a>.</p>";"help-,project_home_page-";Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Communication,Using the Mouse;
"Accerciser";"Accerciser is an interactive Python accessibility explorer for the GNOME desktop. It uses AT-SPI to inspect and control widgets, allowing you to check if an application is providing correct information to assistive technologies and automated test frameworks.";"<p>This is to announce the first development release of Accerciser for the 1.4.0 (GNOME 2.24) cycle.</p><p></p><p>Accerciser has a simple plug-in framework which you can use to create custom views of accessibility information.</p><p> </p><p>Accerciser is also the first GNOME module, if ordered alphabetically.</p><p> </p><p>==============</p><p>Version 1.3.1</p><p>==============</p><p></p><p>What's new</p><p>==========</p><p>- Implement save functionality, thanks Brian Merrell.</p><p>- Quick select works better for finding accessible under mouse.</p><p>- Check pyatspi version.</p><p></p><p>New And Updated Translations</p><p>============================</p><p>- David Lodge (en_GB)</p><p>- Jorge González (es)</p><p>- Kjartan Maraas (nb)</p><p>- Laurent Dhima (sq)</p><p>Downloading Accerciser</p><p>======================</p><p><a href=""/web/20081006100655/""></a></p><p><a href=""/web/20081006100655/""></a></p>";"";General Tools,General Tools;
"Accessible BBC Listen Again";"The British Broadcast Company (BBC) allows people to listen to vast quantities of their radio output up to a week after it is first broadcast on one of their dozens of radio stations. This service, called Listen Again, relies on a web browser interface that might be difficult for some users, especially people with screen readers. Accessible BBC Listen Again allows you to access the BBC's Listen Again content through a truly accessible interface designed to work with any screen reader.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:</h2><p><br /></p><p>Select programmes and stations with the cursor keys and listen to them at your leisure. You get easy and simple access to hours of programming, including the ever-popular ""The Archers"" and ""In Touch"". </p><p>The new version (2.1) lets you access all of the Listen Again content among many other improvements (thanks to everyone for their suggestions!) It does still require that you have already installed <a title=""BBC version of RealPlayer"" href=""/web/20100610102158/"">RealPlayer from Real</a>. The copyright of the BBC recordings is unchanged: you are simply accessing them through a more accessible presentation of their own website. Version 2.1 should work better on more machines: several users contacted me with problems with 2.0</p>";"project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"Accessible Radio";"Accessible Radio is a way to listen to radio stations on the internet that is easy and simple to use and is designed to work with any screen reader.";"<p>Accessible Radio lets you listen to any of the BBC Radio stations.<br /></p>";"project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"Accessible RSS";"Interested in keeping up with the headlines and newspapers? A new technology called RSS has recently taken the Internet by storm. Websites provide ""feeds"" of their latest stories and headlines, and you can get these simple lists, updated every few minutes. Accessible RSS is an accessible application that lets you access these RSS feeds. NOTE: Accessible RSS is now included in the WebbIE3 installation.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:</h2><p><strong>Accessible RSS</strong> is an accessible application that lets you access these RSS feeds. It displays the headlines from web pages that support RSS. At present four sites (the BBC, the Daily Mail, the Guardian and the Daily Telegraph) are supported, but you can add your own if you find a site with an RSS feed. If you have WebbIE you can press return on a story to launch WebbIE with that story page, but you do not need WebbIE to read the feeds. If you do not have WebbIE the story will be shown in Internet Explorer</p> <ul><li><a title=""Installer for AccessibleRSS and WebbIE"" href=""/web/20140608112049/"">WebbIE 3 Installer</a> - includes the latest Accessible RSS News Reader.</li></ul> <p>You are likely to find that some feeds don't work: this may be because the feed is not valid. You can check the feed's validity at the <a href=""/web/20140608112049/"">Feed Validator service</a>.</p>";"project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"Accessible Web Directory";"This simple program lets you explore the DMOZ web directory, a catalogue of good websites. NOTE: Accessible Web Directory is now included in the WebbIE3 installation.";"<p>This simple program lets you explore the <a href=""/web/20140623052956/"">DMOZ web directory</a>, a catalogue of good websites. It's an alternative way to find web pages of interest. Simply explore categories of web pages and when you find one you like in the catalogue Accessible Web Directory will open it in your default web browser.</p>";"help-,project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"AccessiblePodcatcher";"AccessiblePodcatcher (formerly AccessiblePodcaster) is a simple way for blind and screen reader users to use podcasts.";;"help-,project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"ACollab";"ACollab is an accessible, open source, multi-group, Web-based collaborative work environment. Group member, group administrator, and system administrator tools are all compliant with international accessibility standards (WCAG 1.0, Section 508 US) so people with disabilities can participate fully in collaborative and administrative activities.";"<p>ACollab is available as a work groups <strong>addon for ATutor 1.4+</strong> , and as a standalone collaborative work environment that will run on its own. ACollab is ideal for groups working at a distance developing documentation, collaborating on research, or writing joint papers, and ideal for online educators who wish to add group learning activities to their ATutor courses. A <a href=""acollab/demo.php"">demo</a> and <a href=""acollab/download.php"">download</a> are available if you want to learn more. Or, read on for a list of <a href=""portal_factory#features"">ACollab features</a>.</p><h2 class=""Heading""></h2><h2 class=""Heading"">ACollab Features: </h2><ul><li><strong>Document Drafting Room</strong>: Group members can work within a Web-based document versioning system, collaborating on document development and publication. Documents developed in the Drafting Room can be transferred to the Shared Documents Library once finalized. </li><li><strong>Shared Documents Library</strong>: Group members can submit documents to the library, from which other group members, or public members, can retrieve those documents for viewing or downloading. </li><li><strong>Events Calendar</strong>: Events can be posted to the calendar by all group members, to announce activities, meetings, due dates, or other group related happenings. </li><li><strong>News &amp; Announcements</strong>: Group administrators, or system administrators, can post news to be presented to users when they first login to a group. </li><li><strong>Group Membership Index</strong>: Group members can view other group members' profiles and contact information. </li><li><strong>Mail Inbox</strong>: Members can communicate with each other privately. </li><li><strong>AChat-PHP</strong>: Accessible synchronous communication is possible between group members, ideal for online meetings or group socializing. </li><li><strong>AForum</strong>: AForum is an enhanced version for the ATutor forums. Members post message for others to retrieve later. Forums can be set to read only, reply only, as open discussion, or can be hidden from view. </li><li><strong>Multi-Lingual Interface</strong>: Language can be modified by system administrators, or new language packs can be created using the translation tools. </li><li><strong>Accessibility Compliance</strong>: Group member, group administrator, and system administrator tools are all compliant with international accessibility standards (WCAG 1.0, Section 508 US) so people with disabilities can participate fully in collaborative and administrative activities. </li><li><strong>Group Leaders</strong>: Create chat transcripts, define folders for sorting documents, assign group membership roles, create and manage forums, create mailing lists, post news and announcements, and manage group members. </li><li><strong>System Administrator</strong>: Create and manage groups, manage the system languages, and manage all users on a system. </li></ul><p><br /></p>";"help-,project_home_page-,support-";Educational and Learning,Text input Projects,Alternative Access,Learning and Education;
"Acomm";"AComm is an accessible Java-based Instant Messaging and Whiteboard tool. It has been designed to allow assistive technology users to participate in synchronous Internet-based communication activities that have traditionally been inaccessible to them.";"<p><br /></p><h2 class=""Heading"">AComm Features</h2><ul type=""none""><li>User can login to an existing Jabber account or sign up for a new one. </li><li>Roster provides ""presence"" information for contacts. </li><li>Users can participate in private or group chat/whiteboard sessions </li><li>Text chat window and optional whiteboard </li><li>Participant list on demand. </li><li>A variety of whiteboard drawing tools are available </li><li>Peer description allows any participant to describe the drawn objects. Anti-collision feature ensures one describer per object. </li><li>Accessibility options <ul><li>Option to play sound effect when a new message arrives. </li><li>Keyboard drawing checkbox </li><li>Manual refresh checkbox </li><li>Show only new checkbox </li><li>Newest message first checkbox </li></ul></li><li>Keyboard enabled drawing lets users use some features of the whiteboard without a mouse. </li><li>Save and open palette feature lets users create and describe pictures beforehand. </li></ul><h2 class=""Heading"">Requirements</h2><ul type=""none""><li><p>AComm is a Java application and requires that a Java Runtime Environment be installed on system it is running on.</p></li></ul>";"help-,project_home_page-,support-";Educational and Learning,General Tools,Accessing the Web,Alternative Access,Learning and Education;
"Acta";"Acta is an outline processor. It lets you organize just about anything -- reports, ideas, lists, projects, graphics -- in the form of an outline, where topics have subtopics.";;"help-,project_home_page-";Educational and Learning,General Tools,Other function,Learning and Education,General Tools,Other need;
"Agrip";"The of this project aim is to provide access to the mainstream gaming community not by producing specialist ""accessible games"" but by making mainstream games - and their associated extension and development tools - accessible. Downloads include an accessible version of Quake, the popular PC game.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the Authors:</h2><p><br />Over the past two years, AGRIP has developed an accessible version of Quake and <a href=""QuakeWorld"">QuakeWorld</a> which allows both single and multi-player games, including the collection of online player statistics. In the future we will add immersive 3D audio and level editing facilities - in addition to the gameplay modifications that are currently possible. At each milestone in the project, we make public releases of our software. </p><p>This page explains the history of the project and the technology involved in more detail. </p><p><strong>Contents:</strong> </p><ol start=""1""><li><a href=""portal_factory#head-a109afc74ec61374e55528b64d6c44ed4cde9829"">About the AGRIP Project</a> </li><li><a href=""portal_factory#head-cc42005755cbb0352a9cb9296a18505325e861d4"">About our Games</a> </li><li><a href=""portal_factory#head-203a06f9c01fc67c10338007e44e4149dc980caf"">The Technology we Use</a> </li></ol><p></p><h2 id=""head-a109afc74ec61374e55528b64d6c44ed4cde9829"">About the AGRIP Project</h2><p>Accessible Gaming Rendering Independence Possible (you can see why we shorten it to ""AGRIP""!) was started in May 2003 with the goal of making a mainstream first-person shooter game for the sighted accessible. It was founded by <a href=""MatthewAtkinson"">MatthewAtkinson</a> and <a href=""SabahattinGucukoglu"">SabahattinGucukoglu</a>. This section provides all sorts of information about the project. It is split into the following sections: </p><ul><li><p><a href=""ProjectInfoSection/ProjectRationale"">/ProjectRationale</a> - all about what we're doing and why we're doing it. </p></li><li><p><a href=""ProjectInfoSection/TheRoadmap"">/TheRoadmap</a> - our plans for development - posted here so you can contact us with suggestions on how to improve them. </p></li><li><p><a href=""ProjectInfoSection/TheLogo"">/TheLogo</a> - description and explanation of the logo, plus an audio version of it. </p></li><li><p><a href=""ProjectInfoSection/OnlineShop"">/OnlineShop</a> - information on how to show your support for the project, by wearing an AGRIP T-Shirt. </p></li></ul><p>If you've got any suggestions for further topics that could be added to this page (or others), feel free to either add them in yourself or <a href=""ContactUs"">ContactUs</a> with your suggestions. </p><h2 id=""head-cc42005755cbb0352a9cb9296a18505325e861d4"">About our Games</h2><p>For more information about the software on offer here, you can visit the start pages for each game: </p><ul><li><p><a href=""AccessibleQuake"">AccessibleQuake</a> - the original mainstream game made accessible </p></li><li><p><a href=""AudioQuake"">AudioQuake</a> - the next generation Internet <a href=""AudioGame"">AudioGame</a> </p></li></ul><p></p><h2 id=""head-203a06f9c01fc67c10338007e44e4149dc980caf"">The Technology we Use</h2><p>The world of game technology is a very interesting one. Here are links to some pages on the Wiki that you can use to start exploring and learning about the various bits and pieces fit together: </p><ul><li><p><a href=""GameStructure"">GameStructure</a> </p></li><li><p><a href=""GameEngine"">GameEngine</a> </p></li><li><p><a href=""GameCode"">GameCode</a> </p></li><li><p><a href=""QuakeC"">QuakeC</a> </p></li><li><p><a href=""AudioGame"">AudioGame</a> </p></li><li><p><a href=""ImplicitAccessibility"">ImplicitAccessibility</a> </p></li></ul><p><br /></p>";"help-,,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-,support-";Computer Automation,General Tools,Alternative Access,General Tools;
"Amaya";"Amaya is a complete Open Source accessible web browsing and authoring environment from WC3";"<p><br /></p><h2>W3C's Editor/Browser</h2><p>Amaya is a Web editor, i.e. a tool used to create and update documents directly on the Web. Browsing features are seamlessly integrated with the editing and remote access features in a uniform environment. This follows the original vision of the Web as a space for collaboration and not just a one-way publishing medium.</p><p>Work on Amaya started at W3C in 1996 to showcase Web technologies in a fully-featured Web client. The main motivation for developing Amaya was to provide a framework that can integrate as many W3C technologies as possible. It is used to demonstrate these technologies in action while taking advantage of their combination in a single, consistent environment.</p><p>Amaya started as an HTML + CSS style sheets editor. Since that time it was extended to support XML and an increasing number of XML applications such as the XHTML family, MathML, and SVG. It allows all those vocabularies to be edited simultaneously in compound documents.</p><p>Amaya includes a collaborative annotation application based on Resource Description Framework (<a href=""RDF/"">RDF</a>), XLink, and XPointer. Visit the <a href=""2001/Annotea/"">Annotea project</a> home page.</p><h2>Amaya - Open Source</h2><p>Amaya is an <a href=""/web/20100919093150/"">open source</a> software project hosted by W3C. You are invited to <a href=""Actors.html#contribute"">contribute</a> in many forms (documentation, translation, writing code, fixing bugs, porting to other platforms...).</p><p>The Amaya software is written in C and is available for Windows, Unix platforms and MacOS X.</p><h2>Amaya Team</h2><p>The application is jointly developed by W3C and the <a href=""/web/20100919093150/"">WAM</a> (Web, Adaptation and Multimedia) project at <a href=""/web/20100919093150/"">INRIA</a>. The core team includes: Irène Vatton (Project lead, INRIA), Laurent Carcone (W3C), Vincent Quint (INRIA).</p>";"help-,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-,support-";General Tools,Accessing the Web,General Tools;
"AMIS";"AMIS is a software program that you can use to read DAISY books. AMIS is a multilingual player for reading books complying with DAISY standards.";;"help-,,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-;group_id=86978&amp;func=browse,support-";Text to Speech,Alternative Access,Learning and Education;
"Another Lens";"Another Lens displays a magnified view of the area of the mouse cursor. Quite handy, for example, for drawing software.";;"help-,project_home_page-";Other function,Other need;
"ARASAAC Pictograms";"A free (CC-BY-NC-SA) resource of around 5000 colour and black &amp; white pictographic symbols from Catedu and the Aragonese Portal of Augmentative and Alternative Communication in Spain.";"<h2>From the authors:</h2><p>The ARASAAC portal offers graphic resources and materials to facilitate communication for those with some sort of problem in this area. <br /></p><h2>OATSoft comment:<br /></h2><p>This is an increasingly popular and widely used AAC resource, and the symbol file libraries are available with the file names translated into a growing number of languages. The file format provided is 500 pixels high PNG. Though the number of files is quite large, there is a fair amount of redundancy due to numerous duplication of symbols labelled with different names.<br /></p>";"project_home_page-";Symbol Library,Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Educational and Learning,Communication,Symbols,Learning and Education;
"AAC Keys";"AAC Keys is a keyboard and mouse emulation program for Microsoft Windows-based and Macintosh computers. AAC Keys receives commands through your computer's serial port and translates them into keystrokes and mouse movements, giving you full control of your computer from another device such as an AAC system. (If your computer has only USB ports, an inexpensive adapter is available.)";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:</h2><p><br /></p><p>AAC Keys is a keyboard and mouse emulation program for Microsoft Windows-based and <strong>Macintosh</strong> computers. </p> <p>AAC Keys receives commands through your computer's serial port and translates them into keystrokes and mouse moves, giving you full control of your computer from another device. AAC Keys implements the common <a href=""/web/20150711141053/""><strong>GIDEI</strong></a> (General Input Device Emulating Interface) commands (see below). </p> <p>AAC Keys has been designed to work with Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT 4, and Windows 2000 operating systems. </p> <p>A Macintosh version was developed following the introduction of OS X . (Earlier Macintosh operating systems included SerialKeys.) The Macintosh version was developed by computer science students at <strong><a href=""/web/20150711141053/"">Millersville University of Pennsylvania</a></strong> under the supervision of <a href=""/web/20150711141053/""><strong>Dr. Blaise Liffick</strong></a>.</p>";"help-,project_home_page-";Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Communication,Using the Mouse;
"Accerciser";"Accerciser is an interactive Python accessibility explorer for the GNOME desktop. It uses AT-SPI to inspect and control widgets, allowing you to check if an application is providing correct information to assistive technologies and automated test frameworks.";"<p>This is to announce the first development release of Accerciser for the 1.4.0 (GNOME 2.24) cycle.</p><p></p><p>Accerciser has a simple plug-in framework which you can use to create custom views of accessibility information.</p><p> </p><p>Accerciser is also the first GNOME module, if ordered alphabetically.</p><p> </p><p>==============</p><p>Version 1.3.1</p><p>==============</p><p></p><p>What's new</p><p>==========</p><p>- Implement save functionality, thanks Brian Merrell.</p><p>- Quick select works better for finding accessible under mouse.</p><p>- Check pyatspi version.</p><p></p><p>New And Updated Translations</p><p>============================</p><p>- David Lodge (en_GB)</p><p>- Jorge González (es)</p><p>- Kjartan Maraas (nb)</p><p>- Laurent Dhima (sq)</p><p>Downloading Accerciser</p><p>======================</p><p><a href=""/web/20081006100655/""></a></p><p><a href=""/web/20081006100655/""></a></p>";"";General Tools,General Tools;
"Accessible BBC Listen Again";"The British Broadcast Company (BBC) allows people to listen to vast quantities of their radio output up to a week after it is first broadcast on one of their dozens of radio stations. This service, called Listen Again, relies on a web browser interface that might be difficult for some users, especially people with screen readers. Accessible BBC Listen Again allows you to access the BBC's Listen Again content through a truly accessible interface designed to work with any screen reader.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:</h2><p><br /></p><p>Select programmes and stations with the cursor keys and listen to them at your leisure. You get easy and simple access to hours of programming, including the ever-popular ""The Archers"" and ""In Touch"". </p><p>The new version (2.1) lets you access all of the Listen Again content among many other improvements (thanks to everyone for their suggestions!) It does still require that you have already installed <a title=""BBC version of RealPlayer"" href=""/web/20100610102158/"">RealPlayer from Real</a>. The copyright of the BBC recordings is unchanged: you are simply accessing them through a more accessible presentation of their own website. Version 2.1 should work better on more machines: several users contacted me with problems with 2.0</p>";"project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"Accessible Radio";"Accessible Radio is a way to listen to radio stations on the internet that is easy and simple to use and is designed to work with any screen reader.";"<p>Accessible Radio lets you listen to any of the BBC Radio stations.<br /></p>";"project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"Accessible RSS";"Interested in keeping up with the headlines and newspapers? A new technology called RSS has recently taken the Internet by storm. Websites provide ""feeds"" of their latest stories and headlines, and you can get these simple lists, updated every few minutes. Accessible RSS is an accessible application that lets you access these RSS feeds. NOTE: Accessible RSS is now included in the WebbIE3 installation.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:</h2><p><strong>Accessible RSS</strong> is an accessible application that lets you access these RSS feeds. It displays the headlines from web pages that support RSS. At present four sites (the BBC, the Daily Mail, the Guardian and the Daily Telegraph) are supported, but you can add your own if you find a site with an RSS feed. If you have WebbIE you can press return on a story to launch WebbIE with that story page, but you do not need WebbIE to read the feeds. If you do not have WebbIE the story will be shown in Internet Explorer</p> <ul><li><a title=""Installer for AccessibleRSS and WebbIE"" href=""/web/20140608112049/"">WebbIE 3 Installer</a> - includes the latest Accessible RSS News Reader.</li></ul> <p>You are likely to find that some feeds don't work: this may be because the feed is not valid. You can check the feed's validity at the <a href=""/web/20140608112049/"">Feed Validator service</a>.</p>";"project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"Accessible Web Directory";"This simple program lets you explore the DMOZ web directory, a catalogue of good websites. NOTE: Accessible Web Directory is now included in the WebbIE3 installation.";"<p>This simple program lets you explore the <a href=""/web/20140623052956/"">DMOZ web directory</a>, a catalogue of good websites. It's an alternative way to find web pages of interest. Simply explore categories of web pages and when you find one you like in the catalogue Accessible Web Directory will open it in your default web browser.</p>";"help-,project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"AccessiblePodcatcher";"AccessiblePodcatcher (formerly AccessiblePodcaster) is a simple way for blind and screen reader users to use podcasts.";;"help-,project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"ACollab";"ACollab is an accessible, open source, multi-group, Web-based collaborative work environment. Group member, group administrator, and system administrator tools are all compliant with international accessibility standards (WCAG 1.0, Section 508 US) so people with disabilities can participate fully in collaborative and administrative activities.";"<p>ACollab is available as a work groups <strong>addon for ATutor 1.4+</strong> , and as a standalone collaborative work environment that will run on its own. ACollab is ideal for groups working at a distance developing documentation, collaborating on research, or writing joint papers, and ideal for online educators who wish to add group learning activities to their ATutor courses. A <a href=""acollab/demo.php"">demo</a> and <a href=""acollab/download.php"">download</a> are available if you want to learn more. Or, read on for a list of <a href=""portal_factory#features"">ACollab features</a>.</p><h2 class=""Heading""></h2><h2 class=""Heading"">ACollab Features: </h2><ul><li><strong>Document Drafting Room</strong>: Group members can work within a Web-based document versioning system, collaborating on document development and publication. Documents developed in the Drafting Room can be transferred to the Shared Documents Library once finalized. </li><li><strong>Shared Documents Library</strong>: Group members can submit documents to the library, from which other group members, or public members, can retrieve those documents for viewing or downloading. </li><li><strong>Events Calendar</strong>: Events can be posted to the calendar by all group members, to announce activities, meetings, due dates, or other group related happenings. </li><li><strong>News &amp; Announcements</strong>: Group administrators, or system administrators, can post news to be presented to users when they first login to a group. </li><li><strong>Group Membership Index</strong>: Group members can view other group members' profiles and contact information. </li><li><strong>Mail Inbox</strong>: Members can communicate with each other privately. </li><li><strong>AChat-PHP</strong>: Accessible synchronous communication is possible between group members, ideal for online meetings or group socializing. </li><li><strong>AForum</strong>: AForum is an enhanced version for the ATutor forums. Members post message for others to retrieve later. Forums can be set to read only, reply only, as open discussion, or can be hidden from view. </li><li><strong>Multi-Lingual Interface</strong>: Language can be modified by system administrators, or new language packs can be created using the translation tools. </li><li><strong>Accessibility Compliance</strong>: Group member, group administrator, and system administrator tools are all compliant with international accessibility standards (WCAG 1.0, Section 508 US) so people with disabilities can participate fully in collaborative and administrative activities. </li><li><strong>Group Leaders</strong>: Create chat transcripts, define folders for sorting documents, assign group membership roles, create and manage forums, create mailing lists, post news and announcements, and manage group members. </li><li><strong>System Administrator</strong>: Create and manage groups, manage the system languages, and manage all users on a system. </li></ul><p><br /></p>";"help-,project_home_page-,support-";Educational and Learning,Text input Projects,Alternative Access,Learning and Education;
"Acomm";"AComm is an accessible Java-based Instant Messaging and Whiteboard tool. It has been designed to allow assistive technology users to participate in synchronous Internet-based communication activities that have traditionally been inaccessible to them.";"<p><br /></p><h2 class=""Heading"">AComm Features</h2><ul type=""none""><li>User can login to an existing Jabber account or sign up for a new one. </li><li>Roster provides ""presence"" information for contacts. </li><li>Users can participate in private or group chat/whiteboard sessions </li><li>Text chat window and optional whiteboard </li><li>Participant list on demand. </li><li>A variety of whiteboard drawing tools are available </li><li>Peer description allows any participant to describe the drawn objects. Anti-collision feature ensures one describer per object. </li><li>Accessibility options <ul><li>Option to play sound effect when a new message arrives. </li><li>Keyboard drawing checkbox </li><li>Manual refresh checkbox </li><li>Show only new checkbox </li><li>Newest message first checkbox </li></ul></li><li>Keyboard enabled drawing lets users use some features of the whiteboard without a mouse. </li><li>Save and open palette feature lets users create and describe pictures beforehand. </li></ul><h2 class=""Heading"">Requirements</h2><ul type=""none""><li><p>AComm is a Java application and requires that a Java Runtime Environment be installed on system it is running on.</p></li></ul>";"help-,project_home_page-,support-";Educational and Learning,General Tools,Accessing the Web,Alternative Access,Learning and Education;
"Acta";"Acta is an outline processor. It lets you organize just about anything -- reports, ideas, lists, projects, graphics -- in the form of an outline, where topics have subtopics.";;"help-,project_home_page-";Educational and Learning,General Tools,Other function,Learning and Education,General Tools,Other need;
"Agrip";"The of this project aim is to provide access to the mainstream gaming community not by producing specialist ""accessible games"" but by making mainstream games - and their associated extension and development tools - accessible. Downloads include an accessible version of Quake, the popular PC game.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the Authors:</h2><p><br />Over the past two years, AGRIP has developed an accessible version of Quake and <a href=""QuakeWorld"">QuakeWorld</a> which allows both single and multi-player games, including the collection of online player statistics. In the future we will add immersive 3D audio and level editing facilities - in addition to the gameplay modifications that are currently possible. At each milestone in the project, we make public releases of our software. </p><p>This page explains the history of the project and the technology involved in more detail. </p><p><strong>Contents:</strong> </p><ol start=""1""><li><a href=""portal_factory#head-a109afc74ec61374e55528b64d6c44ed4cde9829"">About the AGRIP Project</a> </li><li><a href=""portal_factory#head-cc42005755cbb0352a9cb9296a18505325e861d4"">About our Games</a> </li><li><a href=""portal_factory#head-203a06f9c01fc67c10338007e44e4149dc980caf"">The Technology we Use</a> </li></ol><p></p><h2 id=""head-a109afc74ec61374e55528b64d6c44ed4cde9829"">About the AGRIP Project</h2><p>Accessible Gaming Rendering Independence Possible (you can see why we shorten it to ""AGRIP""!) was started in May 2003 with the goal of making a mainstream first-person shooter game for the sighted accessible. It was founded by <a href=""MatthewAtkinson"">MatthewAtkinson</a> and <a href=""SabahattinGucukoglu"">SabahattinGucukoglu</a>. This section provides all sorts of information about the project. It is split into the following sections: </p><ul><li><p><a href=""ProjectInfoSection/ProjectRationale"">/ProjectRationale</a> - all about what we're doing and why we're doing it. </p></li><li><p><a href=""ProjectInfoSection/TheRoadmap"">/TheRoadmap</a> - our plans for development - posted here so you can contact us with suggestions on how to improve them. </p></li><li><p><a href=""ProjectInfoSection/TheLogo"">/TheLogo</a> - description and explanation of the logo, plus an audio version of it. </p></li><li><p><a href=""ProjectInfoSection/OnlineShop"">/OnlineShop</a> - information on how to show your support for the project, by wearing an AGRIP T-Shirt. </p></li></ul><p>If you've got any suggestions for further topics that could be added to this page (or others), feel free to either add them in yourself or <a href=""ContactUs"">ContactUs</a> with your suggestions. </p><h2 id=""head-cc42005755cbb0352a9cb9296a18505325e861d4"">About our Games</h2><p>For more information about the software on offer here, you can visit the start pages for each game: </p><ul><li><p><a href=""AccessibleQuake"">AccessibleQuake</a> - the original mainstream game made accessible </p></li><li><p><a href=""AudioQuake"">AudioQuake</a> - the next generation Internet <a href=""AudioGame"">AudioGame</a> </p></li></ul><p></p><h2 id=""head-203a06f9c01fc67c10338007e44e4149dc980caf"">The Technology we Use</h2><p>The world of game technology is a very interesting one. Here are links to some pages on the Wiki that you can use to start exploring and learning about the various bits and pieces fit together: </p><ul><li><p><a href=""GameStructure"">GameStructure</a> </p></li><li><p><a href=""GameEngine"">GameEngine</a> </p></li><li><p><a href=""GameCode"">GameCode</a> </p></li><li><p><a href=""QuakeC"">QuakeC</a> </p></li><li><p><a href=""AudioGame"">AudioGame</a> </p></li><li><p><a href=""ImplicitAccessibility"">ImplicitAccessibility</a> </p></li></ul><p><br /></p>";"help-,,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-,support-";Computer Automation,General Tools,Alternative Access,General Tools;
"Amaya";"Amaya is a complete Open Source accessible web browsing and authoring environment from WC3";"<p><br /></p><h2>W3C's Editor/Browser</h2><p>Amaya is a Web editor, i.e. a tool used to create and update documents directly on the Web. Browsing features are seamlessly integrated with the editing and remote access features in a uniform environment. This follows the original vision of the Web as a space for collaboration and not just a one-way publishing medium.</p><p>Work on Amaya started at W3C in 1996 to showcase Web technologies in a fully-featured Web client. The main motivation for developing Amaya was to provide a framework that can integrate as many W3C technologies as possible. It is used to demonstrate these technologies in action while taking advantage of their combination in a single, consistent environment.</p><p>Amaya started as an HTML + CSS style sheets editor. Since that time it was extended to support XML and an increasing number of XML applications such as the XHTML family, MathML, and SVG. It allows all those vocabularies to be edited simultaneously in compound documents.</p><p>Amaya includes a collaborative annotation application based on Resource Description Framework (<a href=""RDF/"">RDF</a>), XLink, and XPointer. Visit the <a href=""2001/Annotea/"">Annotea project</a> home page.</p><h2>Amaya - Open Source</h2><p>Amaya is an <a href=""/web/20100919093150/"">open source</a> software project hosted by W3C. You are invited to <a href=""Actors.html#contribute"">contribute</a> in many forms (documentation, translation, writing code, fixing bugs, porting to other platforms...).</p><p>The Amaya software is written in C and is available for Windows, Unix platforms and MacOS X.</p><h2>Amaya Team</h2><p>The application is jointly developed by W3C and the <a href=""/web/20100919093150/"">WAM</a> (Web, Adaptation and Multimedia) project at <a href=""/web/20100919093150/"">INRIA</a>. The core team includes: Irène Vatton (Project lead, INRIA), Laurent Carcone (W3C), Vincent Quint (INRIA).</p>";"help-,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-,support-";General Tools,Accessing the Web,General Tools;
"AMIS";"AMIS is a software program that you can use to read DAISY books. AMIS is a multilingual player for reading books complying with DAISY standards.";;"help-,,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-;group_id=86978&amp;func=browse,support-";Text to Speech,Alternative Access,Learning and Education;
"Another Lens";"Another Lens displays a magnified view of the area of the mouse cursor. Quite handy, for example, for drawing software.";;"help-,project_home_page-";Other function,Other need;
"ARASAAC Pictograms";"A free (CC-BY-NC-SA) resource of around 5000 colour and black &amp; white pictographic symbols from Catedu and the Aragonese Portal of Augmentative and Alternative Communication in Spain.";"<h2>From the authors:</h2><p>The ARASAAC portal offers graphic resources and materials to facilitate communication for those with some sort of problem in this area. <br /></p><h2>OATSoft comment:<br /></h2><p>This is an increasingly popular and widely used AAC resource, and the symbol file libraries are available with the file names translated into a growing number of languages. The file format provided is 500 pixels high PNG. Though the number of files is quite large, there is a fair amount of redundancy due to numerous duplication of symbols labelled with different names.<br /></p>";"project_home_page-";Symbol Library,Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Educational and Learning,Communication,Symbols,Learning and Education;
"at-spi";"at-spi (assistive technology service provider interface) is the primary assistive technology infrastructure for the Solaris and Linux operating environments.";"<p> Applications and toolkits supporting the AT-SPI include the GNOME GTK+ toolkit, the Java platform's Swing toolkit, OpenOffice, and Mozilla.</p><p>A second download is at:</p><p></p><p><a href=""/web/20081205083430/""></a><br /><br /></p>";"contact_address-mailto:Li.Yuan@Sun.COM,project_home_page-";General Tools,General Tools;
"atk";"The interface definitions of accessibility infrastructure. (GNOME)";"<p>Second download at</p><p><a href=""/web/20081205065700/""></a><br /></p>";"help-,contact_address-mailto:Li.Yuan@Sun.COM,project_home_page-";General Tools,General Tools;
"Atutor";"ATutor is an Open Source Web-based Learning Content Management System (LCMS) designed with accessibility and adaptability in mind.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">ATutor Features</h2><ul><li><strong>Accessibility</strong>: ATutor was designed with accessibility as a priority. A wide range of features ensure assistive technology users can participate fully in learner, instructor, and administrative activities. </li><li><strong>My Courses</strong> : Instructors and students can manage the ATutor courses they teach and/or are enrolled in. </li><li><strong>Adaptive Navigation</strong>: Learners can move through ATutor content using global, hierarchical, or sequential navigation tools. Navigation elements can be displayed as text, icons, or both text and icons, and they can be hidden to simplify the environment. </li><li><strong>Work Groups</strong>: When the ACollab add-on is installed on an ATutor system, learners can collaborate with others on course projects, communicate as a group with the forums and chat, share resources using their group library, schedule activities with the events calendar, and work together on project documents through the drafting room. Exercises or assignments can submitted to the group leader, or course instructor. </li><li><strong>Feedback</strong>: Following an action (such as saving preference settings, or posting a message), feedback is given on the status of the operation. This could be a success message, warnings to consider, or errors to fix. </li><li><strong>Preference Settings</strong>: Learners can control ATutor features and the theme ATutor is presented in. </li><li><strong>Communication Tools</strong>: Learners can communicate with others using ATutor's private mail, the discussion forums, the chat rooms, or the ""User's Online"" tool. Threads and messages can be sorted in a variety of ways. Students can communicate with those in other courses through shared forum, or a community forum. Subscribe to forums or topic threads to have forum messages sent by email. </li><li><strong>Content Package Viewer</strong>: Learners can export content from ATutor as Content Packages that can be viewed offline in the accompanying viewer. </li><li><strong>Content Tracker</strong>: Learners can keep track of the content pages they have visited. </li><li><strong>Test Manager</strong>: Learners can take tests, review test results, and keep track of their scores. </li><li><strong>Glossary</strong>: Words and phrases added to the glossary by the instructor, can be accessed from terms embedded within content pages, or viewed alphabetically in their entirety using the Glossary tool. </li><li><strong>Links Database</strong>: Each course has a tool for collecting links to course related Web-based information. Both students and instructors can add links. Instructors can also manage them. </li><li><strong>Course Search</strong>: A search engine allows learners to search course content. Search for courses in the course catalogue. </li><li><strong>TILE Repository Search</strong>: Learners can <a href=""/web/20131007203459/"">search the TILE learning objects repository</a> for content related to the topics they are studying, and download content packages for viewing offline. </li>Instructors<br /></ul>";"help-,,project_home_page-,support-";Educational and Learning,Learning and Education;
"Audio Enriched Links";"Audio Enriched Links provide previews of linked web pages to users with visual impairments.";;"help-,,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-;group_id=65529&amp;func=browse";Other function,Viewing the screen;
"AutoHotKey";"An open source macro style program that can re-map the mouse, keyboard and joystick functions as well as automate pretty much anything!";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:<br /></h2><p class=""size110"">AutoHotkey is a free, open-source utility for Windows. With it, you can:</p> <ul class=""size110""><li>Automate almost anything by sending keystrokes and mouse clicks. You can write a <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">mouse or keyboard macro</a> by hand or use the macro recorder.</li><li>Create <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">hotkeys</a> for keyboard, joystick, and mouse. Virtually any key, button, or combination can become a hotkey.</li><li><a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">Expand abbreviations</a> as you type them. For example, typing ""btw"" can automatically produce ""by the way"".</li><li>Create custom data entry forms, user interfaces, and menu bars. See <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">GUI</a> for details.</li><li><a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">Remap</a> keys and buttons on your keyboard, joystick, and mouse.</li><li>Respond to signals from hand-held remote controls via the <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">WinLIRC client script</a>.</li><li>Run existing AutoIt v2 scripts and enhance them with <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">new capabilities</a>.</li><li>Convert any script into an <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">EXE file</a> that can be run on computers that don't have AutoHotkey installed.</li></ul> <p class=""size110"">Getting started might be easier than you think. Check out the <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">quick-start tutorial</a>.<br /><br /></p><h2 class=""Heading"">OATS Comments:</h2><p>This is a fantastic resource for assistive technology!  It really unleashes the power of your PC and helps set it up to your exact requirements.  It's a bit technical to get into, but once into it it is easy - there are some great examples too.</p><p><br /></p><h2 class=""Heading"">More About Hotkeys</h2> <p>AutoHotkey unleashes the full potential of your keyboard, joystick, and mouse. For example, in addition to the typical Control, Alt, and Shift modifiers, you can use the Windows key and the Capslock key as modifiers. In fact, you can make any key or mouse button act as a modifier. For these and other capabilities, see <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">Advanced Hotkeys</a>.</p> <h3 class=""Subheading"">Other Features</h3> <ul><li class=""li2"">Change the volume, mute, and other <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">settings</a> of any soundcard.</li><li class=""li2"">Make any window <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">transparent</a>, <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">always-on-top</a>, or alter its <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">shape</a>.</li><li class=""li2""> Use a <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">joystick</a> or <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">keyboard</a> as a mouse.</li><li class=""li2""><a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">Monitor</a> your system. For example, close unwanted windows the moment they appear.</li><li class=""li2"">Retrieve and change the <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">clipboard's contents</a>, including file names copied from an Explorer window.</li><li class=""li2""><a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">Disable or override</a> Windows' own shortcut keys such as Win+E and Win+R.</li><li class=""li2"">Alleviate RSI with substitutes for <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">Alt-Tab</a> (using keys, mouse wheel, or buttons).</li><li class=""li2"">Customize the <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">tray icon menu</a> with your own icon, tooltip, menu items, and submenus.</li><li class=""li2"">Display <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">dialog boxes</a>, <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">tooltips</a>, <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">balloon tips</a>, and <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">popup menus</a> to interact with the user.</li><li class=""li2"">Perform scripted actions in <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">response</a> to system shutdown or logoff.</li><li class=""li2"">Detect how long the user has been <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">idle</a>. For example, run CPU intensive tasks only when the user is away.</li><li class=""li2"">Automate game actions by detecting <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">images</a> and <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">pixel colors</a>.</li><li class=""li2""><a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">Read</a>, <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">write</a>, and <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">parse</a> text files more easily than in other languages.</li><li class=""li2"">Perform operation(s) upon a set of files that match a <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">wildcard pattern</a>.</li><li class=""li2"">Work with the <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">registry</a> and <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">INI files</a>.</li></ul>";"help-,,project_home_page-,support-";Computer Automation,Other function,Using the Mouse,Alternative Access,Other need;
"AutoIT";"AutoIt v3 is a freeware BASIC-like scripting language designed for automating the Windows GUI and general scripting. It uses a combination of simulated keystrokes, mouse movement and window/control manipulation in order to automate tasks in a way not possible or reliable with other languages (e.g. VBScript and SendKeys). AutoIt is also very small, self-contained and will run on 95, 98, ME, NT4, 2000, XP, 2003 out of the box with no annoying ""runtimes"" required! You can even make compiled executable scripts that can run without AutoIt being installed!";"<h2 class=""Heading"">What the authors say:<br /></h2><p>AutoIt was initially designed for PC ""roll out"" situations to reliably configure thousands of PCs, but with the arrival of v3 it has become a powerful language able to cope with most scripting needs.</p> <p>AutoIt can: </p><ul><li>Provide a general-purpose scripting language for all Windows versions </li><li>Simulate keystrokes (supports most keyboard layouts)</li><li>Simulate mouse movements and clicks</li><li>Move, resize and manipulate windows</li><li>Interact directly with ""controls"" on a window (set/get text from edit controls, check boxes and radio buttons, select items in drop-down lists, etc.)</li><li>Create complex user interfaces (GUIs) </li><li>Work with the clipboard to cut/paste text items</li><li>Provide a scriptable RunAs function for Windows 2000/XP/2003 </li></ul> <p>Unlike AutoIt2, the new AutoIt v3 language has a much more standard syntax -similar to VBScript and BASIC - and now supports complex expressions, user functions, looping and everything else that veteran scripters would expect.</p> <p>As with previous versions, AutoIt has been designed to be as small as possible (~115KB) and stand-alone with no external .dll files or registry entries required.  Scripts can also be compiled into <em>stand-alone executables</em> with <strong>Aut2Exe</strong>.</p> <p>There will also be updates to the ActiveX and DLL versions of AutoIt called <strong>AutoItX</strong> - unlike v2 this will be a <em>combined control</em> (COM and standard DLL functions in the same DLL).  AutoItX will allow you to add the unique features of AutoIt to your own favourite scripting or programming languages! </p> <p>Best of all, AutoIt continues to be <strong>FREE</strong> - but if you want to support the time, money and effort spent on the project and web hosting then you may donate using the link to your left in the menu.<br /></p><p><br /></p><h2 class=""Heading"">OATS Comments:</h2><p></p><p>AutoIt very powerful scripting software - it will allow you to automate a great number of tasks.  For most end users there will probably be easier to use macro programs, (such as <a title=""AutoHotKey"" href=""resolveuid/79e8d41ffaba8813d198cc52a9aca17f"" target=""_self"">AutoHotKey</a>)  however for some people who want the 'ultimate power' in scripting, this might be appropriate.<br /></p>";"help-,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-,support-";Computer Automation,Other need;
"AutoTextTyper";"AutoTextTyper is a contextual menu plugin that lets you quickly and easily add commonly used text, such as email addresses, web sites, postal addresses, etc... You can then select any of those items from the menu and have them automatically typed into any application that supports contextual menus.";"<p>AutoTextTyper is a contextual menu plugin that lets you quickly and easily add commonly used text, such as email addresses, web sites, postal addresses, company names, form letters, and more, to a list of items in a contextual menu. You can also have the current date and/or time typed. You can then select any of those items from the menu and have them automatically typed into any application that supports contextual menus. You can also associate a key combination (a Hot Key) with a macro and use that Hot Key to invoke the macro.</p>";"help-,project_home_page-";Computer Automation,Text input Projects;
"BATS";"This is an ongoing project aimed at providing people without sight the same rich information and spatial awareness that sighted people get from exploring maps.";;"help-,,project_home_page-";Other function,Viewing the screen;
"Big Calculator";"You can either click on the buttons with the mouse or use the numeric keypad to perform calculations.";"<p>The size of the calculator buttons is determined by the WIDTH of the calculator window.<br /><br /> Big Calculator will use a <a href=""/web/20151127022718/"">SAPI 4.0 speech</a> system if you have one installed on your system.</p> <p><i>Tip: for extra large read-out, set a wide, short window, and input with the numeric keys.</i></p>";"help-,project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Educational and Learning,Learning and Education,General Tools;
"Blissymbolics Resources";"The complete authorised Blissymbol vocabulary (the BCI-AV) resources of over 5000 basic Blissymbol concepts - characters and words - are available under a free CreativeCommons-BY-SA license. (Note: Registering and login required for access)";"<p>The complete current authorised lexical resources of Blissymbolics are here available with an overview, tracked changes, lexical source text files (in the unfortunately proprietary WinBliss editor format), export file libraries (in a range of different file formats and sizes (SVG, PNG, BMP and WMF), spreadsheet and PDF lexical documentation files.</p><p>(Note: Registering and login is required for access to the Community Area of the Blissymbolics Communications International (BCI) site where these resources are available.)<br /></p>";",project_home_page-";Symbol Library,Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Educational and Learning,Communication,Symbols,Learning and Education;
"CCHotKey";"Mac OSX CCHotKey is a small and simple application that launches any script you want after clicking any hotkey you want.";"<p>A simple hotkey generator for Mac OSX</p>";"help-,,project_home_page-";Computer Automation,Text input Projects,Alternative Access;
"CHIP Speaking";"CHIPSPEAKING is a desktop augmentative communication device that supports up to 99 messages. Users can record in their own voice (or care-givers can record the voice of someone else of the same gender and age) or take advantage of computerized voices.";"<p><br />Unlike the flagship product, CHIPSpeaking™ , CHIPSpeech™  actually is written to assist PALS to record their voice as it is now, and preserve the phrases and sentences that are needed in everyday life, and recall them in their own voice, and save that speech indefinitely. The recordings are made and saved to disk in small files, which can be saved on diskette or backup media for use on other computers. </p>";",project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Communication;
"CLiCk, Speak";"CLiCk, Speak is an open source, freely available extension for the Firefox web browser. It is part of the CLC-4-TTS Suite of products, it features a mouse driven interface, and it reads web pages - hence its name.";"<p>Unlike <a href=""/web/20130906032603/"">Fire Vox</a> which is designed for visually impaired users, CLiCk, Speak is designed for sighted users who want text-to-speech functionality. It doesn't identify elements or announce events - two features that are very important for visually impaired users but very annoying for sighted users. It also has a simplified, mouse driven interface that is designed to be easy for users familiar with point-and-click graphical user interfaces. Like Fire Vox, CLiCk, Speak works on Windows, Macintosh, and Linux; and Fire Vox has multilingual support, making it great for users who are trying to learn a foreign language and need to hear foreign language web sites read out to them for practice. <br /></p><p>If you're a sighted user who wants to have web pages read to you because you have cognitive issues (for example, dyslexia), because you have literacy issues (like me - I can understand spoken Mandarin Chinese just fine, but reading is difficult for me), because you want to reduce eyestrain and listen to a web page being read, etc., then you are likely to prefer CLiCk, Speak over Fire Vox.</p><p>The Core Library Components for Text-To-Speech (CLC-4-TTS) Suite is a set of extensions for Firefox. It consists of a library for doing text-to-speech synthesis (the Core library), a library for navigating the HTML DOM (the Utils library), and an application that uses the libraries to act as a screen reader (Fire Vox).</p><p>While it currently only works on Firefox, it would be possible for me to create versions of this for other Mozilla products such as Thunderbird. I would have to rewrite the application portion, but the libraries would largely remain untouched. These libraries can also be used to construct other extensions that are not necessarily aimed at the visually impaired. Both are directions that I am interested in pursuing in the near future, so stay tuned.</p>";"help-,,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-";Text to Speech,Accessing the Web;
"Click-Catch";"Click-Catch(C) is an autoclicker. It means it simulates mouse clicks with constant intervals of time.";"<p>Click-Catch(C) available options:</p><ul><li>You may choose which button to simulate between left/right/middle mouse buttons.</li><li>You can also set single or double click.</li><li>There are two ""hot keys"" available. You must enable them in settings. ""hot keys"" are disabled by default.<br />Combination of ""control""+""x"" pressed together at once starts clicking, ""control""+""s"" stops.</li><li>In cases, when you cannot use ""hot keys"" to start/stop clicking, there are two buttons implemented.<br />To start simulation press ""START"" button or press ""STOP"" to stop it</li><li>You may also need to change time interval between clicks.<br />You can set its value from 10 hours to 100 miliseconds.<br />Minimal step is 50 miliseconds.</li><li>There is a possiblity to save your settings. Settings are stored in Windows Registry File.<br />Click-Catch(c) has no instalation procedure (it's only one file after all!)<br />so it can not delete its entry after deinstalation (delete).<br />It has however an option called ""clear WinRegFile entry"".<br />Use it freely, it is harmless.</li><li>You can check if there is new version available to download easely. Simply chose Help/Check for update!<br /></li></ul>";"help-,,project_home_page-";Computer Automation,Text input Projects,Using the Mouse,Alternative Access;
"Click-N-Type virtual keyboard";"Click-N-Type is an on-screen virtual keyboard, giving access to the keyboard characters through the use of your mouse or other pointing device.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:</h2><br /><p>Click-N-Type is an on-screen keyboard which allows you to type with the use of a pointing device (e.g. mouse or tracker ball) rather than the physical computer keyboard. The designers claim it is successful in allowing text to be typed into “those uncooperative places like browser URL ""Address:"" fields, Email ""To:"" addresses, Email ""Subject:"" fields, and dialog boxes like ""Open"" and ""Save As..."",” which other virtual keyboards have trouble with. Several custom layouts are available, including QWERTY, ABC and ‘Speed layout’ in which the letters commonly used together are grouped together, reducing the pointer motion required. An English language prediction program is also available for use with the keyboard, available from the same website. </p> <h2 class=""Heading"">OATS Comments:</h2><p>This is a flexible and powerful on-screen keyboard.  To customise the keyboards you will need to be fairly computer literate, but other than that it is also quite easy to use.  It includes basic word prediction.<br /></p><p><br /></p>";"help-,,project_home_page-";On Screen Keyboard Projects,Text input Projects,Alternative Access;
"Concept Coding Framework (CCF)";"Around the world, people with impaired communication, including difficulties to read or write, may use symbols as an alternative or complement to character based texts. Referencing to, and exchanging these alternatively coded messages over the Internet is difficult due to the lack of standardised encoding schemes and common practises. The Concept Coding Framework (CCF) is being developed to overcome some of these difficulties.";"<h2>News</h2><h3>3 February 2011 - (Mats Lundälv)</h3><p>In spite of nothing appearing at this spot for quite some time, the CCF development continues, currently in the context of the AEGIS project. More to appear here soon after the recent move of the server home of OATS, as well as for the domain. More to come - soon hopefully ...</p><br /><h3>3 September 2009 - (Mats Lundälv)</h3><p>The summer has passed and the work towards the first CCF release is slowly progressing. Will we make it during the 3rd quarter of 2009 as envisaged ? Well - surprise - possibly not :-/ It currently looks uncertain whether we will be ready during this month. It will probably be a bit later this autumn. <br /></p><p>Bengt Farre's completely re-written new SYMBERED version is getting close to completion, but still has some way to go.</p><p>The good news is that Lars Nordberg is well on the way to transfer our CCF databases from MySQL to the <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">Sun JavaDB</a> (based on <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">Apache Derby</a>) Java database. This will provide another option for providing CCF resources (in addition to the MySQL and RDF resources) in a light weight format that will be easier to deploy, install and use for those who will like to try working with CCF based applications and services.</p><p>We'll keep you updated at this space ..</p><br /><h3>19 June 2009 - (Mats Lundälv)</h3><p>A first full release of the updated CCF package is now envisaged during the 3rd quarter of 2009. It will cover a set of concepts covering the authorized Blissymbolics vocabulary of around 4450 Bliss-words. These will be organised in a Base Reference Ontology (BRO) with concepts covered by WordNet, and a Complementary Reference Ontology (CRO) for the rest. The Concept Coded concepts in the Reference Ontologies will be linked to an open ended numbers of so called Assistive Ontologies containing the different supported language representations for the concepts - Bliss being the first target for graphical symbol representations, and English and Swedish being the first natural language lexicons fully supported. The structure is already prepared for supporting a number of other symbolic representations, as well as all Scandinavian/Nordic, and a number of other European languages. More will be added as soon as interest and resources will be around. <br /></p><p>In technical terms; the first release will contain a Java based CCF Tool for browsing and managing the CCF resources (<a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">WordNet</a>, the BRO and CRO, Assistive Ontologies and symbol resources). The data will be stored in or retrieved from either a MySQL database or an RDF/XML based resource. <br /></p><p>The first practical implementation will be an updated version of the <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">SYMBERED</a> tool for creating symbol supported web content via a CMS module written in PHP working towards the MySQL database. (This will be a complete re-write of the first SYMBERED version based on the <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">Papunet </a>CMS). </p><p>The next practical implementation will be the first prototypes of the envisaged CCF symbol support plugin extension for within the AEGIS project - planned for the 4th quarter of 2009.<br /></p><h3>08 June 2009 - (Mats Lundälv)</h3><p>In the AEGIS project 1:st international workshop (in Slough at RIM 05 June) Dr. Christian Galinski from <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">Infoterm </a>gave a very interesting and informative presentation on issues concerning ""Standards for content in the field of eInclusion - and beyond"" - with great relevance for the CCF work in particular, and for the <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">AEGIS </a>and <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">Raising The Floor</a> projects in general. We will have to do some studying about ISO//TC 37 ""Terminology and other language and content resources"" ;-)  I hope the presentations will be on-line soon.<br /></p><h3><b>22 February 2009 - (Mats Lundälv)</b></h3><p>The  concept coding work has continued in slow pace as follow up work after the Nordic <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">SYMBERED project</a> - which is still ongoing. <br />It is now brought further in relation to a task within the ongoing European and international <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">AEGIS-project</a>. Concept coding will be employed in building open source components for graphic symbol support - in, as well as in prototype Java based cross-platform AAC applications - for mobile devices and other environments.<br /></p><h3><b>03/12/2007 - (Andy Judson)</b><br /></h3><p>With my move from the University of Dundee's School of Computing, I thought it time I ported the old CCF website to the OATS portal. With the Bliss Think Tank in July'07 we've been busy hacking more demonstrators. Mats, Bengt and Lars have been busy fine-tuning the <a title=""Symbol &amp; Concept Coding Editor (aka SYMBERED)"" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">SYMBERED</a> system (CCF support for CMS - using PHP, MySQL, Java). I've been busy working on a .NET infrastructure and building a central CCF ontology in SQLServer. The database I've been working with is now populated with around 9000 concepts (based on the STANDUP project ontology) and around 3000 Bliss symbols (some of which are mapped to concept codes). There is an prototype website where you can search the ontologies, update the bliss-ccf mappings, write ruby annotated bliss messages (then you can copy the source to your own website like I've done below). This webservice could be used as a portal to manage the ccf, and more excitingly, for use by other software / web applications, e.g. <a title=""FoxySymbols"" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">FoxySymbols</a>. I hope to get the webservice &amp; database hosted soon.<br /></p><h2>Background</h2><p>Around the world, people with impaired communication, including difficulties to read or write, may use symbols as an alternative or complement to character based texts. Referencing to, and exchanging these alternatively coded messages over the Internet is difficult due to the lack of standardised encoding schemes and common practises. This site is intended to motivate, describe and promote the introduction and adoption of a common, open and vendor neutral Concept Coding Framework (CCF) to overcome some of these difficulties. In particular will act as a base for all contribution to this work - be it formal documentation or informal discussions. </p><p>The suggested CCF has been carefully designed to be conformant to the standard language technologies that are rapidly developing and penetrating the Internet communities. In this way we believe that the proposed CCF can contribute to a major leap in bridging between different technologies and products developed for AAC users and, more importantly, between these Assistive Technologies (AT) and the main-stream technologies of today's and tomorrow's networked information society. </p><p>The bridging approach also implies that the CCF is not intended to replace and exclude the use and development of current and future proprietary assistive technologies in the AAC field. Instead the CCF and its bridging technology and tools are designed to provide added value for all stake-holders; AAC users, special product developers and service providers, as well as general service and information providers who want to support improved accessibility to their products. </p><p>Designed to be used over the Internet for email, web-based activities, chat and/or other emerging Internet based services, the CCF technology can, however, be used by software manufacturers also to provide additional functionality, enhanced support for, and integration of, software and systems with multi-modal language features mainly intended for local use. </p><p>Although, this work is part of the EU funded WWAAC project, the concept coding work is to be kept open source as we want to collaborate with experts and stakeholders in both the AAC field and internet technologies/accessibility area. Thus we are wanting to use this area to establish an interest group in the concept coding approach. if you are interested in getting involved at whatever level then please contact us.</p><h2>Links</h2><p>These are some of the most relevant links i can think of to share, if you have others, please add them. </p><h3>research projects</h3><ul type=""circle""><li><a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">wwaac</a> project (the eu project that funded this initial work) </li></ul><blockquote><div align=""left""><ul><li>""<a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">Code ofPractice</a>"" - the WWAAC project deliverable on the Concept Coding Framework (PDF 1.2MB)<br /></li></ul></div></blockquote><ul type=""circle""><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">symbered</a> project (swedish project continuing ccf developments) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">swad-europe</a> project (semantic web advanced development for europe) </li></ul><h3>web accessibility resources (general)</h3><ul><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">w3c-wai</a> (world wide web consortium - web accessibility initiative)</li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">w3c-wcag</a> (world wide web consortium - web content accessibility guidelines working group) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">w3c-wcag 1.0</a> (world wide web consortium - web content accessibility guidelines 1.0) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">w3c-wcag 2.0 (draft)</a> (world wide web consortium - web content accessibility guidelines 2.0) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">w3c-wcag 2.0 rdf techniques (draft)</a> (rdf techniques document for wcag 2.0 (above)) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">dmag</a> (digital media access group) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">accessify</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">alistapart</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">diveintoaccessibility</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">jakob nielsen on usability</a> </li></ul><h3>web accessibility resources (learning difficulties)</h3><ul><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">ld-web</a> (web specialists looking into learning difficulties) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">juicystudio article</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">webusability article</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">article by lisa seeman at www2002 conference</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">article by kanta jiwnani</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">webaim article (part1)</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">webaim article (part2)</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">uk leading learning difficulties charity</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">communicate:webwide</a> (a commercial symbol browser by widget, an leading AAC company) </li></ul><h3>technologies</h3><ul><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">rdf</a> (resource description framework) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">owl</a> (ontology web language) </li></ul><h3>miscellaneous</h3><ul><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">semantic web</a> (a portal to information about the semantic web) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">isaac</a> (the international society for augmentative and alternative communication) <br /></li></ul>";"help-,,project_home_page-";Symbol Library,Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Communication,Accessing the Web,Symbols;
"Daisy Pipeline";"The Daisy Multi Format Converter allows conversion of DAISY books between different formats.";;"help-,project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Learning and Education;
"AAC Keys";"AAC Keys is a keyboard and mouse emulation program for Microsoft Windows-based and Macintosh computers. AAC Keys receives commands through your computer's serial port and translates them into keystrokes and mouse movements, giving you full control of your computer from another device such as an AAC system. (If your computer has only USB ports, an inexpensive adapter is available.)";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:</h2><p><br /></p><p>AAC Keys is a keyboard and mouse emulation program for Microsoft Windows-based and <strong>Macintosh</strong> computers. </p> <p>AAC Keys receives commands through your computer's serial port and translates them into keystrokes and mouse moves, giving you full control of your computer from another device. AAC Keys implements the common <a href=""/web/20150711141053/""><strong>GIDEI</strong></a> (General Input Device Emulating Interface) commands (see below). </p> <p>AAC Keys has been designed to work with Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT 4, and Windows 2000 operating systems. </p> <p>A Macintosh version was developed following the introduction of OS X . (Earlier Macintosh operating systems included SerialKeys.) The Macintosh version was developed by computer science students at <strong><a href=""/web/20150711141053/"">Millersville University of Pennsylvania</a></strong> under the supervision of <a href=""/web/20150711141053/""><strong>Dr. Blaise Liffick</strong></a>.</p>";"help-,project_home_page-";Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Communication,Using the Mouse;
"Accerciser";"Accerciser is an interactive Python accessibility explorer for the GNOME desktop. It uses AT-SPI to inspect and control widgets, allowing you to check if an application is providing correct information to assistive technologies and automated test frameworks.";"<p>This is to announce the first development release of Accerciser for the 1.4.0 (GNOME 2.24) cycle.</p><p></p><p>Accerciser has a simple plug-in framework which you can use to create custom views of accessibility information.</p><p> </p><p>Accerciser is also the first GNOME module, if ordered alphabetically.</p><p> </p><p>==============</p><p>Version 1.3.1</p><p>==============</p><p></p><p>What's new</p><p>==========</p><p>- Implement save functionality, thanks Brian Merrell.</p><p>- Quick select works better for finding accessible under mouse.</p><p>- Check pyatspi version.</p><p></p><p>New And Updated Translations</p><p>============================</p><p>- David Lodge (en_GB)</p><p>- Jorge González (es)</p><p>- Kjartan Maraas (nb)</p><p>- Laurent Dhima (sq)</p><p>Downloading Accerciser</p><p>======================</p><p><a href=""/web/20081006100655/""></a></p><p><a href=""/web/20081006100655/""></a></p>";"";General Tools,General Tools;
"Accessible BBC Listen Again";"The British Broadcast Company (BBC) allows people to listen to vast quantities of their radio output up to a week after it is first broadcast on one of their dozens of radio stations. This service, called Listen Again, relies on a web browser interface that might be difficult for some users, especially people with screen readers. Accessible BBC Listen Again allows you to access the BBC's Listen Again content through a truly accessible interface designed to work with any screen reader.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:</h2><p><br /></p><p>Select programmes and stations with the cursor keys and listen to them at your leisure. You get easy and simple access to hours of programming, including the ever-popular ""The Archers"" and ""In Touch"". </p><p>The new version (2.1) lets you access all of the Listen Again content among many other improvements (thanks to everyone for their suggestions!) It does still require that you have already installed <a title=""BBC version of RealPlayer"" href=""/web/20100610102158/"">RealPlayer from Real</a>. The copyright of the BBC recordings is unchanged: you are simply accessing them through a more accessible presentation of their own website. Version 2.1 should work better on more machines: several users contacted me with problems with 2.0</p>";"project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"Accessible Radio";"Accessible Radio is a way to listen to radio stations on the internet that is easy and simple to use and is designed to work with any screen reader.";"<p>Accessible Radio lets you listen to any of the BBC Radio stations.<br /></p>";"project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"Accessible RSS";"Interested in keeping up with the headlines and newspapers? A new technology called RSS has recently taken the Internet by storm. Websites provide ""feeds"" of their latest stories and headlines, and you can get these simple lists, updated every few minutes. Accessible RSS is an accessible application that lets you access these RSS feeds. NOTE: Accessible RSS is now included in the WebbIE3 installation.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:</h2><p><strong>Accessible RSS</strong> is an accessible application that lets you access these RSS feeds. It displays the headlines from web pages that support RSS. At present four sites (the BBC, the Daily Mail, the Guardian and the Daily Telegraph) are supported, but you can add your own if you find a site with an RSS feed. If you have WebbIE you can press return on a story to launch WebbIE with that story page, but you do not need WebbIE to read the feeds. If you do not have WebbIE the story will be shown in Internet Explorer</p> <ul><li><a title=""Installer for AccessibleRSS and WebbIE"" href=""/web/20140608112049/"">WebbIE 3 Installer</a> - includes the latest Accessible RSS News Reader.</li></ul> <p>You are likely to find that some feeds don't work: this may be because the feed is not valid. You can check the feed's validity at the <a href=""/web/20140608112049/"">Feed Validator service</a>.</p>";"project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"Accessible Web Directory";"This simple program lets you explore the DMOZ web directory, a catalogue of good websites. NOTE: Accessible Web Directory is now included in the WebbIE3 installation.";"<p>This simple program lets you explore the <a href=""/web/20140623052956/"">DMOZ web directory</a>, a catalogue of good websites. It's an alternative way to find web pages of interest. Simply explore categories of web pages and when you find one you like in the catalogue Accessible Web Directory will open it in your default web browser.</p>";"help-,project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"AccessiblePodcatcher";"AccessiblePodcatcher (formerly AccessiblePodcaster) is a simple way for blind and screen reader users to use podcasts.";;"help-,project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"ACollab";"ACollab is an accessible, open source, multi-group, Web-based collaborative work environment. Group member, group administrator, and system administrator tools are all compliant with international accessibility standards (WCAG 1.0, Section 508 US) so people with disabilities can participate fully in collaborative and administrative activities.";"<p>ACollab is available as a work groups <strong>addon for ATutor 1.4+</strong> , and as a standalone collaborative work environment that will run on its own. ACollab is ideal for groups working at a distance developing documentation, collaborating on research, or writing joint papers, and ideal for online educators who wish to add group learning activities to their ATutor courses. A <a href=""acollab/demo.php"">demo</a> and <a href=""acollab/download.php"">download</a> are available if you want to learn more. Or, read on for a list of <a href=""portal_factory#features"">ACollab features</a>.</p><h2 class=""Heading""></h2><h2 class=""Heading"">ACollab Features: </h2><ul><li><strong>Document Drafting Room</strong>: Group members can work within a Web-based document versioning system, collaborating on document development and publication. Documents developed in the Drafting Room can be transferred to the Shared Documents Library once finalized. </li><li><strong>Shared Documents Library</strong>: Group members can submit documents to the library, from which other group members, or public members, can retrieve those documents for viewing or downloading. </li><li><strong>Events Calendar</strong>: Events can be posted to the calendar by all group members, to announce activities, meetings, due dates, or other group related happenings. </li><li><strong>News &amp; Announcements</strong>: Group administrators, or system administrators, can post news to be presented to users when they first login to a group. </li><li><strong>Group Membership Index</strong>: Group members can view other group members' profiles and contact information. </li><li><strong>Mail Inbox</strong>: Members can communicate with each other privately. </li><li><strong>AChat-PHP</strong>: Accessible synchronous communication is possible between group members, ideal for online meetings or group socializing. </li><li><strong>AForum</strong>: AForum is an enhanced version for the ATutor forums. Members post message for others to retrieve later. Forums can be set to read only, reply only, as open discussion, or can be hidden from view. </li><li><strong>Multi-Lingual Interface</strong>: Language can be modified by system administrators, or new language packs can be created using the translation tools. </li><li><strong>Accessibility Compliance</strong>: Group member, group administrator, and system administrator tools are all compliant with international accessibility standards (WCAG 1.0, Section 508 US) so people with disabilities can participate fully in collaborative and administrative activities. </li><li><strong>Group Leaders</strong>: Create chat transcripts, define folders for sorting documents, assign group membership roles, create and manage forums, create mailing lists, post news and announcements, and manage group members. </li><li><strong>System Administrator</strong>: Create and manage groups, manage the system languages, and manage all users on a system. </li></ul><p><br /></p>";"help-,project_home_page-,support-";Educational and Learning,Text input Projects,Alternative Access,Learning and Education;
"Acomm";"AComm is an accessible Java-based Instant Messaging and Whiteboard tool. It has been designed to allow assistive technology users to participate in synchronous Internet-based communication activities that have traditionally been inaccessible to them.";"<p><br /></p><h2 class=""Heading"">AComm Features</h2><ul type=""none""><li>User can login to an existing Jabber account or sign up for a new one. </li><li>Roster provides ""presence"" information for contacts. </li><li>Users can participate in private or group chat/whiteboard sessions </li><li>Text chat window and optional whiteboard </li><li>Participant list on demand. </li><li>A variety of whiteboard drawing tools are available </li><li>Peer description allows any participant to describe the drawn objects. Anti-collision feature ensures one describer per object. </li><li>Accessibility options <ul><li>Option to play sound effect when a new message arrives. </li><li>Keyboard drawing checkbox </li><li>Manual refresh checkbox </li><li>Show only new checkbox </li><li>Newest message first checkbox </li></ul></li><li>Keyboard enabled drawing lets users use some features of the whiteboard without a mouse. </li><li>Save and open palette feature lets users create and describe pictures beforehand. </li></ul><h2 class=""Heading"">Requirements</h2><ul type=""none""><li><p>AComm is a Java application and requires that a Java Runtime Environment be installed on system it is running on.</p></li></ul>";"help-,project_home_page-,support-";Educational and Learning,General Tools,Accessing the Web,Alternative Access,Learning and Education;
"Acta";"Acta is an outline processor. It lets you organize just about anything -- reports, ideas, lists, projects, graphics -- in the form of an outline, where topics have subtopics.";;"help-,project_home_page-";Educational and Learning,General Tools,Other function,Learning and Education,General Tools,Other need;
"Agrip";"The of this project aim is to provide access to the mainstream gaming community not by producing specialist ""accessible games"" but by making mainstream games - and their associated extension and development tools - accessible. Downloads include an accessible version of Quake, the popular PC game.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the Authors:</h2><p><br />Over the past two years, AGRIP has developed an accessible version of Quake and <a href=""QuakeWorld"">QuakeWorld</a> which allows both single and multi-player games, including the collection of online player statistics. In the future we will add immersive 3D audio and level editing facilities - in addition to the gameplay modifications that are currently possible. At each milestone in the project, we make public releases of our software. </p><p>This page explains the history of the project and the technology involved in more detail. </p><p><strong>Contents:</strong> </p><ol start=""1""><li><a href=""portal_factory#head-a109afc74ec61374e55528b64d6c44ed4cde9829"">About the AGRIP Project</a> </li><li><a href=""portal_factory#head-cc42005755cbb0352a9cb9296a18505325e861d4"">About our Games</a> </li><li><a href=""portal_factory#head-203a06f9c01fc67c10338007e44e4149dc980caf"">The Technology we Use</a> </li></ol><p></p><h2 id=""head-a109afc74ec61374e55528b64d6c44ed4cde9829"">About the AGRIP Project</h2><p>Accessible Gaming Rendering Independence Possible (you can see why we shorten it to ""AGRIP""!) was started in May 2003 with the goal of making a mainstream first-person shooter game for the sighted accessible. It was founded by <a href=""MatthewAtkinson"">MatthewAtkinson</a> and <a href=""SabahattinGucukoglu"">SabahattinGucukoglu</a>. This section provides all sorts of information about the project. It is split into the following sections: </p><ul><li><p><a href=""ProjectInfoSection/ProjectRationale"">/ProjectRationale</a> - all about what we're doing and why we're doing it. </p></li><li><p><a href=""ProjectInfoSection/TheRoadmap"">/TheRoadmap</a> - our plans for development - posted here so you can contact us with suggestions on how to improve them. </p></li><li><p><a href=""ProjectInfoSection/TheLogo"">/TheLogo</a> - description and explanation of the logo, plus an audio version of it. </p></li><li><p><a href=""ProjectInfoSection/OnlineShop"">/OnlineShop</a> - information on how to show your support for the project, by wearing an AGRIP T-Shirt. </p></li></ul><p>If you've got any suggestions for further topics that could be added to this page (or others), feel free to either add them in yourself or <a href=""ContactUs"">ContactUs</a> with your suggestions. </p><h2 id=""head-cc42005755cbb0352a9cb9296a18505325e861d4"">About our Games</h2><p>For more information about the software on offer here, you can visit the start pages for each game: </p><ul><li><p><a href=""AccessibleQuake"">AccessibleQuake</a> - the original mainstream game made accessible </p></li><li><p><a href=""AudioQuake"">AudioQuake</a> - the next generation Internet <a href=""AudioGame"">AudioGame</a> </p></li></ul><p></p><h2 id=""head-203a06f9c01fc67c10338007e44e4149dc980caf"">The Technology we Use</h2><p>The world of game technology is a very interesting one. Here are links to some pages on the Wiki that you can use to start exploring and learning about the various bits and pieces fit together: </p><ul><li><p><a href=""GameStructure"">GameStructure</a> </p></li><li><p><a href=""GameEngine"">GameEngine</a> </p></li><li><p><a href=""GameCode"">GameCode</a> </p></li><li><p><a href=""QuakeC"">QuakeC</a> </p></li><li><p><a href=""AudioGame"">AudioGame</a> </p></li><li><p><a href=""ImplicitAccessibility"">ImplicitAccessibility</a> </p></li></ul><p><br /></p>";"help-,,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-,support-";Computer Automation,General Tools,Alternative Access,General Tools;
"Amaya";"Amaya is a complete Open Source accessible web browsing and authoring environment from WC3";"<p><br /></p><h2>W3C's Editor/Browser</h2><p>Amaya is a Web editor, i.e. a tool used to create and update documents directly on the Web. Browsing features are seamlessly integrated with the editing and remote access features in a uniform environment. This follows the original vision of the Web as a space for collaboration and not just a one-way publishing medium.</p><p>Work on Amaya started at W3C in 1996 to showcase Web technologies in a fully-featured Web client. The main motivation for developing Amaya was to provide a framework that can integrate as many W3C technologies as possible. It is used to demonstrate these technologies in action while taking advantage of their combination in a single, consistent environment.</p><p>Amaya started as an HTML + CSS style sheets editor. Since that time it was extended to support XML and an increasing number of XML applications such as the XHTML family, MathML, and SVG. It allows all those vocabularies to be edited simultaneously in compound documents.</p><p>Amaya includes a collaborative annotation application based on Resource Description Framework (<a href=""RDF/"">RDF</a>), XLink, and XPointer. Visit the <a href=""2001/Annotea/"">Annotea project</a> home page.</p><h2>Amaya - Open Source</h2><p>Amaya is an <a href=""/web/20100919093150/"">open source</a> software project hosted by W3C. You are invited to <a href=""Actors.html#contribute"">contribute</a> in many forms (documentation, translation, writing code, fixing bugs, porting to other platforms...).</p><p>The Amaya software is written in C and is available for Windows, Unix platforms and MacOS X.</p><h2>Amaya Team</h2><p>The application is jointly developed by W3C and the <a href=""/web/20100919093150/"">WAM</a> (Web, Adaptation and Multimedia) project at <a href=""/web/20100919093150/"">INRIA</a>. The core team includes: Irène Vatton (Project lead, INRIA), Laurent Carcone (W3C), Vincent Quint (INRIA).</p>";"help-,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-,support-";General Tools,Accessing the Web,General Tools;
"AMIS";"AMIS is a software program that you can use to read DAISY books. AMIS is a multilingual player for reading books complying with DAISY standards.";;"help-,,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-;group_id=86978&amp;func=browse,support-";Text to Speech,Alternative Access,Learning and Education;
"Another Lens";"Another Lens displays a magnified view of the area of the mouse cursor. Quite handy, for example, for drawing software.";;"help-,project_home_page-";Other function,Other need;
"ARASAAC Pictograms";"A free (CC-BY-NC-SA) resource of around 5000 colour and black &amp; white pictographic symbols from Catedu and the Aragonese Portal of Augmentative and Alternative Communication in Spain.";"<h2>From the authors:</h2><p>The ARASAAC portal offers graphic resources and materials to facilitate communication for those with some sort of problem in this area. <br /></p><h2>OATSoft comment:<br /></h2><p>This is an increasingly popular and widely used AAC resource, and the symbol file libraries are available with the file names translated into a growing number of languages. The file format provided is 500 pixels high PNG. Though the number of files is quite large, there is a fair amount of redundancy due to numerous duplication of symbols labelled with different names.<br /></p>";"project_home_page-";Symbol Library,Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Educational and Learning,Communication,Symbols,Learning and Education;
"at-spi";"at-spi (assistive technology service provider interface) is the primary assistive technology infrastructure for the Solaris and Linux operating environments.";"<p> Applications and toolkits supporting the AT-SPI include the GNOME GTK+ toolkit, the Java platform's Swing toolkit, OpenOffice, and Mozilla.</p><p>A second download is at:</p><p></p><p><a href=""/web/20081205083430/""></a><br /><br /></p>";"contact_address-mailto:Li.Yuan@Sun.COM,project_home_page-";General Tools,General Tools;
"atk";"The interface definitions of accessibility infrastructure. (GNOME)";"<p>Second download at</p><p><a href=""/web/20081205065700/""></a><br /></p>";"help-,contact_address-mailto:Li.Yuan@Sun.COM,project_home_page-";General Tools,General Tools;
"Atutor";"ATutor is an Open Source Web-based Learning Content Management System (LCMS) designed with accessibility and adaptability in mind.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">ATutor Features</h2><ul><li><strong>Accessibility</strong>: ATutor was designed with accessibility as a priority. A wide range of features ensure assistive technology users can participate fully in learner, instructor, and administrative activities. </li><li><strong>My Courses</strong> : Instructors and students can manage the ATutor courses they teach and/or are enrolled in. </li><li><strong>Adaptive Navigation</strong>: Learners can move through ATutor content using global, hierarchical, or sequential navigation tools. Navigation elements can be displayed as text, icons, or both text and icons, and they can be hidden to simplify the environment. </li><li><strong>Work Groups</strong>: When the ACollab add-on is installed on an ATutor system, learners can collaborate with others on course projects, communicate as a group with the forums and chat, share resources using their group library, schedule activities with the events calendar, and work together on project documents through the drafting room. Exercises or assignments can submitted to the group leader, or course instructor. </li><li><strong>Feedback</strong>: Following an action (such as saving preference settings, or posting a message), feedback is given on the status of the operation. This could be a success message, warnings to consider, or errors to fix. </li><li><strong>Preference Settings</strong>: Learners can control ATutor features and the theme ATutor is presented in. </li><li><strong>Communication Tools</strong>: Learners can communicate with others using ATutor's private mail, the discussion forums, the chat rooms, or the ""User's Online"" tool. Threads and messages can be sorted in a variety of ways. Students can communicate with those in other courses through shared forum, or a community forum. Subscribe to forums or topic threads to have forum messages sent by email. </li><li><strong>Content Package Viewer</strong>: Learners can export content from ATutor as Content Packages that can be viewed offline in the accompanying viewer. </li><li><strong>Content Tracker</strong>: Learners can keep track of the content pages they have visited. </li><li><strong>Test Manager</strong>: Learners can take tests, review test results, and keep track of their scores. </li><li><strong>Glossary</strong>: Words and phrases added to the glossary by the instructor, can be accessed from terms embedded within content pages, or viewed alphabetically in their entirety using the Glossary tool. </li><li><strong>Links Database</strong>: Each course has a tool for collecting links to course related Web-based information. Both students and instructors can add links. Instructors can also manage them. </li><li><strong>Course Search</strong>: A search engine allows learners to search course content. Search for courses in the course catalogue. </li><li><strong>TILE Repository Search</strong>: Learners can <a href=""/web/20131007203459/"">search the TILE learning objects repository</a> for content related to the topics they are studying, and download content packages for viewing offline. </li>Instructors<br /></ul>";"help-,,project_home_page-,support-";Educational and Learning,Learning and Education;
"Audio Enriched Links";"Audio Enriched Links provide previews of linked web pages to users with visual impairments.";;"help-,,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-;group_id=65529&amp;func=browse";Other function,Viewing the screen;
"AutoHotKey";"An open source macro style program that can re-map the mouse, keyboard and joystick functions as well as automate pretty much anything!";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:<br /></h2><p class=""size110"">AutoHotkey is a free, open-source utility for Windows. With it, you can:</p> <ul class=""size110""><li>Automate almost anything by sending keystrokes and mouse clicks. You can write a <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">mouse or keyboard macro</a> by hand or use the macro recorder.</li><li>Create <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">hotkeys</a> for keyboard, joystick, and mouse. Virtually any key, button, or combination can become a hotkey.</li><li><a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">Expand abbreviations</a> as you type them. For example, typing ""btw"" can automatically produce ""by the way"".</li><li>Create custom data entry forms, user interfaces, and menu bars. See <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">GUI</a> for details.</li><li><a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">Remap</a> keys and buttons on your keyboard, joystick, and mouse.</li><li>Respond to signals from hand-held remote controls via the <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">WinLIRC client script</a>.</li><li>Run existing AutoIt v2 scripts and enhance them with <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">new capabilities</a>.</li><li>Convert any script into an <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">EXE file</a> that can be run on computers that don't have AutoHotkey installed.</li></ul> <p class=""size110"">Getting started might be easier than you think. Check out the <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">quick-start tutorial</a>.<br /><br /></p><h2 class=""Heading"">OATS Comments:</h2><p>This is a fantastic resource for assistive technology!  It really unleashes the power of your PC and helps set it up to your exact requirements.  It's a bit technical to get into, but once into it it is easy - there are some great examples too.</p><p><br /></p><h2 class=""Heading"">More About Hotkeys</h2> <p>AutoHotkey unleashes the full potential of your keyboard, joystick, and mouse. For example, in addition to the typical Control, Alt, and Shift modifiers, you can use the Windows key and the Capslock key as modifiers. In fact, you can make any key or mouse button act as a modifier. For these and other capabilities, see <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">Advanced Hotkeys</a>.</p> <h3 class=""Subheading"">Other Features</h3> <ul><li class=""li2"">Change the volume, mute, and other <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">settings</a> of any soundcard.</li><li class=""li2"">Make any window <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">transparent</a>, <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">always-on-top</a>, or alter its <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">shape</a>.</li><li class=""li2""> Use a <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">joystick</a> or <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">keyboard</a> as a mouse.</li><li class=""li2""><a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">Monitor</a> your system. For example, close unwanted windows the moment they appear.</li><li class=""li2"">Retrieve and change the <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">clipboard's contents</a>, including file names copied from an Explorer window.</li><li class=""li2""><a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">Disable or override</a> Windows' own shortcut keys such as Win+E and Win+R.</li><li class=""li2"">Alleviate RSI with substitutes for <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">Alt-Tab</a> (using keys, mouse wheel, or buttons).</li><li class=""li2"">Customize the <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">tray icon menu</a> with your own icon, tooltip, menu items, and submenus.</li><li class=""li2"">Display <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">dialog boxes</a>, <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">tooltips</a>, <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">balloon tips</a>, and <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">popup menus</a> to interact with the user.</li><li class=""li2"">Perform scripted actions in <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">response</a> to system shutdown or logoff.</li><li class=""li2"">Detect how long the user has been <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">idle</a>. For example, run CPU intensive tasks only when the user is away.</li><li class=""li2"">Automate game actions by detecting <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">images</a> and <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">pixel colors</a>.</li><li class=""li2""><a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">Read</a>, <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">write</a>, and <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">parse</a> text files more easily than in other languages.</li><li class=""li2"">Perform operation(s) upon a set of files that match a <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">wildcard pattern</a>.</li><li class=""li2"">Work with the <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">registry</a> and <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">INI files</a>.</li></ul>";"help-,,project_home_page-,support-";Computer Automation,Other function,Using the Mouse,Alternative Access,Other need;
"AutoIT";"AutoIt v3 is a freeware BASIC-like scripting language designed for automating the Windows GUI and general scripting. It uses a combination of simulated keystrokes, mouse movement and window/control manipulation in order to automate tasks in a way not possible or reliable with other languages (e.g. VBScript and SendKeys). AutoIt is also very small, self-contained and will run on 95, 98, ME, NT4, 2000, XP, 2003 out of the box with no annoying ""runtimes"" required! You can even make compiled executable scripts that can run without AutoIt being installed!";"<h2 class=""Heading"">What the authors say:<br /></h2><p>AutoIt was initially designed for PC ""roll out"" situations to reliably configure thousands of PCs, but with the arrival of v3 it has become a powerful language able to cope with most scripting needs.</p> <p>AutoIt can: </p><ul><li>Provide a general-purpose scripting language for all Windows versions </li><li>Simulate keystrokes (supports most keyboard layouts)</li><li>Simulate mouse movements and clicks</li><li>Move, resize and manipulate windows</li><li>Interact directly with ""controls"" on a window (set/get text from edit controls, check boxes and radio buttons, select items in drop-down lists, etc.)</li><li>Create complex user interfaces (GUIs) </li><li>Work with the clipboard to cut/paste text items</li><li>Provide a scriptable RunAs function for Windows 2000/XP/2003 </li></ul> <p>Unlike AutoIt2, the new AutoIt v3 language has a much more standard syntax -similar to VBScript and BASIC - and now supports complex expressions, user functions, looping and everything else that veteran scripters would expect.</p> <p>As with previous versions, AutoIt has been designed to be as small as possible (~115KB) and stand-alone with no external .dll files or registry entries required.  Scripts can also be compiled into <em>stand-alone executables</em> with <strong>Aut2Exe</strong>.</p> <p>There will also be updates to the ActiveX and DLL versions of AutoIt called <strong>AutoItX</strong> - unlike v2 this will be a <em>combined control</em> (COM and standard DLL functions in the same DLL).  AutoItX will allow you to add the unique features of AutoIt to your own favourite scripting or programming languages! </p> <p>Best of all, AutoIt continues to be <strong>FREE</strong> - but if you want to support the time, money and effort spent on the project and web hosting then you may donate using the link to your left in the menu.<br /></p><p><br /></p><h2 class=""Heading"">OATS Comments:</h2><p></p><p>AutoIt very powerful scripting software - it will allow you to automate a great number of tasks.  For most end users there will probably be easier to use macro programs, (such as <a title=""AutoHotKey"" href=""resolveuid/79e8d41ffaba8813d198cc52a9aca17f"" target=""_self"">AutoHotKey</a>)  however for some people who want the 'ultimate power' in scripting, this might be appropriate.<br /></p>";"help-,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-,support-";Computer Automation,Other need;
"AutoTextTyper";"AutoTextTyper is a contextual menu plugin that lets you quickly and easily add commonly used text, such as email addresses, web sites, postal addresses, etc... You can then select any of those items from the menu and have them automatically typed into any application that supports contextual menus.";"<p>AutoTextTyper is a contextual menu plugin that lets you quickly and easily add commonly used text, such as email addresses, web sites, postal addresses, company names, form letters, and more, to a list of items in a contextual menu. You can also have the current date and/or time typed. You can then select any of those items from the menu and have them automatically typed into any application that supports contextual menus. You can also associate a key combination (a Hot Key) with a macro and use that Hot Key to invoke the macro.</p>";"help-,project_home_page-";Computer Automation,Text input Projects;
"BATS";"This is an ongoing project aimed at providing people without sight the same rich information and spatial awareness that sighted people get from exploring maps.";;"help-,,project_home_page-";Other function,Viewing the screen;
"Big Calculator";"You can either click on the buttons with the mouse or use the numeric keypad to perform calculations.";"<p>The size of the calculator buttons is determined by the WIDTH of the calculator window.<br /><br /> Big Calculator will use a <a href=""/web/20151127022718/"">SAPI 4.0 speech</a> system if you have one installed on your system.</p> <p><i>Tip: for extra large read-out, set a wide, short window, and input with the numeric keys.</i></p>";"help-,project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Educational and Learning,Learning and Education,General Tools;
"Blissymbolics Resources";"The complete authorised Blissymbol vocabulary (the BCI-AV) resources of over 5000 basic Blissymbol concepts - characters and words - are available under a free CreativeCommons-BY-SA license. (Note: Registering and login required for access)";"<p>The complete current authorised lexical resources of Blissymbolics are here available with an overview, tracked changes, lexical source text files (in the unfortunately proprietary WinBliss editor format), export file libraries (in a range of different file formats and sizes (SVG, PNG, BMP and WMF), spreadsheet and PDF lexical documentation files.</p><p>(Note: Registering and login is required for access to the Community Area of the Blissymbolics Communications International (BCI) site where these resources are available.)<br /></p>";",project_home_page-";Symbol Library,Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Educational and Learning,Communication,Symbols,Learning and Education;
"CCHotKey";"Mac OSX CCHotKey is a small and simple application that launches any script you want after clicking any hotkey you want.";"<p>A simple hotkey generator for Mac OSX</p>";"help-,,project_home_page-";Computer Automation,Text input Projects,Alternative Access;
"CHIP Speaking";"CHIPSPEAKING is a desktop augmentative communication device that supports up to 99 messages. Users can record in their own voice (or care-givers can record the voice of someone else of the same gender and age) or take advantage of computerized voices.";"<p><br />Unlike the flagship product, CHIPSpeaking™ , CHIPSpeech™  actually is written to assist PALS to record their voice as it is now, and preserve the phrases and sentences that are needed in everyday life, and recall them in their own voice, and save that speech indefinitely. The recordings are made and saved to disk in small files, which can be saved on diskette or backup media for use on other computers. </p>";",project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Communication;
"CLiCk, Speak";"CLiCk, Speak is an open source, freely available extension for the Firefox web browser. It is part of the CLC-4-TTS Suite of products, it features a mouse driven interface, and it reads web pages - hence its name.";"<p>Unlike <a href=""/web/20130906032603/"">Fire Vox</a> which is designed for visually impaired users, CLiCk, Speak is designed for sighted users who want text-to-speech functionality. It doesn't identify elements or announce events - two features that are very important for visually impaired users but very annoying for sighted users. It also has a simplified, mouse driven interface that is designed to be easy for users familiar with point-and-click graphical user interfaces. Like Fire Vox, CLiCk, Speak works on Windows, Macintosh, and Linux; and Fire Vox has multilingual support, making it great for users who are trying to learn a foreign language and need to hear foreign language web sites read out to them for practice. <br /></p><p>If you're a sighted user who wants to have web pages read to you because you have cognitive issues (for example, dyslexia), because you have literacy issues (like me - I can understand spoken Mandarin Chinese just fine, but reading is difficult for me), because you want to reduce eyestrain and listen to a web page being read, etc., then you are likely to prefer CLiCk, Speak over Fire Vox.</p><p>The Core Library Components for Text-To-Speech (CLC-4-TTS) Suite is a set of extensions for Firefox. It consists of a library for doing text-to-speech synthesis (the Core library), a library for navigating the HTML DOM (the Utils library), and an application that uses the libraries to act as a screen reader (Fire Vox).</p><p>While it currently only works on Firefox, it would be possible for me to create versions of this for other Mozilla products such as Thunderbird. I would have to rewrite the application portion, but the libraries would largely remain untouched. These libraries can also be used to construct other extensions that are not necessarily aimed at the visually impaired. Both are directions that I am interested in pursuing in the near future, so stay tuned.</p>";"help-,,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-";Text to Speech,Accessing the Web;
"Click-Catch";"Click-Catch(C) is an autoclicker. It means it simulates mouse clicks with constant intervals of time.";"<p>Click-Catch(C) available options:</p><ul><li>You may choose which button to simulate between left/right/middle mouse buttons.</li><li>You can also set single or double click.</li><li>There are two ""hot keys"" available. You must enable them in settings. ""hot keys"" are disabled by default.<br />Combination of ""control""+""x"" pressed together at once starts clicking, ""control""+""s"" stops.</li><li>In cases, when you cannot use ""hot keys"" to start/stop clicking, there are two buttons implemented.<br />To start simulation press ""START"" button or press ""STOP"" to stop it</li><li>You may also need to change time interval between clicks.<br />You can set its value from 10 hours to 100 miliseconds.<br />Minimal step is 50 miliseconds.</li><li>There is a possiblity to save your settings. Settings are stored in Windows Registry File.<br />Click-Catch(c) has no instalation procedure (it's only one file after all!)<br />so it can not delete its entry after deinstalation (delete).<br />It has however an option called ""clear WinRegFile entry"".<br />Use it freely, it is harmless.</li><li>You can check if there is new version available to download easely. Simply chose Help/Check for update!<br /></li></ul>";"help-,,project_home_page-";Computer Automation,Text input Projects,Using the Mouse,Alternative Access;
"Click-N-Type virtual keyboard";"Click-N-Type is an on-screen virtual keyboard, giving access to the keyboard characters through the use of your mouse or other pointing device.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:</h2><br /><p>Click-N-Type is an on-screen keyboard which allows you to type with the use of a pointing device (e.g. mouse or tracker ball) rather than the physical computer keyboard. The designers claim it is successful in allowing text to be typed into “those uncooperative places like browser URL ""Address:"" fields, Email ""To:"" addresses, Email ""Subject:"" fields, and dialog boxes like ""Open"" and ""Save As..."",” which other virtual keyboards have trouble with. Several custom layouts are available, including QWERTY, ABC and ‘Speed layout’ in which the letters commonly used together are grouped together, reducing the pointer motion required. An English language prediction program is also available for use with the keyboard, available from the same website. </p> <h2 class=""Heading"">OATS Comments:</h2><p>This is a flexible and powerful on-screen keyboard.  To customise the keyboards you will need to be fairly computer literate, but other than that it is also quite easy to use.  It includes basic word prediction.<br /></p><p><br /></p>";"help-,,project_home_page-";On Screen Keyboard Projects,Text input Projects,Alternative Access;
"Concept Coding Framework (CCF)";"Around the world, people with impaired communication, including difficulties to read or write, may use symbols as an alternative or complement to character based texts. Referencing to, and exchanging these alternatively coded messages over the Internet is difficult due to the lack of standardised encoding schemes and common practises. The Concept Coding Framework (CCF) is being developed to overcome some of these difficulties.";"<h2>News</h2><h3>3 February 2011 - (Mats Lundälv)</h3><p>In spite of nothing appearing at this spot for quite some time, the CCF development continues, currently in the context of the AEGIS project. More to appear here soon after the recent move of the server home of OATS, as well as for the domain. More to come - soon hopefully ...</p><br /><h3>3 September 2009 - (Mats Lundälv)</h3><p>The summer has passed and the work towards the first CCF release is slowly progressing. Will we make it during the 3rd quarter of 2009 as envisaged ? Well - surprise - possibly not :-/ It currently looks uncertain whether we will be ready during this month. It will probably be a bit later this autumn. <br /></p><p>Bengt Farre's completely re-written new SYMBERED version is getting close to completion, but still has some way to go.</p><p>The good news is that Lars Nordberg is well on the way to transfer our CCF databases from MySQL to the <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">Sun JavaDB</a> (based on <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">Apache Derby</a>) Java database. This will provide another option for providing CCF resources (in addition to the MySQL and RDF resources) in a light weight format that will be easier to deploy, install and use for those who will like to try working with CCF based applications and services.</p><p>We'll keep you updated at this space ..</p><br /><h3>19 June 2009 - (Mats Lundälv)</h3><p>A first full release of the updated CCF package is now envisaged during the 3rd quarter of 2009. It will cover a set of concepts covering the authorized Blissymbolics vocabulary of around 4450 Bliss-words. These will be organised in a Base Reference Ontology (BRO) with concepts covered by WordNet, and a Complementary Reference Ontology (CRO) for the rest. The Concept Coded concepts in the Reference Ontologies will be linked to an open ended numbers of so called Assistive Ontologies containing the different supported language representations for the concepts - Bliss being the first target for graphical symbol representations, and English and Swedish being the first natural language lexicons fully supported. The structure is already prepared for supporting a number of other symbolic representations, as well as all Scandinavian/Nordic, and a number of other European languages. More will be added as soon as interest and resources will be around. <br /></p><p>In technical terms; the first release will contain a Java based CCF Tool for browsing and managing the CCF resources (<a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">WordNet</a>, the BRO and CRO, Assistive Ontologies and symbol resources). The data will be stored in or retrieved from either a MySQL database or an RDF/XML based resource. <br /></p><p>The first practical implementation will be an updated version of the <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">SYMBERED</a> tool for creating symbol supported web content via a CMS module written in PHP working towards the MySQL database. (This will be a complete re-write of the first SYMBERED version based on the <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">Papunet </a>CMS). </p><p>The next practical implementation will be the first prototypes of the envisaged CCF symbol support plugin extension for within the AEGIS project - planned for the 4th quarter of 2009.<br /></p><h3>08 June 2009 - (Mats Lundälv)</h3><p>In the AEGIS project 1:st international workshop (in Slough at RIM 05 June) Dr. Christian Galinski from <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">Infoterm </a>gave a very interesting and informative presentation on issues concerning ""Standards for content in the field of eInclusion - and beyond"" - with great relevance for the CCF work in particular, and for the <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">AEGIS </a>and <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">Raising The Floor</a> projects in general. We will have to do some studying about ISO//TC 37 ""Terminology and other language and content resources"" ;-)  I hope the presentations will be on-line soon.<br /></p><h3><b>22 February 2009 - (Mats Lundälv)</b></h3><p>The  concept coding work has continued in slow pace as follow up work after the Nordic <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">SYMBERED project</a> - which is still ongoing. <br />It is now brought further in relation to a task within the ongoing European and international <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">AEGIS-project</a>. Concept coding will be employed in building open source components for graphic symbol support - in, as well as in prototype Java based cross-platform AAC applications - for mobile devices and other environments.<br /></p><h3><b>03/12/2007 - (Andy Judson)</b><br /></h3><p>With my move from the University of Dundee's School of Computing, I thought it time I ported the old CCF website to the OATS portal. With the Bliss Think Tank in July'07 we've been busy hacking more demonstrators. Mats, Bengt and Lars have been busy fine-tuning the <a title=""Symbol &amp; Concept Coding Editor (aka SYMBERED)"" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">SYMBERED</a> system (CCF support for CMS - using PHP, MySQL, Java). I've been busy working on a .NET infrastructure and building a central CCF ontology in SQLServer. The database I've been working with is now populated with around 9000 concepts (based on the STANDUP project ontology) and around 3000 Bliss symbols (some of which are mapped to concept codes). There is an prototype website where you can search the ontologies, update the bliss-ccf mappings, write ruby annotated bliss messages (then you can copy the source to your own website like I've done below). This webservice could be used as a portal to manage the ccf, and more excitingly, for use by other software / web applications, e.g. <a title=""FoxySymbols"" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">FoxySymbols</a>. I hope to get the webservice &amp; database hosted soon.<br /></p><h2>Background</h2><p>Around the world, people with impaired communication, including difficulties to read or write, may use symbols as an alternative or complement to character based texts. Referencing to, and exchanging these alternatively coded messages over the Internet is difficult due to the lack of standardised encoding schemes and common practises. This site is intended to motivate, describe and promote the introduction and adoption of a common, open and vendor neutral Concept Coding Framework (CCF) to overcome some of these difficulties. In particular will act as a base for all contribution to this work - be it formal documentation or informal discussions. </p><p>The suggested CCF has been carefully designed to be conformant to the standard language technologies that are rapidly developing and penetrating the Internet communities. In this way we believe that the proposed CCF can contribute to a major leap in bridging between different technologies and products developed for AAC users and, more importantly, between these Assistive Technologies (AT) and the main-stream technologies of today's and tomorrow's networked information society. </p><p>The bridging approach also implies that the CCF is not intended to replace and exclude the use and development of current and future proprietary assistive technologies in the AAC field. Instead the CCF and its bridging technology and tools are designed to provide added value for all stake-holders; AAC users, special product developers and service providers, as well as general service and information providers who want to support improved accessibility to their products. </p><p>Designed to be used over the Internet for email, web-based activities, chat and/or other emerging Internet based services, the CCF technology can, however, be used by software manufacturers also to provide additional functionality, enhanced support for, and integration of, software and systems with multi-modal language features mainly intended for local use. </p><p>Although, this work is part of the EU funded WWAAC project, the concept coding work is to be kept open source as we want to collaborate with experts and stakeholders in both the AAC field and internet technologies/accessibility area. Thus we are wanting to use this area to establish an interest group in the concept coding approach. if you are interested in getting involved at whatever level then please contact us.</p><h2>Links</h2><p>These are some of the most relevant links i can think of to share, if you have others, please add them. </p><h3>research projects</h3><ul type=""circle""><li><a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">wwaac</a> project (the eu project that funded this initial work) </li></ul><blockquote><div align=""left""><ul><li>""<a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">Code ofPractice</a>"" - the WWAAC project deliverable on the Concept Coding Framework (PDF 1.2MB)<br /></li></ul></div></blockquote><ul type=""circle""><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">symbered</a> project (swedish project continuing ccf developments) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">swad-europe</a> project (semantic web advanced development for europe) </li></ul><h3>web accessibility resources (general)</h3><ul><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">w3c-wai</a> (world wide web consortium - web accessibility initiative)</li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">w3c-wcag</a> (world wide web consortium - web content accessibility guidelines working group) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">w3c-wcag 1.0</a> (world wide web consortium - web content accessibility guidelines 1.0) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">w3c-wcag 2.0 (draft)</a> (world wide web consortium - web content accessibility guidelines 2.0) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">w3c-wcag 2.0 rdf techniques (draft)</a> (rdf techniques document for wcag 2.0 (above)) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">dmag</a> (digital media access group) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">accessify</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">alistapart</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">diveintoaccessibility</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">jakob nielsen on usability</a> </li></ul><h3>web accessibility resources (learning difficulties)</h3><ul><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">ld-web</a> (web specialists looking into learning difficulties) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">juicystudio article</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">webusability article</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">article by lisa seeman at www2002 conference</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">article by kanta jiwnani</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">webaim article (part1)</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">webaim article (part2)</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">uk leading learning difficulties charity</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">communicate:webwide</a> (a commercial symbol browser by widget, an leading AAC company) </li></ul><h3>technologies</h3><ul><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">rdf</a> (resource description framework) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">owl</a> (ontology web language) </li></ul><h3>miscellaneous</h3><ul><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">semantic web</a> (a portal to information about the semantic web) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">isaac</a> (the international society for augmentative and alternative communication) <br /></li></ul>";"help-,,project_home_page-";Symbol Library,Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Communication,Accessing the Web,Symbols;
"Daisy Pipeline";"The Daisy Multi Format Converter allows conversion of DAISY books between different formats.";;"help-,project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Learning and Education;
"Dasher";"Dasher is an information-efficient text-entry interface, driven by natural continuous pointing gestures.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:</h2><p>Dasher is a zooming interface. You point where you want to go, and the display zooms in wherever you point. The world into which you are zooming is painted with letters, so that any point you zoom in on corresponds to a piece of text. The more you zoom in, the longer the piece of text you have written. You choose what you write by choosing where to zoom. </p><p></p><p>To make the interface efficient, we use the predictions of a language model to determine how much of the world is devoted to each piece of text. Probable pieces of text are given more space, so they are quick and easy to select. Improbable pieces of text (for example, text with spelling mistakes) are given less space, so they are harder to write. The language model learns all the time: if you use a novel word once, it is easier to write next time. <br /></p><p><br /></p><p>A big advantage of Dasher over other predictive text-entry interfaces that offer word-completions to the user is that it is <b>mode-free</b>: the user does not need to switch from a writing mode to an ""accept-model-predictions"" mode. </p><p>Another advantage is that it is easy to train the model on any writing style: simply load up an example file, then write away!</p><br /><h2 class=""Heading"">OATS Comment:</h2><p>Dasher is an amazing innovation on on-screen keyboards - although at first it might seem difficult, stick with it and you will be astounded at how efficient it is.  Although mainly aimed at users who can use a mouse (or similar device) the Dasher team are working on a switch accessible version.  There is also a version that works well with speech recognition software - <a title=""Speech Dasher"" href=""resolveuid/d8eeddfaf075fb166fb7a4b60529a52d"" target=""_self"">Speech Dasher</a>.<br /></p><h2 class=""Heading"">See Dasher in action:</h2><p>David MacKay demonstrated Dasher at the Bett 2006 Special Needs Fringe and you can <a href=""/web/20150424043338/;task=view&amp;id=76&amp;Itemid=1"" target=""_self"">watch the video</a> created by Leon Cych.Dasher 4.9.0 is now available for download from:</p><p> </p><p>  <a href=""/web/20150424043338/""></a></p><p> </p><p>Windows binaries will shortly be available from:</p><p> </p><p> <a href=""/web/20150424043338/""></a></p><p> </p><p>Dasher is a predictive text input system for the GNOME Desktop, suitable for any situation in which a conventional keyboard cannot be used.</p><p> </p><p>This is the first in a new development series, including a large number of improvements from a wide variety of contributors. As always, thanks to all Dasher developers and contributors. Please file any bug reports in the GNOME Bugzilla, and send any comments and feedback to</p>";"help-,,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-,support-";On Screen Keyboard Projects,Switch Input Software,Text input Projects,Alternative Access;
"Dkey";"Dkey is disambiguation software for computers - it works in a similar way to 'predictive text' on your mobile phone. It is designed to allow quicker text input for people with physical disabilities who can use a keyboard with a small number of keys, for example a number pad keyboard. It can also be used with mouse input, or with switch input via other software. It is designed with people with disabilities in mind, but could be used by anyone.";;"help-,,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-,support-";On Screen Keyboard Projects,Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Text input Projects;
"DonnerLaParole";"DonnerLaParole is a primarily text based communicator for people with speech and physical impairments - including word prediction, text-to-speech support etc. Best support for French - cross-platform Java application.";"<h2>From the authors:</h2><p>This is a software that allows to enter words and sentences easily and make them talk. Which is very useful for people with disabilities.</p> <p>“DonnerLaParole” can be translated in “GiveTheWord” …</p> <p>There are several key features:</p> <ul><li>several input systems help you if you can’t easily access the computer: <ul><li>without any clicks, if you do not have enough strength or muscle coordination</li><li>with a selection block mechanism, if you cannot move, <ul><li>with just the click of a mouse or a switch,</li><li>with two contactors or 2 buttons if you want to access the buttons at your own pace</li></ul> </li></ul> </li></ul> <ul><li>a set of virtual keyboards: <ul><li>computer keyboard</li><li>style keyboard phone</li><li>a keyboard for sign language</li><li>keyboard customizable icons</li></ul> </li></ul> <ul><li>a set of dictionaries to be able to quickly select words without having to enter all the letters (this is called predictive text input).</li></ul> <ul><li>a manager of common sentences, to avoid having to continually enter the same words and similar phrases.</li></ul> <ul><li>voice synthesizers, which will deliver the phrases or words typed in: <ul><li>the possibility of using voice as Virginia SAPI (Windows only)</li><li>voices natively on Windows, Apple and Linux</li><li>regionalization of the French language <ul><li>with the Canadian “accent”</li><li>with the Belgian “accent”</li></ul> </li></ul> </li></ul> <ul><li>a composer of iconic sentences</li></ul> <ul><li>greater accessibility of the interface for those deprived of movement, particularly in settings</li></ul> <ul><li>system ready for monitoring the environment (or home automation) with <ul><li>the ability to send messages through serial port</li><li>the ability to run programs on the user’s computer</li><li>the ability to send requests to a server</li></ul></li></ul><br /><h2>OATSoft comment:</h2> <h3>License</h3> <a href=""/web/20150502032517/"">Common Public License 1.0</a> <br />Installation packages are available for different generations of MS Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.<br />";"project_home_page-";On Screen Keyboard Projects,Text to Speech,Switch Input Software,Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Environmental Control,Text input Projects,Communication,Alternative Access;
"DSpeech";"This is a TTS (Text To Speech) program with functionality of ASR (Automatic Speech Recognition) integrated. It is able to to read aloud the written text and choose the sentences to be pronounced based upon the vocal answers of the user.";"<p>It is specifically designed to quickly and directly provide the functions and improved practical usefulness that are requested by this kind of program. In the meantime, the invasiveness and resource consumption is minimal.<br />(DSpeech does not install itself, is very light, starts in a second and doesn't write anything to the registry). Some notable features of DSpeech are:<br /><br />1. Allows you to save the output as a .WAV or .MP3 file.<br />2. Allows you to quickly select different voices, even combine them, or juxtapose them in order to create dialogues between different voices.<br />3. DSpeech integrates a vocal recognition system that, through a simple script language, allows you to create interactive dialogues with the user.<br />4. Allows you to configure the voices in an independent way.<br />5. Thanks to apposite TAGs, it allows you to dynamically change the features of the voices during the playback (speed, volume and frequency), to insert pauses, emphasize specific words, or even to spell them out.<br />6. Allows you to capture and reproduce the content of the ClipBoard.<br />7. DSpeech is compatible with all vocal engines (SAPI 4-5 compliant).<br />8. AI dialog system. Not really useful, but amusing. It does not work in every language. <br /></p><p></p><p>DSpeech interface can be translated in several languages: </p><p>Italian (By Talksina) </p><p>Spanish (By Ricardo Abad &amp; Esteban Mello) </p><p>Spanish Valencian (By Ricardo Abad) </p><p>French (By Adel) </p><p>Portuguese (By Ângelo Miguel) </p><p>Brazilian Portuguese (By Antonio Cezar Locutor) </p><p>Latin American Spanish (By Rafael Lopez Jr.)</p>";",project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Text input Projects,Accessing the Web,General Tools;
"Dwell Clicker";"Dwelling is resting the mouse over one area of the screen for a specified time. The dwell click software allows you to perform left-click, right-click and double clicks, and even drag things around the screen.";;"help-,project_home_page-";Other function,Using the Mouse,Alternative Access;
"E-triloquist";"The program has an input area on the screen for entering a text or audio phrase which is to be spoken or played. With the touch of the ""Enter"" key or a mouse click, the text is converted to speech and sent to a voice synthesizer which conveys the message in mellifluous tones. Audio phrases are played as recorded.";"<h3>From the Authors:</h3><p>E-triloquist, the personal computer augmentative communication aid software formerly known as ""SpeakEasy"", developed as a family project. Dad had amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and lost his ability to speak in the course of the disease. Son is particularly versatile in personal computers. Our first version (named ""SpeakEasy"" at the time) was made available on the Internet in early 1995. We are now on Version 5.7 with even more new features suggested by current users of the program, and with full support for Windows-ME and Windows-XP operating systems. See the <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">New Features</a> page for full details on the enhancements in V5.7. Go to the <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">Downloads</a> page to install or upgrade to the latest version of E-triloquist. </p><p> Most users of the program can still use a keyboard, albeit slowly. For those who can no longer type, E-triloquist can easily be teamed-up with on-screen keyboards, scanners, word-predictors, single-switch input, or other assistive input devices such as <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">Click-N-Type virtual keyboard</a> from Lake Software, <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">SofType</a> from <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">Origin Instruments</a>, <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">WiViK®</a> on-screen keyboard (virtual keyboard) software, <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">Virtual On-Screen Keyboard</a> by <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">MiloSoft</a>, <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">My-T-Mouse</a> from <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">IMG</a>, and a variety of input devices and augmentative communication products from <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">Prentke Romich Company</a>. A longer list of devices can be viewed on the <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">ALS Resources</a> page. These tools can also be added on at a later time if the need arises. Note: when looking for assistive input devices, be sure to get one that will work with ALL of your Windows programs, (e.g. E-triloquist, word processor, e-mail, web browser, ...) not just one specific software program. </p>";"project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Communication;
"Edgeless";"This application causes the mouse pointer to wrap around the screen instead of stopping at the edges.";"<p>This application causes the mouse pointer to wrap around the screen instead of stopping at the edges. It can be configured to start at Windows startup if required.</p>";",project_home_page-";Other function,Using the Mouse;
"EdgeWrite";"Provides text entry to hand held devices for people who find writing difficult.";;"help-,project_home_page-";Environmental Control,Text input Projects;
"EdWord and EdWeb";"EdWord is a talking word processor that allows you to combine text with symbols. EdWeb is a talking web browser that can display web pages as a combination of text and symbols.";;"help-,,project_home_page-";Symbol Library,Text to Speech,Switch Input Software,Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Text input Projects,Accessing the Web,Symbols,Alternative Access;
"AAC Keys";"AAC Keys is a keyboard and mouse emulation program for Microsoft Windows-based and Macintosh computers. AAC Keys receives commands through your computer's serial port and translates them into keystrokes and mouse movements, giving you full control of your computer from another device such as an AAC system. (If your computer has only USB ports, an inexpensive adapter is available.)";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:</h2><p><br /></p><p>AAC Keys is a keyboard and mouse emulation program for Microsoft Windows-based and <strong>Macintosh</strong> computers. </p> <p>AAC Keys receives commands through your computer's serial port and translates them into keystrokes and mouse moves, giving you full control of your computer from another device. AAC Keys implements the common <a href=""/web/20150711141053/""><strong>GIDEI</strong></a> (General Input Device Emulating Interface) commands (see below). </p> <p>AAC Keys has been designed to work with Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT 4, and Windows 2000 operating systems. </p> <p>A Macintosh version was developed following the introduction of OS X . (Earlier Macintosh operating systems included SerialKeys.) The Macintosh version was developed by computer science students at <strong><a href=""/web/20150711141053/"">Millersville University of Pennsylvania</a></strong> under the supervision of <a href=""/web/20150711141053/""><strong>Dr. Blaise Liffick</strong></a>.</p>";"help-,project_home_page-";Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Communication,Using the Mouse;
"Accerciser";"Accerciser is an interactive Python accessibility explorer for the GNOME desktop. It uses AT-SPI to inspect and control widgets, allowing you to check if an application is providing correct information to assistive technologies and automated test frameworks.";"<p>This is to announce the first development release of Accerciser for the 1.4.0 (GNOME 2.24) cycle.</p><p></p><p>Accerciser has a simple plug-in framework which you can use to create custom views of accessibility information.</p><p> </p><p>Accerciser is also the first GNOME module, if ordered alphabetically.</p><p> </p><p>==============</p><p>Version 1.3.1</p><p>==============</p><p></p><p>What's new</p><p>==========</p><p>- Implement save functionality, thanks Brian Merrell.</p><p>- Quick select works better for finding accessible under mouse.</p><p>- Check pyatspi version.</p><p></p><p>New And Updated Translations</p><p>============================</p><p>- David Lodge (en_GB)</p><p>- Jorge González (es)</p><p>- Kjartan Maraas (nb)</p><p>- Laurent Dhima (sq)</p><p>Downloading Accerciser</p><p>======================</p><p><a href=""/web/20081006100655/""></a></p><p><a href=""/web/20081006100655/""></a></p>";"";General Tools,General Tools;
"Accessible BBC Listen Again";"The British Broadcast Company (BBC) allows people to listen to vast quantities of their radio output up to a week after it is first broadcast on one of their dozens of radio stations. This service, called Listen Again, relies on a web browser interface that might be difficult for some users, especially people with screen readers. Accessible BBC Listen Again allows you to access the BBC's Listen Again content through a truly accessible interface designed to work with any screen reader.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:</h2><p><br /></p><p>Select programmes and stations with the cursor keys and listen to them at your leisure. You get easy and simple access to hours of programming, including the ever-popular ""The Archers"" and ""In Touch"". </p><p>The new version (2.1) lets you access all of the Listen Again content among many other improvements (thanks to everyone for their suggestions!) It does still require that you have already installed <a title=""BBC version of RealPlayer"" href=""/web/20100610102158/"">RealPlayer from Real</a>. The copyright of the BBC recordings is unchanged: you are simply accessing them through a more accessible presentation of their own website. Version 2.1 should work better on more machines: several users contacted me with problems with 2.0</p>";"project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"Accessible Radio";"Accessible Radio is a way to listen to radio stations on the internet that is easy and simple to use and is designed to work with any screen reader.";"<p>Accessible Radio lets you listen to any of the BBC Radio stations.<br /></p>";"project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"Accessible RSS";"Interested in keeping up with the headlines and newspapers? A new technology called RSS has recently taken the Internet by storm. Websites provide ""feeds"" of their latest stories and headlines, and you can get these simple lists, updated every few minutes. Accessible RSS is an accessible application that lets you access these RSS feeds. NOTE: Accessible RSS is now included in the WebbIE3 installation.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:</h2><p><strong>Accessible RSS</strong> is an accessible application that lets you access these RSS feeds. It displays the headlines from web pages that support RSS. At present four sites (the BBC, the Daily Mail, the Guardian and the Daily Telegraph) are supported, but you can add your own if you find a site with an RSS feed. If you have WebbIE you can press return on a story to launch WebbIE with that story page, but you do not need WebbIE to read the feeds. If you do not have WebbIE the story will be shown in Internet Explorer</p> <ul><li><a title=""Installer for AccessibleRSS and WebbIE"" href=""/web/20140608112049/"">WebbIE 3 Installer</a> - includes the latest Accessible RSS News Reader.</li></ul> <p>You are likely to find that some feeds don't work: this may be because the feed is not valid. You can check the feed's validity at the <a href=""/web/20140608112049/"">Feed Validator service</a>.</p>";"project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"Accessible Web Directory";"This simple program lets you explore the DMOZ web directory, a catalogue of good websites. NOTE: Accessible Web Directory is now included in the WebbIE3 installation.";"<p>This simple program lets you explore the <a href=""/web/20140623052956/"">DMOZ web directory</a>, a catalogue of good websites. It's an alternative way to find web pages of interest. Simply explore categories of web pages and when you find one you like in the catalogue Accessible Web Directory will open it in your default web browser.</p>";"help-,project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"AccessiblePodcatcher";"AccessiblePodcatcher (formerly AccessiblePodcaster) is a simple way for blind and screen reader users to use podcasts.";;"help-,project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"ACollab";"ACollab is an accessible, open source, multi-group, Web-based collaborative work environment. Group member, group administrator, and system administrator tools are all compliant with international accessibility standards (WCAG 1.0, Section 508 US) so people with disabilities can participate fully in collaborative and administrative activities.";"<p>ACollab is available as a work groups <strong>addon for ATutor 1.4+</strong> , and as a standalone collaborative work environment that will run on its own. ACollab is ideal for groups working at a distance developing documentation, collaborating on research, or writing joint papers, and ideal for online educators who wish to add group learning activities to their ATutor courses. A <a href=""acollab/demo.php"">demo</a> and <a href=""acollab/download.php"">download</a> are available if you want to learn more. Or, read on for a list of <a href=""portal_factory#features"">ACollab features</a>.</p><h2 class=""Heading""></h2><h2 class=""Heading"">ACollab Features: </h2><ul><li><strong>Document Drafting Room</strong>: Group members can work within a Web-based document versioning system, collaborating on document development and publication. Documents developed in the Drafting Room can be transferred to the Shared Documents Library once finalized. </li><li><strong>Shared Documents Library</strong>: Group members can submit documents to the library, from which other group members, or public members, can retrieve those documents for viewing or downloading. </li><li><strong>Events Calendar</strong>: Events can be posted to the calendar by all group members, to announce activities, meetings, due dates, or other group related happenings. </li><li><strong>News &amp; Announcements</strong>: Group administrators, or system administrators, can post news to be presented to users when they first login to a group. </li><li><strong>Group Membership Index</strong>: Group members can view other group members' profiles and contact information. </li><li><strong>Mail Inbox</strong>: Members can communicate with each other privately. </li><li><strong>AChat-PHP</strong>: Accessible synchronous communication is possible between group members, ideal for online meetings or group socializing. </li><li><strong>AForum</strong>: AForum is an enhanced version for the ATutor forums. Members post message for others to retrieve later. Forums can be set to read only, reply only, as open discussion, or can be hidden from view. </li><li><strong>Multi-Lingual Interface</strong>: Language can be modified by system administrators, or new language packs can be created using the translation tools. </li><li><strong>Accessibility Compliance</strong>: Group member, group administrator, and system administrator tools are all compliant with international accessibility standards (WCAG 1.0, Section 508 US) so people with disabilities can participate fully in collaborative and administrative activities. </li><li><strong>Group Leaders</strong>: Create chat transcripts, define folders for sorting documents, assign group membership roles, create and manage forums, create mailing lists, post news and announcements, and manage group members. </li><li><strong>System Administrator</strong>: Create and manage groups, manage the system languages, and manage all users on a system. </li></ul><p><br /></p>";"help-,project_home_page-,support-";Educational and Learning,Text input Projects,Alternative Access,Learning and Education;
"Acomm";"AComm is an accessible Java-based Instant Messaging and Whiteboard tool. It has been designed to allow assistive technology users to participate in synchronous Internet-based communication activities that have traditionally been inaccessible to them.";"<p><br /></p><h2 class=""Heading"">AComm Features</h2><ul type=""none""><li>User can login to an existing Jabber account or sign up for a new one. </li><li>Roster provides ""presence"" information for contacts. </li><li>Users can participate in private or group chat/whiteboard sessions </li><li>Text chat window and optional whiteboard </li><li>Participant list on demand. </li><li>A variety of whiteboard drawing tools are available </li><li>Peer description allows any participant to describe the drawn objects. Anti-collision feature ensures one describer per object. </li><li>Accessibility options <ul><li>Option to play sound effect when a new message arrives. </li><li>Keyboard drawing checkbox </li><li>Manual refresh checkbox </li><li>Show only new checkbox </li><li>Newest message first checkbox </li></ul></li><li>Keyboard enabled drawing lets users use some features of the whiteboard without a mouse. </li><li>Save and open palette feature lets users create and describe pictures beforehand. </li></ul><h2 class=""Heading"">Requirements</h2><ul type=""none""><li><p>AComm is a Java application and requires that a Java Runtime Environment be installed on system it is running on.</p></li></ul>";"help-,project_home_page-,support-";Educational and Learning,General Tools,Accessing the Web,Alternative Access,Learning and Education;
"Acta";"Acta is an outline processor. It lets you organize just about anything -- reports, ideas, lists, projects, graphics -- in the form of an outline, where topics have subtopics.";;"help-,project_home_page-";Educational and Learning,General Tools,Other function,Learning and Education,General Tools,Other need;
"Agrip";"The of this project aim is to provide access to the mainstream gaming community not by producing specialist ""accessible games"" but by making mainstream games - and their associated extension and development tools - accessible. Downloads include an accessible version of Quake, the popular PC game.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the Authors:</h2><p><br />Over the past two years, AGRIP has developed an accessible version of Quake and <a href=""QuakeWorld"">QuakeWorld</a> which allows both single and multi-player games, including the collection of online player statistics. In the future we will add immersive 3D audio and level editing facilities - in addition to the gameplay modifications that are currently possible. At each milestone in the project, we make public releases of our software. </p><p>This page explains the history of the project and the technology involved in more detail. </p><p><strong>Contents:</strong> </p><ol start=""1""><li><a href=""portal_factory#head-a109afc74ec61374e55528b64d6c44ed4cde9829"">About the AGRIP Project</a> </li><li><a href=""portal_factory#head-cc42005755cbb0352a9cb9296a18505325e861d4"">About our Games</a> </li><li><a href=""portal_factory#head-203a06f9c01fc67c10338007e44e4149dc980caf"">The Technology we Use</a> </li></ol><p></p><h2 id=""head-a109afc74ec61374e55528b64d6c44ed4cde9829"">About the AGRIP Project</h2><p>Accessible Gaming Rendering Independence Possible (you can see why we shorten it to ""AGRIP""!) was started in May 2003 with the goal of making a mainstream first-person shooter game for the sighted accessible. It was founded by <a href=""MatthewAtkinson"">MatthewAtkinson</a> and <a href=""SabahattinGucukoglu"">SabahattinGucukoglu</a>. This section provides all sorts of information about the project. It is split into the following sections: </p><ul><li><p><a href=""ProjectInfoSection/ProjectRationale"">/ProjectRationale</a> - all about what we're doing and why we're doing it. </p></li><li><p><a href=""ProjectInfoSection/TheRoadmap"">/TheRoadmap</a> - our plans for development - posted here so you can contact us with suggestions on how to improve them. </p></li><li><p><a href=""ProjectInfoSection/TheLogo"">/TheLogo</a> - description and explanation of the logo, plus an audio version of it. </p></li><li><p><a href=""ProjectInfoSection/OnlineShop"">/OnlineShop</a> - information on how to show your support for the project, by wearing an AGRIP T-Shirt. </p></li></ul><p>If you've got any suggestions for further topics that could be added to this page (or others), feel free to either add them in yourself or <a href=""ContactUs"">ContactUs</a> with your suggestions. </p><h2 id=""head-cc42005755cbb0352a9cb9296a18505325e861d4"">About our Games</h2><p>For more information about the software on offer here, you can visit the start pages for each game: </p><ul><li><p><a href=""AccessibleQuake"">AccessibleQuake</a> - the original mainstream game made accessible </p></li><li><p><a href=""AudioQuake"">AudioQuake</a> - the next generation Internet <a href=""AudioGame"">AudioGame</a> </p></li></ul><p></p><h2 id=""head-203a06f9c01fc67c10338007e44e4149dc980caf"">The Technology we Use</h2><p>The world of game technology is a very interesting one. Here are links to some pages on the Wiki that you can use to start exploring and learning about the various bits and pieces fit together: </p><ul><li><p><a href=""GameStructure"">GameStructure</a> </p></li><li><p><a href=""GameEngine"">GameEngine</a> </p></li><li><p><a href=""GameCode"">GameCode</a> </p></li><li><p><a href=""QuakeC"">QuakeC</a> </p></li><li><p><a href=""AudioGame"">AudioGame</a> </p></li><li><p><a href=""ImplicitAccessibility"">ImplicitAccessibility</a> </p></li></ul><p><br /></p>";"help-,,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-,support-";Computer Automation,General Tools,Alternative Access,General Tools;
"Amaya";"Amaya is a complete Open Source accessible web browsing and authoring environment from WC3";"<p><br /></p><h2>W3C's Editor/Browser</h2><p>Amaya is a Web editor, i.e. a tool used to create and update documents directly on the Web. Browsing features are seamlessly integrated with the editing and remote access features in a uniform environment. This follows the original vision of the Web as a space for collaboration and not just a one-way publishing medium.</p><p>Work on Amaya started at W3C in 1996 to showcase Web technologies in a fully-featured Web client. The main motivation for developing Amaya was to provide a framework that can integrate as many W3C technologies as possible. It is used to demonstrate these technologies in action while taking advantage of their combination in a single, consistent environment.</p><p>Amaya started as an HTML + CSS style sheets editor. Since that time it was extended to support XML and an increasing number of XML applications such as the XHTML family, MathML, and SVG. It allows all those vocabularies to be edited simultaneously in compound documents.</p><p>Amaya includes a collaborative annotation application based on Resource Description Framework (<a href=""RDF/"">RDF</a>), XLink, and XPointer. Visit the <a href=""2001/Annotea/"">Annotea project</a> home page.</p><h2>Amaya - Open Source</h2><p>Amaya is an <a href=""/web/20100919093150/"">open source</a> software project hosted by W3C. You are invited to <a href=""Actors.html#contribute"">contribute</a> in many forms (documentation, translation, writing code, fixing bugs, porting to other platforms...).</p><p>The Amaya software is written in C and is available for Windows, Unix platforms and MacOS X.</p><h2>Amaya Team</h2><p>The application is jointly developed by W3C and the <a href=""/web/20100919093150/"">WAM</a> (Web, Adaptation and Multimedia) project at <a href=""/web/20100919093150/"">INRIA</a>. The core team includes: Irène Vatton (Project lead, INRIA), Laurent Carcone (W3C), Vincent Quint (INRIA).</p>";"help-,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-,support-";General Tools,Accessing the Web,General Tools;
"AMIS";"AMIS is a software program that you can use to read DAISY books. AMIS is a multilingual player for reading books complying with DAISY standards.";;"help-,,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-;group_id=86978&amp;func=browse,support-";Text to Speech,Alternative Access,Learning and Education;
"Another Lens";"Another Lens displays a magnified view of the area of the mouse cursor. Quite handy, for example, for drawing software.";;"help-,project_home_page-";Other function,Other need;
"ARASAAC Pictograms";"A free (CC-BY-NC-SA) resource of around 5000 colour and black &amp; white pictographic symbols from Catedu and the Aragonese Portal of Augmentative and Alternative Communication in Spain.";"<h2>From the authors:</h2><p>The ARASAAC portal offers graphic resources and materials to facilitate communication for those with some sort of problem in this area. <br /></p><h2>OATSoft comment:<br /></h2><p>This is an increasingly popular and widely used AAC resource, and the symbol file libraries are available with the file names translated into a growing number of languages. The file format provided is 500 pixels high PNG. Though the number of files is quite large, there is a fair amount of redundancy due to numerous duplication of symbols labelled with different names.<br /></p>";"project_home_page-";Symbol Library,Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Educational and Learning,Communication,Symbols,Learning and Education;
"at-spi";"at-spi (assistive technology service provider interface) is the primary assistive technology infrastructure for the Solaris and Linux operating environments.";"<p> Applications and toolkits supporting the AT-SPI include the GNOME GTK+ toolkit, the Java platform's Swing toolkit, OpenOffice, and Mozilla.</p><p>A second download is at:</p><p></p><p><a href=""/web/20081205083430/""></a><br /><br /></p>";"contact_address-mailto:Li.Yuan@Sun.COM,project_home_page-";General Tools,General Tools;
"atk";"The interface definitions of accessibility infrastructure. (GNOME)";"<p>Second download at</p><p><a href=""/web/20081205065700/""></a><br /></p>";"help-,contact_address-mailto:Li.Yuan@Sun.COM,project_home_page-";General Tools,General Tools;
"Atutor";"ATutor is an Open Source Web-based Learning Content Management System (LCMS) designed with accessibility and adaptability in mind.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">ATutor Features</h2><ul><li><strong>Accessibility</strong>: ATutor was designed with accessibility as a priority. A wide range of features ensure assistive technology users can participate fully in learner, instructor, and administrative activities. </li><li><strong>My Courses</strong> : Instructors and students can manage the ATutor courses they teach and/or are enrolled in. </li><li><strong>Adaptive Navigation</strong>: Learners can move through ATutor content using global, hierarchical, or sequential navigation tools. Navigation elements can be displayed as text, icons, or both text and icons, and they can be hidden to simplify the environment. </li><li><strong>Work Groups</strong>: When the ACollab add-on is installed on an ATutor system, learners can collaborate with others on course projects, communicate as a group with the forums and chat, share resources using their group library, schedule activities with the events calendar, and work together on project documents through the drafting room. Exercises or assignments can submitted to the group leader, or course instructor. </li><li><strong>Feedback</strong>: Following an action (such as saving preference settings, or posting a message), feedback is given on the status of the operation. This could be a success message, warnings to consider, or errors to fix. </li><li><strong>Preference Settings</strong>: Learners can control ATutor features and the theme ATutor is presented in. </li><li><strong>Communication Tools</strong>: Learners can communicate with others using ATutor's private mail, the discussion forums, the chat rooms, or the ""User's Online"" tool. Threads and messages can be sorted in a variety of ways. Students can communicate with those in other courses through shared forum, or a community forum. Subscribe to forums or topic threads to have forum messages sent by email. </li><li><strong>Content Package Viewer</strong>: Learners can export content from ATutor as Content Packages that can be viewed offline in the accompanying viewer. </li><li><strong>Content Tracker</strong>: Learners can keep track of the content pages they have visited. </li><li><strong>Test Manager</strong>: Learners can take tests, review test results, and keep track of their scores. </li><li><strong>Glossary</strong>: Words and phrases added to the glossary by the instructor, can be accessed from terms embedded within content pages, or viewed alphabetically in their entirety using the Glossary tool. </li><li><strong>Links Database</strong>: Each course has a tool for collecting links to course related Web-based information. Both students and instructors can add links. Instructors can also manage them. </li><li><strong>Course Search</strong>: A search engine allows learners to search course content. Search for courses in the course catalogue. </li><li><strong>TILE Repository Search</strong>: Learners can <a href=""/web/20131007203459/"">search the TILE learning objects repository</a> for content related to the topics they are studying, and download content packages for viewing offline. </li>Instructors<br /></ul>";"help-,,project_home_page-,support-";Educational and Learning,Learning and Education;
"Audio Enriched Links";"Audio Enriched Links provide previews of linked web pages to users with visual impairments.";;"help-,,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-;group_id=65529&amp;func=browse";Other function,Viewing the screen;
"AutoHotKey";"An open source macro style program that can re-map the mouse, keyboard and joystick functions as well as automate pretty much anything!";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:<br /></h2><p class=""size110"">AutoHotkey is a free, open-source utility for Windows. With it, you can:</p> <ul class=""size110""><li>Automate almost anything by sending keystrokes and mouse clicks. You can write a <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">mouse or keyboard macro</a> by hand or use the macro recorder.</li><li>Create <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">hotkeys</a> for keyboard, joystick, and mouse. Virtually any key, button, or combination can become a hotkey.</li><li><a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">Expand abbreviations</a> as you type them. For example, typing ""btw"" can automatically produce ""by the way"".</li><li>Create custom data entry forms, user interfaces, and menu bars. See <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">GUI</a> for details.</li><li><a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">Remap</a> keys and buttons on your keyboard, joystick, and mouse.</li><li>Respond to signals from hand-held remote controls via the <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">WinLIRC client script</a>.</li><li>Run existing AutoIt v2 scripts and enhance them with <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">new capabilities</a>.</li><li>Convert any script into an <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">EXE file</a> that can be run on computers that don't have AutoHotkey installed.</li></ul> <p class=""size110"">Getting started might be easier than you think. Check out the <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">quick-start tutorial</a>.<br /><br /></p><h2 class=""Heading"">OATS Comments:</h2><p>This is a fantastic resource for assistive technology!  It really unleashes the power of your PC and helps set it up to your exact requirements.  It's a bit technical to get into, but once into it it is easy - there are some great examples too.</p><p><br /></p><h2 class=""Heading"">More About Hotkeys</h2> <p>AutoHotkey unleashes the full potential of your keyboard, joystick, and mouse. For example, in addition to the typical Control, Alt, and Shift modifiers, you can use the Windows key and the Capslock key as modifiers. In fact, you can make any key or mouse button act as a modifier. For these and other capabilities, see <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">Advanced Hotkeys</a>.</p> <h3 class=""Subheading"">Other Features</h3> <ul><li class=""li2"">Change the volume, mute, and other <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">settings</a> of any soundcard.</li><li class=""li2"">Make any window <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">transparent</a>, <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">always-on-top</a>, or alter its <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">shape</a>.</li><li class=""li2""> Use a <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">joystick</a> or <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">keyboard</a> as a mouse.</li><li class=""li2""><a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">Monitor</a> your system. For example, close unwanted windows the moment they appear.</li><li class=""li2"">Retrieve and change the <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">clipboard's contents</a>, including file names copied from an Explorer window.</li><li class=""li2""><a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">Disable or override</a> Windows' own shortcut keys such as Win+E and Win+R.</li><li class=""li2"">Alleviate RSI with substitutes for <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">Alt-Tab</a> (using keys, mouse wheel, or buttons).</li><li class=""li2"">Customize the <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">tray icon menu</a> with your own icon, tooltip, menu items, and submenus.</li><li class=""li2"">Display <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">dialog boxes</a>, <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">tooltips</a>, <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">balloon tips</a>, and <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">popup menus</a> to interact with the user.</li><li class=""li2"">Perform scripted actions in <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">response</a> to system shutdown or logoff.</li><li class=""li2"">Detect how long the user has been <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">idle</a>. For example, run CPU intensive tasks only when the user is away.</li><li class=""li2"">Automate game actions by detecting <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">images</a> and <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">pixel colors</a>.</li><li class=""li2""><a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">Read</a>, <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">write</a>, and <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">parse</a> text files more easily than in other languages.</li><li class=""li2"">Perform operation(s) upon a set of files that match a <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">wildcard pattern</a>.</li><li class=""li2"">Work with the <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">registry</a> and <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">INI files</a>.</li></ul>";"help-,,project_home_page-,support-";Computer Automation,Other function,Using the Mouse,Alternative Access,Other need;
"AutoIT";"AutoIt v3 is a freeware BASIC-like scripting language designed for automating the Windows GUI and general scripting. It uses a combination of simulated keystrokes, mouse movement and window/control manipulation in order to automate tasks in a way not possible or reliable with other languages (e.g. VBScript and SendKeys). AutoIt is also very small, self-contained and will run on 95, 98, ME, NT4, 2000, XP, 2003 out of the box with no annoying ""runtimes"" required! You can even make compiled executable scripts that can run without AutoIt being installed!";"<h2 class=""Heading"">What the authors say:<br /></h2><p>AutoIt was initially designed for PC ""roll out"" situations to reliably configure thousands of PCs, but with the arrival of v3 it has become a powerful language able to cope with most scripting needs.</p> <p>AutoIt can: </p><ul><li>Provide a general-purpose scripting language for all Windows versions </li><li>Simulate keystrokes (supports most keyboard layouts)</li><li>Simulate mouse movements and clicks</li><li>Move, resize and manipulate windows</li><li>Interact directly with ""controls"" on a window (set/get text from edit controls, check boxes and radio buttons, select items in drop-down lists, etc.)</li><li>Create complex user interfaces (GUIs) </li><li>Work with the clipboard to cut/paste text items</li><li>Provide a scriptable RunAs function for Windows 2000/XP/2003 </li></ul> <p>Unlike AutoIt2, the new AutoIt v3 language has a much more standard syntax -similar to VBScript and BASIC - and now supports complex expressions, user functions, looping and everything else that veteran scripters would expect.</p> <p>As with previous versions, AutoIt has been designed to be as small as possible (~115KB) and stand-alone with no external .dll files or registry entries required.  Scripts can also be compiled into <em>stand-alone executables</em> with <strong>Aut2Exe</strong>.</p> <p>There will also be updates to the ActiveX and DLL versions of AutoIt called <strong>AutoItX</strong> - unlike v2 this will be a <em>combined control</em> (COM and standard DLL functions in the same DLL).  AutoItX will allow you to add the unique features of AutoIt to your own favourite scripting or programming languages! </p> <p>Best of all, AutoIt continues to be <strong>FREE</strong> - but if you want to support the time, money and effort spent on the project and web hosting then you may donate using the link to your left in the menu.<br /></p><p><br /></p><h2 class=""Heading"">OATS Comments:</h2><p></p><p>AutoIt very powerful scripting software - it will allow you to automate a great number of tasks.  For most end users there will probably be easier to use macro programs, (such as <a title=""AutoHotKey"" href=""resolveuid/79e8d41ffaba8813d198cc52a9aca17f"" target=""_self"">AutoHotKey</a>)  however for some people who want the 'ultimate power' in scripting, this might be appropriate.<br /></p>";"help-,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-,support-";Computer Automation,Other need;
"AutoTextTyper";"AutoTextTyper is a contextual menu plugin that lets you quickly and easily add commonly used text, such as email addresses, web sites, postal addresses, etc... You can then select any of those items from the menu and have them automatically typed into any application that supports contextual menus.";"<p>AutoTextTyper is a contextual menu plugin that lets you quickly and easily add commonly used text, such as email addresses, web sites, postal addresses, company names, form letters, and more, to a list of items in a contextual menu. You can also have the current date and/or time typed. You can then select any of those items from the menu and have them automatically typed into any application that supports contextual menus. You can also associate a key combination (a Hot Key) with a macro and use that Hot Key to invoke the macro.</p>";"help-,project_home_page-";Computer Automation,Text input Projects;
"BATS";"This is an ongoing project aimed at providing people without sight the same rich information and spatial awareness that sighted people get from exploring maps.";;"help-,,project_home_page-";Other function,Viewing the screen;
"Big Calculator";"You can either click on the buttons with the mouse or use the numeric keypad to perform calculations.";"<p>The size of the calculator buttons is determined by the WIDTH of the calculator window.<br /><br /> Big Calculator will use a <a href=""/web/20151127022718/"">SAPI 4.0 speech</a> system if you have one installed on your system.</p> <p><i>Tip: for extra large read-out, set a wide, short window, and input with the numeric keys.</i></p>";"help-,project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Educational and Learning,Learning and Education,General Tools;
"Blissymbolics Resources";"The complete authorised Blissymbol vocabulary (the BCI-AV) resources of over 5000 basic Blissymbol concepts - characters and words - are available under a free CreativeCommons-BY-SA license. (Note: Registering and login required for access)";"<p>The complete current authorised lexical resources of Blissymbolics are here available with an overview, tracked changes, lexical source text files (in the unfortunately proprietary WinBliss editor format), export file libraries (in a range of different file formats and sizes (SVG, PNG, BMP and WMF), spreadsheet and PDF lexical documentation files.</p><p>(Note: Registering and login is required for access to the Community Area of the Blissymbolics Communications International (BCI) site where these resources are available.)<br /></p>";",project_home_page-";Symbol Library,Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Educational and Learning,Communication,Symbols,Learning and Education;
"CCHotKey";"Mac OSX CCHotKey is a small and simple application that launches any script you want after clicking any hotkey you want.";"<p>A simple hotkey generator for Mac OSX</p>";"help-,,project_home_page-";Computer Automation,Text input Projects,Alternative Access;
"CHIP Speaking";"CHIPSPEAKING is a desktop augmentative communication device that supports up to 99 messages. Users can record in their own voice (or care-givers can record the voice of someone else of the same gender and age) or take advantage of computerized voices.";"<p><br />Unlike the flagship product, CHIPSpeaking™ , CHIPSpeech™  actually is written to assist PALS to record their voice as it is now, and preserve the phrases and sentences that are needed in everyday life, and recall them in their own voice, and save that speech indefinitely. The recordings are made and saved to disk in small files, which can be saved on diskette or backup media for use on other computers. </p>";",project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Communication;
"CLiCk, Speak";"CLiCk, Speak is an open source, freely available extension for the Firefox web browser. It is part of the CLC-4-TTS Suite of products, it features a mouse driven interface, and it reads web pages - hence its name.";"<p>Unlike <a href=""/web/20130906032603/"">Fire Vox</a> which is designed for visually impaired users, CLiCk, Speak is designed for sighted users who want text-to-speech functionality. It doesn't identify elements or announce events - two features that are very important for visually impaired users but very annoying for sighted users. It also has a simplified, mouse driven interface that is designed to be easy for users familiar with point-and-click graphical user interfaces. Like Fire Vox, CLiCk, Speak works on Windows, Macintosh, and Linux; and Fire Vox has multilingual support, making it great for users who are trying to learn a foreign language and need to hear foreign language web sites read out to them for practice. <br /></p><p>If you're a sighted user who wants to have web pages read to you because you have cognitive issues (for example, dyslexia), because you have literacy issues (like me - I can understand spoken Mandarin Chinese just fine, but reading is difficult for me), because you want to reduce eyestrain and listen to a web page being read, etc., then you are likely to prefer CLiCk, Speak over Fire Vox.</p><p>The Core Library Components for Text-To-Speech (CLC-4-TTS) Suite is a set of extensions for Firefox. It consists of a library for doing text-to-speech synthesis (the Core library), a library for navigating the HTML DOM (the Utils library), and an application that uses the libraries to act as a screen reader (Fire Vox).</p><p>While it currently only works on Firefox, it would be possible for me to create versions of this for other Mozilla products such as Thunderbird. I would have to rewrite the application portion, but the libraries would largely remain untouched. These libraries can also be used to construct other extensions that are not necessarily aimed at the visually impaired. Both are directions that I am interested in pursuing in the near future, so stay tuned.</p>";"help-,,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-";Text to Speech,Accessing the Web;
"Click-Catch";"Click-Catch(C) is an autoclicker. It means it simulates mouse clicks with constant intervals of time.";"<p>Click-Catch(C) available options:</p><ul><li>You may choose which button to simulate between left/right/middle mouse buttons.</li><li>You can also set single or double click.</li><li>There are two ""hot keys"" available. You must enable them in settings. ""hot keys"" are disabled by default.<br />Combination of ""control""+""x"" pressed together at once starts clicking, ""control""+""s"" stops.</li><li>In cases, when you cannot use ""hot keys"" to start/stop clicking, there are two buttons implemented.<br />To start simulation press ""START"" button or press ""STOP"" to stop it</li><li>You may also need to change time interval between clicks.<br />You can set its value from 10 hours to 100 miliseconds.<br />Minimal step is 50 miliseconds.</li><li>There is a possiblity to save your settings. Settings are stored in Windows Registry File.<br />Click-Catch(c) has no instalation procedure (it's only one file after all!)<br />so it can not delete its entry after deinstalation (delete).<br />It has however an option called ""clear WinRegFile entry"".<br />Use it freely, it is harmless.</li><li>You can check if there is new version available to download easely. Simply chose Help/Check for update!<br /></li></ul>";"help-,,project_home_page-";Computer Automation,Text input Projects,Using the Mouse,Alternative Access;
"Click-N-Type virtual keyboard";"Click-N-Type is an on-screen virtual keyboard, giving access to the keyboard characters through the use of your mouse or other pointing device.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:</h2><br /><p>Click-N-Type is an on-screen keyboard which allows you to type with the use of a pointing device (e.g. mouse or tracker ball) rather than the physical computer keyboard. The designers claim it is successful in allowing text to be typed into “those uncooperative places like browser URL ""Address:"" fields, Email ""To:"" addresses, Email ""Subject:"" fields, and dialog boxes like ""Open"" and ""Save As..."",” which other virtual keyboards have trouble with. Several custom layouts are available, including QWERTY, ABC and ‘Speed layout’ in which the letters commonly used together are grouped together, reducing the pointer motion required. An English language prediction program is also available for use with the keyboard, available from the same website. </p> <h2 class=""Heading"">OATS Comments:</h2><p>This is a flexible and powerful on-screen keyboard.  To customise the keyboards you will need to be fairly computer literate, but other than that it is also quite easy to use.  It includes basic word prediction.<br /></p><p><br /></p>";"help-,,project_home_page-";On Screen Keyboard Projects,Text input Projects,Alternative Access;
"Concept Coding Framework (CCF)";"Around the world, people with impaired communication, including difficulties to read or write, may use symbols as an alternative or complement to character based texts. Referencing to, and exchanging these alternatively coded messages over the Internet is difficult due to the lack of standardised encoding schemes and common practises. The Concept Coding Framework (CCF) is being developed to overcome some of these difficulties.";"<h2>News</h2><h3>3 February 2011 - (Mats Lundälv)</h3><p>In spite of nothing appearing at this spot for quite some time, the CCF development continues, currently in the context of the AEGIS project. More to appear here soon after the recent move of the server home of OATS, as well as for the domain. More to come - soon hopefully ...</p><br /><h3>3 September 2009 - (Mats Lundälv)</h3><p>The summer has passed and the work towards the first CCF release is slowly progressing. Will we make it during the 3rd quarter of 2009 as envisaged ? Well - surprise - possibly not :-/ It currently looks uncertain whether we will be ready during this month. It will probably be a bit later this autumn. <br /></p><p>Bengt Farre's completely re-written new SYMBERED version is getting close to completion, but still has some way to go.</p><p>The good news is that Lars Nordberg is well on the way to transfer our CCF databases from MySQL to the <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">Sun JavaDB</a> (based on <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">Apache Derby</a>) Java database. This will provide another option for providing CCF resources (in addition to the MySQL and RDF resources) in a light weight format that will be easier to deploy, install and use for those who will like to try working with CCF based applications and services.</p><p>We'll keep you updated at this space ..</p><br /><h3>19 June 2009 - (Mats Lundälv)</h3><p>A first full release of the updated CCF package is now envisaged during the 3rd quarter of 2009. It will cover a set of concepts covering the authorized Blissymbolics vocabulary of around 4450 Bliss-words. These will be organised in a Base Reference Ontology (BRO) with concepts covered by WordNet, and a Complementary Reference Ontology (CRO) for the rest. The Concept Coded concepts in the Reference Ontologies will be linked to an open ended numbers of so called Assistive Ontologies containing the different supported language representations for the concepts - Bliss being the first target for graphical symbol representations, and English and Swedish being the first natural language lexicons fully supported. The structure is already prepared for supporting a number of other symbolic representations, as well as all Scandinavian/Nordic, and a number of other European languages. More will be added as soon as interest and resources will be around. <br /></p><p>In technical terms; the first release will contain a Java based CCF Tool for browsing and managing the CCF resources (<a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">WordNet</a>, the BRO and CRO, Assistive Ontologies and symbol resources). The data will be stored in or retrieved from either a MySQL database or an RDF/XML based resource. <br /></p><p>The first practical implementation will be an updated version of the <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">SYMBERED</a> tool for creating symbol supported web content via a CMS module written in PHP working towards the MySQL database. (This will be a complete re-write of the first SYMBERED version based on the <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">Papunet </a>CMS). </p><p>The next practical implementation will be the first prototypes of the envisaged CCF symbol support plugin extension for within the AEGIS project - planned for the 4th quarter of 2009.<br /></p><h3>08 June 2009 - (Mats Lundälv)</h3><p>In the AEGIS project 1:st international workshop (in Slough at RIM 05 June) Dr. Christian Galinski from <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">Infoterm </a>gave a very interesting and informative presentation on issues concerning ""Standards for content in the field of eInclusion - and beyond"" - with great relevance for the CCF work in particular, and for the <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">AEGIS </a>and <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">Raising The Floor</a> projects in general. We will have to do some studying about ISO//TC 37 ""Terminology and other language and content resources"" ;-)  I hope the presentations will be on-line soon.<br /></p><h3><b>22 February 2009 - (Mats Lundälv)</b></h3><p>The  concept coding work has continued in slow pace as follow up work after the Nordic <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">SYMBERED project</a> - which is still ongoing. <br />It is now brought further in relation to a task within the ongoing European and international <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">AEGIS-project</a>. Concept coding will be employed in building open source components for graphic symbol support - in, as well as in prototype Java based cross-platform AAC applications - for mobile devices and other environments.<br /></p><h3><b>03/12/2007 - (Andy Judson)</b><br /></h3><p>With my move from the University of Dundee's School of Computing, I thought it time I ported the old CCF website to the OATS portal. With the Bliss Think Tank in July'07 we've been busy hacking more demonstrators. Mats, Bengt and Lars have been busy fine-tuning the <a title=""Symbol &amp; Concept Coding Editor (aka SYMBERED)"" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">SYMBERED</a> system (CCF support for CMS - using PHP, MySQL, Java). I've been busy working on a .NET infrastructure and building a central CCF ontology in SQLServer. The database I've been working with is now populated with around 9000 concepts (based on the STANDUP project ontology) and around 3000 Bliss symbols (some of which are mapped to concept codes). There is an prototype website where you can search the ontologies, update the bliss-ccf mappings, write ruby annotated bliss messages (then you can copy the source to your own website like I've done below). This webservice could be used as a portal to manage the ccf, and more excitingly, for use by other software / web applications, e.g. <a title=""FoxySymbols"" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">FoxySymbols</a>. I hope to get the webservice &amp; database hosted soon.<br /></p><h2>Background</h2><p>Around the world, people with impaired communication, including difficulties to read or write, may use symbols as an alternative or complement to character based texts. Referencing to, and exchanging these alternatively coded messages over the Internet is difficult due to the lack of standardised encoding schemes and common practises. This site is intended to motivate, describe and promote the introduction and adoption of a common, open and vendor neutral Concept Coding Framework (CCF) to overcome some of these difficulties. In particular will act as a base for all contribution to this work - be it formal documentation or informal discussions. </p><p>The suggested CCF has been carefully designed to be conformant to the standard language technologies that are rapidly developing and penetrating the Internet communities. In this way we believe that the proposed CCF can contribute to a major leap in bridging between different technologies and products developed for AAC users and, more importantly, between these Assistive Technologies (AT) and the main-stream technologies of today's and tomorrow's networked information society. </p><p>The bridging approach also implies that the CCF is not intended to replace and exclude the use and development of current and future proprietary assistive technologies in the AAC field. Instead the CCF and its bridging technology and tools are designed to provide added value for all stake-holders; AAC users, special product developers and service providers, as well as general service and information providers who want to support improved accessibility to their products. </p><p>Designed to be used over the Internet for email, web-based activities, chat and/or other emerging Internet based services, the CCF technology can, however, be used by software manufacturers also to provide additional functionality, enhanced support for, and integration of, software and systems with multi-modal language features mainly intended for local use. </p><p>Although, this work is part of the EU funded WWAAC project, the concept coding work is to be kept open source as we want to collaborate with experts and stakeholders in both the AAC field and internet technologies/accessibility area. Thus we are wanting to use this area to establish an interest group in the concept coding approach. if you are interested in getting involved at whatever level then please contact us.</p><h2>Links</h2><p>These are some of the most relevant links i can think of to share, if you have others, please add them. </p><h3>research projects</h3><ul type=""circle""><li><a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">wwaac</a> project (the eu project that funded this initial work) </li></ul><blockquote><div align=""left""><ul><li>""<a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">Code ofPractice</a>"" - the WWAAC project deliverable on the Concept Coding Framework (PDF 1.2MB)<br /></li></ul></div></blockquote><ul type=""circle""><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">symbered</a> project (swedish project continuing ccf developments) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">swad-europe</a> project (semantic web advanced development for europe) </li></ul><h3>web accessibility resources (general)</h3><ul><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">w3c-wai</a> (world wide web consortium - web accessibility initiative)</li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">w3c-wcag</a> (world wide web consortium - web content accessibility guidelines working group) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">w3c-wcag 1.0</a> (world wide web consortium - web content accessibility guidelines 1.0) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">w3c-wcag 2.0 (draft)</a> (world wide web consortium - web content accessibility guidelines 2.0) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">w3c-wcag 2.0 rdf techniques (draft)</a> (rdf techniques document for wcag 2.0 (above)) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">dmag</a> (digital media access group) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">accessify</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">alistapart</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">diveintoaccessibility</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">jakob nielsen on usability</a> </li></ul><h3>web accessibility resources (learning difficulties)</h3><ul><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">ld-web</a> (web specialists looking into learning difficulties) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">juicystudio article</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">webusability article</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">article by lisa seeman at www2002 conference</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">article by kanta jiwnani</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">webaim article (part1)</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">webaim article (part2)</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">uk leading learning difficulties charity</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">communicate:webwide</a> (a commercial symbol browser by widget, an leading AAC company) </li></ul><h3>technologies</h3><ul><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">rdf</a> (resource description framework) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">owl</a> (ontology web language) </li></ul><h3>miscellaneous</h3><ul><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">semantic web</a> (a portal to information about the semantic web) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">isaac</a> (the international society for augmentative and alternative communication) <br /></li></ul>";"help-,,project_home_page-";Symbol Library,Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Communication,Accessing the Web,Symbols;
"Daisy Pipeline";"The Daisy Multi Format Converter allows conversion of DAISY books between different formats.";;"help-,project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Learning and Education;
"Dasher";"Dasher is an information-efficient text-entry interface, driven by natural continuous pointing gestures.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:</h2><p>Dasher is a zooming interface. You point where you want to go, and the display zooms in wherever you point. The world into which you are zooming is painted with letters, so that any point you zoom in on corresponds to a piece of text. The more you zoom in, the longer the piece of text you have written. You choose what you write by choosing where to zoom. </p><p></p><p>To make the interface efficient, we use the predictions of a language model to determine how much of the world is devoted to each piece of text. Probable pieces of text are given more space, so they are quick and easy to select. Improbable pieces of text (for example, text with spelling mistakes) are given less space, so they are harder to write. The language model learns all the time: if you use a novel word once, it is easier to write next time. <br /></p><p><br /></p><p>A big advantage of Dasher over other predictive text-entry interfaces that offer word-completions to the user is that it is <b>mode-free</b>: the user does not need to switch from a writing mode to an ""accept-model-predictions"" mode. </p><p>Another advantage is that it is easy to train the model on any writing style: simply load up an example file, then write away!</p><br /><h2 class=""Heading"">OATS Comment:</h2><p>Dasher is an amazing innovation on on-screen keyboards - although at first it might seem difficult, stick with it and you will be astounded at how efficient it is.  Although mainly aimed at users who can use a mouse (or similar device) the Dasher team are working on a switch accessible version.  There is also a version that works well with speech recognition software - <a title=""Speech Dasher"" href=""resolveuid/d8eeddfaf075fb166fb7a4b60529a52d"" target=""_self"">Speech Dasher</a>.<br /></p><h2 class=""Heading"">See Dasher in action:</h2><p>David MacKay demonstrated Dasher at the Bett 2006 Special Needs Fringe and you can <a href=""/web/20150424043338/;task=view&amp;id=76&amp;Itemid=1"" target=""_self"">watch the video</a> created by Leon Cych.Dasher 4.9.0 is now available for download from:</p><p> </p><p>  <a href=""/web/20150424043338/""></a></p><p> </p><p>Windows binaries will shortly be available from:</p><p> </p><p> <a href=""/web/20150424043338/""></a></p><p> </p><p>Dasher is a predictive text input system for the GNOME Desktop, suitable for any situation in which a conventional keyboard cannot be used.</p><p> </p><p>This is the first in a new development series, including a large number of improvements from a wide variety of contributors. As always, thanks to all Dasher developers and contributors. Please file any bug reports in the GNOME Bugzilla, and send any comments and feedback to</p>";"help-,,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-,support-";On Screen Keyboard Projects,Switch Input Software,Text input Projects,Alternative Access;
"Dkey";"Dkey is disambiguation software for computers - it works in a similar way to 'predictive text' on your mobile phone. It is designed to allow quicker text input for people with physical disabilities who can use a keyboard with a small number of keys, for example a number pad keyboard. It can also be used with mouse input, or with switch input via other software. It is designed with people with disabilities in mind, but could be used by anyone.";;"help-,,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-,support-";On Screen Keyboard Projects,Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Text input Projects;
"DonnerLaParole";"DonnerLaParole is a primarily text based communicator for people with speech and physical impairments - including word prediction, text-to-speech support etc. Best support for French - cross-platform Java application.";"<h2>From the authors:</h2><p>This is a software that allows to enter words and sentences easily and make them talk. Which is very useful for people with disabilities.</p> <p>“DonnerLaParole” can be translated in “GiveTheWord” …</p> <p>There are several key features:</p> <ul><li>several input systems help you if you can’t easily access the computer: <ul><li>without any clicks, if you do not have enough strength or muscle coordination</li><li>with a selection block mechanism, if you cannot move, <ul><li>with just the click of a mouse or a switch,</li><li>with two contactors or 2 buttons if you want to access the buttons at your own pace</li></ul> </li></ul> </li></ul> <ul><li>a set of virtual keyboards: <ul><li>computer keyboard</li><li>style keyboard phone</li><li>a keyboard for sign language</li><li>keyboard customizable icons</li></ul> </li></ul> <ul><li>a set of dictionaries to be able to quickly select words without having to enter all the letters (this is called predictive text input).</li></ul> <ul><li>a manager of common sentences, to avoid having to continually enter the same words and similar phrases.</li></ul> <ul><li>voice synthesizers, which will deliver the phrases or words typed in: <ul><li>the possibility of using voice as Virginia SAPI (Windows only)</li><li>voices natively on Windows, Apple and Linux</li><li>regionalization of the French language <ul><li>with the Canadian “accent”</li><li>with the Belgian “accent”</li></ul> </li></ul> </li></ul> <ul><li>a composer of iconic sentences</li></ul> <ul><li>greater accessibility of the interface for those deprived of movement, particularly in settings</li></ul> <ul><li>system ready for monitoring the environment (or home automation) with <ul><li>the ability to send messages through serial port</li><li>the ability to run programs on the user’s computer</li><li>the ability to send requests to a server</li></ul></li></ul><br /><h2>OATSoft comment:</h2> <h3>License</h3> <a href=""/web/20150502032517/"">Common Public License 1.0</a> <br />Installation packages are available for different generations of MS Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.<br />";"project_home_page-";On Screen Keyboard Projects,Text to Speech,Switch Input Software,Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Environmental Control,Text input Projects,Communication,Alternative Access;
"DSpeech";"This is a TTS (Text To Speech) program with functionality of ASR (Automatic Speech Recognition) integrated. It is able to to read aloud the written text and choose the sentences to be pronounced based upon the vocal answers of the user.";"<p>It is specifically designed to quickly and directly provide the functions and improved practical usefulness that are requested by this kind of program. In the meantime, the invasiveness and resource consumption is minimal.<br />(DSpeech does not install itself, is very light, starts in a second and doesn't write anything to the registry). Some notable features of DSpeech are:<br /><br />1. Allows you to save the output as a .WAV or .MP3 file.<br />2. Allows you to quickly select different voices, even combine them, or juxtapose them in order to create dialogues between different voices.<br />3. DSpeech integrates a vocal recognition system that, through a simple script language, allows you to create interactive dialogues with the user.<br />4. Allows you to configure the voices in an independent way.<br />5. Thanks to apposite TAGs, it allows you to dynamically change the features of the voices during the playback (speed, volume and frequency), to insert pauses, emphasize specific words, or even to spell them out.<br />6. Allows you to capture and reproduce the content of the ClipBoard.<br />7. DSpeech is compatible with all vocal engines (SAPI 4-5 compliant).<br />8. AI dialog system. Not really useful, but amusing. It does not work in every language. <br /></p><p></p><p>DSpeech interface can be translated in several languages: </p><p>Italian (By Talksina) </p><p>Spanish (By Ricardo Abad &amp; Esteban Mello) </p><p>Spanish Valencian (By Ricardo Abad) </p><p>French (By Adel) </p><p>Portuguese (By Ângelo Miguel) </p><p>Brazilian Portuguese (By Antonio Cezar Locutor) </p><p>Latin American Spanish (By Rafael Lopez Jr.)</p>";",project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Text input Projects,Accessing the Web,General Tools;
"Dwell Clicker";"Dwelling is resting the mouse over one area of the screen for a specified time. The dwell click software allows you to perform left-click, right-click and double clicks, and even drag things around the screen.";;"help-,project_home_page-";Other function,Using the Mouse,Alternative Access;
"E-triloquist";"The program has an input area on the screen for entering a text or audio phrase which is to be spoken or played. With the touch of the ""Enter"" key or a mouse click, the text is converted to speech and sent to a voice synthesizer which conveys the message in mellifluous tones. Audio phrases are played as recorded.";"<h3>From the Authors:</h3><p>E-triloquist, the personal computer augmentative communication aid software formerly known as ""SpeakEasy"", developed as a family project. Dad had amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and lost his ability to speak in the course of the disease. Son is particularly versatile in personal computers. Our first version (named ""SpeakEasy"" at the time) was made available on the Internet in early 1995. We are now on Version 5.7 with even more new features suggested by current users of the program, and with full support for Windows-ME and Windows-XP operating systems. See the <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">New Features</a> page for full details on the enhancements in V5.7. Go to the <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">Downloads</a> page to install or upgrade to the latest version of E-triloquist. </p><p> Most users of the program can still use a keyboard, albeit slowly. For those who can no longer type, E-triloquist can easily be teamed-up with on-screen keyboards, scanners, word-predictors, single-switch input, or other assistive input devices such as <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">Click-N-Type virtual keyboard</a> from Lake Software, <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">SofType</a> from <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">Origin Instruments</a>, <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">WiViK®</a> on-screen keyboard (virtual keyboard) software, <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">Virtual On-Screen Keyboard</a> by <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">MiloSoft</a>, <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">My-T-Mouse</a> from <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">IMG</a>, and a variety of input devices and augmentative communication products from <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">Prentke Romich Company</a>. A longer list of devices can be viewed on the <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">ALS Resources</a> page. These tools can also be added on at a later time if the need arises. Note: when looking for assistive input devices, be sure to get one that will work with ALL of your Windows programs, (e.g. E-triloquist, word processor, e-mail, web browser, ...) not just one specific software program. </p>";"project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Communication;
"Edgeless";"This application causes the mouse pointer to wrap around the screen instead of stopping at the edges.";"<p>This application causes the mouse pointer to wrap around the screen instead of stopping at the edges. It can be configured to start at Windows startup if required.</p>";",project_home_page-";Other function,Using the Mouse;
"EdgeWrite";"Provides text entry to hand held devices for people who find writing difficult.";;"help-,project_home_page-";Environmental Control,Text input Projects;
"EdWord and EdWeb";"EdWord is a talking word processor that allows you to combine text with symbols. EdWeb is a talking web browser that can display web pages as a combination of text and symbols.";;"help-,,project_home_page-";Symbol Library,Text to Speech,Switch Input Software,Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Text input Projects,Accessing the Web,Symbols,Alternative Access;
"EmacSpeak";"Emacspeak is a speech interface that allows visually impaired users to interact independently and efficiently with the computer.";;"help-,project_home_page-,support-";Text to Speech,Other function,Viewing the screen;
"Enable Viacam";"Enable Viacam (aka eViacam) is a mouse replacement software that moves the pointer as you move your head. It works on standard PCs equipped with a web camera. No additional hardware is required. Runs over Windows and Linux and is released under GNU/GPL license.";"<h2> About this project</h2> <p>Enable Viacam can be used as a full alternative or as a complement to a conventional computer mouse. It is especially useful for people with motor impairments in their hands or their arms (due to bone injuries, ALS, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, spinal cord injuries, muscular dystrophy, amputations, etc.). Enable Viacam<strong></strong> provides them with an effective and reliable solution for human-computer interaction.</p> <p>Core features:</p> <p> </p><ul> <li><b>Hands-Free:</b> Control your computer with intuitive head movements. No need to use your hands — the pointer will obey!</li><li><b>Unobtrusive:</b> Works with any good webcam. No cables, no dots, no additional hardware required.</li> <li><b>Flexible:</b> Click and choose clicking options by way of either pointer dwelling or by external means.</li> <li><b>User-centred:</b> Developed and tested in close collaboration with users from the <a href=""/web/20150502022143/"" target=""_blank"">APPC Cerebral Palsy Centre</a> in Tarragona (Spain).</li> <li><strong>Customizable:</strong> Pointer speed, movement acceleration and smoothness, dwelling time, and many other variables can be adjusted to fit the user's needs. </li> <li><b>Mature:</b> Based on the award winning <a href=""/web/20150502022143/"" target=""_blank"">Facial Mouse</a> software.</li><li><b>Cross-platform:</b> currently, eViacam runs on Windows 2000/XP/Vista and Linux (KDE/GNOME)<br /></li> </ul> <br /> <p></p> <h2>Official site</h2> <p>More information and downloads: <a href=""/web/20150502022143/"" target=""_blank""></a></p> <h2>License</h2> <p>eViacam is realeased under GNU/GPL license.</p>";",project_home_page-";Other function,Using the Mouse,Accessing the Web,Alternative Access,Learning and Education;
"eSpeak text to speech";"eSpeak is a compact free and open source software speech synthesizer for English and other languages, for Linux and Windows.";"<h2>From the developer:</h2><p> eSpeak uses a ""formant synthesis"" method. This allows many languages to be provided in a small size. The speech is clear, and can be used at high speeds, but is not as natural or smooth as larger synthesizers which are based on human speech recordings. </p><p> eSpeak is available as: </p><ul><li>A command line program (Linux and Windows) to speak text from a file or from stdin. </li><li>A shared library version for use by other programs. (On Windows this is a DLL). </li><li>A SAPI5 version for Windows, so it can be used with screen-readers and other programs that support the Windows SAPI5 interface. </li><li>eSpeak has been ported to other platforms, including Solaris and Mac OSX. </li></ul><h3>Features. </h3><ul><li>Includes different Voices, whose characteristics can be altered. </li><li>Can produce speech output as a WAV file. </li><li>SSML (Speech Synthesis Markup Language) is supported (not complete), and also HTML. </li><li>Compact size. The program and its data, including many languages, totals about 1.4 Mbytes. </li><li><b>Can be used as a front-end to MBROLA diphone voices,</b> see <a href=""/web/20150710182918/"">mbrola.html</a>. eSpeak converts text to phonemes with pitch and length information. </li><li>Can translate text into phoneme codes, so it could be adapted as a front end for another speech synthesis engine. </li><li>Potential for other languages. Several are included in varying stages of progress. Help from native speakers for these or other languages is welcome. </li><li>Development tools are available for producing and tuning phoneme data. </li></ul>";",project_home_page-";Text to Speech,General Tools,Communication,Accessing the Web,Alternative Access,Learning and Education,General Tools;
"eStoryMaker";"A simple means for assembling text, picture and sound files into an e-story that supports multiple access means.";"<p> </p><p><b>eStoryMaker</b> is a simple program for assembling an e-story that affords multiple access methods. eStoryMaker can be used to e-book versions of your student's favorite children's books, to recap field trips or special events, to create multimedia social scripts, or to provide a multimedia accounting of each step in a task. eStoryMaker is also designed to work well with Launcher6. In spite of its name, you construct an e-story by placing text, picture and/or sound files in a folder along with the eStoryMaker.exe file. When you open eStoryMaker.exe, it loads page1.txt, page1.jpg and page1.wav (for example.) When your user asks for the next page, eStoryMaker loads the next set of files in the page sequence, if they exist. So, you have to name your picture files, record and name sound files, and create text files. You can use a clipboard text-to-speech program to read your story, if you don't want to bother with recording sound files.</p> <p>There are many freeware tools you can use to help create e-stories. To make e-books from children's books you can use a flatbed scanner, but I often just use a digital camera for quicker results. I take the books outside and shoot the pages in the shade to have good light, but no glare. For picture editing and renaming I recommend using the excellent and free IrfanView program easily obtained from the Internet. To record sound files I most often use the Sound Recorder accessory that comes with Windows. For more precise sound editing, and for converting wav to mp3 files I use the terrific free Audacity program. There are many better free, Internet available alternatives for creating text files than the default Windows Notepad. I have been using a program called EditPad that most importantly supports multiple files being open simultaneously (unlike Notepad.) Finally, I can recommend 2 freeware text-to-speech programs, Deskbot and SayzMe. Both are easily obtained on the Internet and use the freeware Microsoft Agent technology. I prefer Deskbot, and set its options to read the clipboard text only without any extra, distracting animations.</p>";",project_home_page-";Educational and Learning,Learning and Education;
"Eventcorder";"Eventcorder records and plays back Windows events. With Eventcorder, a sequence of keystrokes and mouse-clicks can be implemented at the touch of a single button.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the author:</h2><p><br /></p><p>Eventcorder allows sequences of keystrokes and mouse-clicks (events) to be recorded, and then played back at the touch of a button. It also allows recorded sequences (known as macros) to be edited. The software matches up events with the window for which they were recorded, and will wait for the correct window to open before implementing a particular event, so that events cannot act in the wrong window.</p> <br />";"help-,,project_home_page-";Computer Automation,Using the Mouse;
"Everyday Skills";"Switch-activated software that supports teachers in teaching the young people who are deafblind in learning everyday skills.";;"help-,project_home_page-,support-";Switch Input Software,Educational and Learning,Learning and Education;
"FatBits";"Fatbits magnifies an area of the screen and paints the giant pixels into a new window, which may be useful if you have a visual impairment. To make the screen even more accessible, you can modify the colours it displays.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">What the authors say:<br /> </h2> <p>FatBits magnifies an area of the screen centered around the mouse pointer and paints the giant pixels into a small, tastefully decorated window. This can be indispensable when you want to see something right down to the last pixel. Once the text has been magnified (up to 20x), Fatbits can also smooth it, and change the colours used. The website contains an online User Manual.</p><p><br /> </p> <h2 class=""Heading"">OATS Comments:</h2> <p>FatBits was originally designed for graphic artists or people designing user interfaces, but it may be relevant to some people with visual impairments.  This has not yet been tested by the OATS team.<br /> </p>";"help-,,project_home_page-";Other function,Viewing the screen;
"Fire Vox";"Fire Vox is an open source, freely available talking browser extension for the Firefox web browser.";"<p>Think of it as a screen reader that is designed especially for Firefox. </p><p>In addition to the basic features that are expected of screen readers, such as being able to identify headings, links, images, etc. and providing navigational assistance, Fire Vox provides support for MathML and CSS speech module properties. It also works on Windows, Macintosh, and Linux. </p><p>CLC-4-TTS is a cross OS compatible (Windows, Mac, Linux) collection of JavaScript functions that can be used for transforming Firefox into a self-voicing browser. This software is open source and is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL.</p>";"help-,,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"FireFox";"The award-winning Web browser is better than ever. Browse the Web with confidence - Firefox protects you from viruses, spyware and pop-ups. Enjoy improvements to performance, ease of use and privacy. It's easy to import your favorites and settings and get started. Download Firefox now and get the most out of the Web.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:<br /></h2><h3 class=""Subheading"">A Better Web Experience</h3><div id=""mainContent"" class=""right"">Firefox has an intuitive interface and blocks viruses, spyware, and popup ads. It delivers Web pages faster than ever. And it’s easy to install and import your favorites. Packed with useful features like tabbed browsing, Live Bookmarks, and an integrated Search bar, Firefox will change the way you experience the Web, for the better.<br /><br /></div><h3 class=""Subheading"">Accessibility</h3><p>Firefox delivers easier navigation for everyone, including those who are visually or motor-impaired. Firefox is the first browser to support DHTML accessibility, which, when enabled by Web authors, allows rich Web applications to be read aloud. Users may navigate with keystrokes rather than mouse clicks, reducing the tabbing required to navigate documents such as spreadsheets. Firefox 1.5 (Windows version) is also the first browser to meet <a href=""/web/20120129115243/"">US federal government requirements</a> that software be easily accessible to users with physical impairments. <a href=""/web/20120129115243/"" target=""_self"">Full details of Firefox accessibility features.</a><br /></p><h3 class=""Subheading"">Faster Browsing</h3><div id=""mainContent"" class=""right"">Enjoy quick page loading as you navigate back and forward in a browsing session. Improvements to the engine that powers Firefox deliver more accurate display of complex Web sites, support for new Web standards, and better overall performance.<br /><br /></div><h3 class=""Subheading"">Automatic Updates</h3><div id=""mainContent"" class=""right"">The new Software Update feature makes it easy to get the latest security and feature updates to Firefox. Firefox automatically downloads these small updates in the background and prompts you when they are ready to be installed.<br /><br /></div><h3 class=""Subheading"">Tabbed Browsing</h3><div id=""mainContent"" class=""right"">Use <a href=""/web/20120129115243/"">tabbed browsing</a> to open multiple Web pages in a single browser window, and quickly flip back and forth. Drag and drop open tabs to keep related pages together.<br /><br /></div><h3 class=""Subheading"">Improved Pop-up Blocking</h3><div id=""mainContent"" class=""right"">Firefox’s built-in pop-up blocker has been enhanced to block more unwanted pop-up and pop-under ads.<br /><br /></div><h3 class=""Subheading"">Integrated Search</h3><div id=""mainContent"" class=""right"">Tap into the power of the Web’s most popular search engines with the <a href=""/web/20120129115243/"">built-in Search bar</a>, and easily add new engines.<br /><br /></div><h3 class=""Subheading"">Live Bookmarks</h3><div id=""mainContent"" class=""right"">Stay up to date with your favorite Web sites and blogs. Use <a href=""/web/20120129115243/"">Live Bookmarks</a> that update themselves automatically with the latest content from the Web.<br /><br /></div><h3 class=""Subheading"">Customize Firefox</h3><div id=""mainContent"" class=""right"">Select new button controls for your toolbars, install extensions to add new features, or change the look of your browser with themes - the way Firefox looks and works is under your control.<br /><br /></div><h3 class=""Subheading"">Next Generation Web Support</h3><p>Innovative new Web applications and services deliver a richer Web experience. Support for open Web standards in Firefox ensures you can get the most out of this emerging class of Web-based tools.</p><hr /><p><a href=""/web/20120129115243/"" target=""_self"">AccessFirefox</a> showcases the accessibility tools and features that are available for Firefox, and to provide Firefox accessibility information and resources.</p><p></p><p class=""documentDescription"">Firefox, the popular open source web browser, have improved their use of 'accesskeys' which enable you to browse just using the keyboard.</p><p>The link address is: <a href=""/web/20120129115243/""></a> </p><div id=""relatedItems""></div><div class=""discussion""><form action=""/web/20120129115243/"" method=""post"" name=""reply"" enctype=""application/x-www-form-urlencoded"">Also look at Fire Vox and ""CLiCk, Speak"" for open-source audio assisted access to web pages</form></div>";"help-,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-,support-";General Tools,Other function,General Tools,Other need;
"FoxySymbols";"A firefox extension to provide symbol annotation to text content. This will make use of the concept coding framework, but instead of being a server side technology be a client browser extension. It would be useful to add in other useful accessible features for the aac user, but primary focus will be symbol annotation.";;"help-,";Symbol Library,Accessing the Web,Symbols;
"FoxyVoice";"A Firefox extension that speaks web pages as you browese. Uses Microsoft SAPI for speech on Windows only.";;"help-,project_home_page-,support-";Text to Speech,Accessing the Web,Alternative Access,General Tools;
"Free Speech for Android";"Free Speech is a free and open source augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) program that provides a low-cost alternative to dedicated speech generating devices (SGD).";"<p>Free Speech for Android is a free and open source sound board for people who have problems speaking. When you press a button, a sound is played. <br /> <br />You can use recorded sounds, record new sounds, or generate sounds using the built-in text-to-speech. All content can be created and edited using your Android device itself. <br /> <br />The full source code for free speech is available at: <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />For more information and demo videos, check out our listing on the Google Play Store: <br /> <br /></p>";"";Text to Speech,Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Communication;
"gail";"GAIL provides accessibility support for gtk+ by implementing AtkObjects for widgets in gtk+.";"<p>The GAIL library is a GTK+ module.<br /><br />A second download is at:</p><p><a href=""/web/20081121091300/""></a><br /></p><p></p>";"contact_address-mailto:Li.Yuan@Sun.COM,project_home_page-";General Tools,General Tools;
"Game Accessibility Suite";"Code library and utilities to enhance accessibility to existing and future games (Win32).";"<p>The Game Accessibility Suite [GAS] is a collection of utilities built to make video games more accessible. The current focus is the Win32 platform (esp. Windows XP).  It is released under an MIT-style license.</p><br /><p>Currently, there are a handful of utilities being developed alongside a core library including:<br /></p><ul><li>GASCap, a utility for in-game closed-captioning of DirectX-based video games.</li><li>GASPedal, an in-game utility for switch control of DirectX games.</li><li>GASThrottle, a utility to control the speed of modern games.</li></ul><br />Currently, only GASThrottle is far enough along for a released (functional) prototype.<br /><br />";"help-,,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-,support-";General Tools,General Tools;;package_id=258851
"Game Commander";"Game Commander is a voice recognition program designed for games commands, but which can be used for general voice commands.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">What the authors say:<br /></h2><p>Game Commander is a voice control application for games. Many of today's games have a lot of keyboard commands that can be hard to remember. Game Commander takes you to the next level of gaming by enabling you to control most Windows<sup>®</sup> 98/Me/2000/XP games with verbal commands instead of or in tandem with keyboard, joystick, and mouse controls. For example, instead of remembering that Alt+Shift+F8 is the command for lock missiles, you can just say ""Lock Missiles.""<br /></p><h2 class=""Heading"">OATS Comments:</h2><p>Most of the versions of this software are commerical, however the free trial listed here is actually quite useful!  It is not time limited, but limits the number of keystrokes sent per command to one and the number of commands in a list to 5.  This might be OK for some people!<br /></p>";"";Other function,Alternative Access,Other need;
"Gaze Talk";"GazeTalk is a predictive text entry system that has a restricted on-screen keyboard with ambiguous layout for severely disabled people. The main reason for using such a keyboard layout is that it enables the use of an eye tracker with a low spatial resolution (e.g., a web-camera based eye tracker).";"<h2>From the Authors:</h2><p>The goal of the GazeTalk project is to develop an eye-tracking based ACC system that supports several languages, facilitates fast text entry, and is both sufficiently feature-complete to be deployed as the primary AAC tool for users, yet sufficiently flexible and technically advanced to be used for research purposes. The system is designed for several target languages, initially Danish, English, Italian, German and Japanese. </p> <p><b>Main features:</b></p> <ul class=""tight""><li class=""tight"">type-to-talk</li><li class=""tight"">writing</li><li class=""tight"">email</li><li class=""tight"">web – browser</li><li class=""tight"">Multimedia – player</li><li class=""tight"">PDF – reader</li><li class=""tight"">letter and word prediction, and word completion</li><li class=""tight"">speech output</li><li class=""tight"">can be operated by gaze, headtracking, mouse, joystick, or any other pointing device</li><li class=""tight"">supports step-scanning (new!) </li><li class=""tight"">supports users with low precision in their movements, or trackers with low accuracy</li><li class=""tight"">allows the user to use Dasher inside GazeTalk and to transfer the text written in Dasher back to GazeTalk</li></ul> <p> GazeTalk 5.0 has been designed and developed by the <a href=""/web/20151225135727/"">Eye Gaze Interaction Group</a> at the <a href=""/web/20151225135727/"">IT University of Copenhagen</a> and the IT-Lab at the Royal School of Library and Information Science, Copenhagen.</p><br /><h2>OATS Comment</h2><p>This may also be a useful predictive communication system for literate people who use a mouse to access the computer (as well as eye-gaze).<br /></p>";"help-,project_home_page-";On Screen Keyboard Projects,Text to Speech,Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Text input Projects,Communication;
"Gnopernicus";"The Gnopernicus project aims to enable users with limited vision, or no vision, to use the Gnome 2 desktop and Gnome/GTK+-2 applications effectively.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">from the Authors</h2><p>By providing automated focus tracking and fullscreen magnification, Gnopernicus aids low-vision Gnome users, and its screen reader features allow low-vision and blind users access to standard GTK+2 and Java-based GUI applications via speech and braille output. By leveraging Gnome 2's built-in accessibility framework, Gnopernicus will make interacting with applications more efficient for these users, and enable use of the Gnome 2 desktop for some users who otherwise would have no access to Gnome. </p><p>Gnopernicus is available from GNOME CVS in pre-release form, but is not yet feature complete. Information on how to build, install, and use Gnopernicus, Gnopernicus features, and project status, is available from <a href=""/web/20150717143931/""></a> </p>";"help-,,project_home_page-;pagina=produse&amp;subpag=gnopernicus";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web,Alternative Access;
"GOK";"gok: gnome onscreen keyboard, an open source project.";;"help-,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-,support-";On Screen Keyboard Projects,Text input Projects;
"Grid Maker";;;"";;
"Hark The Sound";"Hark The Sound is a really simple sound game intended for young kids who are visually impaired. It was inspired by my friend and colleague Diane Brauner and was written by Gary Bishop. It is free for educational and fun use.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the author:</h2><h3 class=""Subheading""><br /></h3><h3 class=""Subheading"">What is it like?</h3> <p>The object of the game is to name a sound or tune that is presented as a prompt. A typical round in <em>Name That Animal</em> goes like this:</p> <ol><li>You hear ""Can you name this animal?""</li><li>Then an animal sound is played, for example a dog barking.</li><li>You use the <em>left</em> or <em>right</em> arrow keys on the keyboard to move through and hear the possible answers. In this case they might be ""Cat"", ""Dog"", ""Elephant"", and ""Horse"".</li><li>In some games, the <em>down</em> arrow key will give a hint about the correct answer.</li><li>When you hear the correct answer, you press the <em>up</em> arrow key to guess.</li><li>If the chosen answer is correct, you will hear a <em>reward</em> sound which might be a crowd cheering, or a musical fan fare. If the answer is incorrect, you will hear ""Try again."".</li><li>The process then repeats playing another one of the sounds for the four animals.</li><li>When all the animals in the group have been played, the game begins another round with four more animals.</li></ol> <p>When <b>Hark The Sound</b> first starts it says ""Use the left or right arrow keys to choose a game to play."" Using the arrow keys you can move through and hear the choices for games (listed below). When you hear a game you want to play, use the <em>up</em> arrow key to select it.</p><p> </p><p>The <em>Escape</em> key (often labeled <b>ESC</b> in the upper left corner of the keyboard) will quit the current game and return to the game selections.</p> <h2>What games are available?</h2> <p>All the games follow the same general pattern as described above of Question, Prompt, Answers, Reward. Games that ship with version 1.2 of <b>Hark The Sound</b> include: </p><ul><li>Braille Letters: The question is ""Can you name this Braille letter?"". The prompts are the dots of a letter. The answers are the letter along with a word that begins with that letter to make it easier to hear.</li><li>Braille Whole Word Contractions: The question is ""Can you name this Braille whole word contraction?"" The prompts are the dots in a Braille letter that is a whole word contraction. The word is the answer.</li><li>Counting: Counting repeated animal sounds for numbers one through nine.</li><li>Multiplication drills: The full multiplication table up to 12 times 12. The question is ""What is this product?"". The prompts are products like ""2 times 3"" and the answers are numbers from 0 through 144.</li><li>Name That Animal: Animal sounds are the prompts. The animal's names are the answers.</li><li>Name that capital's State: A challenging game of State Capitals. The question is ""Can you name the state whose capital is..."", the prompts are the names of capital cities. The answers are the names of the 50 states.</li><li>Name that Classical Tune: Midi versions of famous classical music are the prompts. The composer's name and the name of the work are included in the answer.</li><li>Name that color: The question is ""What color is this?"", the prompts are common objects, and the answers are their colors.</li><li>Name That Country Music Tune: Country music classics rendered in Midi. Composer and name are the answer.</li><li>Name that holiday: Identify holidays from hints.</li><li>Name that Kids Tune: Midi tunes like ""Head Shoulders Knees and Toes"".</li><li>Name that Rock and Roll Tune: Classic rock and roll tunes rendered in Midi with the artist and title for the answer.</li><li>Name that Sound: Environmental sounds, such as ""clock ticking"" and ""glass breaking"" are the prompts</li><li>Spelling Words: The prompt is a word spelled out. The answer is the word pronounced.</li><li>State Nick Names: A challenging game to identify the nick name for a state given its name.</li></ul><p><br /></p>";"help-,project_home_page-";Educational and Learning,Learning and Education;
"Hawking Toolbar";"Makes the web accessible for users with motor skill impairments";;",project_home_page-";Switch Input Software,Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Accessing the Web;
"Hotspots";"Hotspots is now open source and public domain or free software. It may be used by a number of users on one computer or by one user on a number of different computers.";;"";On Screen Keyboard Projects,Text to Speech,Computer Automation,Switch Input Software,Alternative and Augmentative Communication,General Tools,Using the Mouse,Accessing the Web,Alternative Access,General Tools;
"ICUTalk";"ICUTalk was a research project, funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) from 1999 to 2002. The project developed an Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) system to help patients in Intensive Care Units (ICU) who are temporarily unable to speak due to their medical condition or treatment, namely the intubation procedure. This was a multi-disciplinary collaborative project involving staff from the University of Dundee (School of Computing and the School of Nursing &amp; Midwifery) and Ninewells Hospital, Dundee (Speech &amp; Language Therapy and Intensive Care Unit). Andy Judson was the software developer and Professor Ian Ricketts was the principal investigator.";;"";Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Communication;
"AAC Keys";"AAC Keys is a keyboard and mouse emulation program for Microsoft Windows-based and Macintosh computers. AAC Keys receives commands through your computer's serial port and translates them into keystrokes and mouse movements, giving you full control of your computer from another device such as an AAC system. (If your computer has only USB ports, an inexpensive adapter is available.)";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:</h2><p><br /></p><p>AAC Keys is a keyboard and mouse emulation program for Microsoft Windows-based and <strong>Macintosh</strong> computers. </p> <p>AAC Keys receives commands through your computer's serial port and translates them into keystrokes and mouse moves, giving you full control of your computer from another device. AAC Keys implements the common <a href=""/web/20150711141053/""><strong>GIDEI</strong></a> (General Input Device Emulating Interface) commands (see below). </p> <p>AAC Keys has been designed to work with Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT 4, and Windows 2000 operating systems. </p> <p>A Macintosh version was developed following the introduction of OS X . (Earlier Macintosh operating systems included SerialKeys.) The Macintosh version was developed by computer science students at <strong><a href=""/web/20150711141053/"">Millersville University of Pennsylvania</a></strong> under the supervision of <a href=""/web/20150711141053/""><strong>Dr. Blaise Liffick</strong></a>.</p>";"help-,project_home_page-";Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Communication,Using the Mouse;
"Accerciser";"Accerciser is an interactive Python accessibility explorer for the GNOME desktop. It uses AT-SPI to inspect and control widgets, allowing you to check if an application is providing correct information to assistive technologies and automated test frameworks.";"<p>This is to announce the first development release of Accerciser for the 1.4.0 (GNOME 2.24) cycle.</p><p></p><p>Accerciser has a simple plug-in framework which you can use to create custom views of accessibility information.</p><p> </p><p>Accerciser is also the first GNOME module, if ordered alphabetically.</p><p> </p><p>==============</p><p>Version 1.3.1</p><p>==============</p><p></p><p>What's new</p><p>==========</p><p>- Implement save functionality, thanks Brian Merrell.</p><p>- Quick select works better for finding accessible under mouse.</p><p>- Check pyatspi version.</p><p></p><p>New And Updated Translations</p><p>============================</p><p>- David Lodge (en_GB)</p><p>- Jorge González (es)</p><p>- Kjartan Maraas (nb)</p><p>- Laurent Dhima (sq)</p><p>Downloading Accerciser</p><p>======================</p><p><a href=""/web/20081006100655/""></a></p><p><a href=""/web/20081006100655/""></a></p>";"";General Tools,General Tools;
"Accessible BBC Listen Again";"The British Broadcast Company (BBC) allows people to listen to vast quantities of their radio output up to a week after it is first broadcast on one of their dozens of radio stations. This service, called Listen Again, relies on a web browser interface that might be difficult for some users, especially people with screen readers. Accessible BBC Listen Again allows you to access the BBC's Listen Again content through a truly accessible interface designed to work with any screen reader.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:</h2><p><br /></p><p>Select programmes and stations with the cursor keys and listen to them at your leisure. You get easy and simple access to hours of programming, including the ever-popular ""The Archers"" and ""In Touch"". </p><p>The new version (2.1) lets you access all of the Listen Again content among many other improvements (thanks to everyone for their suggestions!) It does still require that you have already installed <a title=""BBC version of RealPlayer"" href=""/web/20071109065657/"">RealPlayer from Real</a>. The copyright of the BBC recordings is unchanged: you are simply accessing them through a more accessible presentation of their own website. Version 2.1 should work better on more machines: several users contacted me with problems with 2.0</p>";"project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"Accessible Radio";"Accessible Radio is a way to listen to radio stations on the internet that is easy and simple to use and is designed to work with any screen reader.";"<p>Accessible Radio lets you listen to any of the BBC Radio stations.<br /></p>";"project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"Accessible RSS";"Interested in keeping up with the headlines and newspapers? A new technology called RSS has recently taken the Internet by storm. Websites provide ""feeds"" of their latest stories and headlines, and you can get these simple lists, updated every few minutes. Accessible RSS is an accessible application that lets you access these RSS feeds. NOTE: Accessible RSS is now included in the WebbIE3 installation.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:</h2><p><strong>Accessible RSS</strong> is an accessible application that lets you access these RSS feeds. It displays the headlines from web pages that support RSS. At present four sites (the BBC, the Daily Mail, the Guardian and the Daily Telegraph) are supported, but you can add your own if you find a site with an RSS feed. If you have WebbIE you can press return on a story to launch WebbIE with that story page, but you do not need WebbIE to read the feeds. If you do not have WebbIE the story will be shown in Internet Explorer</p> <ul><li><a title=""Installer for AccessibleRSS and WebbIE"" href=""/web/20140608112049/"">WebbIE 3 Installer</a> - includes the latest Accessible RSS News Reader.</li></ul> <p>You are likely to find that some feeds don't work: this may be because the feed is not valid. You can check the feed's validity at the <a href=""/web/20140608112049/"">Feed Validator service</a>.</p>";"project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"Accessible Web Directory";"This simple program lets you explore the DMOZ web directory, a catalogue of good websites. NOTE: Accessible Web Directory is now included in the WebbIE3 installation.";"<p>This simple program lets you explore the <a href=""/web/20140623052956/"">DMOZ web directory</a>, a catalogue of good websites. It's an alternative way to find web pages of interest. Simply explore categories of web pages and when you find one you like in the catalogue Accessible Web Directory will open it in your default web browser.</p>";"help-,project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"Acta";"Acta is an outline processor. It lets you organize just about anything -- reports, ideas, lists, projects, graphics -- in the form of an outline, where topics have subtopics.";;"help-,project_home_page-";Educational and Learning,General Tools,Other function,Learning and Education,General Tools,Other need;
"AMIS";"AMIS is a software program that you can use to read DAISY books. AMIS is a multilingual player for reading books complying with DAISY standards.";;"help-,,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-;group_id=86978&amp;func=browse,support-";Text to Speech,Alternative Access,Learning and Eductation;
"Another Lens";"Another Lens displays a magnified view of the area of the mouse cursor. Quite handy, for example, for drawing software.";;"help-,project_home_page-";Other function,Other need;
"ARASAAC Pictograms";"A free (CC-BY-NC-SA) resource of around 5000 colour and black &amp; white pictographic symbols from Catedu and the Aragonese Portal of Augmentative and Alternative Communication in Spain.";"<h2>From the authors:</h2><p>The ARASAAC portal offers graphic resources and materials to facilitate communication for those with some sort of problem in this area. <br /></p><h2>OATSoft comment:<br /></h2><p>This is an increasingly popular and widely used AAC resource, and the symbol file libraries are available with the file names translated into a growing number of languages. The file format provided is 500 pixels high PNG. Though the number of files is quite large, there is a fair amount of redundancy due to numerous duplication of symbols labelled with different names.<br /></p>";"project_home_page-";Symbol Library,Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Educational and Learning,Communication,Symbols,Learning and Education;
"at-spi";"at-spi (assistive technology service provider interface) is the primary assistive technology infrastructure for the Solaris and Linux operating environments.";"<p> Applications and toolkits supporting the AT-SPI include the GNOME GTK+ toolkit, the Java platform's Swing toolkit, OpenOffice, and Mozilla.</p><p>A second download is at:</p><p></p><p><a href=""/web/20081205083430/""></a><br /><br /></p>";"contact_address-mailto:Li.Yuan@Sun.COM,project_home_page-";General Tools,General Tools;
"atk";"The interface definitions of accessibility infrastructure. (GNOME)";"<p>Second download at</p><p><a href=""/web/20081205065700/""></a><br /></p>";"help-,contact_address-mailto:Li.Yuan@Sun.COM,project_home_page-";General Tools,General Tools;
"AAC Keys";"AAC Keys is a keyboard and mouse emulation program for Microsoft Windows-based and Macintosh computers. AAC Keys receives commands through your computer's serial port and translates them into keystrokes and mouse movements, giving you full control of your computer from another device such as an AAC system. (If your computer has only USB ports, an inexpensive adapter is available.)";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:</h2><p><br /></p><p>AAC Keys is a keyboard and mouse emulation program for Microsoft Windows-based and <strong>Macintosh</strong> computers. </p> <p>AAC Keys receives commands through your computer's serial port and translates them into keystrokes and mouse moves, giving you full control of your computer from another device. AAC Keys implements the common <a href=""/web/20150711141053/""><strong>GIDEI</strong></a> (General Input Device Emulating Interface) commands (see below). </p> <p>AAC Keys has been designed to work with Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT 4, and Windows 2000 operating systems. </p> <p>A Macintosh version was developed following the introduction of OS X . (Earlier Macintosh operating systems included SerialKeys.) The Macintosh version was developed by computer science students at <strong><a href=""/web/20150711141053/"">Millersville University of Pennsylvania</a></strong> under the supervision of <a href=""/web/20150711141053/""><strong>Dr. Blaise Liffick</strong></a>.</p>";"help-,project_home_page-";Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Communication,Using the Mouse;
"Accerciser";"Accerciser is an interactive Python accessibility explorer for the GNOME desktop. It uses AT-SPI to inspect and control widgets, allowing you to check if an application is providing correct information to assistive technologies and automated test frameworks.";"<p>This is to announce the first development release of Accerciser for the 1.4.0 (GNOME 2.24) cycle.</p><p></p><p>Accerciser has a simple plug-in framework which you can use to create custom views of accessibility information.</p><p> </p><p>Accerciser is also the first GNOME module, if ordered alphabetically.</p><p> </p><p>==============</p><p>Version 1.3.1</p><p>==============</p><p></p><p>What's new</p><p>==========</p><p>- Implement save functionality, thanks Brian Merrell.</p><p>- Quick select works better for finding accessible under mouse.</p><p>- Check pyatspi version.</p><p></p><p>New And Updated Translations</p><p>============================</p><p>- David Lodge (en_GB)</p><p>- Jorge González (es)</p><p>- Kjartan Maraas (nb)</p><p>- Laurent Dhima (sq)</p><p>Downloading Accerciser</p><p>======================</p><p><a href=""/web/20081006100655/""></a></p><p><a href=""/web/20081006100655/""></a></p>";"";General Tools,General Tools;
"Accessible BBC Listen Again";"The British Broadcast Company (BBC) allows people to listen to vast quantities of their radio output up to a week after it is first broadcast on one of their dozens of radio stations. This service, called Listen Again, relies on a web browser interface that might be difficult for some users, especially people with screen readers. Accessible BBC Listen Again allows you to access the BBC's Listen Again content through a truly accessible interface designed to work with any screen reader.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:</h2><p><br /></p><p>Select programmes and stations with the cursor keys and listen to them at your leisure. You get easy and simple access to hours of programming, including the ever-popular ""The Archers"" and ""In Touch"". </p><p>The new version (2.1) lets you access all of the Listen Again content among many other improvements (thanks to everyone for their suggestions!) It does still require that you have already installed <a title=""BBC version of RealPlayer"" href=""/web/20100610102158/"">RealPlayer from Real</a>. The copyright of the BBC recordings is unchanged: you are simply accessing them through a more accessible presentation of their own website. Version 2.1 should work better on more machines: several users contacted me with problems with 2.0</p>";"project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"Accessible Radio";"Accessible Radio is a way to listen to radio stations on the internet that is easy and simple to use and is designed to work with any screen reader.";"<p>Accessible Radio lets you listen to any of the BBC Radio stations.<br /></p>";"project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"Accessible RSS";"Interested in keeping up with the headlines and newspapers? A new technology called RSS has recently taken the Internet by storm. Websites provide ""feeds"" of their latest stories and headlines, and you can get these simple lists, updated every few minutes. Accessible RSS is an accessible application that lets you access these RSS feeds. NOTE: Accessible RSS is now included in the WebbIE3 installation.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:</h2><p><strong>Accessible RSS</strong> is an accessible application that lets you access these RSS feeds. It displays the headlines from web pages that support RSS. At present four sites (the BBC, the Daily Mail, the Guardian and the Daily Telegraph) are supported, but you can add your own if you find a site with an RSS feed. If you have WebbIE you can press return on a story to launch WebbIE with that story page, but you do not need WebbIE to read the feeds. If you do not have WebbIE the story will be shown in Internet Explorer</p> <ul><li><a title=""Installer for AccessibleRSS and WebbIE"" href=""/web/20140608112049/"">WebbIE 3 Installer</a> - includes the latest Accessible RSS News Reader.</li></ul> <p>You are likely to find that some feeds don't work: this may be because the feed is not valid. You can check the feed's validity at the <a href=""/web/20140608112049/"">Feed Validator service</a>.</p>";"project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"AAC Keys";"AAC Keys is a keyboard and mouse emulation program for Microsoft Windows-based and Macintosh computers. AAC Keys receives commands through your computer's serial port and translates them into keystrokes and mouse movements, giving you full control of your computer from another device such as an AAC system. (If your computer has only USB ports, an inexpensive adapter is available.)";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:</h2><p><br /></p><p>AAC Keys is a keyboard and mouse emulation program for Microsoft Windows-based and <strong>Macintosh</strong> computers. </p> <p>AAC Keys receives commands through your computer's serial port and translates them into keystrokes and mouse moves, giving you full control of your computer from another device. AAC Keys implements the common <a href=""/web/20150711141053/""><strong>GIDEI</strong></a> (General Input Device Emulating Interface) commands (see below). </p> <p>AAC Keys has been designed to work with Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT 4, and Windows 2000 operating systems. </p> <p>A Macintosh version was developed following the introduction of OS X . (Earlier Macintosh operating systems included SerialKeys.) The Macintosh version was developed by computer science students at <strong><a href=""/web/20150711141053/"">Millersville University of Pennsylvania</a></strong> under the supervision of <a href=""/web/20150711141053/""><strong>Dr. Blaise Liffick</strong></a>.</p>";"help-,project_home_page-";Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Communication,Using the Mouse;
"Accerciser";"Accerciser is an interactive Python accessibility explorer for the GNOME desktop. It uses AT-SPI to inspect and control widgets, allowing you to check if an application is providing correct information to assistive technologies and automated test frameworks.";"<p>This is to announce the first development release of Accerciser for the 1.4.0 (GNOME 2.24) cycle.</p><p></p><p>Accerciser has a simple plug-in framework which you can use to create custom views of accessibility information.</p><p> </p><p>Accerciser is also the first GNOME module, if ordered alphabetically.</p><p> </p><p>==============</p><p>Version 1.3.1</p><p>==============</p><p></p><p>What's new</p><p>==========</p><p>- Implement save functionality, thanks Brian Merrell.</p><p>- Quick select works better for finding accessible under mouse.</p><p>- Check pyatspi version.</p><p></p><p>New And Updated Translations</p><p>============================</p><p>- David Lodge (en_GB)</p><p>- Jorge González (es)</p><p>- Kjartan Maraas (nb)</p><p>- Laurent Dhima (sq)</p><p>Downloading Accerciser</p><p>======================</p><p><a href=""/web/20081006100655/""></a></p><p><a href=""/web/20081006100655/""></a></p>";"";General Tools,General Tools;
"Accessible BBC Listen Again";"The British Broadcast Company (BBC) allows people to listen to vast quantities of their radio output up to a week after it is first broadcast on one of their dozens of radio stations. This service, called Listen Again, relies on a web browser interface that might be difficult for some users, especially people with screen readers. Accessible BBC Listen Again allows you to access the BBC's Listen Again content through a truly accessible interface designed to work with any screen reader.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:</h2><p><br /></p><p>Select programmes and stations with the cursor keys and listen to them at your leisure. You get easy and simple access to hours of programming, including the ever-popular ""The Archers"" and ""In Touch"". </p><p>The new version (2.1) lets you access all of the Listen Again content among many other improvements (thanks to everyone for their suggestions!) It does still require that you have already installed <a title=""BBC version of RealPlayer"" href=""/web/20100610102158/"">RealPlayer from Real</a>. The copyright of the BBC recordings is unchanged: you are simply accessing them through a more accessible presentation of their own website. Version 2.1 should work better on more machines: several users contacted me with problems with 2.0</p>";"project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"Accessible Radio";"Accessible Radio is a way to listen to radio stations on the internet that is easy and simple to use and is designed to work with any screen reader.";"<p>Accessible Radio lets you listen to any of the BBC Radio stations.<br /></p>";"project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"Accessible RSS";"Interested in keeping up with the headlines and newspapers? A new technology called RSS has recently taken the Internet by storm. Websites provide ""feeds"" of their latest stories and headlines, and you can get these simple lists, updated every few minutes. Accessible RSS is an accessible application that lets you access these RSS feeds. NOTE: Accessible RSS is now included in the WebbIE3 installation.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:</h2><p><strong>Accessible RSS</strong> is an accessible application that lets you access these RSS feeds. It displays the headlines from web pages that support RSS. At present four sites (the BBC, the Daily Mail, the Guardian and the Daily Telegraph) are supported, but you can add your own if you find a site with an RSS feed. If you have WebbIE you can press return on a story to launch WebbIE with that story page, but you do not need WebbIE to read the feeds. If you do not have WebbIE the story will be shown in Internet Explorer</p> <ul><li><a title=""Installer for AccessibleRSS and WebbIE"" href=""/web/20140608112049/"">WebbIE 3 Installer</a> - includes the latest Accessible RSS News Reader.</li></ul> <p>You are likely to find that some feeds don't work: this may be because the feed is not valid. You can check the feed's validity at the <a href=""/web/20140608112049/"">Feed Validator service</a>.</p>";"project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"Accessible Web Directory";"This simple program lets you explore the DMOZ web directory, a catalogue of good websites. NOTE: Accessible Web Directory is now included in the WebbIE3 installation.";"<p>This simple program lets you explore the <a href=""/web/20140623052956/"">DMOZ web directory</a>, a catalogue of good websites. It's an alternative way to find web pages of interest. Simply explore categories of web pages and when you find one you like in the catalogue Accessible Web Directory will open it in your default web browser.</p>";"help-,project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"AccessiblePodcatcher";"AccessiblePodcatcher (formerly AccessiblePodcaster) is a simple way for blind and screen reader users to use podcasts.";;"help-,project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"ACollab";"ACollab is an accessible, open source, multi-group, Web-based collaborative work environment. Group member, group administrator, and system administrator tools are all compliant with international accessibility standards (WCAG 1.0, Section 508 US) so people with disabilities can participate fully in collaborative and administrative activities.";"<p>ACollab is available as a work groups <strong>addon for ATutor 1.4+</strong> , and as a standalone collaborative work environment that will run on its own. ACollab is ideal for groups working at a distance developing documentation, collaborating on research, or writing joint papers, and ideal for online educators who wish to add group learning activities to their ATutor courses. A <a href=""acollab/demo.php"">demo</a> and <a href=""acollab/download.php"">download</a> are available if you want to learn more. Or, read on for a list of <a href=""portal_factory#features"">ACollab features</a>.</p><h2 class=""Heading""></h2><h2 class=""Heading"">ACollab Features: </h2><ul><li><strong>Document Drafting Room</strong>: Group members can work within a Web-based document versioning system, collaborating on document development and publication. Documents developed in the Drafting Room can be transferred to the Shared Documents Library once finalized. </li><li><strong>Shared Documents Library</strong>: Group members can submit documents to the library, from which other group members, or public members, can retrieve those documents for viewing or downloading. </li><li><strong>Events Calendar</strong>: Events can be posted to the calendar by all group members, to announce activities, meetings, due dates, or other group related happenings. </li><li><strong>News &amp; Announcements</strong>: Group administrators, or system administrators, can post news to be presented to users when they first login to a group. </li><li><strong>Group Membership Index</strong>: Group members can view other group members' profiles and contact information. </li><li><strong>Mail Inbox</strong>: Members can communicate with each other privately. </li><li><strong>AChat-PHP</strong>: Accessible synchronous communication is possible between group members, ideal for online meetings or group socializing. </li><li><strong>AForum</strong>: AForum is an enhanced version for the ATutor forums. Members post message for others to retrieve later. Forums can be set to read only, reply only, as open discussion, or can be hidden from view. </li><li><strong>Multi-Lingual Interface</strong>: Language can be modified by system administrators, or new language packs can be created using the translation tools. </li><li><strong>Accessibility Compliance</strong>: Group member, group administrator, and system administrator tools are all compliant with international accessibility standards (WCAG 1.0, Section 508 US) so people with disabilities can participate fully in collaborative and administrative activities. </li><li><strong>Group Leaders</strong>: Create chat transcripts, define folders for sorting documents, assign group membership roles, create and manage forums, create mailing lists, post news and announcements, and manage group members. </li><li><strong>System Administrator</strong>: Create and manage groups, manage the system languages, and manage all users on a system. </li></ul><p><br /></p>";"help-,project_home_page-,support-";Educational and Learning,Text input Projects,Alternative Access,Learning and Education;
"Acomm";"AComm is an accessible Java-based Instant Messaging and Whiteboard tool. It has been designed to allow assistive technology users to participate in synchronous Internet-based communication activities that have traditionally been inaccessible to them.";"<p><br /></p><h2 class=""Heading"">AComm Features</h2><ul type=""none""><li>User can login to an existing Jabber account or sign up for a new one. </li><li>Roster provides ""presence"" information for contacts. </li><li>Users can participate in private or group chat/whiteboard sessions </li><li>Text chat window and optional whiteboard </li><li>Participant list on demand. </li><li>A variety of whiteboard drawing tools are available </li><li>Peer description allows any participant to describe the drawn objects. Anti-collision feature ensures one describer per object. </li><li>Accessibility options <ul><li>Option to play sound effect when a new message arrives. </li><li>Keyboard drawing checkbox </li><li>Manual refresh checkbox </li><li>Show only new checkbox </li><li>Newest message first checkbox </li></ul></li><li>Keyboard enabled drawing lets users use some features of the whiteboard without a mouse. </li><li>Save and open palette feature lets users create and describe pictures beforehand. </li></ul><h2 class=""Heading"">Requirements</h2><ul type=""none""><li><p>AComm is a Java application and requires that a Java Runtime Environment be installed on system it is running on.</p></li></ul>";"help-,project_home_page-,support-";Educational and Learning,General Tools,Accessing the Web,Alternative Access,Learning and Education;
"Acta";"Acta is an outline processor. It lets you organize just about anything -- reports, ideas, lists, projects, graphics -- in the form of an outline, where topics have subtopics.";;"help-,project_home_page-";Educational and Learning,General Tools,Other function,Learning and Education,General Tools,Other need;
"Agrip";"The of this project aim is to provide access to the mainstream gaming community not by producing specialist ""accessible games"" but by making mainstream games - and their associated extension and development tools - accessible. Downloads include an accessible version of Quake, the popular PC game.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the Authors:</h2><p><br />Over the past two years, AGRIP has developed an accessible version of Quake and <a href=""QuakeWorld"">QuakeWorld</a> which allows both single and multi-player games, including the collection of online player statistics. In the future we will add immersive 3D audio and level editing facilities - in addition to the gameplay modifications that are currently possible. At each milestone in the project, we make public releases of our software. </p><p>This page explains the history of the project and the technology involved in more detail. </p><p><strong>Contents:</strong> </p><ol start=""1""><li><a href=""portal_factory#head-a109afc74ec61374e55528b64d6c44ed4cde9829"">About the AGRIP Project</a> </li><li><a href=""portal_factory#head-cc42005755cbb0352a9cb9296a18505325e861d4"">About our Games</a> </li><li><a href=""portal_factory#head-203a06f9c01fc67c10338007e44e4149dc980caf"">The Technology we Use</a> </li></ol><p></p><h2 id=""head-a109afc74ec61374e55528b64d6c44ed4cde9829"">About the AGRIP Project</h2><p>Accessible Gaming Rendering Independence Possible (you can see why we shorten it to ""AGRIP""!) was started in May 2003 with the goal of making a mainstream first-person shooter game for the sighted accessible. It was founded by <a href=""MatthewAtkinson"">MatthewAtkinson</a> and <a href=""SabahattinGucukoglu"">SabahattinGucukoglu</a>. This section provides all sorts of information about the project. It is split into the following sections: </p><ul><li><p><a href=""ProjectInfoSection/ProjectRationale"">/ProjectRationale</a> - all about what we're doing and why we're doing it. </p></li><li><p><a href=""ProjectInfoSection/TheRoadmap"">/TheRoadmap</a> - our plans for development - posted here so you can contact us with suggestions on how to improve them. </p></li><li><p><a href=""ProjectInfoSection/TheLogo"">/TheLogo</a> - description and explanation of the logo, plus an audio version of it. </p></li><li><p><a href=""ProjectInfoSection/OnlineShop"">/OnlineShop</a> - information on how to show your support for the project, by wearing an AGRIP T-Shirt. </p></li></ul><p>If you've got any suggestions for further topics that could be added to this page (or others), feel free to either add them in yourself or <a href=""ContactUs"">ContactUs</a> with your suggestions. </p><h2 id=""head-cc42005755cbb0352a9cb9296a18505325e861d4"">About our Games</h2><p>For more information about the software on offer here, you can visit the start pages for each game: </p><ul><li><p><a href=""AccessibleQuake"">AccessibleQuake</a> - the original mainstream game made accessible </p></li><li><p><a href=""AudioQuake"">AudioQuake</a> - the next generation Internet <a href=""AudioGame"">AudioGame</a> </p></li></ul><p></p><h2 id=""head-203a06f9c01fc67c10338007e44e4149dc980caf"">The Technology we Use</h2><p>The world of game technology is a very interesting one. Here are links to some pages on the Wiki that you can use to start exploring and learning about the various bits and pieces fit together: </p><ul><li><p><a href=""GameStructure"">GameStructure</a> </p></li><li><p><a href=""GameEngine"">GameEngine</a> </p></li><li><p><a href=""GameCode"">GameCode</a> </p></li><li><p><a href=""QuakeC"">QuakeC</a> </p></li><li><p><a href=""AudioGame"">AudioGame</a> </p></li><li><p><a href=""ImplicitAccessibility"">ImplicitAccessibility</a> </p></li></ul><p><br /></p>";"help-,,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-,support-";Computer Automation,General Tools,Alternative Access,General Tools;
"Amaya";"Amaya is a complete Open Source accessible web browsing and authoring environment from WC3";"<p><br /></p><h2>W3C's Editor/Browser</h2><p>Amaya is a Web editor, i.e. a tool used to create and update documents directly on the Web. Browsing features are seamlessly integrated with the editing and remote access features in a uniform environment. This follows the original vision of the Web as a space for collaboration and not just a one-way publishing medium.</p><p>Work on Amaya started at W3C in 1996 to showcase Web technologies in a fully-featured Web client. The main motivation for developing Amaya was to provide a framework that can integrate as many W3C technologies as possible. It is used to demonstrate these technologies in action while taking advantage of their combination in a single, consistent environment.</p><p>Amaya started as an HTML + CSS style sheets editor. Since that time it was extended to support XML and an increasing number of XML applications such as the XHTML family, MathML, and SVG. It allows all those vocabularies to be edited simultaneously in compound documents.</p><p>Amaya includes a collaborative annotation application based on Resource Description Framework (<a href=""RDF/"">RDF</a>), XLink, and XPointer. Visit the <a href=""2001/Annotea/"">Annotea project</a> home page.</p><h2>Amaya - Open Source</h2><p>Amaya is an <a href=""/web/20100919093150/"">open source</a> software project hosted by W3C. You are invited to <a href=""Actors.html#contribute"">contribute</a> in many forms (documentation, translation, writing code, fixing bugs, porting to other platforms...).</p><p>The Amaya software is written in C and is available for Windows, Unix platforms and MacOS X.</p><h2>Amaya Team</h2><p>The application is jointly developed by W3C and the <a href=""/web/20100919093150/"">WAM</a> (Web, Adaptation and Multimedia) project at <a href=""/web/20100919093150/"">INRIA</a>. The core team includes: Irène Vatton (Project lead, INRIA), Laurent Carcone (W3C), Vincent Quint (INRIA).</p>";"help-,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-,support-";General Tools,Accessing the Web,General Tools;
"AMIS";"AMIS is a software program that you can use to read DAISY books. AMIS is a multilingual player for reading books complying with DAISY standards.";;"help-,,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-;group_id=86978&amp;func=browse,support-";Text to Speech,Alternative Access,Learning and Education;
"Another Lens";"Another Lens displays a magnified view of the area of the mouse cursor. Quite handy, for example, for drawing software.";;"help-,project_home_page-";Other function,Other need;
"ARASAAC Pictograms";"A free (CC-BY-NC-SA) resource of around 5000 colour and black &amp; white pictographic symbols from Catedu and the Aragonese Portal of Augmentative and Alternative Communication in Spain.";"<h2>From the authors:</h2><p>The ARASAAC portal offers graphic resources and materials to facilitate communication for those with some sort of problem in this area. <br /></p><h2>OATSoft comment:<br /></h2><p>This is an increasingly popular and widely used AAC resource, and the symbol file libraries are available with the file names translated into a growing number of languages. The file format provided is 500 pixels high PNG. Though the number of files is quite large, there is a fair amount of redundancy due to numerous duplication of symbols labelled with different names.<br /></p>";"project_home_page-";Symbol Library,Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Educational and Learning,Communication,Symbols,Learning and Education;
"at-spi";"at-spi (assistive technology service provider interface) is the primary assistive technology infrastructure for the Solaris and Linux operating environments.";"<p> Applications and toolkits supporting the AT-SPI include the GNOME GTK+ toolkit, the Java platform's Swing toolkit, OpenOffice, and Mozilla.</p><p>A second download is at:</p><p></p><p><a href=""/web/20081205083430/""></a><br /><br /></p>";"contact_address-mailto:Li.Yuan@Sun.COM,project_home_page-";General Tools,General Tools;
"atk";"The interface definitions of accessibility infrastructure. (GNOME)";"<p>Second download at</p><p><a href=""/web/20081205065700/""></a><br /></p>";"help-,contact_address-mailto:Li.Yuan@Sun.COM,project_home_page-";General Tools,General Tools;
"Atutor";"ATutor is an Open Source Web-based Learning Content Management System (LCMS) designed with accessibility and adaptability in mind.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">ATutor Features</h2><ul><li><strong>Accessibility</strong>: ATutor was designed with accessibility as a priority. A wide range of features ensure assistive technology users can participate fully in learner, instructor, and administrative activities. </li><li><strong>My Courses</strong> : Instructors and students can manage the ATutor courses they teach and/or are enrolled in. </li><li><strong>Adaptive Navigation</strong>: Learners can move through ATutor content using global, hierarchical, or sequential navigation tools. Navigation elements can be displayed as text, icons, or both text and icons, and they can be hidden to simplify the environment. </li><li><strong>Work Groups</strong>: When the ACollab add-on is installed on an ATutor system, learners can collaborate with others on course projects, communicate as a group with the forums and chat, share resources using their group library, schedule activities with the events calendar, and work together on project documents through the drafting room. Exercises or assignments can submitted to the group leader, or course instructor. </li><li><strong>Feedback</strong>: Following an action (such as saving preference settings, or posting a message), feedback is given on the status of the operation. This could be a success message, warnings to consider, or errors to fix. </li><li><strong>Preference Settings</strong>: Learners can control ATutor features and the theme ATutor is presented in. </li><li><strong>Communication Tools</strong>: Learners can communicate with others using ATutor's private mail, the discussion forums, the chat rooms, or the ""User's Online"" tool. Threads and messages can be sorted in a variety of ways. Students can communicate with those in other courses through shared forum, or a community forum. Subscribe to forums or topic threads to have forum messages sent by email. </li><li><strong>Content Package Viewer</strong>: Learners can export content from ATutor as Content Packages that can be viewed offline in the accompanying viewer. </li><li><strong>Content Tracker</strong>: Learners can keep track of the content pages they have visited. </li><li><strong>Test Manager</strong>: Learners can take tests, review test results, and keep track of their scores. </li><li><strong>Glossary</strong>: Words and phrases added to the glossary by the instructor, can be accessed from terms embedded within content pages, or viewed alphabetically in their entirety using the Glossary tool. </li><li><strong>Links Database</strong>: Each course has a tool for collecting links to course related Web-based information. Both students and instructors can add links. Instructors can also manage them. </li><li><strong>Course Search</strong>: A search engine allows learners to search course content. Search for courses in the course catalogue. </li><li><strong>TILE Repository Search</strong>: Learners can <a href=""/web/20131007203459/"">search the TILE learning objects repository</a> for content related to the topics they are studying, and download content packages for viewing offline. </li>Instructors<br /></ul>";"help-,,project_home_page-,support-";Educational and Learning,Learning and Education;
"Audio Enriched Links";"Audio Enriched Links provide previews of linked web pages to users with visual impairments.";;"help-,,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-;group_id=65529&amp;func=browse";Other function,Viewing the screen;
"AutoHotKey";"An open source macro style program that can re-map the mouse, keyboard and joystick functions as well as automate pretty much anything!";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:<br /></h2><p class=""size110"">AutoHotkey is a free, open-source utility for Windows. With it, you can:</p> <ul class=""size110""><li>Automate almost anything by sending keystrokes and mouse clicks. You can write a <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">mouse or keyboard macro</a> by hand or use the macro recorder.</li><li>Create <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">hotkeys</a> for keyboard, joystick, and mouse. Virtually any key, button, or combination can become a hotkey.</li><li><a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">Expand abbreviations</a> as you type them. For example, typing ""btw"" can automatically produce ""by the way"".</li><li>Create custom data entry forms, user interfaces, and menu bars. See <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">GUI</a> for details.</li><li><a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">Remap</a> keys and buttons on your keyboard, joystick, and mouse.</li><li>Respond to signals from hand-held remote controls via the <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">WinLIRC client script</a>.</li><li>Run existing AutoIt v2 scripts and enhance them with <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">new capabilities</a>.</li><li>Convert any script into an <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">EXE file</a> that can be run on computers that don't have AutoHotkey installed.</li></ul> <p class=""size110"">Getting started might be easier than you think. Check out the <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">quick-start tutorial</a>.<br /><br /></p><h2 class=""Heading"">OATS Comments:</h2><p>This is a fantastic resource for assistive technology!  It really unleashes the power of your PC and helps set it up to your exact requirements.  It's a bit technical to get into, but once into it it is easy - there are some great examples too.</p><p><br /></p><h2 class=""Heading"">More About Hotkeys</h2> <p>AutoHotkey unleashes the full potential of your keyboard, joystick, and mouse. For example, in addition to the typical Control, Alt, and Shift modifiers, you can use the Windows key and the Capslock key as modifiers. In fact, you can make any key or mouse button act as a modifier. For these and other capabilities, see <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">Advanced Hotkeys</a>.</p> <h3 class=""Subheading"">Other Features</h3> <ul><li class=""li2"">Change the volume, mute, and other <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">settings</a> of any soundcard.</li><li class=""li2"">Make any window <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">transparent</a>, <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">always-on-top</a>, or alter its <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">shape</a>.</li><li class=""li2""> Use a <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">joystick</a> or <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">keyboard</a> as a mouse.</li><li class=""li2""><a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">Monitor</a> your system. For example, close unwanted windows the moment they appear.</li><li class=""li2"">Retrieve and change the <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">clipboard's contents</a>, including file names copied from an Explorer window.</li><li class=""li2""><a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">Disable or override</a> Windows' own shortcut keys such as Win+E and Win+R.</li><li class=""li2"">Alleviate RSI with substitutes for <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">Alt-Tab</a> (using keys, mouse wheel, or buttons).</li><li class=""li2"">Customize the <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">tray icon menu</a> with your own icon, tooltip, menu items, and submenus.</li><li class=""li2"">Display <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">dialog boxes</a>, <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">tooltips</a>, <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">balloon tips</a>, and <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">popup menus</a> to interact with the user.</li><li class=""li2"">Perform scripted actions in <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">response</a> to system shutdown or logoff.</li><li class=""li2"">Detect how long the user has been <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">idle</a>. For example, run CPU intensive tasks only when the user is away.</li><li class=""li2"">Automate game actions by detecting <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">images</a> and <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">pixel colors</a>.</li><li class=""li2""><a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">Read</a>, <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">write</a>, and <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">parse</a> text files more easily than in other languages.</li><li class=""li2"">Perform operation(s) upon a set of files that match a <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">wildcard pattern</a>.</li><li class=""li2"">Work with the <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">registry</a> and <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">INI files</a>.</li></ul>";"help-,,project_home_page-,support-";Computer Automation,Other function,Using the Mouse,Alternative Access,Other need;
"AutoIT";"AutoIt v3 is a freeware BASIC-like scripting language designed for automating the Windows GUI and general scripting. It uses a combination of simulated keystrokes, mouse movement and window/control manipulation in order to automate tasks in a way not possible or reliable with other languages (e.g. VBScript and SendKeys). AutoIt is also very small, self-contained and will run on 95, 98, ME, NT4, 2000, XP, 2003 out of the box with no annoying ""runtimes"" required! You can even make compiled executable scripts that can run without AutoIt being installed!";"<h2 class=""Heading"">What the authors say:<br /></h2><p>AutoIt was initially designed for PC ""roll out"" situations to reliably configure thousands of PCs, but with the arrival of v3 it has become a powerful language able to cope with most scripting needs.</p> <p>AutoIt can: </p><ul><li>Provide a general-purpose scripting language for all Windows versions </li><li>Simulate keystrokes (supports most keyboard layouts)</li><li>Simulate mouse movements and clicks</li><li>Move, resize and manipulate windows</li><li>Interact directly with ""controls"" on a window (set/get text from edit controls, check boxes and radio buttons, select items in drop-down lists, etc.)</li><li>Create complex user interfaces (GUIs) </li><li>Work with the clipboard to cut/paste text items</li><li>Provide a scriptable RunAs function for Windows 2000/XP/2003 </li></ul> <p>Unlike AutoIt2, the new AutoIt v3 language has a much more standard syntax -similar to VBScript and BASIC - and now supports complex expressions, user functions, looping and everything else that veteran scripters would expect.</p> <p>As with previous versions, AutoIt has been designed to be as small as possible (~115KB) and stand-alone with no external .dll files or registry entries required.  Scripts can also be compiled into <em>stand-alone executables</em> with <strong>Aut2Exe</strong>.</p> <p>There will also be updates to the ActiveX and DLL versions of AutoIt called <strong>AutoItX</strong> - unlike v2 this will be a <em>combined control</em> (COM and standard DLL functions in the same DLL).  AutoItX will allow you to add the unique features of AutoIt to your own favourite scripting or programming languages! </p> <p>Best of all, AutoIt continues to be <strong>FREE</strong> - but if you want to support the time, money and effort spent on the project and web hosting then you may donate using the link to your left in the menu.<br /></p><p><br /></p><h2 class=""Heading"">OATS Comments:</h2><p></p><p>AutoIt very powerful scripting software - it will allow you to automate a great number of tasks.  For most end users there will probably be easier to use macro programs, (such as <a title=""AutoHotKey"" href=""resolveuid/79e8d41ffaba8813d198cc52a9aca17f"" target=""_self"">AutoHotKey</a>)  however for some people who want the 'ultimate power' in scripting, this might be appropriate.<br /></p>";"help-,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-,support-";Computer Automation,Other need;
"AutoTextTyper";"AutoTextTyper is a contextual menu plugin that lets you quickly and easily add commonly used text, such as email addresses, web sites, postal addresses, etc... You can then select any of those items from the menu and have them automatically typed into any application that supports contextual menus.";"<p>AutoTextTyper is a contextual menu plugin that lets you quickly and easily add commonly used text, such as email addresses, web sites, postal addresses, company names, form letters, and more, to a list of items in a contextual menu. You can also have the current date and/or time typed. You can then select any of those items from the menu and have them automatically typed into any application that supports contextual menus. You can also associate a key combination (a Hot Key) with a macro and use that Hot Key to invoke the macro.</p>";"help-,project_home_page-";Computer Automation,Text input Projects;
"BATS";"This is an ongoing project aimed at providing people without sight the same rich information and spatial awareness that sighted people get from exploring maps.";;"help-,,project_home_page-";Other function,Viewing the screen;
"Big Calculator";"You can either click on the buttons with the mouse or use the numeric keypad to perform calculations.";"<p>The size of the calculator buttons is determined by the WIDTH of the calculator window.<br /><br /> Big Calculator will use a <a href=""/web/20151127022718/"">SAPI 4.0 speech</a> system if you have one installed on your system.</p> <p><i>Tip: for extra large read-out, set a wide, short window, and input with the numeric keys.</i></p>";"help-,project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Educational and Learning,Learning and Education,General Tools;
"Blissymbolics Resources";"The complete authorised Blissymbol vocabulary (the BCI-AV) resources of over 5000 basic Blissymbol concepts - characters and words - are available under a free CreativeCommons-BY-SA license. (Note: Registering and login required for access)";"<p>The complete current authorised lexical resources of Blissymbolics are here available with an overview, tracked changes, lexical source text files (in the unfortunately proprietary WinBliss editor format), export file libraries (in a range of different file formats and sizes (SVG, PNG, BMP and WMF), spreadsheet and PDF lexical documentation files.</p><p>(Note: Registering and login is required for access to the Community Area of the Blissymbolics Communications International (BCI) site where these resources are available.)<br /></p>";",project_home_page-";Symbol Library,Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Educational and Learning,Communication,Symbols,Learning and Education;
"CCHotKey";"Mac OSX CCHotKey is a small and simple application that launches any script you want after clicking any hotkey you want.";"<p>A simple hotkey generator for Mac OSX</p>";"help-,,project_home_page-";Computer Automation,Text input Projects,Alternative Access;
"CHIP Speaking";"CHIPSPEAKING is a desktop augmentative communication device that supports up to 99 messages. Users can record in their own voice (or care-givers can record the voice of someone else of the same gender and age) or take advantage of computerized voices.";"<p><br />Unlike the flagship product, CHIPSpeaking™ , CHIPSpeech™  actually is written to assist PALS to record their voice as it is now, and preserve the phrases and sentences that are needed in everyday life, and recall them in their own voice, and save that speech indefinitely. The recordings are made and saved to disk in small files, which can be saved on diskette or backup media for use on other computers. </p>";",project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Communication;
"CLiCk, Speak";"CLiCk, Speak is an open source, freely available extension for the Firefox web browser. It is part of the CLC-4-TTS Suite of products, it features a mouse driven interface, and it reads web pages - hence its name.";"<p>Unlike <a href=""/web/20130906032603/"">Fire Vox</a> which is designed for visually impaired users, CLiCk, Speak is designed for sighted users who want text-to-speech functionality. It doesn't identify elements or announce events - two features that are very important for visually impaired users but very annoying for sighted users. It also has a simplified, mouse driven interface that is designed to be easy for users familiar with point-and-click graphical user interfaces. Like Fire Vox, CLiCk, Speak works on Windows, Macintosh, and Linux; and Fire Vox has multilingual support, making it great for users who are trying to learn a foreign language and need to hear foreign language web sites read out to them for practice. <br /></p><p>If you're a sighted user who wants to have web pages read to you because you have cognitive issues (for example, dyslexia), because you have literacy issues (like me - I can understand spoken Mandarin Chinese just fine, but reading is difficult for me), because you want to reduce eyestrain and listen to a web page being read, etc., then you are likely to prefer CLiCk, Speak over Fire Vox.</p><p>The Core Library Components for Text-To-Speech (CLC-4-TTS) Suite is a set of extensions for Firefox. It consists of a library for doing text-to-speech synthesis (the Core library), a library for navigating the HTML DOM (the Utils library), and an application that uses the libraries to act as a screen reader (Fire Vox).</p><p>While it currently only works on Firefox, it would be possible for me to create versions of this for other Mozilla products such as Thunderbird. I would have to rewrite the application portion, but the libraries would largely remain untouched. These libraries can also be used to construct other extensions that are not necessarily aimed at the visually impaired. Both are directions that I am interested in pursuing in the near future, so stay tuned.</p>";"help-,,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-";Text to Speech,Accessing the Web;
"Click-Catch";"Click-Catch(C) is an autoclicker. It means it simulates mouse clicks with constant intervals of time.";"<p>Click-Catch(C) available options:</p><ul><li>You may choose which button to simulate between left/right/middle mouse buttons.</li><li>You can also set single or double click.</li><li>There are two ""hot keys"" available. You must enable them in settings. ""hot keys"" are disabled by default.<br />Combination of ""control""+""x"" pressed together at once starts clicking, ""control""+""s"" stops.</li><li>In cases, when you cannot use ""hot keys"" to start/stop clicking, there are two buttons implemented.<br />To start simulation press ""START"" button or press ""STOP"" to stop it</li><li>You may also need to change time interval between clicks.<br />You can set its value from 10 hours to 100 miliseconds.<br />Minimal step is 50 miliseconds.</li><li>There is a possiblity to save your settings. Settings are stored in Windows Registry File.<br />Click-Catch(c) has no instalation procedure (it's only one file after all!)<br />so it can not delete its entry after deinstalation (delete).<br />It has however an option called ""clear WinRegFile entry"".<br />Use it freely, it is harmless.</li><li>You can check if there is new version available to download easely. Simply chose Help/Check for update!<br /></li></ul>";"help-,,project_home_page-";Computer Automation,Text input Projects,Using the Mouse,Alternative Access;
"Click-N-Type virtual keyboard";"Click-N-Type is an on-screen virtual keyboard, giving access to the keyboard characters through the use of your mouse or other pointing device.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:</h2><br /><p>Click-N-Type is an on-screen keyboard which allows you to type with the use of a pointing device (e.g. mouse or tracker ball) rather than the physical computer keyboard. The designers claim it is successful in allowing text to be typed into “those uncooperative places like browser URL ""Address:"" fields, Email ""To:"" addresses, Email ""Subject:"" fields, and dialog boxes like ""Open"" and ""Save As..."",” which other virtual keyboards have trouble with. Several custom layouts are available, including QWERTY, ABC and ‘Speed layout’ in which the letters commonly used together are grouped together, reducing the pointer motion required. An English language prediction program is also available for use with the keyboard, available from the same website. </p> <h2 class=""Heading"">OATS Comments:</h2><p>This is a flexible and powerful on-screen keyboard.  To customise the keyboards you will need to be fairly computer literate, but other than that it is also quite easy to use.  It includes basic word prediction.<br /></p><p><br /></p>";"help-,,project_home_page-";On Screen Keyboard Projects,Text input Projects,Alternative Access;
"Concept Coding Framework (CCF)";"Around the world, people with impaired communication, including difficulties to read or write, may use symbols as an alternative or complement to character based texts. Referencing to, and exchanging these alternatively coded messages over the Internet is difficult due to the lack of standardised encoding schemes and common practises. The Concept Coding Framework (CCF) is being developed to overcome some of these difficulties.";"<h2>News</h2><h3>3 February 2011 - (Mats Lundälv)</h3><p>In spite of nothing appearing at this spot for quite some time, the CCF development continues, currently in the context of the AEGIS project. More to appear here soon after the recent move of the server home of OATS, as well as for the domain. More to come - soon hopefully ...</p><br /><h3>3 September 2009 - (Mats Lundälv)</h3><p>The summer has passed and the work towards the first CCF release is slowly progressing. Will we make it during the 3rd quarter of 2009 as envisaged ? Well - surprise - possibly not :-/ It currently looks uncertain whether we will be ready during this month. It will probably be a bit later this autumn. <br /></p><p>Bengt Farre's completely re-written new SYMBERED version is getting close to completion, but still has some way to go.</p><p>The good news is that Lars Nordberg is well on the way to transfer our CCF databases from MySQL to the <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">Sun JavaDB</a> (based on <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">Apache Derby</a>) Java database. This will provide another option for providing CCF resources (in addition to the MySQL and RDF resources) in a light weight format that will be easier to deploy, install and use for those who will like to try working with CCF based applications and services.</p><p>We'll keep you updated at this space ..</p><br /><h3>19 June 2009 - (Mats Lundälv)</h3><p>A first full release of the updated CCF package is now envisaged during the 3rd quarter of 2009. It will cover a set of concepts covering the authorized Blissymbolics vocabulary of around 4450 Bliss-words. These will be organised in a Base Reference Ontology (BRO) with concepts covered by WordNet, and a Complementary Reference Ontology (CRO) for the rest. The Concept Coded concepts in the Reference Ontologies will be linked to an open ended numbers of so called Assistive Ontologies containing the different supported language representations for the concepts - Bliss being the first target for graphical symbol representations, and English and Swedish being the first natural language lexicons fully supported. The structure is already prepared for supporting a number of other symbolic representations, as well as all Scandinavian/Nordic, and a number of other European languages. More will be added as soon as interest and resources will be around. <br /></p><p>In technical terms; the first release will contain a Java based CCF Tool for browsing and managing the CCF resources (<a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">WordNet</a>, the BRO and CRO, Assistive Ontologies and symbol resources). The data will be stored in or retrieved from either a MySQL database or an RDF/XML based resource. <br /></p><p>The first practical implementation will be an updated version of the <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">SYMBERED</a> tool for creating symbol supported web content via a CMS module written in PHP working towards the MySQL database. (This will be a complete re-write of the first SYMBERED version based on the <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">Papunet </a>CMS). </p><p>The next practical implementation will be the first prototypes of the envisaged CCF symbol support plugin extension for within the AEGIS project - planned for the 4th quarter of 2009.<br /></p><h3>08 June 2009 - (Mats Lundälv)</h3><p>In the AEGIS project 1:st international workshop (in Slough at RIM 05 June) Dr. Christian Galinski from <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">Infoterm </a>gave a very interesting and informative presentation on issues concerning ""Standards for content in the field of eInclusion - and beyond"" - with great relevance for the CCF work in particular, and for the <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">AEGIS </a>and <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">Raising The Floor</a> projects in general. We will have to do some studying about ISO//TC 37 ""Terminology and other language and content resources"" ;-)  I hope the presentations will be on-line soon.<br /></p><h3><b>22 February 2009 - (Mats Lundälv)</b></h3><p>The  concept coding work has continued in slow pace as follow up work after the Nordic <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">SYMBERED project</a> - which is still ongoing. <br />It is now brought further in relation to a task within the ongoing European and international <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">AEGIS-project</a>. Concept coding will be employed in building open source components for graphic symbol support - in, as well as in prototype Java based cross-platform AAC applications - for mobile devices and other environments.<br /></p><h3><b>03/12/2007 - (Andy Judson)</b><br /></h3><p>With my move from the University of Dundee's School of Computing, I thought it time I ported the old CCF website to the OATS portal. With the Bliss Think Tank in July'07 we've been busy hacking more demonstrators. Mats, Bengt and Lars have been busy fine-tuning the <a title=""Symbol &amp; Concept Coding Editor (aka SYMBERED)"" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">SYMBERED</a> system (CCF support for CMS - using PHP, MySQL, Java). I've been busy working on a .NET infrastructure and building a central CCF ontology in SQLServer. The database I've been working with is now populated with around 9000 concepts (based on the STANDUP project ontology) and around 3000 Bliss symbols (some of which are mapped to concept codes). There is an prototype website where you can search the ontologies, update the bliss-ccf mappings, write ruby annotated bliss messages (then you can copy the source to your own website like I've done below). This webservice could be used as a portal to manage the ccf, and more excitingly, for use by other software / web applications, e.g. <a title=""FoxySymbols"" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">FoxySymbols</a>. I hope to get the webservice &amp; database hosted soon.<br /></p><h2>Background</h2><p>Around the world, people with impaired communication, including difficulties to read or write, may use symbols as an alternative or complement to character based texts. Referencing to, and exchanging these alternatively coded messages over the Internet is difficult due to the lack of standardised encoding schemes and common practises. This site is intended to motivate, describe and promote the introduction and adoption of a common, open and vendor neutral Concept Coding Framework (CCF) to overcome some of these difficulties. In particular will act as a base for all contribution to this work - be it formal documentation or informal discussions. </p><p>The suggested CCF has been carefully designed to be conformant to the standard language technologies that are rapidly developing and penetrating the Internet communities. In this way we believe that the proposed CCF can contribute to a major leap in bridging between different technologies and products developed for AAC users and, more importantly, between these Assistive Technologies (AT) and the main-stream technologies of today's and tomorrow's networked information society. </p><p>The bridging approach also implies that the CCF is not intended to replace and exclude the use and development of current and future proprietary assistive technologies in the AAC field. Instead the CCF and its bridging technology and tools are designed to provide added value for all stake-holders; AAC users, special product developers and service providers, as well as general service and information providers who want to support improved accessibility to their products. </p><p>Designed to be used over the Internet for email, web-based activities, chat and/or other emerging Internet based services, the CCF technology can, however, be used by software manufacturers also to provide additional functionality, enhanced support for, and integration of, software and systems with multi-modal language features mainly intended for local use. </p><p>Although, this work is part of the EU funded WWAAC project, the concept coding work is to be kept open source as we want to collaborate with experts and stakeholders in both the AAC field and internet technologies/accessibility area. Thus we are wanting to use this area to establish an interest group in the concept coding approach. if you are interested in getting involved at whatever level then please contact us.</p><h2>Links</h2><p>These are some of the most relevant links i can think of to share, if you have others, please add them. </p><h3>research projects</h3><ul type=""circle""><li><a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">wwaac</a> project (the eu project that funded this initial work) </li></ul><blockquote><div align=""left""><ul><li>""<a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">Code ofPractice</a>"" - the WWAAC project deliverable on the Concept Coding Framework (PDF 1.2MB)<br /></li></ul></div></blockquote><ul type=""circle""><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">symbered</a> project (swedish project continuing ccf developments) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">swad-europe</a> project (semantic web advanced development for europe) </li></ul><h3>web accessibility resources (general)</h3><ul><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">w3c-wai</a> (world wide web consortium - web accessibility initiative)</li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">w3c-wcag</a> (world wide web consortium - web content accessibility guidelines working group) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">w3c-wcag 1.0</a> (world wide web consortium - web content accessibility guidelines 1.0) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">w3c-wcag 2.0 (draft)</a> (world wide web consortium - web content accessibility guidelines 2.0) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">w3c-wcag 2.0 rdf techniques (draft)</a> (rdf techniques document for wcag 2.0 (above)) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">dmag</a> (digital media access group) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">accessify</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">alistapart</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">diveintoaccessibility</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">jakob nielsen on usability</a> </li></ul><h3>web accessibility resources (learning difficulties)</h3><ul><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">ld-web</a> (web specialists looking into learning difficulties) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">juicystudio article</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">webusability article</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">article by lisa seeman at www2002 conference</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">article by kanta jiwnani</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">webaim article (part1)</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">webaim article (part2)</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">uk leading learning difficulties charity</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">communicate:webwide</a> (a commercial symbol browser by widget, an leading AAC company) </li></ul><h3>technologies</h3><ul><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">rdf</a> (resource description framework) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">owl</a> (ontology web language) </li></ul><h3>miscellaneous</h3><ul><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">semantic web</a> (a portal to information about the semantic web) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">isaac</a> (the international society for augmentative and alternative communication) <br /></li></ul>";"help-,,project_home_page-";Symbol Library,Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Communication,Accessing the Web,Symbols;
"Daisy Pipeline";"The Daisy Multi Format Converter allows conversion of DAISY books between different formats.";;"help-,project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Learning and Education;
"Dasher";"Dasher is an information-efficient text-entry interface, driven by natural continuous pointing gestures.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:</h2><p>Dasher is a zooming interface. You point where you want to go, and the display zooms in wherever you point. The world into which you are zooming is painted with letters, so that any point you zoom in on corresponds to a piece of text. The more you zoom in, the longer the piece of text you have written. You choose what you write by choosing where to zoom. </p><p></p><p>To make the interface efficient, we use the predictions of a language model to determine how much of the world is devoted to each piece of text. Probable pieces of text are given more space, so they are quick and easy to select. Improbable pieces of text (for example, text with spelling mistakes) are given less space, so they are harder to write. The language model learns all the time: if you use a novel word once, it is easier to write next time. <br /></p><p><br /></p><p>A big advantage of Dasher over other predictive text-entry interfaces that offer word-completions to the user is that it is <b>mode-free</b>: the user does not need to switch from a writing mode to an ""accept-model-predictions"" mode. </p><p>Another advantage is that it is easy to train the model on any writing style: simply load up an example file, then write away!</p><br /><h2 class=""Heading"">OATS Comment:</h2><p>Dasher is an amazing innovation on on-screen keyboards - although at first it might seem difficult, stick with it and you will be astounded at how efficient it is.  Although mainly aimed at users who can use a mouse (or similar device) the Dasher team are working on a switch accessible version.  There is also a version that works well with speech recognition software - <a title=""Speech Dasher"" href=""resolveuid/d8eeddfaf075fb166fb7a4b60529a52d"" target=""_self"">Speech Dasher</a>.<br /></p><h2 class=""Heading"">See Dasher in action:</h2><p>David MacKay demonstrated Dasher at the Bett 2006 Special Needs Fringe and you can <a href=""/web/20150424043338/;task=view&amp;id=76&amp;Itemid=1"" target=""_self"">watch the video</a> created by Leon Cych.Dasher 4.9.0 is now available for download from:</p><p> </p><p>  <a href=""/web/20150424043338/""></a></p><p> </p><p>Windows binaries will shortly be available from:</p><p> </p><p> <a href=""/web/20150424043338/""></a></p><p> </p><p>Dasher is a predictive text input system for the GNOME Desktop, suitable for any situation in which a conventional keyboard cannot be used.</p><p> </p><p>This is the first in a new development series, including a large number of improvements from a wide variety of contributors. As always, thanks to all Dasher developers and contributors. Please file any bug reports in the GNOME Bugzilla, and send any comments and feedback to</p>";"help-,,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-,support-";On Screen Keyboard Projects,Switch Input Software,Text input Projects,Alternative Access;
"Dkey";"Dkey is disambiguation software for computers - it works in a similar way to 'predictive text' on your mobile phone. It is designed to allow quicker text input for people with physical disabilities who can use a keyboard with a small number of keys, for example a number pad keyboard. It can also be used with mouse input, or with switch input via other software. It is designed with people with disabilities in mind, but could be used by anyone.";;"help-,,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-,support-";On Screen Keyboard Projects,Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Text input Projects;
"DonnerLaParole";"DonnerLaParole is a primarily text based communicator for people with speech and physical impairments - including word prediction, text-to-speech support etc. Best support for French - cross-platform Java application.";"<h2>From the authors:</h2><p>This is a software that allows to enter words and sentences easily and make them talk. Which is very useful for people with disabilities.</p> <p>“DonnerLaParole” can be translated in “GiveTheWord” …</p> <p>There are several key features:</p> <ul><li>several input systems help you if you can’t easily access the computer: <ul><li>without any clicks, if you do not have enough strength or muscle coordination</li><li>with a selection block mechanism, if you cannot move, <ul><li>with just the click of a mouse or a switch,</li><li>with two contactors or 2 buttons if you want to access the buttons at your own pace</li></ul> </li></ul> </li></ul> <ul><li>a set of virtual keyboards: <ul><li>computer keyboard</li><li>style keyboard phone</li><li>a keyboard for sign language</li><li>keyboard customizable icons</li></ul> </li></ul> <ul><li>a set of dictionaries to be able to quickly select words without having to enter all the letters (this is called predictive text input).</li></ul> <ul><li>a manager of common sentences, to avoid having to continually enter the same words and similar phrases.</li></ul> <ul><li>voice synthesizers, which will deliver the phrases or words typed in: <ul><li>the possibility of using voice as Virginia SAPI (Windows only)</li><li>voices natively on Windows, Apple and Linux</li><li>regionalization of the French language <ul><li>with the Canadian “accent”</li><li>with the Belgian “accent”</li></ul> </li></ul> </li></ul> <ul><li>a composer of iconic sentences</li></ul> <ul><li>greater accessibility of the interface for those deprived of movement, particularly in settings</li></ul> <ul><li>system ready for monitoring the environment (or home automation) with <ul><li>the ability to send messages through serial port</li><li>the ability to run programs on the user’s computer</li><li>the ability to send requests to a server</li></ul></li></ul><br /><h2>OATSoft comment:</h2> <h3>License</h3> <a href=""/web/20150502032517/"">Common Public License 1.0</a> <br />Installation packages are available for different generations of MS Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.<br />";"project_home_page-";On Screen Keyboard Projects,Text to Speech,Switch Input Software,Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Environmental Control,Text input Projects,Communication,Alternative Access;
"DSpeech";"This is a TTS (Text To Speech) program with functionality of ASR (Automatic Speech Recognition) integrated. It is able to to read aloud the written text and choose the sentences to be pronounced based upon the vocal answers of the user.";"<p>It is specifically designed to quickly and directly provide the functions and improved practical usefulness that are requested by this kind of program. In the meantime, the invasiveness and resource consumption is minimal.<br />(DSpeech does not install itself, is very light, starts in a second and doesn't write anything to the registry). Some notable features of DSpeech are:<br /><br />1. Allows you to save the output as a .WAV or .MP3 file.<br />2. Allows you to quickly select different voices, even combine them, or juxtapose them in order to create dialogues between different voices.<br />3. DSpeech integrates a vocal recognition system that, through a simple script language, allows you to create interactive dialogues with the user.<br />4. Allows you to configure the voices in an independent way.<br />5. Thanks to apposite TAGs, it allows you to dynamically change the features of the voices during the playback (speed, volume and frequency), to insert pauses, emphasize specific words, or even to spell them out.<br />6. Allows you to capture and reproduce the content of the ClipBoard.<br />7. DSpeech is compatible with all vocal engines (SAPI 4-5 compliant).<br />8. AI dialog system. Not really useful, but amusing. It does not work in every language. <br /></p><p></p><p>DSpeech interface can be translated in several languages: </p><p>Italian (By Talksina) </p><p>Spanish (By Ricardo Abad &amp; Esteban Mello) </p><p>Spanish Valencian (By Ricardo Abad) </p><p>French (By Adel) </p><p>Portuguese (By Ângelo Miguel) </p><p>Brazilian Portuguese (By Antonio Cezar Locutor) </p><p>Latin American Spanish (By Rafael Lopez Jr.)</p>";",project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Text input Projects,Accessing the Web,General Tools;
"Dwell Clicker";"Dwelling is resting the mouse over one area of the screen for a specified time. The dwell click software allows you to perform left-click, right-click and double clicks, and even drag things around the screen.";;"help-,project_home_page-";Other function,Using the Mouse,Alternative Access;
"E-triloquist";"The program has an input area on the screen for entering a text or audio phrase which is to be spoken or played. With the touch of the ""Enter"" key or a mouse click, the text is converted to speech and sent to a voice synthesizer which conveys the message in mellifluous tones. Audio phrases are played as recorded.";"<h3>From the Authors:</h3><p>E-triloquist, the personal computer augmentative communication aid software formerly known as ""SpeakEasy"", developed as a family project. Dad had amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and lost his ability to speak in the course of the disease. Son is particularly versatile in personal computers. Our first version (named ""SpeakEasy"" at the time) was made available on the Internet in early 1995. We are now on Version 5.7 with even more new features suggested by current users of the program, and with full support for Windows-ME and Windows-XP operating systems. See the <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">New Features</a> page for full details on the enhancements in V5.7. Go to the <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">Downloads</a> page to install or upgrade to the latest version of E-triloquist. </p><p> Most users of the program can still use a keyboard, albeit slowly. For those who can no longer type, E-triloquist can easily be teamed-up with on-screen keyboards, scanners, word-predictors, single-switch input, or other assistive input devices such as <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">Click-N-Type virtual keyboard</a> from Lake Software, <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">SofType</a> from <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">Origin Instruments</a>, <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">WiViK®</a> on-screen keyboard (virtual keyboard) software, <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">Virtual On-Screen Keyboard</a> by <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">MiloSoft</a>, <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">My-T-Mouse</a> from <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">IMG</a>, and a variety of input devices and augmentative communication products from <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">Prentke Romich Company</a>. A longer list of devices can be viewed on the <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">ALS Resources</a> page. These tools can also be added on at a later time if the need arises. Note: when looking for assistive input devices, be sure to get one that will work with ALL of your Windows programs, (e.g. E-triloquist, word processor, e-mail, web browser, ...) not just one specific software program. </p>";"project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Communication;
"Edgeless";"This application causes the mouse pointer to wrap around the screen instead of stopping at the edges.";"<p>This application causes the mouse pointer to wrap around the screen instead of stopping at the edges. It can be configured to start at Windows startup if required.</p>";",project_home_page-";Other function,Using the Mouse;
"EdgeWrite";"Provides text entry to hand held devices for people who find writing difficult.";;"help-,project_home_page-";Environmental Control,Text input Projects;
"EdWord and EdWeb";"EdWord is a talking word processor that allows you to combine text with symbols. EdWeb is a talking web browser that can display web pages as a combination of text and symbols.";;"help-,,project_home_page-";Symbol Library,Text to Speech,Switch Input Software,Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Text input Projects,Accessing the Web,Symbols,Alternative Access;
"EmacSpeak";"Emacspeak is a speech interface that allows visually impaired users to interact independently and efficiently with the computer.";;"help-,project_home_page-,support-";Text to Speech,Other function,Viewing the screen;
"Enable Viacam";"Enable Viacam (aka eViacam) is a mouse replacement software that moves the pointer as you move your head. It works on standard PCs equipped with a web camera. No additional hardware is required. Runs over Windows and Linux and is released under GNU/GPL license.";"<h2> About this project</h2> <p>Enable Viacam can be used as a full alternative or as a complement to a conventional computer mouse. It is especially useful for people with motor impairments in their hands or their arms (due to bone injuries, ALS, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, spinal cord injuries, muscular dystrophy, amputations, etc.). Enable Viacam<strong></strong> provides them with an effective and reliable solution for human-computer interaction.</p> <p>Core features:</p> <p> </p><ul> <li><b>Hands-Free:</b> Control your computer with intuitive head movements. No need to use your hands — the pointer will obey!</li><li><b>Unobtrusive:</b> Works with any good webcam. No cables, no dots, no additional hardware required.</li> <li><b>Flexible:</b> Click and choose clicking options by way of either pointer dwelling or by external means.</li> <li><b>User-centred:</b> Developed and tested in close collaboration with users from the <a href=""/web/20150502022143/"" target=""_blank"">APPC Cerebral Palsy Centre</a> in Tarragona (Spain).</li> <li><strong>Customizable:</strong> Pointer speed, movement acceleration and smoothness, dwelling time, and many other variables can be adjusted to fit the user's needs. </li> <li><b>Mature:</b> Based on the award winning <a href=""/web/20150502022143/"" target=""_blank"">Facial Mouse</a> software.</li><li><b>Cross-platform:</b> currently, eViacam runs on Windows 2000/XP/Vista and Linux (KDE/GNOME)<br /></li> </ul> <br /> <p></p> <h2>Official site</h2> <p>More information and downloads: <a href=""/web/20150502022143/"" target=""_blank""></a></p> <h2>License</h2> <p>eViacam is realeased under GNU/GPL license.</p>";",project_home_page-";Other function,Using the Mouse,Accessing the Web,Alternative Access,Learning and Education;
"eSpeak text to speech";"eSpeak is a compact free and open source software speech synthesizer for English and other languages, for Linux and Windows.";"<h2>From the developer:</h2><p> eSpeak uses a ""formant synthesis"" method. This allows many languages to be provided in a small size. The speech is clear, and can be used at high speeds, but is not as natural or smooth as larger synthesizers which are based on human speech recordings. </p><p> eSpeak is available as: </p><ul><li>A command line program (Linux and Windows) to speak text from a file or from stdin. </li><li>A shared library version for use by other programs. (On Windows this is a DLL). </li><li>A SAPI5 version for Windows, so it can be used with screen-readers and other programs that support the Windows SAPI5 interface. </li><li>eSpeak has been ported to other platforms, including Solaris and Mac OSX. </li></ul><h3>Features. </h3><ul><li>Includes different Voices, whose characteristics can be altered. </li><li>Can produce speech output as a WAV file. </li><li>SSML (Speech Synthesis Markup Language) is supported (not complete), and also HTML. </li><li>Compact size. The program and its data, including many languages, totals about 1.4 Mbytes. </li><li><b>Can be used as a front-end to MBROLA diphone voices,</b> see <a href=""/web/20150710182918/"">mbrola.html</a>. eSpeak converts text to phonemes with pitch and length information. </li><li>Can translate text into phoneme codes, so it could be adapted as a front end for another speech synthesis engine. </li><li>Potential for other languages. Several are included in varying stages of progress. Help from native speakers for these or other languages is welcome. </li><li>Development tools are available for producing and tuning phoneme data. </li></ul>";",project_home_page-";Text to Speech,General Tools,Communication,Accessing the Web,Alternative Access,Learning and Education,General Tools;
"eStoryMaker";"A simple means for assembling text, picture and sound files into an e-story that supports multiple access means.";"<p> </p><p><b>eStoryMaker</b> is a simple program for assembling an e-story that affords multiple access methods. eStoryMaker can be used to e-book versions of your student's favorite children's books, to recap field trips or special events, to create multimedia social scripts, or to provide a multimedia accounting of each step in a task. eStoryMaker is also designed to work well with Launcher6. In spite of its name, you construct an e-story by placing text, picture and/or sound files in a folder along with the eStoryMaker.exe file. When you open eStoryMaker.exe, it loads page1.txt, page1.jpg and page1.wav (for example.) When your user asks for the next page, eStoryMaker loads the next set of files in the page sequence, if they exist. So, you have to name your picture files, record and name sound files, and create text files. You can use a clipboard text-to-speech program to read your story, if you don't want to bother with recording sound files.</p> <p>There are many freeware tools you can use to help create e-stories. To make e-books from children's books you can use a flatbed scanner, but I often just use a digital camera for quicker results. I take the books outside and shoot the pages in the shade to have good light, but no glare. For picture editing and renaming I recommend using the excellent and free IrfanView program easily obtained from the Internet. To record sound files I most often use the Sound Recorder accessory that comes with Windows. For more precise sound editing, and for converting wav to mp3 files I use the terrific free Audacity program. There are many better free, Internet available alternatives for creating text files than the default Windows Notepad. I have been using a program called EditPad that most importantly supports multiple files being open simultaneously (unlike Notepad.) Finally, I can recommend 2 freeware text-to-speech programs, Deskbot and SayzMe. Both are easily obtained on the Internet and use the freeware Microsoft Agent technology. I prefer Deskbot, and set its options to read the clipboard text only without any extra, distracting animations.</p>";",project_home_page-";Educational and Learning,Learning and Education;
"Eventcorder";"Eventcorder records and plays back Windows events. With Eventcorder, a sequence of keystrokes and mouse-clicks can be implemented at the touch of a single button.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the author:</h2><p><br /></p><p>Eventcorder allows sequences of keystrokes and mouse-clicks (events) to be recorded, and then played back at the touch of a button. It also allows recorded sequences (known as macros) to be edited. The software matches up events with the window for which they were recorded, and will wait for the correct window to open before implementing a particular event, so that events cannot act in the wrong window.</p> <br />";"help-,,project_home_page-";Computer Automation,Using the Mouse;
"Everyday Skills";"Switch-activated software that supports teachers in teaching the young people who are deafblind in learning everyday skills.";;"help-,project_home_page-,support-";Switch Input Software,Educational and Learning,Learning and Education;
"FatBits";"Fatbits magnifies an area of the screen and paints the giant pixels into a new window, which may be useful if you have a visual impairment. To make the screen even more accessible, you can modify the colours it displays.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">What the authors say:<br /> </h2> <p>FatBits magnifies an area of the screen centered around the mouse pointer and paints the giant pixels into a small, tastefully decorated window. This can be indispensable when you want to see something right down to the last pixel. Once the text has been magnified (up to 20x), Fatbits can also smooth it, and change the colours used. The website contains an online User Manual.</p><p><br /> </p> <h2 class=""Heading"">OATS Comments:</h2> <p>FatBits was originally designed for graphic artists or people designing user interfaces, but it may be relevant to some people with visual impairments.  This has not yet been tested by the OATS team.<br /> </p>";"help-,,project_home_page-";Other function,Viewing the screen;
"Fire Vox";"Fire Vox is an open source, freely available talking browser extension for the Firefox web browser.";"<p>Think of it as a screen reader that is designed especially for Firefox. </p><p>In addition to the basic features that are expected of screen readers, such as being able to identify headings, links, images, etc. and providing navigational assistance, Fire Vox provides support for MathML and CSS speech module properties. It also works on Windows, Macintosh, and Linux. </p><p>CLC-4-TTS is a cross OS compatible (Windows, Mac, Linux) collection of JavaScript functions that can be used for transforming Firefox into a self-voicing browser. This software is open source and is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL.</p>";"help-,,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"FireFox";"The award-winning Web browser is better than ever. Browse the Web with confidence - Firefox protects you from viruses, spyware and pop-ups. Enjoy improvements to performance, ease of use and privacy. It's easy to import your favorites and settings and get started. Download Firefox now and get the most out of the Web.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:<br /></h2><h3 class=""Subheading"">A Better Web Experience</h3><div id=""mainContent"" class=""right"">Firefox has an intuitive interface and blocks viruses, spyware, and popup ads. It delivers Web pages faster than ever. And it’s easy to install and import your favorites. Packed with useful features like tabbed browsing, Live Bookmarks, and an integrated Search bar, Firefox will change the way you experience the Web, for the better.<br /><br /></div><h3 class=""Subheading"">Accessibility</h3><p>Firefox delivers easier navigation for everyone, including those who are visually or motor-impaired. Firefox is the first browser to support DHTML accessibility, which, when enabled by Web authors, allows rich Web applications to be read aloud. Users may navigate with keystrokes rather than mouse clicks, reducing the tabbing required to navigate documents such as spreadsheets. Firefox 1.5 (Windows version) is also the first browser to meet <a href=""/web/20120129115243/"">US federal government requirements</a> that software be easily accessible to users with physical impairments. <a href=""/web/20120129115243/"" target=""_self"">Full details of Firefox accessibility features.</a><br /></p><h3 class=""Subheading"">Faster Browsing</h3><div id=""mainContent"" class=""right"">Enjoy quick page loading as you navigate back and forward in a browsing session. Improvements to the engine that powers Firefox deliver more accurate display of complex Web sites, support for new Web standards, and better overall performance.<br /><br /></div><h3 class=""Subheading"">Automatic Updates</h3><div id=""mainContent"" class=""right"">The new Software Update feature makes it easy to get the latest security and feature updates to Firefox. Firefox automatically downloads these small updates in the background and prompts you when they are ready to be installed.<br /><br /></div><h3 class=""Subheading"">Tabbed Browsing</h3><div id=""mainContent"" class=""right"">Use <a href=""/web/20120129115243/"">tabbed browsing</a> to open multiple Web pages in a single browser window, and quickly flip back and forth. Drag and drop open tabs to keep related pages together.<br /><br /></div><h3 class=""Subheading"">Improved Pop-up Blocking</h3><div id=""mainContent"" class=""right"">Firefox’s built-in pop-up blocker has been enhanced to block more unwanted pop-up and pop-under ads.<br /><br /></div><h3 class=""Subheading"">Integrated Search</h3><div id=""mainContent"" class=""right"">Tap into the power of the Web’s most popular search engines with the <a href=""/web/20120129115243/"">built-in Search bar</a>, and easily add new engines.<br /><br /></div><h3 class=""Subheading"">Live Bookmarks</h3><div id=""mainContent"" class=""right"">Stay up to date with your favorite Web sites and blogs. Use <a href=""/web/20120129115243/"">Live Bookmarks</a> that update themselves automatically with the latest content from the Web.<br /><br /></div><h3 class=""Subheading"">Customize Firefox</h3><div id=""mainContent"" class=""right"">Select new button controls for your toolbars, install extensions to add new features, or change the look of your browser with themes - the way Firefox looks and works is under your control.<br /><br /></div><h3 class=""Subheading"">Next Generation Web Support</h3><p>Innovative new Web applications and services deliver a richer Web experience. Support for open Web standards in Firefox ensures you can get the most out of this emerging class of Web-based tools.</p><hr /><p><a href=""/web/20120129115243/"" target=""_self"">AccessFirefox</a> showcases the accessibility tools and features that are available for Firefox, and to provide Firefox accessibility information and resources.</p><p></p><p class=""documentDescription"">Firefox, the popular open source web browser, have improved their use of 'accesskeys' which enable you to browse just using the keyboard.</p><p>The link address is: <a href=""/web/20120129115243/""></a> </p><div id=""relatedItems""></div><div class=""discussion""><form action=""/web/20120129115243/"" method=""post"" name=""reply"" enctype=""application/x-www-form-urlencoded"">Also look at Fire Vox and ""CLiCk, Speak"" for open-source audio assisted access to web pages</form></div>";"help-,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-,support-";General Tools,Other function,General Tools,Other need;
"FoxySymbols";"A firefox extension to provide symbol annotation to text content. This will make use of the concept coding framework, but instead of being a server side technology be a client browser extension. It would be useful to add in other useful accessible features for the aac user, but primary focus will be symbol annotation.";;"help-,";Symbol Library,Accessing the Web,Symbols;
"FoxyVoice";"A Firefox extension that speaks web pages as you browese. Uses Microsoft SAPI for speech on Windows only.";;"help-,project_home_page-,support-";Text to Speech,Accessing the Web,Alternative Access,General Tools;
"Free Speech for Android";"Free Speech is a free and open source augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) program that provides a low-cost alternative to dedicated speech generating devices (SGD).";"<p>Free Speech for Android is a free and open source sound board for people who have problems speaking. When you press a button, a sound is played. <br /> <br />You can use recorded sounds, record new sounds, or generate sounds using the built-in text-to-speech. All content can be created and edited using your Android device itself. <br /> <br />The full source code for free speech is available at: <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />For more information and demo videos, check out our listing on the Google Play Store: <br /> <br /></p>";"";Text to Speech,Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Communication;
"gail";"GAIL provides accessibility support for gtk+ by implementing AtkObjects for widgets in gtk+.";"<p>The GAIL library is a GTK+ module.<br /><br />A second download is at:</p><p><a href=""/web/20081121091300/""></a><br /></p><p></p>";"contact_address-mailto:Li.Yuan@Sun.COM,project_home_page-";General Tools,General Tools;
"Game Accessibility Suite";"Code library and utilities to enhance accessibility to existing and future games (Win32).";"<p>The Game Accessibility Suite [GAS] is a collection of utilities built to make video games more accessible. The current focus is the Win32 platform (esp. Windows XP).  It is released under an MIT-style license.</p><br /><p>Currently, there are a handful of utilities being developed alongside a core library including:<br /></p><ul><li>GASCap, a utility for in-game closed-captioning of DirectX-based video games.</li><li>GASPedal, an in-game utility for switch control of DirectX games.</li><li>GASThrottle, a utility to control the speed of modern games.</li></ul><br />Currently, only GASThrottle is far enough along for a released (functional) prototype.<br /><br />";"help-,,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-,support-";General Tools,General Tools;;package_id=258851
"Game Commander";"Game Commander is a voice recognition program designed for games commands, but which can be used for general voice commands.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">What the authors say:<br /></h2><p>Game Commander is a voice control application for games. Many of today's games have a lot of keyboard commands that can be hard to remember. Game Commander takes you to the next level of gaming by enabling you to control most Windows<sup>®</sup> 98/Me/2000/XP games with verbal commands instead of or in tandem with keyboard, joystick, and mouse controls. For example, instead of remembering that Alt+Shift+F8 is the command for lock missiles, you can just say ""Lock Missiles.""<br /></p><h2 class=""Heading"">OATS Comments:</h2><p>Most of the versions of this software are commerical, however the free trial listed here is actually quite useful!  It is not time limited, but limits the number of keystrokes sent per command to one and the number of commands in a list to 5.  This might be OK for some people!<br /></p>";"";Other function,Alternative Access,Other need;
"Gaze Talk";"GazeTalk is a predictive text entry system that has a restricted on-screen keyboard with ambiguous layout for severely disabled people. The main reason for using such a keyboard layout is that it enables the use of an eye tracker with a low spatial resolution (e.g., a web-camera based eye tracker).";"<h2>From the Authors:</h2><p>The goal of the GazeTalk project is to develop an eye-tracking based ACC system that supports several languages, facilitates fast text entry, and is both sufficiently feature-complete to be deployed as the primary AAC tool for users, yet sufficiently flexible and technically advanced to be used for research purposes. The system is designed for several target languages, initially Danish, English, Italian, German and Japanese. </p> <p><b>Main features:</b></p> <ul class=""tight""><li class=""tight"">type-to-talk</li><li class=""tight"">writing</li><li class=""tight"">email</li><li class=""tight"">web – browser</li><li class=""tight"">Multimedia – player</li><li class=""tight"">PDF – reader</li><li class=""tight"">letter and word prediction, and word completion</li><li class=""tight"">speech output</li><li class=""tight"">can be operated by gaze, headtracking, mouse, joystick, or any other pointing device</li><li class=""tight"">supports step-scanning (new!) </li><li class=""tight"">supports users with low precision in their movements, or trackers with low accuracy</li><li class=""tight"">allows the user to use Dasher inside GazeTalk and to transfer the text written in Dasher back to GazeTalk</li></ul> <p> GazeTalk 5.0 has been designed and developed by the <a href=""/web/20151225135727/"">Eye Gaze Interaction Group</a> at the <a href=""/web/20151225135727/"">IT University of Copenhagen</a> and the IT-Lab at the Royal School of Library and Information Science, Copenhagen.</p><br /><h2>OATS Comment</h2><p>This may also be a useful predictive communication system for literate people who use a mouse to access the computer (as well as eye-gaze).<br /></p>";"help-,project_home_page-";On Screen Keyboard Projects,Text to Speech,Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Text input Projects,Communication;
"Gnopernicus";"The Gnopernicus project aims to enable users with limited vision, or no vision, to use the Gnome 2 desktop and Gnome/GTK+-2 applications effectively.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">from the Authors</h2><p>By providing automated focus tracking and fullscreen magnification, Gnopernicus aids low-vision Gnome users, and its screen reader features allow low-vision and blind users access to standard GTK+2 and Java-based GUI applications via speech and braille output. By leveraging Gnome 2's built-in accessibility framework, Gnopernicus will make interacting with applications more efficient for these users, and enable use of the Gnome 2 desktop for some users who otherwise would have no access to Gnome. </p><p>Gnopernicus is available from GNOME CVS in pre-release form, but is not yet feature complete. Information on how to build, install, and use Gnopernicus, Gnopernicus features, and project status, is available from <a href=""/web/20150717143931/""></a> </p>";"help-,,project_home_page-;pagina=produse&amp;subpag=gnopernicus";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web,Alternative Access;
"GOK";"gok: gnome onscreen keyboard, an open source project.";;"help-,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-,support-";On Screen Keyboard Projects,Text input Projects;
"Grid Maker";"An accessory for producing grids for use in EdWord and EdWeb. This can provide a list of words or symbols for the user to choose from when writing, as well as pictures, effects and web addresses.";;"help-,project_home_page-";Other function,Other need;
"Hark The Sound";"Hark The Sound is a really simple sound game intended for young kids who are visually impaired. It was inspired by my friend and colleague Diane Brauner and was written by Gary Bishop. It is free for educational and fun use.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the author:</h2><h3 class=""Subheading""><br /></h3><h3 class=""Subheading"">What is it like?</h3> <p>The object of the game is to name a sound or tune that is presented as a prompt. A typical round in <em>Name That Animal</em> goes like this:</p> <ol><li>You hear ""Can you name this animal?""</li><li>Then an animal sound is played, for example a dog barking.</li><li>You use the <em>left</em> or <em>right</em> arrow keys on the keyboard to move through and hear the possible answers. In this case they might be ""Cat"", ""Dog"", ""Elephant"", and ""Horse"".</li><li>In some games, the <em>down</em> arrow key will give a hint about the correct answer.</li><li>When you hear the correct answer, you press the <em>up</em> arrow key to guess.</li><li>If the chosen answer is correct, you will hear a <em>reward</em> sound which might be a crowd cheering, or a musical fan fare. If the answer is incorrect, you will hear ""Try again."".</li><li>The process then repeats playing another one of the sounds for the four animals.</li><li>When all the animals in the group have been played, the game begins another round with four more animals.</li></ol> <p>When <b>Hark The Sound</b> first starts it says ""Use the left or right arrow keys to choose a game to play."" Using the arrow keys you can move through and hear the choices for games (listed below). When you hear a game you want to play, use the <em>up</em> arrow key to select it.</p><p> </p><p>The <em>Escape</em> key (often labeled <b>ESC</b> in the upper left corner of the keyboard) will quit the current game and return to the game selections.</p> <h2>What games are available?</h2> <p>All the games follow the same general pattern as described above of Question, Prompt, Answers, Reward. Games that ship with version 1.2 of <b>Hark The Sound</b> include: </p><ul><li>Braille Letters: The question is ""Can you name this Braille letter?"". The prompts are the dots of a letter. The answers are the letter along with a word that begins with that letter to make it easier to hear.</li><li>Braille Whole Word Contractions: The question is ""Can you name this Braille whole word contraction?"" The prompts are the dots in a Braille letter that is a whole word contraction. The word is the answer.</li><li>Counting: Counting repeated animal sounds for numbers one through nine.</li><li>Multiplication drills: The full multiplication table up to 12 times 12. The question is ""What is this product?"". The prompts are products like ""2 times 3"" and the answers are numbers from 0 through 144.</li><li>Name That Animal: Animal sounds are the prompts. The animal's names are the answers.</li><li>Name that capital's State: A challenging game of State Capitals. The question is ""Can you name the state whose capital is..."", the prompts are the names of capital cities. The answers are the names of the 50 states.</li><li>Name that Classical Tune: Midi versions of famous classical music are the prompts. The composer's name and the name of the work are included in the answer.</li><li>Name that color: The question is ""What color is this?"", the prompts are common objects, and the answers are their colors.</li><li>Name That Country Music Tune: Country music classics rendered in Midi. Composer and name are the answer.</li><li>Name that holiday: Identify holidays from hints.</li><li>Name that Kids Tune: Midi tunes like ""Head Shoulders Knees and Toes"".</li><li>Name that Rock and Roll Tune: Classic rock and roll tunes rendered in Midi with the artist and title for the answer.</li><li>Name that Sound: Environmental sounds, such as ""clock ticking"" and ""glass breaking"" are the prompts</li><li>Spelling Words: The prompt is a word spelled out. The answer is the word pronounced.</li><li>State Nick Names: A challenging game to identify the nick name for a state given its name.</li></ul><p><br /></p>";"help-,project_home_page-";Educational and Learning,Learning and Education;
"Hawking Toolbar";"Makes the web accessible for users with motor skill impairments";;",project_home_page-";Switch Input Software,Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Accessing the Web;
"Hotspots";"Hotspots is now open source and public domain or free software. It may be used by a number of users on one computer or by one user on a number of different computers.";;"";Text to Speech,Computer Automation,Switch Input Software,General Tools,Using the Mouse,Alternative Access,General Tools;
"ICUTalk";"ICUTalk was a research project, funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) from 1999 to 2002. The project developed an Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) system to help patients in Intensive Care Units (ICU) who are temporarily unable to speak due to their medical condition or treatment, namely the intubation procedure. This was a multi-disciplinary collaborative project involving staff from the University of Dundee (School of Computing and the School of Nursing &amp; Midwifery) and Ninewells Hospital, Dundee (Speech &amp; Language Therapy and Intensive Care Unit). Andy Judson was the software developer and Professor Ian Ricketts was the principal investigator.";;"";Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Communication;
"IDAIR";"An opensource platform independant daisy reader";;"help-,project_home_page-";Other function,Other need;
"Inclusive CD Player";"A free, switch accessible CD player for Windows 95 onwards.";;"help-,project_home_page-";Educational and Learning,Learning and Education;
"Inclusive Serial Switch Driver";"A stand-alone serial switch driver for Windows, programmed to send the standard keys of Space and Return.";"<ul><li>For single or two switch access. <br /></li><li>Option to send a continuous stream of keypresses or a single keypress. <br /></li><li>Send a selection of other commonly used keypresses such as function keys and number keys.<br /></li></ul>";"help-,project_home_page-";Switch Input Software,Alternative Access;
"iRotate";"Allows you to rotate the screen by 90,180 and 270 degrees";;"help-,project_home_page-,support-";General Tools,General Tools;
"Jambu";"Jambu makes the web easier to access for those who interact with computers using switches and head mice or other types of Alternative Input device. It is designed for users with mobility impairments who find keyboard and mice difficult or impossible to use.";;",project_home_page-,report_a_problem-";On Screen Keyboard Projects,Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Accessing the Web,Alternative Access,General Tools;
"Joystick 2 Mouse 3";"Joystick 2 Mouse lets you control your mouse and keyboard using your joystick or gamepad.";"<p>Joystick 2 Mouse 3 let's you control the mouse and keyboard using your joystick or gamepad.<br /><br />Joystick 2 Mouse has many applications: </p><ol><li>Remote controller.</li><li>Aid to people with physical dissabilities.</li><li>Alliviate wrist stress to control the mouse</li></ol><p></p> <b> </b> This program allows you to map your joystick's buttons, axes, and POV and assign each button an action. This program also lets you control each of the axes' sensitivity, and threshold. You can enjoy different profiles, and set a number of ""shift-buttons"" that can let you assign more than one action to each button, as well as add custom actions to the predefined collection. It supports up to 16 joysticks, with 32 buttons, 6 axes, and POV each.";"help-,project_home_page-";Other function,Using the Mouse,Alternative Access;
"JoyToKey";"JoyToKey enables PC game controllers to mimic a mouse and the keyboard. It is a freeware utility which can be of great use to disabled users.";"<p>JoyToKey is a keyboard and mouse emulator for joysticks. It converts joystick input into keyboard input (and mouse input). Use it when you want to control an application with joysticks that doesn't support joystick input. If you wish, you can control even Word, Excel, etc. with joysticks!</p> <p>It is also a way for <a href=""/web/20130727181124/"" target=""_blank"">accessibility switch</a> users to access PCs when using a switch adapted game controller. These can be <a href=""/web/20130727181124/"">bought</a> or built following <a href=""/web/20130727181124/"">D.I.Y. guides</a>.</p>";"help-,project_home_page-";Other function,Using the Mouse,Alternative Access;
"Jupiter";"This software makes Linux accessible to the blind user.";;"help-,project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Other function,Viewing the screen;
"KeyCounter";"This package counts the number of key depressions, and can be set to suggest breaks are taken after a set number are carried out.";"This application does not log keystrokes, and provides no reporting facilities. By hovering over the taskbar icon, you can quickly view the total of keypresses to date and for today.";",project_home_page-";General Tools,Text input Projects;
"KwikLoupe";"A simple screen magnifier. Magnification ranges from 2x to 64x with a quick locate option to position the viewing window. The tool magnifies the area around the mouse pointer";"<h1></h1>";",project_home_page-";Other function,Viewing the screen;
"Launcher6";"Launcher6 is a simplified, switch accessible user interface that can launch programs, act as an electronic speech device, or act as a multimedia game spinner for Windows computers. The launcher6 screen completely covers the screen offering 6 choices, but reducing the probability that the user will encounter the perhaps troublesome Windows interface. Multiple access methods and supports like auditory scanning are simultaneously supported. The built in editor saves any changes automatically as they are made.";"<meta http-equiv=""Content-Type"" content=""text/html; charset=windows-1252"" /> <meta name=""Generator"" content=""Microsoft Word 97"" /><title>Launcher Help Information:</title> <meta name=""Template"" content=""C:\PROGRAM FILES\MICROSOFT OFFICE\OFFICE\"" /> <p>Launcher Help Information:</p> <b></b><p><b>About Launcher6</b>:</p> <p>Launcher6 is a simple interface for launching programs, a simple electronic speech aid, or a multimedia game spinner! And, best of all, it's freeware. Launcher6 covers the screen providing users with a restricted environment, allowing choices, but reducing the probability that the user will access the usual, and perhaps troublesome, Windows interface. It supports access using single switch, two switch, Intellikeys, touch screen and mouse methods. Facilitators can configure the six cells on the launcher6 screen using the built-in editor. Launcher6 continually saves this 'setup' as changes occur in a text file that ends with a '.ls6' extention. Each cell within a setup can be assigned the following:</p> <p>1. A graphic element of types: '.bmp', '.jpg', '.gif' (animation is ok), or '.png'.</p> <p>2. A cue either as a sound file or as text to be spoken via a clipboard text to speech utility.</p> <p>3. A message in the same way as the cue.</p> <p>4. A registered filetype or a program to open.</p> <p>5. A link to another launcher6 setup.</p> <p>6. An action: hide me, show all, quit, or none.</p> <p>When launcher6 starts it always loads the settings saved in the file ""main.ls6"". From the ""main"" setup you can link to other setups. The ""main.ls6"" setup must be in the same directory as the ""launcher6.exe"" program file.</p> <b></b><p><b>Launcher6 has support for the following access methods</b>:</p> <p>Mouse or touchscreen</p> <p>Don Johsnton (or equivalent) switch interface</p> <p>keyboard devices (like Intellikeys)</p> <b></b><p><b>Launcher6 responds to the following keys</b>:</p> <b></b><p><b>@</b> = Disable/Enable the following keyboard commands, enabled by default.</p> <b></b><p><b>0</b> = Start/Stop autoscan</p> <b></b><p><b>1</b> = Highlight the next cell for 2 switch scan</p> <b></b><p><b>2</b> = Select highlighted item for 2 switch scan</p> <b></b><p><b>3</b> = Spin selects a random cell</p> <b></b><p><b>q</b> = quit launcher6</p> <b></b><p><b>e</b> = edit</p> <b></b><p><b>z</b> = resize screen smaller</p> <b></b><p><b>f</b> = resize screen to full screen dimensions</p> <b></b><p><b>t,y,u,i,o,p</b> = direct access to cells 1,2,3,4,5,6 respectively in left to right, top to bottom order.</p> <b></b><p><b>h</b> = help</p> <b></b><p><b>m</b> = Go to the ""main.ls6"" setup</p> <p>If <b><i>Use Mouse Scan</i></b> is set to true in the editor Launcher6 will use left mouse click to start and stop scanning.</p> <b><p>General Settings:</p> </b><p>The following settings at the bottom of the Editor (type <b><i>e</i></b> from the lauuncher6 screen.)</p> <b></b><p><b>Scan Rate</b>:</p> <p>Set the scan rate in seconds for single switch scanners.</p> <b></b><p><b>Get/Name Setup</b>:</p> <p>You can either save the current setup under a new name, or load a previously saved setup. For convenience, keep all the setup files (*.ls6 files) in the same folder as launcher6.exe. Unfortunately, if you move launcher6 to another computer, the links to various resources are not likely to work, and you may need to rebuild your setups. It is a good idea to save a blank, or partially completed common setup that you can use as a template for new named setups to reduce work.</p> <b></b><p><b>How to build a new setup and set links to it</b>:</p> <p>1. Open the editor (type 'e' while in the launcher6 screen) and use the Get/Name Setup button to name a new setup.</p> <p>2. Edit the cells on the newly named setup.</p> <p>3. Open other setup(s) and edit cell links to the newly named setup as desired.</p> <b></b><p><b>Use Mouse Scan</b>:</p> <p>If set to true, the left mouse click will initiate an auto (single switch scan) scan in the launcher screen.</p> <b></b><p><b>Speech Output</b>:</p> <p>Choose either Use Sound Files or Use Clipboard Text to Speech.</p> <p>If you choose sound files, then the definitions for Cues and Messages should be paths to sound files.</p> <p>If you choose text-to-speech, then the cues and messages are defined as simple text. Text-to- speech is provided by an external program that converts text sent to the 'clipboard' to speech sounds. The programs ""SayzMe"" or ""DeskBot"" are good choices. Both programs are easily obtained on the Internet, and both require the Microsoft Agent to be installed. As a convenience, specify a cell on the main setup, or some other setup that launches your preferred clipboard text-to-speech utility. Or, launch your text-to-speech utility at startup. Make sure you turn off unnecessary sounds or character animations that may detract from a clear auditory scan. Refer to the settings of those programs for selecting voices.</p> <p> </p> <b></b><p><b>Editing Cell Settings: </b></p> <p>Type <b><i>e</i></b> from launcher6 to open editor.</p> <b></b><p><b>Editing Cell</b>:</p> <p>This box indicates which of the six launcher6 cells setup details are shown. Use the up and dn buttons to change which cell is referenced.</p> <b></b><p><b>Set Pic</b>:</p> <p>This button asks you to locate a picture file for the cell indicated in the ""Editing Cell"" box above. Avoid using pictures that have large invisible areas that may make it difficult for mouse or touscreen users to select.</p> <b></b><p><b>Set Cue</b>:</p> <p>This button asks you to either locate a sound file for an auditory scanning cue, or to enter some text if Use Clipboard Speech has been selected (See General Settings).</p> <b></b><p><b>Set Message</b>:</p> <p>This button asks you to either locate a sound file for a message when the cell is selected, or to enter some text if Use Clipboard Speech (See General Settings).</p> <b></b><p><b>Find a File to Open</b>:</p> <p>This button asks you to find a program to launch, or registered file to open. Most executable program files will launch without problems. However, with registered filetypes Launcher6 edits the filepath to make it compatible with DOS. This means file and folder names will be truncated to adhere to the DOS 8.3 format. Filenames longer than 8 letters will be reduced to 6 letters followed by '~1'. Spaces in names are not allowed. This option doesn't always work. If after attempting to open your choice with the <b><i>Test It</i></b> button (which always gives you a little lecture) it doesn't open, move your target file to another location, or rename it, and try again. </p> <p>You can identify either a file to open, or identify another launcher6 setup to load as described next, but not both.</p> <b></b><p><b>Set Link to Another Launcher Page</b>:</p> <p>This button asks you to identify another launcher6 setup file (somefile.ls6) to load. </p> <p>You can identify either a file to open as described above, or another launcher6 setup, but not both.</p> <b></b><p><b>Define Action</b>:</p> <p>This button asks you to select from the following actions:</p> <b><i></i></b><p><b><i>Hide me</i></b> --- hides the target button when selected</p> <b><i></i></b><p><b><i>Show all</i></b> --- Show all hidden buttons</p> <b><i></i></b><p><b><i>End Session</i></b> --- Closes launcher6</p> <b><i></i></b><p><b><i>None</i></b> ---- Does nothing, and is the default action</p> <p>The 'hide me' action can be used to allow a target cell to be used only once per session.</p>";"help-,,project_home_page-";Educational and Learning,Alternative Access;
"MacroMaker";"MacroMaker allows you to build a macro to simulate a series of keystrokes and mouse clicks, execute built-in functions or play back a previous recording with just a keystroke. Therefore sequences of keystrokes and mouse clicks can be activated with minimal movement.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">What the authors say:</h2><br /><p>MacroMaker allows you to create macros or recordings to automate most anything that you already do by hand. MacroMaker was written more for the use of people who regularly use computers and programmers rather than the casual PC user. Most anything you know how to do by hand can be translated into a macro or recording in MacroMaker. If you are having to perform repetitive tasks, this program will help you out tremendiously. The user can simulate a series of keystrokes, mouse events, play back previous recordings of keystrokes and mouse events or execute some built-in functions with just a keystroke. You can even store content from the clipboard in internal MacroMaker buffers for later use.<br /></p>";"help-,,project_home_page-";Computer Automation,Other need;
"MAGpie";"MAGpie 2.01 is a tool for creating closed captions and audio (video) descriptions. Authors can add captions and audio descriptions to QuickTime, Real, or Windows Media Player.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:</h2><p><br /></p><h3 class=""Subheading""><a id=""newfeatures"" name=""newfeatures"">New Features</a></h3> <ul><li class=""spread"">Macintosh Support – MAGpie 2 functions under the OSX operating system as well as on Windows 98/NT/2000/XP</li><li class=""spread"">Real media playback support for captioning and audio description – MAGpie 2 utilizes the GRiNS player's java interface to enable the captioning and describing of content that displays in the RealPlayer or the RealOne player.</li><li class=""spread"">Audio description support – users can write, time, and record audio descriptions for digital media</li><li class=""spread"">Support for Flash, XHTML+SMIL (HTML+TIME), SVG captioning, and collated text transcripts – utilizing MAGpie's XML project file structure and XSLT stylesheets provided, users have additional flexibility in the creation of resources for a variety of media types.</li><li class=""spread"">Spell check – eliminate typographical errors more easily.</li><li class=""spread"">Segmented captioning – users can create captions with karaoke-like effects</li><li class=""spread"">Improved interface – several improvements to the authoring grid have been implemented</li></ul><p><br /></p>";"help-,project_home_page-,support-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen;
"AAC Keys";"AAC Keys is a keyboard and mouse emulation program for Microsoft Windows-based and Macintosh computers. AAC Keys receives commands through your computer's serial port and translates them into keystrokes and mouse movements, giving you full control of your computer from another device such as an AAC system. (If your computer has only USB ports, an inexpensive adapter is available.)";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:</h2><p><br /></p><p>AAC Keys is a keyboard and mouse emulation program for Microsoft Windows-based and <strong>Macintosh</strong> computers. </p> <p>AAC Keys receives commands through your computer's serial port and translates them into keystrokes and mouse moves, giving you full control of your computer from another device. AAC Keys implements the common <a href=""/web/20150711141053/""><strong>GIDEI</strong></a> (General Input Device Emulating Interface) commands (see below). </p> <p>AAC Keys has been designed to work with Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT 4, and Windows 2000 operating systems. </p> <p>A Macintosh version was developed following the introduction of OS X . (Earlier Macintosh operating systems included SerialKeys.) The Macintosh version was developed by computer science students at <strong><a href=""/web/20150711141053/"">Millersville University of Pennsylvania</a></strong> under the supervision of <a href=""/web/20150711141053/""><strong>Dr. Blaise Liffick</strong></a>.</p>";"help-,project_home_page-";Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Communication,Using the Mouse;
"Accerciser";"Accerciser is an interactive Python accessibility explorer for the GNOME desktop. It uses AT-SPI to inspect and control widgets, allowing you to check if an application is providing correct information to assistive technologies and automated test frameworks.";"<p>This is to announce the first development release of Accerciser for the 1.4.0 (GNOME 2.24) cycle.</p><p></p><p>Accerciser has a simple plug-in framework which you can use to create custom views of accessibility information.</p><p> </p><p>Accerciser is also the first GNOME module, if ordered alphabetically.</p><p> </p><p>==============</p><p>Version 1.3.1</p><p>==============</p><p></p><p>What's new</p><p>==========</p><p>- Implement save functionality, thanks Brian Merrell.</p><p>- Quick select works better for finding accessible under mouse.</p><p>- Check pyatspi version.</p><p></p><p>New And Updated Translations</p><p>============================</p><p>- David Lodge (en_GB)</p><p>- Jorge González (es)</p><p>- Kjartan Maraas (nb)</p><p>- Laurent Dhima (sq)</p><p>Downloading Accerciser</p><p>======================</p><p><a href=""/web/20081006100655/""></a></p><p><a href=""/web/20081006100655/""></a></p>";"";General Tools,General Tools;
"Accessible BBC Listen Again";"The British Broadcast Company (BBC) allows people to listen to vast quantities of their radio output up to a week after it is first broadcast on one of their dozens of radio stations. This service, called Listen Again, relies on a web browser interface that might be difficult for some users, especially people with screen readers. Accessible BBC Listen Again allows you to access the BBC's Listen Again content through a truly accessible interface designed to work with any screen reader.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:</h2><p><br /></p><p>Select programmes and stations with the cursor keys and listen to them at your leisure. You get easy and simple access to hours of programming, including the ever-popular ""The Archers"" and ""In Touch"". </p><p>The new version (2.1) lets you access all of the Listen Again content among many other improvements (thanks to everyone for their suggestions!) It does still require that you have already installed <a title=""BBC version of RealPlayer"" href=""/web/20100610102158/"">RealPlayer from Real</a>. The copyright of the BBC recordings is unchanged: you are simply accessing them through a more accessible presentation of their own website. Version 2.1 should work better on more machines: several users contacted me with problems with 2.0</p>";"project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"Accessible Radio";"Accessible Radio is a way to listen to radio stations on the internet that is easy and simple to use and is designed to work with any screen reader.";"<p>Accessible Radio lets you listen to any of the BBC Radio stations.<br /></p>";"project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"Accessible RSS";"Interested in keeping up with the headlines and newspapers? A new technology called RSS has recently taken the Internet by storm. Websites provide ""feeds"" of their latest stories and headlines, and you can get these simple lists, updated every few minutes. Accessible RSS is an accessible application that lets you access these RSS feeds. NOTE: Accessible RSS is now included in the WebbIE3 installation.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:</h2><p><strong>Accessible RSS</strong> is an accessible application that lets you access these RSS feeds. It displays the headlines from web pages that support RSS. At present four sites (the BBC, the Daily Mail, the Guardian and the Daily Telegraph) are supported, but you can add your own if you find a site with an RSS feed. If you have WebbIE you can press return on a story to launch WebbIE with that story page, but you do not need WebbIE to read the feeds. If you do not have WebbIE the story will be shown in Internet Explorer</p> <ul><li><a title=""Installer for AccessibleRSS and WebbIE"" href=""/web/20140608112049/"">WebbIE 3 Installer</a> - includes the latest Accessible RSS News Reader.</li></ul> <p>You are likely to find that some feeds don't work: this may be because the feed is not valid. You can check the feed's validity at the <a href=""/web/20140608112049/"">Feed Validator service</a>.</p>";"project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"Accessible Web Directory";"This simple program lets you explore the DMOZ web directory, a catalogue of good websites. NOTE: Accessible Web Directory is now included in the WebbIE3 installation.";"<p>This simple program lets you explore the <a href=""/web/20140623052956/"">DMOZ web directory</a>, a catalogue of good websites. It's an alternative way to find web pages of interest. Simply explore categories of web pages and when you find one you like in the catalogue Accessible Web Directory will open it in your default web browser.</p>";"help-,project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"AccessiblePodcatcher";"AccessiblePodcatcher (formerly AccessiblePodcaster) is a simple way for blind and screen reader users to use podcasts.";;"help-,project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"ACollab";"ACollab is an accessible, open source, multi-group, Web-based collaborative work environment. Group member, group administrator, and system administrator tools are all compliant with international accessibility standards (WCAG 1.0, Section 508 US) so people with disabilities can participate fully in collaborative and administrative activities.";"<p>ACollab is available as a work groups <strong>addon for ATutor 1.4+</strong> , and as a standalone collaborative work environment that will run on its own. ACollab is ideal for groups working at a distance developing documentation, collaborating on research, or writing joint papers, and ideal for online educators who wish to add group learning activities to their ATutor courses. A <a href=""acollab/demo.php"">demo</a> and <a href=""acollab/download.php"">download</a> are available if you want to learn more. Or, read on for a list of <a href=""portal_factory#features"">ACollab features</a>.</p><h2 class=""Heading""></h2><h2 class=""Heading"">ACollab Features: </h2><ul><li><strong>Document Drafting Room</strong>: Group members can work within a Web-based document versioning system, collaborating on document development and publication. Documents developed in the Drafting Room can be transferred to the Shared Documents Library once finalized. </li><li><strong>Shared Documents Library</strong>: Group members can submit documents to the library, from which other group members, or public members, can retrieve those documents for viewing or downloading. </li><li><strong>Events Calendar</strong>: Events can be posted to the calendar by all group members, to announce activities, meetings, due dates, or other group related happenings. </li><li><strong>News &amp; Announcements</strong>: Group administrators, or system administrators, can post news to be presented to users when they first login to a group. </li><li><strong>Group Membership Index</strong>: Group members can view other group members' profiles and contact information. </li><li><strong>Mail Inbox</strong>: Members can communicate with each other privately. </li><li><strong>AChat-PHP</strong>: Accessible synchronous communication is possible between group members, ideal for online meetings or group socializing. </li><li><strong>AForum</strong>: AForum is an enhanced version for the ATutor forums. Members post message for others to retrieve later. Forums can be set to read only, reply only, as open discussion, or can be hidden from view. </li><li><strong>Multi-Lingual Interface</strong>: Language can be modified by system administrators, or new language packs can be created using the translation tools. </li><li><strong>Accessibility Compliance</strong>: Group member, group administrator, and system administrator tools are all compliant with international accessibility standards (WCAG 1.0, Section 508 US) so people with disabilities can participate fully in collaborative and administrative activities. </li><li><strong>Group Leaders</strong>: Create chat transcripts, define folders for sorting documents, assign group membership roles, create and manage forums, create mailing lists, post news and announcements, and manage group members. </li><li><strong>System Administrator</strong>: Create and manage groups, manage the system languages, and manage all users on a system. </li></ul><p><br /></p>";"help-,project_home_page-,support-";Educational and Learning,Text input Projects,Alternative Access,Learning and Education;
"Acomm";"AComm is an accessible Java-based Instant Messaging and Whiteboard tool. It has been designed to allow assistive technology users to participate in synchronous Internet-based communication activities that have traditionally been inaccessible to them.";"<p><br /></p><h2 class=""Heading"">AComm Features</h2><ul type=""none""><li>User can login to an existing Jabber account or sign up for a new one. </li><li>Roster provides ""presence"" information for contacts. </li><li>Users can participate in private or group chat/whiteboard sessions </li><li>Text chat window and optional whiteboard </li><li>Participant list on demand. </li><li>A variety of whiteboard drawing tools are available </li><li>Peer description allows any participant to describe the drawn objects. Anti-collision feature ensures one describer per object. </li><li>Accessibility options <ul><li>Option to play sound effect when a new message arrives. </li><li>Keyboard drawing checkbox </li><li>Manual refresh checkbox </li><li>Show only new checkbox </li><li>Newest message first checkbox </li></ul></li><li>Keyboard enabled drawing lets users use some features of the whiteboard without a mouse. </li><li>Save and open palette feature lets users create and describe pictures beforehand. </li></ul><h2 class=""Heading"">Requirements</h2><ul type=""none""><li><p>AComm is a Java application and requires that a Java Runtime Environment be installed on system it is running on.</p></li></ul>";"help-,project_home_page-,support-";Educational and Learning,General Tools,Accessing the Web,Alternative Access,Learning and Education;
"Acta";"Acta is an outline processor. It lets you organize just about anything -- reports, ideas, lists, projects, graphics -- in the form of an outline, where topics have subtopics.";;"help-,project_home_page-";Educational and Learning,General Tools,Other function,Learning and Education,General Tools,Other need;
"Agrip";"The of this project aim is to provide access to the mainstream gaming community not by producing specialist ""accessible games"" but by making mainstream games - and their associated extension and development tools - accessible. Downloads include an accessible version of Quake, the popular PC game.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the Authors:</h2><p><br />Over the past two years, AGRIP has developed an accessible version of Quake and <a href=""QuakeWorld"">QuakeWorld</a> which allows both single and multi-player games, including the collection of online player statistics. In the future we will add immersive 3D audio and level editing facilities - in addition to the gameplay modifications that are currently possible. At each milestone in the project, we make public releases of our software. </p><p>This page explains the history of the project and the technology involved in more detail. </p><p><strong>Contents:</strong> </p><ol start=""1""><li><a href=""portal_factory#head-a109afc74ec61374e55528b64d6c44ed4cde9829"">About the AGRIP Project</a> </li><li><a href=""portal_factory#head-cc42005755cbb0352a9cb9296a18505325e861d4"">About our Games</a> </li><li><a href=""portal_factory#head-203a06f9c01fc67c10338007e44e4149dc980caf"">The Technology we Use</a> </li></ol><p></p><h2 id=""head-a109afc74ec61374e55528b64d6c44ed4cde9829"">About the AGRIP Project</h2><p>Accessible Gaming Rendering Independence Possible (you can see why we shorten it to ""AGRIP""!) was started in May 2003 with the goal of making a mainstream first-person shooter game for the sighted accessible. It was founded by <a href=""MatthewAtkinson"">MatthewAtkinson</a> and <a href=""SabahattinGucukoglu"">SabahattinGucukoglu</a>. This section provides all sorts of information about the project. It is split into the following sections: </p><ul><li><p><a href=""ProjectInfoSection/ProjectRationale"">/ProjectRationale</a> - all about what we're doing and why we're doing it. </p></li><li><p><a href=""ProjectInfoSection/TheRoadmap"">/TheRoadmap</a> - our plans for development - posted here so you can contact us with suggestions on how to improve them. </p></li><li><p><a href=""ProjectInfoSection/TheLogo"">/TheLogo</a> - description and explanation of the logo, plus an audio version of it. </p></li><li><p><a href=""ProjectInfoSection/OnlineShop"">/OnlineShop</a> - information on how to show your support for the project, by wearing an AGRIP T-Shirt. </p></li></ul><p>If you've got any suggestions for further topics that could be added to this page (or others), feel free to either add them in yourself or <a href=""ContactUs"">ContactUs</a> with your suggestions. </p><h2 id=""head-cc42005755cbb0352a9cb9296a18505325e861d4"">About our Games</h2><p>For more information about the software on offer here, you can visit the start pages for each game: </p><ul><li><p><a href=""AccessibleQuake"">AccessibleQuake</a> - the original mainstream game made accessible </p></li><li><p><a href=""AudioQuake"">AudioQuake</a> - the next generation Internet <a href=""AudioGame"">AudioGame</a> </p></li></ul><p></p><h2 id=""head-203a06f9c01fc67c10338007e44e4149dc980caf"">The Technology we Use</h2><p>The world of game technology is a very interesting one. Here are links to some pages on the Wiki that you can use to start exploring and learning about the various bits and pieces fit together: </p><ul><li><p><a href=""GameStructure"">GameStructure</a> </p></li><li><p><a href=""GameEngine"">GameEngine</a> </p></li><li><p><a href=""GameCode"">GameCode</a> </p></li><li><p><a href=""QuakeC"">QuakeC</a> </p></li><li><p><a href=""AudioGame"">AudioGame</a> </p></li><li><p><a href=""ImplicitAccessibility"">ImplicitAccessibility</a> </p></li></ul><p><br /></p>";"help-,,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-,support-";Computer Automation,General Tools,Alternative Access,General Tools;
"Amaya";"Amaya is a complete Open Source accessible web browsing and authoring environment from WC3";"<p><br /></p><h2>W3C's Editor/Browser</h2><p>Amaya is a Web editor, i.e. a tool used to create and update documents directly on the Web. Browsing features are seamlessly integrated with the editing and remote access features in a uniform environment. This follows the original vision of the Web as a space for collaboration and not just a one-way publishing medium.</p><p>Work on Amaya started at W3C in 1996 to showcase Web technologies in a fully-featured Web client. The main motivation for developing Amaya was to provide a framework that can integrate as many W3C technologies as possible. It is used to demonstrate these technologies in action while taking advantage of their combination in a single, consistent environment.</p><p>Amaya started as an HTML + CSS style sheets editor. Since that time it was extended to support XML and an increasing number of XML applications such as the XHTML family, MathML, and SVG. It allows all those vocabularies to be edited simultaneously in compound documents.</p><p>Amaya includes a collaborative annotation application based on Resource Description Framework (<a href=""RDF/"">RDF</a>), XLink, and XPointer. Visit the <a href=""2001/Annotea/"">Annotea project</a> home page.</p><h2>Amaya - Open Source</h2><p>Amaya is an <a href=""/web/20100919093150/"">open source</a> software project hosted by W3C. You are invited to <a href=""Actors.html#contribute"">contribute</a> in many forms (documentation, translation, writing code, fixing bugs, porting to other platforms...).</p><p>The Amaya software is written in C and is available for Windows, Unix platforms and MacOS X.</p><h2>Amaya Team</h2><p>The application is jointly developed by W3C and the <a href=""/web/20100919093150/"">WAM</a> (Web, Adaptation and Multimedia) project at <a href=""/web/20100919093150/"">INRIA</a>. The core team includes: Irène Vatton (Project lead, INRIA), Laurent Carcone (W3C), Vincent Quint (INRIA).</p>";"help-,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-,support-";General Tools,Accessing the Web,General Tools;
"AMIS";"AMIS is a software program that you can use to read DAISY books. AMIS is a multilingual player for reading books complying with DAISY standards.";;"help-,,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-;group_id=86978&amp;func=browse,support-";Text to Speech,Alternative Access,Learning and Education;
"Another Lens";"Another Lens displays a magnified view of the area of the mouse cursor. Quite handy, for example, for drawing software.";;"help-,project_home_page-";Other function,Other need;
"ARASAAC Pictograms";"A free (CC-BY-NC-SA) resource of around 5000 colour and black &amp; white pictographic symbols from Catedu and the Aragonese Portal of Augmentative and Alternative Communication in Spain.";"<h2>From the authors:</h2><p>The ARASAAC portal offers graphic resources and materials to facilitate communication for those with some sort of problem in this area. <br /></p><h2>OATSoft comment:<br /></h2><p>This is an increasingly popular and widely used AAC resource, and the symbol file libraries are available with the file names translated into a growing number of languages. The file format provided is 500 pixels high PNG. Though the number of files is quite large, there is a fair amount of redundancy due to numerous duplication of symbols labelled with different names.<br /></p>";"project_home_page-";Symbol Library,Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Educational and Learning,Communication,Symbols,Learning and Education;
"at-spi";"at-spi (assistive technology service provider interface) is the primary assistive technology infrastructure for the Solaris and Linux operating environments.";"<p> Applications and toolkits supporting the AT-SPI include the GNOME GTK+ toolkit, the Java platform's Swing toolkit, OpenOffice, and Mozilla.</p><p>A second download is at:</p><p></p><p><a href=""/web/20081205083430/""></a><br /><br /></p>";"contact_address-mailto:Li.Yuan@Sun.COM,project_home_page-";General Tools,General Tools;
"atk";"The interface definitions of accessibility infrastructure. (GNOME)";"<p>Second download at</p><p><a href=""/web/20081205065700/""></a><br /></p>";"help-,contact_address-mailto:Li.Yuan@Sun.COM,project_home_page-";General Tools,General Tools;
"Atutor";"ATutor is an Open Source Web-based Learning Content Management System (LCMS) designed with accessibility and adaptability in mind.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">ATutor Features</h2><ul><li><strong>Accessibility</strong>: ATutor was designed with accessibility as a priority. A wide range of features ensure assistive technology users can participate fully in learner, instructor, and administrative activities. </li><li><strong>My Courses</strong> : Instructors and students can manage the ATutor courses they teach and/or are enrolled in. </li><li><strong>Adaptive Navigation</strong>: Learners can move through ATutor content using global, hierarchical, or sequential navigation tools. Navigation elements can be displayed as text, icons, or both text and icons, and they can be hidden to simplify the environment. </li><li><strong>Work Groups</strong>: When the ACollab add-on is installed on an ATutor system, learners can collaborate with others on course projects, communicate as a group with the forums and chat, share resources using their group library, schedule activities with the events calendar, and work together on project documents through the drafting room. Exercises or assignments can submitted to the group leader, or course instructor. </li><li><strong>Feedback</strong>: Following an action (such as saving preference settings, or posting a message), feedback is given on the status of the operation. This could be a success message, warnings to consider, or errors to fix. </li><li><strong>Preference Settings</strong>: Learners can control ATutor features and the theme ATutor is presented in. </li><li><strong>Communication Tools</strong>: Learners can communicate with others using ATutor's private mail, the discussion forums, the chat rooms, or the ""User's Online"" tool. Threads and messages can be sorted in a variety of ways. Students can communicate with those in other courses through shared forum, or a community forum. Subscribe to forums or topic threads to have forum messages sent by email. </li><li><strong>Content Package Viewer</strong>: Learners can export content from ATutor as Content Packages that can be viewed offline in the accompanying viewer. </li><li><strong>Content Tracker</strong>: Learners can keep track of the content pages they have visited. </li><li><strong>Test Manager</strong>: Learners can take tests, review test results, and keep track of their scores. </li><li><strong>Glossary</strong>: Words and phrases added to the glossary by the instructor, can be accessed from terms embedded within content pages, or viewed alphabetically in their entirety using the Glossary tool. </li><li><strong>Links Database</strong>: Each course has a tool for collecting links to course related Web-based information. Both students and instructors can add links. Instructors can also manage them. </li><li><strong>Course Search</strong>: A search engine allows learners to search course content. Search for courses in the course catalogue. </li><li><strong>TILE Repository Search</strong>: Learners can <a href=""/web/20131007203459/"">search the TILE learning objects repository</a> for content related to the topics they are studying, and download content packages for viewing offline. </li>Instructors<br /></ul>";"help-,,project_home_page-,support-";Educational and Learning,Learning and Education;
"Audio Enriched Links";"Audio Enriched Links provide previews of linked web pages to users with visual impairments.";;"help-,,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-;group_id=65529&amp;func=browse";Other function,Viewing the screen;
"AAC Keys";"AAC Keys is a keyboard and mouse emulation program for Microsoft Windows-based and Macintosh computers. AAC Keys receives commands through your computer's serial port and translates them into keystrokes and mouse movements, giving you full control of your computer from another device such as an AAC system. (If your computer has only USB ports, an inexpensive adapter is available.)";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:</h2><p><br /></p><p>AAC Keys is a keyboard and mouse emulation program for Microsoft Windows-based and <strong>Macintosh</strong> computers. </p> <p>AAC Keys receives commands through your computer's serial port and translates them into keystrokes and mouse moves, giving you full control of your computer from another device. AAC Keys implements the common <a href=""/web/20150711141053/""><strong>GIDEI</strong></a> (General Input Device Emulating Interface) commands (see below). </p> <p>AAC Keys has been designed to work with Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT 4, and Windows 2000 operating systems. </p> <p>A Macintosh version was developed following the introduction of OS X . (Earlier Macintosh operating systems included SerialKeys.) The Macintosh version was developed by computer science students at <strong><a href=""/web/20150711141053/"">Millersville University of Pennsylvania</a></strong> under the supervision of <a href=""/web/20150711141053/""><strong>Dr. Blaise Liffick</strong></a>.</p>";"help-,project_home_page-";Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Communication,Using the Mouse;
"Accerciser";"Accerciser is an interactive Python accessibility explorer for the GNOME desktop. It uses AT-SPI to inspect and control widgets, allowing you to check if an application is providing correct information to assistive technologies and automated test frameworks.";"<p>This is to announce the first development release of Accerciser for the 1.4.0 (GNOME 2.24) cycle.</p><p></p><p>Accerciser has a simple plug-in framework which you can use to create custom views of accessibility information.</p><p> </p><p>Accerciser is also the first GNOME module, if ordered alphabetically.</p><p> </p><p>==============</p><p>Version 1.3.1</p><p>==============</p><p></p><p>What's new</p><p>==========</p><p>- Implement save functionality, thanks Brian Merrell.</p><p>- Quick select works better for finding accessible under mouse.</p><p>- Check pyatspi version.</p><p></p><p>New And Updated Translations</p><p>============================</p><p>- David Lodge (en_GB)</p><p>- Jorge González (es)</p><p>- Kjartan Maraas (nb)</p><p>- Laurent Dhima (sq)</p><p>Downloading Accerciser</p><p>======================</p><p><a href=""/web/20081006100655/""></a></p><p><a href=""/web/20081006100655/""></a></p>";"";General Tools,General Tools;
"Accessible BBC Listen Again";"The British Broadcast Company (BBC) allows people to listen to vast quantities of their radio output up to a week after it is first broadcast on one of their dozens of radio stations. This service, called Listen Again, relies on a web browser interface that might be difficult for some users, especially people with screen readers. Accessible BBC Listen Again allows you to access the BBC's Listen Again content through a truly accessible interface designed to work with any screen reader.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:</h2><p><br /></p><p>Select programmes and stations with the cursor keys and listen to them at your leisure. You get easy and simple access to hours of programming, including the ever-popular ""The Archers"" and ""In Touch"". </p><p>The new version (2.1) lets you access all of the Listen Again content among many other improvements (thanks to everyone for their suggestions!) It does still require that you have already installed <a title=""BBC version of RealPlayer"" href=""/web/20100610102158/"">RealPlayer from Real</a>. The copyright of the BBC recordings is unchanged: you are simply accessing them through a more accessible presentation of their own website. Version 2.1 should work better on more machines: several users contacted me with problems with 2.0</p>";"project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"Accessible Radio";"Accessible Radio is a way to listen to radio stations on the internet that is easy and simple to use and is designed to work with any screen reader.";"<p>Accessible Radio lets you listen to any of the BBC Radio stations.<br /></p>";"project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"Accessible RSS";"Interested in keeping up with the headlines and newspapers? A new technology called RSS has recently taken the Internet by storm. Websites provide ""feeds"" of their latest stories and headlines, and you can get these simple lists, updated every few minutes. Accessible RSS is an accessible application that lets you access these RSS feeds. NOTE: Accessible RSS is now included in the WebbIE3 installation.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:</h2><p><strong>Accessible RSS</strong> is an accessible application that lets you access these RSS feeds. It displays the headlines from web pages that support RSS. At present four sites (the BBC, the Daily Mail, the Guardian and the Daily Telegraph) are supported, but you can add your own if you find a site with an RSS feed. If you have WebbIE you can press return on a story to launch WebbIE with that story page, but you do not need WebbIE to read the feeds. If you do not have WebbIE the story will be shown in Internet Explorer</p> <ul><li><a title=""Installer for AccessibleRSS and WebbIE"" href=""/web/20140608112049/"">WebbIE 3 Installer</a> - includes the latest Accessible RSS News Reader.</li></ul> <p>You are likely to find that some feeds don't work: this may be because the feed is not valid. You can check the feed's validity at the <a href=""/web/20140608112049/"">Feed Validator service</a>.</p>";"project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"Accessible Web Directory";"This simple program lets you explore the DMOZ web directory, a catalogue of good websites. NOTE: Accessible Web Directory is now included in the WebbIE3 installation.";"<p>This simple program lets you explore the <a href=""/web/20140623052956/"">DMOZ web directory</a>, a catalogue of good websites. It's an alternative way to find web pages of interest. Simply explore categories of web pages and when you find one you like in the catalogue Accessible Web Directory will open it in your default web browser.</p>";"help-,project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"AccessiblePodcatcher";"AccessiblePodcatcher (formerly AccessiblePodcaster) is a simple way for blind and screen reader users to use podcasts.";;"help-,project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"ACollab";"ACollab is an accessible, open source, multi-group, Web-based collaborative work environment. Group member, group administrator, and system administrator tools are all compliant with international accessibility standards (WCAG 1.0, Section 508 US) so people with disabilities can participate fully in collaborative and administrative activities.";"<p>ACollab is available as a work groups <strong>addon for ATutor 1.4+</strong> , and as a standalone collaborative work environment that will run on its own. ACollab is ideal for groups working at a distance developing documentation, collaborating on research, or writing joint papers, and ideal for online educators who wish to add group learning activities to their ATutor courses. A <a href=""acollab/demo.php"">demo</a> and <a href=""acollab/download.php"">download</a> are available if you want to learn more. Or, read on for a list of <a href=""portal_factory#features"">ACollab features</a>.</p><h2 class=""Heading""></h2><h2 class=""Heading"">ACollab Features: </h2><ul><li><strong>Document Drafting Room</strong>: Group members can work within a Web-based document versioning system, collaborating on document development and publication. Documents developed in the Drafting Room can be transferred to the Shared Documents Library once finalized. </li><li><strong>Shared Documents Library</strong>: Group members can submit documents to the library, from which other group members, or public members, can retrieve those documents for viewing or downloading. </li><li><strong>Events Calendar</strong>: Events can be posted to the calendar by all group members, to announce activities, meetings, due dates, or other group related happenings. </li><li><strong>News &amp; Announcements</strong>: Group administrators, or system administrators, can post news to be presented to users when they first login to a group. </li><li><strong>Group Membership Index</strong>: Group members can view other group members' profiles and contact information. </li><li><strong>Mail Inbox</strong>: Members can communicate with each other privately. </li><li><strong>AChat-PHP</strong>: Accessible synchronous communication is possible between group members, ideal for online meetings or group socializing. </li><li><strong>AForum</strong>: AForum is an enhanced version for the ATutor forums. Members post message for others to retrieve later. Forums can be set to read only, reply only, as open discussion, or can be hidden from view. </li><li><strong>Multi-Lingual Interface</strong>: Language can be modified by system administrators, or new language packs can be created using the translation tools. </li><li><strong>Accessibility Compliance</strong>: Group member, group administrator, and system administrator tools are all compliant with international accessibility standards (WCAG 1.0, Section 508 US) so people with disabilities can participate fully in collaborative and administrative activities. </li><li><strong>Group Leaders</strong>: Create chat transcripts, define folders for sorting documents, assign group membership roles, create and manage forums, create mailing lists, post news and announcements, and manage group members. </li><li><strong>System Administrator</strong>: Create and manage groups, manage the system languages, and manage all users on a system. </li></ul><p><br /></p>";"help-,project_home_page-,support-";Educational and Learning,Text input Projects,Alternative Access,Learning and Education;
"Acomm";"AComm is an accessible Java-based Instant Messaging and Whiteboard tool. It has been designed to allow assistive technology users to participate in synchronous Internet-based communication activities that have traditionally been inaccessible to them.";"<p><br /></p><h2 class=""Heading"">AComm Features</h2><ul type=""none""><li>User can login to an existing Jabber account or sign up for a new one. </li><li>Roster provides ""presence"" information for contacts. </li><li>Users can participate in private or group chat/whiteboard sessions </li><li>Text chat window and optional whiteboard </li><li>Participant list on demand. </li><li>A variety of whiteboard drawing tools are available </li><li>Peer description allows any participant to describe the drawn objects. Anti-collision feature ensures one describer per object. </li><li>Accessibility options <ul><li>Option to play sound effect when a new message arrives. </li><li>Keyboard drawing checkbox </li><li>Manual refresh checkbox </li><li>Show only new checkbox </li><li>Newest message first checkbox </li></ul></li><li>Keyboard enabled drawing lets users use some features of the whiteboard without a mouse. </li><li>Save and open palette feature lets users create and describe pictures beforehand. </li></ul><h2 class=""Heading"">Requirements</h2><ul type=""none""><li><p>AComm is a Java application and requires that a Java Runtime Environment be installed on system it is running on.</p></li></ul>";"help-,project_home_page-,support-";Educational and Learning,General Tools,Accessing the Web,Alternative Access,Learning and Education;
"Acta";"Acta is an outline processor. It lets you organize just about anything -- reports, ideas, lists, projects, graphics -- in the form of an outline, where topics have subtopics.";;"help-,project_home_page-";Educational and Learning,General Tools,Other function,Learning and Education,General Tools,Other need;
"Agrip";"The of this project aim is to provide access to the mainstream gaming community not by producing specialist ""accessible games"" but by making mainstream games - and their associated extension and development tools - accessible. Downloads include an accessible version of Quake, the popular PC game.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the Authors:</h2><p><br />Over the past two years, AGRIP has developed an accessible version of Quake and <a href=""QuakeWorld"">QuakeWorld</a> which allows both single and multi-player games, including the collection of online player statistics. In the future we will add immersive 3D audio and level editing facilities - in addition to the gameplay modifications that are currently possible. At each milestone in the project, we make public releases of our software. </p><p>This page explains the history of the project and the technology involved in more detail. </p><p><strong>Contents:</strong> </p><ol start=""1""><li><a href=""portal_factory#head-a109afc74ec61374e55528b64d6c44ed4cde9829"">About the AGRIP Project</a> </li><li><a href=""portal_factory#head-cc42005755cbb0352a9cb9296a18505325e861d4"">About our Games</a> </li><li><a href=""portal_factory#head-203a06f9c01fc67c10338007e44e4149dc980caf"">The Technology we Use</a> </li></ol><p></p><h2 id=""head-a109afc74ec61374e55528b64d6c44ed4cde9829"">About the AGRIP Project</h2><p>Accessible Gaming Rendering Independence Possible (you can see why we shorten it to ""AGRIP""!) was started in May 2003 with the goal of making a mainstream first-person shooter game for the sighted accessible. It was founded by <a href=""MatthewAtkinson"">MatthewAtkinson</a> and <a href=""SabahattinGucukoglu"">SabahattinGucukoglu</a>. This section provides all sorts of information about the project. It is split into the following sections: </p><ul><li><p><a href=""ProjectInfoSection/ProjectRationale"">/ProjectRationale</a> - all about what we're doing and why we're doing it. </p></li><li><p><a href=""ProjectInfoSection/TheRoadmap"">/TheRoadmap</a> - our plans for development - posted here so you can contact us with suggestions on how to improve them. </p></li><li><p><a href=""ProjectInfoSection/TheLogo"">/TheLogo</a> - description and explanation of the logo, plus an audio version of it. </p></li><li><p><a href=""ProjectInfoSection/OnlineShop"">/OnlineShop</a> - information on how to show your support for the project, by wearing an AGRIP T-Shirt. </p></li></ul><p>If you've got any suggestions for further topics that could be added to this page (or others), feel free to either add them in yourself or <a href=""ContactUs"">ContactUs</a> with your suggestions. </p><h2 id=""head-cc42005755cbb0352a9cb9296a18505325e861d4"">About our Games</h2><p>For more information about the software on offer here, you can visit the start pages for each game: </p><ul><li><p><a href=""AccessibleQuake"">AccessibleQuake</a> - the original mainstream game made accessible </p></li><li><p><a href=""AudioQuake"">AudioQuake</a> - the next generation Internet <a href=""AudioGame"">AudioGame</a> </p></li></ul><p></p><h2 id=""head-203a06f9c01fc67c10338007e44e4149dc980caf"">The Technology we Use</h2><p>The world of game technology is a very interesting one. Here are links to some pages on the Wiki that you can use to start exploring and learning about the various bits and pieces fit together: </p><ul><li><p><a href=""GameStructure"">GameStructure</a> </p></li><li><p><a href=""GameEngine"">GameEngine</a> </p></li><li><p><a href=""GameCode"">GameCode</a> </p></li><li><p><a href=""QuakeC"">QuakeC</a> </p></li><li><p><a href=""AudioGame"">AudioGame</a> </p></li><li><p><a href=""ImplicitAccessibility"">ImplicitAccessibility</a> </p></li></ul><p><br /></p>";"help-,,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-,support-";Computer Automation,General Tools,Alternative Access,General Tools;
"Amaya";"Amaya is a complete Open Source accessible web browsing and authoring environment from WC3";"<p><br /></p><h2>W3C's Editor/Browser</h2><p>Amaya is a Web editor, i.e. a tool used to create and update documents directly on the Web. Browsing features are seamlessly integrated with the editing and remote access features in a uniform environment. This follows the original vision of the Web as a space for collaboration and not just a one-way publishing medium.</p><p>Work on Amaya started at W3C in 1996 to showcase Web technologies in a fully-featured Web client. The main motivation for developing Amaya was to provide a framework that can integrate as many W3C technologies as possible. It is used to demonstrate these technologies in action while taking advantage of their combination in a single, consistent environment.</p><p>Amaya started as an HTML + CSS style sheets editor. Since that time it was extended to support XML and an increasing number of XML applications such as the XHTML family, MathML, and SVG. It allows all those vocabularies to be edited simultaneously in compound documents.</p><p>Amaya includes a collaborative annotation application based on Resource Description Framework (<a href=""RDF/"">RDF</a>), XLink, and XPointer. Visit the <a href=""2001/Annotea/"">Annotea project</a> home page.</p><h2>Amaya - Open Source</h2><p>Amaya is an <a href=""/web/20100919093150/"">open source</a> software project hosted by W3C. You are invited to <a href=""Actors.html#contribute"">contribute</a> in many forms (documentation, translation, writing code, fixing bugs, porting to other platforms...).</p><p>The Amaya software is written in C and is available for Windows, Unix platforms and MacOS X.</p><h2>Amaya Team</h2><p>The application is jointly developed by W3C and the <a href=""/web/20100919093150/"">WAM</a> (Web, Adaptation and Multimedia) project at <a href=""/web/20100919093150/"">INRIA</a>. The core team includes: Irène Vatton (Project lead, INRIA), Laurent Carcone (W3C), Vincent Quint (INRIA).</p>";"help-,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-,support-";General Tools,Accessing the Web,General Tools;
"AMIS";"AMIS is a software program that you can use to read DAISY books. AMIS is a multilingual player for reading books complying with DAISY standards.";;"help-,,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-;group_id=86978&amp;func=browse,support-";Text to Speech,Alternative Access,Learning and Education;
"Another Lens";"Another Lens displays a magnified view of the area of the mouse cursor. Quite handy, for example, for drawing software.";;"help-,project_home_page-";Other function,Other need;
"ARASAAC Pictograms";"A free (CC-BY-NC-SA) resource of around 5000 colour and black &amp; white pictographic symbols from Catedu and the Aragonese Portal of Augmentative and Alternative Communication in Spain.";"<h2>From the authors:</h2><p>The ARASAAC portal offers graphic resources and materials to facilitate communication for those with some sort of problem in this area. <br /></p><h2>OATSoft comment:<br /></h2><p>This is an increasingly popular and widely used AAC resource, and the symbol file libraries are available with the file names translated into a growing number of languages. The file format provided is 500 pixels high PNG. Though the number of files is quite large, there is a fair amount of redundancy due to numerous duplication of symbols labelled with different names.<br /></p>";"project_home_page-";Symbol Library,Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Educational and Learning,Communication,Symbols,Learning and Education;
"at-spi";"at-spi (assistive technology service provider interface) is the primary assistive technology infrastructure for the Solaris and Linux operating environments.";"<p> Applications and toolkits supporting the AT-SPI include the GNOME GTK+ toolkit, the Java platform's Swing toolkit, OpenOffice, and Mozilla.</p><p>A second download is at:</p><p></p><p><a href=""/web/20081205083430/""></a><br /><br /></p>";"contact_address-mailto:Li.Yuan@Sun.COM,project_home_page-";General Tools,General Tools;
"atk";"The interface definitions of accessibility infrastructure. (GNOME)";"<p>Second download at</p><p><a href=""/web/20081205065700/""></a><br /></p>";"help-,contact_address-mailto:Li.Yuan@Sun.COM,project_home_page-";General Tools,General Tools;
"Atutor";"ATutor is an Open Source Web-based Learning Content Management System (LCMS) designed with accessibility and adaptability in mind.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">ATutor Features</h2><ul><li><strong>Accessibility</strong>: ATutor was designed with accessibility as a priority. A wide range of features ensure assistive technology users can participate fully in learner, instructor, and administrative activities. </li><li><strong>My Courses</strong> : Instructors and students can manage the ATutor courses they teach and/or are enrolled in. </li><li><strong>Adaptive Navigation</strong>: Learners can move through ATutor content using global, hierarchical, or sequential navigation tools. Navigation elements can be displayed as text, icons, or both text and icons, and they can be hidden to simplify the environment. </li><li><strong>Work Groups</strong>: When the ACollab add-on is installed on an ATutor system, learners can collaborate with others on course projects, communicate as a group with the forums and chat, share resources using their group library, schedule activities with the events calendar, and work together on project documents through the drafting room. Exercises or assignments can submitted to the group leader, or course instructor. </li><li><strong>Feedback</strong>: Following an action (such as saving preference settings, or posting a message), feedback is given on the status of the operation. This could be a success message, warnings to consider, or errors to fix. </li><li><strong>Preference Settings</strong>: Learners can control ATutor features and the theme ATutor is presented in. </li><li><strong>Communication Tools</strong>: Learners can communicate with others using ATutor's private mail, the discussion forums, the chat rooms, or the ""User's Online"" tool. Threads and messages can be sorted in a variety of ways. Students can communicate with those in other courses through shared forum, or a community forum. Subscribe to forums or topic threads to have forum messages sent by email. </li><li><strong>Content Package Viewer</strong>: Learners can export content from ATutor as Content Packages that can be viewed offline in the accompanying viewer. </li><li><strong>Content Tracker</strong>: Learners can keep track of the content pages they have visited. </li><li><strong>Test Manager</strong>: Learners can take tests, review test results, and keep track of their scores. </li><li><strong>Glossary</strong>: Words and phrases added to the glossary by the instructor, can be accessed from terms embedded within content pages, or viewed alphabetically in their entirety using the Glossary tool. </li><li><strong>Links Database</strong>: Each course has a tool for collecting links to course related Web-based information. Both students and instructors can add links. Instructors can also manage them. </li><li><strong>Course Search</strong>: A search engine allows learners to search course content. Search for courses in the course catalogue. </li><li><strong>TILE Repository Search</strong>: Learners can <a href=""/web/20131007203459/"">search the TILE learning objects repository</a> for content related to the topics they are studying, and download content packages for viewing offline. </li>Instructors<br /></ul>";"help-,,project_home_page-,support-";Educational and Learning,Learning and Education;
"Audio Enriched Links";"Audio Enriched Links provide previews of linked web pages to users with visual impairments.";;"help-,,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-;group_id=65529&amp;func=browse";Other function,Viewing the screen;
"AutoHotKey";"An open source macro style program that can re-map the mouse, keyboard and joystick functions as well as automate pretty much anything!";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:<br /></h2><p class=""size110"">AutoHotkey is a free, open-source utility for Windows. With it, you can:</p> <ul class=""size110""><li>Automate almost anything by sending keystrokes and mouse clicks. You can write a <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">mouse or keyboard macro</a> by hand or use the macro recorder.</li><li>Create <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">hotkeys</a> for keyboard, joystick, and mouse. Virtually any key, button, or combination can become a hotkey.</li><li><a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">Expand abbreviations</a> as you type them. For example, typing ""btw"" can automatically produce ""by the way"".</li><li>Create custom data entry forms, user interfaces, and menu bars. See <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">GUI</a> for details.</li><li><a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">Remap</a> keys and buttons on your keyboard, joystick, and mouse.</li><li>Respond to signals from hand-held remote controls via the <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">WinLIRC client script</a>.</li><li>Run existing AutoIt v2 scripts and enhance them with <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">new capabilities</a>.</li><li>Convert any script into an <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">EXE file</a> that can be run on computers that don't have AutoHotkey installed.</li></ul> <p class=""size110"">Getting started might be easier than you think. Check out the <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">quick-start tutorial</a>.<br /><br /></p><h2 class=""Heading"">OATS Comments:</h2><p>This is a fantastic resource for assistive technology!  It really unleashes the power of your PC and helps set it up to your exact requirements.  It's a bit technical to get into, but once into it it is easy - there are some great examples too.</p><p><br /></p><h2 class=""Heading"">More About Hotkeys</h2> <p>AutoHotkey unleashes the full potential of your keyboard, joystick, and mouse. For example, in addition to the typical Control, Alt, and Shift modifiers, you can use the Windows key and the Capslock key as modifiers. In fact, you can make any key or mouse button act as a modifier. For these and other capabilities, see <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">Advanced Hotkeys</a>.</p> <h3 class=""Subheading"">Other Features</h3> <ul><li class=""li2"">Change the volume, mute, and other <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">settings</a> of any soundcard.</li><li class=""li2"">Make any window <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">transparent</a>, <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">always-on-top</a>, or alter its <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">shape</a>.</li><li class=""li2""> Use a <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">joystick</a> or <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">keyboard</a> as a mouse.</li><li class=""li2""><a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">Monitor</a> your system. For example, close unwanted windows the moment they appear.</li><li class=""li2"">Retrieve and change the <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">clipboard's contents</a>, including file names copied from an Explorer window.</li><li class=""li2""><a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">Disable or override</a> Windows' own shortcut keys such as Win+E and Win+R.</li><li class=""li2"">Alleviate RSI with substitutes for <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">Alt-Tab</a> (using keys, mouse wheel, or buttons).</li><li class=""li2"">Customize the <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">tray icon menu</a> with your own icon, tooltip, menu items, and submenus.</li><li class=""li2"">Display <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">dialog boxes</a>, <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">tooltips</a>, <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">balloon tips</a>, and <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">popup menus</a> to interact with the user.</li><li class=""li2"">Perform scripted actions in <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">response</a> to system shutdown or logoff.</li><li class=""li2"">Detect how long the user has been <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">idle</a>. For example, run CPU intensive tasks only when the user is away.</li><li class=""li2"">Automate game actions by detecting <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">images</a> and <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">pixel colors</a>.</li><li class=""li2""><a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">Read</a>, <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">write</a>, and <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">parse</a> text files more easily than in other languages.</li><li class=""li2"">Perform operation(s) upon a set of files that match a <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">wildcard pattern</a>.</li><li class=""li2"">Work with the <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">registry</a> and <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">INI files</a>.</li></ul>";"help-,,project_home_page-,support-";Computer Automation,Other function,Using the Mouse,Alternative Access,Other need;
"AutoIT";"AutoIt v3 is a freeware BASIC-like scripting language designed for automating the Windows GUI and general scripting. It uses a combination of simulated keystrokes, mouse movement and window/control manipulation in order to automate tasks in a way not possible or reliable with other languages (e.g. VBScript and SendKeys). AutoIt is also very small, self-contained and will run on 95, 98, ME, NT4, 2000, XP, 2003 out of the box with no annoying ""runtimes"" required! You can even make compiled executable scripts that can run without AutoIt being installed!";"<h2 class=""Heading"">What the authors say:<br /></h2><p>AutoIt was initially designed for PC ""roll out"" situations to reliably configure thousands of PCs, but with the arrival of v3 it has become a powerful language able to cope with most scripting needs.</p> <p>AutoIt can: </p><ul><li>Provide a general-purpose scripting language for all Windows versions </li><li>Simulate keystrokes (supports most keyboard layouts)</li><li>Simulate mouse movements and clicks</li><li>Move, resize and manipulate windows</li><li>Interact directly with ""controls"" on a window (set/get text from edit controls, check boxes and radio buttons, select items in drop-down lists, etc.)</li><li>Create complex user interfaces (GUIs) </li><li>Work with the clipboard to cut/paste text items</li><li>Provide a scriptable RunAs function for Windows 2000/XP/2003 </li></ul> <p>Unlike AutoIt2, the new AutoIt v3 language has a much more standard syntax -similar to VBScript and BASIC - and now supports complex expressions, user functions, looping and everything else that veteran scripters would expect.</p> <p>As with previous versions, AutoIt has been designed to be as small as possible (~115KB) and stand-alone with no external .dll files or registry entries required.  Scripts can also be compiled into <em>stand-alone executables</em> with <strong>Aut2Exe</strong>.</p> <p>There will also be updates to the ActiveX and DLL versions of AutoIt called <strong>AutoItX</strong> - unlike v2 this will be a <em>combined control</em> (COM and standard DLL functions in the same DLL).  AutoItX will allow you to add the unique features of AutoIt to your own favourite scripting or programming languages! </p> <p>Best of all, AutoIt continues to be <strong>FREE</strong> - but if you want to support the time, money and effort spent on the project and web hosting then you may donate using the link to your left in the menu.<br /></p><p><br /></p><h2 class=""Heading"">OATS Comments:</h2><p></p><p>AutoIt very powerful scripting software - it will allow you to automate a great number of tasks.  For most end users there will probably be easier to use macro programs, (such as <a title=""AutoHotKey"" href=""resolveuid/79e8d41ffaba8813d198cc52a9aca17f"" target=""_self"">AutoHotKey</a>)  however for some people who want the 'ultimate power' in scripting, this might be appropriate.<br /></p>";"help-,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-,support-";Computer Automation,Other need;
"AutoTextTyper";"AutoTextTyper is a contextual menu plugin that lets you quickly and easily add commonly used text, such as email addresses, web sites, postal addresses, etc... You can then select any of those items from the menu and have them automatically typed into any application that supports contextual menus.";"<p>AutoTextTyper is a contextual menu plugin that lets you quickly and easily add commonly used text, such as email addresses, web sites, postal addresses, company names, form letters, and more, to a list of items in a contextual menu. You can also have the current date and/or time typed. You can then select any of those items from the menu and have them automatically typed into any application that supports contextual menus. You can also associate a key combination (a Hot Key) with a macro and use that Hot Key to invoke the macro.</p>";"help-,project_home_page-";Computer Automation,Text input Projects;
"BATS";"This is an ongoing project aimed at providing people without sight the same rich information and spatial awareness that sighted people get from exploring maps.";;"help-,,project_home_page-";Other function,Viewing the screen;
"Big Calculator";"You can either click on the buttons with the mouse or use the numeric keypad to perform calculations.";"<p>The size of the calculator buttons is determined by the WIDTH of the calculator window.<br /><br /> Big Calculator will use a <a href=""/web/20151127022718/"">SAPI 4.0 speech</a> system if you have one installed on your system.</p> <p><i>Tip: for extra large read-out, set a wide, short window, and input with the numeric keys.</i></p>";"help-,project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Educational and Learning,Learning and Education,General Tools;
"Blissymbolics Resources";"The complete authorised Blissymbol vocabulary (the BCI-AV) resources of over 5000 basic Blissymbol concepts - characters and words - are available under a free CreativeCommons-BY-SA license. (Note: Registering and login required for access)";"<p>The complete current authorised lexical resources of Blissymbolics are here available with an overview, tracked changes, lexical source text files (in the unfortunately proprietary WinBliss editor format), export file libraries (in a range of different file formats and sizes (SVG, PNG, BMP and WMF), spreadsheet and PDF lexical documentation files.</p><p>(Note: Registering and login is required for access to the Community Area of the Blissymbolics Communications International (BCI) site where these resources are available.)<br /></p>";",project_home_page-";Symbol Library,Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Educational and Learning,Communication,Symbols,Learning and Education;
"CCHotKey";"Mac OSX CCHotKey is a small and simple application that launches any script you want after clicking any hotkey you want.";"<p>A simple hotkey generator for Mac OSX</p>";"help-,,project_home_page-";Computer Automation,Text input Projects,Alternative Access;
"CHIP Speaking";"CHIPSPEAKING is a desktop augmentative communication device that supports up to 99 messages. Users can record in their own voice (or care-givers can record the voice of someone else of the same gender and age) or take advantage of computerized voices.";"<p><br />Unlike the flagship product, CHIPSpeaking™ , CHIPSpeech™  actually is written to assist PALS to record their voice as it is now, and preserve the phrases and sentences that are needed in everyday life, and recall them in their own voice, and save that speech indefinitely. The recordings are made and saved to disk in small files, which can be saved on diskette or backup media for use on other computers. </p>";",project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Communication;
"CLiCk, Speak";"CLiCk, Speak is an open source, freely available extension for the Firefox web browser. It is part of the CLC-4-TTS Suite of products, it features a mouse driven interface, and it reads web pages - hence its name.";"<p>Unlike <a href=""/web/20130906032603/"">Fire Vox</a> which is designed for visually impaired users, CLiCk, Speak is designed for sighted users who want text-to-speech functionality. It doesn't identify elements or announce events - two features that are very important for visually impaired users but very annoying for sighted users. It also has a simplified, mouse driven interface that is designed to be easy for users familiar with point-and-click graphical user interfaces. Like Fire Vox, CLiCk, Speak works on Windows, Macintosh, and Linux; and Fire Vox has multilingual support, making it great for users who are trying to learn a foreign language and need to hear foreign language web sites read out to them for practice. <br /></p><p>If you're a sighted user who wants to have web pages read to you because you have cognitive issues (for example, dyslexia), because you have literacy issues (like me - I can understand spoken Mandarin Chinese just fine, but reading is difficult for me), because you want to reduce eyestrain and listen to a web page being read, etc., then you are likely to prefer CLiCk, Speak over Fire Vox.</p><p>The Core Library Components for Text-To-Speech (CLC-4-TTS) Suite is a set of extensions for Firefox. It consists of a library for doing text-to-speech synthesis (the Core library), a library for navigating the HTML DOM (the Utils library), and an application that uses the libraries to act as a screen reader (Fire Vox).</p><p>While it currently only works on Firefox, it would be possible for me to create versions of this for other Mozilla products such as Thunderbird. I would have to rewrite the application portion, but the libraries would largely remain untouched. These libraries can also be used to construct other extensions that are not necessarily aimed at the visually impaired. Both are directions that I am interested in pursuing in the near future, so stay tuned.</p>";"help-,,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-";Text to Speech,Accessing the Web;
"Click-Catch";"Click-Catch(C) is an autoclicker. It means it simulates mouse clicks with constant intervals of time.";"<p>Click-Catch(C) available options:</p><ul><li>You may choose which button to simulate between left/right/middle mouse buttons.</li><li>You can also set single or double click.</li><li>There are two ""hot keys"" available. You must enable them in settings. ""hot keys"" are disabled by default.<br />Combination of ""control""+""x"" pressed together at once starts clicking, ""control""+""s"" stops.</li><li>In cases, when you cannot use ""hot keys"" to start/stop clicking, there are two buttons implemented.<br />To start simulation press ""START"" button or press ""STOP"" to stop it</li><li>You may also need to change time interval between clicks.<br />You can set its value from 10 hours to 100 miliseconds.<br />Minimal step is 50 miliseconds.</li><li>There is a possiblity to save your settings. Settings are stored in Windows Registry File.<br />Click-Catch(c) has no instalation procedure (it's only one file after all!)<br />so it can not delete its entry after deinstalation (delete).<br />It has however an option called ""clear WinRegFile entry"".<br />Use it freely, it is harmless.</li><li>You can check if there is new version available to download easely. Simply chose Help/Check for update!<br /></li></ul>";"help-,,project_home_page-";Computer Automation,Text input Projects,Using the Mouse,Alternative Access;
"Click-N-Type virtual keyboard";"Click-N-Type is an on-screen virtual keyboard, giving access to the keyboard characters through the use of your mouse or other pointing device.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:</h2><br /><p>Click-N-Type is an on-screen keyboard which allows you to type with the use of a pointing device (e.g. mouse or tracker ball) rather than the physical computer keyboard. The designers claim it is successful in allowing text to be typed into “those uncooperative places like browser URL ""Address:"" fields, Email ""To:"" addresses, Email ""Subject:"" fields, and dialog boxes like ""Open"" and ""Save As..."",” which other virtual keyboards have trouble with. Several custom layouts are available, including QWERTY, ABC and ‘Speed layout’ in which the letters commonly used together are grouped together, reducing the pointer motion required. An English language prediction program is also available for use with the keyboard, available from the same website. </p> <h2 class=""Heading"">OATS Comments:</h2><p>This is a flexible and powerful on-screen keyboard.  To customise the keyboards you will need to be fairly computer literate, but other than that it is also quite easy to use.  It includes basic word prediction.<br /></p><p><br /></p>";"help-,,project_home_page-";On Screen Keyboard Projects,Text input Projects,Alternative Access;
"Concept Coding Framework (CCF)";"Around the world, people with impaired communication, including difficulties to read or write, may use symbols as an alternative or complement to character based texts. Referencing to, and exchanging these alternatively coded messages over the Internet is difficult due to the lack of standardised encoding schemes and common practises. The Concept Coding Framework (CCF) is being developed to overcome some of these difficulties.";"<h2>News</h2><h3>3 February 2011 - (Mats Lundälv)</h3><p>In spite of nothing appearing at this spot for quite some time, the CCF development continues, currently in the context of the AEGIS project. More to appear here soon after the recent move of the server home of OATS, as well as for the domain. More to come - soon hopefully ...</p><br /><h3>3 September 2009 - (Mats Lundälv)</h3><p>The summer has passed and the work towards the first CCF release is slowly progressing. Will we make it during the 3rd quarter of 2009 as envisaged ? Well - surprise - possibly not :-/ It currently looks uncertain whether we will be ready during this month. It will probably be a bit later this autumn. <br /></p><p>Bengt Farre's completely re-written new SYMBERED version is getting close to completion, but still has some way to go.</p><p>The good news is that Lars Nordberg is well on the way to transfer our CCF databases from MySQL to the <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">Sun JavaDB</a> (based on <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">Apache Derby</a>) Java database. This will provide another option for providing CCF resources (in addition to the MySQL and RDF resources) in a light weight format that will be easier to deploy, install and use for those who will like to try working with CCF based applications and services.</p><p>We'll keep you updated at this space ..</p><br /><h3>19 June 2009 - (Mats Lundälv)</h3><p>A first full release of the updated CCF package is now envisaged during the 3rd quarter of 2009. It will cover a set of concepts covering the authorized Blissymbolics vocabulary of around 4450 Bliss-words. These will be organised in a Base Reference Ontology (BRO) with concepts covered by WordNet, and a Complementary Reference Ontology (CRO) for the rest. The Concept Coded concepts in the Reference Ontologies will be linked to an open ended numbers of so called Assistive Ontologies containing the different supported language representations for the concepts - Bliss being the first target for graphical symbol representations, and English and Swedish being the first natural language lexicons fully supported. The structure is already prepared for supporting a number of other symbolic representations, as well as all Scandinavian/Nordic, and a number of other European languages. More will be added as soon as interest and resources will be around. <br /></p><p>In technical terms; the first release will contain a Java based CCF Tool for browsing and managing the CCF resources (<a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">WordNet</a>, the BRO and CRO, Assistive Ontologies and symbol resources). The data will be stored in or retrieved from either a MySQL database or an RDF/XML based resource. <br /></p><p>The first practical implementation will be an updated version of the <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">SYMBERED</a> tool for creating symbol supported web content via a CMS module written in PHP working towards the MySQL database. (This will be a complete re-write of the first SYMBERED version based on the <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">Papunet </a>CMS). </p><p>The next practical implementation will be the first prototypes of the envisaged CCF symbol support plugin extension for within the AEGIS project - planned for the 4th quarter of 2009.<br /></p><h3>08 June 2009 - (Mats Lundälv)</h3><p>In the AEGIS project 1:st international workshop (in Slough at RIM 05 June) Dr. Christian Galinski from <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">Infoterm </a>gave a very interesting and informative presentation on issues concerning ""Standards for content in the field of eInclusion - and beyond"" - with great relevance for the CCF work in particular, and for the <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">AEGIS </a>and <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">Raising The Floor</a> projects in general. We will have to do some studying about ISO//TC 37 ""Terminology and other language and content resources"" ;-)  I hope the presentations will be on-line soon.<br /></p><h3><b>22 February 2009 - (Mats Lundälv)</b></h3><p>The  concept coding work has continued in slow pace as follow up work after the Nordic <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">SYMBERED project</a> - which is still ongoing. <br />It is now brought further in relation to a task within the ongoing European and international <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">AEGIS-project</a>. Concept coding will be employed in building open source components for graphic symbol support - in, as well as in prototype Java based cross-platform AAC applications - for mobile devices and other environments.<br /></p><h3><b>03/12/2007 - (Andy Judson)</b><br /></h3><p>With my move from the University of Dundee's School of Computing, I thought it time I ported the old CCF website to the OATS portal. With the Bliss Think Tank in July'07 we've been busy hacking more demonstrators. Mats, Bengt and Lars have been busy fine-tuning the <a title=""Symbol &amp; Concept Coding Editor (aka SYMBERED)"" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">SYMBERED</a> system (CCF support for CMS - using PHP, MySQL, Java). I've been busy working on a .NET infrastructure and building a central CCF ontology in SQLServer. The database I've been working with is now populated with around 9000 concepts (based on the STANDUP project ontology) and around 3000 Bliss symbols (some of which are mapped to concept codes). There is an prototype website where you can search the ontologies, update the bliss-ccf mappings, write ruby annotated bliss messages (then you can copy the source to your own website like I've done below). This webservice could be used as a portal to manage the ccf, and more excitingly, for use by other software / web applications, e.g. <a title=""FoxySymbols"" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">FoxySymbols</a>. I hope to get the webservice &amp; database hosted soon.<br /></p><h2>Background</h2><p>Around the world, people with impaired communication, including difficulties to read or write, may use symbols as an alternative or complement to character based texts. Referencing to, and exchanging these alternatively coded messages over the Internet is difficult due to the lack of standardised encoding schemes and common practises. This site is intended to motivate, describe and promote the introduction and adoption of a common, open and vendor neutral Concept Coding Framework (CCF) to overcome some of these difficulties. In particular will act as a base for all contribution to this work - be it formal documentation or informal discussions. </p><p>The suggested CCF has been carefully designed to be conformant to the standard language technologies that are rapidly developing and penetrating the Internet communities. In this way we believe that the proposed CCF can contribute to a major leap in bridging between different technologies and products developed for AAC users and, more importantly, between these Assistive Technologies (AT) and the main-stream technologies of today's and tomorrow's networked information society. </p><p>The bridging approach also implies that the CCF is not intended to replace and exclude the use and development of current and future proprietary assistive technologies in the AAC field. Instead the CCF and its bridging technology and tools are designed to provide added value for all stake-holders; AAC users, special product developers and service providers, as well as general service and information providers who want to support improved accessibility to their products. </p><p>Designed to be used over the Internet for email, web-based activities, chat and/or other emerging Internet based services, the CCF technology can, however, be used by software manufacturers also to provide additional functionality, enhanced support for, and integration of, software and systems with multi-modal language features mainly intended for local use. </p><p>Although, this work is part of the EU funded WWAAC project, the concept coding work is to be kept open source as we want to collaborate with experts and stakeholders in both the AAC field and internet technologies/accessibility area. Thus we are wanting to use this area to establish an interest group in the concept coding approach. if you are interested in getting involved at whatever level then please contact us.</p><h2>Links</h2><p>These are some of the most relevant links i can think of to share, if you have others, please add them. </p><h3>research projects</h3><ul type=""circle""><li><a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">wwaac</a> project (the eu project that funded this initial work) </li></ul><blockquote><div align=""left""><ul><li>""<a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">Code ofPractice</a>"" - the WWAAC project deliverable on the Concept Coding Framework (PDF 1.2MB)<br /></li></ul></div></blockquote><ul type=""circle""><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">symbered</a> project (swedish project continuing ccf developments) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">swad-europe</a> project (semantic web advanced development for europe) </li></ul><h3>web accessibility resources (general)</h3><ul><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">w3c-wai</a> (world wide web consortium - web accessibility initiative)</li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">w3c-wcag</a> (world wide web consortium - web content accessibility guidelines working group) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">w3c-wcag 1.0</a> (world wide web consortium - web content accessibility guidelines 1.0) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">w3c-wcag 2.0 (draft)</a> (world wide web consortium - web content accessibility guidelines 2.0) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">w3c-wcag 2.0 rdf techniques (draft)</a> (rdf techniques document for wcag 2.0 (above)) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">dmag</a> (digital media access group) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">accessify</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">alistapart</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">diveintoaccessibility</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">jakob nielsen on usability</a> </li></ul><h3>web accessibility resources (learning difficulties)</h3><ul><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">ld-web</a> (web specialists looking into learning difficulties) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">juicystudio article</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">webusability article</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">article by lisa seeman at www2002 conference</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">article by kanta jiwnani</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">webaim article (part1)</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">webaim article (part2)</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">uk leading learning difficulties charity</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">communicate:webwide</a> (a commercial symbol browser by widget, an leading AAC company) </li></ul><h3>technologies</h3><ul><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">rdf</a> (resource description framework) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">owl</a> (ontology web language) </li></ul><h3>miscellaneous</h3><ul><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">semantic web</a> (a portal to information about the semantic web) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">isaac</a> (the international society for augmentative and alternative communication) <br /></li></ul>";"help-,,project_home_page-";Symbol Library,Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Communication,Accessing the Web,Symbols;
"Daisy Pipeline";"The Daisy Multi Format Converter allows conversion of DAISY books between different formats.";;"help-,project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Learning and Education;
"Dasher";"Dasher is an information-efficient text-entry interface, driven by natural continuous pointing gestures.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:</h2><p>Dasher is a zooming interface. You point where you want to go, and the display zooms in wherever you point. The world into which you are zooming is painted with letters, so that any point you zoom in on corresponds to a piece of text. The more you zoom in, the longer the piece of text you have written. You choose what you write by choosing where to zoom. </p><p></p><p>To make the interface efficient, we use the predictions of a language model to determine how much of the world is devoted to each piece of text. Probable pieces of text are given more space, so they are quick and easy to select. Improbable pieces of text (for example, text with spelling mistakes) are given less space, so they are harder to write. The language model learns all the time: if you use a novel word once, it is easier to write next time. <br /></p><p><br /></p><p>A big advantage of Dasher over other predictive text-entry interfaces that offer word-completions to the user is that it is <b>mode-free</b>: the user does not need to switch from a writing mode to an ""accept-model-predictions"" mode. </p><p>Another advantage is that it is easy to train the model on any writing style: simply load up an example file, then write away!</p><br /><h2 class=""Heading"">OATS Comment:</h2><p>Dasher is an amazing innovation on on-screen keyboards - although at first it might seem difficult, stick with it and you will be astounded at how efficient it is.  Although mainly aimed at users who can use a mouse (or similar device) the Dasher team are working on a switch accessible version.  There is also a version that works well with speech recognition software - <a title=""Speech Dasher"" href=""resolveuid/d8eeddfaf075fb166fb7a4b60529a52d"" target=""_self"">Speech Dasher</a>.<br /></p><h2 class=""Heading"">See Dasher in action:</h2><p>David MacKay demonstrated Dasher at the Bett 2006 Special Needs Fringe and you can <a href=""/web/20150424043338/;task=view&amp;id=76&amp;Itemid=1"" target=""_self"">watch the video</a> created by Leon Cych.Dasher 4.9.0 is now available for download from:</p><p> </p><p>  <a href=""/web/20150424043338/""></a></p><p> </p><p>Windows binaries will shortly be available from:</p><p> </p><p> <a href=""/web/20150424043338/""></a></p><p> </p><p>Dasher is a predictive text input system for the GNOME Desktop, suitable for any situation in which a conventional keyboard cannot be used.</p><p> </p><p>This is the first in a new development series, including a large number of improvements from a wide variety of contributors. As always, thanks to all Dasher developers and contributors. Please file any bug reports in the GNOME Bugzilla, and send any comments and feedback to</p>";"help-,,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-,support-";On Screen Keyboard Projects,Switch Input Software,Text input Projects,Alternative Access;
"Dkey";"Dkey is disambiguation software for computers - it works in a similar way to 'predictive text' on your mobile phone. It is designed to allow quicker text input for people with physical disabilities who can use a keyboard with a small number of keys, for example a number pad keyboard. It can also be used with mouse input, or with switch input via other software. It is designed with people with disabilities in mind, but could be used by anyone.";;"help-,,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-,support-";On Screen Keyboard Projects,Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Text input Projects;
"DonnerLaParole";"DonnerLaParole is a primarily text based communicator for people with speech and physical impairments - including word prediction, text-to-speech support etc. Best support for French - cross-platform Java application.";"<h2>From the authors:</h2><p>This is a software that allows to enter words and sentences easily and make them talk. Which is very useful for people with disabilities.</p> <p>“DonnerLaParole” can be translated in “GiveTheWord” …</p> <p>There are several key features:</p> <ul><li>several input systems help you if you can’t easily access the computer: <ul><li>without any clicks, if you do not have enough strength or muscle coordination</li><li>with a selection block mechanism, if you cannot move, <ul><li>with just the click of a mouse or a switch,</li><li>with two contactors or 2 buttons if you want to access the buttons at your own pace</li></ul> </li></ul> </li></ul> <ul><li>a set of virtual keyboards: <ul><li>computer keyboard</li><li>style keyboard phone</li><li>a keyboard for sign language</li><li>keyboard customizable icons</li></ul> </li></ul> <ul><li>a set of dictionaries to be able to quickly select words without having to enter all the letters (this is called predictive text input).</li></ul> <ul><li>a manager of common sentences, to avoid having to continually enter the same words and similar phrases.</li></ul> <ul><li>voice synthesizers, which will deliver the phrases or words typed in: <ul><li>the possibility of using voice as Virginia SAPI (Windows only)</li><li>voices natively on Windows, Apple and Linux</li><li>regionalization of the French language <ul><li>with the Canadian “accent”</li><li>with the Belgian “accent”</li></ul> </li></ul> </li></ul> <ul><li>a composer of iconic sentences</li></ul> <ul><li>greater accessibility of the interface for those deprived of movement, particularly in settings</li></ul> <ul><li>system ready for monitoring the environment (or home automation) with <ul><li>the ability to send messages through serial port</li><li>the ability to run programs on the user’s computer</li><li>the ability to send requests to a server</li></ul></li></ul><br /><h2>OATSoft comment:</h2> <h3>License</h3> <a href=""/web/20150502032517/"">Common Public License 1.0</a> <br />Installation packages are available for different generations of MS Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.<br />";"project_home_page-";On Screen Keyboard Projects,Text to Speech,Switch Input Software,Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Environmental Control,Text input Projects,Communication,Alternative Access;
"DSpeech";"This is a TTS (Text To Speech) program with functionality of ASR (Automatic Speech Recognition) integrated. It is able to to read aloud the written text and choose the sentences to be pronounced based upon the vocal answers of the user.";"<p>It is specifically designed to quickly and directly provide the functions and improved practical usefulness that are requested by this kind of program. In the meantime, the invasiveness and resource consumption is minimal.<br />(DSpeech does not install itself, is very light, starts in a second and doesn't write anything to the registry). Some notable features of DSpeech are:<br /><br />1. Allows you to save the output as a .WAV or .MP3 file.<br />2. Allows you to quickly select different voices, even combine them, or juxtapose them in order to create dialogues between different voices.<br />3. DSpeech integrates a vocal recognition system that, through a simple script language, allows you to create interactive dialogues with the user.<br />4. Allows you to configure the voices in an independent way.<br />5. Thanks to apposite TAGs, it allows you to dynamically change the features of the voices during the playback (speed, volume and frequency), to insert pauses, emphasize specific words, or even to spell them out.<br />6. Allows you to capture and reproduce the content of the ClipBoard.<br />7. DSpeech is compatible with all vocal engines (SAPI 4-5 compliant).<br />8. AI dialog system. Not really useful, but amusing. It does not work in every language. <br /></p><p></p><p>DSpeech interface can be translated in several languages: </p><p>Italian (By Talksina) </p><p>Spanish (By Ricardo Abad &amp; Esteban Mello) </p><p>Spanish Valencian (By Ricardo Abad) </p><p>French (By Adel) </p><p>Portuguese (By Ângelo Miguel) </p><p>Brazilian Portuguese (By Antonio Cezar Locutor) </p><p>Latin American Spanish (By Rafael Lopez Jr.)</p>";",project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Text input Projects,Accessing the Web,General Tools;
"Dwell Clicker";"Dwelling is resting the mouse over one area of the screen for a specified time. The dwell click software allows you to perform left-click, right-click and double clicks, and even drag things around the screen.";;"help-,project_home_page-";Other function,Using the Mouse,Alternative Access;
"E-triloquist";"The program has an input area on the screen for entering a text or audio phrase which is to be spoken or played. With the touch of the ""Enter"" key or a mouse click, the text is converted to speech and sent to a voice synthesizer which conveys the message in mellifluous tones. Audio phrases are played as recorded.";"<h3>From the Authors:</h3><p>E-triloquist, the personal computer augmentative communication aid software formerly known as ""SpeakEasy"", developed as a family project. Dad had amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and lost his ability to speak in the course of the disease. Son is particularly versatile in personal computers. Our first version (named ""SpeakEasy"" at the time) was made available on the Internet in early 1995. We are now on Version 5.7 with even more new features suggested by current users of the program, and with full support for Windows-ME and Windows-XP operating systems. See the <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">New Features</a> page for full details on the enhancements in V5.7. Go to the <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">Downloads</a> page to install or upgrade to the latest version of E-triloquist. </p><p> Most users of the program can still use a keyboard, albeit slowly. For those who can no longer type, E-triloquist can easily be teamed-up with on-screen keyboards, scanners, word-predictors, single-switch input, or other assistive input devices such as <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">Click-N-Type virtual keyboard</a> from Lake Software, <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">SofType</a> from <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">Origin Instruments</a>, <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">WiViK®</a> on-screen keyboard (virtual keyboard) software, <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">Virtual On-Screen Keyboard</a> by <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">MiloSoft</a>, <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">My-T-Mouse</a> from <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">IMG</a>, and a variety of input devices and augmentative communication products from <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">Prentke Romich Company</a>. A longer list of devices can be viewed on the <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">ALS Resources</a> page. These tools can also be added on at a later time if the need arises. Note: when looking for assistive input devices, be sure to get one that will work with ALL of your Windows programs, (e.g. E-triloquist, word processor, e-mail, web browser, ...) not just one specific software program. </p>";"project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Communication;
"Edgeless";"This application causes the mouse pointer to wrap around the screen instead of stopping at the edges.";"<p>This application causes the mouse pointer to wrap around the screen instead of stopping at the edges. It can be configured to start at Windows startup if required.</p>";",project_home_page-";Other function,Using the Mouse;
"EdgeWrite";"Provides text entry to hand held devices for people who find writing difficult.";;"help-,project_home_page-";Environmental Control,Text input Projects;
"EdWord and EdWeb";"EdWord is a talking word processor that allows you to combine text with symbols. EdWeb is a talking web browser that can display web pages as a combination of text and symbols.";;"help-,,project_home_page-";Symbol Library,Text to Speech,Switch Input Software,Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Text input Projects,Accessing the Web,Symbols,Alternative Access;
"EmacSpeak";"Emacspeak is a speech interface that allows visually impaired users to interact independently and efficiently with the computer.";;"help-,project_home_page-,support-";Text to Speech,Other function,Viewing the screen;
"Enable Viacam";"Enable Viacam (aka eViacam) is a mouse replacement software that moves the pointer as you move your head. It works on standard PCs equipped with a web camera. No additional hardware is required. Runs over Windows and Linux and is released under GNU/GPL license.";"<h2> About this project</h2> <p>Enable Viacam can be used as a full alternative or as a complement to a conventional computer mouse. It is especially useful for people with motor impairments in their hands or their arms (due to bone injuries, ALS, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, spinal cord injuries, muscular dystrophy, amputations, etc.). Enable Viacam<strong></strong> provides them with an effective and reliable solution for human-computer interaction.</p> <p>Core features:</p> <p> </p><ul> <li><b>Hands-Free:</b> Control your computer with intuitive head movements. No need to use your hands — the pointer will obey!</li><li><b>Unobtrusive:</b> Works with any good webcam. No cables, no dots, no additional hardware required.</li> <li><b>Flexible:</b> Click and choose clicking options by way of either pointer dwelling or by external means.</li> <li><b>User-centred:</b> Developed and tested in close collaboration with users from the <a href=""/web/20150502022143/"" target=""_blank"">APPC Cerebral Palsy Centre</a> in Tarragona (Spain).</li> <li><strong>Customizable:</strong> Pointer speed, movement acceleration and smoothness, dwelling time, and many other variables can be adjusted to fit the user's needs. </li> <li><b>Mature:</b> Based on the award winning <a href=""/web/20150502022143/"" target=""_blank"">Facial Mouse</a> software.</li><li><b>Cross-platform:</b> currently, eViacam runs on Windows 2000/XP/Vista and Linux (KDE/GNOME)<br /></li> </ul> <br /> <p></p> <h2>Official site</h2> <p>More information and downloads: <a href=""/web/20150502022143/"" target=""_blank""></a></p> <h2>License</h2> <p>eViacam is realeased under GNU/GPL license.</p>";",project_home_page-";Other function,Using the Mouse,Accessing the Web,Alternative Access,Learning and Education;
"eSpeak text to speech";"eSpeak is a compact free and open source software speech synthesizer for English and other languages, for Linux and Windows.";"<h2>From the developer:</h2><p> eSpeak uses a ""formant synthesis"" method. This allows many languages to be provided in a small size. The speech is clear, and can be used at high speeds, but is not as natural or smooth as larger synthesizers which are based on human speech recordings. </p><p> eSpeak is available as: </p><ul><li>A command line program (Linux and Windows) to speak text from a file or from stdin. </li><li>A shared library version for use by other programs. (On Windows this is a DLL). </li><li>A SAPI5 version for Windows, so it can be used with screen-readers and other programs that support the Windows SAPI5 interface. </li><li>eSpeak has been ported to other platforms, including Solaris and Mac OSX. </li></ul><h3>Features. </h3><ul><li>Includes different Voices, whose characteristics can be altered. </li><li>Can produce speech output as a WAV file. </li><li>SSML (Speech Synthesis Markup Language) is supported (not complete), and also HTML. </li><li>Compact size. The program and its data, including many languages, totals about 1.4 Mbytes. </li><li><b>Can be used as a front-end to MBROLA diphone voices,</b> see <a href=""/web/20150710182918/"">mbrola.html</a>. eSpeak converts text to phonemes with pitch and length information. </li><li>Can translate text into phoneme codes, so it could be adapted as a front end for another speech synthesis engine. </li><li>Potential for other languages. Several are included in varying stages of progress. Help from native speakers for these or other languages is welcome. </li><li>Development tools are available for producing and tuning phoneme data. </li></ul>";",project_home_page-";Text to Speech,General Tools,Communication,Accessing the Web,Alternative Access,Learning and Education,General Tools;
"eStoryMaker";"A simple means for assembling text, picture and sound files into an e-story that supports multiple access means.";"<p> </p><p><b>eStoryMaker</b> is a simple program for assembling an e-story that affords multiple access methods. eStoryMaker can be used to e-book versions of your student's favorite children's books, to recap field trips or special events, to create multimedia social scripts, or to provide a multimedia accounting of each step in a task. eStoryMaker is also designed to work well with Launcher6. In spite of its name, you construct an e-story by placing text, picture and/or sound files in a folder along with the eStoryMaker.exe file. When you open eStoryMaker.exe, it loads page1.txt, page1.jpg and page1.wav (for example.) When your user asks for the next page, eStoryMaker loads the next set of files in the page sequence, if they exist. So, you have to name your picture files, record and name sound files, and create text files. You can use a clipboard text-to-speech program to read your story, if you don't want to bother with recording sound files.</p> <p>There are many freeware tools you can use to help create e-stories. To make e-books from children's books you can use a flatbed scanner, but I often just use a digital camera for quicker results. I take the books outside and shoot the pages in the shade to have good light, but no glare. For picture editing and renaming I recommend using the excellent and free IrfanView program easily obtained from the Internet. To record sound files I most often use the Sound Recorder accessory that comes with Windows. For more precise sound editing, and for converting wav to mp3 files I use the terrific free Audacity program. There are many better free, Internet available alternatives for creating text files than the default Windows Notepad. I have been using a program called EditPad that most importantly supports multiple files being open simultaneously (unlike Notepad.) Finally, I can recommend 2 freeware text-to-speech programs, Deskbot and SayzMe. Both are easily obtained on the Internet and use the freeware Microsoft Agent technology. I prefer Deskbot, and set its options to read the clipboard text only without any extra, distracting animations.</p>";",project_home_page-";Educational and Learning,Learning and Education;
"Eventcorder";"Eventcorder records and plays back Windows events. With Eventcorder, a sequence of keystrokes and mouse-clicks can be implemented at the touch of a single button.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the author:</h2><p><br /></p><p>Eventcorder allows sequences of keystrokes and mouse-clicks (events) to be recorded, and then played back at the touch of a button. It also allows recorded sequences (known as macros) to be edited. The software matches up events with the window for which they were recorded, and will wait for the correct window to open before implementing a particular event, so that events cannot act in the wrong window.</p> <br />";"help-,,project_home_page-";Computer Automation,Using the Mouse;
"Everyday Skills";"Switch-activated software that supports teachers in teaching the young people who are deafblind in learning everyday skills.";;"help-,project_home_page-,support-";Switch Input Software,Educational and Learning,Learning and Education;
"FatBits";"Fatbits magnifies an area of the screen and paints the giant pixels into a new window, which may be useful if you have a visual impairment. To make the screen even more accessible, you can modify the colours it displays.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">What the authors say:<br /> </h2> <p>FatBits magnifies an area of the screen centered around the mouse pointer and paints the giant pixels into a small, tastefully decorated window. This can be indispensable when you want to see something right down to the last pixel. Once the text has been magnified (up to 20x), Fatbits can also smooth it, and change the colours used. The website contains an online User Manual.</p><p><br /> </p> <h2 class=""Heading"">OATS Comments:</h2> <p>FatBits was originally designed for graphic artists or people designing user interfaces, but it may be relevant to some people with visual impairments.  This has not yet been tested by the OATS team.<br /> </p>";"help-,,project_home_page-";Other function,Viewing the screen;
"Fire Vox";"Fire Vox is an open source, freely available talking browser extension for the Firefox web browser.";"<p>Think of it as a screen reader that is designed especially for Firefox. </p><p>In addition to the basic features that are expected of screen readers, such as being able to identify headings, links, images, etc. and providing navigational assistance, Fire Vox provides support for MathML and CSS speech module properties. It also works on Windows, Macintosh, and Linux. </p><p>CLC-4-TTS is a cross OS compatible (Windows, Mac, Linux) collection of JavaScript functions that can be used for transforming Firefox into a self-voicing browser. This software is open source and is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL.</p>";"help-,,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"AAC Keys";"AAC Keys is a keyboard and mouse emulation program for Microsoft Windows-based and Macintosh computers. AAC Keys receives commands through your computer's serial port and translates them into keystrokes and mouse movements, giving you full control of your computer from another device such as an AAC system. (If your computer has only USB ports, an inexpensive adapter is available.)";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:</h2><p><br /></p><p>AAC Keys is a keyboard and mouse emulation program for Microsoft Windows-based and <strong>Macintosh</strong> computers. </p> <p>AAC Keys receives commands through your computer's serial port and translates them into keystrokes and mouse moves, giving you full control of your computer from another device. AAC Keys implements the common <a href=""/web/20150711141053/""><strong>GIDEI</strong></a> (General Input Device Emulating Interface) commands (see below). </p> <p>AAC Keys has been designed to work with Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT 4, and Windows 2000 operating systems. </p> <p>A Macintosh version was developed following the introduction of OS X . (Earlier Macintosh operating systems included SerialKeys.) The Macintosh version was developed by computer science students at <strong><a href=""/web/20150711141053/"">Millersville University of Pennsylvania</a></strong> under the supervision of <a href=""/web/20150711141053/""><strong>Dr. Blaise Liffick</strong></a>.</p>";"help-,project_home_page-";Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Communication,Using the Mouse;
"Accerciser";"Accerciser is an interactive Python accessibility explorer for the GNOME desktop. It uses AT-SPI to inspect and control widgets, allowing you to check if an application is providing correct information to assistive technologies and automated test frameworks.";"<p>This is to announce the first development release of Accerciser for the 1.4.0 (GNOME 2.24) cycle.</p><p></p><p>Accerciser has a simple plug-in framework which you can use to create custom views of accessibility information.</p><p> </p><p>Accerciser is also the first GNOME module, if ordered alphabetically.</p><p> </p><p>==============</p><p>Version 1.3.1</p><p>==============</p><p></p><p>What's new</p><p>==========</p><p>- Implement save functionality, thanks Brian Merrell.</p><p>- Quick select works better for finding accessible under mouse.</p><p>- Check pyatspi version.</p><p></p><p>New And Updated Translations</p><p>============================</p><p>- David Lodge (en_GB)</p><p>- Jorge González (es)</p><p>- Kjartan Maraas (nb)</p><p>- Laurent Dhima (sq)</p><p>Downloading Accerciser</p><p>======================</p><p><a href=""/web/20081006100655/""></a></p><p><a href=""/web/20081006100655/""></a></p>";"";General Tools,General Tools;
"Accessible BBC Listen Again";"The British Broadcast Company (BBC) allows people to listen to vast quantities of their radio output up to a week after it is first broadcast on one of their dozens of radio stations. This service, called Listen Again, relies on a web browser interface that might be difficult for some users, especially people with screen readers. Accessible BBC Listen Again allows you to access the BBC's Listen Again content through a truly accessible interface designed to work with any screen reader.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:</h2><p><br /></p><p>Select programmes and stations with the cursor keys and listen to them at your leisure. You get easy and simple access to hours of programming, including the ever-popular ""The Archers"" and ""In Touch"". </p><p>The new version (2.1) lets you access all of the Listen Again content among many other improvements (thanks to everyone for their suggestions!) It does still require that you have already installed <a title=""BBC version of RealPlayer"" href=""/web/20100610102158/"">RealPlayer from Real</a>. The copyright of the BBC recordings is unchanged: you are simply accessing them through a more accessible presentation of their own website. Version 2.1 should work better on more machines: several users contacted me with problems with 2.0</p>";"project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"Accessible Radio";"Accessible Radio is a way to listen to radio stations on the internet that is easy and simple to use and is designed to work with any screen reader.";"<p>Accessible Radio lets you listen to any of the BBC Radio stations.<br /></p>";"project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"Accessible RSS";"Interested in keeping up with the headlines and newspapers? A new technology called RSS has recently taken the Internet by storm. Websites provide ""feeds"" of their latest stories and headlines, and you can get these simple lists, updated every few minutes. Accessible RSS is an accessible application that lets you access these RSS feeds. NOTE: Accessible RSS is now included in the WebbIE3 installation.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:</h2><p><strong>Accessible RSS</strong> is an accessible application that lets you access these RSS feeds. It displays the headlines from web pages that support RSS. At present four sites (the BBC, the Daily Mail, the Guardian and the Daily Telegraph) are supported, but you can add your own if you find a site with an RSS feed. If you have WebbIE you can press return on a story to launch WebbIE with that story page, but you do not need WebbIE to read the feeds. If you do not have WebbIE the story will be shown in Internet Explorer</p> <ul><li><a title=""Installer for AccessibleRSS and WebbIE"" href=""/web/20140608112049/"">WebbIE 3 Installer</a> - includes the latest Accessible RSS News Reader.</li></ul> <p>You are likely to find that some feeds don't work: this may be because the feed is not valid. You can check the feed's validity at the <a href=""/web/20140608112049/"">Feed Validator service</a>.</p>";"project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"Accessible Web Directory";"This simple program lets you explore the DMOZ web directory, a catalogue of good websites. NOTE: Accessible Web Directory is now included in the WebbIE3 installation.";"<p>This simple program lets you explore the <a href=""/web/20140623052956/"">DMOZ web directory</a>, a catalogue of good websites. It's an alternative way to find web pages of interest. Simply explore categories of web pages and when you find one you like in the catalogue Accessible Web Directory will open it in your default web browser.</p>";"help-,project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"AccessiblePodcatcher";"AccessiblePodcatcher (formerly AccessiblePodcaster) is a simple way for blind and screen reader users to use podcasts.";;"help-,project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"ACollab";"ACollab is an accessible, open source, multi-group, Web-based collaborative work environment. Group member, group administrator, and system administrator tools are all compliant with international accessibility standards (WCAG 1.0, Section 508 US) so people with disabilities can participate fully in collaborative and administrative activities.";"<p>ACollab is available as a work groups <strong>addon for ATutor 1.4+</strong> , and as a standalone collaborative work environment that will run on its own. ACollab is ideal for groups working at a distance developing documentation, collaborating on research, or writing joint papers, and ideal for online educators who wish to add group learning activities to their ATutor courses. A <a href=""acollab/demo.php"">demo</a> and <a href=""acollab/download.php"">download</a> are available if you want to learn more. Or, read on for a list of <a href=""portal_factory#features"">ACollab features</a>.</p><h2 class=""Heading""></h2><h2 class=""Heading"">ACollab Features: </h2><ul><li><strong>Document Drafting Room</strong>: Group members can work within a Web-based document versioning system, collaborating on document development and publication. Documents developed in the Drafting Room can be transferred to the Shared Documents Library once finalized. </li><li><strong>Shared Documents Library</strong>: Group members can submit documents to the library, from which other group members, or public members, can retrieve those documents for viewing or downloading. </li><li><strong>Events Calendar</strong>: Events can be posted to the calendar by all group members, to announce activities, meetings, due dates, or other group related happenings. </li><li><strong>News &amp; Announcements</strong>: Group administrators, or system administrators, can post news to be presented to users when they first login to a group. </li><li><strong>Group Membership Index</strong>: Group members can view other group members' profiles and contact information. </li><li><strong>Mail Inbox</strong>: Members can communicate with each other privately. </li><li><strong>AChat-PHP</strong>: Accessible synchronous communication is possible between group members, ideal for online meetings or group socializing. </li><li><strong>AForum</strong>: AForum is an enhanced version for the ATutor forums. Members post message for others to retrieve later. Forums can be set to read only, reply only, as open discussion, or can be hidden from view. </li><li><strong>Multi-Lingual Interface</strong>: Language can be modified by system administrators, or new language packs can be created using the translation tools. </li><li><strong>Accessibility Compliance</strong>: Group member, group administrator, and system administrator tools are all compliant with international accessibility standards (WCAG 1.0, Section 508 US) so people with disabilities can participate fully in collaborative and administrative activities. </li><li><strong>Group Leaders</strong>: Create chat transcripts, define folders for sorting documents, assign group membership roles, create and manage forums, create mailing lists, post news and announcements, and manage group members. </li><li><strong>System Administrator</strong>: Create and manage groups, manage the system languages, and manage all users on a system. </li></ul><p><br /></p>";"help-,project_home_page-,support-";Educational and Learning,Text input Projects,Alternative Access,Learning and Education;
"Acomm";"AComm is an accessible Java-based Instant Messaging and Whiteboard tool. It has been designed to allow assistive technology users to participate in synchronous Internet-based communication activities that have traditionally been inaccessible to them.";"<p><br /></p><h2 class=""Heading"">AComm Features</h2><ul type=""none""><li>User can login to an existing Jabber account or sign up for a new one. </li><li>Roster provides ""presence"" information for contacts. </li><li>Users can participate in private or group chat/whiteboard sessions </li><li>Text chat window and optional whiteboard </li><li>Participant list on demand. </li><li>A variety of whiteboard drawing tools are available </li><li>Peer description allows any participant to describe the drawn objects. Anti-collision feature ensures one describer per object. </li><li>Accessibility options <ul><li>Option to play sound effect when a new message arrives. </li><li>Keyboard drawing checkbox </li><li>Manual refresh checkbox </li><li>Show only new checkbox </li><li>Newest message first checkbox </li></ul></li><li>Keyboard enabled drawing lets users use some features of the whiteboard without a mouse. </li><li>Save and open palette feature lets users create and describe pictures beforehand. </li></ul><h2 class=""Heading"">Requirements</h2><ul type=""none""><li><p>AComm is a Java application and requires that a Java Runtime Environment be installed on system it is running on.</p></li></ul>";"help-,project_home_page-,support-";Educational and Learning,General Tools,Accessing the Web,Alternative Access,Learning and Education;
"Acta";"Acta is an outline processor. It lets you organize just about anything -- reports, ideas, lists, projects, graphics -- in the form of an outline, where topics have subtopics.";;"help-,project_home_page-";Educational and Learning,General Tools,Other function,Learning and Education,General Tools,Other need;
"Agrip";"The of this project aim is to provide access to the mainstream gaming community not by producing specialist ""accessible games"" but by making mainstream games - and their associated extension and development tools - accessible. Downloads include an accessible version of Quake, the popular PC game.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the Authors:</h2><p><br />Over the past two years, AGRIP has developed an accessible version of Quake and <a href=""QuakeWorld"">QuakeWorld</a> which allows both single and multi-player games, including the collection of online player statistics. In the future we will add immersive 3D audio and level editing facilities - in addition to the gameplay modifications that are currently possible. At each milestone in the project, we make public releases of our software. </p><p>This page explains the history of the project and the technology involved in more detail. </p><p><strong>Contents:</strong> </p><ol start=""1""><li><a href=""portal_factory#head-a109afc74ec61374e55528b64d6c44ed4cde9829"">About the AGRIP Project</a> </li><li><a href=""portal_factory#head-cc42005755cbb0352a9cb9296a18505325e861d4"">About our Games</a> </li><li><a href=""portal_factory#head-203a06f9c01fc67c10338007e44e4149dc980caf"">The Technology we Use</a> </li></ol><p></p><h2 id=""head-a109afc74ec61374e55528b64d6c44ed4cde9829"">About the AGRIP Project</h2><p>Accessible Gaming Rendering Independence Possible (you can see why we shorten it to ""AGRIP""!) was started in May 2003 with the goal of making a mainstream first-person shooter game for the sighted accessible. It was founded by <a href=""MatthewAtkinson"">MatthewAtkinson</a> and <a href=""SabahattinGucukoglu"">SabahattinGucukoglu</a>. This section provides all sorts of information about the project. It is split into the following sections: </p><ul><li><p><a href=""ProjectInfoSection/ProjectRationale"">/ProjectRationale</a> - all about what we're doing and why we're doing it. </p></li><li><p><a href=""ProjectInfoSection/TheRoadmap"">/TheRoadmap</a> - our plans for development - posted here so you can contact us with suggestions on how to improve them. </p></li><li><p><a href=""ProjectInfoSection/TheLogo"">/TheLogo</a> - description and explanation of the logo, plus an audio version of it. </p></li><li><p><a href=""ProjectInfoSection/OnlineShop"">/OnlineShop</a> - information on how to show your support for the project, by wearing an AGRIP T-Shirt. </p></li></ul><p>If you've got any suggestions for further topics that could be added to this page (or others), feel free to either add them in yourself or <a href=""ContactUs"">ContactUs</a> with your suggestions. </p><h2 id=""head-cc42005755cbb0352a9cb9296a18505325e861d4"">About our Games</h2><p>For more information about the software on offer here, you can visit the start pages for each game: </p><ul><li><p><a href=""AccessibleQuake"">AccessibleQuake</a> - the original mainstream game made accessible </p></li><li><p><a href=""AudioQuake"">AudioQuake</a> - the next generation Internet <a href=""AudioGame"">AudioGame</a> </p></li></ul><p></p><h2 id=""head-203a06f9c01fc67c10338007e44e4149dc980caf"">The Technology we Use</h2><p>The world of game technology is a very interesting one. Here are links to some pages on the Wiki that you can use to start exploring and learning about the various bits and pieces fit together: </p><ul><li><p><a href=""GameStructure"">GameStructure</a> </p></li><li><p><a href=""GameEngine"">GameEngine</a> </p></li><li><p><a href=""GameCode"">GameCode</a> </p></li><li><p><a href=""QuakeC"">QuakeC</a> </p></li><li><p><a href=""AudioGame"">AudioGame</a> </p></li><li><p><a href=""ImplicitAccessibility"">ImplicitAccessibility</a> </p></li></ul><p><br /></p>";"help-,,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-,support-";Computer Automation,General Tools,Alternative Access,General Tools;
"Amaya";"Amaya is a complete Open Source accessible web browsing and authoring environment from WC3";"<p><br /></p><h2>W3C's Editor/Browser</h2><p>Amaya is a Web editor, i.e. a tool used to create and update documents directly on the Web. Browsing features are seamlessly integrated with the editing and remote access features in a uniform environment. This follows the original vision of the Web as a space for collaboration and not just a one-way publishing medium.</p><p>Work on Amaya started at W3C in 1996 to showcase Web technologies in a fully-featured Web client. The main motivation for developing Amaya was to provide a framework that can integrate as many W3C technologies as possible. It is used to demonstrate these technologies in action while taking advantage of their combination in a single, consistent environment.</p><p>Amaya started as an HTML + CSS style sheets editor. Since that time it was extended to support XML and an increasing number of XML applications such as the XHTML family, MathML, and SVG. It allows all those vocabularies to be edited simultaneously in compound documents.</p><p>Amaya includes a collaborative annotation application based on Resource Description Framework (<a href=""RDF/"">RDF</a>), XLink, and XPointer. Visit the <a href=""2001/Annotea/"">Annotea project</a> home page.</p><h2>Amaya - Open Source</h2><p>Amaya is an <a href=""/web/20100919093150/"">open source</a> software project hosted by W3C. You are invited to <a href=""Actors.html#contribute"">contribute</a> in many forms (documentation, translation, writing code, fixing bugs, porting to other platforms...).</p><p>The Amaya software is written in C and is available for Windows, Unix platforms and MacOS X.</p><h2>Amaya Team</h2><p>The application is jointly developed by W3C and the <a href=""/web/20100919093150/"">WAM</a> (Web, Adaptation and Multimedia) project at <a href=""/web/20100919093150/"">INRIA</a>. The core team includes: Irène Vatton (Project lead, INRIA), Laurent Carcone (W3C), Vincent Quint (INRIA).</p>";"help-,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-,support-";General Tools,Accessing the Web,General Tools;
"AMIS";"AMIS is a software program that you can use to read DAISY books. AMIS is a multilingual player for reading books complying with DAISY standards.";;"help-,,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-;group_id=86978&amp;func=browse,support-";Text to Speech,Alternative Access,Learning and Education;
"Another Lens";"Another Lens displays a magnified view of the area of the mouse cursor. Quite handy, for example, for drawing software.";;"help-,project_home_page-";Other function,Other need;
"ARASAAC Pictograms";"A free (CC-BY-NC-SA) resource of around 5000 colour and black &amp; white pictographic symbols from Catedu and the Aragonese Portal of Augmentative and Alternative Communication in Spain.";"<h2>From the authors:</h2><p>The ARASAAC portal offers graphic resources and materials to facilitate communication for those with some sort of problem in this area. <br /></p><h2>OATSoft comment:<br /></h2><p>This is an increasingly popular and widely used AAC resource, and the symbol file libraries are available with the file names translated into a growing number of languages. The file format provided is 500 pixels high PNG. Though the number of files is quite large, there is a fair amount of redundancy due to numerous duplication of symbols labelled with different names.<br /></p>";"project_home_page-";Symbol Library,Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Educational and Learning,Communication,Symbols,Learning and Education;
"at-spi";"at-spi (assistive technology service provider interface) is the primary assistive technology infrastructure for the Solaris and Linux operating environments.";"<p> Applications and toolkits supporting the AT-SPI include the GNOME GTK+ toolkit, the Java platform's Swing toolkit, OpenOffice, and Mozilla.</p><p>A second download is at:</p><p></p><p><a href=""/web/20081205083430/""></a><br /><br /></p>";"contact_address-mailto:Li.Yuan@Sun.COM,project_home_page-";General Tools,General Tools;
"atk";"The interface definitions of accessibility infrastructure. (GNOME)";"<p>Second download at</p><p><a href=""/web/20081205065700/""></a><br /></p>";"help-,contact_address-mailto:Li.Yuan@Sun.COM,project_home_page-";General Tools,General Tools;
"Atutor";"ATutor is an Open Source Web-based Learning Content Management System (LCMS) designed with accessibility and adaptability in mind.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">ATutor Features</h2><ul><li><strong>Accessibility</strong>: ATutor was designed with accessibility as a priority. A wide range of features ensure assistive technology users can participate fully in learner, instructor, and administrative activities. </li><li><strong>My Courses</strong> : Instructors and students can manage the ATutor courses they teach and/or are enrolled in. </li><li><strong>Adaptive Navigation</strong>: Learners can move through ATutor content using global, hierarchical, or sequential navigation tools. Navigation elements can be displayed as text, icons, or both text and icons, and they can be hidden to simplify the environment. </li><li><strong>Work Groups</strong>: When the ACollab add-on is installed on an ATutor system, learners can collaborate with others on course projects, communicate as a group with the forums and chat, share resources using their group library, schedule activities with the events calendar, and work together on project documents through the drafting room. Exercises or assignments can submitted to the group leader, or course instructor. </li><li><strong>Feedback</strong>: Following an action (such as saving preference settings, or posting a message), feedback is given on the status of the operation. This could be a success message, warnings to consider, or errors to fix. </li><li><strong>Preference Settings</strong>: Learners can control ATutor features and the theme ATutor is presented in. </li><li><strong>Communication Tools</strong>: Learners can communicate with others using ATutor's private mail, the discussion forums, the chat rooms, or the ""User's Online"" tool. Threads and messages can be sorted in a variety of ways. Students can communicate with those in other courses through shared forum, or a community forum. Subscribe to forums or topic threads to have forum messages sent by email. </li><li><strong>Content Package Viewer</strong>: Learners can export content from ATutor as Content Packages that can be viewed offline in the accompanying viewer. </li><li><strong>Content Tracker</strong>: Learners can keep track of the content pages they have visited. </li><li><strong>Test Manager</strong>: Learners can take tests, review test results, and keep track of their scores. </li><li><strong>Glossary</strong>: Words and phrases added to the glossary by the instructor, can be accessed from terms embedded within content pages, or viewed alphabetically in their entirety using the Glossary tool. </li><li><strong>Links Database</strong>: Each course has a tool for collecting links to course related Web-based information. Both students and instructors can add links. Instructors can also manage them. </li><li><strong>Course Search</strong>: A search engine allows learners to search course content. Search for courses in the course catalogue. </li><li><strong>TILE Repository Search</strong>: Learners can <a href=""/web/20131007203459/"">search the TILE learning objects repository</a> for content related to the topics they are studying, and download content packages for viewing offline. </li>Instructors<br /></ul>";"help-,,project_home_page-,support-";Educational and Learning,Learning and Education;
"Audio Enriched Links";"Audio Enriched Links provide previews of linked web pages to users with visual impairments.";;"help-,,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-;group_id=65529&amp;func=browse";Other function,Viewing the screen;
"AutoHotKey";"An open source macro style program that can re-map the mouse, keyboard and joystick functions as well as automate pretty much anything!";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:<br /></h2><p class=""size110"">AutoHotkey is a free, open-source utility for Windows. With it, you can:</p> <ul class=""size110""><li>Automate almost anything by sending keystrokes and mouse clicks. You can write a <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">mouse or keyboard macro</a> by hand or use the macro recorder.</li><li>Create <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">hotkeys</a> for keyboard, joystick, and mouse. Virtually any key, button, or combination can become a hotkey.</li><li><a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">Expand abbreviations</a> as you type them. For example, typing ""btw"" can automatically produce ""by the way"".</li><li>Create custom data entry forms, user interfaces, and menu bars. See <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">GUI</a> for details.</li><li><a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">Remap</a> keys and buttons on your keyboard, joystick, and mouse.</li><li>Respond to signals from hand-held remote controls via the <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">WinLIRC client script</a>.</li><li>Run existing AutoIt v2 scripts and enhance them with <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">new capabilities</a>.</li><li>Convert any script into an <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">EXE file</a> that can be run on computers that don't have AutoHotkey installed.</li></ul> <p class=""size110"">Getting started might be easier than you think. Check out the <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">quick-start tutorial</a>.<br /><br /></p><h2 class=""Heading"">OATS Comments:</h2><p>This is a fantastic resource for assistive technology!  It really unleashes the power of your PC and helps set it up to your exact requirements.  It's a bit technical to get into, but once into it it is easy - there are some great examples too.</p><p><br /></p><h2 class=""Heading"">More About Hotkeys</h2> <p>AutoHotkey unleashes the full potential of your keyboard, joystick, and mouse. For example, in addition to the typical Control, Alt, and Shift modifiers, you can use the Windows key and the Capslock key as modifiers. In fact, you can make any key or mouse button act as a modifier. For these and other capabilities, see <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">Advanced Hotkeys</a>.</p> <h3 class=""Subheading"">Other Features</h3> <ul><li class=""li2"">Change the volume, mute, and other <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">settings</a> of any soundcard.</li><li class=""li2"">Make any window <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">transparent</a>, <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">always-on-top</a>, or alter its <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">shape</a>.</li><li class=""li2""> Use a <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">joystick</a> or <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">keyboard</a> as a mouse.</li><li class=""li2""><a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">Monitor</a> your system. For example, close unwanted windows the moment they appear.</li><li class=""li2"">Retrieve and change the <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">clipboard's contents</a>, including file names copied from an Explorer window.</li><li class=""li2""><a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">Disable or override</a> Windows' own shortcut keys such as Win+E and Win+R.</li><li class=""li2"">Alleviate RSI with substitutes for <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">Alt-Tab</a> (using keys, mouse wheel, or buttons).</li><li class=""li2"">Customize the <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">tray icon menu</a> with your own icon, tooltip, menu items, and submenus.</li><li class=""li2"">Display <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">dialog boxes</a>, <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">tooltips</a>, <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">balloon tips</a>, and <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">popup menus</a> to interact with the user.</li><li class=""li2"">Perform scripted actions in <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">response</a> to system shutdown or logoff.</li><li class=""li2"">Detect how long the user has been <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">idle</a>. For example, run CPU intensive tasks only when the user is away.</li><li class=""li2"">Automate game actions by detecting <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">images</a> and <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">pixel colors</a>.</li><li class=""li2""><a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">Read</a>, <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">write</a>, and <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">parse</a> text files more easily than in other languages.</li><li class=""li2"">Perform operation(s) upon a set of files that match a <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">wildcard pattern</a>.</li><li class=""li2"">Work with the <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">registry</a> and <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">INI files</a>.</li></ul>";"help-,,project_home_page-,support-";Computer Automation,Other function,Using the Mouse,Alternative Access,Other need;
"AutoIT";"AutoIt v3 is a freeware BASIC-like scripting language designed for automating the Windows GUI and general scripting. It uses a combination of simulated keystrokes, mouse movement and window/control manipulation in order to automate tasks in a way not possible or reliable with other languages (e.g. VBScript and SendKeys). AutoIt is also very small, self-contained and will run on 95, 98, ME, NT4, 2000, XP, 2003 out of the box with no annoying ""runtimes"" required! You can even make compiled executable scripts that can run without AutoIt being installed!";"<h2 class=""Heading"">What the authors say:<br /></h2><p>AutoIt was initially designed for PC ""roll out"" situations to reliably configure thousands of PCs, but with the arrival of v3 it has become a powerful language able to cope with most scripting needs.</p> <p>AutoIt can: </p><ul><li>Provide a general-purpose scripting language for all Windows versions </li><li>Simulate keystrokes (supports most keyboard layouts)</li><li>Simulate mouse movements and clicks</li><li>Move, resize and manipulate windows</li><li>Interact directly with ""controls"" on a window (set/get text from edit controls, check boxes and radio buttons, select items in drop-down lists, etc.)</li><li>Create complex user interfaces (GUIs) </li><li>Work with the clipboard to cut/paste text items</li><li>Provide a scriptable RunAs function for Windows 2000/XP/2003 </li></ul> <p>Unlike AutoIt2, the new AutoIt v3 language has a much more standard syntax -similar to VBScript and BASIC - and now supports complex expressions, user functions, looping and everything else that veteran scripters would expect.</p> <p>As with previous versions, AutoIt has been designed to be as small as possible (~115KB) and stand-alone with no external .dll files or registry entries required.  Scripts can also be compiled into <em>stand-alone executables</em> with <strong>Aut2Exe</strong>.</p> <p>There will also be updates to the ActiveX and DLL versions of AutoIt called <strong>AutoItX</strong> - unlike v2 this will be a <em>combined control</em> (COM and standard DLL functions in the same DLL).  AutoItX will allow you to add the unique features of AutoIt to your own favourite scripting or programming languages! </p> <p>Best of all, AutoIt continues to be <strong>FREE</strong> - but if you want to support the time, money and effort spent on the project and web hosting then you may donate using the link to your left in the menu.<br /></p><p><br /></p><h2 class=""Heading"">OATS Comments:</h2><p></p><p>AutoIt very powerful scripting software - it will allow you to automate a great number of tasks.  For most end users there will probably be easier to use macro programs, (such as <a title=""AutoHotKey"" href=""resolveuid/79e8d41ffaba8813d198cc52a9aca17f"" target=""_self"">AutoHotKey</a>)  however for some people who want the 'ultimate power' in scripting, this might be appropriate.<br /></p>";"help-,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-,support-";Computer Automation,Other need;
"AutoTextTyper";"AutoTextTyper is a contextual menu plugin that lets you quickly and easily add commonly used text, such as email addresses, web sites, postal addresses, etc... You can then select any of those items from the menu and have them automatically typed into any application that supports contextual menus.";"<p>AutoTextTyper is a contextual menu plugin that lets you quickly and easily add commonly used text, such as email addresses, web sites, postal addresses, company names, form letters, and more, to a list of items in a contextual menu. You can also have the current date and/or time typed. You can then select any of those items from the menu and have them automatically typed into any application that supports contextual menus. You can also associate a key combination (a Hot Key) with a macro and use that Hot Key to invoke the macro.</p>";"help-,project_home_page-";Computer Automation,Text input Projects;
"BATS";"This is an ongoing project aimed at providing people without sight the same rich information and spatial awareness that sighted people get from exploring maps.";;"help-,,project_home_page-";Other function,Viewing the screen;
"Big Calculator";"You can either click on the buttons with the mouse or use the numeric keypad to perform calculations.";"<p>The size of the calculator buttons is determined by the WIDTH of the calculator window.<br /><br /> Big Calculator will use a <a href=""/web/20151127022718/"">SAPI 4.0 speech</a> system if you have one installed on your system.</p> <p><i>Tip: for extra large read-out, set a wide, short window, and input with the numeric keys.</i></p>";"help-,project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Educational and Learning,Learning and Education,General Tools;
"Blissymbolics Resources";"The complete authorised Blissymbol vocabulary (the BCI-AV) resources of over 5000 basic Blissymbol concepts - characters and words - are available under a free CreativeCommons-BY-SA license. (Note: Registering and login required for access)";"<p>The complete current authorised lexical resources of Blissymbolics are here available with an overview, tracked changes, lexical source text files (in the unfortunately proprietary WinBliss editor format), export file libraries (in a range of different file formats and sizes (SVG, PNG, BMP and WMF), spreadsheet and PDF lexical documentation files.</p><p>(Note: Registering and login is required for access to the Community Area of the Blissymbolics Communications International (BCI) site where these resources are available.)<br /></p>";",project_home_page-";Symbol Library,Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Educational and Learning,Communication,Symbols,Learning and Education;
"CCHotKey";"Mac OSX CCHotKey is a small and simple application that launches any script you want after clicking any hotkey you want.";"<p>A simple hotkey generator for Mac OSX</p>";"help-,,project_home_page-";Computer Automation,Text input Projects,Alternative Access;
"CHIP Speaking";"CHIPSPEAKING is a desktop augmentative communication device that supports up to 99 messages. Users can record in their own voice (or care-givers can record the voice of someone else of the same gender and age) or take advantage of computerized voices.";"<p><br />Unlike the flagship product, CHIPSpeaking™ , CHIPSpeech™  actually is written to assist PALS to record their voice as it is now, and preserve the phrases and sentences that are needed in everyday life, and recall them in their own voice, and save that speech indefinitely. The recordings are made and saved to disk in small files, which can be saved on diskette or backup media for use on other computers. </p>";",project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Communication;
"CLiCk, Speak";"CLiCk, Speak is an open source, freely available extension for the Firefox web browser. It is part of the CLC-4-TTS Suite of products, it features a mouse driven interface, and it reads web pages - hence its name.";"<p>Unlike <a href=""/web/20130906032603/"">Fire Vox</a> which is designed for visually impaired users, CLiCk, Speak is designed for sighted users who want text-to-speech functionality. It doesn't identify elements or announce events - two features that are very important for visually impaired users but very annoying for sighted users. It also has a simplified, mouse driven interface that is designed to be easy for users familiar with point-and-click graphical user interfaces. Like Fire Vox, CLiCk, Speak works on Windows, Macintosh, and Linux; and Fire Vox has multilingual support, making it great for users who are trying to learn a foreign language and need to hear foreign language web sites read out to them for practice. <br /></p><p>If you're a sighted user who wants to have web pages read to you because you have cognitive issues (for example, dyslexia), because you have literacy issues (like me - I can understand spoken Mandarin Chinese just fine, but reading is difficult for me), because you want to reduce eyestrain and listen to a web page being read, etc., then you are likely to prefer CLiCk, Speak over Fire Vox.</p><p>The Core Library Components for Text-To-Speech (CLC-4-TTS) Suite is a set of extensions for Firefox. It consists of a library for doing text-to-speech synthesis (the Core library), a library for navigating the HTML DOM (the Utils library), and an application that uses the libraries to act as a screen reader (Fire Vox).</p><p>While it currently only works on Firefox, it would be possible for me to create versions of this for other Mozilla products such as Thunderbird. I would have to rewrite the application portion, but the libraries would largely remain untouched. These libraries can also be used to construct other extensions that are not necessarily aimed at the visually impaired. Both are directions that I am interested in pursuing in the near future, so stay tuned.</p>";"help-,,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-";Text to Speech,Accessing the Web;
"Click-Catch";"Click-Catch(C) is an autoclicker. It means it simulates mouse clicks with constant intervals of time.";"<p>Click-Catch(C) available options:</p><ul><li>You may choose which button to simulate between left/right/middle mouse buttons.</li><li>You can also set single or double click.</li><li>There are two ""hot keys"" available. You must enable them in settings. ""hot keys"" are disabled by default.<br />Combination of ""control""+""x"" pressed together at once starts clicking, ""control""+""s"" stops.</li><li>In cases, when you cannot use ""hot keys"" to start/stop clicking, there are two buttons implemented.<br />To start simulation press ""START"" button or press ""STOP"" to stop it</li><li>You may also need to change time interval between clicks.<br />You can set its value from 10 hours to 100 miliseconds.<br />Minimal step is 50 miliseconds.</li><li>There is a possiblity to save your settings. Settings are stored in Windows Registry File.<br />Click-Catch(c) has no instalation procedure (it's only one file after all!)<br />so it can not delete its entry after deinstalation (delete).<br />It has however an option called ""clear WinRegFile entry"".<br />Use it freely, it is harmless.</li><li>You can check if there is new version available to download easely. Simply chose Help/Check for update!<br /></li></ul>";"help-,,project_home_page-";Computer Automation,Text input Projects,Using the Mouse,Alternative Access;
"Click-N-Type virtual keyboard";"Click-N-Type is an on-screen virtual keyboard, giving access to the keyboard characters through the use of your mouse or other pointing device.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:</h2><br /><p>Click-N-Type is an on-screen keyboard which allows you to type with the use of a pointing device (e.g. mouse or tracker ball) rather than the physical computer keyboard. The designers claim it is successful in allowing text to be typed into “those uncooperative places like browser URL ""Address:"" fields, Email ""To:"" addresses, Email ""Subject:"" fields, and dialog boxes like ""Open"" and ""Save As..."",” which other virtual keyboards have trouble with. Several custom layouts are available, including QWERTY, ABC and ‘Speed layout’ in which the letters commonly used together are grouped together, reducing the pointer motion required. An English language prediction program is also available for use with the keyboard, available from the same website. </p> <h2 class=""Heading"">OATS Comments:</h2><p>This is a flexible and powerful on-screen keyboard.  To customise the keyboards you will need to be fairly computer literate, but other than that it is also quite easy to use.  It includes basic word prediction.<br /></p><p><br /></p>";"help-,,project_home_page-";On Screen Keyboard Projects,Text input Projects,Alternative Access;
"Concept Coding Framework (CCF)";"Around the world, people with impaired communication, including difficulties to read or write, may use symbols as an alternative or complement to character based texts. Referencing to, and exchanging these alternatively coded messages over the Internet is difficult due to the lack of standardised encoding schemes and common practises. The Concept Coding Framework (CCF) is being developed to overcome some of these difficulties.";"<h2>News</h2><h3>3 February 2011 - (Mats Lundälv)</h3><p>In spite of nothing appearing at this spot for quite some time, the CCF development continues, currently in the context of the AEGIS project. More to appear here soon after the recent move of the server home of OATS, as well as for the domain. More to come - soon hopefully ...</p><br /><h3>3 September 2009 - (Mats Lundälv)</h3><p>The summer has passed and the work towards the first CCF release is slowly progressing. Will we make it during the 3rd quarter of 2009 as envisaged ? Well - surprise - possibly not :-/ It currently looks uncertain whether we will be ready during this month. It will probably be a bit later this autumn. <br /></p><p>Bengt Farre's completely re-written new SYMBERED version is getting close to completion, but still has some way to go.</p><p>The good news is that Lars Nordberg is well on the way to transfer our CCF databases from MySQL to the <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">Sun JavaDB</a> (based on <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">Apache Derby</a>) Java database. This will provide another option for providing CCF resources (in addition to the MySQL and RDF resources) in a light weight format that will be easier to deploy, install and use for those who will like to try working with CCF based applications and services.</p><p>We'll keep you updated at this space ..</p><br /><h3>19 June 2009 - (Mats Lundälv)</h3><p>A first full release of the updated CCF package is now envisaged during the 3rd quarter of 2009. It will cover a set of concepts covering the authorized Blissymbolics vocabulary of around 4450 Bliss-words. These will be organised in a Base Reference Ontology (BRO) with concepts covered by WordNet, and a Complementary Reference Ontology (CRO) for the rest. The Concept Coded concepts in the Reference Ontologies will be linked to an open ended numbers of so called Assistive Ontologies containing the different supported language representations for the concepts - Bliss being the first target for graphical symbol representations, and English and Swedish being the first natural language lexicons fully supported. The structure is already prepared for supporting a number of other symbolic representations, as well as all Scandinavian/Nordic, and a number of other European languages. More will be added as soon as interest and resources will be around. <br /></p><p>In technical terms; the first release will contain a Java based CCF Tool for browsing and managing the CCF resources (<a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">WordNet</a>, the BRO and CRO, Assistive Ontologies and symbol resources). The data will be stored in or retrieved from either a MySQL database or an RDF/XML based resource. <br /></p><p>The first practical implementation will be an updated version of the <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">SYMBERED</a> tool for creating symbol supported web content via a CMS module written in PHP working towards the MySQL database. (This will be a complete re-write of the first SYMBERED version based on the <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">Papunet </a>CMS). </p><p>The next practical implementation will be the first prototypes of the envisaged CCF symbol support plugin extension for within the AEGIS project - planned for the 4th quarter of 2009.<br /></p><h3>08 June 2009 - (Mats Lundälv)</h3><p>In the AEGIS project 1:st international workshop (in Slough at RIM 05 June) Dr. Christian Galinski from <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">Infoterm </a>gave a very interesting and informative presentation on issues concerning ""Standards for content in the field of eInclusion - and beyond"" - with great relevance for the CCF work in particular, and for the <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">AEGIS </a>and <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">Raising The Floor</a> projects in general. We will have to do some studying about ISO//TC 37 ""Terminology and other language and content resources"" ;-)  I hope the presentations will be on-line soon.<br /></p><h3><b>22 February 2009 - (Mats Lundälv)</b></h3><p>The  concept coding work has continued in slow pace as follow up work after the Nordic <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">SYMBERED project</a> - which is still ongoing. <br />It is now brought further in relation to a task within the ongoing European and international <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">AEGIS-project</a>. Concept coding will be employed in building open source components for graphic symbol support - in, as well as in prototype Java based cross-platform AAC applications - for mobile devices and other environments.<br /></p><h3><b>03/12/2007 - (Andy Judson)</b><br /></h3><p>With my move from the University of Dundee's School of Computing, I thought it time I ported the old CCF website to the OATS portal. With the Bliss Think Tank in July'07 we've been busy hacking more demonstrators. Mats, Bengt and Lars have been busy fine-tuning the <a title=""Symbol &amp; Concept Coding Editor (aka SYMBERED)"" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">SYMBERED</a> system (CCF support for CMS - using PHP, MySQL, Java). I've been busy working on a .NET infrastructure and building a central CCF ontology in SQLServer. The database I've been working with is now populated with around 9000 concepts (based on the STANDUP project ontology) and around 3000 Bliss symbols (some of which are mapped to concept codes). There is an prototype website where you can search the ontologies, update the bliss-ccf mappings, write ruby annotated bliss messages (then you can copy the source to your own website like I've done below). This webservice could be used as a portal to manage the ccf, and more excitingly, for use by other software / web applications, e.g. <a title=""FoxySymbols"" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">FoxySymbols</a>. I hope to get the webservice &amp; database hosted soon.<br /></p><h2>Background</h2><p>Around the world, people with impaired communication, including difficulties to read or write, may use symbols as an alternative or complement to character based texts. Referencing to, and exchanging these alternatively coded messages over the Internet is difficult due to the lack of standardised encoding schemes and common practises. This site is intended to motivate, describe and promote the introduction and adoption of a common, open and vendor neutral Concept Coding Framework (CCF) to overcome some of these difficulties. In particular will act as a base for all contribution to this work - be it formal documentation or informal discussions. </p><p>The suggested CCF has been carefully designed to be conformant to the standard language technologies that are rapidly developing and penetrating the Internet communities. In this way we believe that the proposed CCF can contribute to a major leap in bridging between different technologies and products developed for AAC users and, more importantly, between these Assistive Technologies (AT) and the main-stream technologies of today's and tomorrow's networked information society. </p><p>The bridging approach also implies that the CCF is not intended to replace and exclude the use and development of current and future proprietary assistive technologies in the AAC field. Instead the CCF and its bridging technology and tools are designed to provide added value for all stake-holders; AAC users, special product developers and service providers, as well as general service and information providers who want to support improved accessibility to their products. </p><p>Designed to be used over the Internet for email, web-based activities, chat and/or other emerging Internet based services, the CCF technology can, however, be used by software manufacturers also to provide additional functionality, enhanced support for, and integration of, software and systems with multi-modal language features mainly intended for local use. </p><p>Although, this work is part of the EU funded WWAAC project, the concept coding work is to be kept open source as we want to collaborate with experts and stakeholders in both the AAC field and internet technologies/accessibility area. Thus we are wanting to use this area to establish an interest group in the concept coding approach. if you are interested in getting involved at whatever level then please contact us.</p><h2>Links</h2><p>These are some of the most relevant links i can think of to share, if you have others, please add them. </p><h3>research projects</h3><ul type=""circle""><li><a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">wwaac</a> project (the eu project that funded this initial work) </li></ul><blockquote><div align=""left""><ul><li>""<a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">Code ofPractice</a>"" - the WWAAC project deliverable on the Concept Coding Framework (PDF 1.2MB)<br /></li></ul></div></blockquote><ul type=""circle""><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">symbered</a> project (swedish project continuing ccf developments) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">swad-europe</a> project (semantic web advanced development for europe) </li></ul><h3>web accessibility resources (general)</h3><ul><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">w3c-wai</a> (world wide web consortium - web accessibility initiative)</li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">w3c-wcag</a> (world wide web consortium - web content accessibility guidelines working group) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">w3c-wcag 1.0</a> (world wide web consortium - web content accessibility guidelines 1.0) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">w3c-wcag 2.0 (draft)</a> (world wide web consortium - web content accessibility guidelines 2.0) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">w3c-wcag 2.0 rdf techniques (draft)</a> (rdf techniques document for wcag 2.0 (above)) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">dmag</a> (digital media access group) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">accessify</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">alistapart</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">diveintoaccessibility</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">jakob nielsen on usability</a> </li></ul><h3>web accessibility resources (learning difficulties)</h3><ul><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">ld-web</a> (web specialists looking into learning difficulties) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">juicystudio article</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">webusability article</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">article by lisa seeman at www2002 conference</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">article by kanta jiwnani</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">webaim article (part1)</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">webaim article (part2)</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">uk leading learning difficulties charity</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">communicate:webwide</a> (a commercial symbol browser by widget, an leading AAC company) </li></ul><h3>technologies</h3><ul><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">rdf</a> (resource description framework) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">owl</a> (ontology web language) </li></ul><h3>miscellaneous</h3><ul><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">semantic web</a> (a portal to information about the semantic web) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">isaac</a> (the international society for augmentative and alternative communication) <br /></li></ul>";"help-,,project_home_page-";Symbol Library,Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Communication,Accessing the Web,Symbols;
"Daisy Pipeline";"The Daisy Multi Format Converter allows conversion of DAISY books between different formats.";;"help-,project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Learning and Education;
"Dasher";"Dasher is an information-efficient text-entry interface, driven by natural continuous pointing gestures.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:</h2><p>Dasher is a zooming interface. You point where you want to go, and the display zooms in wherever you point. The world into which you are zooming is painted with letters, so that any point you zoom in on corresponds to a piece of text. The more you zoom in, the longer the piece of text you have written. You choose what you write by choosing where to zoom. </p><p></p><p>To make the interface efficient, we use the predictions of a language model to determine how much of the world is devoted to each piece of text. Probable pieces of text are given more space, so they are quick and easy to select. Improbable pieces of text (for example, text with spelling mistakes) are given less space, so they are harder to write. The language model learns all the time: if you use a novel word once, it is easier to write next time. <br /></p><p><br /></p><p>A big advantage of Dasher over other predictive text-entry interfaces that offer word-completions to the user is that it is <b>mode-free</b>: the user does not need to switch from a writing mode to an ""accept-model-predictions"" mode. </p><p>Another advantage is that it is easy to train the model on any writing style: simply load up an example file, then write away!</p><br /><h2 class=""Heading"">OATS Comment:</h2><p>Dasher is an amazing innovation on on-screen keyboards - although at first it might seem difficult, stick with it and you will be astounded at how efficient it is.  Although mainly aimed at users who can use a mouse (or similar device) the Dasher team are working on a switch accessible version.  There is also a version that works well with speech recognition software - <a title=""Speech Dasher"" href=""resolveuid/d8eeddfaf075fb166fb7a4b60529a52d"" target=""_self"">Speech Dasher</a>.<br /></p><h2 class=""Heading"">See Dasher in action:</h2><p>David MacKay demonstrated Dasher at the Bett 2006 Special Needs Fringe and you can <a href=""/web/20150424043338/;task=view&amp;id=76&amp;Itemid=1"" target=""_self"">watch the video</a> created by Leon Cych.Dasher 4.9.0 is now available for download from:</p><p> </p><p>  <a href=""/web/20150424043338/""></a></p><p> </p><p>Windows binaries will shortly be available from:</p><p> </p><p> <a href=""/web/20150424043338/""></a></p><p> </p><p>Dasher is a predictive text input system for the GNOME Desktop, suitable for any situation in which a conventional keyboard cannot be used.</p><p> </p><p>This is the first in a new development series, including a large number of improvements from a wide variety of contributors. As always, thanks to all Dasher developers and contributors. Please file any bug reports in the GNOME Bugzilla, and send any comments and feedback to</p>";"help-,,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-,support-";On Screen Keyboard Projects,Switch Input Software,Text input Projects,Alternative Access;
"Dkey";"Dkey is disambiguation software for computers - it works in a similar way to 'predictive text' on your mobile phone. It is designed to allow quicker text input for people with physical disabilities who can use a keyboard with a small number of keys, for example a number pad keyboard. It can also be used with mouse input, or with switch input via other software. It is designed with people with disabilities in mind, but could be used by anyone.";;"help-,,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-,support-";On Screen Keyboard Projects,Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Text input Projects;
"DonnerLaParole";"DonnerLaParole is a primarily text based communicator for people with speech and physical impairments - including word prediction, text-to-speech support etc. Best support for French - cross-platform Java application.";"<h2>From the authors:</h2><p>This is a software that allows to enter words and sentences easily and make them talk. Which is very useful for people with disabilities.</p> <p>“DonnerLaParole” can be translated in “GiveTheWord” …</p> <p>There are several key features:</p> <ul><li>several input systems help you if you can’t easily access the computer: <ul><li>without any clicks, if you do not have enough strength or muscle coordination</li><li>with a selection block mechanism, if you cannot move, <ul><li>with just the click of a mouse or a switch,</li><li>with two contactors or 2 buttons if you want to access the buttons at your own pace</li></ul> </li></ul> </li></ul> <ul><li>a set of virtual keyboards: <ul><li>computer keyboard</li><li>style keyboard phone</li><li>a keyboard for sign language</li><li>keyboard customizable icons</li></ul> </li></ul> <ul><li>a set of dictionaries to be able to quickly select words without having to enter all the letters (this is called predictive text input).</li></ul> <ul><li>a manager of common sentences, to avoid having to continually enter the same words and similar phrases.</li></ul> <ul><li>voice synthesizers, which will deliver the phrases or words typed in: <ul><li>the possibility of using voice as Virginia SAPI (Windows only)</li><li>voices natively on Windows, Apple and Linux</li><li>regionalization of the French language <ul><li>with the Canadian “accent”</li><li>with the Belgian “accent”</li></ul> </li></ul> </li></ul> <ul><li>a composer of iconic sentences</li></ul> <ul><li>greater accessibility of the interface for those deprived of movement, particularly in settings</li></ul> <ul><li>system ready for monitoring the environment (or home automation) with <ul><li>the ability to send messages through serial port</li><li>the ability to run programs on the user’s computer</li><li>the ability to send requests to a server</li></ul></li></ul><br /><h2>OATSoft comment:</h2> <h3>License</h3> <a href=""/web/20150502032517/"">Common Public License 1.0</a> <br />Installation packages are available for different generations of MS Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.<br />";"project_home_page-";On Screen Keyboard Projects,Text to Speech,Switch Input Software,Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Environmental Control,Text input Projects,Communication,Alternative Access;
"DSpeech";"This is a TTS (Text To Speech) program with functionality of ASR (Automatic Speech Recognition) integrated. It is able to to read aloud the written text and choose the sentences to be pronounced based upon the vocal answers of the user.";"<p>It is specifically designed to quickly and directly provide the functions and improved practical usefulness that are requested by this kind of program. In the meantime, the invasiveness and resource consumption is minimal.<br />(DSpeech does not install itself, is very light, starts in a second and doesn't write anything to the registry). Some notable features of DSpeech are:<br /><br />1. Allows you to save the output as a .WAV or .MP3 file.<br />2. Allows you to quickly select different voices, even combine them, or juxtapose them in order to create dialogues between different voices.<br />3. DSpeech integrates a vocal recognition system that, through a simple script language, allows you to create interactive dialogues with the user.<br />4. Allows you to configure the voices in an independent way.<br />5. Thanks to apposite TAGs, it allows you to dynamically change the features of the voices during the playback (speed, volume and frequency), to insert pauses, emphasize specific words, or even to spell them out.<br />6. Allows you to capture and reproduce the content of the ClipBoard.<br />7. DSpeech is compatible with all vocal engines (SAPI 4-5 compliant).<br />8. AI dialog system. Not really useful, but amusing. It does not work in every language. <br /></p><p></p><p>DSpeech interface can be translated in several languages: </p><p>Italian (By Talksina) </p><p>Spanish (By Ricardo Abad &amp; Esteban Mello) </p><p>Spanish Valencian (By Ricardo Abad) </p><p>French (By Adel) </p><p>Portuguese (By Ângelo Miguel) </p><p>Brazilian Portuguese (By Antonio Cezar Locutor) </p><p>Latin American Spanish (By Rafael Lopez Jr.)</p>";",project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Text input Projects,Accessing the Web,General Tools;
"Dwell Clicker";"Dwelling is resting the mouse over one area of the screen for a specified time. The dwell click software allows you to perform left-click, right-click and double clicks, and even drag things around the screen.";;"help-,project_home_page-";Other function,Using the Mouse,Alternative Access;
"E-triloquist";"The program has an input area on the screen for entering a text or audio phrase which is to be spoken or played. With the touch of the ""Enter"" key or a mouse click, the text is converted to speech and sent to a voice synthesizer which conveys the message in mellifluous tones. Audio phrases are played as recorded.";"<h3>From the Authors:</h3><p>E-triloquist, the personal computer augmentative communication aid software formerly known as ""SpeakEasy"", developed as a family project. Dad had amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and lost his ability to speak in the course of the disease. Son is particularly versatile in personal computers. Our first version (named ""SpeakEasy"" at the time) was made available on the Internet in early 1995. We are now on Version 5.7 with even more new features suggested by current users of the program, and with full support for Windows-ME and Windows-XP operating systems. See the <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">New Features</a> page for full details on the enhancements in V5.7. Go to the <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">Downloads</a> page to install or upgrade to the latest version of E-triloquist. </p><p> Most users of the program can still use a keyboard, albeit slowly. For those who can no longer type, E-triloquist can easily be teamed-up with on-screen keyboards, scanners, word-predictors, single-switch input, or other assistive input devices such as <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">Click-N-Type virtual keyboard</a> from Lake Software, <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">SofType</a> from <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">Origin Instruments</a>, <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">WiViK®</a> on-screen keyboard (virtual keyboard) software, <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">Virtual On-Screen Keyboard</a> by <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">MiloSoft</a>, <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">My-T-Mouse</a> from <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">IMG</a>, and a variety of input devices and augmentative communication products from <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">Prentke Romich Company</a>. A longer list of devices can be viewed on the <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">ALS Resources</a> page. These tools can also be added on at a later time if the need arises. Note: when looking for assistive input devices, be sure to get one that will work with ALL of your Windows programs, (e.g. E-triloquist, word processor, e-mail, web browser, ...) not just one specific software program. </p>";"project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Communication;
"Edgeless";"This application causes the mouse pointer to wrap around the screen instead of stopping at the edges.";"<p>This application causes the mouse pointer to wrap around the screen instead of stopping at the edges. It can be configured to start at Windows startup if required.</p>";",project_home_page-";Other function,Using the Mouse;
"EdgeWrite";"Provides text entry to hand held devices for people who find writing difficult.";;"help-,project_home_page-";Environmental Control,Text input Projects;
"EdWord and EdWeb";"EdWord is a talking word processor that allows you to combine text with symbols. EdWeb is a talking web browser that can display web pages as a combination of text and symbols.";;"help-,,project_home_page-";Symbol Library,Text to Speech,Switch Input Software,Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Text input Projects,Accessing the Web,Symbols,Alternative Access;
"EmacSpeak";"Emacspeak is a speech interface that allows visually impaired users to interact independently and efficiently with the computer.";;"help-,project_home_page-,support-";Text to Speech,Other function,Viewing the screen;
"Enable Viacam";"Enable Viacam (aka eViacam) is a mouse replacement software that moves the pointer as you move your head. It works on standard PCs equipped with a web camera. No additional hardware is required. Runs over Windows and Linux and is released under GNU/GPL license.";"<h2> About this project</h2> <p>Enable Viacam can be used as a full alternative or as a complement to a conventional computer mouse. It is especially useful for people with motor impairments in their hands or their arms (due to bone injuries, ALS, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, spinal cord injuries, muscular dystrophy, amputations, etc.). Enable Viacam<strong></strong> provides them with an effective and reliable solution for human-computer interaction.</p> <p>Core features:</p> <p> </p><ul> <li><b>Hands-Free:</b> Control your computer with intuitive head movements. No need to use your hands — the pointer will obey!</li><li><b>Unobtrusive:</b> Works with any good webcam. No cables, no dots, no additional hardware required.</li> <li><b>Flexible:</b> Click and choose clicking options by way of either pointer dwelling or by external means.</li> <li><b>User-centred:</b> Developed and tested in close collaboration with users from the <a href=""/web/20150502022143/"" target=""_blank"">APPC Cerebral Palsy Centre</a> in Tarragona (Spain).</li> <li><strong>Customizable:</strong> Pointer speed, movement acceleration and smoothness, dwelling time, and many other variables can be adjusted to fit the user's needs. </li> <li><b>Mature:</b> Based on the award winning <a href=""/web/20150502022143/"" target=""_blank"">Facial Mouse</a> software.</li><li><b>Cross-platform:</b> currently, eViacam runs on Windows 2000/XP/Vista and Linux (KDE/GNOME)<br /></li> </ul> <br /> <p></p> <h2>Official site</h2> <p>More information and downloads: <a href=""/web/20150502022143/"" target=""_blank""></a></p> <h2>License</h2> <p>eViacam is realeased under GNU/GPL license.</p>";",project_home_page-";Other function,Using the Mouse,Accessing the Web,Alternative Access,Learning and Education;
"eSpeak text to speech";"eSpeak is a compact free and open source software speech synthesizer for English and other languages, for Linux and Windows.";"<h2>From the developer:</h2><p> eSpeak uses a ""formant synthesis"" method. This allows many languages to be provided in a small size. The speech is clear, and can be used at high speeds, but is not as natural or smooth as larger synthesizers which are based on human speech recordings. </p><p> eSpeak is available as: </p><ul><li>A command line program (Linux and Windows) to speak text from a file or from stdin. </li><li>A shared library version for use by other programs. (On Windows this is a DLL). </li><li>A SAPI5 version for Windows, so it can be used with screen-readers and other programs that support the Windows SAPI5 interface. </li><li>eSpeak has been ported to other platforms, including Solaris and Mac OSX. </li></ul><h3>Features. </h3><ul><li>Includes different Voices, whose characteristics can be altered. </li><li>Can produce speech output as a WAV file. </li><li>SSML (Speech Synthesis Markup Language) is supported (not complete), and also HTML. </li><li>Compact size. The program and its data, including many languages, totals about 1.4 Mbytes. </li><li><b>Can be used as a front-end to MBROLA diphone voices,</b> see <a href=""/web/20150710182918/"">mbrola.html</a>. eSpeak converts text to phonemes with pitch and length information. </li><li>Can translate text into phoneme codes, so it could be adapted as a front end for another speech synthesis engine. </li><li>Potential for other languages. Several are included in varying stages of progress. Help from native speakers for these or other languages is welcome. </li><li>Development tools are available for producing and tuning phoneme data. </li></ul>";",project_home_page-";Text to Speech,General Tools,Communication,Accessing the Web,Alternative Access,Learning and Education,General Tools;
"eStoryMaker";"A simple means for assembling text, picture and sound files into an e-story that supports multiple access means.";"<p> </p><p><b>eStoryMaker</b> is a simple program for assembling an e-story that affords multiple access methods. eStoryMaker can be used to e-book versions of your student's favorite children's books, to recap field trips or special events, to create multimedia social scripts, or to provide a multimedia accounting of each step in a task. eStoryMaker is also designed to work well with Launcher6. In spite of its name, you construct an e-story by placing text, picture and/or sound files in a folder along with the eStoryMaker.exe file. When you open eStoryMaker.exe, it loads page1.txt, page1.jpg and page1.wav (for example.) When your user asks for the next page, eStoryMaker loads the next set of files in the page sequence, if they exist. So, you have to name your picture files, record and name sound files, and create text files. You can use a clipboard text-to-speech program to read your story, if you don't want to bother with recording sound files.</p> <p>There are many freeware tools you can use to help create e-stories. To make e-books from children's books you can use a flatbed scanner, but I often just use a digital camera for quicker results. I take the books outside and shoot the pages in the shade to have good light, but no glare. For picture editing and renaming I recommend using the excellent and free IrfanView program easily obtained from the Internet. To record sound files I most often use the Sound Recorder accessory that comes with Windows. For more precise sound editing, and for converting wav to mp3 files I use the terrific free Audacity program. There are many better free, Internet available alternatives for creating text files than the default Windows Notepad. I have been using a program called EditPad that most importantly supports multiple files being open simultaneously (unlike Notepad.) Finally, I can recommend 2 freeware text-to-speech programs, Deskbot and SayzMe. Both are easily obtained on the Internet and use the freeware Microsoft Agent technology. I prefer Deskbot, and set its options to read the clipboard text only without any extra, distracting animations.</p>";",project_home_page-";Educational and Learning,Learning and Education;
"Eventcorder";"Eventcorder records and plays back Windows events. With Eventcorder, a sequence of keystrokes and mouse-clicks can be implemented at the touch of a single button.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the author:</h2><p><br /></p><p>Eventcorder allows sequences of keystrokes and mouse-clicks (events) to be recorded, and then played back at the touch of a button. It also allows recorded sequences (known as macros) to be edited. The software matches up events with the window for which they were recorded, and will wait for the correct window to open before implementing a particular event, so that events cannot act in the wrong window.</p> <br />";"help-,,project_home_page-";Computer Automation,Using the Mouse;
"Everyday Skills";"Switch-activated software that supports teachers in teaching the young people who are deafblind in learning everyday skills.";;"help-,project_home_page-,support-";Switch Input Software,Educational and Learning,Learning and Education;
"FatBits";"Fatbits magnifies an area of the screen and paints the giant pixels into a new window, which may be useful if you have a visual impairment. To make the screen even more accessible, you can modify the colours it displays.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">What the authors say:<br /> </h2> <p>FatBits magnifies an area of the screen centered around the mouse pointer and paints the giant pixels into a small, tastefully decorated window. This can be indispensable when you want to see something right down to the last pixel. Once the text has been magnified (up to 20x), Fatbits can also smooth it, and change the colours used. The website contains an online User Manual.</p><p><br /> </p> <h2 class=""Heading"">OATS Comments:</h2> <p>FatBits was originally designed for graphic artists or people designing user interfaces, but it may be relevant to some people with visual impairments.  This has not yet been tested by the OATS team.<br /> </p>";"help-,,project_home_page-";Other function,Viewing the screen;
"Fire Vox";"Fire Vox is an open source, freely available talking browser extension for the Firefox web browser.";"<p>Think of it as a screen reader that is designed especially for Firefox. </p><p>In addition to the basic features that are expected of screen readers, such as being able to identify headings, links, images, etc. and providing navigational assistance, Fire Vox provides support for MathML and CSS speech module properties. It also works on Windows, Macintosh, and Linux. </p><p>CLC-4-TTS is a cross OS compatible (Windows, Mac, Linux) collection of JavaScript functions that can be used for transforming Firefox into a self-voicing browser. This software is open source and is licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL.</p>";"help-,,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"FireFox";"The award-winning Web browser is better than ever. Browse the Web with confidence - Firefox protects you from viruses, spyware and pop-ups. Enjoy improvements to performance, ease of use and privacy. It's easy to import your favorites and settings and get started. Download Firefox now and get the most out of the Web.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:<br /></h2><h3 class=""Subheading"">A Better Web Experience</h3><div id=""mainContent"" class=""right"">Firefox has an intuitive interface and blocks viruses, spyware, and popup ads. It delivers Web pages faster than ever. And it’s easy to install and import your favorites. Packed with useful features like tabbed browsing, Live Bookmarks, and an integrated Search bar, Firefox will change the way you experience the Web, for the better.<br /><br /></div><h3 class=""Subheading"">Accessibility</h3><p>Firefox delivers easier navigation for everyone, including those who are visually or motor-impaired. Firefox is the first browser to support DHTML accessibility, which, when enabled by Web authors, allows rich Web applications to be read aloud. Users may navigate with keystrokes rather than mouse clicks, reducing the tabbing required to navigate documents such as spreadsheets. Firefox 1.5 (Windows version) is also the first browser to meet <a href=""/web/20120129115243/"">US federal government requirements</a> that software be easily accessible to users with physical impairments. <a href=""/web/20120129115243/"" target=""_self"">Full details of Firefox accessibility features.</a><br /></p><h3 class=""Subheading"">Faster Browsing</h3><div id=""mainContent"" class=""right"">Enjoy quick page loading as you navigate back and forward in a browsing session. Improvements to the engine that powers Firefox deliver more accurate display of complex Web sites, support for new Web standards, and better overall performance.<br /><br /></div><h3 class=""Subheading"">Automatic Updates</h3><div id=""mainContent"" class=""right"">The new Software Update feature makes it easy to get the latest security and feature updates to Firefox. Firefox automatically downloads these small updates in the background and prompts you when they are ready to be installed.<br /><br /></div><h3 class=""Subheading"">Tabbed Browsing</h3><div id=""mainContent"" class=""right"">Use <a href=""/web/20120129115243/"">tabbed browsing</a> to open multiple Web pages in a single browser window, and quickly flip back and forth. Drag and drop open tabs to keep related pages together.<br /><br /></div><h3 class=""Subheading"">Improved Pop-up Blocking</h3><div id=""mainContent"" class=""right"">Firefox’s built-in pop-up blocker has been enhanced to block more unwanted pop-up and pop-under ads.<br /><br /></div><h3 class=""Subheading"">Integrated Search</h3><div id=""mainContent"" class=""right"">Tap into the power of the Web’s most popular search engines with the <a href=""/web/20120129115243/"">built-in Search bar</a>, and easily add new engines.<br /><br /></div><h3 class=""Subheading"">Live Bookmarks</h3><div id=""mainContent"" class=""right"">Stay up to date with your favorite Web sites and blogs. Use <a href=""/web/20120129115243/"">Live Bookmarks</a> that update themselves automatically with the latest content from the Web.<br /><br /></div><h3 class=""Subheading"">Customize Firefox</h3><div id=""mainContent"" class=""right"">Select new button controls for your toolbars, install extensions to add new features, or change the look of your browser with themes - the way Firefox looks and works is under your control.<br /><br /></div><h3 class=""Subheading"">Next Generation Web Support</h3><p>Innovative new Web applications and services deliver a richer Web experience. Support for open Web standards in Firefox ensures you can get the most out of this emerging class of Web-based tools.</p><hr /><p><a href=""/web/20120129115243/"" target=""_self"">AccessFirefox</a> showcases the accessibility tools and features that are available for Firefox, and to provide Firefox accessibility information and resources.</p><p></p><p class=""documentDescription"">Firefox, the popular open source web browser, have improved their use of 'accesskeys' which enable you to browse just using the keyboard.</p><p>The link address is: <a href=""/web/20120129115243/""></a> </p><div id=""relatedItems""></div><div class=""discussion""><form action=""/web/20120129115243/"" method=""post"" name=""reply"" enctype=""application/x-www-form-urlencoded"">Also look at Fire Vox and ""CLiCk, Speak"" for open-source audio assisted access to web pages</form></div>";"help-,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-,support-";General Tools,Other function,General Tools,Other need;
"FoxySymbols";"A firefox extension to provide symbol annotation to text content. This will make use of the concept coding framework, but instead of being a server side technology be a client browser extension. It would be useful to add in other useful accessible features for the aac user, but primary focus will be symbol annotation.";;"help-,";Symbol Library,Accessing the Web,Symbols;
"FoxyVoice";"A Firefox extension that speaks web pages as you browese. Uses Microsoft SAPI for speech on Windows only.";;"help-,project_home_page-,support-";Text to Speech,Accessing the Web,Alternative Access,General Tools;
"Free Speech for Android";"Free Speech is a free and open source augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) program that provides a low-cost alternative to dedicated speech generating devices (SGD).";"<p>Free Speech for Android is a free and open source sound board for people who have problems speaking. When you press a button, a sound is played. <br /> <br />You can use recorded sounds, record new sounds, or generate sounds using the built-in text-to-speech. All content can be created and edited using your Android device itself. <br /> <br />The full source code for free speech is available at: <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />For more information and demo videos, check out our listing on the Google Play Store: <br /> <br /></p>";"";Text to Speech,Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Communication;
"gail";"GAIL provides accessibility support for gtk+ by implementing AtkObjects for widgets in gtk+.";"<p>The GAIL library is a GTK+ module.<br /><br />A second download is at:</p><p><a href=""/web/20081121091300/""></a><br /></p><p></p>";"contact_address-mailto:Li.Yuan@Sun.COM,project_home_page-";General Tools,General Tools;
"Game Accessibility Suite";"Code library and utilities to enhance accessibility to existing and future games (Win32).";"<p>The Game Accessibility Suite [GAS] is a collection of utilities built to make video games more accessible. The current focus is the Win32 platform (esp. Windows XP).  It is released under an MIT-style license.</p><br /><p>Currently, there are a handful of utilities being developed alongside a core library including:<br /></p><ul><li>GASCap, a utility for in-game closed-captioning of DirectX-based video games.</li><li>GASPedal, an in-game utility for switch control of DirectX games.</li><li>GASThrottle, a utility to control the speed of modern games.</li></ul><br />Currently, only GASThrottle is far enough along for a released (functional) prototype.<br /><br />";"help-,,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-,support-";General Tools,General Tools;;package_id=258851
"Game Commander";"Game Commander is a voice recognition program designed for games commands, but which can be used for general voice commands.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">What the authors say:<br /></h2><p>Game Commander is a voice control application for games. Many of today's games have a lot of keyboard commands that can be hard to remember. Game Commander takes you to the next level of gaming by enabling you to control most Windows<sup>®</sup> 98/Me/2000/XP games with verbal commands instead of or in tandem with keyboard, joystick, and mouse controls. For example, instead of remembering that Alt+Shift+F8 is the command for lock missiles, you can just say ""Lock Missiles.""<br /></p><h2 class=""Heading"">OATS Comments:</h2><p>Most of the versions of this software are commerical, however the free trial listed here is actually quite useful!  It is not time limited, but limits the number of keystrokes sent per command to one and the number of commands in a list to 5.  This might be OK for some people!<br /></p>";"";Other function,Alternative Access,Other need;
"Gaze Talk";"GazeTalk is a predictive text entry system that has a restricted on-screen keyboard with ambiguous layout for severely disabled people. The main reason for using such a keyboard layout is that it enables the use of an eye tracker with a low spatial resolution (e.g., a web-camera based eye tracker).";"<h2>From the Authors:</h2><p>The goal of the GazeTalk project is to develop an eye-tracking based ACC system that supports several languages, facilitates fast text entry, and is both sufficiently feature-complete to be deployed as the primary AAC tool for users, yet sufficiently flexible and technically advanced to be used for research purposes. The system is designed for several target languages, initially Danish, English, Italian, German and Japanese. </p> <p><b>Main features:</b></p> <ul class=""tight""><li class=""tight"">type-to-talk</li><li class=""tight"">writing</li><li class=""tight"">email</li><li class=""tight"">web – browser</li><li class=""tight"">Multimedia – player</li><li class=""tight"">PDF – reader</li><li class=""tight"">letter and word prediction, and word completion</li><li class=""tight"">speech output</li><li class=""tight"">can be operated by gaze, headtracking, mouse, joystick, or any other pointing device</li><li class=""tight"">supports step-scanning (new!) </li><li class=""tight"">supports users with low precision in their movements, or trackers with low accuracy</li><li class=""tight"">allows the user to use Dasher inside GazeTalk and to transfer the text written in Dasher back to GazeTalk</li></ul> <p> GazeTalk 5.0 has been designed and developed by the <a href=""/web/20151225135727/"">Eye Gaze Interaction Group</a> at the <a href=""/web/20151225135727/"">IT University of Copenhagen</a> and the IT-Lab at the Royal School of Library and Information Science, Copenhagen.</p><br /><h2>OATS Comment</h2><p>This may also be a useful predictive communication system for literate people who use a mouse to access the computer (as well as eye-gaze).<br /></p>";"help-,project_home_page-";On Screen Keyboard Projects,Text to Speech,Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Text input Projects,Communication;
"Gnopernicus";"The Gnopernicus project aims to enable users with limited vision, or no vision, to use the Gnome 2 desktop and Gnome/GTK+-2 applications effectively.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">from the Authors</h2><p>By providing automated focus tracking and fullscreen magnification, Gnopernicus aids low-vision Gnome users, and its screen reader features allow low-vision and blind users access to standard GTK+2 and Java-based GUI applications via speech and braille output. By leveraging Gnome 2's built-in accessibility framework, Gnopernicus will make interacting with applications more efficient for these users, and enable use of the Gnome 2 desktop for some users who otherwise would have no access to Gnome. </p><p>Gnopernicus is available from GNOME CVS in pre-release form, but is not yet feature complete. Information on how to build, install, and use Gnopernicus, Gnopernicus features, and project status, is available from <a href=""/web/20150717143931/""></a> </p>";"help-,,project_home_page-;pagina=produse&amp;subpag=gnopernicus";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web,Alternative Access;
"GOK";"gok: gnome onscreen keyboard, an open source project.";;"help-,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-,support-";On Screen Keyboard Projects,Text input Projects;
"Grid Maker";"An accessory for producing grids for use in EdWord and EdWeb. This can provide a list of words or symbols for the user to choose from when writing, as well as pictures, effects and web addresses.";;"help-,project_home_page-";Other function,Other need;
"Hark The Sound";"Hark The Sound is a really simple sound game intended for young kids who are visually impaired. It was inspired by my friend and colleague Diane Brauner and was written by Gary Bishop. It is free for educational and fun use.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the author:</h2><h3 class=""Subheading""><br /></h3><h3 class=""Subheading"">What is it like?</h3> <p>The object of the game is to name a sound or tune that is presented as a prompt. A typical round in <em>Name That Animal</em> goes like this:</p> <ol><li>You hear ""Can you name this animal?""</li><li>Then an animal sound is played, for example a dog barking.</li><li>You use the <em>left</em> or <em>right</em> arrow keys on the keyboard to move through and hear the possible answers. In this case they might be ""Cat"", ""Dog"", ""Elephant"", and ""Horse"".</li><li>In some games, the <em>down</em> arrow key will give a hint about the correct answer.</li><li>When you hear the correct answer, you press the <em>up</em> arrow key to guess.</li><li>If the chosen answer is correct, you will hear a <em>reward</em> sound which might be a crowd cheering, or a musical fan fare. If the answer is incorrect, you will hear ""Try again."".</li><li>The process then repeats playing another one of the sounds for the four animals.</li><li>When all the animals in the group have been played, the game begins another round with four more animals.</li></ol> <p>When <b>Hark The Sound</b> first starts it says ""Use the left or right arrow keys to choose a game to play."" Using the arrow keys you can move through and hear the choices for games (listed below). When you hear a game you want to play, use the <em>up</em> arrow key to select it.</p><p> </p><p>The <em>Escape</em> key (often labeled <b>ESC</b> in the upper left corner of the keyboard) will quit the current game and return to the game selections.</p> <h2>What games are available?</h2> <p>All the games follow the same general pattern as described above of Question, Prompt, Answers, Reward. Games that ship with version 1.2 of <b>Hark The Sound</b> include: </p><ul><li>Braille Letters: The question is ""Can you name this Braille letter?"". The prompts are the dots of a letter. The answers are the letter along with a word that begins with that letter to make it easier to hear.</li><li>Braille Whole Word Contractions: The question is ""Can you name this Braille whole word contraction?"" The prompts are the dots in a Braille letter that is a whole word contraction. The word is the answer.</li><li>Counting: Counting repeated animal sounds for numbers one through nine.</li><li>Multiplication drills: The full multiplication table up to 12 times 12. The question is ""What is this product?"". The prompts are products like ""2 times 3"" and the answers are numbers from 0 through 144.</li><li>Name That Animal: Animal sounds are the prompts. The animal's names are the answers.</li><li>Name that capital's State: A challenging game of State Capitals. The question is ""Can you name the state whose capital is..."", the prompts are the names of capital cities. The answers are the names of the 50 states.</li><li>Name that Classical Tune: Midi versions of famous classical music are the prompts. The composer's name and the name of the work are included in the answer.</li><li>Name that color: The question is ""What color is this?"", the prompts are common objects, and the answers are their colors.</li><li>Name That Country Music Tune: Country music classics rendered in Midi. Composer and name are the answer.</li><li>Name that holiday: Identify holidays from hints.</li><li>Name that Kids Tune: Midi tunes like ""Head Shoulders Knees and Toes"".</li><li>Name that Rock and Roll Tune: Classic rock and roll tunes rendered in Midi with the artist and title for the answer.</li><li>Name that Sound: Environmental sounds, such as ""clock ticking"" and ""glass breaking"" are the prompts</li><li>Spelling Words: The prompt is a word spelled out. The answer is the word pronounced.</li><li>State Nick Names: A challenging game to identify the nick name for a state given its name.</li></ul><p><br /></p>";"help-,project_home_page-";Educational and Learning,Learning and Education;
"Hawking Toolbar";"Makes the web accessible for users with motor skill impairments";;",project_home_page-";Switch Input Software,Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Accessing the Web;
"Hotspots";"Hotspots is now open source and public domain or free software. It may be used by a number of users on one computer or by one user on a number of different computers.";;"";Text to Speech,Computer Automation,Switch Input Software,General Tools,Using the Mouse,Alternative Access,General Tools;
"AAC Keys";"AAC Keys is a keyboard and mouse emulation program for Microsoft Windows-based and Macintosh computers. AAC Keys receives commands through your computer's serial port and translates them into keystrokes and mouse movements, giving you full control of your computer from another device such as an AAC system. (If your computer has only USB ports, an inexpensive adapter is available.)";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:</h2><p><br /></p><p>AAC Keys is a keyboard and mouse emulation program for Microsoft Windows-based and <strong>Macintosh</strong> computers. </p> <p>AAC Keys receives commands through your computer's serial port and translates them into keystrokes and mouse moves, giving you full control of your computer from another device. AAC Keys implements the common <a href=""/web/20150711141053/""><strong>GIDEI</strong></a> (General Input Device Emulating Interface) commands (see below). </p> <p>AAC Keys has been designed to work with Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT 4, and Windows 2000 operating systems. </p> <p>A Macintosh version was developed following the introduction of OS X . (Earlier Macintosh operating systems included SerialKeys.) The Macintosh version was developed by computer science students at <strong><a href=""/web/20150711141053/"">Millersville University of Pennsylvania</a></strong> under the supervision of <a href=""/web/20150711141053/""><strong>Dr. Blaise Liffick</strong></a>.</p>";"help-,project_home_page-";Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Communication,Using the Mouse;
"Accerciser";"Accerciser is an interactive Python accessibility explorer for the GNOME desktop. It uses AT-SPI to inspect and control widgets, allowing you to check if an application is providing correct information to assistive technologies and automated test frameworks.";"<p>This is to announce the first development release of Accerciser for the 1.4.0 (GNOME 2.24) cycle.</p><p></p><p>Accerciser has a simple plug-in framework which you can use to create custom views of accessibility information.</p><p> </p><p>Accerciser is also the first GNOME module, if ordered alphabetically.</p><p> </p><p>==============</p><p>Version 1.3.1</p><p>==============</p><p></p><p>What's new</p><p>==========</p><p>- Implement save functionality, thanks Brian Merrell.</p><p>- Quick select works better for finding accessible under mouse.</p><p>- Check pyatspi version.</p><p></p><p>New And Updated Translations</p><p>============================</p><p>- David Lodge (en_GB)</p><p>- Jorge González (es)</p><p>- Kjartan Maraas (nb)</p><p>- Laurent Dhima (sq)</p><p>Downloading Accerciser</p><p>======================</p><p><a href=""/web/20081006100655/""></a></p><p><a href=""/web/20081006100655/""></a></p>";"";General Tools,General Tools;
"Accessible BBC Listen Again";"The British Broadcast Company (BBC) allows people to listen to vast quantities of their radio output up to a week after it is first broadcast on one of their dozens of radio stations. This service, called Listen Again, relies on a web browser interface that might be difficult for some users, especially people with screen readers. Accessible BBC Listen Again allows you to access the BBC's Listen Again content through a truly accessible interface designed to work with any screen reader.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:</h2><p><br /></p><p>Select programmes and stations with the cursor keys and listen to them at your leisure. You get easy and simple access to hours of programming, including the ever-popular ""The Archers"" and ""In Touch"". </p><p>The new version (2.1) lets you access all of the Listen Again content among many other improvements (thanks to everyone for their suggestions!) It does still require that you have already installed <a title=""BBC version of RealPlayer"" href=""/web/20100610102158/"">RealPlayer from Real</a>. The copyright of the BBC recordings is unchanged: you are simply accessing them through a more accessible presentation of their own website. Version 2.1 should work better on more machines: several users contacted me with problems with 2.0</p>";"project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"Accessible Radio";"Accessible Radio is a way to listen to radio stations on the internet that is easy and simple to use and is designed to work with any screen reader.";"<p>Accessible Radio lets you listen to any of the BBC Radio stations.<br /></p>";"project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"Accessible RSS";"Interested in keeping up with the headlines and newspapers? A new technology called RSS has recently taken the Internet by storm. Websites provide ""feeds"" of their latest stories and headlines, and you can get these simple lists, updated every few minutes. Accessible RSS is an accessible application that lets you access these RSS feeds. NOTE: Accessible RSS is now included in the WebbIE3 installation.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:</h2><p><strong>Accessible RSS</strong> is an accessible application that lets you access these RSS feeds. It displays the headlines from web pages that support RSS. At present four sites (the BBC, the Daily Mail, the Guardian and the Daily Telegraph) are supported, but you can add your own if you find a site with an RSS feed. If you have WebbIE you can press return on a story to launch WebbIE with that story page, but you do not need WebbIE to read the feeds. If you do not have WebbIE the story will be shown in Internet Explorer</p> <ul><li><a title=""Installer for AccessibleRSS and WebbIE"" href=""/web/20140608112049/"">WebbIE 3 Installer</a> - includes the latest Accessible RSS News Reader.</li></ul> <p>You are likely to find that some feeds don't work: this may be because the feed is not valid. You can check the feed's validity at the <a href=""/web/20140608112049/"">Feed Validator service</a>.</p>";"project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"Accessible Web Directory";"This simple program lets you explore the DMOZ web directory, a catalogue of good websites. NOTE: Accessible Web Directory is now included in the WebbIE3 installation.";"<p>This simple program lets you explore the <a href=""/web/20140623052956/"">DMOZ web directory</a>, a catalogue of good websites. It's an alternative way to find web pages of interest. Simply explore categories of web pages and when you find one you like in the catalogue Accessible Web Directory will open it in your default web browser.</p>";"help-,project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"AccessiblePodcatcher";"AccessiblePodcatcher (formerly AccessiblePodcaster) is a simple way for blind and screen reader users to use podcasts.";;"help-,project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"ACollab";"ACollab is an accessible, open source, multi-group, Web-based collaborative work environment. Group member, group administrator, and system administrator tools are all compliant with international accessibility standards (WCAG 1.0, Section 508 US) so people with disabilities can participate fully in collaborative and administrative activities.";"<p>ACollab is available as a work groups <strong>addon for ATutor 1.4+</strong> , and as a standalone collaborative work environment that will run on its own. ACollab is ideal for groups working at a distance developing documentation, collaborating on research, or writing joint papers, and ideal for online educators who wish to add group learning activities to their ATutor courses. A <a href=""acollab/demo.php"">demo</a> and <a href=""acollab/download.php"">download</a> are available if you want to learn more. Or, read on for a list of <a href=""portal_factory#features"">ACollab features</a>.</p><h2 class=""Heading""></h2><h2 class=""Heading"">ACollab Features: </h2><ul><li><strong>Document Drafting Room</strong>: Group members can work within a Web-based document versioning system, collaborating on document development and publication. Documents developed in the Drafting Room can be transferred to the Shared Documents Library once finalized. </li><li><strong>Shared Documents Library</strong>: Group members can submit documents to the library, from which other group members, or public members, can retrieve those documents for viewing or downloading. </li><li><strong>Events Calendar</strong>: Events can be posted to the calendar by all group members, to announce activities, meetings, due dates, or other group related happenings. </li><li><strong>News &amp; Announcements</strong>: Group administrators, or system administrators, can post news to be presented to users when they first login to a group. </li><li><strong>Group Membership Index</strong>: Group members can view other group members' profiles and contact information. </li><li><strong>Mail Inbox</strong>: Members can communicate with each other privately. </li><li><strong>AChat-PHP</strong>: Accessible synchronous communication is possible between group members, ideal for online meetings or group socializing. </li><li><strong>AForum</strong>: AForum is an enhanced version for the ATutor forums. Members post message for others to retrieve later. Forums can be set to read only, reply only, as open discussion, or can be hidden from view. </li><li><strong>Multi-Lingual Interface</strong>: Language can be modified by system administrators, or new language packs can be created using the translation tools. </li><li><strong>Accessibility Compliance</strong>: Group member, group administrator, and system administrator tools are all compliant with international accessibility standards (WCAG 1.0, Section 508 US) so people with disabilities can participate fully in collaborative and administrative activities. </li><li><strong>Group Leaders</strong>: Create chat transcripts, define folders for sorting documents, assign group membership roles, create and manage forums, create mailing lists, post news and announcements, and manage group members. </li><li><strong>System Administrator</strong>: Create and manage groups, manage the system languages, and manage all users on a system. </li></ul><p><br /></p>";"help-,project_home_page-,support-";Educational and Learning,Text input Projects,Alternative Access,Learning and Education;
"Acomm";"AComm is an accessible Java-based Instant Messaging and Whiteboard tool. It has been designed to allow assistive technology users to participate in synchronous Internet-based communication activities that have traditionally been inaccessible to them.";"<p><br /></p><h2 class=""Heading"">AComm Features</h2><ul type=""none""><li>User can login to an existing Jabber account or sign up for a new one. </li><li>Roster provides ""presence"" information for contacts. </li><li>Users can participate in private or group chat/whiteboard sessions </li><li>Text chat window and optional whiteboard </li><li>Participant list on demand. </li><li>A variety of whiteboard drawing tools are available </li><li>Peer description allows any participant to describe the drawn objects. Anti-collision feature ensures one describer per object. </li><li>Accessibility options <ul><li>Option to play sound effect when a new message arrives. </li><li>Keyboard drawing checkbox </li><li>Manual refresh checkbox </li><li>Show only new checkbox </li><li>Newest message first checkbox </li></ul></li><li>Keyboard enabled drawing lets users use some features of the whiteboard without a mouse. </li><li>Save and open palette feature lets users create and describe pictures beforehand. </li></ul><h2 class=""Heading"">Requirements</h2><ul type=""none""><li><p>AComm is a Java application and requires that a Java Runtime Environment be installed on system it is running on.</p></li></ul>";"help-,project_home_page-,support-";Educational and Learning,General Tools,Accessing the Web,Alternative Access,Learning and Education;
"Acta";"Acta is an outline processor. It lets you organize just about anything -- reports, ideas, lists, projects, graphics -- in the form of an outline, where topics have subtopics.";;"help-,project_home_page-";Educational and Learning,General Tools,Other function,Learning and Education,General Tools,Other need;
"Agrip";"The of this project aim is to provide access to the mainstream gaming community not by producing specialist ""accessible games"" but by making mainstream games - and their associated extension and development tools - accessible. Downloads include an accessible version of Quake, the popular PC game.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the Authors:</h2><p><br />Over the past two years, AGRIP has developed an accessible version of Quake and <a href=""QuakeWorld"">QuakeWorld</a> which allows both single and multi-player games, including the collection of online player statistics. In the future we will add immersive 3D audio and level editing facilities - in addition to the gameplay modifications that are currently possible. At each milestone in the project, we make public releases of our software. </p><p>This page explains the history of the project and the technology involved in more detail. </p><p><strong>Contents:</strong> </p><ol start=""1""><li><a href=""portal_factory#head-a109afc74ec61374e55528b64d6c44ed4cde9829"">About the AGRIP Project</a> </li><li><a href=""portal_factory#head-cc42005755cbb0352a9cb9296a18505325e861d4"">About our Games</a> </li><li><a href=""portal_factory#head-203a06f9c01fc67c10338007e44e4149dc980caf"">The Technology we Use</a> </li></ol><p></p><h2 id=""head-a109afc74ec61374e55528b64d6c44ed4cde9829"">About the AGRIP Project</h2><p>Accessible Gaming Rendering Independence Possible (you can see why we shorten it to ""AGRIP""!) was started in May 2003 with the goal of making a mainstream first-person shooter game for the sighted accessible. It was founded by <a href=""MatthewAtkinson"">MatthewAtkinson</a> and <a href=""SabahattinGucukoglu"">SabahattinGucukoglu</a>. This section provides all sorts of information about the project. It is split into the following sections: </p><ul><li><p><a href=""ProjectInfoSection/ProjectRationale"">/ProjectRationale</a> - all about what we're doing and why we're doing it. </p></li><li><p><a href=""ProjectInfoSection/TheRoadmap"">/TheRoadmap</a> - our plans for development - posted here so you can contact us with suggestions on how to improve them. </p></li><li><p><a href=""ProjectInfoSection/TheLogo"">/TheLogo</a> - description and explanation of the logo, plus an audio version of it. </p></li><li><p><a href=""ProjectInfoSection/OnlineShop"">/OnlineShop</a> - information on how to show your support for the project, by wearing an AGRIP T-Shirt. </p></li></ul><p>If you've got any suggestions for further topics that could be added to this page (or others), feel free to either add them in yourself or <a href=""ContactUs"">ContactUs</a> with your suggestions. </p><h2 id=""head-cc42005755cbb0352a9cb9296a18505325e861d4"">About our Games</h2><p>For more information about the software on offer here, you can visit the start pages for each game: </p><ul><li><p><a href=""AccessibleQuake"">AccessibleQuake</a> - the original mainstream game made accessible </p></li><li><p><a href=""AudioQuake"">AudioQuake</a> - the next generation Internet <a href=""AudioGame"">AudioGame</a> </p></li></ul><p></p><h2 id=""head-203a06f9c01fc67c10338007e44e4149dc980caf"">The Technology we Use</h2><p>The world of game technology is a very interesting one. Here are links to some pages on the Wiki that you can use to start exploring and learning about the various bits and pieces fit together: </p><ul><li><p><a href=""GameStructure"">GameStructure</a> </p></li><li><p><a href=""GameEngine"">GameEngine</a> </p></li><li><p><a href=""GameCode"">GameCode</a> </p></li><li><p><a href=""QuakeC"">QuakeC</a> </p></li><li><p><a href=""AudioGame"">AudioGame</a> </p></li><li><p><a href=""ImplicitAccessibility"">ImplicitAccessibility</a> </p></li></ul><p><br /></p>";"help-,,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-,support-";Computer Automation,General Tools,Alternative Access,General Tools;
"Amaya";"Amaya is a complete Open Source accessible web browsing and authoring environment from WC3";"<p><br /></p><h2>W3C's Editor/Browser</h2><p>Amaya is a Web editor, i.e. a tool used to create and update documents directly on the Web. Browsing features are seamlessly integrated with the editing and remote access features in a uniform environment. This follows the original vision of the Web as a space for collaboration and not just a one-way publishing medium.</p><p>Work on Amaya started at W3C in 1996 to showcase Web technologies in a fully-featured Web client. The main motivation for developing Amaya was to provide a framework that can integrate as many W3C technologies as possible. It is used to demonstrate these technologies in action while taking advantage of their combination in a single, consistent environment.</p><p>Amaya started as an HTML + CSS style sheets editor. Since that time it was extended to support XML and an increasing number of XML applications such as the XHTML family, MathML, and SVG. It allows all those vocabularies to be edited simultaneously in compound documents.</p><p>Amaya includes a collaborative annotation application based on Resource Description Framework (<a href=""RDF/"">RDF</a>), XLink, and XPointer. Visit the <a href=""2001/Annotea/"">Annotea project</a> home page.</p><h2>Amaya - Open Source</h2><p>Amaya is an <a href=""/web/20100919093150/"">open source</a> software project hosted by W3C. You are invited to <a href=""Actors.html#contribute"">contribute</a> in many forms (documentation, translation, writing code, fixing bugs, porting to other platforms...).</p><p>The Amaya software is written in C and is available for Windows, Unix platforms and MacOS X.</p><h2>Amaya Team</h2><p>The application is jointly developed by W3C and the <a href=""/web/20100919093150/"">WAM</a> (Web, Adaptation and Multimedia) project at <a href=""/web/20100919093150/"">INRIA</a>. The core team includes: Irène Vatton (Project lead, INRIA), Laurent Carcone (W3C), Vincent Quint (INRIA).</p>";"help-,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-,support-";General Tools,Accessing the Web,General Tools;
"AMIS";"AMIS is a software program that you can use to read DAISY books. AMIS is a multilingual player for reading books complying with DAISY standards.";;"help-,,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-;group_id=86978&amp;func=browse,support-";Text to Speech,Alternative Access,Learning and Education;
"Another Lens";"Another Lens displays a magnified view of the area of the mouse cursor. Quite handy, for example, for drawing software.";;"help-,project_home_page-";Other function,Other need;
"ARASAAC Pictograms";"A free (CC-BY-NC-SA) resource of around 5000 colour and black &amp; white pictographic symbols from Catedu and the Aragonese Portal of Augmentative and Alternative Communication in Spain.";"<h2>From the authors:</h2><p>The ARASAAC portal offers graphic resources and materials to facilitate communication for those with some sort of problem in this area. <br /></p><h2>OATSoft comment:<br /></h2><p>This is an increasingly popular and widely used AAC resource, and the symbol file libraries are available with the file names translated into a growing number of languages. The file format provided is 500 pixels high PNG. Though the number of files is quite large, there is a fair amount of redundancy due to numerous duplication of symbols labelled with different names.<br /></p>";"project_home_page-";Symbol Library,Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Educational and Learning,Communication,Symbols,Learning and Education;
"at-spi";"at-spi (assistive technology service provider interface) is the primary assistive technology infrastructure for the Solaris and Linux operating environments.";"<p> Applications and toolkits supporting the AT-SPI include the GNOME GTK+ toolkit, the Java platform's Swing toolkit, OpenOffice, and Mozilla.</p><p>A second download is at:</p><p></p><p><a href=""/web/20081205083430/""></a><br /><br /></p>";"contact_address-mailto:Li.Yuan@Sun.COM,project_home_page-";General Tools,General Tools;
"atk";"The interface definitions of accessibility infrastructure. (GNOME)";"<p>Second download at</p><p><a href=""/web/20081205065700/""></a><br /></p>";"help-,contact_address-mailto:Li.Yuan@Sun.COM,project_home_page-";General Tools,General Tools;
"Atutor";"ATutor is an Open Source Web-based Learning Content Management System (LCMS) designed with accessibility and adaptability in mind.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">ATutor Features</h2><ul><li><strong>Accessibility</strong>: ATutor was designed with accessibility as a priority. A wide range of features ensure assistive technology users can participate fully in learner, instructor, and administrative activities. </li><li><strong>My Courses</strong> : Instructors and students can manage the ATutor courses they teach and/or are enrolled in. </li><li><strong>Adaptive Navigation</strong>: Learners can move through ATutor content using global, hierarchical, or sequential navigation tools. Navigation elements can be displayed as text, icons, or both text and icons, and they can be hidden to simplify the environment. </li><li><strong>Work Groups</strong>: When the ACollab add-on is installed on an ATutor system, learners can collaborate with others on course projects, communicate as a group with the forums and chat, share resources using their group library, schedule activities with the events calendar, and work together on project documents through the drafting room. Exercises or assignments can submitted to the group leader, or course instructor. </li><li><strong>Feedback</strong>: Following an action (such as saving preference settings, or posting a message), feedback is given on the status of the operation. This could be a success message, warnings to consider, or errors to fix. </li><li><strong>Preference Settings</strong>: Learners can control ATutor features and the theme ATutor is presented in. </li><li><strong>Communication Tools</strong>: Learners can communicate with others using ATutor's private mail, the discussion forums, the chat rooms, or the ""User's Online"" tool. Threads and messages can be sorted in a variety of ways. Students can communicate with those in other courses through shared forum, or a community forum. Subscribe to forums or topic threads to have forum messages sent by email. </li><li><strong>Content Package Viewer</strong>: Learners can export content from ATutor as Content Packages that can be viewed offline in the accompanying viewer. </li><li><strong>Content Tracker</strong>: Learners can keep track of the content pages they have visited. </li><li><strong>Test Manager</strong>: Learners can take tests, review test results, and keep track of their scores. </li><li><strong>Glossary</strong>: Words and phrases added to the glossary by the instructor, can be accessed from terms embedded within content pages, or viewed alphabetically in their entirety using the Glossary tool. </li><li><strong>Links Database</strong>: Each course has a tool for collecting links to course related Web-based information. Both students and instructors can add links. Instructors can also manage them. </li><li><strong>Course Search</strong>: A search engine allows learners to search course content. Search for courses in the course catalogue. </li><li><strong>TILE Repository Search</strong>: Learners can <a href=""/web/20131007203459/"">search the TILE learning objects repository</a> for content related to the topics they are studying, and download content packages for viewing offline. </li>Instructors<br /></ul>";"help-,,project_home_page-,support-";Educational and Learning,Learning and Education;
"Audio Enriched Links";"Audio Enriched Links provide previews of linked web pages to users with visual impairments.";;"help-,,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-;group_id=65529&amp;func=browse";Other function,Viewing the screen;
"AutoHotKey";"An open source macro style program that can re-map the mouse, keyboard and joystick functions as well as automate pretty much anything!";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:<br /></h2><p class=""size110"">AutoHotkey is a free, open-source utility for Windows. With it, you can:</p> <ul class=""size110""><li>Automate almost anything by sending keystrokes and mouse clicks. You can write a <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">mouse or keyboard macro</a> by hand or use the macro recorder.</li><li>Create <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">hotkeys</a> for keyboard, joystick, and mouse. Virtually any key, button, or combination can become a hotkey.</li><li><a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">Expand abbreviations</a> as you type them. For example, typing ""btw"" can automatically produce ""by the way"".</li><li>Create custom data entry forms, user interfaces, and menu bars. See <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">GUI</a> for details.</li><li><a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">Remap</a> keys and buttons on your keyboard, joystick, and mouse.</li><li>Respond to signals from hand-held remote controls via the <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">WinLIRC client script</a>.</li><li>Run existing AutoIt v2 scripts and enhance them with <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">new capabilities</a>.</li><li>Convert any script into an <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">EXE file</a> that can be run on computers that don't have AutoHotkey installed.</li></ul> <p class=""size110"">Getting started might be easier than you think. Check out the <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">quick-start tutorial</a>.<br /><br /></p><h2 class=""Heading"">OATS Comments:</h2><p>This is a fantastic resource for assistive technology!  It really unleashes the power of your PC and helps set it up to your exact requirements.  It's a bit technical to get into, but once into it it is easy - there are some great examples too.</p><p><br /></p><h2 class=""Heading"">More About Hotkeys</h2> <p>AutoHotkey unleashes the full potential of your keyboard, joystick, and mouse. For example, in addition to the typical Control, Alt, and Shift modifiers, you can use the Windows key and the Capslock key as modifiers. In fact, you can make any key or mouse button act as a modifier. For these and other capabilities, see <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">Advanced Hotkeys</a>.</p> <h3 class=""Subheading"">Other Features</h3> <ul><li class=""li2"">Change the volume, mute, and other <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">settings</a> of any soundcard.</li><li class=""li2"">Make any window <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">transparent</a>, <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">always-on-top</a>, or alter its <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">shape</a>.</li><li class=""li2""> Use a <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">joystick</a> or <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">keyboard</a> as a mouse.</li><li class=""li2""><a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">Monitor</a> your system. For example, close unwanted windows the moment they appear.</li><li class=""li2"">Retrieve and change the <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">clipboard's contents</a>, including file names copied from an Explorer window.</li><li class=""li2""><a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">Disable or override</a> Windows' own shortcut keys such as Win+E and Win+R.</li><li class=""li2"">Alleviate RSI with substitutes for <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">Alt-Tab</a> (using keys, mouse wheel, or buttons).</li><li class=""li2"">Customize the <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">tray icon menu</a> with your own icon, tooltip, menu items, and submenus.</li><li class=""li2"">Display <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">dialog boxes</a>, <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">tooltips</a>, <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">balloon tips</a>, and <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">popup menus</a> to interact with the user.</li><li class=""li2"">Perform scripted actions in <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">response</a> to system shutdown or logoff.</li><li class=""li2"">Detect how long the user has been <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">idle</a>. For example, run CPU intensive tasks only when the user is away.</li><li class=""li2"">Automate game actions by detecting <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">images</a> and <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">pixel colors</a>.</li><li class=""li2""><a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">Read</a>, <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">write</a>, and <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">parse</a> text files more easily than in other languages.</li><li class=""li2"">Perform operation(s) upon a set of files that match a <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">wildcard pattern</a>.</li><li class=""li2"">Work with the <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">registry</a> and <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">INI files</a>.</li></ul>";"help-,,project_home_page-,support-";Computer Automation,Other function,Using the Mouse,Alternative Access,Other need;
"AutoIT";"AutoIt v3 is a freeware BASIC-like scripting language designed for automating the Windows GUI and general scripting. It uses a combination of simulated keystrokes, mouse movement and window/control manipulation in order to automate tasks in a way not possible or reliable with other languages (e.g. VBScript and SendKeys). AutoIt is also very small, self-contained and will run on 95, 98, ME, NT4, 2000, XP, 2003 out of the box with no annoying ""runtimes"" required! You can even make compiled executable scripts that can run without AutoIt being installed!";"<h2 class=""Heading"">What the authors say:<br /></h2><p>AutoIt was initially designed for PC ""roll out"" situations to reliably configure thousands of PCs, but with the arrival of v3 it has become a powerful language able to cope with most scripting needs.</p> <p>AutoIt can: </p><ul><li>Provide a general-purpose scripting language for all Windows versions </li><li>Simulate keystrokes (supports most keyboard layouts)</li><li>Simulate mouse movements and clicks</li><li>Move, resize and manipulate windows</li><li>Interact directly with ""controls"" on a window (set/get text from edit controls, check boxes and radio buttons, select items in drop-down lists, etc.)</li><li>Create complex user interfaces (GUIs) </li><li>Work with the clipboard to cut/paste text items</li><li>Provide a scriptable RunAs function for Windows 2000/XP/2003 </li></ul> <p>Unlike AutoIt2, the new AutoIt v3 language has a much more standard syntax -similar to VBScript and BASIC - and now supports complex expressions, user functions, looping and everything else that veteran scripters would expect.</p> <p>As with previous versions, AutoIt has been designed to be as small as possible (~115KB) and stand-alone with no external .dll files or registry entries required.  Scripts can also be compiled into <em>stand-alone executables</em> with <strong>Aut2Exe</strong>.</p> <p>There will also be updates to the ActiveX and DLL versions of AutoIt called <strong>AutoItX</strong> - unlike v2 this will be a <em>combined control</em> (COM and standard DLL functions in the same DLL).  AutoItX will allow you to add the unique features of AutoIt to your own favourite scripting or programming languages! </p> <p>Best of all, AutoIt continues to be <strong>FREE</strong> - but if you want to support the time, money and effort spent on the project and web hosting then you may donate using the link to your left in the menu.<br /></p><p><br /></p><h2 class=""Heading"">OATS Comments:</h2><p></p><p>AutoIt very powerful scripting software - it will allow you to automate a great number of tasks.  For most end users there will probably be easier to use macro programs, (such as <a title=""AutoHotKey"" href=""resolveuid/79e8d41ffaba8813d198cc52a9aca17f"" target=""_self"">AutoHotKey</a>)  however for some people who want the 'ultimate power' in scripting, this might be appropriate.<br /></p>";"help-,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-,support-";Computer Automation,Other need;
"AAC Keys";"AAC Keys is a keyboard and mouse emulation program for Microsoft Windows-based and Macintosh computers. AAC Keys receives commands through your computer's serial port and translates them into keystrokes and mouse movements, giving you full control of your computer from another device such as an AAC system. (If your computer has only USB ports, an inexpensive adapter is available.)";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:</h2><p><br /></p><p>AAC Keys is a keyboard and mouse emulation program for Microsoft Windows-based and <strong>Macintosh</strong> computers. </p> <p>AAC Keys receives commands through your computer's serial port and translates them into keystrokes and mouse moves, giving you full control of your computer from another device. AAC Keys implements the common <a href=""/web/20150711141053/""><strong>GIDEI</strong></a> (General Input Device Emulating Interface) commands (see below). </p> <p>AAC Keys has been designed to work with Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT 4, and Windows 2000 operating systems. </p> <p>A Macintosh version was developed following the introduction of OS X . (Earlier Macintosh operating systems included SerialKeys.) The Macintosh version was developed by computer science students at <strong><a href=""/web/20150711141053/"">Millersville University of Pennsylvania</a></strong> under the supervision of <a href=""/web/20150711141053/""><strong>Dr. Blaise Liffick</strong></a>.</p>";"help-,project_home_page-";Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Communication,Using the Mouse;
"Accerciser";"Accerciser is an interactive Python accessibility explorer for the GNOME desktop. It uses AT-SPI to inspect and control widgets, allowing you to check if an application is providing correct information to assistive technologies and automated test frameworks.";"<p>This is to announce the first development release of Accerciser for the 1.4.0 (GNOME 2.24) cycle.</p><p></p><p>Accerciser has a simple plug-in framework which you can use to create custom views of accessibility information.</p><p> </p><p>Accerciser is also the first GNOME module, if ordered alphabetically.</p><p> </p><p>==============</p><p>Version 1.3.1</p><p>==============</p><p></p><p>What's new</p><p>==========</p><p>- Implement save functionality, thanks Brian Merrell.</p><p>- Quick select works better for finding accessible under mouse.</p><p>- Check pyatspi version.</p><p></p><p>New And Updated Translations</p><p>============================</p><p>- David Lodge (en_GB)</p><p>- Jorge González (es)</p><p>- Kjartan Maraas (nb)</p><p>- Laurent Dhima (sq)</p><p>Downloading Accerciser</p><p>======================</p><p><a href=""/web/20081006100655/""></a></p><p><a href=""/web/20081006100655/""></a></p>";"";General Tools,General Tools;
"Accessible BBC Listen Again";"The British Broadcast Company (BBC) allows people to listen to vast quantities of their radio output up to a week after it is first broadcast on one of their dozens of radio stations. This service, called Listen Again, relies on a web browser interface that might be difficult for some users, especially people with screen readers. Accessible BBC Listen Again allows you to access the BBC's Listen Again content through a truly accessible interface designed to work with any screen reader.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:</h2><p><br /></p><p>Select programmes and stations with the cursor keys and listen to them at your leisure. You get easy and simple access to hours of programming, including the ever-popular ""The Archers"" and ""In Touch"". </p><p>The new version (2.1) lets you access all of the Listen Again content among many other improvements (thanks to everyone for their suggestions!) It does still require that you have already installed <a title=""BBC version of RealPlayer"" href=""/web/20100610102158/"">RealPlayer from Real</a>. The copyright of the BBC recordings is unchanged: you are simply accessing them through a more accessible presentation of their own website. Version 2.1 should work better on more machines: several users contacted me with problems with 2.0</p>";"project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"Accessible Radio";"Accessible Radio is a way to listen to radio stations on the internet that is easy and simple to use and is designed to work with any screen reader.";"<p>Accessible Radio lets you listen to any of the BBC Radio stations.<br /></p>";"project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"Accessible RSS";"Interested in keeping up with the headlines and newspapers? A new technology called RSS has recently taken the Internet by storm. Websites provide ""feeds"" of their latest stories and headlines, and you can get these simple lists, updated every few minutes. Accessible RSS is an accessible application that lets you access these RSS feeds. NOTE: Accessible RSS is now included in the WebbIE3 installation.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:</h2><p><strong>Accessible RSS</strong> is an accessible application that lets you access these RSS feeds. It displays the headlines from web pages that support RSS. At present four sites (the BBC, the Daily Mail, the Guardian and the Daily Telegraph) are supported, but you can add your own if you find a site with an RSS feed. If you have WebbIE you can press return on a story to launch WebbIE with that story page, but you do not need WebbIE to read the feeds. If you do not have WebbIE the story will be shown in Internet Explorer</p> <ul><li><a title=""Installer for AccessibleRSS and WebbIE"" href=""/web/20140608112049/"">WebbIE 3 Installer</a> - includes the latest Accessible RSS News Reader.</li></ul> <p>You are likely to find that some feeds don't work: this may be because the feed is not valid. You can check the feed's validity at the <a href=""/web/20140608112049/"">Feed Validator service</a>.</p>";"project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"Accessible Web Directory";"This simple program lets you explore the DMOZ web directory, a catalogue of good websites. NOTE: Accessible Web Directory is now included in the WebbIE3 installation.";"<p>This simple program lets you explore the <a href=""/web/20140623052956/"">DMOZ web directory</a>, a catalogue of good websites. It's an alternative way to find web pages of interest. Simply explore categories of web pages and when you find one you like in the catalogue Accessible Web Directory will open it in your default web browser.</p>";"help-,project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"AccessiblePodcatcher";"AccessiblePodcatcher (formerly AccessiblePodcaster) is a simple way for blind and screen reader users to use podcasts.";;"help-,project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"ACollab";"ACollab is an accessible, open source, multi-group, Web-based collaborative work environment. Group member, group administrator, and system administrator tools are all compliant with international accessibility standards (WCAG 1.0, Section 508 US) so people with disabilities can participate fully in collaborative and administrative activities.";"<p>ACollab is available as a work groups <strong>addon for ATutor 1.4+</strong> , and as a standalone collaborative work environment that will run on its own. ACollab is ideal for groups working at a distance developing documentation, collaborating on research, or writing joint papers, and ideal for online educators who wish to add group learning activities to their ATutor courses. A <a href=""acollab/demo.php"">demo</a> and <a href=""acollab/download.php"">download</a> are available if you want to learn more. Or, read on for a list of <a href=""portal_factory#features"">ACollab features</a>.</p><h2 class=""Heading""></h2><h2 class=""Heading"">ACollab Features: </h2><ul><li><strong>Document Drafting Room</strong>: Group members can work within a Web-based document versioning system, collaborating on document development and publication. Documents developed in the Drafting Room can be transferred to the Shared Documents Library once finalized. </li><li><strong>Shared Documents Library</strong>: Group members can submit documents to the library, from which other group members, or public members, can retrieve those documents for viewing or downloading. </li><li><strong>Events Calendar</strong>: Events can be posted to the calendar by all group members, to announce activities, meetings, due dates, or other group related happenings. </li><li><strong>News &amp; Announcements</strong>: Group administrators, or system administrators, can post news to be presented to users when they first login to a group. </li><li><strong>Group Membership Index</strong>: Group members can view other group members' profiles and contact information. </li><li><strong>Mail Inbox</strong>: Members can communicate with each other privately. </li><li><strong>AChat-PHP</strong>: Accessible synchronous communication is possible between group members, ideal for online meetings or group socializing. </li><li><strong>AForum</strong>: AForum is an enhanced version for the ATutor forums. Members post message for others to retrieve later. Forums can be set to read only, reply only, as open discussion, or can be hidden from view. </li><li><strong>Multi-Lingual Interface</strong>: Language can be modified by system administrators, or new language packs can be created using the translation tools. </li><li><strong>Accessibility Compliance</strong>: Group member, group administrator, and system administrator tools are all compliant with international accessibility standards (WCAG 1.0, Section 508 US) so people with disabilities can participate fully in collaborative and administrative activities. </li><li><strong>Group Leaders</strong>: Create chat transcripts, define folders for sorting documents, assign group membership roles, create and manage forums, create mailing lists, post news and announcements, and manage group members. </li><li><strong>System Administrator</strong>: Create and manage groups, manage the system languages, and manage all users on a system. </li></ul><p><br /></p>";"help-,project_home_page-,support-";Educational and Learning,Text input Projects,Alternative Access,Learning and Education;
"Acomm";"AComm is an accessible Java-based Instant Messaging and Whiteboard tool. It has been designed to allow assistive technology users to participate in synchronous Internet-based communication activities that have traditionally been inaccessible to them.";"<p><br /></p><h2 class=""Heading"">AComm Features</h2><ul type=""none""><li>User can login to an existing Jabber account or sign up for a new one. </li><li>Roster provides ""presence"" information for contacts. </li><li>Users can participate in private or group chat/whiteboard sessions </li><li>Text chat window and optional whiteboard </li><li>Participant list on demand. </li><li>A variety of whiteboard drawing tools are available </li><li>Peer description allows any participant to describe the drawn objects. Anti-collision feature ensures one describer per object. </li><li>Accessibility options <ul><li>Option to play sound effect when a new message arrives. </li><li>Keyboard drawing checkbox </li><li>Manual refresh checkbox </li><li>Show only new checkbox </li><li>Newest message first checkbox </li></ul></li><li>Keyboard enabled drawing lets users use some features of the whiteboard without a mouse. </li><li>Save and open palette feature lets users create and describe pictures beforehand. </li></ul><h2 class=""Heading"">Requirements</h2><ul type=""none""><li><p>AComm is a Java application and requires that a Java Runtime Environment be installed on system it is running on.</p></li></ul>";"help-,project_home_page-,support-";Educational and Learning,General Tools,Accessing the Web,Alternative Access,Learning and Education;
"Acta";"Acta is an outline processor. It lets you organize just about anything -- reports, ideas, lists, projects, graphics -- in the form of an outline, where topics have subtopics.";;"help-,project_home_page-";Educational and Learning,General Tools,Other function,Learning and Education,General Tools,Other need;
"Agrip";"The of this project aim is to provide access to the mainstream gaming community not by producing specialist ""accessible games"" but by making mainstream games - and their associated extension and development tools - accessible. Downloads include an accessible version of Quake, the popular PC game.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the Authors:</h2><p><br />Over the past two years, AGRIP has developed an accessible version of Quake and <a href=""QuakeWorld"">QuakeWorld</a> which allows both single and multi-player games, including the collection of online player statistics. In the future we will add immersive 3D audio and level editing facilities - in addition to the gameplay modifications that are currently possible. At each milestone in the project, we make public releases of our software. </p><p>This page explains the history of the project and the technology involved in more detail. </p><p><strong>Contents:</strong> </p><ol start=""1""><li><a href=""portal_factory#head-a109afc74ec61374e55528b64d6c44ed4cde9829"">About the AGRIP Project</a> </li><li><a href=""portal_factory#head-cc42005755cbb0352a9cb9296a18505325e861d4"">About our Games</a> </li><li><a href=""portal_factory#head-203a06f9c01fc67c10338007e44e4149dc980caf"">The Technology we Use</a> </li></ol><p></p><h2 id=""head-a109afc74ec61374e55528b64d6c44ed4cde9829"">About the AGRIP Project</h2><p>Accessible Gaming Rendering Independence Possible (you can see why we shorten it to ""AGRIP""!) was started in May 2003 with the goal of making a mainstream first-person shooter game for the sighted accessible. It was founded by <a href=""MatthewAtkinson"">MatthewAtkinson</a> and <a href=""SabahattinGucukoglu"">SabahattinGucukoglu</a>. This section provides all sorts of information about the project. It is split into the following sections: </p><ul><li><p><a href=""ProjectInfoSection/ProjectRationale"">/ProjectRationale</a> - all about what we're doing and why we're doing it. </p></li><li><p><a href=""ProjectInfoSection/TheRoadmap"">/TheRoadmap</a> - our plans for development - posted here so you can contact us with suggestions on how to improve them. </p></li><li><p><a href=""ProjectInfoSection/TheLogo"">/TheLogo</a> - description and explanation of the logo, plus an audio version of it. </p></li><li><p><a href=""ProjectInfoSection/OnlineShop"">/OnlineShop</a> - information on how to show your support for the project, by wearing an AGRIP T-Shirt. </p></li></ul><p>If you've got any suggestions for further topics that could be added to this page (or others), feel free to either add them in yourself or <a href=""ContactUs"">ContactUs</a> with your suggestions. </p><h2 id=""head-cc42005755cbb0352a9cb9296a18505325e861d4"">About our Games</h2><p>For more information about the software on offer here, you can visit the start pages for each game: </p><ul><li><p><a href=""AccessibleQuake"">AccessibleQuake</a> - the original mainstream game made accessible </p></li><li><p><a href=""AudioQuake"">AudioQuake</a> - the next generation Internet <a href=""AudioGame"">AudioGame</a> </p></li></ul><p></p><h2 id=""head-203a06f9c01fc67c10338007e44e4149dc980caf"">The Technology we Use</h2><p>The world of game technology is a very interesting one. Here are links to some pages on the Wiki that you can use to start exploring and learning about the various bits and pieces fit together: </p><ul><li><p><a href=""GameStructure"">GameStructure</a> </p></li><li><p><a href=""GameEngine"">GameEngine</a> </p></li><li><p><a href=""GameCode"">GameCode</a> </p></li><li><p><a href=""QuakeC"">QuakeC</a> </p></li><li><p><a href=""AudioGame"">AudioGame</a> </p></li><li><p><a href=""ImplicitAccessibility"">ImplicitAccessibility</a> </p></li></ul><p><br /></p>";"help-,,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-,support-";Computer Automation,General Tools,Alternative Access,General Tools;
"Amaya";"Amaya is a complete Open Source accessible web browsing and authoring environment from WC3";"<p><br /></p><h2>W3C's Editor/Browser</h2><p>Amaya is a Web editor, i.e. a tool used to create and update documents directly on the Web. Browsing features are seamlessly integrated with the editing and remote access features in a uniform environment. This follows the original vision of the Web as a space for collaboration and not just a one-way publishing medium.</p><p>Work on Amaya started at W3C in 1996 to showcase Web technologies in a fully-featured Web client. The main motivation for developing Amaya was to provide a framework that can integrate as many W3C technologies as possible. It is used to demonstrate these technologies in action while taking advantage of their combination in a single, consistent environment.</p><p>Amaya started as an HTML + CSS style sheets editor. Since that time it was extended to support XML and an increasing number of XML applications such as the XHTML family, MathML, and SVG. It allows all those vocabularies to be edited simultaneously in compound documents.</p><p>Amaya includes a collaborative annotation application based on Resource Description Framework (<a href=""RDF/"">RDF</a>), XLink, and XPointer. Visit the <a href=""2001/Annotea/"">Annotea project</a> home page.</p><h2>Amaya - Open Source</h2><p>Amaya is an <a href=""/web/20100919093150/"">open source</a> software project hosted by W3C. You are invited to <a href=""Actors.html#contribute"">contribute</a> in many forms (documentation, translation, writing code, fixing bugs, porting to other platforms...).</p><p>The Amaya software is written in C and is available for Windows, Unix platforms and MacOS X.</p><h2>Amaya Team</h2><p>The application is jointly developed by W3C and the <a href=""/web/20100919093150/"">WAM</a> (Web, Adaptation and Multimedia) project at <a href=""/web/20100919093150/"">INRIA</a>. The core team includes: Irène Vatton (Project lead, INRIA), Laurent Carcone (W3C), Vincent Quint (INRIA).</p>";"help-,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-,support-";General Tools,Accessing the Web,General Tools;
"AMIS";"AMIS is a software program that you can use to read DAISY books. AMIS is a multilingual player for reading books complying with DAISY standards.";;"help-,,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-;group_id=86978&amp;func=browse,support-";Text to Speech,Alternative Access,Learning and Education;
"Another Lens";"Another Lens displays a magnified view of the area of the mouse cursor. Quite handy, for example, for drawing software.";;"help-,project_home_page-";Other function,Other need;
"ARASAAC Pictograms";"A free (CC-BY-NC-SA) resource of around 5000 colour and black &amp; white pictographic symbols from Catedu and the Aragonese Portal of Augmentative and Alternative Communication in Spain.";"<h2>From the authors:</h2><p>The ARASAAC portal offers graphic resources and materials to facilitate communication for those with some sort of problem in this area. <br /></p><h2>OATSoft comment:<br /></h2><p>This is an increasingly popular and widely used AAC resource, and the symbol file libraries are available with the file names translated into a growing number of languages. The file format provided is 500 pixels high PNG. Though the number of files is quite large, there is a fair amount of redundancy due to numerous duplication of symbols labelled with different names.<br /></p>";"project_home_page-";Symbol Library,Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Educational and Learning,Communication,Symbols,Learning and Education;
"at-spi";"at-spi (assistive technology service provider interface) is the primary assistive technology infrastructure for the Solaris and Linux operating environments.";"<p> Applications and toolkits supporting the AT-SPI include the GNOME GTK+ toolkit, the Java platform's Swing toolkit, OpenOffice, and Mozilla.</p><p>A second download is at:</p><p></p><p><a href=""/web/20081205083430/""></a><br /><br /></p>";"contact_address-mailto:Li.Yuan@Sun.COM,project_home_page-";General Tools,General Tools;
"atk";"The interface definitions of accessibility infrastructure. (GNOME)";"<p>Second download at</p><p><a href=""/web/20081205065700/""></a><br /></p>";"help-,contact_address-mailto:Li.Yuan@Sun.COM,project_home_page-";General Tools,General Tools;
"Atutor";"ATutor is an Open Source Web-based Learning Content Management System (LCMS) designed with accessibility and adaptability in mind.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">ATutor Features</h2><ul><li><strong>Accessibility</strong>: ATutor was designed with accessibility as a priority. A wide range of features ensure assistive technology users can participate fully in learner, instructor, and administrative activities. </li><li><strong>My Courses</strong> : Instructors and students can manage the ATutor courses they teach and/or are enrolled in. </li><li><strong>Adaptive Navigation</strong>: Learners can move through ATutor content using global, hierarchical, or sequential navigation tools. Navigation elements can be displayed as text, icons, or both text and icons, and they can be hidden to simplify the environment. </li><li><strong>Work Groups</strong>: When the ACollab add-on is installed on an ATutor system, learners can collaborate with others on course projects, communicate as a group with the forums and chat, share resources using their group library, schedule activities with the events calendar, and work together on project documents through the drafting room. Exercises or assignments can submitted to the group leader, or course instructor. </li><li><strong>Feedback</strong>: Following an action (such as saving preference settings, or posting a message), feedback is given on the status of the operation. This could be a success message, warnings to consider, or errors to fix. </li><li><strong>Preference Settings</strong>: Learners can control ATutor features and the theme ATutor is presented in. </li><li><strong>Communication Tools</strong>: Learners can communicate with others using ATutor's private mail, the discussion forums, the chat rooms, or the ""User's Online"" tool. Threads and messages can be sorted in a variety of ways. Students can communicate with those in other courses through shared forum, or a community forum. Subscribe to forums or topic threads to have forum messages sent by email. </li><li><strong>Content Package Viewer</strong>: Learners can export content from ATutor as Content Packages that can be viewed offline in the accompanying viewer. </li><li><strong>Content Tracker</strong>: Learners can keep track of the content pages they have visited. </li><li><strong>Test Manager</strong>: Learners can take tests, review test results, and keep track of their scores. </li><li><strong>Glossary</strong>: Words and phrases added to the glossary by the instructor, can be accessed from terms embedded within content pages, or viewed alphabetically in their entirety using the Glossary tool. </li><li><strong>Links Database</strong>: Each course has a tool for collecting links to course related Web-based information. Both students and instructors can add links. Instructors can also manage them. </li><li><strong>Course Search</strong>: A search engine allows learners to search course content. Search for courses in the course catalogue. </li><li><strong>TILE Repository Search</strong>: Learners can <a href=""/web/20131007203459/"">search the TILE learning objects repository</a> for content related to the topics they are studying, and download content packages for viewing offline. </li>Instructors<br /></ul>";"help-,,project_home_page-,support-";Educational and Learning,Learning and Education;
"Audio Enriched Links";"Audio Enriched Links provide previews of linked web pages to users with visual impairments.";;"help-,,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-;group_id=65529&amp;func=browse";Other function,Viewing the screen;
"AutoHotKey";"An open source macro style program that can re-map the mouse, keyboard and joystick functions as well as automate pretty much anything!";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:<br /></h2><p class=""size110"">AutoHotkey is a free, open-source utility for Windows. With it, you can:</p> <ul class=""size110""><li>Automate almost anything by sending keystrokes and mouse clicks. You can write a <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">mouse or keyboard macro</a> by hand or use the macro recorder.</li><li>Create <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">hotkeys</a> for keyboard, joystick, and mouse. Virtually any key, button, or combination can become a hotkey.</li><li><a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">Expand abbreviations</a> as you type them. For example, typing ""btw"" can automatically produce ""by the way"".</li><li>Create custom data entry forms, user interfaces, and menu bars. See <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">GUI</a> for details.</li><li><a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">Remap</a> keys and buttons on your keyboard, joystick, and mouse.</li><li>Respond to signals from hand-held remote controls via the <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">WinLIRC client script</a>.</li><li>Run existing AutoIt v2 scripts and enhance them with <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">new capabilities</a>.</li><li>Convert any script into an <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">EXE file</a> that can be run on computers that don't have AutoHotkey installed.</li></ul> <p class=""size110"">Getting started might be easier than you think. Check out the <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">quick-start tutorial</a>.<br /><br /></p><h2 class=""Heading"">OATS Comments:</h2><p>This is a fantastic resource for assistive technology!  It really unleashes the power of your PC and helps set it up to your exact requirements.  It's a bit technical to get into, but once into it it is easy - there are some great examples too.</p><p><br /></p><h2 class=""Heading"">More About Hotkeys</h2> <p>AutoHotkey unleashes the full potential of your keyboard, joystick, and mouse. For example, in addition to the typical Control, Alt, and Shift modifiers, you can use the Windows key and the Capslock key as modifiers. In fact, you can make any key or mouse button act as a modifier. For these and other capabilities, see <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">Advanced Hotkeys</a>.</p> <h3 class=""Subheading"">Other Features</h3> <ul><li class=""li2"">Change the volume, mute, and other <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">settings</a> of any soundcard.</li><li class=""li2"">Make any window <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">transparent</a>, <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">always-on-top</a>, or alter its <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">shape</a>.</li><li class=""li2""> Use a <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">joystick</a> or <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">keyboard</a> as a mouse.</li><li class=""li2""><a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">Monitor</a> your system. For example, close unwanted windows the moment they appear.</li><li class=""li2"">Retrieve and change the <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">clipboard's contents</a>, including file names copied from an Explorer window.</li><li class=""li2""><a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">Disable or override</a> Windows' own shortcut keys such as Win+E and Win+R.</li><li class=""li2"">Alleviate RSI with substitutes for <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">Alt-Tab</a> (using keys, mouse wheel, or buttons).</li><li class=""li2"">Customize the <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">tray icon menu</a> with your own icon, tooltip, menu items, and submenus.</li><li class=""li2"">Display <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">dialog boxes</a>, <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">tooltips</a>, <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">balloon tips</a>, and <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">popup menus</a> to interact with the user.</li><li class=""li2"">Perform scripted actions in <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">response</a> to system shutdown or logoff.</li><li class=""li2"">Detect how long the user has been <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">idle</a>. For example, run CPU intensive tasks only when the user is away.</li><li class=""li2"">Automate game actions by detecting <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">images</a> and <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">pixel colors</a>.</li><li class=""li2""><a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">Read</a>, <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">write</a>, and <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">parse</a> text files more easily than in other languages.</li><li class=""li2"">Perform operation(s) upon a set of files that match a <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">wildcard pattern</a>.</li><li class=""li2"">Work with the <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">registry</a> and <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">INI files</a>.</li></ul>";"help-,,project_home_page-,support-";Computer Automation,Other function,Using the Mouse,Alternative Access,Other need;
"AutoIT";"AutoIt v3 is a freeware BASIC-like scripting language designed for automating the Windows GUI and general scripting. It uses a combination of simulated keystrokes, mouse movement and window/control manipulation in order to automate tasks in a way not possible or reliable with other languages (e.g. VBScript and SendKeys). AutoIt is also very small, self-contained and will run on 95, 98, ME, NT4, 2000, XP, 2003 out of the box with no annoying ""runtimes"" required! You can even make compiled executable scripts that can run without AutoIt being installed!";"<h2 class=""Heading"">What the authors say:<br /></h2><p>AutoIt was initially designed for PC ""roll out"" situations to reliably configure thousands of PCs, but with the arrival of v3 it has become a powerful language able to cope with most scripting needs.</p> <p>AutoIt can: </p><ul><li>Provide a general-purpose scripting language for all Windows versions </li><li>Simulate keystrokes (supports most keyboard layouts)</li><li>Simulate mouse movements and clicks</li><li>Move, resize and manipulate windows</li><li>Interact directly with ""controls"" on a window (set/get text from edit controls, check boxes and radio buttons, select items in drop-down lists, etc.)</li><li>Create complex user interfaces (GUIs) </li><li>Work with the clipboard to cut/paste text items</li><li>Provide a scriptable RunAs function for Windows 2000/XP/2003 </li></ul> <p>Unlike AutoIt2, the new AutoIt v3 language has a much more standard syntax -similar to VBScript and BASIC - and now supports complex expressions, user functions, looping and everything else that veteran scripters would expect.</p> <p>As with previous versions, AutoIt has been designed to be as small as possible (~115KB) and stand-alone with no external .dll files or registry entries required.  Scripts can also be compiled into <em>stand-alone executables</em> with <strong>Aut2Exe</strong>.</p> <p>There will also be updates to the ActiveX and DLL versions of AutoIt called <strong>AutoItX</strong> - unlike v2 this will be a <em>combined control</em> (COM and standard DLL functions in the same DLL).  AutoItX will allow you to add the unique features of AutoIt to your own favourite scripting or programming languages! </p> <p>Best of all, AutoIt continues to be <strong>FREE</strong> - but if you want to support the time, money and effort spent on the project and web hosting then you may donate using the link to your left in the menu.<br /></p><p><br /></p><h2 class=""Heading"">OATS Comments:</h2><p></p><p>AutoIt very powerful scripting software - it will allow you to automate a great number of tasks.  For most end users there will probably be easier to use macro programs, (such as <a title=""AutoHotKey"" href=""resolveuid/79e8d41ffaba8813d198cc52a9aca17f"" target=""_self"">AutoHotKey</a>)  however for some people who want the 'ultimate power' in scripting, this might be appropriate.<br /></p>";"help-,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-,support-";Computer Automation,Other need;
"AutoTextTyper";"AutoTextTyper is a contextual menu plugin that lets you quickly and easily add commonly used text, such as email addresses, web sites, postal addresses, etc... You can then select any of those items from the menu and have them automatically typed into any application that supports contextual menus.";"<p>AutoTextTyper is a contextual menu plugin that lets you quickly and easily add commonly used text, such as email addresses, web sites, postal addresses, company names, form letters, and more, to a list of items in a contextual menu. You can also have the current date and/or time typed. You can then select any of those items from the menu and have them automatically typed into any application that supports contextual menus. You can also associate a key combination (a Hot Key) with a macro and use that Hot Key to invoke the macro.</p>";"help-,project_home_page-";Computer Automation,Text input Projects;
"BATS";"This is an ongoing project aimed at providing people without sight the same rich information and spatial awareness that sighted people get from exploring maps.";;"help-,,project_home_page-";Other function,Viewing the screen;
"Big Calculator";"You can either click on the buttons with the mouse or use the numeric keypad to perform calculations.";"<p>The size of the calculator buttons is determined by the WIDTH of the calculator window.<br /><br /> Big Calculator will use a <a href=""/web/20151127022718/"">SAPI 4.0 speech</a> system if you have one installed on your system.</p> <p><i>Tip: for extra large read-out, set a wide, short window, and input with the numeric keys.</i></p>";"help-,project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Educational and Learning,Learning and Education,General Tools;
"Blissymbolics Resources";"The complete authorised Blissymbol vocabulary (the BCI-AV) resources of over 5000 basic Blissymbol concepts - characters and words - are available under a free CreativeCommons-BY-SA license. (Note: Registering and login required for access)";"<p>The complete current authorised lexical resources of Blissymbolics are here available with an overview, tracked changes, lexical source text files (in the unfortunately proprietary WinBliss editor format), export file libraries (in a range of different file formats and sizes (SVG, PNG, BMP and WMF), spreadsheet and PDF lexical documentation files.</p><p>(Note: Registering and login is required for access to the Community Area of the Blissymbolics Communications International (BCI) site where these resources are available.)<br /></p>";",project_home_page-";Symbol Library,Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Educational and Learning,Communication,Symbols,Learning and Education;
"CCHotKey";"Mac OSX CCHotKey is a small and simple application that launches any script you want after clicking any hotkey you want.";"<p>A simple hotkey generator for Mac OSX</p>";"help-,,project_home_page-";Computer Automation,Text input Projects,Alternative Access;
"CHIP Speaking";"CHIPSPEAKING is a desktop augmentative communication device that supports up to 99 messages. Users can record in their own voice (or care-givers can record the voice of someone else of the same gender and age) or take advantage of computerized voices.";"<p><br />Unlike the flagship product, CHIPSpeaking™ , CHIPSpeech™  actually is written to assist PALS to record their voice as it is now, and preserve the phrases and sentences that are needed in everyday life, and recall them in their own voice, and save that speech indefinitely. The recordings are made and saved to disk in small files, which can be saved on diskette or backup media for use on other computers. </p>";",project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Communication;
"CLiCk, Speak";"CLiCk, Speak is an open source, freely available extension for the Firefox web browser. It is part of the CLC-4-TTS Suite of products, it features a mouse driven interface, and it reads web pages - hence its name.";"<p>Unlike <a href=""/web/20130906032603/"">Fire Vox</a> which is designed for visually impaired users, CLiCk, Speak is designed for sighted users who want text-to-speech functionality. It doesn't identify elements or announce events - two features that are very important for visually impaired users but very annoying for sighted users. It also has a simplified, mouse driven interface that is designed to be easy for users familiar with point-and-click graphical user interfaces. Like Fire Vox, CLiCk, Speak works on Windows, Macintosh, and Linux; and Fire Vox has multilingual support, making it great for users who are trying to learn a foreign language and need to hear foreign language web sites read out to them for practice. <br /></p><p>If you're a sighted user who wants to have web pages read to you because you have cognitive issues (for example, dyslexia), because you have literacy issues (like me - I can understand spoken Mandarin Chinese just fine, but reading is difficult for me), because you want to reduce eyestrain and listen to a web page being read, etc., then you are likely to prefer CLiCk, Speak over Fire Vox.</p><p>The Core Library Components for Text-To-Speech (CLC-4-TTS) Suite is a set of extensions for Firefox. It consists of a library for doing text-to-speech synthesis (the Core library), a library for navigating the HTML DOM (the Utils library), and an application that uses the libraries to act as a screen reader (Fire Vox).</p><p>While it currently only works on Firefox, it would be possible for me to create versions of this for other Mozilla products such as Thunderbird. I would have to rewrite the application portion, but the libraries would largely remain untouched. These libraries can also be used to construct other extensions that are not necessarily aimed at the visually impaired. Both are directions that I am interested in pursuing in the near future, so stay tuned.</p>";"help-,,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-";Text to Speech,Accessing the Web;
"Click-Catch";"Click-Catch(C) is an autoclicker. It means it simulates mouse clicks with constant intervals of time.";"<p>Click-Catch(C) available options:</p><ul><li>You may choose which button to simulate between left/right/middle mouse buttons.</li><li>You can also set single or double click.</li><li>There are two ""hot keys"" available. You must enable them in settings. ""hot keys"" are disabled by default.<br />Combination of ""control""+""x"" pressed together at once starts clicking, ""control""+""s"" stops.</li><li>In cases, when you cannot use ""hot keys"" to start/stop clicking, there are two buttons implemented.<br />To start simulation press ""START"" button or press ""STOP"" to stop it</li><li>You may also need to change time interval between clicks.<br />You can set its value from 10 hours to 100 miliseconds.<br />Minimal step is 50 miliseconds.</li><li>There is a possiblity to save your settings. Settings are stored in Windows Registry File.<br />Click-Catch(c) has no instalation procedure (it's only one file after all!)<br />so it can not delete its entry after deinstalation (delete).<br />It has however an option called ""clear WinRegFile entry"".<br />Use it freely, it is harmless.</li><li>You can check if there is new version available to download easely. Simply chose Help/Check for update!<br /></li></ul>";"help-,,project_home_page-";Computer Automation,Text input Projects,Using the Mouse,Alternative Access;
"Click-N-Type virtual keyboard";"Click-N-Type is an on-screen virtual keyboard, giving access to the keyboard characters through the use of your mouse or other pointing device.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:</h2><br /><p>Click-N-Type is an on-screen keyboard which allows you to type with the use of a pointing device (e.g. mouse or tracker ball) rather than the physical computer keyboard. The designers claim it is successful in allowing text to be typed into “those uncooperative places like browser URL ""Address:"" fields, Email ""To:"" addresses, Email ""Subject:"" fields, and dialog boxes like ""Open"" and ""Save As..."",” which other virtual keyboards have trouble with. Several custom layouts are available, including QWERTY, ABC and ‘Speed layout’ in which the letters commonly used together are grouped together, reducing the pointer motion required. An English language prediction program is also available for use with the keyboard, available from the same website. </p> <h2 class=""Heading"">OATS Comments:</h2><p>This is a flexible and powerful on-screen keyboard.  To customise the keyboards you will need to be fairly computer literate, but other than that it is also quite easy to use.  It includes basic word prediction.<br /></p><p><br /></p>";"help-,,project_home_page-";On Screen Keyboard Projects,Text input Projects,Alternative Access;
"Concept Coding Framework (CCF)";"Around the world, people with impaired communication, including difficulties to read or write, may use symbols as an alternative or complement to character based texts. Referencing to, and exchanging these alternatively coded messages over the Internet is difficult due to the lack of standardised encoding schemes and common practises. The Concept Coding Framework (CCF) is being developed to overcome some of these difficulties.";"<h2>News</h2><h3>3 February 2011 - (Mats Lundälv)</h3><p>In spite of nothing appearing at this spot for quite some time, the CCF development continues, currently in the context of the AEGIS project. More to appear here soon after the recent move of the server home of OATS, as well as for the domain. More to come - soon hopefully ...</p><br /><h3>3 September 2009 - (Mats Lundälv)</h3><p>The summer has passed and the work towards the first CCF release is slowly progressing. Will we make it during the 3rd quarter of 2009 as envisaged ? Well - surprise - possibly not :-/ It currently looks uncertain whether we will be ready during this month. It will probably be a bit later this autumn. <br /></p><p>Bengt Farre's completely re-written new SYMBERED version is getting close to completion, but still has some way to go.</p><p>The good news is that Lars Nordberg is well on the way to transfer our CCF databases from MySQL to the <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">Sun JavaDB</a> (based on <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">Apache Derby</a>) Java database. This will provide another option for providing CCF resources (in addition to the MySQL and RDF resources) in a light weight format that will be easier to deploy, install and use for those who will like to try working with CCF based applications and services.</p><p>We'll keep you updated at this space ..</p><br /><h3>19 June 2009 - (Mats Lundälv)</h3><p>A first full release of the updated CCF package is now envisaged during the 3rd quarter of 2009. It will cover a set of concepts covering the authorized Blissymbolics vocabulary of around 4450 Bliss-words. These will be organised in a Base Reference Ontology (BRO) with concepts covered by WordNet, and a Complementary Reference Ontology (CRO) for the rest. The Concept Coded concepts in the Reference Ontologies will be linked to an open ended numbers of so called Assistive Ontologies containing the different supported language representations for the concepts - Bliss being the first target for graphical symbol representations, and English and Swedish being the first natural language lexicons fully supported. The structure is already prepared for supporting a number of other symbolic representations, as well as all Scandinavian/Nordic, and a number of other European languages. More will be added as soon as interest and resources will be around. <br /></p><p>In technical terms; the first release will contain a Java based CCF Tool for browsing and managing the CCF resources (<a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">WordNet</a>, the BRO and CRO, Assistive Ontologies and symbol resources). The data will be stored in or retrieved from either a MySQL database or an RDF/XML based resource. <br /></p><p>The first practical implementation will be an updated version of the <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">SYMBERED</a> tool for creating symbol supported web content via a CMS module written in PHP working towards the MySQL database. (This will be a complete re-write of the first SYMBERED version based on the <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">Papunet </a>CMS). </p><p>The next practical implementation will be the first prototypes of the envisaged CCF symbol support plugin extension for within the AEGIS project - planned for the 4th quarter of 2009.<br /></p><h3>08 June 2009 - (Mats Lundälv)</h3><p>In the AEGIS project 1:st international workshop (in Slough at RIM 05 June) Dr. Christian Galinski from <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">Infoterm </a>gave a very interesting and informative presentation on issues concerning ""Standards for content in the field of eInclusion - and beyond"" - with great relevance for the CCF work in particular, and for the <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">AEGIS </a>and <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">Raising The Floor</a> projects in general. We will have to do some studying about ISO//TC 37 ""Terminology and other language and content resources"" ;-)  I hope the presentations will be on-line soon.<br /></p><h3><b>22 February 2009 - (Mats Lundälv)</b></h3><p>The  concept coding work has continued in slow pace as follow up work after the Nordic <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">SYMBERED project</a> - which is still ongoing. <br />It is now brought further in relation to a task within the ongoing European and international <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">AEGIS-project</a>. Concept coding will be employed in building open source components for graphic symbol support - in, as well as in prototype Java based cross-platform AAC applications - for mobile devices and other environments.<br /></p><h3><b>03/12/2007 - (Andy Judson)</b><br /></h3><p>With my move from the University of Dundee's School of Computing, I thought it time I ported the old CCF website to the OATS portal. With the Bliss Think Tank in July'07 we've been busy hacking more demonstrators. Mats, Bengt and Lars have been busy fine-tuning the <a title=""Symbol &amp; Concept Coding Editor (aka SYMBERED)"" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">SYMBERED</a> system (CCF support for CMS - using PHP, MySQL, Java). I've been busy working on a .NET infrastructure and building a central CCF ontology in SQLServer. The database I've been working with is now populated with around 9000 concepts (based on the STANDUP project ontology) and around 3000 Bliss symbols (some of which are mapped to concept codes). There is an prototype website where you can search the ontologies, update the bliss-ccf mappings, write ruby annotated bliss messages (then you can copy the source to your own website like I've done below). This webservice could be used as a portal to manage the ccf, and more excitingly, for use by other software / web applications, e.g. <a title=""FoxySymbols"" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">FoxySymbols</a>. I hope to get the webservice &amp; database hosted soon.<br /></p><h2>Background</h2><p>Around the world, people with impaired communication, including difficulties to read or write, may use symbols as an alternative or complement to character based texts. Referencing to, and exchanging these alternatively coded messages over the Internet is difficult due to the lack of standardised encoding schemes and common practises. This site is intended to motivate, describe and promote the introduction and adoption of a common, open and vendor neutral Concept Coding Framework (CCF) to overcome some of these difficulties. In particular will act as a base for all contribution to this work - be it formal documentation or informal discussions. </p><p>The suggested CCF has been carefully designed to be conformant to the standard language technologies that are rapidly developing and penetrating the Internet communities. In this way we believe that the proposed CCF can contribute to a major leap in bridging between different technologies and products developed for AAC users and, more importantly, between these Assistive Technologies (AT) and the main-stream technologies of today's and tomorrow's networked information society. </p><p>The bridging approach also implies that the CCF is not intended to replace and exclude the use and development of current and future proprietary assistive technologies in the AAC field. Instead the CCF and its bridging technology and tools are designed to provide added value for all stake-holders; AAC users, special product developers and service providers, as well as general service and information providers who want to support improved accessibility to their products. </p><p>Designed to be used over the Internet for email, web-based activities, chat and/or other emerging Internet based services, the CCF technology can, however, be used by software manufacturers also to provide additional functionality, enhanced support for, and integration of, software and systems with multi-modal language features mainly intended for local use. </p><p>Although, this work is part of the EU funded WWAAC project, the concept coding work is to be kept open source as we want to collaborate with experts and stakeholders in both the AAC field and internet technologies/accessibility area. Thus we are wanting to use this area to establish an interest group in the concept coding approach. if you are interested in getting involved at whatever level then please contact us.</p><h2>Links</h2><p>These are some of the most relevant links i can think of to share, if you have others, please add them. </p><h3>research projects</h3><ul type=""circle""><li><a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">wwaac</a> project (the eu project that funded this initial work) </li></ul><blockquote><div align=""left""><ul><li>""<a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">Code ofPractice</a>"" - the WWAAC project deliverable on the Concept Coding Framework (PDF 1.2MB)<br /></li></ul></div></blockquote><ul type=""circle""><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">symbered</a> project (swedish project continuing ccf developments) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">swad-europe</a> project (semantic web advanced development for europe) </li></ul><h3>web accessibility resources (general)</h3><ul><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">w3c-wai</a> (world wide web consortium - web accessibility initiative)</li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">w3c-wcag</a> (world wide web consortium - web content accessibility guidelines working group) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">w3c-wcag 1.0</a> (world wide web consortium - web content accessibility guidelines 1.0) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">w3c-wcag 2.0 (draft)</a> (world wide web consortium - web content accessibility guidelines 2.0) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">w3c-wcag 2.0 rdf techniques (draft)</a> (rdf techniques document for wcag 2.0 (above)) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">dmag</a> (digital media access group) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">accessify</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">alistapart</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">diveintoaccessibility</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">jakob nielsen on usability</a> </li></ul><h3>web accessibility resources (learning difficulties)</h3><ul><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">ld-web</a> (web specialists looking into learning difficulties) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">juicystudio article</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">webusability article</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">article by lisa seeman at www2002 conference</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">article by kanta jiwnani</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">webaim article (part1)</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">webaim article (part2)</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">uk leading learning difficulties charity</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">communicate:webwide</a> (a commercial symbol browser by widget, an leading AAC company) </li></ul><h3>technologies</h3><ul><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">rdf</a> (resource description framework) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">owl</a> (ontology web language) </li></ul><h3>miscellaneous</h3><ul><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">semantic web</a> (a portal to information about the semantic web) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">isaac</a> (the international society for augmentative and alternative communication) <br /></li></ul>";"help-,,project_home_page-";Symbol Library,Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Communication,Accessing the Web,Symbols;
"Daisy Pipeline";"The Daisy Multi Format Converter allows conversion of DAISY books between different formats.";;"help-,project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Learning and Education;
"Dasher";"Dasher is an information-efficient text-entry interface, driven by natural continuous pointing gestures.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:</h2><p>Dasher is a zooming interface. You point where you want to go, and the display zooms in wherever you point. The world into which you are zooming is painted with letters, so that any point you zoom in on corresponds to a piece of text. The more you zoom in, the longer the piece of text you have written. You choose what you write by choosing where to zoom. </p><p></p><p>To make the interface efficient, we use the predictions of a language model to determine how much of the world is devoted to each piece of text. Probable pieces of text are given more space, so they are quick and easy to select. Improbable pieces of text (for example, text with spelling mistakes) are given less space, so they are harder to write. The language model learns all the time: if you use a novel word once, it is easier to write next time. <br /></p><p><br /></p><p>A big advantage of Dasher over other predictive text-entry interfaces that offer word-completions to the user is that it is <b>mode-free</b>: the user does not need to switch from a writing mode to an ""accept-model-predictions"" mode. </p><p>Another advantage is that it is easy to train the model on any writing style: simply load up an example file, then write away!</p><br /><h2 class=""Heading"">OATS Comment:</h2><p>Dasher is an amazing innovation on on-screen keyboards - although at first it might seem difficult, stick with it and you will be astounded at how efficient it is.  Although mainly aimed at users who can use a mouse (or similar device) the Dasher team are working on a switch accessible version.  There is also a version that works well with speech recognition software - <a title=""Speech Dasher"" href=""resolveuid/d8eeddfaf075fb166fb7a4b60529a52d"" target=""_self"">Speech Dasher</a>.<br /></p><h2 class=""Heading"">See Dasher in action:</h2><p>David MacKay demonstrated Dasher at the Bett 2006 Special Needs Fringe and you can <a href=""/web/20150424043338/;task=view&amp;id=76&amp;Itemid=1"" target=""_self"">watch the video</a> created by Leon Cych.Dasher 4.9.0 is now available for download from:</p><p> </p><p>  <a href=""/web/20150424043338/""></a></p><p> </p><p>Windows binaries will shortly be available from:</p><p> </p><p> <a href=""/web/20150424043338/""></a></p><p> </p><p>Dasher is a predictive text input system for the GNOME Desktop, suitable for any situation in which a conventional keyboard cannot be used.</p><p> </p><p>This is the first in a new development series, including a large number of improvements from a wide variety of contributors. As always, thanks to all Dasher developers and contributors. Please file any bug reports in the GNOME Bugzilla, and send any comments and feedback to</p>";"help-,,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-,support-";On Screen Keyboard Projects,Switch Input Software,Text input Projects,Alternative Access;
"Dkey";"Dkey is disambiguation software for computers - it works in a similar way to 'predictive text' on your mobile phone. It is designed to allow quicker text input for people with physical disabilities who can use a keyboard with a small number of keys, for example a number pad keyboard. It can also be used with mouse input, or with switch input via other software. It is designed with people with disabilities in mind, but could be used by anyone.";;"help-,,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-,support-";On Screen Keyboard Projects,Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Text input Projects;
"AAC Keys";"AAC Keys is a keyboard and mouse emulation program for Microsoft Windows-based and Macintosh computers. AAC Keys receives commands through your computer's serial port and translates them into keystrokes and mouse movements, giving you full control of your computer from another device such as an AAC system. (If your computer has only USB ports, an inexpensive adapter is available.)";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:</h2><p><br /></p><p>AAC Keys is a keyboard and mouse emulation program for Microsoft Windows-based and <strong>Macintosh</strong> computers. </p> <p>AAC Keys receives commands through your computer's serial port and translates them into keystrokes and mouse moves, giving you full control of your computer from another device. AAC Keys implements the common <a href=""/web/20150711141053/""><strong>GIDEI</strong></a> (General Input Device Emulating Interface) commands (see below). </p> <p>AAC Keys has been designed to work with Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me, Windows NT 4, and Windows 2000 operating systems. </p> <p>A Macintosh version was developed following the introduction of OS X . (Earlier Macintosh operating systems included SerialKeys.) The Macintosh version was developed by computer science students at <strong><a href=""/web/20150711141053/"">Millersville University of Pennsylvania</a></strong> under the supervision of <a href=""/web/20150711141053/""><strong>Dr. Blaise Liffick</strong></a>.</p>";"help-,project_home_page-";Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Communication,Using the Mouse;
"Accerciser";"Accerciser is an interactive Python accessibility explorer for the GNOME desktop. It uses AT-SPI to inspect and control widgets, allowing you to check if an application is providing correct information to assistive technologies and automated test frameworks.";"<p>This is to announce the first development release of Accerciser for the 1.4.0 (GNOME 2.24) cycle.</p><p></p><p>Accerciser has a simple plug-in framework which you can use to create custom views of accessibility information.</p><p> </p><p>Accerciser is also the first GNOME module, if ordered alphabetically.</p><p> </p><p>==============</p><p>Version 1.3.1</p><p>==============</p><p></p><p>What's new</p><p>==========</p><p>- Implement save functionality, thanks Brian Merrell.</p><p>- Quick select works better for finding accessible under mouse.</p><p>- Check pyatspi version.</p><p></p><p>New And Updated Translations</p><p>============================</p><p>- David Lodge (en_GB)</p><p>- Jorge González (es)</p><p>- Kjartan Maraas (nb)</p><p>- Laurent Dhima (sq)</p><p>Downloading Accerciser</p><p>======================</p><p><a href=""/web/20081006100655/""></a></p><p><a href=""/web/20081006100655/""></a></p>";"";General Tools,General Tools;
"Accessible BBC Listen Again";"The British Broadcast Company (BBC) allows people to listen to vast quantities of their radio output up to a week after it is first broadcast on one of their dozens of radio stations. This service, called Listen Again, relies on a web browser interface that might be difficult for some users, especially people with screen readers. Accessible BBC Listen Again allows you to access the BBC's Listen Again content through a truly accessible interface designed to work with any screen reader.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:</h2><p><br /></p><p>Select programmes and stations with the cursor keys and listen to them at your leisure. You get easy and simple access to hours of programming, including the ever-popular ""The Archers"" and ""In Touch"". </p><p>The new version (2.1) lets you access all of the Listen Again content among many other improvements (thanks to everyone for their suggestions!) It does still require that you have already installed <a title=""BBC version of RealPlayer"" href=""/web/20100610102158/"">RealPlayer from Real</a>. The copyright of the BBC recordings is unchanged: you are simply accessing them through a more accessible presentation of their own website. Version 2.1 should work better on more machines: several users contacted me with problems with 2.0</p>";"project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"Accessible Radio";"Accessible Radio is a way to listen to radio stations on the internet that is easy and simple to use and is designed to work with any screen reader.";"<p>Accessible Radio lets you listen to any of the BBC Radio stations.<br /></p>";"project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"Accessible RSS";"Interested in keeping up with the headlines and newspapers? A new technology called RSS has recently taken the Internet by storm. Websites provide ""feeds"" of their latest stories and headlines, and you can get these simple lists, updated every few minutes. Accessible RSS is an accessible application that lets you access these RSS feeds. NOTE: Accessible RSS is now included in the WebbIE3 installation.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:</h2><p><strong>Accessible RSS</strong> is an accessible application that lets you access these RSS feeds. It displays the headlines from web pages that support RSS. At present four sites (the BBC, the Daily Mail, the Guardian and the Daily Telegraph) are supported, but you can add your own if you find a site with an RSS feed. If you have WebbIE you can press return on a story to launch WebbIE with that story page, but you do not need WebbIE to read the feeds. If you do not have WebbIE the story will be shown in Internet Explorer</p> <ul><li><a title=""Installer for AccessibleRSS and WebbIE"" href=""/web/20140608112049/"">WebbIE 3 Installer</a> - includes the latest Accessible RSS News Reader.</li></ul> <p>You are likely to find that some feeds don't work: this may be because the feed is not valid. You can check the feed's validity at the <a href=""/web/20140608112049/"">Feed Validator service</a>.</p>";"project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"Accessible Web Directory";"This simple program lets you explore the DMOZ web directory, a catalogue of good websites. NOTE: Accessible Web Directory is now included in the WebbIE3 installation.";"<p>This simple program lets you explore the <a href=""/web/20140623052956/"">DMOZ web directory</a>, a catalogue of good websites. It's an alternative way to find web pages of interest. Simply explore categories of web pages and when you find one you like in the catalogue Accessible Web Directory will open it in your default web browser.</p>";"help-,project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"AccessiblePodcatcher";"AccessiblePodcatcher (formerly AccessiblePodcaster) is a simple way for blind and screen reader users to use podcasts.";;"help-,project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Accessing the Web;
"ACollab";"ACollab is an accessible, open source, multi-group, Web-based collaborative work environment. Group member, group administrator, and system administrator tools are all compliant with international accessibility standards (WCAG 1.0, Section 508 US) so people with disabilities can participate fully in collaborative and administrative activities.";"<p>ACollab is available as a work groups <strong>addon for ATutor 1.4+</strong> , and as a standalone collaborative work environment that will run on its own. ACollab is ideal for groups working at a distance developing documentation, collaborating on research, or writing joint papers, and ideal for online educators who wish to add group learning activities to their ATutor courses. A <a href=""acollab/demo.php"">demo</a> and <a href=""acollab/download.php"">download</a> are available if you want to learn more. Or, read on for a list of <a href=""portal_factory#features"">ACollab features</a>.</p><h2 class=""Heading""></h2><h2 class=""Heading"">ACollab Features: </h2><ul><li><strong>Document Drafting Room</strong>: Group members can work within a Web-based document versioning system, collaborating on document development and publication. Documents developed in the Drafting Room can be transferred to the Shared Documents Library once finalized. </li><li><strong>Shared Documents Library</strong>: Group members can submit documents to the library, from which other group members, or public members, can retrieve those documents for viewing or downloading. </li><li><strong>Events Calendar</strong>: Events can be posted to the calendar by all group members, to announce activities, meetings, due dates, or other group related happenings. </li><li><strong>News &amp; Announcements</strong>: Group administrators, or system administrators, can post news to be presented to users when they first login to a group. </li><li><strong>Group Membership Index</strong>: Group members can view other group members' profiles and contact information. </li><li><strong>Mail Inbox</strong>: Members can communicate with each other privately. </li><li><strong>AChat-PHP</strong>: Accessible synchronous communication is possible between group members, ideal for online meetings or group socializing. </li><li><strong>AForum</strong>: AForum is an enhanced version for the ATutor forums. Members post message for others to retrieve later. Forums can be set to read only, reply only, as open discussion, or can be hidden from view. </li><li><strong>Multi-Lingual Interface</strong>: Language can be modified by system administrators, or new language packs can be created using the translation tools. </li><li><strong>Accessibility Compliance</strong>: Group member, group administrator, and system administrator tools are all compliant with international accessibility standards (WCAG 1.0, Section 508 US) so people with disabilities can participate fully in collaborative and administrative activities. </li><li><strong>Group Leaders</strong>: Create chat transcripts, define folders for sorting documents, assign group membership roles, create and manage forums, create mailing lists, post news and announcements, and manage group members. </li><li><strong>System Administrator</strong>: Create and manage groups, manage the system languages, and manage all users on a system. </li></ul><p><br /></p>";"help-,project_home_page-,support-";Educational and Learning,Text input Projects,Alternative Access,Learning and Education;
"Acomm";"AComm is an accessible Java-based Instant Messaging and Whiteboard tool. It has been designed to allow assistive technology users to participate in synchronous Internet-based communication activities that have traditionally been inaccessible to them.";"<p><br /></p><h2 class=""Heading"">AComm Features</h2><ul type=""none""><li>User can login to an existing Jabber account or sign up for a new one. </li><li>Roster provides ""presence"" information for contacts. </li><li>Users can participate in private or group chat/whiteboard sessions </li><li>Text chat window and optional whiteboard </li><li>Participant list on demand. </li><li>A variety of whiteboard drawing tools are available </li><li>Peer description allows any participant to describe the drawn objects. Anti-collision feature ensures one describer per object. </li><li>Accessibility options <ul><li>Option to play sound effect when a new message arrives. </li><li>Keyboard drawing checkbox </li><li>Manual refresh checkbox </li><li>Show only new checkbox </li><li>Newest message first checkbox </li></ul></li><li>Keyboard enabled drawing lets users use some features of the whiteboard without a mouse. </li><li>Save and open palette feature lets users create and describe pictures beforehand. </li></ul><h2 class=""Heading"">Requirements</h2><ul type=""none""><li><p>AComm is a Java application and requires that a Java Runtime Environment be installed on system it is running on.</p></li></ul>";"help-,project_home_page-,support-";Educational and Learning,General Tools,Accessing the Web,Alternative Access,Learning and Education;
"Acta";"Acta is an outline processor. It lets you organize just about anything -- reports, ideas, lists, projects, graphics -- in the form of an outline, where topics have subtopics.";;"help-,project_home_page-";Educational and Learning,General Tools,Other function,Learning and Education,General Tools,Other need;
"Agrip";"The of this project aim is to provide access to the mainstream gaming community not by producing specialist ""accessible games"" but by making mainstream games - and their associated extension and development tools - accessible. Downloads include an accessible version of Quake, the popular PC game.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the Authors:</h2><p><br />Over the past two years, AGRIP has developed an accessible version of Quake and <a href=""QuakeWorld"">QuakeWorld</a> which allows both single and multi-player games, including the collection of online player statistics. In the future we will add immersive 3D audio and level editing facilities - in addition to the gameplay modifications that are currently possible. At each milestone in the project, we make public releases of our software. </p><p>This page explains the history of the project and the technology involved in more detail. </p><p><strong>Contents:</strong> </p><ol start=""1""><li><a href=""portal_factory#head-a109afc74ec61374e55528b64d6c44ed4cde9829"">About the AGRIP Project</a> </li><li><a href=""portal_factory#head-cc42005755cbb0352a9cb9296a18505325e861d4"">About our Games</a> </li><li><a href=""portal_factory#head-203a06f9c01fc67c10338007e44e4149dc980caf"">The Technology we Use</a> </li></ol><p></p><h2 id=""head-a109afc74ec61374e55528b64d6c44ed4cde9829"">About the AGRIP Project</h2><p>Accessible Gaming Rendering Independence Possible (you can see why we shorten it to ""AGRIP""!) was started in May 2003 with the goal of making a mainstream first-person shooter game for the sighted accessible. It was founded by <a href=""MatthewAtkinson"">MatthewAtkinson</a> and <a href=""SabahattinGucukoglu"">SabahattinGucukoglu</a>. This section provides all sorts of information about the project. It is split into the following sections: </p><ul><li><p><a href=""ProjectInfoSection/ProjectRationale"">/ProjectRationale</a> - all about what we're doing and why we're doing it. </p></li><li><p><a href=""ProjectInfoSection/TheRoadmap"">/TheRoadmap</a> - our plans for development - posted here so you can contact us with suggestions on how to improve them. </p></li><li><p><a href=""ProjectInfoSection/TheLogo"">/TheLogo</a> - description and explanation of the logo, plus an audio version of it. </p></li><li><p><a href=""ProjectInfoSection/OnlineShop"">/OnlineShop</a> - information on how to show your support for the project, by wearing an AGRIP T-Shirt. </p></li></ul><p>If you've got any suggestions for further topics that could be added to this page (or others), feel free to either add them in yourself or <a href=""ContactUs"">ContactUs</a> with your suggestions. </p><h2 id=""head-cc42005755cbb0352a9cb9296a18505325e861d4"">About our Games</h2><p>For more information about the software on offer here, you can visit the start pages for each game: </p><ul><li><p><a href=""AccessibleQuake"">AccessibleQuake</a> - the original mainstream game made accessible </p></li><li><p><a href=""AudioQuake"">AudioQuake</a> - the next generation Internet <a href=""AudioGame"">AudioGame</a> </p></li></ul><p></p><h2 id=""head-203a06f9c01fc67c10338007e44e4149dc980caf"">The Technology we Use</h2><p>The world of game technology is a very interesting one. Here are links to some pages on the Wiki that you can use to start exploring and learning about the various bits and pieces fit together: </p><ul><li><p><a href=""GameStructure"">GameStructure</a> </p></li><li><p><a href=""GameEngine"">GameEngine</a> </p></li><li><p><a href=""GameCode"">GameCode</a> </p></li><li><p><a href=""QuakeC"">QuakeC</a> </p></li><li><p><a href=""AudioGame"">AudioGame</a> </p></li><li><p><a href=""ImplicitAccessibility"">ImplicitAccessibility</a> </p></li></ul><p><br /></p>";"help-,,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-,support-";Computer Automation,General Tools,Alternative Access,General Tools;
"Amaya";"Amaya is a complete Open Source accessible web browsing and authoring environment from WC3";"<p><br /></p><h2>W3C's Editor/Browser</h2><p>Amaya is a Web editor, i.e. a tool used to create and update documents directly on the Web. Browsing features are seamlessly integrated with the editing and remote access features in a uniform environment. This follows the original vision of the Web as a space for collaboration and not just a one-way publishing medium.</p><p>Work on Amaya started at W3C in 1996 to showcase Web technologies in a fully-featured Web client. The main motivation for developing Amaya was to provide a framework that can integrate as many W3C technologies as possible. It is used to demonstrate these technologies in action while taking advantage of their combination in a single, consistent environment.</p><p>Amaya started as an HTML + CSS style sheets editor. Since that time it was extended to support XML and an increasing number of XML applications such as the XHTML family, MathML, and SVG. It allows all those vocabularies to be edited simultaneously in compound documents.</p><p>Amaya includes a collaborative annotation application based on Resource Description Framework (<a href=""RDF/"">RDF</a>), XLink, and XPointer. Visit the <a href=""2001/Annotea/"">Annotea project</a> home page.</p><h2>Amaya - Open Source</h2><p>Amaya is an <a href=""/web/20100919093150/"">open source</a> software project hosted by W3C. You are invited to <a href=""Actors.html#contribute"">contribute</a> in many forms (documentation, translation, writing code, fixing bugs, porting to other platforms...).</p><p>The Amaya software is written in C and is available for Windows, Unix platforms and MacOS X.</p><h2>Amaya Team</h2><p>The application is jointly developed by W3C and the <a href=""/web/20100919093150/"">WAM</a> (Web, Adaptation and Multimedia) project at <a href=""/web/20100919093150/"">INRIA</a>. The core team includes: Irène Vatton (Project lead, INRIA), Laurent Carcone (W3C), Vincent Quint (INRIA).</p>";"help-,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-,support-";General Tools,Accessing the Web,General Tools;
"AMIS";"AMIS is a software program that you can use to read DAISY books. AMIS is a multilingual player for reading books complying with DAISY standards.";;"help-,,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-;group_id=86978&amp;func=browse,support-";Text to Speech,Alternative Access,Learning and Education;
"Another Lens";"Another Lens displays a magnified view of the area of the mouse cursor. Quite handy, for example, for drawing software.";;"help-,project_home_page-";Other function,Other need;
"ARASAAC Pictograms";"A free (CC-BY-NC-SA) resource of around 5000 colour and black &amp; white pictographic symbols from Catedu and the Aragonese Portal of Augmentative and Alternative Communication in Spain.";"<h2>From the authors:</h2><p>The ARASAAC portal offers graphic resources and materials to facilitate communication for those with some sort of problem in this area. <br /></p><h2>OATSoft comment:<br /></h2><p>This is an increasingly popular and widely used AAC resource, and the symbol file libraries are available with the file names translated into a growing number of languages. The file format provided is 500 pixels high PNG. Though the number of files is quite large, there is a fair amount of redundancy due to numerous duplication of symbols labelled with different names.<br /></p>";"project_home_page-";Symbol Library,Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Educational and Learning,Communication,Symbols,Learning and Education;
"at-spi";"at-spi (assistive technology service provider interface) is the primary assistive technology infrastructure for the Solaris and Linux operating environments.";"<p> Applications and toolkits supporting the AT-SPI include the GNOME GTK+ toolkit, the Java platform's Swing toolkit, OpenOffice, and Mozilla.</p><p>A second download is at:</p><p></p><p><a href=""/web/20081205083430/""></a><br /><br /></p>";"contact_address-mailto:Li.Yuan@Sun.COM,project_home_page-";General Tools,General Tools;
"atk";"The interface definitions of accessibility infrastructure. (GNOME)";"<p>Second download at</p><p><a href=""/web/20081205065700/""></a><br /></p>";"help-,contact_address-mailto:Li.Yuan@Sun.COM,project_home_page-";General Tools,General Tools;
"Atutor";"ATutor is an Open Source Web-based Learning Content Management System (LCMS) designed with accessibility and adaptability in mind.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">ATutor Features</h2><ul><li><strong>Accessibility</strong>: ATutor was designed with accessibility as a priority. A wide range of features ensure assistive technology users can participate fully in learner, instructor, and administrative activities. </li><li><strong>My Courses</strong> : Instructors and students can manage the ATutor courses they teach and/or are enrolled in. </li><li><strong>Adaptive Navigation</strong>: Learners can move through ATutor content using global, hierarchical, or sequential navigation tools. Navigation elements can be displayed as text, icons, or both text and icons, and they can be hidden to simplify the environment. </li><li><strong>Work Groups</strong>: When the ACollab add-on is installed on an ATutor system, learners can collaborate with others on course projects, communicate as a group with the forums and chat, share resources using their group library, schedule activities with the events calendar, and work together on project documents through the drafting room. Exercises or assignments can submitted to the group leader, or course instructor. </li><li><strong>Feedback</strong>: Following an action (such as saving preference settings, or posting a message), feedback is given on the status of the operation. This could be a success message, warnings to consider, or errors to fix. </li><li><strong>Preference Settings</strong>: Learners can control ATutor features and the theme ATutor is presented in. </li><li><strong>Communication Tools</strong>: Learners can communicate with others using ATutor's private mail, the discussion forums, the chat rooms, or the ""User's Online"" tool. Threads and messages can be sorted in a variety of ways. Students can communicate with those in other courses through shared forum, or a community forum. Subscribe to forums or topic threads to have forum messages sent by email. </li><li><strong>Content Package Viewer</strong>: Learners can export content from ATutor as Content Packages that can be viewed offline in the accompanying viewer. </li><li><strong>Content Tracker</strong>: Learners can keep track of the content pages they have visited. </li><li><strong>Test Manager</strong>: Learners can take tests, review test results, and keep track of their scores. </li><li><strong>Glossary</strong>: Words and phrases added to the glossary by the instructor, can be accessed from terms embedded within content pages, or viewed alphabetically in their entirety using the Glossary tool. </li><li><strong>Links Database</strong>: Each course has a tool for collecting links to course related Web-based information. Both students and instructors can add links. Instructors can also manage them. </li><li><strong>Course Search</strong>: A search engine allows learners to search course content. Search for courses in the course catalogue. </li><li><strong>TILE Repository Search</strong>: Learners can <a href=""/web/20131007203459/"">search the TILE learning objects repository</a> for content related to the topics they are studying, and download content packages for viewing offline. </li>Instructors<br /></ul>";"help-,,project_home_page-,support-";Educational and Learning,Learning and Education;
"Audio Enriched Links";"Audio Enriched Links provide previews of linked web pages to users with visual impairments.";;"help-,,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-;group_id=65529&amp;func=browse";Other function,Viewing the screen;
"AutoHotKey";"An open source macro style program that can re-map the mouse, keyboard and joystick functions as well as automate pretty much anything!";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:<br /></h2><p class=""size110"">AutoHotkey is a free, open-source utility for Windows. With it, you can:</p> <ul class=""size110""><li>Automate almost anything by sending keystrokes and mouse clicks. You can write a <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">mouse or keyboard macro</a> by hand or use the macro recorder.</li><li>Create <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">hotkeys</a> for keyboard, joystick, and mouse. Virtually any key, button, or combination can become a hotkey.</li><li><a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">Expand abbreviations</a> as you type them. For example, typing ""btw"" can automatically produce ""by the way"".</li><li>Create custom data entry forms, user interfaces, and menu bars. See <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">GUI</a> for details.</li><li><a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">Remap</a> keys and buttons on your keyboard, joystick, and mouse.</li><li>Respond to signals from hand-held remote controls via the <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">WinLIRC client script</a>.</li><li>Run existing AutoIt v2 scripts and enhance them with <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">new capabilities</a>.</li><li>Convert any script into an <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">EXE file</a> that can be run on computers that don't have AutoHotkey installed.</li></ul> <p class=""size110"">Getting started might be easier than you think. Check out the <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">quick-start tutorial</a>.<br /><br /></p><h2 class=""Heading"">OATS Comments:</h2><p>This is a fantastic resource for assistive technology!  It really unleashes the power of your PC and helps set it up to your exact requirements.  It's a bit technical to get into, but once into it it is easy - there are some great examples too.</p><p><br /></p><h2 class=""Heading"">More About Hotkeys</h2> <p>AutoHotkey unleashes the full potential of your keyboard, joystick, and mouse. For example, in addition to the typical Control, Alt, and Shift modifiers, you can use the Windows key and the Capslock key as modifiers. In fact, you can make any key or mouse button act as a modifier. For these and other capabilities, see <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">Advanced Hotkeys</a>.</p> <h3 class=""Subheading"">Other Features</h3> <ul><li class=""li2"">Change the volume, mute, and other <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">settings</a> of any soundcard.</li><li class=""li2"">Make any window <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">transparent</a>, <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">always-on-top</a>, or alter its <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">shape</a>.</li><li class=""li2""> Use a <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">joystick</a> or <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">keyboard</a> as a mouse.</li><li class=""li2""><a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">Monitor</a> your system. For example, close unwanted windows the moment they appear.</li><li class=""li2"">Retrieve and change the <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">clipboard's contents</a>, including file names copied from an Explorer window.</li><li class=""li2""><a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">Disable or override</a> Windows' own shortcut keys such as Win+E and Win+R.</li><li class=""li2"">Alleviate RSI with substitutes for <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">Alt-Tab</a> (using keys, mouse wheel, or buttons).</li><li class=""li2"">Customize the <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">tray icon menu</a> with your own icon, tooltip, menu items, and submenus.</li><li class=""li2"">Display <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">dialog boxes</a>, <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">tooltips</a>, <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">balloon tips</a>, and <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">popup menus</a> to interact with the user.</li><li class=""li2"">Perform scripted actions in <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">response</a> to system shutdown or logoff.</li><li class=""li2"">Detect how long the user has been <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">idle</a>. For example, run CPU intensive tasks only when the user is away.</li><li class=""li2"">Automate game actions by detecting <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">images</a> and <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">pixel colors</a>.</li><li class=""li2""><a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">Read</a>, <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">write</a>, and <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">parse</a> text files more easily than in other languages.</li><li class=""li2"">Perform operation(s) upon a set of files that match a <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">wildcard pattern</a>.</li><li class=""li2"">Work with the <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">registry</a> and <a href=""/web/20130727181048/"">INI files</a>.</li></ul>";"help-,,project_home_page-,support-";Computer Automation,Other function,Using the Mouse,Alternative Access,Other need;
"AutoIT";"AutoIt v3 is a freeware BASIC-like scripting language designed for automating the Windows GUI and general scripting. It uses a combination of simulated keystrokes, mouse movement and window/control manipulation in order to automate tasks in a way not possible or reliable with other languages (e.g. VBScript and SendKeys). AutoIt is also very small, self-contained and will run on 95, 98, ME, NT4, 2000, XP, 2003 out of the box with no annoying ""runtimes"" required! You can even make compiled executable scripts that can run without AutoIt being installed!";"<h2 class=""Heading"">What the authors say:<br /></h2><p>AutoIt was initially designed for PC ""roll out"" situations to reliably configure thousands of PCs, but with the arrival of v3 it has become a powerful language able to cope with most scripting needs.</p> <p>AutoIt can: </p><ul><li>Provide a general-purpose scripting language for all Windows versions </li><li>Simulate keystrokes (supports most keyboard layouts)</li><li>Simulate mouse movements and clicks</li><li>Move, resize and manipulate windows</li><li>Interact directly with ""controls"" on a window (set/get text from edit controls, check boxes and radio buttons, select items in drop-down lists, etc.)</li><li>Create complex user interfaces (GUIs) </li><li>Work with the clipboard to cut/paste text items</li><li>Provide a scriptable RunAs function for Windows 2000/XP/2003 </li></ul> <p>Unlike AutoIt2, the new AutoIt v3 language has a much more standard syntax -similar to VBScript and BASIC - and now supports complex expressions, user functions, looping and everything else that veteran scripters would expect.</p> <p>As with previous versions, AutoIt has been designed to be as small as possible (~115KB) and stand-alone with no external .dll files or registry entries required.  Scripts can also be compiled into <em>stand-alone executables</em> with <strong>Aut2Exe</strong>.</p> <p>There will also be updates to the ActiveX and DLL versions of AutoIt called <strong>AutoItX</strong> - unlike v2 this will be a <em>combined control</em> (COM and standard DLL functions in the same DLL).  AutoItX will allow you to add the unique features of AutoIt to your own favourite scripting or programming languages! </p> <p>Best of all, AutoIt continues to be <strong>FREE</strong> - but if you want to support the time, money and effort spent on the project and web hosting then you may donate using the link to your left in the menu.<br /></p><p><br /></p><h2 class=""Heading"">OATS Comments:</h2><p></p><p>AutoIt very powerful scripting software - it will allow you to automate a great number of tasks.  For most end users there will probably be easier to use macro programs, (such as <a title=""AutoHotKey"" href=""resolveuid/79e8d41ffaba8813d198cc52a9aca17f"" target=""_self"">AutoHotKey</a>)  however for some people who want the 'ultimate power' in scripting, this might be appropriate.<br /></p>";"help-,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-,support-";Computer Automation,Other need;
"AutoTextTyper";"AutoTextTyper is a contextual menu plugin that lets you quickly and easily add commonly used text, such as email addresses, web sites, postal addresses, etc... You can then select any of those items from the menu and have them automatically typed into any application that supports contextual menus.";"<p>AutoTextTyper is a contextual menu plugin that lets you quickly and easily add commonly used text, such as email addresses, web sites, postal addresses, company names, form letters, and more, to a list of items in a contextual menu. You can also have the current date and/or time typed. You can then select any of those items from the menu and have them automatically typed into any application that supports contextual menus. You can also associate a key combination (a Hot Key) with a macro and use that Hot Key to invoke the macro.</p>";"help-,project_home_page-";Computer Automation,Text input Projects;
"BATS";"This is an ongoing project aimed at providing people without sight the same rich information and spatial awareness that sighted people get from exploring maps.";;"help-,,project_home_page-";Other function,Viewing the screen;
"Big Calculator";"You can either click on the buttons with the mouse or use the numeric keypad to perform calculations.";"<p>The size of the calculator buttons is determined by the WIDTH of the calculator window.<br /><br /> Big Calculator will use a <a href=""/web/20151127022718/"">SAPI 4.0 speech</a> system if you have one installed on your system.</p> <p><i>Tip: for extra large read-out, set a wide, short window, and input with the numeric keys.</i></p>";"help-,project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Educational and Learning,Learning and Education,General Tools;
"Blissymbolics Resources";"The complete authorised Blissymbol vocabulary (the BCI-AV) resources of over 5000 basic Blissymbol concepts - characters and words - are available under a free CreativeCommons-BY-SA license. (Note: Registering and login required for access)";"<p>The complete current authorised lexical resources of Blissymbolics are here available with an overview, tracked changes, lexical source text files (in the unfortunately proprietary WinBliss editor format), export file libraries (in a range of different file formats and sizes (SVG, PNG, BMP and WMF), spreadsheet and PDF lexical documentation files.</p><p>(Note: Registering and login is required for access to the Community Area of the Blissymbolics Communications International (BCI) site where these resources are available.)<br /></p>";",project_home_page-";Symbol Library,Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Educational and Learning,Communication,Symbols,Learning and Education;
"CCHotKey";"Mac OSX CCHotKey is a small and simple application that launches any script you want after clicking any hotkey you want.";"<p>A simple hotkey generator for Mac OSX</p>";"help-,,project_home_page-";Computer Automation,Text input Projects,Alternative Access;
"CHIP Speaking";"CHIPSPEAKING is a desktop augmentative communication device that supports up to 99 messages. Users can record in their own voice (or care-givers can record the voice of someone else of the same gender and age) or take advantage of computerized voices.";"<p><br />Unlike the flagship product, CHIPSpeaking™ , CHIPSpeech™  actually is written to assist PALS to record their voice as it is now, and preserve the phrases and sentences that are needed in everyday life, and recall them in their own voice, and save that speech indefinitely. The recordings are made and saved to disk in small files, which can be saved on diskette or backup media for use on other computers. </p>";",project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Communication;
"CLiCk, Speak";"CLiCk, Speak is an open source, freely available extension for the Firefox web browser. It is part of the CLC-4-TTS Suite of products, it features a mouse driven interface, and it reads web pages - hence its name.";"<p>Unlike <a href=""/web/20130906032603/"">Fire Vox</a> which is designed for visually impaired users, CLiCk, Speak is designed for sighted users who want text-to-speech functionality. It doesn't identify elements or announce events - two features that are very important for visually impaired users but very annoying for sighted users. It also has a simplified, mouse driven interface that is designed to be easy for users familiar with point-and-click graphical user interfaces. Like Fire Vox, CLiCk, Speak works on Windows, Macintosh, and Linux; and Fire Vox has multilingual support, making it great for users who are trying to learn a foreign language and need to hear foreign language web sites read out to them for practice. <br /></p><p>If you're a sighted user who wants to have web pages read to you because you have cognitive issues (for example, dyslexia), because you have literacy issues (like me - I can understand spoken Mandarin Chinese just fine, but reading is difficult for me), because you want to reduce eyestrain and listen to a web page being read, etc., then you are likely to prefer CLiCk, Speak over Fire Vox.</p><p>The Core Library Components for Text-To-Speech (CLC-4-TTS) Suite is a set of extensions for Firefox. It consists of a library for doing text-to-speech synthesis (the Core library), a library for navigating the HTML DOM (the Utils library), and an application that uses the libraries to act as a screen reader (Fire Vox).</p><p>While it currently only works on Firefox, it would be possible for me to create versions of this for other Mozilla products such as Thunderbird. I would have to rewrite the application portion, but the libraries would largely remain untouched. These libraries can also be used to construct other extensions that are not necessarily aimed at the visually impaired. Both are directions that I am interested in pursuing in the near future, so stay tuned.</p>";"help-,,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-";Text to Speech,Accessing the Web;
"Click-Catch";"Click-Catch(C) is an autoclicker. It means it simulates mouse clicks with constant intervals of time.";"<p>Click-Catch(C) available options:</p><ul><li>You may choose which button to simulate between left/right/middle mouse buttons.</li><li>You can also set single or double click.</li><li>There are two ""hot keys"" available. You must enable them in settings. ""hot keys"" are disabled by default.<br />Combination of ""control""+""x"" pressed together at once starts clicking, ""control""+""s"" stops.</li><li>In cases, when you cannot use ""hot keys"" to start/stop clicking, there are two buttons implemented.<br />To start simulation press ""START"" button or press ""STOP"" to stop it</li><li>You may also need to change time interval between clicks.<br />You can set its value from 10 hours to 100 miliseconds.<br />Minimal step is 50 miliseconds.</li><li>There is a possiblity to save your settings. Settings are stored in Windows Registry File.<br />Click-Catch(c) has no instalation procedure (it's only one file after all!)<br />so it can not delete its entry after deinstalation (delete).<br />It has however an option called ""clear WinRegFile entry"".<br />Use it freely, it is harmless.</li><li>You can check if there is new version available to download easely. Simply chose Help/Check for update!<br /></li></ul>";"help-,,project_home_page-";Computer Automation,Text input Projects,Using the Mouse,Alternative Access;
"Click-N-Type virtual keyboard";"Click-N-Type is an on-screen virtual keyboard, giving access to the keyboard characters through the use of your mouse or other pointing device.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:</h2><br /><p>Click-N-Type is an on-screen keyboard which allows you to type with the use of a pointing device (e.g. mouse or tracker ball) rather than the physical computer keyboard. The designers claim it is successful in allowing text to be typed into “those uncooperative places like browser URL ""Address:"" fields, Email ""To:"" addresses, Email ""Subject:"" fields, and dialog boxes like ""Open"" and ""Save As..."",” which other virtual keyboards have trouble with. Several custom layouts are available, including QWERTY, ABC and ‘Speed layout’ in which the letters commonly used together are grouped together, reducing the pointer motion required. An English language prediction program is also available for use with the keyboard, available from the same website. </p> <h2 class=""Heading"">OATS Comments:</h2><p>This is a flexible and powerful on-screen keyboard.  To customise the keyboards you will need to be fairly computer literate, but other than that it is also quite easy to use.  It includes basic word prediction.<br /></p><p><br /></p>";"help-,,project_home_page-";On Screen Keyboard Projects,Text input Projects,Alternative Access;
"Concept Coding Framework (CCF)";"Around the world, people with impaired communication, including difficulties to read or write, may use symbols as an alternative or complement to character based texts. Referencing to, and exchanging these alternatively coded messages over the Internet is difficult due to the lack of standardised encoding schemes and common practises. The Concept Coding Framework (CCF) is being developed to overcome some of these difficulties.";"<h2>News</h2><h3>3 February 2011 - (Mats Lundälv)</h3><p>In spite of nothing appearing at this spot for quite some time, the CCF development continues, currently in the context of the AEGIS project. More to appear here soon after the recent move of the server home of OATS, as well as for the domain. More to come - soon hopefully ...</p><br /><h3>3 September 2009 - (Mats Lundälv)</h3><p>The summer has passed and the work towards the first CCF release is slowly progressing. Will we make it during the 3rd quarter of 2009 as envisaged ? Well - surprise - possibly not :-/ It currently looks uncertain whether we will be ready during this month. It will probably be a bit later this autumn. <br /></p><p>Bengt Farre's completely re-written new SYMBERED version is getting close to completion, but still has some way to go.</p><p>The good news is that Lars Nordberg is well on the way to transfer our CCF databases from MySQL to the <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">Sun JavaDB</a> (based on <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">Apache Derby</a>) Java database. This will provide another option for providing CCF resources (in addition to the MySQL and RDF resources) in a light weight format that will be easier to deploy, install and use for those who will like to try working with CCF based applications and services.</p><p>We'll keep you updated at this space ..</p><br /><h3>19 June 2009 - (Mats Lundälv)</h3><p>A first full release of the updated CCF package is now envisaged during the 3rd quarter of 2009. It will cover a set of concepts covering the authorized Blissymbolics vocabulary of around 4450 Bliss-words. These will be organised in a Base Reference Ontology (BRO) with concepts covered by WordNet, and a Complementary Reference Ontology (CRO) for the rest. The Concept Coded concepts in the Reference Ontologies will be linked to an open ended numbers of so called Assistive Ontologies containing the different supported language representations for the concepts - Bliss being the first target for graphical symbol representations, and English and Swedish being the first natural language lexicons fully supported. The structure is already prepared for supporting a number of other symbolic representations, as well as all Scandinavian/Nordic, and a number of other European languages. More will be added as soon as interest and resources will be around. <br /></p><p>In technical terms; the first release will contain a Java based CCF Tool for browsing and managing the CCF resources (<a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">WordNet</a>, the BRO and CRO, Assistive Ontologies and symbol resources). The data will be stored in or retrieved from either a MySQL database or an RDF/XML based resource. <br /></p><p>The first practical implementation will be an updated version of the <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">SYMBERED</a> tool for creating symbol supported web content via a CMS module written in PHP working towards the MySQL database. (This will be a complete re-write of the first SYMBERED version based on the <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">Papunet </a>CMS). </p><p>The next practical implementation will be the first prototypes of the envisaged CCF symbol support plugin extension for within the AEGIS project - planned for the 4th quarter of 2009.<br /></p><h3>08 June 2009 - (Mats Lundälv)</h3><p>In the AEGIS project 1:st international workshop (in Slough at RIM 05 June) Dr. Christian Galinski from <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">Infoterm </a>gave a very interesting and informative presentation on issues concerning ""Standards for content in the field of eInclusion - and beyond"" - with great relevance for the CCF work in particular, and for the <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">AEGIS </a>and <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">Raising The Floor</a> projects in general. We will have to do some studying about ISO//TC 37 ""Terminology and other language and content resources"" ;-)  I hope the presentations will be on-line soon.<br /></p><h3><b>22 February 2009 - (Mats Lundälv)</b></h3><p>The  concept coding work has continued in slow pace as follow up work after the Nordic <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">SYMBERED project</a> - which is still ongoing. <br />It is now brought further in relation to a task within the ongoing European and international <a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">AEGIS-project</a>. Concept coding will be employed in building open source components for graphic symbol support - in, as well as in prototype Java based cross-platform AAC applications - for mobile devices and other environments.<br /></p><h3><b>03/12/2007 - (Andy Judson)</b><br /></h3><p>With my move from the University of Dundee's School of Computing, I thought it time I ported the old CCF website to the OATS portal. With the Bliss Think Tank in July'07 we've been busy hacking more demonstrators. Mats, Bengt and Lars have been busy fine-tuning the <a title=""Symbol &amp; Concept Coding Editor (aka SYMBERED)"" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">SYMBERED</a> system (CCF support for CMS - using PHP, MySQL, Java). I've been busy working on a .NET infrastructure and building a central CCF ontology in SQLServer. The database I've been working with is now populated with around 9000 concepts (based on the STANDUP project ontology) and around 3000 Bliss symbols (some of which are mapped to concept codes). There is an prototype website where you can search the ontologies, update the bliss-ccf mappings, write ruby annotated bliss messages (then you can copy the source to your own website like I've done below). This webservice could be used as a portal to manage the ccf, and more excitingly, for use by other software / web applications, e.g. <a title=""FoxySymbols"" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">FoxySymbols</a>. I hope to get the webservice &amp; database hosted soon.<br /></p><h2>Background</h2><p>Around the world, people with impaired communication, including difficulties to read or write, may use symbols as an alternative or complement to character based texts. Referencing to, and exchanging these alternatively coded messages over the Internet is difficult due to the lack of standardised encoding schemes and common practises. This site is intended to motivate, describe and promote the introduction and adoption of a common, open and vendor neutral Concept Coding Framework (CCF) to overcome some of these difficulties. In particular will act as a base for all contribution to this work - be it formal documentation or informal discussions. </p><p>The suggested CCF has been carefully designed to be conformant to the standard language technologies that are rapidly developing and penetrating the Internet communities. In this way we believe that the proposed CCF can contribute to a major leap in bridging between different technologies and products developed for AAC users and, more importantly, between these Assistive Technologies (AT) and the main-stream technologies of today's and tomorrow's networked information society. </p><p>The bridging approach also implies that the CCF is not intended to replace and exclude the use and development of current and future proprietary assistive technologies in the AAC field. Instead the CCF and its bridging technology and tools are designed to provide added value for all stake-holders; AAC users, special product developers and service providers, as well as general service and information providers who want to support improved accessibility to their products. </p><p>Designed to be used over the Internet for email, web-based activities, chat and/or other emerging Internet based services, the CCF technology can, however, be used by software manufacturers also to provide additional functionality, enhanced support for, and integration of, software and systems with multi-modal language features mainly intended for local use. </p><p>Although, this work is part of the EU funded WWAAC project, the concept coding work is to be kept open source as we want to collaborate with experts and stakeholders in both the AAC field and internet technologies/accessibility area. Thus we are wanting to use this area to establish an interest group in the concept coding approach. if you are interested in getting involved at whatever level then please contact us.</p><h2>Links</h2><p>These are some of the most relevant links i can think of to share, if you have others, please add them. </p><h3>research projects</h3><ul type=""circle""><li><a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">wwaac</a> project (the eu project that funded this initial work) </li></ul><blockquote><div align=""left""><ul><li>""<a href=""/web/20150926215143/"">Code ofPractice</a>"" - the WWAAC project deliverable on the Concept Coding Framework (PDF 1.2MB)<br /></li></ul></div></blockquote><ul type=""circle""><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">symbered</a> project (swedish project continuing ccf developments) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">swad-europe</a> project (semantic web advanced development for europe) </li></ul><h3>web accessibility resources (general)</h3><ul><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">w3c-wai</a> (world wide web consortium - web accessibility initiative)</li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">w3c-wcag</a> (world wide web consortium - web content accessibility guidelines working group) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">w3c-wcag 1.0</a> (world wide web consortium - web content accessibility guidelines 1.0) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">w3c-wcag 2.0 (draft)</a> (world wide web consortium - web content accessibility guidelines 2.0) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">w3c-wcag 2.0 rdf techniques (draft)</a> (rdf techniques document for wcag 2.0 (above)) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">dmag</a> (digital media access group) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">accessify</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">alistapart</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">diveintoaccessibility</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">jakob nielsen on usability</a> </li></ul><h3>web accessibility resources (learning difficulties)</h3><ul><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">ld-web</a> (web specialists looking into learning difficulties) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">juicystudio article</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">webusability article</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">article by lisa seeman at www2002 conference</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">article by kanta jiwnani</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">webaim article (part1)</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">webaim article (part2)</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">uk leading learning difficulties charity</a> </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">communicate:webwide</a> (a commercial symbol browser by widget, an leading AAC company) </li></ul><h3>technologies</h3><ul><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">rdf</a> (resource description framework) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">owl</a> (ontology web language) </li></ul><h3>miscellaneous</h3><ul><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">semantic web</a> (a portal to information about the semantic web) </li><li><a title="""" href=""/web/20150926215143/"">isaac</a> (the international society for augmentative and alternative communication) <br /></li></ul>";"help-,,project_home_page-";Symbol Library,Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Communication,Accessing the Web,Symbols;
"Daisy Pipeline";"The Daisy Multi Format Converter allows conversion of DAISY books between different formats.";;"help-,project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Viewing the screen,Learning and Education;
"Dasher";"Dasher is an information-efficient text-entry interface, driven by natural continuous pointing gestures.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the authors:</h2><p>Dasher is a zooming interface. You point where you want to go, and the display zooms in wherever you point. The world into which you are zooming is painted with letters, so that any point you zoom in on corresponds to a piece of text. The more you zoom in, the longer the piece of text you have written. You choose what you write by choosing where to zoom. </p><p></p><p>To make the interface efficient, we use the predictions of a language model to determine how much of the world is devoted to each piece of text. Probable pieces of text are given more space, so they are quick and easy to select. Improbable pieces of text (for example, text with spelling mistakes) are given less space, so they are harder to write. The language model learns all the time: if you use a novel word once, it is easier to write next time. <br /></p><p><br /></p><p>A big advantage of Dasher over other predictive text-entry interfaces that offer word-completions to the user is that it is <b>mode-free</b>: the user does not need to switch from a writing mode to an ""accept-model-predictions"" mode. </p><p>Another advantage is that it is easy to train the model on any writing style: simply load up an example file, then write away!</p><br /><h2 class=""Heading"">OATS Comment:</h2><p>Dasher is an amazing innovation on on-screen keyboards - although at first it might seem difficult, stick with it and you will be astounded at how efficient it is.  Although mainly aimed at users who can use a mouse (or similar device) the Dasher team are working on a switch accessible version.  There is also a version that works well with speech recognition software - <a title=""Speech Dasher"" href=""resolveuid/d8eeddfaf075fb166fb7a4b60529a52d"" target=""_self"">Speech Dasher</a>.<br /></p><h2 class=""Heading"">See Dasher in action:</h2><p>David MacKay demonstrated Dasher at the Bett 2006 Special Needs Fringe and you can <a href=""/web/20150424043338/;task=view&amp;id=76&amp;Itemid=1"" target=""_self"">watch the video</a> created by Leon Cych.Dasher 4.9.0 is now available for download from:</p><p> </p><p>  <a href=""/web/20150424043338/""></a></p><p> </p><p>Windows binaries will shortly be available from:</p><p> </p><p> <a href=""/web/20150424043338/""></a></p><p> </p><p>Dasher is a predictive text input system for the GNOME Desktop, suitable for any situation in which a conventional keyboard cannot be used.</p><p> </p><p>This is the first in a new development series, including a large number of improvements from a wide variety of contributors. As always, thanks to all Dasher developers and contributors. Please file any bug reports in the GNOME Bugzilla, and send any comments and feedback to</p>";"help-,,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-,support-";On Screen Keyboard Projects,Switch Input Software,Text input Projects,Alternative Access;
"Dkey";"Dkey is disambiguation software for computers - it works in a similar way to 'predictive text' on your mobile phone. It is designed to allow quicker text input for people with physical disabilities who can use a keyboard with a small number of keys, for example a number pad keyboard. It can also be used with mouse input, or with switch input via other software. It is designed with people with disabilities in mind, but could be used by anyone.";;"help-,,project_home_page-,report_a_problem-,support-";On Screen Keyboard Projects,Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Text input Projects;
"DonnerLaParole";"DonnerLaParole is a primarily text based communicator for people with speech and physical impairments - including word prediction, text-to-speech support etc. Best support for French - cross-platform Java application.";"<h2>From the authors:</h2><p>This is a software that allows to enter words and sentences easily and make them talk. Which is very useful for people with disabilities.</p> <p>“DonnerLaParole” can be translated in “GiveTheWord” …</p> <p>There are several key features:</p> <ul><li>several input systems help you if you can’t easily access the computer: <ul><li>without any clicks, if you do not have enough strength or muscle coordination</li><li>with a selection block mechanism, if you cannot move, <ul><li>with just the click of a mouse or a switch,</li><li>with two contactors or 2 buttons if you want to access the buttons at your own pace</li></ul> </li></ul> </li></ul> <ul><li>a set of virtual keyboards: <ul><li>computer keyboard</li><li>style keyboard phone</li><li>a keyboard for sign language</li><li>keyboard customizable icons</li></ul> </li></ul> <ul><li>a set of dictionaries to be able to quickly select words without having to enter all the letters (this is called predictive text input).</li></ul> <ul><li>a manager of common sentences, to avoid having to continually enter the same words and similar phrases.</li></ul> <ul><li>voice synthesizers, which will deliver the phrases or words typed in: <ul><li>the possibility of using voice as Virginia SAPI (Windows only)</li><li>voices natively on Windows, Apple and Linux</li><li>regionalization of the French language <ul><li>with the Canadian “accent”</li><li>with the Belgian “accent”</li></ul> </li></ul> </li></ul> <ul><li>a composer of iconic sentences</li></ul> <ul><li>greater accessibility of the interface for those deprived of movement, particularly in settings</li></ul> <ul><li>system ready for monitoring the environment (or home automation) with <ul><li>the ability to send messages through serial port</li><li>the ability to run programs on the user’s computer</li><li>the ability to send requests to a server</li></ul></li></ul><br /><h2>OATSoft comment:</h2> <h3>License</h3> <a href=""/web/20150502032517/"">Common Public License 1.0</a> <br />Installation packages are available for different generations of MS Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.<br />";"project_home_page-";On Screen Keyboard Projects,Text to Speech,Switch Input Software,Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Environmental Control,Text input Projects,Communication,Alternative Access;
"DSpeech";"This is a TTS (Text To Speech) program with functionality of ASR (Automatic Speech Recognition) integrated. It is able to to read aloud the written text and choose the sentences to be pronounced based upon the vocal answers of the user.";"<p>It is specifically designed to quickly and directly provide the functions and improved practical usefulness that are requested by this kind of program. In the meantime, the invasiveness and resource consumption is minimal.<br />(DSpeech does not install itself, is very light, starts in a second and doesn't write anything to the registry). Some notable features of DSpeech are:<br /><br />1. Allows you to save the output as a .WAV or .MP3 file.<br />2. Allows you to quickly select different voices, even combine them, or juxtapose them in order to create dialogues between different voices.<br />3. DSpeech integrates a vocal recognition system that, through a simple script language, allows you to create interactive dialogues with the user.<br />4. Allows you to configure the voices in an independent way.<br />5. Thanks to apposite TAGs, it allows you to dynamically change the features of the voices during the playback (speed, volume and frequency), to insert pauses, emphasize specific words, or even to spell them out.<br />6. Allows you to capture and reproduce the content of the ClipBoard.<br />7. DSpeech is compatible with all vocal engines (SAPI 4-5 compliant).<br />8. AI dialog system. Not really useful, but amusing. It does not work in every language. <br /></p><p></p><p>DSpeech interface can be translated in several languages: </p><p>Italian (By Talksina) </p><p>Spanish (By Ricardo Abad &amp; Esteban Mello) </p><p>Spanish Valencian (By Ricardo Abad) </p><p>French (By Adel) </p><p>Portuguese (By Ângelo Miguel) </p><p>Brazilian Portuguese (By Antonio Cezar Locutor) </p><p>Latin American Spanish (By Rafael Lopez Jr.)</p>";",project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Text input Projects,Accessing the Web,General Tools;
"Dwell Clicker";"Dwelling is resting the mouse over one area of the screen for a specified time. The dwell click software allows you to perform left-click, right-click and double clicks, and even drag things around the screen.";;"help-,project_home_page-";Other function,Using the Mouse,Alternative Access;
"E-triloquist";"The program has an input area on the screen for entering a text or audio phrase which is to be spoken or played. With the touch of the ""Enter"" key or a mouse click, the text is converted to speech and sent to a voice synthesizer which conveys the message in mellifluous tones. Audio phrases are played as recorded.";"<h3>From the Authors:</h3><p>E-triloquist, the personal computer augmentative communication aid software formerly known as ""SpeakEasy"", developed as a family project. Dad had amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and lost his ability to speak in the course of the disease. Son is particularly versatile in personal computers. Our first version (named ""SpeakEasy"" at the time) was made available on the Internet in early 1995. We are now on Version 5.7 with even more new features suggested by current users of the program, and with full support for Windows-ME and Windows-XP operating systems. See the <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">New Features</a> page for full details on the enhancements in V5.7. Go to the <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">Downloads</a> page to install or upgrade to the latest version of E-triloquist. </p><p> Most users of the program can still use a keyboard, albeit slowly. For those who can no longer type, E-triloquist can easily be teamed-up with on-screen keyboards, scanners, word-predictors, single-switch input, or other assistive input devices such as <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">Click-N-Type virtual keyboard</a> from Lake Software, <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">SofType</a> from <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">Origin Instruments</a>, <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">WiViK®</a> on-screen keyboard (virtual keyboard) software, <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">Virtual On-Screen Keyboard</a> by <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">MiloSoft</a>, <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">My-T-Mouse</a> from <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">IMG</a>, and a variety of input devices and augmentative communication products from <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">Prentke Romich Company</a>. A longer list of devices can be viewed on the <a href=""/web/20140203203117/"">ALS Resources</a> page. These tools can also be added on at a later time if the need arises. Note: when looking for assistive input devices, be sure to get one that will work with ALL of your Windows programs, (e.g. E-triloquist, word processor, e-mail, web browser, ...) not just one specific software program. </p>";"project_home_page-";Text to Speech,Communication;
"Edgeless";"This application causes the mouse pointer to wrap around the screen instead of stopping at the edges.";"<p>This application causes the mouse pointer to wrap around the screen instead of stopping at the edges. It can be configured to start at Windows startup if required.</p>";",project_home_page-";Other function,Using the Mouse;
"EdgeWrite";"Provides text entry to hand held devices for people who find writing difficult.";;"help-,project_home_page-";Environmental Control,Text input Projects;
"EdWord and EdWeb";"EdWord is a talking word processor that allows you to combine text with symbols. EdWeb is a talking web browser that can display web pages as a combination of text and symbols.";;"help-,,project_home_page-";Symbol Library,Text to Speech,Switch Input Software,Alternative and Augmentative Communication,Text input Projects,Accessing the Web,Symbols,Alternative Access;
"EmacSpeak";"Emacspeak is a speech interface that allows visually impaired users to interact independently and efficiently with the computer.";;"help-,project_home_page-,support-";Text to Speech,Other function,Viewing the screen;
"Enable Viacam";"Enable Viacam (aka eViacam) is a mouse replacement software that moves the pointer as you move your head. It works on standard PCs equipped with a web camera. No additional hardware is required. Runs over Windows and Linux and is released under GNU/GPL license.";"<h2> About this project</h2> <p>Enable Viacam can be used as a full alternative or as a complement to a conventional computer mouse. It is especially useful for people with motor impairments in their hands or their arms (due to bone injuries, ALS, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, spinal cord injuries, muscular dystrophy, amputations, etc.). Enable Viacam<strong></strong> provides them with an effective and reliable solution for human-computer interaction.</p> <p>Core features:</p> <p> </p><ul> <li><b>Hands-Free:</b> Control your computer with intuitive head movements. No need to use your hands — the pointer will obey!</li><li><b>Unobtrusive:</b> Works with any good webcam. No cables, no dots, no additional hardware required.</li> <li><b>Flexible:</b> Click and choose clicking options by way of either pointer dwelling or by external means.</li> <li><b>User-centred:</b> Developed and tested in close collaboration with users from the <a href=""/web/20150502022143/"" target=""_blank"">APPC Cerebral Palsy Centre</a> in Tarragona (Spain).</li> <li><strong>Customizable:</strong> Pointer speed, movement acceleration and smoothness, dwelling time, and many other variables can be adjusted to fit the user's needs. </li> <li><b>Mature:</b> Based on the award winning <a href=""/web/20150502022143/"" target=""_blank"">Facial Mouse</a> software.</li><li><b>Cross-platform:</b> currently, eViacam runs on Windows 2000/XP/Vista and Linux (KDE/GNOME)<br /></li> </ul> <br /> <p></p> <h2>Official site</h2> <p>More information and downloads: <a href=""/web/20150502022143/"" target=""_blank""></a></p> <h2>License</h2> <p>eViacam is realeased under GNU/GPL license.</p>";",project_home_page-";Other function,Using the Mouse,Accessing the Web,Alternative Access,Learning and Education;
"eSpeak text to speech";"eSpeak is a compact free and open source software speech synthesizer for English and other languages, for Linux and Windows.";"<h2>From the developer:</h2><p> eSpeak uses a ""formant synthesis"" method. This allows many languages to be provided in a small size. The speech is clear, and can be used at high speeds, but is not as natural or smooth as larger synthesizers which are based on human speech recordings. </p><p> eSpeak is available as: </p><ul><li>A command line program (Linux and Windows) to speak text from a file or from stdin. </li><li>A shared library version for use by other programs. (On Windows this is a DLL). </li><li>A SAPI5 version for Windows, so it can be used with screen-readers and other programs that support the Windows SAPI5 interface. </li><li>eSpeak has been ported to other platforms, including Solaris and Mac OSX. </li></ul><h3>Features. </h3><ul><li>Includes different Voices, whose characteristics can be altered. </li><li>Can produce speech output as a WAV file. </li><li>SSML (Speech Synthesis Markup Language) is supported (not complete), and also HTML. </li><li>Compact size. The program and its data, including many languages, totals about 1.4 Mbytes. </li><li><b>Can be used as a front-end to MBROLA diphone voices,</b> see <a href=""/web/20150710182918/"">mbrola.html</a>. eSpeak converts text to phonemes with pitch and length information. </li><li>Can translate text into phoneme codes, so it could be adapted as a front end for another speech synthesis engine. </li><li>Potential for other languages. Several are included in varying stages of progress. Help from native speakers for these or other languages is welcome. </li><li>Development tools are available for producing and tuning phoneme data. </li></ul>";",project_home_page-";Text to Speech,General Tools,Communication,Accessing the Web,Alternative Access,Learning and Education,General Tools;
"eStoryMaker";"A simple means for assembling text, picture and sound files into an e-story that supports multiple access means.";"<p> </p><p><b>eStoryMaker</b> is a simple program for assembling an e-story that affords multiple access methods. eStoryMaker can be used to e-book versions of your student's favorite children's books, to recap field trips or special events, to create multimedia social scripts, or to provide a multimedia accounting of each step in a task. eStoryMaker is also designed to work well with Launcher6. In spite of its name, you construct an e-story by placing text, picture and/or sound files in a folder along with the eStoryMaker.exe file. When you open eStoryMaker.exe, it loads page1.txt, page1.jpg and page1.wav (for example.) When your user asks for the next page, eStoryMaker loads the next set of files in the page sequence, if they exist. So, you have to name your picture files, record and name sound files, and create text files. You can use a clipboard text-to-speech program to read your story, if you don't want to bother with recording sound files.</p> <p>There are many freeware tools you can use to help create e-stories. To make e-books from children's books you can use a flatbed scanner, but I often just use a digital camera for quicker results. I take the books outside and shoot the pages in the shade to have good light, but no glare. For picture editing and renaming I recommend using the excellent and free IrfanView program easily obtained from the Internet. To record sound files I most often use the Sound Recorder accessory that comes with Windows. For more precise sound editing, and for converting wav to mp3 files I use the terrific free Audacity program. There are many better free, Internet available alternatives for creating text files than the default Windows Notepad. I have been using a program called EditPad that most importantly supports multiple files being open simultaneously (unlike Notepad.) Finally, I can recommend 2 freeware text-to-speech programs, Deskbot and SayzMe. Both are easily obtained on the Internet and use the freeware Microsoft Agent technology. I prefer Deskbot, and set its options to read the clipboard text only without any extra, distracting animations.</p>";",project_home_page-";Educational and Learning,Learning and Education;
"Eventcorder";"Eventcorder records and plays back Windows events. With Eventcorder, a sequence of keystrokes and mouse-clicks can be implemented at the touch of a single button.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">From the author:</h2><p><br /></p><p>Eventcorder allows sequences of keystrokes and mouse-clicks (events) to be recorded, and then played back at the touch of a button. It also allows recorded sequences (known as macros) to be edited. The software matches up events with the window for which they were recorded, and will wait for the correct window to open before implementing a particular event, so that events cannot act in the wrong window.</p> <br />";"help-,,project_home_page-";Computer Automation,Using the Mouse;
"Everyday Skills";"Switch-activated software that supports teachers in teaching the young people who are deafblind in learning everyday skills.";;"help-,project_home_page-,support-";Switch Input Software,Educational and Learning,Learning and Education;
"FatBits";"Fatbits magnifies an area of the screen and paints the giant pixels into a new window, which may be useful if you have a visual impairment. To make the screen even more accessible, you can modify the colours it displays.";"<h2 class=""Heading"">What the authors say:<br /> </h2> <p>FatBits magnifies an area of the screen centered around the mouse pointer and paints the giant pixels into a small, tastefully decorated window. This can be indispensable when you want to see something right down to the last pixel. Once the text has been magnified (up to 20x), Fatbits can also smooth it, and change the colours used. The website contains an online User Manual.</p><p><br /> </p> <h2 class=""Heading"">OATS Comments:</h2> <p>FatBits was originally designed for graphic artists or people designing user interfaces, but it may be relevant to some people with visual impairments.  This has not yet been tested by the OATS team.<br /> </p>";"help-,,project_home_page-";Other function,Viewing the screen;
"Fire Vox";"Fire Vox is an open source, freely available talking browser extension for the Firefox web browser.";"<p>Think of it as a screen reader that is designed especially for Firefox. </p><p>In addition to th
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NB. First revision not actually working! More a proof of concept :)

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