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Created August 7, 2023 17:29
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No-tab minimal Firefox layout for use with sidebar UX (Sidebery, tree style tabs, etc)
#root.root {--nav-btn-width: 36px;}
#root.root {--nav-btn-height: 32px;}
#root.root {--tabs-margin: 8px;}
#root.root {--tabs-indent: 12px;}
#root.root {--tabs-inner-gap: 8px;}
:root {
/* delay before expanding tabs, set to '0' for no delay */
--delay: 0.5s;
--transition-time: 0.2s;
--positionX1: 48px; /* '48px' for left, '0px' for right sidebar */
--positionX2: absolute; /* 'absolute' for left, 'none' for right sidebar */
/* width of the collapsed sidebar in fullscreen mode ('1px' or '48px') */
--fullscreen-sidebar-width: 1px;
/* macOS specific styles */
@media (-moz-platform: macos) {
#TabsToolbar:not([customizing="true"]) {
visibility: collapse !important;
:root:not([customizing="true"]) #nav-bar:not([inFullscreen]) {
padding-left: 80px;
:root:not([customizing="true"]) #TabsToolbar .titlebar-buttonbox-container {
visibility: visible !important;
position: absolute;
top: 12px;
left: 0px;
display: block;
/* Linux/GTK specific styles */
@media (-moz-gtk-csd-available) {
.browser-toolbar:not(.titlebar-color){ /* Fixes wrong coloring applied with --toolbar-bgcolor by Firefox (#101) */
background-color: transparent !important;
box-shadow: none !important;
#TabsToolbar:not([customizing="true"]) {
visibility: collapse !important;
#toolbar-menubar {
padding-top: 0px !important;
:root:not([customizing="true"]) #toolbar-menubar[inactive]+#TabsToolbar .titlebar-buttonbox-container {
visibility: visible !important;
position: absolute;
top: var(--uc-win-ctrl-vertical-offset);
display: block;
z-index: 101;
/* enable rounded top corners */
:root[tabsintitlebar][sizemode="normal"]:not([gtktiledwindow="true"]):not([customizing="true"]) #nav-bar {
border-top-left-radius: env(-moz-gtk-csd-titlebar-radius);
border-top-right-radius: env(-moz-gtk-csd-titlebar-radius);
/* window control padding values (these don't change the size of the actual buttons, only the padding for the navbar) */
:root[tabsintitlebar]:not([customizing="true"]) {
/* default button/padding size based on adw-gtk3 theme */
--uc-win-ctrl-btn-width: 38px;
--uc-win-ctrl-padding: 12px;
/* vertical offset from the top of the window, calculation: (1/2 * (NAVBAR_HEIGHT - BUTTON_HEIGHT)) */
--uc-win-ctrl-vertical-offset: 8px;
/* extra window drag space */
--uc-win-ctrl-drag-space: 20px;
:root[tabsintitlebar][lwtheme]:not([customizing="true"]) {
/* seperate values for when using a theme, based on the Firefox defaults */
--uc-win-ctrl-btn-width: 30px;
--uc-win-ctrl-padding: 12px;
/* vertical offset from the top of the window, calculation: (1/2 * (NAVBAR_HEIGHT - BUTTON_HEIGHT)) */
--uc-win-ctrl-vertical-offset: 5px;
/* extra window drag space */
--uc-win-ctrl-drag-space: 20px;
/* setting the padding value for all button combinations */
@media (-moz-gtk-csd-minimize-button),
(-moz-gtk-csd-close-button) {
#nav-bar {
--uc-navbar-padding: calc(var(--uc-win-ctrl-btn-width) * 1);
@media (-moz-gtk-csd-minimize-button) and (-moz-gtk-csd-maximize-button),
(-moz-gtk-csd-minimize-button) and (-moz-gtk-csd-close-button),
(-moz-gtk-csd-maximize-button) and (-moz-gtk-csd-close-button) {
#nav-bar {
--uc-navbar-padding: calc(var(--uc-win-ctrl-btn-width) * 2);
@media (-moz-gtk-csd-minimize-button) and (-moz-gtk-csd-maximize-button) and (-moz-gtk-csd-close-button) {
#nav-bar {
--uc-navbar-padding: calc(var(--uc-win-ctrl-btn-width) * 3);
/* only applies padding/positioning if there is 1 or more buttons */
@media (-moz-gtk-csd-minimize-button),
(-moz-gtk-csd-close-button) {
/* window controls on the right */
@media not (-moz-gtk-csd-reversed-placement) {
#nav-bar {
padding-inline: 0 calc(var(--uc-navbar-padding, 0) + var(--uc-win-ctrl-padding) + var(--uc-win-ctrl-drag-space)) !important;
.titlebar-buttonbox-container {
right: 0;
/* window controls on the left */
@media (-moz-gtk-csd-reversed-placement) {
#nav-bar {
padding-inline: calc(var(--uc-navbar-padding, 0) + var(--uc-win-ctrl-padding) + var(--uc-win-ctrl-drag-space)) 0 !important;
.titlebar-buttonbox-container {
left: 0;
/* Hide window buttons in fullscreen */
#navigator-toolbox[style*="margin-top: -"] .titlebar-buttonbox-container,
[inDOMFullscreen="true"] .titlebar-buttonbox-container {
transform: translateY(-100px)
/* Windows specific styles */
@media (-moz-platform: windows),
(-moz-platform: windows-win10) {
/* Hide main tabs toolbar */
--uc-window-control-width: 137px; /* Space at the right of nav-bar for window controls */
/* --uc-window-drag-space-width: 24px; */ /* To add extra window drag space in nav-bar */
border-inline: var(--uc-window-drag-space-width,80px) solid var(--toolbar-bgcolor) ;
border-inline-style: solid !important;
border-right-width: calc(var(--uc-window-control-width,0px) + var(--uc-window-drag-space-width,0px));
padding-top: .5px !important; /* This makes it possible to drag the maximized window. */
margin-left: -80px; /* Removes the space left when hiding .titlebar-buttonbox-container */
#back-button {
margin-top: -.5px !important;
#forward-button {
margin-top: -.5px !important;
#reload-button {
margin-top: -.5px !important;
#PanelUI-button {
margin-top: -.5px !important;
margin-top: -.5px !important;
:root {
--uc-toolbar-height: 32px;
--chrome-content-separator-color: none !important;
:root:not([uidensity="compact"]) {
--uc-toolbar-height: 38px;
#TabsToolbar {
visibility: collapse !important;
/* Hide the Windows controls on the left side. */
#TabsToolbar .titlebar-buttonbox-container {
visibility: hidden !important;
/* Line up the Windows controls with the rest of the icons in the toolbar. */
:root:not([sizemode="maximized"]) .titlebar-buttonbox-container {
margin-top: 3px;
:root:not([inFullscreen]) #nav-bar {
margin-top: calc(0px - var(--uc-toolbar-height));
z-index: 2;
#toolbar-menubar {
min-height: unset !important;
height: var(--uc-toolbar-height) !important;
position: relative;
/* For a rounded button design, uncomment both lines in .titlebar-buttonbox. */
.titlebar-buttonbox {
z-index:3 !important;
/* padding-right:3px; */
.titlebar-buttonbox * {
/* border-radius: 5px; */
#main-menubar {
-moz-box-flex: 1;
background-color: var(--toolbar-bgcolor,--toolbar-non-lwt-bgcolor);
background-clip: padding-box;
border-right: 30px solid transparent;
border-image: linear-gradient(to left, transparent, var(--toolbar-bgcolor,--toolbar-non-lwt-bgcolor) 30px) 20 / 30px;
#toolbar-menubar:not([inactive]) {
z-index: 2;
#toolbar-menubar[inactive] > #menubar-items {
opacity: 0;
pointer-events: none;
margin-left: var(--uc-window-drag-space-width,0px);
:root[inFullscreen] #nav-bar {
border-right: none !important;
/* General styles */
#browser {
position: relative;
#nav-bar, #urlbar {
z-index: 100;
appearance: unset !important;
#sidebar-box[sidebarcommand*="tabcenter"] {
z-index: 1;
#sidebar-box[sidebarcommand*="tabcenter"] #sidebar-header {
visibility: collapse;
display: none;
[sidebarcommand*="tabcenter"] #sidebar,
#sidebar-box[sidebarcommand*="tabcenter"] {
min-width: 48px !important;
max-width: 48px !important;
width: 48px;
#sidebar-box[sidebarcommand*="tabcenter"]:not([hidden]) {
display: block;
position: var(--positionX2);
min-width: 48px;
max-width: 48px;
overflow: hidden;
border-right: 1px solid var(--sidebar-border-color);
z-index: 1;
top: 0;
bottom: 0;
/* use :where() selector to lower specificity */
:where(#main-window[inFullscreen]) #sidebar-box[sidebarcommand*="tabcenter"]:not([hidden]) {
min-width: var(--fullscreen-sidebar-width) !important;
max-width: var(--fullscreen-sidebar-width) !important;
#sidebar-box[sidebarcommand*="tabcenter"]:hover #sidebar,
#sidebar-box[sidebarcommand*="tabcenter"]:hover {
min-width: 10vw !important;
width: 30vw !important;
max-width: 200px !important;
z-index: 1 !important;
transition: all var(--transition-time) ease var(--delay);
/* used for delay function */
#sidebar-box[sidebarcommand*="tabcenter"]:not(:hover) #sidebar,
#sidebar-box[sidebarcommand*="tabcenter"]:not(:hover) {
transition: all var(--transition-time) ease 0s;
@media (width >= 1200px) {
#sidebar-box[sidebarcommand*="tabcenter"]:hover #sidebar,
#sidebar-box[sidebarcommand*="tabcenter"]:hover {
max-width: 250px !important;
[sidebarcommand*="tabcenter"] ~ #sidebar-splitter {
display: none;
[sidebarcommand*="tabcenter"] #sidebar {
max-height: 100%;
height: 100%;
#main-window:not([inFullscreen]) #sidebar-box[sidebarcommand*="tabcenter"]:not([hidden]) ~ #appcontent {
margin-left: var(--positionX1);
#main-window[inFullscreen]:not([inDOMFullscreen]) #sidebar-box[sidebarcommand*="tabcenter"]:not([hidden]) ~ #appcontent {
margin-left: var(--fullscreen-sidebar-width);
#main-window[inFullscreen] #sidebar {
height: 100vh;
[sidebarcommand*="tabcenter"] #sidebar-header {
background: #0C0C0D;
border-bottom: none !important;
[sidebarcommand*="tabcenter"] ~ #sidebar-splitter {
border-right-color: #0C0C0D !important;
border-left-color: #0C0C0D !important;
[sidebarcommand*="tabcenter"] #sidebar-switcher-target,
[sidebarcommand*="tabcenter"] #sidebar-close {
filter: invert(100%);
@media (max-width: 630px) {
#urlbar-container {
min-width: 100% !important;
#menubar-items {
display: none !important;
/* Minimize sidebar header to a light blue stripe (except Bookmarks, History, Sync'd Tabs); appears normally on hover */
#sidebar-header:not(:hover) {
max-height: 2px !important;
min-height: 2px !important;
padding: 0 !important;
background-color: #2b2a33 !important;
opacity: 0.5 !important;
#sidebar-header:not(:hover) #sidebar-switcher-target,
#sidebar-header:not(:hover) #sidebar-close {
/* BAD NEWS: display: none !important; */
opacity: 0 !important;
#main-window[privatebrowsingmode="temporary"] #navigator-toolbox-background {
--toolbar-bgcolor: rgb(12, 12, 15);
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