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Created December 15, 2014 03:35
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Kruskal`sMST: to find a minimum spanning tree for a connected weighted graph # tests: kruskal(graph) # graph = {'vertices': ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'], 'edges': set([(4, 'A', 'B'),(8, 'A', 'C'),(15, 'A', 'D'),(16, 'B', 'C'),(23, 'B', 'D'),(42, 'C', 'D'),]) # expected is: set([(15, 'A', 'D'), (4, 'A', 'B'), (8, 'A', 'C')])
#! /usr/bin/env python
# author : wzx, 2123409
# date: Dec 14, 2014
# kruskal : graph{vertices,edge} -> set([weight,vertices])
# to find a minimum spanning tree for a connected weighted graph
# algorithm
# example: kruskal(graph)
# graph:(4, 'A', 'B'),(8, 'A', 'C'),(15, 'A', 'D'),(16, 'B', 'C'),(23, 'B', 'D'),(42, 'C', 'D')
# to produce ([(15, 'A', 'D'), (4, 'A', 'B'), (8, 'A', 'C')])
# def kruskal(graph):
# return Minimum Spanning Tree of a graph
# tests: kruskal(graph)
# graph = {'vertices': ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F'], 'edges': set([(4, 'A', 'B'),(8, 'A', 'C'),(15, 'A', 'D'),(16, 'B', 'C'),(23, 'B', 'D'),(42, 'C', 'D'),])
# expected is: set([(15, 'A', 'D'), (4, 'A', 'B'), (8, 'A', 'C')])
V is used to define Node set. (= vertices & its value)
V = {'A':'A','B':'B','C':'C','D':'D'}
When A and B are connected, V is changed to
V = {'A':'B','B':'B','C':'C','D':'D'}
thus,any two points are connnected,their values are the same.
V = dict()
R means Rank.
Initial State:R = {'A':'0','B':'0','C':'0','D':'0' }
If one vertice is used to be the end of connections,its value +1.
Explain:This vertice is used to mark the present Connected Component.
R = dict()
class algorithm():
def __init__(self):
#initialize V & R
def make_set(self,point):
V[point] = point
R[point] = 0
#find out the boss(marker) of the Connected Component.
def find(self,point):
if V[point] != point:
V[point] = self.find(V[point])
return V[point]
#Connect two Connected Components and choose a new boss.(marker)
def union(self,point1,point2):
r1 = self.find(point1)
r2 = self.find(point2)
if R[r1] > R[r2]:
V[r2] = r1
V[r1] = r2
if R[r1] == R[r2]:
R[r2] += 1
#How KRUSKAL works
def kruskal(self,graph):
for vertice in graph['vertices']:
self.make_set(vertice) #initialization
MSTree = set()
edges = list(graph['edges'])
edges.sort() #sort edge lengths from lowest to highest
for edge in edges:
weight, vertice1, vertice2 = edge
if self.find(vertice1) != self.find(vertice2):# not in the same Component
self.union(vertice1, vertice2)
return MSTree
if __name__=="__main__":
graph = {
'vertices': ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E'],
'edges': set([
(4, 'A', 'B'),
(8, 'A', 'C'),
(15, 'A', 'D'),
(16, 'B', 'C'),
(23, 'B', 'D'),
(42, 'C', 'D'),
} # use set(instead list) in edges`s value to remove duplication
arith = algorithm()
print arith.kruskal(graph)
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