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Last active January 15, 2018 07:27
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(function(){function e(e,t){try{for(var n in t)Object.defineProperty(e.prototype,n,{value:t[n],enumerable:!1})}catch(r){e.prototype=t}}function t(e){var t=-1,n=e.length,r=[];while(++t<n)r.push(e[t]);return r}function n(e){return}function r(){}function i(e){return e}function s(){return this}function o(){return!0}function u(e){return typeof e=="function"?e:function(){return e}}function a(e,t,n){return function(){var r=n.apply(t,arguments);return arguments.length?e:r}}function f(e){return e!=null&&!isNaN(e)}function l(e){return e.length}function c(e){return e==null}function h(e){return e.trim().replace(/\s+/g," ")}function p(e){var t=1;while(e*t%1)t*=10;return t}function d(){}function v(e){function t(){var t=n,r=-1,i=t.length,s;while(++r<i)(s=t[r].on)&&s.apply(this,arguments);return e}var n=[],i=new r;return t.on=function(t,r){var s=i.get(t),o;return arguments.length<2?s&&s.on:(s&&(s.on=null,n=n.slice(0,o=n.indexOf(s)).concat(n.slice(o+1)),i.remove(t)),r&&n.push(i.set(t,{on:r})),e)},t}function m(e,t){return t-(e?1+Math.floor(Math.log(e+Math.pow(10,1+Math.floor(Math.log(e)/Math.LN10)-t))/Math.LN10):1)}function g(e){return e+""}function y(e){var t=e.lastIndexOf("."),n=t>=0?e.substring(t):(t=e.length,""),r=[];while(t>0)r.push(e.substring(t-=3,t+3));return r.reverse().join(",")+n}function b(e,t){var n=Math.pow(10,Math.abs(8-t)*3);return{scale:t>8?function(e){return e/n}:function(e){return e*n},symbol:e}}function w(e){return function(t){return t<=0?0:t>=1?1:e(t)}}function E(e){return function(t){return 1-e(1-t)}}function S(e){return function(t){return.5*(t<.5?e(2*t):2-e(2-2*t))}}function x(e){return e}function T(e){return function(t){return Math.pow(t,e)}}function N(e){return 1-Math.cos(e*Math.PI/2)}function C(e){return Math.pow(2,10*(e-1))}function k(e){return 1-Math.sqrt(1-e*e)}function L(e,t){var n;return arguments.length<2&&(t=.45),arguments.length<1?(e=1,n=t/4):n=t/(2*Math.PI)*Math.asin(1/e),function(r){return 1+e*Math.pow(2,10*-r)*Math.sin((r-n)*2*Math.PI/t)}}function A(e){return e||(e=1.70158),function(t){return t*t*((e+1)*t-e)}}function O(e){return e<1/2.75?7.5625*e*e:e<2/2.75?7.5625*(e-=1.5/2.75)*e+.75:e<2.5/2.75?7.5625*(e-=2.25/2.75)*e+.9375:7.5625*(e-=2.625/2.75)*e+.984375}function M(){d3.event.stopPropagation(),d3.event.preventDefault()}function _(){var e=d3.event,t;while(t=e.sourceEvent)e=t;return e}function D(e){var t=new d,n=0,r=arguments.length;while(++n<r)t[arguments[n]]=v(t);return t.of=function(n,r){return function(i){try{var s=i.sourceEvent=d3.event;,d3.event=i,t[i.type].apply(n,r)}finally{d3.event=s}}},t}function P(e){var t=[e.a,e.b],n=[e.c,e.d],r=B(t),i=H(t,n),s=B(j(n,t,-i))||0;t[0]*n[1]<n[0]*t[1]&&(t[0]*=-1,t[1]*=-1,r*=-1,i*=-1),this.rotate=(r?Math.atan2(t[1],t[0]):Math.atan2(-n[0],n[1]))*fs,this.translate=[e.e,e.f],this.scale=[r,s],this.skew=s?Math.atan2(i,s)*fs:0}function H(e,t){return e[0]*t[0]+e[1]*t[1]}function B(e){var t=Math.sqrt(H(e,e));return t&&(e[0]/=t,e[1]/=t),t}function j(e,t,n){return e[0]+=n*t[0],e[1]+=n*t[1],e}function F(e){return e=="transform"?d3.interpolateTransform:d3.interpolate}function I(e,t){return t=t-(e=+e)?1/(t-e):0,function(n){return(n-e)*t}}function q(e,t){return t=t-(e=+e)?1/(t-e):0,function(n){return Math.max(0,Math.min(1,(n-e)*t))}}function R(e,t,n){return new U(e,t,n)}function U(e,t,n){this.r=e,this.g=t,this.b=n}function z(e){return e<16?"0"+Math.max(0,e).toString(16):Math.min(255,e).toString(16)}function W(e,t,n){var r=0,i=0,s=0,o,u,a;o=/([a-z]+)\((.*)\)/i.exec(e);if(o){u=o[2].split(",");switch(o[1]){case"hsl":return n(parseFloat(u[0]),parseFloat(u[1])/100,parseFloat(u[2])/100);case"rgb":return t(J(u[0]),J(u[1]),J(u[2]))}}return(a=hs.get(e))?t(a.r,a.g,a.b):(e!=null&&e.charAt(0)==="#"&&(e.length===4?(r=e.charAt(1),r+=r,i=e.charAt(2),i+=i,s=e.charAt(3),s+=s):e.length===7&&(r=e.substring(1,3),i=e.substring(3,5),s=e.substring(5,7)),r=parseInt(r,16),i=parseInt(i,16),s=parseInt(s,16)),t(r,i,s))}function X(e,t,n){var r=Math.min(e/=255,t/=255,n/=255),i=Math.max(e,t,n),s=i-r,o,u,a=(i+r)/2;return s?(u=a<.5?s/(i+r):s/(2-i-r),e==i?o=(t-n)/s+(t<n?6:0):t==i?o=(n-e)/s+2:o=(e-t)/s+4,o*=60):u=o=0,K(o,u,a)}function V(e,t,n){e=$(e),t=$(t),n=$(n);var r=ot((.4124564*e+.3575761*t+.1804375*n)/ds),i=ot((.2126729*e+.7151522*t+.072175*n)/vs),s=ot((.0193339*e+.119192*t+.9503041*n)/ms);return tt(116*i-16,500*(r-i),200*(i-s))}function $(e){return(e/=255)<=.04045?e/12.92:Math.pow((e+.055)/1.055,2.4)}function J(e){var t=parseFloat(e);return e.charAt(e.length-1)==="%"?Math.round(t*2.55):t}function K(e,t,n){return new Q(e,t,n)}function Q(e,t,n){this.h=e,this.s=t,this.l=n}function G(e,t,n){function r(e){return e>360?e-=360:e<0&&(e+=360),e<60?s+(o-s)*e/60:e<180?o:e<240?s+(o-s)*(240-e)/60:s}function i(e){return Math.round(r(e)*255)}var s,o;return e%=360,e<0&&(e+=360),t=t<0?0:t>1?1:t,n=n<0?0:n>1?1:n,o=n<=.5?n*(1+t):n+t-n*t,s=2*n-o,R(i(e+120),i(e),i(e-120))}function Y(e,t,n){return new Z(e,t,n)}function Z(e,t,n){this.h=e,this.c=t,this.l=n}function et(e,t,n){return tt(n,Math.cos(e*=Math.PI/180)*t,Math.sin(e)*t)}function tt(e,t,n){return new nt(e,t,n)}function nt(e,t,n){this.l=e,this.a=t,this.b=n}function rt(e,t,n){var r=(e+16)/116,i=r+t/500,s=r-n/200;return i=st(i)*ds,r=st(r)*vs,s=st(s)*ms,R(ut(3.2404542*i-1.5371385*r-.4985314*s),ut(-0.969266*i+1.8760108*r+.041556*s),ut(.0556434*i-.2040259*r+1.0572252*s))}function it(e,t,n){return Y(Math.atan2(n,t)/Math.PI*180,Math.sqrt(t*t+n*n),e)}function st(e){return e>.206893034?e*e*e:(e-4/29)/7.787037}function ot(e){return 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n=-1,r=t.apply(this,arguments);while(++n<i)e[n](this,r)}e=e.trim().split(/\s+/).map(dt);var i=e.length;return typeof t=="function"?r:n}function dt(e){var t=ht(e);return function(n,r){if(i=n.classList)return r?i.add(e):i.remove(e);var i=n.className,s=i.baseVal!=null,o=s?i.baseVal:i;r?(t.lastIndex=0,t.test(o)||(o=h(o+" "+e),s?i.baseVal=o:n.className=o)):o&&(o=h(o.replace(t," ")),s?i.baseVal=o:n.className=o)}}function vt(e,t,n){function r(){}function i(){,t,n)}function s(){var r=t.apply(this,arguments);r==null?,r,n)}return t==null?r:typeof t=="function"?s:i}function mt(e,t){function n(){delete this[e]}function r(){this[e]=t}function i(){var n=t.apply(this,arguments);n==null?delete this[e]:this[e]=n}return t==null?n:typeof t=="function"?i:r}function gt(e){return{__data__:e}}function yt(e){return function(){return Es(this,e)}}function bt(e){return arguments.length||(e=d3.ascending),function(t,n){return e(t&&t.__data__,n&&n.__data__)}}function wt(e,t,n){function r(){var t=this[s];t&&(this.removeEventListener(e,t,t.$),delete this[s])}function i(){function i(e){var n=d3.event;d3.event=e,u[0]=o.__data__;try{t.apply(o,u)}finally{d3.event=n}}var o=this,u=arguments;,this.addEventListener(e,this[s]=i,i.$=n),i._=t}var s="__on"+e,o=e.indexOf(".");return o>0&&(e=e.substring(0,o)),t?i:r}function Et(e,t){for(var n=0,r=e.length;n<r;n++)for(var i=e[n],s=0,o=i.length,u;s<o;s++)(u=i[s])&&t(u,s,n);return e}function St(e){return Ki(e,Ts),e}function xt(e,t,n){Ki(e,Ns);var i=new r,s=d3.dispatch("start","end"),o=Ds;return,e.time=n,e.tween=function(t,n){return arguments.length<2?i.get(t):(n==null?i.remove(t):i.set(t,n),e)},e.ease=function(t){return arguments.length?(o=typeof t=="function"?t:d3.ease.apply(d3,arguments),e):o},e.each=function(t,n){return arguments.length<2?,t):(s.on(t,n),e)},d3.timer(function(r){return Et(e,function(e,u,a){function f(r){return>t?c():(,i.forEach(function(t,n){(,m,u))&&h.push(n)}),,m,u),l(r)||d3.timer(l,0,n),1)}function l(n){if(!==t)return c();var r=(n-p)/d,i=o(r),a=h.length;while(a>0)h[--a].call(e,i);if(r>=1)return c(),ks=t,,m,u),ks=0,1}function c(){return--v.count||delete e.__transition__,1}var h=[],p=e.delay,d=e.duration,v=(e=e.node).__transition__||(e.__transition__={active:0,count:0}),m=e.__data__;++v.count,p<=r?f(r):d3.timer(f,p,n)})},0,n),e}function Tt(e){var t=ks,n=Ds,r=Ms,i=_s;return,Ds=this.ease(),Et(this,function(t,n,r){Ms=t.delay,_s=t.duration,,t.__data__,n,r)}),ks=t,Ds=n,Ms=r,_s=i,this}function Nt(e,t,n){return n!=""&&Ps}function Ct(e,t){return d3.tween(e,F(t))}function kt(){var e,,n=Hs;while(n)e=t-n.then,e>=n.delay&&(n.flush=n.callback(e)),;var r=Lt()-t;r>24?(isFinite(r)&&(clearTimeout(js),js=setTimeout(kt,r)),Bs=0):(Bs=1,Fs(kt))}function Lt(){var e=null,t=Hs,n=Infinity;while(t)t.flush?t=e?,t.then+t.delay),t=(e=t).next);return n}function At(e,t){var n=e.ownerSVGElement||e;if(n.createSVGPoint){var r=n.createSVGPoint();if(Is<0&&(window.scrollX||window.scrollY)){"svg").style("position","absolute").style("top",0).style("left",0);var i=n[0][0].getScreenCTM();Is=!i.f&&!i.e,n.remove()}return Is?(r.x=t.pageX,r.y=t.pageY):(r.x=t.clientX,r.y=t.clientY),r=r.matrixTransform(e.getScreenCTM().inverse()),[r.x,r.y]}var s=e.getBoundingClientRect();return[t.clientX-s.left-e.clientLeft,]}function Ot(){}function Mt(e){var t=e[0],n=e[e.length-1];return t<n?[t,n]:[n,t]}function _t(e){return e.rangeExtent?e.rangeExtent():Mt(e.range())}function Dt(e,t){var n=0,r=e.length-1,i=e[n],s=e[r],o;s<i&&(o=n,n=r,r=o,o=i,i=s,s=o);if(t=t(s-i))e[n]=t.floor(i),e[r]=t.ceil(s);return e}function Pt(){return Math}function Ht(e,t,n,r){function i(){var i=Math.min(e.length,t.length)>2?Ut:Rt,a=r?q:I;return o=i(e,t,a,n),u=i(t,e,a,d3.interpolate),s}function s(e){return o(e)}var o,u;return s.invert=function(e){return u(e)},s.domain=function(t){return arguments.length?(,i()):e},s.range=function(e){return arguments.length?(t=e,i()):t},s.rangeRound=function(e){return s.range(e).interpolate(d3.interpolateRound)},s.clamp=function(e){return arguments.length?(r=e,i()):r},s.interpolate=function(e){return arguments.length?(n=e,i()):n},s.ticks=function(t){return It(e,t)},s.tickFormat=function(t){return qt(e,t)},s.nice=function(){return Dt(e,jt),i()},s.copy=function(){return Ht(e,t,n,r)},i()}function Bt(e,t){return d3.rebind(e,t,"range","rangeRound","interpolate","clamp")}function jt(e){return e=Math.pow(10,Math.round(Math.log(e)/Math.LN10)-1),e&&{floor:function(t){return Math.floor(t/e)*e},ceil:function(t){return Math.ceil(t/e)*e}}}function Ft(e,t){var n=Mt(e),r=n[1]-n[0],i=Math.pow(10,Math.floor(Math.log(r/t)/Math.LN10)),s=t/r*i;return s<=.15?i*=10:s<=.35?i*=5:s<=.75&&(i*=2),n[0]=Math.ceil(n[0]/i)*i,n[1]=Math.floor(n[1]/i)*i+i*.5,n[2]=i,n}function It(e,t){return d3.range.apply(d3,Ft(e,t))}function qt(e,t){return d3.format(",."+Math.max(0,-Math.floor(Math.log(Ft(e,t)[2])/Math.LN10+.01))+"f")}function Rt(e,t,n,r){var i=n(e[0],e[1]),s=r(t[0],t[1]);return function(e){return s(i(e))}}function Ut(e,t,n,r){var i=[],s=[],o=0,u=Math.min(e.length,t.length)-1;e[u]<e[0]&&(e=e.slice().reverse(),t=t.slice().reverse());while(++o<=u)i.push(n(e[o-1],e[o])),s.push(r(t[o-1],t[o]));return function(t){var n=d3.bisect(e,t,1,u)-1;return s[n](i[n](t))}}function zt(e,t){function n(n){return e(t(n))}var r=t.pow;return n.invert=function(t){return r(e.invert(t))},n.domain=function(i){return arguments.length?(t=i[0]<0?Xt:Wt,r=t.pow,e.domain(,n):e.domain().map(r)},n.nice=function(){return e.domain(Dt(e.domain(),Pt)),n},n.ticks=function(){var n=Mt(e.domain()),i=[];if(n.every(isFinite)){var s=Math.floor(n[0]),o=Math.ceil(n[1]),u=r(n[0]),a=r(n[1]);if(t===Xt){i.push(r(s));for(;s++<o;)for(var f=9;f>0;f--)i.push(r(s)*f)}else{for(;s<o;s++)for(var f=1;f<10;f++)i.push(r(s)*f);i.push(r(s))}for(s=0;i[s]<u;s++);for(o=i.length;i[o-1]>a;o--);i=i.slice(s,o)}return i},n.tickFormat=function(e,i){arguments.length<2&&(i=qs);if(arguments.length<1)return i;var s=Math.max(.1,e/n.ticks().length),o=t===Xt?(u=-1e-12,Math.floor):(u=1e-12,Math.ceil),u;return function(e){return e/r(o(t(e)+u))<=s?i(e):""}},n.copy=function(){return zt(e.copy(),t)},Bt(n,e)}function Wt(e){return Math.log(e<0?0:e)/Math.LN10}function Xt(e){return-Math.log(e>0?0:-e)/Math.LN10}function Vt(e,t){function n(t){return e(r(t))}var r=$t(t),i=$t(1/t);return n.invert=function(t){return i(e.invert(t))},n.domain=function(t){return arguments.length?(e.domain(,n):e.domain().map(i)},n.ticks=function(e){return It(n.domain(),e)},n.tickFormat=function(e){return qt(n.domain(),e)},n.nice=function(){return n.domain(Dt(n.domain(),jt))},n.exponent=function(e){if(!arguments.length)return t;var s=n.domain();return r=$t(t=e),i=$t(1/t),n.domain(s)},n.copy=function(){return Vt(e.copy(),t)},Bt(n,e)}function $t(e){return function(t){return t<0?-Math.pow(-t,e):Math.pow(t,e)}}function Jt(e,t){function n(t){return o[((s.get(t)||s.set(t,e.push(t)))-1)%o.length]}function i(t,n){return d3.range(e.length).map(function(e){return t+n*e})}var s,o,u;return n.domain=function(i){if(!arguments.length)return e;e=[],s=new r;var o=-1,u=i.length,a;while(++o<u)s.has(a=i[o])||s.set(a,e.push(a));return n[t.t].apply(n,t.a)},n.range=function(e){return arguments.length?(o=e,u=0,t={t:"range",a:arguments},n):o},n.rangePoints=function(r,s){arguments.length<2&&(s=0);var a=r[0],f=r[1],l=(f-a)/(Math.max(1,e.length-1)+s);return o=i(e.length<2?(a+f)/2:a+l*s/2,l),u=0,t={t:"rangePoints",a:arguments},n},n.rangeBands=function(r,s,a){arguments.length<2&&(s=0),arguments.length<3&&(a=s);var f=r[1]<r[0],l=r[f-0],c=r[1-f],h=(c-l)/(e.length-s+2*a);return o=i(l+h*a,h),f&&o.reverse(),u=h*(1-s),t={t:"rangeBands",a:arguments},n},n.rangeRoundBands=function(r,s,a){arguments.length<2&&(s=0),arguments.length<3&&(a=s);var f=r[1]<r[0],l=r[f-0],c=r[1-f],h=Math.floor((c-l)/(e.length-s+2*a)),p=c-l-(e.length-s)*h;return o=i(l+Math.round(p/2),h),f&&o.reverse(),u=Math.round(h*(1-s)),t={t:"rangeRoundBands",a:arguments},n},n.rangeBand=function(){return u},n.rangeExtent=function(){return Mt(t.a[0])},n.copy=function(){return Jt(e,t)},n.domain(e)}function Kt(e,t){function n(){var n=0,s=e.length,o=t.length;i=[];while(++n<o)i[n-1]=d3.quantile(e,n/o);return r}function r(e){return isNaN(e=+e)?NaN:t[d3.bisect(i,e)]}var i;return r.domain=function(t){return arguments.length?(e=t.filter(function(e){return!isNaN(e)}).sort(d3.ascending),n()):e},r.range=function(e){return arguments.length?(t=e,n()):t},r.quantiles=function(){return i},r.copy=function(){return Kt(e,t)},n()}function Qt(e,t,n){function r(t){return n[Math.max(0,Math.min(o,Math.floor(s*(t-e))))]}function i(){return s=n.length/(t-e),o=n.length-1,r}var s,o;return r.domain=function(n){return arguments.length?(e=+n[0],t=+n[n.length-1],i()):[e,t]},r.range=function(e){return arguments.length?(n=e,i()):n},r.copy=function(){return Qt(e,t,n)},i()}function Gt(e,t){function n(n){return t[d3.bisect(e,n)]}return n.domain=function(t){return arguments.length?(e=t,n):e},n.range=function(e){return arguments.length?(t=e,n):t},n.copy=function(){return Gt(e,t)},n}function Yt(e){function t(e){return+e}return t.invert=t,t.domain=t.range=function(n){return arguments.length?(,t):e},t.ticks=function(t){return It(e,t)},t.tickFormat=function(t){return qt(e,t)},t.copy=function(){return Yt(e)},t}function Zt(e){return e.innerRadius}function en(e){return e.outerRadius}function tn(e){return e.startAngle}function nn(e){return e.endAngle}function rn(e){function t(t){function o(){a.push("M",s(e(l),f))}var a=[],l=[],c=-1,h=t.length,p,d=u(n),v=u(r);while(++c<h),p=t[c],c)?l.push([,p,c),,p,c)]):l.length&&(o(),l=[]);return l.length&&o(),a.length?a.join(""):null}var n=sn,r=on,i=o,s=un,a=s.key,f=.7;return t.x=function(e){return arguments.length?(n=e,t):n},t.y=function(e){return arguments.length?(r=e,t):r},t.defined=function(e){return arguments.length?(i=e,t):i},t.interpolate=function(e){return arguments.length?(typeof e=="function"?a=s=e:a=(s=$s.get(e)||un).key,t):a},t.tension=function(e){return arguments.length?(f=e,t):f},t}function sn(e){return e[0]}function on(e){return e[1]}function un(e){return e.join("L")}function an(e){return un(e)+"Z"}function fn(e){var t=0,n=e.length,r=e[0],i=[r[0],",",r[1]];while(++t<n)i.push("V",(r=e[t])[1],"H",r[0]);return i.join("")}function ln(e){var t=0,n=e.length,r=e[0],i=[r[0],",",r[1]];while(++t<n)i.push("H",(r=e[t])[0],"V",r[1]);return i.join("")}function cn(e,t){return e.length<4?un(e):e[1]+dn(e.slice(1,e.length-1),vn(e,t))}function hn(e,t){return e.length<3?un(e):e[0]+dn((e.push(e[0]),e),vn([e[e.length-2]].concat(e,[e[1]]),t))}function pn(e,t,n){return e.length<3?un(e):e[0]+dn(e,vn(e,t))}function dn(e,t){if(t.length<1||e.length!=t.length&&e.length!=t.length+2)return un(e);var n=e.length!=t.length,r="",i=e[0],s=e[1],o=t[0],u=o,a=1;n&&(r+="Q"+(s[0]-o[0]*2/3)+","+(s[1]-o[1]*2/3)+","+s[0]+","+s[1],i=e[1],a=2);if(t.length>1){u=t[1],s=e[a],a++,r+="C"+(i[0]+o[0])+","+(i[1]+o[1])+","+(s[0]-u[0])+","+(s[1]-u[1])+","+s[0]+","+s[1];for(var f=2;f<t.length;f++,a++)s=e[a],u=t[f],r+="S"+(s[0]-u[0])+","+(s[1]-u[1])+","+s[0]+","+s[1]}if(n){var l=e[a];r+="Q"+(s[0]+u[0]*2/3)+","+(s[1]+u[1]*2/3)+","+l[0]+","+l[1]}return r}function vn(e,t){var n=[],r=(1-t)/2,i,s=e[0],o=e[1],u=1,a=e.length;while(++u<a)i=s,s=o,o=e[u],n.push([r*(o[0]-i[0]),r*(o[1]-i[1])]);return n}function mn(e){if(e.length<3)return un(e);var t=1,n=e.length,r=e[0],i=r[0],s=r[1],o=[i,i,i,(r=e[1])[0]],u=[s,s,s,r[1]],a=[i,",",s];En(a,o,u);while(++t<n)r=e[t],o.shift(),o.push(r[0]),u.shift(),u.push(r[1]),En(a,o,u);t=-1;while(++t<2)o.shift(),o.push(r[0]),u.shift(),u.push(r[1]),En(a,o,u);return a.join("")}function gn(e){if(e.length<4)return un(e);var t=[],n=-1,r=e.length,i,s=[0],o=[0];while(++n<3)i=e[n],s.push(i[0]),o.push(i[1]);t.push(wn(Qs,s)+","+wn(Qs,o)),--n;while(++n<r)i=e[n],s.shift(),s.push(i[0]),o.shift(),o.push(i[1]),En(t,s,o);return t.join("")}function yn(e){var t,n=-1,r=e.length,i=r+4,s,o=[],u=[];while(++n<4)s=e[n%r],o.push(s[0]),u.push(s[1]);t=[wn(Qs,o),",",wn(Qs,u)],--n;while(++n<i)s=e[n%r],o.shift(),o.push(s[0]),u.shift(),u.push(s[1]),En(t,o,u);return t.join("")}function bn(e,t){var n=e.length-1;if(n){var r=e[0][0],i=e[0][1],s=e[n][0]-r,o=e[n][1]-i,u=-1,a,f;while(++u<=n)a=e[u],f=u/n,a[0]=t*a[0]+(1-t)*(r+f*s),a[1]=t*a[1]+(1-t)*(i+f*o)}return mn(e)}function wn(e,t){return e[0]*t[0]+e[1]*t[1]+e[2]*t[2]+e[3]*t[3]}function En(e,t,n){e.push("C",wn(Js,t),",",wn(Js,n),",",wn(Ks,t),",",wn(Ks,n),",",wn(Qs,t),",",wn(Qs,n))}function Sn(e,t){return(t[1]-e[1])/(t[0]-e[0])}function xn(e){var t=0,n=e.length-1,r=[],i=e[0],s=e[1],o=r[0]=Sn(i,s);while(++t<n)r[t]=(o+(o=Sn(i=s,s=e[t+1])))/2;return r[t]=o,r}function Tn(e){var t=[],n,r,i,s,o=xn(e),u=-1,a=e.length-1;while(++u<a)n=Sn(e[u],e[u+1]),Math.abs(n)<1e-6?o[u]=o[u+1]=0:(r=o[u]/n,i=o[u+1]/n,s=r*r+i*i,s>9&&(s=n*3/Math.sqrt(s),o[u]=s*r,o[u+1]=s*i));u=-1;while(++u<=a)s=(e[Math.min(a,u+1)][0]-e[Math.max(0,u-1)][0])/(6*(1+o[u]*o[u])),t.push([s||0,o[u]*s||0]);return t}function Nn(e){return e.length<3?un(e):e[0]+dn(e,Tn(e))}function Cn(e){var t,n=-1,r=e.length,i,s;while(++n<r)t=e[n],i=t[0],s=t[1]+Xs,t[0]=i*Math.cos(s),t[1]=i*Math.sin(s);return e}function kn(e){function t(t){function o(){l.push("M",f(e(v),p),h,c(e(d.reverse()),p),"Z")}var l=[],d=[],v=[],m=-1,g=t.length,y,b=u(n),w=u(i),E=n===r?function(){return x}:u(r),S=i===s?function(){return T}:u(s),x,T;while(++m<g),y=t[m],m)?(d.push([,y,m),,y,m)]),v.push([,y,m),,y,m)])):d.length&&(o(),d=[],v=[]);return d.length&&o(),l.length?l.join(""):null}var n=sn,r=sn,i=0,s=on,a=o,f=un,l=f.key,c=f,h="L",p=.7;return t.x=function(e){return arguments.length?(n=r=e,t):r},t.x0=function(e){return arguments.length?(n=e,t):n},t.x1=function(e){return arguments.length?(r=e,t):r},t.y=function(e){return arguments.length?(i=s=e,t):s},t.y0=function(e){return arguments.length?(i=e,t):i},t.y1=function(e){return arguments.length?(s=e,t):s},t.defined=function(e){return arguments.length?(a=e,t):a},t.interpolate=function(e){return arguments.length?(typeof e=="function"?l=f=e:l=(f=$s.get(e)||un).key,c=f.reverse||f,h=f.closed?"M":"L",t):l},t.tension=function(e){return arguments.length?(p=e,t):p},t}function Ln(e){return e.source}function An(e){return}function On(e){return e.radius}function Mn(e){return e.startAngle}function _n(e){return e.endAngle}function Dn(e){return[e.x,e.y]}function Pn(e){return function(){var t=e.apply(this,arguments),n=t[0],r=t[1]+Xs;return[n*Math.cos(r),n*Math.sin(r)]}}function Hn(){return 64}function Bn(){return"circle"}function jn(e){var t=Math.sqrt(e/Math.PI);return"M0,"+t+"A"+t+","+t+" 0 1,1 0,"+ -t+"A"+t+","+t+" 0 1,1 0,"+t+"Z"}function Fn(e,t){e.attr("transform",function(e){return"translate("+t(e)+",0)"})}function In(e,t){e.attr("transform",function(e){return"translate(0,"+t(e)+")"})}function qn(e,t,n){i=[];if(n&&t.length>1){var r=Mt(e.domain()),i,s=-1,o=t.length,u=(t[1]-t[0])/++n,a,f;while(++s<o)for(a=n;--a>0;)(f=+t[s]-a*u)>=r[0]&&i.push(f);for(--s,a=0;++a<n&&(f=+t[s]+a*u)<r[1];)i.push(f)}return i}function Rn(){no||("body").append("div").style("visibility","hidden").style("top",0).style("height",0).style("width",0).style("overflow-y","scroll").append("div").style("height","2000px").node().parentNode);var e=d3.event,t;try{no.scrollTop=1e3,no.dispatchEvent(e),t=1e3-no.scrollTop}catch(n){t=e.wheelDelta||-e.detail*5}return t}function Un(e){var t=e.source,,r=Wn(t,n),i=[t];while(t!==r)t=t.parent,i.push(t);var s=i.length;while(n!==r)i.splice(s,0,n),n=n.parent;return i}function zn(e){var t=[],n=e.parent;while(n!=null)t.push(e),e=n,n=n.parent;return t.push(e),t}function Wn(e,t){if(e===t)return e;var n=zn(e),r=zn(t),i=n.pop(),s=r.pop(),o=null;while(i===s)o=i,i=n.pop(),s=r.pop();return o}function Xn(e){e.fixed|=2}function Vn(e){e.fixed&=1}function $n(e){e.fixed|=4}function Jn(e){e.fixed&=3}function Kn(e,t,n){var r=0,i=0;e.charge=0;if(!e.leaf){var s=e.nodes,o=s.length,u=-1,a;while(++u<o){a=s[u];if(a==null)continue;Kn(a,t,n),e.charge+=a.charge,r+=a.charge*,i+=a.charge*}}if(e.point){e.leaf||(e.point.x+=Math.random()-.5,e.point.y+=Math.random()-.5);var f=t*n[e.point.index];e.charge+=e.pointCharge=f,r+=f*e.point.x,i+=f*e.point.y},}function Qn(e){return 20}function Gn(e){return 1}function Yn(e){return e.x}function Zn(e){return e.y}function er(e,t,n){e.y0=t,e.y=n}function tr(e){return d3.range(e.length)}function nr(e){var t=-1,n=e[0].length,r=[];while(++t<n)r[t]=0;return r}function rr(e){var t=1,n=0,r=e[0][1],i,s=e.length;for(;t<s;++t)(i=e[t][1])>r&&(n=t,r=i);return n}function ir(e){return e.reduce(sr,0)}function sr(e,t){return e+t[1]}function or(e,t){return ur(e,Math.ceil(Math.log(t.length)/Math.LN2+1))}function ur(e,t){var n=-1,r=+e[0],i=(e[1]-r)/t,s=[];while(++n<=t)s[n]=i*n+r;return s}function ar(e){return[d3.min(e),d3.max(e)]}function fr(e,t){return d3.rebind(e,t,"sort","children","value"),e.links=pr,e.nodes=function(t){return uo=!0,(e.nodes=e)(t)},e}function lr(e){return e.children}function cr(e){return e.value}function hr(e,t){return t.value-e.value}function pr(e){return d3.merge({return(e.children||[]).map(function(t){return{source:e,target:t}})}))}function dr(e,t){return e.value-t.value}function vr(e,t){var n=e._pack_next;e._pack_next=t,t._pack_prev=e,t._pack_next=n,n._pack_prev=t}function mr(e,t){e._pack_next=t,t._pack_prev=e}function gr(e,t){var n=t.x-e.x,r=t.y-e.y,i=e.r+t.r;return i*i-n*n-r*r>.001}function yr(e){function t(e){r=Math.min(e.x-e.r,r),i=Math.max(e.x+e.r,i),s=Math.min(e.y-e.r,s),o=Math.max(e.y+e.r,o)}if(!(n=e.children)||!(p=n.length))return;var n,r=Infinity,i=-Infinity,s=Infinity,o=-Infinity,u,a,f,l,c,h,p;n.forEach(br),u=n[0],u.x=-u.r,u.y=0,t(u);if(p>1){a=n[1],a.x=a.r,a.y=0,t(a);if(p>2){f=n[2],Sr(u,a,f),t(f),vr(u,f),u._pack_prev=f,vr(f,a),a=u._pack_next;for(l=3;l<p;l++){Sr(u,a,f=n[l]);var d=0,v=1,m=1;for(c=a._pack_next;c!==a;c=c._pack_next,v++)if(gr(c,f)){d=1;break}if(d==1)for(h=u._pack_prev;h!==c._pack_prev;h=h._pack_prev,m++)if(gr(h,f))break;d?(v<m||v==m&&a.r<u.r?mr(u,a=c):mr(u=h,a),l--):(vr(u,f),a=f,t(f))}}}var g=(r+i)/2,y=(s+o)/2,b=0;for(l=0;l<p;l++)f=n[l],f.x-=g,f.y-=y,b=Math.max(b,f.r+Math.sqrt(f.x*f.x+f.y*f.y));e.r=b,n.forEach(wr)}function br(e){e._pack_next=e._pack_prev=e}function wr(e){delete e._pack_next,delete e._pack_prev}function Er(e,t,n,r){var i=e.children;e.x=t+=r*e.x,e.y=n+=r*e.y,e.r*=r;if(i){var s=-1,o=i.length;while(++s<o)Er(i[s],t,n,r)}}function Sr(e,t,n){var r=e.r+n.r,i=t.x-e.x,s=t.y-e.y;if(r&&(i||s)){var o=t.r+n.r,u=i*i+s*s;o*=o,r*=r;var a=.5+(r-o)/(2*u),f=Math.sqrt(Math.max(0,2*o*(r+u)-(r-=u)*r-o*o))/(2*u);n.x=e.x+a*i+f*s,n.y=e.y+a*s-f*i}else n.x=e.x+r,n.y=e.y}function xr(e){return 1+d3.max(e,function(e){return e.y})}function Tr(e){return e.reduce(function(e,t){return e+t.x},0)/e.length}function Nr(e){var t=e.children;return t&&t.length?Nr(t[0]):e}function Cr(e){var t=e.children,n;return t&&(n=t.length)?Cr(t[n-1]):e}function kr(e,t){return e.parent==t.parent?1:2}function Lr(e){var t=e.children;return t&&t.length?t[0]:e._tree.thread}function Ar(e){var t=e.children,n;return t&&(n=t.length)?t[n-1]:e._tree.thread}function Or(e,t){var n=e.children;if(n&&(i=n.length)){var r,i,s=-1;while(++s<i)t(r=Or(n[s],t),e)>0&&(e=r)}return e}function Mr(e,t){return e.x-t.x}function _r(e,t){return t.x-e.x}function Dr(e,t){return e.depth-t.depth}function Pr(e,t){function n(e,r){var i=e.children;if(i&&(a=i.length)){var s,o=null,u=-1,a;while(++u<a)s=i[u],n(s,o),o=s}t(e,r)}n(e,null)}function Hr(e){var t=0,n=0,r=e.children,i=r.length,s;while(--i>=0)s=r[i]._tree,s.prelim+=t,s.mod+=t,t+=s.shift+(n+=s.change)}function Br(e,t,n){e=e._tree,t=t._tree;var r=n/(t.number-e.number);e.change+=r,t.change-=r,t.shift+=n,t.prelim+=n,t.mod+=n}function jr(e,t,n){return e._tree.ancestor.parent==t.parent?e._tree.ancestor:n}function Fr(e){return{x:e.x,y:e.y,dx:e.dx,dy:e.dy}}function Ir(e,t){var n=e.x+t[3],r=e.y+t[0],i=e.dx-t[1]-t[3],s=e.dy-t[0]-t[2];return i<0&&(n+=i/2,i=0),s<0&&(r+=s/2,s=0),{x:n,y:r,dx:i,dy:s}}function qr(e,t){function n(e,r){d3.text(e,t,function(e){r(e&&n.parse(e))})}function r(t){return}function i(e){return o.test(e)?'"'+e.replace(/\"/g,'""')+'"':e}var s=new RegExp("\r\n|["+e+"\r\n]","g"),o=new RegExp('["'+e+"\n]"),u=e.charCodeAt(0);return n.parse=function(e){var t;return n.parseRows(e,function(e,n){if(n){var r={},i=-1,s=t.length;while(++i<s)r[t[i]]=e[i];return r}return t=e,null})},n.parseRows=function(e,t){function n(){if(s.lastIndex>=e.length)return i;if(l)return l=!1,r;var t=s.lastIndex;if(e.charCodeAt(t)===34){var n=t;while(n++<e.length)if(e.charCodeAt(n)===34){if(e.charCodeAt(n+1)!==34)break;n++}s.lastIndex=n+2;var o=e.charCodeAt(n+1);return o===13?(l=!0,e.charCodeAt(n+2)===10&&s.lastIndex++):o===10&&(l=!0),e.substring(t+1,n).replace(/""/g,'"')}var a=s.exec(e);return a?(l=a[0].charCodeAt(0)!==u,e.substring(t,a.index)):(s.lastIndex=e.length,e.substring(t))}var r={},i={},o=[],a=0,f,l;s.lastIndex=0;while((f=n())!==i){var c=[];while(f!==r&&f!==i)c.push(f),f=n();if(t&&!(c=t(c,a++)))continue;o.push(c)}return o},n.format=function(e){return"\n")},n}function Rr(e,t){return function(n){return n&&e.hasOwnProperty(n.type)?e[n.type](n):t}}function Ur(e){return"m0,"+e+"a"+e+","+e+" 0 1,1 0,"+ -2*e+"a"+e+","+e+" 0 1,1 0,"+2*e+"z"}function zr(e,t){fo.hasOwnProperty(e.type)&&fo[e.type](e,t)}function Wr(e,t){zr(e.geometry,t)}function Xr(e,t){for(var n=e.features,r=0,i=n.length;r<i;r++)zr(n[r].geometry,t)}function Vr(e,t){for(var n=e.geometries,r=0,i=n.length;r<i;r++)zr(n[r],t)}function $r(e,t){for(var n=e.coordinates,r=0,i=n.length;r<i;r++)t.apply(null,n[r])}function Jr(e,t){for(var n=e.coordinates,r=0,i=n.length;r<i;r++)for(var s=n[r],o=0,u=s.length;o<u;o++)t.apply(null,s[o])}function Kr(e,t){for(var n=e.coordinates,r=0,i=n.length;r<i;r++)for(var s=n[r][0],o=0,u=s.length;o<u;o++)t.apply(null,s[o])}function Qr(e,t){t.apply(null,e.coordinates)}function Gr(e,t){for(var n=e.coordinates[0],r=0,i=n.length;r<i;r++)t.apply(null,n[r])}function Yr(e){return e.source}function Zr(e){return}function ei(){function e(e){var t=Math.sin(e*=p)*d,n=Math.sin(p-e)*d,r=n*s+t*c,u=n*o+t*h,a=n*i+t*l;return[Math.atan2(u,r)/ao,Math.atan2(a,Math.sqrt(r*r+u*u))/ao]}var t,n,r,i,s,o,u,a,f,l,c,h,p,d;return e.distance=function(){return p==null&&(d=1/Math.sin(p=Math.acos(Math.max(-1,Math.min(1,i*l+r*f*Math.cos(u-t)))))),p},e.source=function(u){var a=Math.cos(t=u[0]*ao),f=Math.sin(t);return r=Math.cos(n=u[1]*ao),i=Math.sin(n),s=r*a,o=r*f,p=null,e},{var n=Math.cos(u=t[0]*ao),r=Math.sin(u);return f=Math.cos(a=t[1]*ao),l=Math.sin(a),c=f*n,h=f*r,p=null,e},e}function ti(e,t){var n=ei().source(e).target(t);return n.distance(),n}function ni(e){var t=0,n=0;for(;;){if(e(t,n))return[t,n];t===0?(t=n+1,n=0):(t-=1,n+=1)}}function ri(e,t,n,r){var i,s,o,u,a,f,l;return i=r[e],s=i[0],o=i[1],i=r[t],u=i[0],a=i[1],i=r[n],f=i[0],l=i[1],(l-o)*(u-s)-(a-o)*(f-s)>0}function ii(e,t,n){return(n[0]-t[0])*(e[1]-t[1])<(n[1]-t[1])*(e[0]-t[0])}function si(e,t,n,r){var i=e[0],s=t[0],o=n[0],u=r[0],a=e[1],f=t[1],l=n[1],c=r[1],h=i-o,p=s-i,d=u-o,v=a-l,m=f-a,g=c-l,y=(d*v-g*h)/(g*p-d*m);return[i+y*p,a+y*m]}function oi(e,t){var n={,t){return{index:t,x:e[0],y:e[1]}}).sort(function(e,t){return e.y<t.y?-1:e.y>t.y?1:e.x<t.x?-1:e.x>t.x?1:0}),bottomSite:null},r={list:[],leftEnd:null,rightEnd:null,init:function(){r.leftEnd=r.createHalfEdge(null,"l"),r.rightEnd=r.createHalfEdge(null,"l"),r.leftEnd.r=r.rightEnd,r.rightEnd.l=r.leftEnd,r.list.unshift(r.leftEnd,r.rightEnd)},createHalfEdge:function(e,t){return{edge:e,side:t,vertex:null,l:null,r:null}},insert:function(e,t){t.l=e,t.r=e.r,e.r.l=t,e.r=t},leftBound:function(e){var t=r.leftEnd;do t=t.r;while(t!=r.rightEnd&&i.rightOf(t,e));return t=t.l,t},del:function(e){e.l.r=e.r,e.r.l=e.l,e.edge=null},right:function(e){return e.r},left:function(e){return e.l},leftRegion:function(e){return e.edge==null?n.bottomSite:e.edge.region[e.side]},rightRegion:function(e){return e.edge==null?n.bottomSite:e.edge.region[ho[e.side]]}},i={bisect:function(e,t){var n={region:{l:e,r:t},ep:{l:null,r:null}},r=t.x-e.x,i=t.y-e.y,s=r>0?r:-r,o=i>0?i:-i;return n.c=e.x*r+e.y*i+(r*r+i*i)*.5,s>o?(n.a=1,n.b=i/r,n.c/=r):(n.b=1,n.a=r/i,n.c/=i),n},intersect:function(e,t){var n=e.edge,r=t.edge;if(!n||!r||n.region.r==r.region.r)return null;var i=n.a*r.b-n.b*r.a;if(Math.abs(i)<1e-10)return null;var s=(n.c*r.b-r.c*n.b)/i,o=(r.c*n.a-n.c*r.a)/i,u=n.region.r,a=r.region.r,f,l;u.y<a.y||u.y==a.y&&u.x<a.x?(f=e,l=n):(f=t,l=r);var c=s>=l.region.r.x;return c&&f.side==="l"||!c&&f.side==="r"?null:{x:s,y:o}},rightOf:function(e,t){var n=e.edge,r=n.region.r,i=t.x>r.x;if(i&&e.side==="l")return 1;if(!i&&e.side==="r")return 0;if(n.a===1){var s=t.y-r.y,o=t.x-r.x,u=0,a=0;!i&&n.b<0||i&&n.b>=0?a=u=s>=n.b*o:(a=t.x+t.y*n.b>n.c,n.b<0&&(a=!a),a||(u=1));if(!u){var f=r.x-n.region.l.x;a=n.b*(o*o-s*s)<f*s*(1+2*o/f+n.b*n.b),n.b<0&&(a=!a)}}else{var l=n.c-n.a*t.x,c=t.y-l,h=t.x-r.x,p=l-r.y;a=c*c>h*h+p*p}return e.side==="l"?a:!a},endPoint:function(e,n,r){e.ep[n]=r;if(!e.ep[ho[n]])return;t(e)},distance:function(e,t){var n=e.x-t.x,r=e.y-t.y;return Math.sqrt(n*n+r*r)}},s={list:[],insert:function(e,t,n){e.vertex=t,e.ystar=t.y+n;for(var r=0,i=s.list,o=i.length;r<o;r++){var u=i[r];if(e.ystar>u.ystar||e.ystar==u.ystar&&t.x>u.vertex.x)continue;break}i.splice(r,0,e)},del:function(e){for(var t=0,n=s.list,r=n.length;t<r&&n[t]!=e;++t);n.splice(t,1)},empty:function(){return s.list.length===0},nextEvent:function(e){for(var t=0,n=s.list,r=n.length;t<r;++t)if(n[t]==e)return n[t+1];return null},min:function(){var e=s.list[0];return{x:e.vertex.x,y:e.ystar}},extractMin:function(){return s.list.shift()}};r.init(),n.bottomSite=n.list.shift();var o=n.list.shift(),u,a,f,l,c,h,p,d,v,m,g,y,b;for(;;){s.empty()||(u=s.min());if(o&&(s.empty()||o.y<u.y||o.y==u.y&&o.x<u.x))a=r.leftBound(o),f=r.right(a),p=r.rightRegion(a),y=i.bisect(p,o),h=r.createHalfEdge(y,"l"),r.insert(a,h),m=i.intersect(a,h),m&&(s.del(a),s.insert(a,m,i.distance(m,o))),a=h,h=r.createHalfEdge(y,"r"
),r.insert(a,h),m=i.intersect(h,f),m&&s.insert(h,m,i.distance(m,o)),o=n.list.shift();else{if(!!s.empty())break;a=s.extractMin(),l=r.left(a),f=r.right(a),c=r.right(f),p=r.leftRegion(a),d=r.rightRegion(f),g=a.vertex,i.endPoint(a.edge,a.side,g),i.endPoint(f.edge,f.side,g),r.del(a),s.del(f),r.del(f),b="l",p.y>d.y&&(v=p,p=d,d=v,b="r"),y=i.bisect(p,d),h=r.createHalfEdge(y,b),r.insert(l,h),i.endPoint(y,ho[b],g),m=i.intersect(l,h),m&&(s.del(l),s.insert(l,m,i.distance(m,p))),m=i.intersect(h,c),m&&s.insert(h,m,i.distance(m,p))}}for(a=r.right(r.leftEnd);a!=r.rightEnd;a=r.right(a))t(a.edge)}function ui(){return{leaf:!0,nodes:[],point:null}}function ai(e,t,n,r,i,s){if(!e(t,n,r,i,s)){var o=(n+i)*.5,u=(r+s)*.5,a=t.nodes;a[0]&&ai(e,a[0],n,r,o,u),a[1]&&ai(e,a[1],o,r,i,u),a[2]&&ai(e,a[2],n,u,o,s),a[3]&&ai(e,a[3],o,u,i,s)}}function fi(e){return{x:e[0],y:e[1]}}function li(){this._=new Date(arguments.length>1?Date.UTC.apply(this,arguments):arguments[0])}function ci(e){return e.substring(0,3)}function 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r=Bo.exec(t.substring(n,n+4));return r?(e.y=+r[0],n+=r[0].length):-1}function xi(e,t,n){Bo.lastIndex=0;var r=Bo.exec(t.substring(n,n+2));return r?(e.y=Ti(+r[0]),n+=r[0].length):-1}function Ti(e){return e+(e>68?1900:2e3)}function Ni(e,t,n){Bo.lastIndex=0;var r=Bo.exec(t.substring(n,n+2));return r?(e.m=r[0]-1,n+=r[0].length):-1}function Ci(e,t,n){Bo.lastIndex=0;var r=Bo.exec(t.substring(n,n+2));return r?(e.d=+r[0],n+=r[0].length):-1}function ki(e,t,n){Bo.lastIndex=0;var r=Bo.exec(t.substring(n,n+2));return r?(e.H=+r[0],n+=r[0].length):-1}function Li(e,t,n){Bo.lastIndex=0;var r=Bo.exec(t.substring(n,n+2));return r?(e.M=+r[0],n+=r[0].length):-1}function Ai(e,t,n){Bo.lastIndex=0;var r=Bo.exec(t.substring(n,n+2));return r?(e.S=+r[0],n+=r[0].length):-1}function Oi(e,t,n){Bo.lastIndex=0;var r=Bo.exec(t.substring(n,n+3));return r?(e.L=+r[0],n+=r[0].length):-1}function Mi(e,t,n){var r=jo.get(t.substring(n,n+=2).toLowerCase());return r==null?-1:(e.p=r,n)}function _i(e){var t=e.getTimezoneOffset(),n=t>0?"-":"+",r=~~(Math.abs(t)/60),i=Math.abs(t)%60;return n+To(r)+To(i)}function Di(e){return e.toISOString()}function Pi(e,t,n){function r(t){var n=e(t),r=s(n,1);return t-n<r-t?n:r}function i(n){return t(n=e(new po(n-1)),1),n}function s(e,n){return t(e=new po(+e),n),e}function o(e,r,s){var o=i(e),u=[];if(s>1)while(o<r)n(o)%s||u.push(new Date(+o)),t(o,1);else while(o<r)u.push(new Date(+o)),t(o,1);return u}function u(e,t,n){try{po=li;var r=new li;return r._=e,o(r,t,n)}finally{po=Date}}e.floor=e,e.round=r,e.ceil=i,e.offset=s,e.range=o;var a=e.utc=Hi(e);return a.floor=a,a.round=Hi(r),a.ceil=Hi(i),a.offset=Hi(s),a.range=u,e}function Hi(e){return function(t,n){try{po=li;var r=new li;return r._=t,e(r,n)._}finally{po=Date}}}function Bi(e,t,n){function r(t){return e(t)}return r.invert=function(t){return Fi(e.invert(t))},r.domain=function(t){return arguments.length?(e.domain(t),r):e.domain().map(Fi)},r.nice=function(e){return r.domain(Dt(r.domain(),function(){return e}))},r.ticks=function(n,i){var s=ji(r.domain());if(typeof n!="function"){var o=s[1]-s[0],u=o/n,a=d3.bisect(Io,u);if(a==Io.length)return t.year(s,n);if(!a)return e.ticks(n).map(Fi);Math.log(u/Io[a-1])<Math.log(Io[a]/u)&&--a,n=t[a],i=n[1],n=n[0].range}return n(s[0],new Date(+s[1]+1),i)},r.tickFormat=function(){return n},r.copy=function(){return Bi(e.copy(),t,n)},d3.rebind(r,e,"range","rangeRound","interpolate","clamp")}function ji(e){var t=e[0],n=e[e.length-1];return t<n?[t,n]:[n,t]}function Fi(e){return new Date(e)}function Ii(e){return function(t){var n=e.length-1,r=e[n];while(!r[1](t))r=e[--n];return r[0](t)}}function qi(e){var t=new Date(e,0,1);return t.setFullYear(e),t}function Ri(e){var t=e.getFullYear(),n=qi(t),r=qi(t+1);return t+(e-n)/(r-n)}function Ui(e){var t=new Date(Date.UTC(e,0,1));return t.setUTCFullYear(e),t}function zi(e){var t=e.getUTCFullYear(),n=Ui(t),r=Ui(t+1);return t+(e-n)/(r-n)}||({return+(new 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n.alpha(0)},n.drag=function(){o||(o=d3.behavior.drag().origin(i).on("dragstart",Xn).on("drag",t).on("dragend",Vn)),this.on("mouseover.force",$n).on("mouseout.force",Jn).call(o)},d3.rebind(n,r,"on")},d3.layout.partition=function(){function e(t,n,r,i){var s=t.children;t.x=n,t.y=t.depth*i,t.dx=r,t.dy=i;if(s&&(u=s.length)){var o=-1,u,a,f;r=t.value?r/t.value:0;while(++o<u)e(a=s[o],n,f=a.value*r,i),n+=f}}function t(e){var n=e.children,r=0;if(n&&(s=n.length)){var i=-1,s;while(++i<s)r=Math.max(r,t(n[i]))}return 1+r}function n(n,s){var,n,s);return e(o[0],0,i[0],i[1]/t(o[0])),o}var r=d3.layout.hierarchy(),i=[1,1];return n.size=function(e){return arguments.length?(i=e,n):i},fr(n,r)},d3.layout.pie=function(){function e(s,o){var,r){,n,r)}),a=+(typeof r=="function"?r.apply(this,arguments):r),f=((typeof i=="function"?i.apply(this,arguments):i)-r)/d3.sum(u),l=d3.range(s.length);n!=null&&l.sort(n===io?function(e,t){return u[t]-u[e]}:function(e,t){return n(s[e],s[t])});var c=[];return l.forEach(function(e){var t;c[e]={data:s[e],value:t=u[e],startAngle:a,endAngle:a+=t*f}}),c}var t=Number,n=io,r=0,i=2*Math.PI;return e.value=function(n){return arguments.length?(t=n,e):t},e.sort=function(t){return arguments.length?(n=t,e):n},e.startAngle=function(t){return arguments.length?(r=t,e):r},e.endAngle=function(t){return arguments.length?(i=t,e):i},e};var io={};d3.layout.stack=function(){function e(i,a){var,r){return,n,r)}),,n){return,n){return[,t,n),,t,n)]})}),,l,a);f=d3.permute(f,c),l=d3.permute(l,c);var,l,a),p=f.length,d=f[0].length,v,m,g;for(m=0;m<d;++m){,f[0][m],g=h[m],l[0][m][1]);for(v=1;v<p;++v),f[v][m],g+=l[v-1][m][1],l[v][m][1])}return i}var t=i,n=tr,r=nr,s=er,o=Yn,u=Zn;return e.values=function(n){return arguments.length?(t=n,e):t},e.order=function(t){return arguments.length?(n=typeof t=="function"?t:so.get(t)||tr,e):n},e.offset=function(t){return arguments.length?(r=typeof t=="function"?t:oo.get(t)||nr,e):r},e.x=function(t){return arguments.length?(o=t,e):o},e.y=function(t){return arguments.length?(u=t,e):u},e.out=function(t){return arguments.length?(s=t,e):s},e};var{"inside-out":function(e){var t=e.length,n,r,,,o=d3.range(t).sort(function(e,t){return i[e]-i[t]}),u=0,a=0,f=[],l=[];for(n=0;n<t;++n)r=o[n],u<a?(u+=s[r],f.push(r)):(a+=s[r],l.push(r));return l.reverse().concat(f)},reverse:function(e){return d3.range(e.length).reverse()},"default":tr}),{silhouette:function(e){var t=e.length,n=e[0].length,r=[],i=0,s,o,u,a=[];for(o=0;o<n;++o){for(s=0,u=0;s<t;s++)u+=e[s][o][1];u>i&&(i=u),r.push(u)}for(o=0;o<n;++o)a[o]=(i-r[o])/2;return a},wiggle:function(e){var t=e.length,n=e[0],r=n.length,i=0,s,o,u,a,f,l,c,h,p,d=[];d[0]=h=p=0;for(o=1;o<r;++o){for(s=0,a=0;s<t;++s)a+=e[s][o][1];for(s=0,f=0,c=n[o][0]-n[o-1][0];s<t;++s){for(u=0,l=(e[s][o][1]-e[s][o-1][1])/(2*c);u<s;++u)l+=(e[u][o][1]-e[u][o-1][1])/c;f+=l*e[s][o][1]}d[o]=h-=a?f/a*c:0,h<p&&(p=h)}for(o=0;o<r;++o)d[o]-=p;return d},expand:function(e){var t=e.length,n=e[0].length,r=1/t,i,s,o,u=[];for(s=0;s<n;++s){for(i=0,o=0;i<t;i++)o+=e[i][s][1];if(o)for(i=0;i<t;i++)e[i][s][1]/=o;else for(i=0;i<t;i++)e[i][s][1]=r}for(s=0;s<n;++s)u[s]=0;return u},zero:nr});d3.layout.histogram=function(){function e(e,s){var o=[],,this),,u,s),,a,u,s),l,s=-1,c=u.length,h=f.length-1,p=t?1:1/c,d;while(++s<h)l=o[s]=[],l.dx=f[s+1]-(l.x=f[s]),l.y=0;if(h>0){s=-1;while(++s<c)d=u[s],d>=a[0]&&d<=a[1]&&(l=o[d3.bisect(f,d,1,h)-1],l.y+=p,l.push(e[s]))}return o}var t=!0,n=Number,r=ar,i=or;return e.value=function(t){return arguments.length?(n=t,e):n},e.range=function(t){return arguments.length?(r=u(t),e):r},e.bins=function(t){return arguments.length?(i=typeof t=="number"?function(e){return ur(e,t)}:u(t),e):i},e.frequency=function(n){return arguments.length?(t=!!n,e):t},e},d3.layout.hierarchy=function(){function e(t,o,u){var,t,o),f=uo?t:{data:t};f.depth=o,u.push(f);if(a&&(c=a.length)){var l=-1,c,h=f.children=[],p=0,d=o+1,v;while(++l<c)v=e(a[l],d,u),v.parent=f,h.push(v),p+=v.value;r&&h.sort(r),s&&(f.value=p)}else s&&(,t,o)||0);return f}function t(e,r){var i=e.children,o=0;if(i&&(a=i.length)){var u=-1,a,f=r+1;while(++u<a)o+=t(i[u],f)}else s&&(,uo?,r)||0);return s&&(e.value=o),o}function n(t){var n=[];return e(t,0,n),n}var r=hr,i=lr,s=cr;return n.sort=function(e){return arguments.length?(r=e,n):r},n.children=function(e){return arguments.length?(i=e,n):i},n.value=function(e){return arguments.length?(s=e,n):s},n.revalue=function(e){return t(e,0),e},n};var uo=!1;d3.layout.pack=function(){function e(e,i){var,e,i),o=s[0];o.x=0,o.y=0,Pr(o,function(e){e.r=Math.sqrt(e.value)}),Pr(o,yr);var u=r[0],a=r[1],f=Math.max(2*o.r/u,2*o.r/a);if(n>0){var l=n*f/2;Pr(o,function(e){e.r+=l}),Pr(o,yr),Pr(o,function(e){e.r-=l}),f=Math.max(2*o.r/u,2*o.r/a)}return Er(o,u/2,a/2,1/f),s}var t=d3.layout.hierarchy().sort(dr),n=0,r=[1,1];return e.size=function(t){return arguments.length?(r=t,e):r},e.padding=function(t){return arguments.length?(n=+t,e):n},fr(e,t)},d3.layout.cluster=function(){function e(e,i){var,e,i),o=s[0],u,a=0,f,l;Pr(o,function(e){var t=e.children;t&&t.length?(e.x=Tr(t),e.y=xr(t)):(e.x=u?a+=n(e,u):0,e.y=0,u=e)});var c=Nr(o),h=Cr(o),p=c.x-n(c,h)/2,d=h.x+n(h,c)/2;return Pr(o,function(e){e.x=(e.x-p)/(d-p)*r[0],e.y=(1-(o.y?e.y/o.y:1))*r[1]}),s}var t=d3.layout.hierarchy().sort(null).value(null),n=kr,r=[1,1];return e.separation=function(t){return arguments.length?(n=t,e):n},e.size=function(t){return arguments.length?(r=t,e):r},fr(e,t)},d3.layout.tree=function(){function e(e,i){function s(e,t){var r=e.children,i=e._tree;if(r&&(o=r.length)){var o,a=r[0],f,l=a,c,h=-1;while(++h<o)c=r[h],s(c,f),l=u(c,f,l),f=c;Hr(e);var p=.5*(a._tree.prelim+c._tree.prelim);t?(i.prelim=t._tree.prelim+n(e,t),i.mod=i.prelim-p):i.prelim=p}else t&&(i.prelim=t._tree.prelim+n(e,t))}function o(e,t){e.x=e._tree.prelim+t;var n=e.children;if(n&&(i=n.length)){var r=-1,i;t+=e._tree.mod;while(++r<i)o(n[r],t)}}function u(e,t,r){if(t){var i=e,s=e,o=t,u=e.parent.children[0],a=i._tree.mod,f=s._tree.mod,l=o._tree.mod,c=u._tree.mod,h;while(o=Ar(o),i=Lr(i),o&&i)u=Lr(u),s=Ar(s),s._tree.ancestor=e,h=o._tree.prelim+l-i._tree.prelim-a+n(o,i),h>0&&(Br(jr(o,e,r),e,h),a+=h,f+=h),l+=o._tree.mod,a+=i._tree.mod,c+=u._tree.mod,f+=s._tree.mod;o&&!Ar(s)&&(s._tree.thread=o,s._tree.mod+=l-f),i&&!Lr(u)&&(u._tree.thread=i,u._tree.mod+=a-c,r=e)}return r}var,e,i),f=a[0];Pr(f,function(e,t){e._tree={ancestor:e,prelim:0,mod:0,change:0,shift:0,number:t?t._tree.number+1:0}}),s(f),o(f,-f._tree.prelim);var l=Or(f,_r),c=Or(f,Mr),h=Or(f,Dr),p=l.x-n(l,c)/2,d=c.x+n(c,l)/2,v=h.depth||1;return Pr(f,function(e){e.x=(e.x-p)/(d-p)*r[0],e.y=e.depth/v*r[1],delete e._tree}),a}var t=d3.layout.hierarchy().sort(null).value(null),n=kr,r=[1,1];return e.separation=function(t){return arguments.length?(n=t,e):n},e.size=function(t){return arguments.length?(r=t,e):r},fr(e,t)},d3.layout.treemap=function(){function e(e,t){var n=-1,r=e.length,i,s;while(++n<r)s=(i=e[n]).value*(t<0?0:t),i.area=isNaN(s)||s<=0?0:s}function t(n){var s=n.children;if(s&&s.length){var o=l(n),u=[],a=s.slice(),f,c=Infinity,h,p=Math.min(o.dx,o.dy),d;e(a,o.dx*o.dy/n.value),u.area=0;while((d=a.length)>0)u.push(f=a[d-1]),u.area+=f.area,(h=r(u,p))<=c?(a.pop(),c=h):(u.area-=u.pop().area,i(u,p,o,!1),p=Math.min(o.dx,o.dy),u.length=u.area=0,c=Infinity);u.length&&(i(u,p,o,!0),u.length=u.area=0),s.forEach(t)}}function n(t){var r=t.children;if(r&&r.length){var s=l(t),o=r.slice(),u,a=[];e(o,s.dx*s.dy/t.value),a.area=0;while(u=o.pop())a.push(u),a.area+=u.area,u.z!=null&&(i(a,u.z?s.dx:s.dy,s,!o.length),a.length=a.area=0);r.forEach(n)}}function r(e,t){var n=e.area,r,i=0,s=Infinity,o=-1,u=e.length;while(++o<u){if(!(r=e[o].area))continue;r<s&&(s=r),r>i&&(i=r)}return n*=n,t*=t,n?Math.max(t*i*p/n,n/(t*s*p)):Infinity}function i(e,t,n,r){var i=-1,s=e.length,o=n.x,a=n.y,f=t?u(e.area/t):0,l;if(t==n.dx){if(r||f>n.dy)f=n.dy;while(++i<s)l=e[i],l.x=o,l.y=a,l.dy=f,o+=l.dx=Math.min(n.x+n.dx-o,f?u(l.area/f):0);l.z=!0,l.dx+=n.x+n.dx-o,n.y+=f,n.dy-=f}else{if(r||f>n.dx)f=n.dx;while(++i<s)l=e[i],l.x=o,l.y=a,l.dx=f,a+=l.dy=Math.min(n.y+n.dy-a,f?u(l.area/f):0);l.z=!1,l.dy+=n.y+n.dy-a,n.x+=f,n.dx-=f}}function s(r){var i=h||o(r),s=i[0];return s.x=0,s.y=0,s.dx=a[0],s.dy=a[1],h&&o.revalue(s),e([s],s.dx*s.dy/s.value),(h?n:t)(s),c&&(h=i),i}var o=d3.layout.hierarchy(),u=Math.round,a=[1,1],f=null,l=Fr,c=!1,h,p=.5*(1+Math.sqrt(5));return s.size=function(e){return arguments.length?(a=e,s):a},s.padding=function(e){function t(t){var,t,t.depth);return n==null?Fr(t):Ir(t,typeof n=="number"?[n,n,n,n]:n)}function n(t){return Ir(t,e)}if(!arguments.length)return f;var r;return l=(f=e)==null?Fr:(r=typeof e)==="function"?t:r==="number"?(e=[e,e,e,e],n):n,s},s.round=function(e){return arguments.length?(u=e?Math.round:Number,s):u!=Number},s.sticky=function(e){return arguments.length?(c=e,h=null,s):c},s.ratio=function(e){return arguments.length?(p=e,s):p},fr(s,o)},d3.csv=qr(",","text/csv"),d3.tsv=qr(" ","text/tab-separated-values"),d3.geo={};var ao=Math.PI/180;d3.geo.azimuthal=function(){function e(e){var n=e[0]*ao-s,o=e[1]*ao,f=Math.cos(n),l=Math.sin(n),c=Math.cos(o),h=Math.sin(o),p=t!=="orthographic"?a*h+u*c*f:null,d,v=t==="stereographic"?1/(1+p):t==="gnomonic"?1/p:t==="equidistant"?(d=Math.acos(p),d?d/Math.sin(d):0):t==="equalarea"?Math.sqrt(2/(1+p)):1,m=v*c*l,g=v*(a*c*f-u*h);return[r*m+i[0],r*g+i[1]]}var t="orthographic",n,r=200,i=[480,250],s,o,u,a;return e.invert=function(e){var n=(e[0]-i[0])/r,o=(e[1]-i[1])/r,f=Math.sqrt(n*n+o*o),l=t==="stereographic"?2*Math.atan(f):t==="gnomonic"?Math.atan(f):t==="equidistant"?f:t==="equalarea"?2*Math.asin(.5*f):Math.asin(f),c=Math.sin(l),h=Math.cos(l);return[(s+Math.atan2(n*c,f*u*h+o*a*c))/ao,Math.asin(h*a-(f?o*c*u/f:0))/ao]},e.mode=function(n){return arguments.length?(t=n+"",e):t},e.origin=function(t){return arguments.length?(n=t,s=n[0]*ao,o=n[1]*ao,u=Math.cos(o),a=Math.sin(o),e):n},e.scale=function(t){return arguments.length?(r=+t,e):r},e.translate=function(t){return arguments.length?(i=[+t[0],+t[1]],e):i},e.origin([0,0])},d3.geo.albers=function(){function e(e){var t=u*(ao*e[0]-o),n=Math.sqrt(a-2*u*Math.sin(ao*e[1]))/u;return[i*n*Math.sin(t)+s[0],i*(n*Math.cos(t)-f)+s[1]]}function t(){var t=ao*r[0],i=ao*r[1],s=ao*n[1],l=Math.sin(t),c=Math.cos(t);return o=ao*n[0],u=.5*(l+Math.sin(i)),a=c*c+2*u*l,f=Math.sqrt(a-2*u*Math.sin(s))/u,e}var n=[-98,38],r=[29.5,45.5],i=1e3,s=[480,250],o,u,a,f;return e.invert=function(e){var t=(e[0]-s[0])/i,n=(e[1]-s[1])/i,r=f+n,l=Math.atan2(t,r),c=Math.sqrt(t*t+r*r);return[(o+l/u)/ao,Math.asin((a-c*c*u*u)/(2*u))/ao]},e.origin=function(e){return arguments.length?(n=[+e[0],+e[1]],t()):n},e.parallels=function(e){return arguments.length?(r=[+e[0],+e[1]],t()):r},e.scale=function(t){return arguments.length?(i=+t,e):i},e.translate=function(t){return arguments.length?(s=[+t[0],+t[1]],e):s},t()},d3.geo.albersUsa=function(){function e(e){var s=e[0],o=e[1];return(o>50?n:s<-140?r:o<21?i:t)(e)}var t=d3.geo.albers(),n=d3.geo.albers().origin([-160,60]).parallels([55,65]),r=d3.geo.albers().origin([-160,20]).parallels([8,18]),i=d3.geo.albers().origin([-60,10]).parallels([8,18]);return e.scale=function(s){return arguments.length?(t.scale(s),n.scale(s*.6),r.scale(s),i.scale(s*1.5),e.translate(t.translate())):t.scale()},e.translate=function(s){if(!arguments.length)return t.translate();var o=t.scale()/1e3,u=s[0],a=s[1];return t.translate(s),n.translate([u-400*o,a+170*o]),r.translate([u-190*o,a+200*o]),i.translate([u+580*o,a+430*o]),e},e.scale(t.scale())},d3.geo.bonne=function(){function e(e){var u=e[0]*ao-r,a=e[1]*ao-i;if(s){var f=o+s-a,l=u*Math.cos(a)/f;u=f*Math.sin(l),a=f*Math.cos(l)-o}else u*=Math.cos(a),a*=-1;return[t*u+n[0],t*a+n[1]]}var t=200,n=[480,250],r,i,s,o;return e.invert=function(e){var i=(e[0]-n[0])/t,u=(e[1]-n[1])/t;if(s){var a=o+u,f=Math.sqrt(i*i+a*a);u=o+s-f,i=r+f*Math.atan2(i,a)/Math.cos(u)}else u*=-1,i/=Math.cos(u);return[i/ao,u/ao]},e.parallel=function(t){return arguments.length?(o=1/Math.tan
(s=t*ao),e):s/ao},e.origin=function(t){return arguments.length?(r=t[0]*ao,i=t[1]*ao,e):[r/ao,i/ao]},e.scale=function(n){return arguments.length?(t=+n,e):t},e.translate=function(t){return arguments.length?(n=[+t[0],+t[1]],e):n},e.origin([0,0]).parallel(45)},d3.geo.equirectangular=function(){function e(e){var r=e[0]/360,i=-e[1]/360;return[t*r+n[0],t*i+n[1]]}var t=500,n=[480,250];return e.invert=function(e){var r=(e[0]-n[0])/t,i=(e[1]-n[1])/t;return[360*r,-360*i]},e.scale=function(n){return arguments.length?(t=+n,e):t},e.translate=function(t){return arguments.length?(n=[+t[0],+t[1]],e):n},e},d3.geo.mercator=function(){function e(e){var r=e[0]/360,i=-(Math.log(Math.tan(Math.PI/4+e[1]*ao/2))/ao)/360;return[t*r+n[0],t*Math.max(-0.5,Math.min(.5,i))+n[1]]}var t=500,n=[480,250];return e.invert=function(e){var r=(e[0]-n[0])/t,i=(e[1]-n[1])/t;return[360*r,2*Math.atan(Math.exp(-360*i*ao))/ao-90]},e.scale=function(n){return arguments.length?(t=+n,e):t},e.translate=function(t){return arguments.length?(n=[+t[0],+t[1]],e):n},e},d3.geo.path=function(){function e(e,t){typeof s=="function"&&(o=Ur(s.apply(this,arguments))),f(e);var n=a.length?a.join(""):null;return a=[],n}function t(e){return u(e).join(",")}function n(e){var t=i(e[0]),n=0,r=e.length;while(++n<r)t-=i(e[n]);return t}function r(e){var t=d3.geom.polygon(e[0].map(u)),n=t.area(),r=t.centroid(n<0?(n*=-1,1):-1),i=r[0],s=r[1],o=n,a=0,f=e.length;while(++a<f)t=d3.geom.polygon(e[a].map(u)),n=t.area(),r=t.centroid(n<0?(n*=-1,1):-1),i-=r[0],s-=r[1],o-=n;return[i,s,6*o]}function i(e){return Math.abs(d3.geom.polygon(}var s=4.5,o=Ur(s),u=d3.geo.albersUsa(),a=[],f=Rr({FeatureCollection:function(e){var t=e.features,n=-1,r=t.length;while(++n<r)a.push(f(t[n].geometry))},Feature:function(e){f(e.geometry)},Point:function(e){a.push("M",t(e.coordinates),o)},MultiPoint:function(e){var n=e.coordinates,r=-1,i=n.length;while(++r<i)a.push("M",t(n[r]),o)},LineString:function(e){var n=e.coordinates,r=-1,i=n.length;a.push("M");while(++r<i)a.push(t(n[r]),"L");a.pop()},MultiLineString:function(e){var n=e.coordinates,r=-1,i=n.length,s,o,u;while(++r<i){s=n[r],o=-1,u=s.length,a.push("M");while(++o<u)a.push(t(s[o]),"L");a.pop()}},Polygon:function(e){var n=e.coordinates,r=-1,i=n.length,s,o,u;while(++r<i){s=n[r],o=-1;if((u=s.length-1)>0){a.push("M");while(++o<u)a.push(t(s[o]),"L");a[a.length-1]="Z"}}},MultiPolygon:function(e){var n=e.coordinates,r=-1,i=n.length,s,o,u,f,l,c;while(++r<i){s=n[r],o=-1,u=s.length;while(++o<u){f=s[o],l=-1;if((c=f.length-1)>0){a.push("M");while(++l<c)a.push(t(f[l]),"L");a[a.length-1]="Z"}}}},GeometryCollection:function(e){var t=e.geometries,n=-1,r=t.length;while(++n<r)a.push(f(t[n]))}}),l=e.area=Rr({FeatureCollection:function(e){var t=0,n=e.features,r=-1,i=n.length;while(++r<i)t+=l(n[r]);return t},Feature:function(e){return l(e.geometry)},Polygon:function(e){return n(e.coordinates)},MultiPolygon:function(e){var t=0,r=e.coordinates,i=-1,s=r.length;while(++i<s)t+=n(r[i]);return t},GeometryCollection:function(e){var t=0,n=e.geometries,r=-1,i=n.length;while(++r<i)t+=l(n[r]);return t}},0),c=e.centroid=Rr({Feature:function(e){return c(e.geometry)},Polygon:function(e){var t=r(e.coordinates);return[t[0]/t[2],t[1]/t[2]]},MultiPolygon:function(e){var t=0,n=e.coordinates,i,s=0,o=0,u=0,a=-1,f=n.length;while(++a<f)i=r(n[a]),s+=i[0],o+=i[1],u+=i[2];return[s/u,o/u]}});return e.projection=function(t){return u=t,e},e.pointRadius=function(t){return typeof t=="function"?s=t:(s=+t,o=Ur(s)),e},e},d3.geo.bounds=function(e){var t=Infinity,n=Infinity,r=-Infinity,i=-Infinity;return zr(e,function(e,s){e<t&&(t=e),e>r&&(r=e),s<n&&(n=s),s>i&&(i=s)}),[[t,n],[r,i]]};var fo={Feature:Wr,FeatureCollection:Xr,GeometryCollection:Vr,LineString:$r,MultiLineString:Jr,MultiPoint:$r,MultiPolygon:Kr,Point:Qr,Polygon:Gr};{function e(){}function t(e){return a.distance(e)<u}function n(e){var t=-1,n=e.length,i=[],s,o,f,l,c;while(++t<n)c=a.distance(f=e[t]),c<u?(o&&i.push(ti(o,f)((l-u)/(l-c))),i.push(f),s=o=null):(o=f,!s&&i.length&&(i.push(ti(i[i.length-1],o)((u-l)/(c-l))),s=o)),l=c;return s=e[0],o=i[0],o&&f[0]===s[0]&&f[1]===s[1]&&(f[0]!==o[0]||f[1]!==o[1])&&i.push(o),r(i)}function r(e){var t=0,n=e.length,r,i,s=n?[e[0]]:e,o,u=a.source();while(++t<n){o=a.source(e[t-1])(e[t]).coordinates;for(r=0,i=o.length;++r<i;)s.push(o[r])}return a.source(u),s}var s=[0,0],o=89.99,u=o*ao,a=d3.geo.greatArc().source(s).target(i);e.clip=function(e){return typeof s=="function"&&a.source(s.apply(this,arguments)),f(e)||null};var f=Rr({FeatureCollection:function(e){var;return t&&(e=Object.create(e),e.features=t,e)},Feature:function(e){var t=f(e.geometry);return t&&(e=Object.create(e),e.geometry=t,e)},Point:function(e){return t(e.coordinates)&&e},MultiPoint:function(e){var n=e.coordinates.filter(t);return n.length&&{type:e.type,coordinates:n}},LineString:function(e){var t=n(e.coordinates);return t.length&&(e=Object.create(e),e.coordinates=t,e)},MultiLineString:function(e){var{return e.length});return t.length&&(e=Object.create(e),e.coordinates=t,e)},Polygon:function(e){var;return t[0].length&&(e=Object.create(e),e.coordinates=t,e)},MultiPolygon:function(e){var{return}).filter(function(e){return e[0].length});return t.length&&(e=Object.create(e),e.coordinates=t,e)},GeometryCollection:function(e){var;return t.length&&(e=Object.create(e),e.geometries=t,e)}});return e.origin=function(t){return arguments.length?(s=t,typeof s!="function"&&a.source(s),e):s},e.angle=function(t){return arguments.length?(u=(o=+t)*ao,e):o},d3.rebind(e,a,"precision")},d3.geo.greatArc=function(){function e(){var t=e.distance.apply(this,arguments),r=0,u=s/t,a=[n];while((r+=u)<1)a.push(o(r));return a.push(i),{type:"LineString",coordinates:a}}var t=Yr,n,r=Zr,i,s=6*ao,o=ei();return e.distance=function(){return typeof t=="function"&&o.source(n=t.apply(this,arguments)),typeof r=="function"&&,arguments)),o.distance()},e.source=function(r){return arguments.length?(t=r,typeof t!="function"&&o.source(n=t),e):t},{return arguments.length?(r=t,typeof r!="function"&&,e):r},e.precision=function(t){return arguments.length?(s=t*ao,e):s/ao},e},,d3.geom={},d3.geom.contour=function(e,t){var n=t||ni(e),r=[],i=n[0],s=n[1],o=0,u=0,a=NaN,f=NaN,l=0;do l=0,e(i-1,s-1)&&(l+=1),e(i,s-1)&&(l+=2),e(i-1,s)&&(l+=4),e(i,s)&&(l+=8),l===6?(o=f===-1?-1:1,u=0):l===9?(o=0,u=a===1?-1:1):(o=lo[l],u=co[l]),o!=a&&u!=f&&(r.push([i,s]),a=o,f=u),i+=o,s+=u;while(n[0]!=i||n[1]!=s);return r};var lo=[1,0,1,1,-1,0,-1,1,0,0,0,0,-1,0,-1,NaN],co=[0,-1,0,0,0,-1,0,0,1,-1,1,1,0,-1,0,NaN];d3.geom.hull=function(e){if(e.length<3)return[];var t=e.length,n=t-1,r=[],i=[],s,o,u=0,a,f,l,c,h,p,d,v;for(s=1;s<t;++s)e[s][1]<e[u][1]?u=s:e[s][1]==e[u][1]&&(u=e[s][0]<e[u][0]?s:u);for(s=0;s<t;++s){if(s===u)continue;f=e[s][1]-e[u][1],a=e[s][0]-e[u][0],r.push({angle:Math.atan2(f,a),index:s})}r.sort(function(e,t){return e.angle-t.angle}),d=r[0].angle,p=r[0].index,h=0;for(s=1;s<n;++s)o=r[s].index,d==r[s].angle?(a=e[p][0]-e[u][0],f=e[p][1]-e[u][1],l=e[o][0]-e[u][0],c=e[o][1]-e[u][1],a*a+f*f>=l*l+c*c?r[s].index=-1:(r[h].index=-1,d=r[s].angle,h=s,p=o)):(d=r[s].angle,h=s,p=o);i.push(u);for(s=0,o=0;s<2;++o)r[o].index!==-1&&(i.push(r[o].index),s++);v=i.length;for(;o<n;++o){if(r[o].index===-1)continue;while(!ri(i[v-2],i[v-1],r[o].index,e))--v;i[v++]=r[o].index}var m=[];for(s=0;s<v;++s)m.push(e[i[s]]);return m},d3.geom.polygon=function(e){return e.area=function(){var t=0,n=e.length,r=e[n-1][0]*e[0][1],i=e[n-1][1]*e[0][0];while(++t<n)r+=e[t-1][0]*e[t][1],i+=e[t-1][1]*e[t][0];return(i-r)*.5},e.centroid=function(t){var n=-1,r=e.length,i=0,s=0,o,u=e[r-1],a;arguments.length||(t=-1/(6*e.area()));while(++n<r)o=u,u=e[n],a=o[0]*u[1]-u[0]*o[1],i+=(o[0]+u[0])*a,s+=(o[1]+u[1])*a;return[i*t,s*t]},e.clip=function(t){var n,r=-1,i=e.length,s,o,u=e[i-1],a,f,l;while(++r<i){n=t.slice(),t.length=0,a=e[r],f=n[(o=n.length)-1],s=-1;while(++s<o)l=n[s],ii(l,u,a)?(ii(f,u,a)||t.push(si(f,l,u,a)),t.push(l)):ii(f,u,a)&&t.push(si(f,l,u,a)),f=l;u=a}return t},e},d3.geom.voronoi=function(e){var{return[]});return oi(e,function(e){var n,r,i,s,o,u;e.a===1&&e.b>=0?(n=e.ep.r,r=e.ep.l):(n=e.ep.l,r=e.ep.r),e.a===1?(o=n?n.y:-1e6,i=e.c-e.b*o,u=r?r.y:1e6,s=e.c-e.b*u):(i=n?n.x:-1e6,o=e.c-e.a*i,s=r?r.x:1e6,u=e.c-e.a*s);var a=[i,o],f=[s,u];t[e.region.l.index].push(a,f),t[e.region.r.index].push(a,f)}),,n){var r=e[n][0],i=e[n][1];return t.forEach(function(e){e.angle=Math.atan2(e[0]-r,e[1]-i)}),t.sort(function(e,t){return e.angle-t.angle}).filter(function(e,n){return!n||e.angle-t[n-1].angle>1e-10})})};var ho={l:"r",r:"l"};d3.geom.delaunay=function(e){var{return[]}),n=[];return oi(e,function(n){t[n.region.l.index].push(e[n.region.r.index])}),t.forEach(function(t,r){var i=e[r],s=i[0],o=i[1];t.forEach(function(e){e.angle=Math.atan2(e[0]-s,e[1]-o)}),t.sort(function(e,t){return e.angle-t.angle});for(var u=0,a=t.length-1;u<a;u++)n.push([i,t[u],t[u+1]])}),n},d3.geom.quadtree=function(e,t,n,r,i){function s(e,t,n,r,i,s){if(isNaN(t.x)||isNaN(t.y))return;if(e.leaf){var u=e.point;u?Math.abs(u.x-t.x)+Math.abs(u.y-t.y)<.01?o(e,t,n,r,i,s):(e.point=null,o(e,u,n,r,i,s),o(e,t,n,r,i,s)):e.point=t}else o(e,t,n,r,i,s)}function o(e,t,n,r,i,o){var u=(n+i)*.5,a=(r+o)*.5,f=t.x>=u,l=t.y>=a,c=(l<<1)+f;e.leaf=!1,e=e.nodes[c]||(e.nodes[c]=ui()),f?n=u:i=u,l?r=a:o=a,s(e,t,n,r,i,o)}var u,a=-1,f=e.length;f&&isNaN(e[0].x)&&(;if(arguments.length<5)if(arguments.length===3)i=r=n,n=t;else{t=n=Infinity,r=i=-Infinity;while(++a<f)u=e[a],u.x<t&&(t=u.x),u.y<n&&(n=u.y),u.x>r&&(r=u.x),u.y>i&&(i=u.y);var l=r-t,c=i-n;l>c?i=n+l:r=t+c}var h=ui();return h.add=function(e){s(h,e,t,n,r,i)},h.visit=function(e){ai(e,h,t,n,r,i)},e.forEach(h.add),h},d3.time={};var po=Date,vo=["Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday"];li.prototype={getDate:function(){return this._.getUTCDate()},getDay:function(){return this._.getUTCDay()},getFullYear:function(){return this._.getUTCFullYear()},getHours:function(){return this._.getUTCHours()},getMilliseconds:function(){return this._.getUTCMilliseconds()},getMinutes:function(){return this._.getUTCMinutes()},getMonth:function(){return this._.getUTCMonth()},getSeconds:function(){return this._.getUTCSeconds()},getTime:function(){return this._.getTime()},getTimezoneOffset:function(){return 0},valueOf:function(){return this._.valueOf()},setDate:function(){mo.setUTCDate.apply(this._,arguments)},setDay:function(){mo.setUTCDay.apply(this._,arguments)},setFullYear:function(){mo.setUTCFullYear.apply(this._,arguments)},setHours:function(){mo.setUTCHours.apply(this._,arguments)},setMilliseconds:function(){mo.setUTCMilliseconds.apply(this._,arguments)},setMinutes:function(){mo.setUTCMinutes.apply(this._,arguments)},setMonth:function(){mo.setUTCMonth.apply(this._,arguments)},setSeconds:function(){mo.setUTCSeconds.apply(this._,arguments)},setTime:function(){mo.setTime.apply(this._,arguments)}};var mo=Date.prototype,go="%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y",yo="%m/%d/%y",bo="%H:%M:%S",wo=vo,,So=["January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"],;d3.time.format=function(e){function t(t){var r=[],i=-1,s=0,o,u;while(++i<n)e.charCodeAt(i)==37&&(r.push(e.substring(s,i),(u=Po[o=e.charAt(++i)])?u(t):o),s=i+1);return r.push(e.substring(s,i)),r.join("")}var n=e.length;return t.parse=function(t){var n={y:1900,m:0,d:1,H:0,M:0,S:0,L:0},r=hi(n,e,t,0);if(r!=t.length)return null;"p"in n&&(n.H=n.H%12+n.p*12);var i=new po;return i.setFullYear(n.y,n.m,n.d),i.setHours(n.H,n.M,n.S,n.L),i},t.toString=function(){return e},t};var To=d3.format("02d"),No=d3.format("03d"),Co=d3.format("04d"),ko=d3.format("2d"),Lo=pi(wo),Ao=pi(Eo),Oo=pi(So),Mo=di(So),_o=pi(xo),Do=di(xo),Po={a:function(e){return Eo[e.getDay()]},A:function(e){return wo[e.getDay()]},b:function(e){return xo[e.getMonth()]},B:function(e){return So[e.getMonth()]},c:d3.time.format(go),d:function(e){return To(e.getDate())},e:function(e){return ko(e.getDate())},H:function(e){return To(e.getHours())},I:function(e){return To(e.getHours()%12||12)},j:function(e){return No(1+d3.time.dayOfYear(e))},L:function(e){return No(e.getMilliseconds())},m:function(e){return To(e.getMonth()+1)},M:function(e){return To(e.getMinutes())},p:function(e){return e.getHours()>=12?"PM":"AM"},S:function(e){return To(e.getSeconds())},U:function(e){return To(d3.time.sundayOfYear(e))},w:function(e){return e.getDay()},W:function(e){return To(d3.time.mondayOfYear(e))},x:d3.time.format(yo),X:d3.time.format(bo),y:function(e){return To(e.getFullYear()%100)},Y:function(e){return Co(e.getFullYear()%1e4)},Z:_i,"%":function(e){return"%"}},Ho={a:vi,A:mi,b:gi,B:yi,c:bi,d:Ci,e:Ci,H:ki,I:ki,L:Oi,m:Ni,M:Li,p:Mi,S:Ai,x:wi,X:Ei,y:xi,Y:Si},Bo=/^\s*\d+/,{am:0,pm:1});d3.time.format.utc=function(e){function t(e){try{po=li;var t=new po;return t._=e,n(t)}finally{po=Date}}var n=d3.time.format(e);return t.parse=function(e){try{po=li;var t=n.parse(e);return t&&t._}finally{po=Date}},t.toString=n.toString,t};var Fo=d3.time.format.utc("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%LZ");d3.time.format.iso=Date.prototype.toISOString?Di:Fo,Di.parse=function(e){var t=new Date(e);return isNaN(t)?null:t},Di.toString=Fo.toString,d3.time.second=Pi(function(e){return new po(Math.floor(e/1e3)*1e3)},function(e,t){e.setTime(e.getTime()+Math.floor(t)*1e3)},function(e){return e.getSeconds()}),d3.time.seconds=d3.time.second.range,d3.time.seconds.utc=d3.time.second.utc.range,d3.time.minute=Pi(function(e){return new po(Math.floor(e/6e4)*6e4)},function(e,t){e.setTime(e.getTime()+Math.floor(t)*6e4)},function(e){return e.getMinutes()}),d3.time.minutes=d3.time.minute.range,d3.time.minutes.utc=d3.time.minute.utc.range,d3.time.hour=Pi(function(e){var t=e.getTimezoneOffset()/60;return new po((Math.floor(e/36e5-t)+t)*36e5)},function(e,t){e.setTime(e.getTime()+Math.floor(t)*36e5)},function(e){return e.getHours()}),d3.time.hours=d3.time.hour.range,d3.time.hours.utc=d3.time.hour.utc.range,{var t=new po(1970,0);return t.setFullYear(e.getFullYear(),e.getMonth(),e.getDate()),t},function(e,t){e.setDate(e.getDate()+t)},function(e){return e.getDate()-1}),,,d3.time.dayOfYear=function(e){var t=d3.time.year(e);return Math.floor((e-t-(e.getTimezoneOffset()-t.getTimezoneOffset())*6e4)/864e5)},vo.forEach(function(e,t){e=e.toLowerCase(),t=7-t;var n=d3.time[e]=Pi(function(e){return(,e},function(e,t){e.setDate(e.getDate()+Math.floor(t)*7)},function(e){var n=d3.time.year(e).getDay();return Math.floor((d3.time.dayOfYear(e)+(n+t)%7)/7)-(n!==t)});d3.time[e+"s"]=n.range,d3.time[e+"s"].utc=n.utc.range,d3.time[e+"OfYear"]=function(e){var n=d3.time.year(e).getDay();return Math.floor((d3.time.dayOfYear(e)+(n+t)%7)/7)}}),d3.time.week=d3.time.sunday,d3.time.weeks=d3.time.sunday.range,d3.time.weeks.utc=d3.time.sunday.utc.range,d3.time.weekOfYear=d3.time.sundayOfYear,d3.time.month=Pi(function(e){return,e.setDate(1),e},function(e,t){e.setMonth(e.getMonth()+t)},function(e){return e.getMonth()}),d3.time.months=d3.time.month.range,d3.time.months.utc=d3.time.month.utc.range,d3.time.year=Pi(function(e){return,e.setMonth(0,1),e},function(e,t){e.setFullYear(e.getFullYear()+t)},function(e){return e.getFullYear()}),d3.time.years=d3.time.year.range,d3.time.years.utc=d3.time.year.utc.range;var Io=[1e3,5e3,15e3,3e4,6e4,3e5,9e5,18e5,36e5,108e5,216e5,432e5,864e5,1728e5,6048e5,2592e6,7776e6,31536e6],qo=[[d3.time.second,1],[d3.time.second,5],[d3.time.second,15],[d3.time.second,30],[d3.time.minute,1],[d3.time.minute,5],[d3.time.minute,15],[d3.time.minute,30],[d3.time.hour,1],[d3.time.hour,3],[d3.time.hour,6],[d3.time.hour,12],[,1],[,2],[d3.time.week,1],[d3.time.month,1],[d3.time.month,3],[d3.time.year,1]],Ro=[[d3.time.format("%Y"),function(e){return!0}],[d3.time.format("%B"),function(e){return e.getMonth()}],[d3.time.format("%b %d"),function(e){return e.getDate()!=1}],[d3.time.format("%a %d"),function(e){return e.getDay()&&e.getDate()!=1}],[d3.time.format("%I %p"),function(e){return e.getHours()}],[d3.time.format("%I:%M"),function(e){return e.getMinutes()}],[d3.time.format(":%S"),function(e){return e.getSeconds()}],[d3.time.format(".%L"),function(e){return e.getMilliseconds()}]],Uo=d3.scale.linear(),zo=Ii(Ro);qo.year=function(e,t){return Uo.domain(},d3.time.scale=function(){return Bi(d3.scale.linear(),qo,zo)};var{return[e[0].utc,e[1]]}),Xo=[[d3.time.format.utc("%Y"),function(e){return!0}],[d3.time.format.utc("%B"),function(e){return e.getUTCMonth()}],[d3.time.format.utc("%b %d"),function(e){return e.getUTCDate()!=1}],[d3.time.format.utc("%a %d"),function(e){return e.getUTCDay()&&e.getUTCDate()!=1}],[d3.time.format.utc("%I %p"),function(e){return e.getUTCHours()}],[d3.time.format.utc("%I:%M"),function(e){return e.getUTCMinutes()}],[d3.time.format.utc(":%S"),function(e){return e.getUTCSeconds()}],[d3.time.format.utc(".%L"),function(e){return e.getUTCMilliseconds()}]],Vo=Ii(Xo);Wo.year=function(e,t){return Uo.domain(},d3.time.scale.utc=function(){return Bi(d3.scale.linear(),Wo,Vo)}})();
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>At the 2016 Australian Election Campaign, the Words They Used</title>
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<h6 class="dateline">
<h1>At the 2016 Australian Election Campaign, the Words They Used</h1>
</div><!--close .storyHeader -->
<div class="storySummary">
<span class="summary">A comparison of how often speakers at the two the party leaders' conventions used different words and phrases, based on an analysis of transcripts from their campaign</span>
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<div class="g-legend" style="position:absolute;width:970px;">
<div class="g-democrat g-arrow">Words favored<br>by The Labor Party</div>
<div class="g-republican g-arrow">Words favored<br>by The Liberal Party</div>
<div class="g-overview">Number of mentions per 15,000 spoken words<br>by <span class="g-swatch g-democrat"></span>The Labor Party and <span class="g-swatch g-republican"></span>The Liberal Party</div>
<div class="g-notes">
<div class="g-note" style="left:20px;">
<b>Equality of Marriage</b>
Labor Party has been forerunning in regards to the support of gay marriage
<div class="g-note" style="left:252px;">
The Labor Party used the word much more frequently, primarily in reference to women's health and equal pay.
<div class="g-note" style="left:505px;">
The Liberal Party were more likely to talk about businesses, emphasizing Mr. Turnbull's private-sector experience and plans to improve the economy.
<div class="g-note" style="left:737px;">
<b>Negative Relations</b>
Greens were continuously mentioned by Turnbull, likely as an attack. While Shortern on the otherhand largely ignored the topic.
<div class="g-labels"></div>
<svg class="g-nodes" width="970" height="540">
<path class="g-note-arrow" id="g-arrow-gaymarriage" d="M58,425v-160"></path>
<path class="g-note-arrow" id="g-arrow-women" d="M308,425v-100"></path>
<path class="g-note-arrow" id="g-arrow-business" d="M630,425v-45l60,-60"></path>
<path class="g-note-arrow" id="g-arrow-greens" d="M885,425v-180"></path>
<p><div class="g-body">
<div class="g-mentions g-democrat">
<h3 class="g-head g-hasnt-topic">
<span class="g-isnt-topic"><br>Excerpts from The Labor Party</span>
<span class="g-is-topic"><span style="padding-left: 0.76em;">The Labor Party</span> mentioned <a>&hellip;</a><br><span class="g-count"></span> times per 15,000 words</span>
<div class="g-divider"></div>
<div class="g-truncated">Due to a large number of mentions, only a sampling of excerpts are shown.</div>
<div class="g-mentions g-republican">
<h3 class="g-head g-hasnt-topic">
<span class="g-isnt-topic"><br>Excerpts from The Liberal Party</span>
<span class="g-is-topic">The Liberal Party mentioned <a>&hellip;</a><br><span class="g-count"></span> times per 15,000 words</span>
<div class="g-divider"></div>
<div class="g-truncated">Due to a large number of mentions, only a sampling of excerpts are shown.</div>
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<div class="metaData element1">
<div class="module">
<span class="byline">By Will and Kelvin Chen, inspired by Mike Bostok</span>
<div class="module">
<p class="credit">Source: Federal News Service</p>
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var data;
(function(data) {
data.parties =;
data.topics =;
data.topic = function(name) {
var t = topic({name: name, re: new RegExp("\\b(" + d3.requote(name) + ")\\b", "gi")}, data.topics.length);
return t;
function party(party) {
party.speeches =;
party.sections = sections(party.speeches);
party.wordCount = d3.sum(party.sections, function(d) { return countWords(d.speech.text.substring(d.i, d.j)); });
return party;
function speech(text, i) {
return {text: text, id: i};
function sections(speeches) {
var speakerRe = /(?:\n|^)([A-Z\.()\- ]+): /g,
sections = [];
speeches.forEach(function(speech) {
var speakerName = "AUDIENCE",
i = speakerRe.lastIndex = 0;
while ((match = speakerRe.exec(speech.text))) {
if (match.index > i) sections.push({speaker: speakerName, speech: speech, i: i, j: match.index});
speakerName = match[1];
i = speakerRe.lastIndex;
sections.push({speaker: speakerName, speech: speech, i: i, j: speech.text.length});
return sections.filter(function(d) { return !/^AUDIENCE\b/.test(d.speaker); });
function topic(topic, i) { = i;
topic.count = 0; = topic.x; = topic.y;
topic.parties = {
var count = 0,
mentions = [];
party.sections.forEach(function(section) {
var text = section.speech.text.substring(section.i, section.j), match; = 0;
while ((match = {
topic: topic,
section: section,
i: section.i + match.index,
j: section.i +
topic.count += count = count / party.wordCount * 25e3;
return {count: count, mentions: mentions};
return topic;
window.topic = topic;
function countWords(text) {
return text.split(/\s+/g)
.filter(function(d) { return d !== "—"; })
})(data =
{ parties:
[ { name: "democrat"
, speeches:
"Women and Men of Australia,\nWe gather as one united party ready to serve, ready to lead, ready for government.\nLabor is ambitious for the great success that our country can achieve, determined to share that success with all who help to achieve it.\nConfident that a great future is within Australia's reach and certain that Labor has the plans to grasp it.\nKnowing that this election can be won and working every day to win it.\nMr Turnbull says he's got this in the bag, he claims he's already won it. I say to him never underestimate Labor, you ain't seen anything yet, has he?\nAfter three years of Opposition and six weeks of campaigning so far, we can win and we must win.\nBecause only a Labor Government will build a stronger economy and a fairer society.\nWill fund our schools and protect Medicare.\nWill create jobs and build roads, rail and a proper National Broadband Network.\nWill grow our regions, we will make our cities work.\nOnly Australia will have a Labor Government which delivers prosperity for everyone who works and prosperity that works for everyone. Only Labor can do this.\nI acknowledge the traditional owners of this land, I pay my respects to elders past and present. But let our respect travel past words into action.\nBecause as long as a young Aboriginal man is more likely to go to jail than university, words are not enough. Action matters.\nToday, let us spare a thought for the two nations we count among our oldest and dearest friends, who've been shaken by terrible events.\nTerrible events with incomprehensible hatred at their core and inconsolable grief the result.\nIn Australia, whatever our political differences, the security of our nation, our commitment to the men and woman of the ADF and the safety of all of our citizens unites us all.\nAnd we can all be grateful that we live in a democracy where our disputes are heated but not hateful, our conflicts are a clash of policies not prejudices.\nThis is no small achievement and we should jealously guard it.\nI want to thank all of you Labor members, union members, supporters, volunteers knocking on doors, making phone calls and delivering leaflets, handing out at pre-poll booths.\nFriends, our issues are starting to bite please, keep up the great work, we count on all of you.\nAs a movement we always fight for the future but we also honour our history.\nKevin Rudd is overseas today but on your behalf I want to thank him for his example and his service.\nAnd how lucky are we to share this room with three of our legends.\nFirstly, we are joined today by a trail-blazer for women and girls, a fierce warrior for education, a continuing inspiration for everyone who fights for Labor.\nPlease welcome Julia Gillard.\nThen we have a man of courage, conviction and imagination.\nA person whose public life was spent painting the big picture yet always with working people at the centre.\nThe reason true believers kept the faith.\nThe one that every other party would like to have, but only Labor has, the one and only, Paul Keating.\nAnd what can I say about this man, ladies and gentlemen, Bob Hawke.\nBob, there is so much admiration in this hall and indeed in this country for you and for what you've achieved.\nAnd when you wave your right arm, I realise there is more fight in Bob Hawke's right arm then the whole of Malcolm Turnbull's cabinet put together.\nThank you Bob.\nAnd to all those great leaders who have gone before. We pledge our determination to maintain some of the core issues which you so valiantly fought for.\nAnd indeed Bob, today we repeat what you said at your campaign launch, 26 years ago.\nTwo words Medicare stays.\nAnd amongst so many other distinguished guests, State Premiers and leaders, I would ask the Labor Party to please welcome to my wife Chloe and my family, without whom I could not have led these last three years.\nIt is fitting that we launch our campaign here in Penrith, one of the great, diverse and growing cities of Western Sydney.\nHere and right around our country, Australians need a government investing in the long term and in things that people rely upon\nRoads and rail\nEducation\nA first-rate NBN\nMedicare and child care\nJobs\nNow, Labor has the policies and the plans to meet these challenges and the people to deliver them.\nFriends, we can win this election.\nI am completely certain of that. And one of the reasons why I am certain of that is that we have the best team.\nThe men and woman who sit on this stage are called to politics not for their own interests but to advance the national interest.\nYou've already heard from a future Foreign Minister who will represent Australia on the world stage with distinction.\nAnd a future Treasurer, who will deliver a fairer, stronger Budget.\nTanya and Chris will be members of a great Labor Cabinet and the great Labor cabinet has many others in it.\nWong\nConroy\nBurke\nMacklin\nAlbanese\nButler\nCarr\nClare\nDreyfus\nEllis\nFitzgibbon\nGallagher\nKing\nMarles\nNeumann\nO'Connor\nAnd Greenway's own Michelle Rowland.\nI wish I had time to name every member my executive and every member of the Caucus.\nBecause every single name speaks for hard work, outstanding policies and complete unity of purpose.\nCompare those men and women, these name and their ideas to\nScott Morrison\nPeter Dutton\nMichaelia Cash\nThere's Brandis\nTony Abbott\nCory Bernardi\nChristopher Pyne\n\xe2\x80\xa6in fact, I wish I had time to name all of them as well.\nWe've got the best people, we've got the best policies and we've got the best plan to pay for them.\nWe are being accountable and responsible for every single dollar. Only policies that we can fund, only policies our country can afford.\nWe will not be a big spending government.\nWe will be a government for the fair go, fully paid for.\nBringing down the deficit each and every year.\nSaving more than we spend over the decade.\nReturning the Budget to balance at the same time as our opponents.\nAnd each and every year after that, our surpluses will be bigger and stronger and we will pay down the public debt faster because our savings plan is built upon structural reform, not savage short term cuts\nPaul Keating taught us well.\nYou do not grow the economy by shrinking opportunity.\nWe believe in Budget repair, that is fair.\nYes, we have had to make some tough decisions.\nBut I know from travelling this marvellous country, from years of standing up for working people.\nFrom the hundreds of meetings I've spoken at and the countless workplaces I've visited and the thousands upon thousands of people that I've listened to, been privileged to meet.\nI understand that Australians make hard choices every day.\nI know that people working today rely upon penalty rates, and those who drive the long shifts count upon safe rates.\nAnd when terms of trade and living standards fall.\nWhen the mining boom is ending and jobs are going with it.\nWhen workers need help to re-train and re-skill.\nWhen small businesses need that bit of encouragement to take risks.\nWhen our farmers are fighting drought and floods.\nWhen a whole generation of Australians feels shut out of the housing market the great Australian dream of your own home.\nWhen working Mums can't find or afford child care places.\nOne thing I understand, I know this, is that Australians don't need a lecture from their government about hard work and hard decisions.\nThe job of government is not to make to make things any tougher than they already are for people.\nOur job is to give the people of Australia more hope and more respect.\nThere is no hope for Australians and no respect for their hard work if all you offer the people of Australia is a three-word slogan and a small target strategy.\nThat is why I'm so proud of Labor, we've taken the high road of politics, outlining the most comprehensive program in a generation and how we pay for it.\nAnd the difference in competing economic visions has never been sharper or starker\nA Labor party investing in people, in productivity, in infrastructure and technology.\nAnd a Liberal party asking for three more years on the back of one bad idea.\nA $50 billion giveaway to big business.\n$30 billion of which goes straight overseas.\nThis is not a plan for the Australian economy it is foreign aid for foreign companies.\nTreasury has put a final figure on the economic benefits, such as they are. A growth dividend of 0.1 per cent a year.\nZero. Point. One.\n$50 billion dollars for a benefit that rounds down to zero.\nAnd when that money's gone our schools will still be struggling, our hospitals will be under more pressure and university degrees will commonly cost $100,000.\nAll that money will have built nothing and we will never get it back.\nBut at least Mr Turnbull has already told us already how he is going to fill the void it that will leave in the Budget.\nA 15 per cent GST, on everything\nOr ripping every single Commonwealth dollar out of every single government schoolAnd letting the states loose to charge their own income tax.\nMake no mistake, if the Liberals win, we shouldn't be worried about Mr Turnbull breaking his promises, we should be worried about him keeping his promises.\nMr Turnbull's plan, such as it is, means a $7.4 billion windfall for Westpac, ANZ, the Commonwealth Bank and NAB.\nThree out of four of these are under investigation for rigging the interest rates of Australians trying to save for a home, pay-off a mortgage or plan for a self-funded retirement.\nCommInsure recently denied compensation to a policy-holder because he had and this is a real quote because he had the 'wrong sort of heart attack'.\nThis is a time that requires more than a lofty lunchtime lecture from Malcolm Turnbull.\nThe Banks do not need a tax cut they deserve a Royal Commission. The Australian economy needs a real jobs plan.\nBecause from Western Sydney to Northern Tassie, from regional Queensland and the Hunter Valley to the suburbs of Perth \xe2\x80\x93\nThe Australians finding it hardest to find a job are young people under 25 looking for a start, and workers over 55 displaced by change, stranded by change, looking for another chance.\nAnd of course the parents and carers returning to work after more than six months away.\nLabor is determined to do more to help people find work in a changing economy.\nNot by waffling about agility but just getting on and doing the job.\nNot talking about jobs doing something to create them.\nHope is not found in a three-word slogan. Hope is an unemployed Australian finding a job. Labor gives Australians hope.\nToday I announce Labor's new jobs tax cut for small business.\nUnder Labor, if you are a small business that has been in operation for two years or more, you will get a new tax break of up to $20,000 when you hire a parent going back to work, a carer, an Australian aged under 25 or over 55.\nSupporting these Australians into work will create 30,000 new jobs every year.\nThese people are told by the Australian community sometimes it's too hard. I'm sick and tired of seeing older Australians told that because you are over 55, just wait until you can get the pension, there is nothing more we need form you or that you can contribute.\nWe will speak up in particular for the long-term young unemployed and for older Australians.\nWe have a real jobs plan and a responsible tax cut.\nA plan to grow small business and help Australians fulfil their potential, as is the birthright of every Australian.\nOur message to small businesses and to jobseekers is one and the same\nYou know who I'm talking about. In the hardscrabble suburbs and postcodes of this country, where perhaps the family unit isn't working as well as we'd like it to. Or those older migrant workers in the great factories of Australia, who 30 and 40 years came off the boat and into our factories and delivered us our standard of living.\nWe are a more imaginative country then we give ourselves credit for. My policies, our policies, to small business and to job seekers is one and the same\nLabor believes in you and we will invest in you.\nNo new paperwork just new jobs.\nMy friends, the two most important things for an economy in transition are public investment in infrastructure and education.\nBuilding and teaching.\nLabor will do both.\nWe will turbo-charge Infrastructure and create a new 'Concrete Bank'.\nWe will clear away the market blockages that hold back our superannuation investing in good projects.\nWe will build if given the opportunity by the Australian people, the Perth Metronet, AdeLINK, the Melbourne Metro and of course Brisbane's Cross-River Rail.\nAnd we will build the Western Sydney Rail Line connecting fast growing communities.\nWe are committed to creating blue collar jobs as well as white collar jobs across this country and unlocking our congested cities and suburbs.\nLocal jobs for local people.\nAnd as a condition of every cent that flows, we will require that 1 in 10 of the workers employed in our major infrastructure projects is an Australian apprentice.\nWe'll back this up with 15,000 new places for apprentices of all ages right across the nation.\nAnd we will clean-out the dodgy private colleges undermining vocational training in this country.\nBecause we, the Labor Party, are backing public TAFE, all the way.\nPolitics, as you understand, is about choices.\nWe choose TAFE.\nWe choose local content.\nWe choose the apprenticeship system.\nWe choose renewable energy and Australian steel because we believe advanced manufacturing has a future in this country.\nAnd the only three-word-slogan I want to see and hear a lot more about in the next three years is Made in Australia.\nWe will build and we will teach.\nOur plan for schools means bright children are stretched in extension classes.\nBut the children falling behind get the individual attention they need to catch up.\nTeachers get the resources they need and the respect they deserve.\nAnd our plan means a that a new Labor Government will fully-fund the Gonski school reforms, full stop.\nOn the first day of this campaign I was fortunate to visit Cairns West Primary. It's one of the most disadvantaged schools in our country. I got to speak to a little boy in grade 1.\nA little kid, million-dollar smile.\nAs the cameras whirred I said to him 'You'll be on TV tonight.'\nHe looked at me and said 'We don't have a television.'\nThis is a school where Indigenous students, refugee kids, Cook Islanders and freckled redheads sit side-by-side.\nTeaching children to read and write and count. Offering them a chance to take part in music and drama and sport.\nIn the face of hardship, and many parents there doing it hard, there are great teachers and wonderful kids achieving remarkable things in that school.\nAnd this is a story writ large across the schools of Australia.\nAnd when I think about how they keep having to do more with less, it is an outrage when the Liberals say money doesn't make a difference in education.\nLet us win this election so we put to bed forever the argument that funding schools is not an investment in our future.\nIf equality of opportunity means anything in our 21st Century, then we must deliver needs-based funding and lock it in for the decade.\nOur children are bright and optimistic. Their parents want the best for them.\nOur children and our parents deserve a government that is fulfilling their trust and their dreams.\nAustralia's future as a knowledge economy depends upon this.\nAnd our future as a knowledge economy depends upon the National Broadband Network.\nFair dinkum broadband is crucial for the science, technology, engineering and maths skills our children need.\nIt's vital to small businesses in the regions engaging in our region. But Mr Turnbull has made a horrible mess of the NBN.\nThe cost is now double what he promised and it's going to take as twice as long to build.\nAustralia's ranking has collapsed from 30th to 60th in the world in global internet speeds.\nI suppose, this was the perfect preview for his time as Prime Minister.\nOver-promise, under-deliver and take forever to get to the point.\nAustralia deserves so much better than this.\nA new Labor Government will connect up to 2 million more homes and businesses to a first-rate fibre National Broadband Network.\nA better service and faster speeds. An end to the buffering and connection nightmare.\nYou know why I say this, why I pledge this?\nBecause world-class technology is only just good enough for Australia. And no leader worth their salt will ever sell you second best when Australians deserve the best.\nWe're not blogging about innovation we're just getting on with the job.\nAnd talking about getting on with the job, growing a modern economy depends upon championing a modern society.\nIf our country achieves nothing else in the next decade but true equality for the women of Australia, we will be the richest nation in the world in every sense of the word.\nEquality for women will be a national mission for my government.\nA minimum of 18 weeks paid parental leave, guaranteed.\nBetter childcare, sooner for 800,000 working families.\nAnd my government will provide the resources, support and leadership to tackle the most devastating and extreme manifestation of gender inequality violence against women.\nWe will properly fund the frontline you know the frontline community legal centres, counsellors and safe housing for women and children.\nNo more delays, no more excuses.\nNo more pulling down the blinds and turning up the television to drown out the noise next door.\nFamily violence is not a family matter it is a national disgrace.\nAnd Labor will provide the leadership to tackle it. Because we understand that a society that has men and women treated equally is capable of just about anything.\nAnd we want Australia that equal society, and that is what the Labor party believes in the heart of its DNA. Equal treatment for the women of Australia.\nAnd talking about leadership. We will provide the leadership in the Parliament to deliver marriage equality within our first 100 days.\nIn modern Australia, noone should have to justify their sexuality or their love, to anyone else.\nAnd instead of sitting in judgement, instead of providing a taxpayer-funded platform for homophobia, we will gift every Australian an equal right in respect of love. Nothing less.\nFriends, one of the things I've enjoyed most about the town hall meetings I've been holding is the chance to talk to Australian people around our great nation about what matters to them.\nThe issues that are rarely front page news or front of our national mind.\nSo often, wherever we are in Australia, it's often a young person who raises their hand to ask me about ice, mental health or suicide.\nWe should never underestimate the resilience, the courage it takes to put up your hand and talk about a subject that is still too often skated-over and stigmatised.\nThere is a hidden story in our country.\nTeenagers are taking days off school to attend the funerals of classmates who have taken their own life.\nParents sitting at kitchen tables, numb with incomprehension, shattered by grief, trying to write a eulogy for their child. No parent should ever bury their child.\nYet seven Australians die every day at their own hand. Every single day.\nWe can do better than this.\nA new Labor Government will start by providing $72 million for 12 regional suicide prevention projects.\nI say to people among us at the brink of despair, that we must offer more than help we must offer hope.\nLabor will therefore provide the funding to keep Headspace centres open in their 95 locations.\nWe will invest $9 million as the foundation of a new National Suicide Prevention Fund, to break down social stigma, to light a path out of the dark places that some of our fellow Australians find themselves in.\nWe will not rest until mental health gets the continuous national attention and national action that it deserves.\nAt gatherings of the faithful such as this, I think it's also worth remembering that many Australians find politics exhausting rather than inspiring.\nWho think to themselves that nothing ever changes, that it's all a done deal, that their vote never changes a thing.\nBut today I say to you, that isn't true.\nPolitics is not perfect it never was, it never will be.\nBut if you want to know why this election will make a difference to you, your family, your street, your workplace, to Australia's future.\nI can give you the answer of why politics matters in one word\nMedicare.\nFriends, this election is a referendum on the future of Medicare.\nYour individual vote will decide the fate, direction and quality of healthcare in this country. Medicare is the community standard, it's the gold standard, it speaks to Australians about who we are.\nIt's an echo of an older, uncomplicated sense of solidarity, the belief that the health of any one of us matters to all of us.\nIt's also thoroughly modern economic policy.\nLifting productivity up keeping sick days down.\nSaving employers the expense of paying health insurance for their employees.\nAnd Medicare costs Australia far less than other countries pay, and we get better care.\nIt is the job of good governments not just to preserve Medicare as it was, but to make sure it keeps up with the needs of our people.\nBut under my opponent, the Liberals have cut $650 million from bulk-billing for pathology and diagnostic imaging.\nThis will mean new out-of-pocket costs for x-rays, blood tests, pap smears, the scans for vulnerable Australians\n$100 for a mammogram.\n$300 in diagnosis costs for a woman fighting breast cancer.\nOver $1000 for an Aussie dealing with melanoma.\nLabor will not stand by idly and accept this on Medicare, on GPs, on specialists, on nurses and on patients.\nI will unfreeze the GP rebate so every Australian can afford to see the doctor, without paying Mr Turnbull's backdoor GP tax.\nI will keep the price of medicine down, by scrapping the price hikes of Mr Turnbull and by investing in the PBS.\nAnd today I announce that an incoming Labor Government will reverse Mr Turnbull's cuts to pathology and diagnostic imaging, because when you are in the fight of your life, when your family member is in the fight of their life, you need a government on your side, and we will be that government.\nLabor will properly fund Australia's hospitals, working in cooperation with the states and as part of this, we will cut waiting times for elective surgery throughout Australia but also here in the West.\nAnd we will contribute to the long overdue upgrade of the hardworking Nepean Hospital right in this district.\nRegrettably, the Liberal cuts to Medicare are just the beginning. We all know the endgame they've got in mind.\nI saw a bloke on TV the other night who summed it up pretty well\nEverybody knows, you don't set up a Medicare privatisation taskforce, unless you intend to privatise Medicare.\nFirst, Mr Turnbull said there was nothing wrong with this, then he said there was nothing to see here.\nNow the Liberals are trying to pull-off the biggest fraud of this campaign, and there is some competition for that title.\nThey're pretending their taskforce doesn't exist and that now privatising Medicare isn't part of their plans.\nBut facts have an inconvenient way of ruining a Turnbull story. Today we have new proof of their true intentions.\nThe Liberals have given the Productivity Commission new riding instructions, to investigate privatising human services and Americanising Medicare.\nThis is Mr Turnbull's second strike on Medicare and we know he won't stop, he won't rest.\nPiece by piece, brick by brick the Liberals have never liked Medicare and they want to tear it down again.\nThey want to replace it with a system where profits come before patients. Where emergency wards are crammed with people who can't afford to see a GP and the rest are turned away.\nThe Liberals are so out of touch. They just don't get how everyday people organise their lives.\nMedicare is more than a column in a spreadsheet.\nIt's not some corporate asset to be sold-off and exported.\nIt's not a shell company where you can rip out the heart, keep the brand and outsource the responsibility.\nMedicare is not just another business it is everyone's business.\nIt belongs to all of us it belongs in public hands.\nToday, I proudly give Australians this guarantee, hand-on-heart, from the Labor party.\nLabor will never support the privatisation of Medicare, full stop.\nAs we enter the latest round in a forty-year fight we do have an undefeated champion here with us.\nI wish to acknowledge your government Bob, you built Medicare and we stand with you now to defend it.\nWe will prevail.\nAt this election we're seeking to make history \xe2\x80\x93and millions of Australians are counting on us to do just that.\nBecause a close-run-race won't do the job, I'm not interested in an honourable second-place. That simply won't suffice.\nIf we want to save Medicare, if we want better schools, if we want real action on climate change and on an NBN that works, if we want to change the country for the better we have to win. And that is what we are aiming to do in the next 13 days.\nNow there are people who will tell us it can't be done.\nMind you, these are the same people who said, less than 3 years ago, Tony Abbott was unbeatable.\nThat the 2014 Budget was right for the times.\nThat National Conference would divide and break our party.\nThat a Royal Commission would crush our movement.\nThe same people now tell us that Malcolm Turnbull is invincible.\nThere is always someone willing to write Labor off and they are always wrong.\nThis election is a battle for our generation of true believers.\nIt's our time.\nOur chance to be more than a face in the crowd.\nOur chance to make this a better country.\nOur moment to dig a little deeper, to try a little harder, to be part of something bigger than just ourselves.\nAnd for all of the complexities, all of the intricacies, for all the to-and-fro in the 13 days to come.\nIn the end, the choice for Australians is simple\nIf you want to save Medicare vote Labor.\nIf you want better schools, not richer banks vote Labor.\nIf you want Labor.\nIf you want vote Labor.\nIf you want a tax cut for local jobs, not a tax break for foreign shareholders vote Labor.\nIf you want a housing affordability plan that's more than just 'get rich parents' vote Labor.\nIf you want a first-rate NBN for a first-rate economy vote Labor.\nTo save the Reef vote Labor.\nIf you want the pension and penalty rates to be safe vote Labor. marriage equality to be a reality vote Labor.\nFriends some of the people who inspired me, some of my heroes and mentors, are Bob Hawke, Paul Keating, Bill Kelty.\nThey got Australia to here.\nAnd this election is about 2030 \xe2\x80\x93and how we get there. It's about the markers we set for the future of our nation\nJobs\nEducation\nMedicare\nBroadband\nInfrastructure\nThe equal treatment of women\nAnd real action on climate change, doing our part in the world.\nToday my remarkable team and I offer ourselves as a new government dedicated to Australia's oldest preposition a fair go all around.\nA Labor government which recognises Australia has always grown stronger and richer by including everyone in opportunity and leaving no-one behind.\nPreserving for future generations the things which make Australia one of the finest and best and different countries in the world.\nThe Australian I see in the future is a creative country, a place of community, a Commonwealth built by common effort, courageous and generous people, striving together, shared opportunities and shared reward.\nWe carry that fight forward, we can win this election, if we give it every ounce of our energy.\nWe will be a Labor government that will always put people first in the finest tradition of this great country we all love together.\nPutting people first.\xe2\x80\x83\n#2 PRE-ELECTION ADDRESS TO THE NATIONAL PRESS CLUB\nGood afternoon.\nI acknowledge the traditional owners of the land on which we meet, I pay my respects to their elders past and present.\nI am determined to enhance the position of the first Australians in our Parliament and in our nation.\nThat's why I'm so proud that at this election there are more Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander candidates running for Labor Party than ever before.\nI also want to thank all of you in the media.\nFor your encouragement and your discouragement, your support and the breadth of your hindsight.\nHello again to all of you who've travelled on the Bill Bus at some point in these past eight weeks and those of you who've kept a safe distance too.\nI never expected to win all of you over (and just as well).\nBut I don't need to be told that one of the great things about our democracy is the vitality and the toughness all of you bring to it, you play an irreplaceable role in our political system.\nBut I think it's fair to say we haven't been a traditional Opposition.\nWe are a genuine alternative, offering an ambitious vision for our country.\nMy entire team deserves a great deal of credit for that for their unity and hard work. I'm glad so many of them could be here today.\nI've learned a lot these last 1,020 days or so.\nI have been tested and taught.\nAnd I wouldn't swap a single day, or a single person I've served alongside.\nNow, the eight week campaign, to be fair, wasn't my idea but I am enjoying it. \nAnd I think a lot of that can be traced back to September last year...\nAround the time that some in the media had written me off...again.\nI decided to go back to basics, to what I know best.\nI started holding community forums, town hall meetings in the regions and the outer suburbs and inner suburbs of Australia. \nThe kind of gathering I've spent the better part of my life turning up to.\nMaybe it was initially as an upstart in a denim jacket, or an up-and-comer in a bomber jacket.\nChilly halls and hard chairs full of people who work long days. \nParents cradling their kids, older workers nursing sore joints.\nYoung people looking around wondering if this is what they wanted to be doing when they grow up.\nIt's not so much that these events 'took me back'.\nIt's more they reminded me of who I am, and where I come from.\nSome of the issues raised are new, some are the hardy perennials beloved of a thousand public meetings.\nBut most are personal\nA teacher asking on behalf of their local school, a nurse talking about the local hospital.\nA good son trying to help an elderly parent with pension paperwork or an exhausted sister losing the battle as their brother disappears to the addiction of ice.\nWhatever the case, in the Labor Party and the labour movement, we've always valued turning up, putting your question, saying your piece.\nWe expect a bit of humour, a bit of empathy, certainly some free advice and a fair dose of sentimentality alongside the hard dry facts.\nBut when someone puts their hand up you deal with them straight, you respect the effort required to be there and the decision they made to ask this question.\nIf you can't help, you don't say you can.\nLike I learned at Beaconsfield, you don't pretend things are better or worse than they really are.\nYou treat people as smart, as engaged, as empowered decision-makers in their own lives.\nAnd in a funny way all of this familiar scenery and energy, showed me that I had changed.\nI'm a father now I share a connection when parents ask about their kids that I realistically didn't fully understand or appreciate before.\nChloe has dedicated so much of her time and energy to tackling family violence, she's educated me about the problems on the frontline.\nI've had the privilege of learning about the lives of hundreds of thousands of Australians with profound and severe disabilities and their loving parents and carers.\nAnd on top of everything else now, when I attend a meeting now I'm there as a proud leader of the Labor Party.\nI don't get to say something is 'not my problem'.\nI feel an obligation not just to have a response, but to know the answer.\nBetter still, offer a solution.\nBecause when someone takes the time to come down and ask you about a problem that's important in their life, it's not good enough to send them home with a talking point.\nWe owe them better than that as political leaders and indeed, as people.\nTonight, in Nowra, I'm hosting my 33rd town hall.\nEach one keeps my feet on the ground it reminds me that politics and elections aren't just about what happens up there on the hill, or even dare I say it here at the Press Club.\nPolitics is about the people who can't ask a question in the chamber, it's about people who can't afford advertising space, who don't have a slot on Sky. \nThe people who can only spare a few minutes a day, if that, to think about the government.\nAnd people who the Government thinks about even less.\nThese people might not live in a marginal seat, they may not decide an election.\nYet they keep their family together and their businesses open.\nThey farm unforgiving country, they deal with a rapidly changing environment.\nThey make sacrifices for their kids' education, and their parents' health.\nThey volunteer, they teach, they serve, they care for each other.\nThey make this country what it is.\nAnd for me, at least, this election is about them.\nTheir aspirations, their dreams, their opportunities, their hopes for their children.\nThere's a tendency in campaigns to appeal to the here and the now, to urge people to look no further than the sausage sizzle at the polling booth.\nBut Australians aren't waiting on government.\nPeople are already organising their lives for the future.\nOur fellow Australians are smart.\nThey are clever. They are adapting and adjusting all the time to the way they learn, work, travel, live and save.\nPrime Ministers do not have the luxury of pretending the future is a remote prospect, or someone else's concern.\nYou can't dress timid stagnation up as stability, and plead with people to stick with your mob, for another time or for a while.\nThat's why the choice Labor offers Australians at this election reaches further and runs deeper than the 2nd of July.\nOur plan will not expire at 6pm on July the 2nd it is for the decade that follows.\nWe are setting our markers for the Australia of 2030\nStrong, universal, affordable Medicare\nA school system back in the top 5 in the world\n50 per cent renewable energy\nA first-rate, fibre NBN, putting us at the centre of the Asian Century\nRevitalising advanced manufacturing and apprenticeships\nBuilding the nation building, productive infrastructure unclogging our cities and joining our economic operations\n3 per cent of our GDP dedicated to science, research and technology\n300,000 more women in work\nHalving the national suicide rate, and\nReducing the rates of ovarian cancer.\nAll of this matched with an economic and fiscal plan for the next decade, to fully-fund our investments in the future.\nDelivering the needed structural savings and tax reforms that will bring the budget back to balance in the same year as our opponents forecast, and build stronger, more sustainable surpluses in the years that follow.\nAchieving these goals over the next decade means starting work next week.\nMy team and I have a clear set of priorities for our first 100 days.\nA new Labor government will hit the ground running\nOffering certainty to Arrium in South Australia and protecting jobs in Laverton, Rooty Hill and Acacia Ridge\nSetting up our transition fund to support 200,000 automotive supply chain jobs\nDeveloping the Financing Mandate for our new $10 billion Concrete Bank, so we can get private investment flowing into public infrastructure\nDrawing up the terms of reference and appointing a Royal Commissioner to investigate the rip-offs, scams and credit card interest rate rorts in the banking sector\nAnd convening a National Crisis Summit on Family Violence, an assembly of the frontline counsellors, law enforcement, community legal centres, state governments and most importantly survivors.\nThe people who know, better than anyone, what is wrong with our system and what we need to do to end family violence.\nUnderpinning all of this our long-term objectives and our immediate plans for action will be an old-fashioned focus on good public policy.\nA careful and considered approach recognising that government is a most serious business, a long-term policy institution.\nDealing honestly with the challenges we face and being upfront about our plans.\nThere is a great deal my colleagues and I want to achieve.\nBut we don't seek government as a collection of individuals, interested only in tearing down and undoing the work of our predecessors.\nWe offer ourselves instead as a team and we will govern in that spirit of co-operation.\nEver since I watched in admiration as a 15-year-old in Year 11, I've been drawn to the Hawke model of consensus.\nOf bringing together business and unions, community organisations, charity and advocacy groups. \nI believe in solving problems by assembling the very best people possible, and seeking common ground, for the common good. \nThat will be how I treat the Parliament too.\nWhen we convene the 45th Parliament, we will hold a welcome to country in the chamber, the first of its kind.\nAnd my immediate focus will be on finding the maximum we agree upon, and building on that.\nThere is no point pretending that any government elected can guarantee control of the Senate.\nKeeping our promises and offering certainty over the next term depends upon a capacity to negotiate with the parliament.\nTo build on overlapping interests and shared objectives.\nAs Prime Minister, I will not seek to manufacture a crisis where one does not exist.\nI'm not interested in imposing change through force of personality or using the authority of office for settling political scores.\nI want to make our country work better by getting us to work together.\nAnd if I lead a Government, I will include the Opposition.\nIt's been a source of great frustration to me that the opportunities for the major parties to co-operate are so constricted by petty partisanship and so hostage to the whim of the Prime Minister.\nAustralians rightly expect our Parliament to work better than that.\nAnd with this focus on co-operation and unity in mind the first piece of legislation I introduce into the 45th Parliament will be a bill to amend the Marriage Act.\nA simple change, the words 'a man and a woman' are replaced with 'two people'.\nNo $160 million plebiscite, no hurtful, hateful government-sponsored advertising campaign for us.\nChurches, temples, synagogues and mosques will be under no obligation to conduct ceremonies.\nFaith-based schools will be respected.\nTheir beliefs, their faith will be respected.\nJust as people's relationships, their sexuality and their identity should be respected as well.\nThis is how we make marriage equality a reality.\nA Prime Minister prepared to show leadership, and a parliament doing its job. \nI understand my opponent is scheduled to be here this week and most likely stick to his script.\nBrexit. Stability. Exciting and Uncertain Times.\nLet me deal with Brexit.\nThe UK's choice is not one I or Mr Turnbull would have advocated.\nBut I'm not here to lecture the British.\nFor well over a generation we've made our own way in the world.\nWe're no longer a branch office we've built our own markets, our own savings, our own opportunities.\nBrexit by itself is no cause for alarm but its political and economic lesson cannot and should not be ignored.\nThe Liberals invoke it to call for stability but they fundamentally misunderstand the source of the instability.\nIt comes from a sense of inequality, from people feeling marginalised, forgotten, alienated, left behind by global change. \nIt is a deep-seated sense that political promises are wasted words.\nIt comes from exactly the same sort of cynicism in policies that Mr Turnbull offers Australians at this election\nTax cuts for the rich, nothing for the working and middle class Australians.\nTelling a generation of young Australians, shut out of the housing market, to 'get rich parents'.\nPricing kids out of universities, cutting funding from Medicare.\nIt comes from a fundamental misunderstanding of both our world economy and our Australian economy.\nWhat Australia needs most of all is the political capacity to build and invest in the economy without giving away the returns.\nInvestments which improve the living standards for all Australians\nEducation\nRoads, rail, bridges, ports\nThe NBN\nMedicare\nThat's what this economic debate is all about.\nInstead having changed their leader, their Treasurer and half their Cabinet, the Liberals now urge 'stability'.\nHaving proposed\nuntil March, a 15 per cent GST Plan A.\nreplaced by a new, second state income tax in April Plan B\nand a massive cash-splash for multinationals and big companies in May Plan C\nMr Turnbull now says 'stick to the plan'.\nSo when he comes before you this week, I encourage you to ask straight up and down is he planning to legislate and lock-in his full $50 billion tax cut for the next ten years.\nIs this $50 billion going out the door regardless of events? \nOr is it just something he thinks sounds good enough to get him to July 2nd and he can ditch if times change?\nFor instance, if his giveaway puts the AAA credit rating at risk?\nIf Mr Turnbull wins the election, in 12 months' time will he be sticking with his Plan C?\nWill he be onto some new and exciting and innovative and agile Plan D?\nOr will he be back where he's always wanted to go Plan A a 15 per cent GST.\nThe truth is, Mr Turnbull has only ever had a plan for his own re-election, he has never had plan for the country, never had a plan for our economy.\nThe biggest economic risk to Australia, to working and middle class families, is Mr Turnbull's $50 billion big business tax giveaway.\nIt is a risk to our economy, it's a risk to our society.\nThe Liberals are asking Australians to reject the co-operative economic model and the social wage that has held our nation together for more than 30 years and delivered a quarter-century of growth.\nAnd instead, they want Australians to embark upon a radical, expensive experiment in trickle-down economics.\nWe know how this story ends.\nReagan tried it. Thatcher tried it.\nA generation later we got Trump and we got Brexit.\nThe transition underway in our economy is not an excuse for cutting money from schools and infrastructure it's the reason why we need to invest in them. \nIn a time of global uncertainty and domestic fragility the last thing our economy and our society needs is a Liberal Party assault on the living standards of working and middle class families.\nThe worst thing we can do for the national budget is smash the family budget.\nThe worst thing we can do for our future is allow a divided government to divide our society.\nThis is why Mr Turnbull's 'stability' pitch is so fraudulent.\nThere is no stability or certainty for a family on a combined income of $90,000, having $2000 cut from their budget.\nThere is no stability or certainty for single Mum on $60,000 losing $3000 a year.\nThere is no stability or certainty for a couple with a new baby where because the Mum has negotiated paid parental leave with her employer the government considers her a 'double dipper', leaving her nearly $13,000 worse off.\nAnd the only certainty for 14.5 million patients is that under the Liberals they will have to pay more to see a GP.\nPolitical insiders might be 'bored' by the discussion on Medicare.\nBut let me tell you something about the thousands of people I have meet out on the campaign trail throughout this great country.\nWorking class and middle class Australians.\nThe people who don't just care about Medicare, they need it.\nThey stop me in the street and say 'don't give an inch'.\nThey know something's up.\nThe people who rely on bulk-billing understand better than many of us here that the Liberals are hollowing out the Medicare system and pushing the price of healthcare onto the Australian family.\nThey are astonished that this Prime Minister is giving the banks a $7.4 billion tax cut but raising the price of medicine.\nAnd they are angry that he's sending $30 billion of taxpayer money overseas while perpetrating a six-year freeze on GP rebates.\nAustralians know the difference between universal, accessible, affordable Medicare and the American model of cash up-front.\nAnd when you're a woman who suddenly has to pay $100 for a mammogram that's not Medicare.\nIf you're a Mum facing a $300 charge for breast cancer diagnosis that's not Medicare. \nIf you're an Australian in the fight of your life, with melanoma and you're being hit with an upfront-fee of up to $1000 that's not Medicare.\nThat's not the Medicare Bob Hawke created, it's not the Medicare Labor will always fight for it's not the Medicare Australians know and love.\nAnd the Liberals aren't waiting for the election to begin this push to private costs.\nThese new upfront fees take effect this Friday July 1.\nRest assured, this is only the beginning.\nPiece by piece, brick by brick.\nIf Mr Turnbull wins on Saturday he will claim the continued dismantling of Medicare as his mandate and his right. \nJohn Howard promised to never, ever introduce a GST.\nTony Abbott promised no cuts to health.\nAnd next time you see the Liberal ad where Mr Turnbull says 'Medicare funding is guaranteed'.\nYou should know that he is lying to your face.\nAnd today Mr Turnbull's mask finally slipped.\nIt will go down as the defining moment of this campaign.\nThe gaffe that marked the end of the Prime Minister's credibility.\nHe said, 'What political parties say they will support and oppose at one time is not necessarily what they will do.'\nTony Abbott famously told us 'don't listen to what I say, get in writing'.\nMalcolm Turnbull has simply said don't bother, it's a lie.\nThere can be no economic stability from widening inequality.\nCutting education, broadening the divide between schools in the city and the bush. Between the rich suburbs and the less-well-off suburbs.\nPricing working class and middle class kids out of university with $100,000 degrees.\nPropping up dodgy private providers and undermining TAFE denying young people the chance to learn a trade, robbing mature-age workers of the opportunity to re-train and re-skill. \nShedding apprenticeships at record levels while 457s and other work visas are being rorted.\nJust as a bad free trade agreement harms the democratic case for open markets, a flawed, criminally run work visa program undermines Australians' faith in an open economy.\nThe gathering push of extreme right-wing populism around the globe is a warning to all of us, not to leave people behind.\nGovernments must include and must empower people.\nWe must give every citizen a sense of being an active participant in transition in control of what is happening to them not a passive observer of change left behind on the scrapheap.\nWe must be a nation where everyone can see and know the value of shared effort, for shared reward.\nNot a place where the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.\nIf we want a strong, free-market economy, open to the world, that's lifting living standards and encouraging participation rather than perpetuating disadvantage and feeding resentment.\nWe have to make Australians partners in the national project.\nIf we want to transition our economy we must to take people with us.\nWe have to offer a sense of hope.\nA place of respect in our society.\nThe best inoculation against division, against regression is inclusive economic growth.\nThat's the real choice between Mr Turnbull and myself.\nNot whether we believe Australia can succeed, or whether we want it to.\nBut how we achieve that success, and who shares in it.\nThe Prime Minister glibly misappropriated the phrase 'the lucky country' on the weekend, devoid of its context.\nBut Australia's success has never been a question of good fortune.\nIt has always come from hard work and from working together.\nFrom true equality of opportunity.\nFrom the oldest, most Australian, aspiration the fair go all round. \nThat's the principle, the value proposition, the fair go all round, which binds Labor's policies together, which binds our team together for the next hundred days and for the decade ahead.\nIt's why Labor chooses nation-building infrastructure creating jobs and boosting productivity in our cities, our outer suburbs and our regions.\nWe choose local content and Australian skills.\nWe choose a first rate, fibre NBN.\nWe choose better schools and the Gonski formula needs-based funding.\nWe choose to act on climate change, not pass the problem onto the next generation.\nWe choose better, more affordable childcare, sooner.\nWe choose a Royal Commission into the banks not a tax cut for the banks.\nWe choose to make the elimination of family violence and equality for the women of Australia a national mission.\nAnd above all we choose to protect Medicare.\nWe have made these our priorities in Opposition.\nAnd given the privilege, we will keep faith with the Australian people.\nA new Labor Government will be as good as our word.\nWe will live up to the trust of Australians. \nAnd we will always, put people first.\n\xe2\x80\x83\n#3 CAMPAIGN PITCH\nGood afternoon everybody. This election Australians have a clear choice. A choice between Labor's positive plans for the future, and three more years of dysfunction, of dithering and of disappointment. \nI will fight this election on issues vital to millions of Australians. I will fight this election on schools and education. I will fight this election for health, hospitals and Medicare. I will fight this election for real action on climate change. I will fight this election to help create a vibrant economy, growing jobs, with reasonable conditions, and security for all. I will fight this election to make Australia a fairer place, where the needs of families, small businesses, the great bulk of Australians, are placed at the top of the priority list. \nThis election is much more than a choice between parties and personalities. This election is a choice about what sort of Australia that we want to live in. What sort of Australia do we want our children to grow up in, that we want our older Australians to be able to be secure in their retirement. A choice as basic as this will this country be a country that ensures that the fair go is for everyone? Or that the fair go is just limited to the fortunate few? \nNow every election is about trust. Trust Labor to deliver better jobs and reasonable conditions. Trust Labor to stand up for schools, TAFE, child care, universities. Trust Labor to protect Medicare and bulk billing. Trust Labor to take real action on climate change, focusing on renewable energy. Trust Labor to ensure that Australian women get a fair go. Trust Labor to make sure that multinationals pay their fair share. Trust Labor to conduct Budget repair that is fair. \nThis election is most definitely about what I stand for and what my opponent stands for. What my party stands for, and what the Liberals stand for. My opponent has openly said that he wants to give States the right to raise separate income taxes. That he thinks that in a perfect world the Commonwealth taxes should not be used for government schools, just to fund private schools. For six months he's toyed with Australians with the prospect of an increase of the GST by 50 per cent and a GST to be put on everything. And in his Budget this week just past he has launched retrospective changes to the tax treatment of people's superannuation undermining confidence in the whole superannuation system. And the centrepiece of his Budget this week was to reward millionaires with a $17,000 tax cut, to provide $50 billion of tax breaks to Australia's largest companies. It is very important that Australians understand that my opponent's views and those of his party are a real risk to the living standards of all Australians. \nThis is my opponent's 55-day election campaign that he's given Australia, but I and my united Labor team are ready for this election with our positive policies. \nIn fact, it was about 10 years ago tomorrow morning, sometime around 430 as I remember, that I was privileged to be witness to one of the great Australian stories of tragedy and triumph; the remarkable Beaconsfield rescue. It was a story of defiant Aussie spirit, people working together, looking after their mates, and winning through. I never forget that it was the death of Larry Knight but what I saw in those intervening 14 days has stayed with me every day of my life since then. It reminds me, even today, that Australia succeeds when we work together with common endeavour and shared reward. It is an Australia where everyone gets the fair go. This is the Australia that I and my united Labor team are ready to serve. A Labor Government who will put people first.\nHappy to take any questions.\nSHORTEN Well, Mr Turnbull's pretty quick to brush over the fact that he had to be dragged kicking and screaming to confirm that he's going to spend $50 billion of Budget money over the next 10 years, Australian's taxpayer money, to give big business a tax break. By contrast, my priorities couldn't be any more different than my opponent's. We've proposed through making multinationals pay their fair share, through changing the unsustainable tax concessions at the top end of superannuation prospectively, we've proposed through going after wasteful government expenditure, including the joke of a direct action policy, which my opponent's now adopted from Tony Abbott, we will do budget repair that is fair, we have proposed making sure that we don't spend the wasteful money that my opponent, this current Government, wish to do on giving big business tax cuts. We have proposed not spending and handing back money in the form of tax cuts for people on $1 million a year. We have proposed saving money to the Budget bottom line, by reforming negative gearing and capital gains tax laws, which mean that Australians aren't having to face a choice between having hospitals and schools cut. Labor has announced a proper path of Budget repair that is fair. \nI just don't share Mr Turnbull's proposition that the only way you fix the national Budget is by cutting school funding, is by increasing the cost of going to university, is by getting rid of bulk billing incentives for people who need pathology and X-ray tests. Labor's priorities and the way we have approached Budget repair is that it has to be fair. But we've rolled up our sleeves, we're going to fix up the dodgy system and the VET loans and the vocational educational loans by reprioritising public TAFE, restoring public TAFE and clamping down on the rorts in the private sector of vocational education. \nWhen you look at all the figures we have put together, we've done the job that this Government should have done. That is who we are. We have positive plans. \nSHORTEN Absolutely. I've spent my adult working life representing people, standing up for people's pay and conditions. I'm proud of that. What that's done, through that journey, is it's given me a great understanding of how everyday people live their lives. I know that parents, are not there sitting, angsting over a tax cut for millionaires, but they do need their family payments. I understand that parents work hard to educate their kids. Parents pay their taxes to Canberra in the reasonable expectation that some of those taxes will come back in the form of proper support for State schools at the State level. I know in my experience when I've seen people injured at work, the importance of our health care system. I understand that families, pensioners, self-funded retirees, the people I've spent my entire life working alongside, that the decisions of a government make a difference to their quality of life. The Australian people are not in any fashion greedy. They don't look for a handout in my experience, but I think they are very frustrated, that Mr Turnbull has got a plan, to spend $50 billion in tax breaks on large companies. That he's got a plan to cut the tax bill paid by the very highest net worth individuals, but not for them. I think they're very frustrated that Mr Turnbull seems to think it's fair that the taxpayer subsidises people buying their tenth investment property in an unequal playing field that's contrasted with their children trying to buy their first home.\nLet's be clear, Labor absolutely supports a tax cut for businesses under $2 million. But businesses of $10 million and $50 million and $1 billion, Matt, are not small businesses. It's a matter of timing. What small businesses want is they want confidence back in the High Street. They want see their potential customers having good meaningful jobs. They want to make sure their kids are getting a proper education based upon proper needs based funding. They want to see that their customers are able to get to see a doctor when they need to, not dependent on their credit card. They want to see an end to the constant wrecking of the Australian way of life by a Government that is seriously out of touch, led by a Prime Minister who's seriously out of touch. Tasmanian small businesses and Tasmanians generally, like the people of the regions of Australia, recognise that we need to have a manufacturing sector in Australia, they recognise that we need to have a proper TAFE a sector, they recognise that tax cuts which just go to the top 1 per cent is not a plan for Australia. It's just a plan for the top 1 per cent. Last question. \nECONOMIC POLICY ADDRESS\nFirstly, let me acknowledge the traditional owners of the land on which we meet, I pay my respects to elders past and present.\nThis will be an election fought on leadership.\nOn leadership, on ideas and on a real choice.\nThe failure of the Prime Minister to provide any leadership.\nAnd a Labor party leading on\nEconomic reform\nA fairer tax system\nSocial policy\nA choice between the leadership of a paid advocate of the Liberal party, co-joined with an erratic leader of the National party.\nAnd the leadership and ideas of a united Labor team, who believe in\nJobs\nEducation\nHealth\nA fairer tax system\nIn renewable energy leading real action on climate change\nThese are the fundamental issues which will drive economic growth, productivity and living standards in the decade ahead. \nThese are the issues which will define this year's election.\nOn every one of these questions, Mr Turnbull has proven a massive disappointment to the people of Australia.\nWhen Mr Turnbull became Prime Minister, I knew my task would be harder.\nBut in my heart of hearts, I also hoped like many Australians he might elevate politics, he might take the debate to a higher place.\nInstead, we have watched this Prime Minister shrink into his job, selling-out his principles in exchange for power.\nThe Prime Minister's betrayals\nclimate change\nmarriage equality\nthe Republic\nSafe Schools\nDiminish him and they diminish us all.\nWe should have legislated for marriage equality by now.\nWe should have finally put the environmental risks and economic waste of climate denialism behind us.\nWe should be surging forward on Recognition, on the Republic, on forging a new modern identity for Australia.\nBut Mr Turnbull is not just letting Australia down, he is holding us back.\nI stand here today as the leader of a party with a clear, costed, responsible plan\nFor housing affordability\nFor superannuation reform\nFor making multinationals pay their fair share \nA plan to repair our Budget, so we can invest in jobs, education and health.\nAnd yet six months after Mr Turnbull was sworn in, promising new economic leadership he can't even tell Australians definitively when the Budget will be, let alone what will be in it. \nHe has cut and run from the battle of ideas in Australian politics.\nInstead of the 'new respect' he promised, he patronises our Parliament and our people.\nEvery day, we hear nothing from the Treasurer but scaremongering and sloganeering.\nNothing from the Prime Minister but empty platitudes, endless waffle and the same, tired, old union-bashing that was Tony Abbott's trademark.\nRight now, Labor and the trade unions are the only things Mr Turnbull can talk about, because they're the only things the right wing of his party will let him talk about.\nAs Chris Uhlmann has observed, Labor has ripped up the rulebook of opposition politics.\nInstead of playing small target and relying on mistakes from the other side we've been setting the agenda.\nI'm not here today with one specific new announcement, because Labor has already put forward 73 fully-costed, fully-funded proposals.\nOur schools policy Your Child, Our Future goes beyond Gonski.\nA ten-year investment so every child, in every school, gets every opportunity to have a great education.\nOn climate change we have shunned the politics of fear and stood strong on the irrefutable science, the economics and our values.\n50 per cent renewable energy by 2030\nNet zero pollution by 2050\nMark Butler has led 46 consultations in the cities and regions with more than 250 representatives from across industry as we prepare our 2030 target.\nI will never run from the political risks of taking action on climate change.\nBecause I understand the economic and environmental risks of inaction are far greater.\nMy united team has staked out important markers on social policy too\nMy first funding announcement, the first of our 73 so far, was a down-payment on better legal assistance for women fleeing Family Violence.\nWe're putting a new priority on tackling the disgraceful incarceration rate among our first Australians.\nAnd, in October last year, we backed the premier recommendation of the Royal Commission into institutional responses on child abuse, and backed a National Redress Scheme for the survivors of institutional child abuse.\nWe have been driven by ideas\xe2\x80\x93 not ideology.\nOur agenda has been shaped by a vision for the next decade, not mollifying the radical right for another week.\nAustralians already know the forces which will define our nation's economic future\nThe world's biggest consumer class, on our doorstep\nNew demand for our service industries\nSurging technology re-defining work\nA changing climate and more extreme weather\nAn ageing population\nAnd the overdue march of women to equality in our country.\nAustralians understand these opportunities are within our grasp.\nYet right now, many people are feeling the rough edges of economic change.\nWhole industries, and the communities built around them have their backs to the wall.\nFamily budgets are feeling the strain of flat wages, rising living costs and harsh government cuts.\nDespite a quarter-century of economic growth, inequality in Australia is at a 75 year high.\nMore and more Australians from all walks of life and in every field of endeavour lack security at work.\nMore and more of us worry about what our kids will do for a living.\nIn times such as these, it's not enough to waffle about excitement and agility.\nIt's inadequate to boil the whole economic debate down to shouting 'tax and spend' across the chamber.\nWe'd all like to do the policy shimmy but it has to mean something.\nIt is incumbent on government to engage with the modern economy, constructively, responsibly.\nTo maintain a strong and sustainable budget\nTo make smart investments in our people in our human capital improving our productivity and empowering our participation.\nWhile protecting the decent safety net that is so much a part of who we are as Australian.\nAnd all three of those tasks are non-negotiable. \nI do not see Budget repair as an optional extra it is part of the economy's muscle.\nAs Chris Bowen, Tony Burke, Andrew Leigh and I have made clear many times without responsible, appropriate savings, we cannot invest in people.\nA stronger Budget will help us bring more Australians into work, and get the best out of Australians at work \xe2\x80\x93through investments in productivity and skills.\nClosing loopholes and curbing inefficiencies in our tax system is vital for investing in jobs, growth and productivity.\nAnd returning the Budget to a sustainable footing is essential for providing tax relief for the small businesses who create jobs for the Australians who work in them.\nLABOR SAVINGS\nThis is why every one of our policy commitments has been fully-costed, is fully-funded a rule we will continue to apply.\nWe have been rigorous and relentless in our planning for a stronger budget identifying waste we can abolish.\nWe will not continue with the Abbott-Turnbull Direct Action plan.\nThis is a family timeslot, so I can't repeat everything Mr Turnbull has said about Direct Action but the criticisms he made in his more courageous incarnation, as insurgent, were spot on.\nPaying big polluters to keep polluting is a scandalous waste of taxpayer money, for poor environmental outcomes.\nWe won't support the new 'Baby Bonus' Mr Turnbull promised the Nationals in exchange for the top job.\nA late-night bargaining chip that will cost taxpayers $1.4 billion over the next decade.\nNor will we waste at least $160 million on a taxpayer-funded opinion poll designed to delay marriage equality. \nAn individual's sexuality is their personal business. It's their business.\nThe Australian electorate never got asked to judge anyone's else right to get married so why are we now subjecting personal relationships to mass plebiscite?\nJust imagine the damage to a young person's sense of self, when they read taxpayer-funded advertising painting them as a second-class citizen.\nImagine the effect on children who see Australian-government sponsored advertisements claiming their loving parents are not fit to marry.\nI have to say, in all of the disappointments, it is appalling that Mr Turnbull is prepared to risk so much harm and waste so much money, on such a low tactic.\nNow, my economic team have dedicated the last few months to examining every facet of government spending, and we are preparing a comprehensive package of new measures to cut this government's waste.\nBut restoring the Commonwealth to a sustainable footing also demands a broader view of government spending.\nTake tax subsidies.\nThere are two ways a government tries to encourage behaviour.\nEither through direct investment like funding the CSIRO; that doesn't mean culling the jobs of scientists.\nOr through tax subsidies, such as the tax concession for firms that invest in research and development.\nBoth cost the budget money either through spending or foregone revenue.\nOn superannuation, negative gearing and capital gains, Labor has been prepared to give honest answers to the hard questions\nAre these subsidies working as intended?\nAre they helping the right people?\nAnd can Australian taxpayers afford them?\nOur fully-funded plan to tighten unsustainably generous superannuation loopholes, which disproportionately benefit very high income earners already comfortable in retirement, will return $14 billion to the Budget bottom line and it has been public since last April. \nNEGATIVE GEARING\nThis year, we took on a structural flaw in our tax system that governments and oppositions have been too scared to confront for thirty years.\nLabor's plan for housing affordability will reduce the upward pressure on housing prices, and this is a good thing. \nWe have become a society that cannot house its own children.\nBut we cannot be a society that refuses to help our children.\nThat's why we have we have to break the dismal cycle and break it now.\nNothing will help first-home buyers more than levelling the playing field against property investors and speculators who currently have their interest costs subsidised by the taxpayer.\nOur measures will\nlift investment in new housing\nhelp increase supply\nand help boost jobs in construction.\nOver the last five years, every State and Territory Government Liberal and Labor have abolished First Homeowner Grants for buyers of established dwellings and redirected them for buyers of new dwellings.\nLikewise, Australia's foreign investment regime encourages buyers into new housing for the same reason to boost supply and create jobs.\nAll of this is designed to reduce upward pressure on prices of established dwellings and increase supply.\nAnd none of this has had the dire consequences foreshadowed by the Liberals' fact-free scare campaign.\nWhere was Mr Morrison and Mr Turnbull when his own party was redirecting resources from established dwellings into new housing?\nWhere were their warnings about a stock market collapse and the collapse of the value of all houses?\nThey were silent, because they knew then, as they actually know now, that Labor's campaign will not have the consequences that Mr Turnbull says, it's actually good for the economy.\nOur plan will also deliver Budget repair that is fair, returning $32.1 billion to the bottom line over the next ten years and $7.3 billion a year by the end of this decade.\nOur reforms are prospective, not retrospective.\nNo-one who has invested under the current arrangements will lose any deductibility, no-one will be left high and dry.\nBut currently, 93 cents in every dollar of investment goes to the purchase of existing housing stock.\nThis doesn't create jobs, boost supply or help with housing affordability.\nThese subsidies are not working as intended.\nAnd let's be clear neither negative gearing, nor the CGT discount are equity measures.\nThey are certainly not tax benefits for battlers.\nSomeone in top tax bracket is two-and-a half times more likely to be a negatively geared landlord than someone who is not in the top tax bracket.\nThe wealthiest 20 per cent of Australian households own 72 per cent of investment property and 51 per cent of investment property debt.\nThe current system also enables aggressive tax minimisation for a fortunate few.\nLast year, 64,000 Australians used negatively geared property to reduce their taxable income to zero. \nIt's just plain wrong.\nThis year, negative gearing and the CGT discount will cost the Budget over $10 billion. \nMore than this government spends on higher education, or childcare.\nIt is not right that an investor looking to acquire their seventh or their tenth house receives more taxpayer assistance than an Australian seeking to buy their first home.\nOur policy is about balance, fairness and giving working and middle class people to fulfil the great Australian dream of home ownership.\nCUTS\nBudgets also reveal a government's prioritieswe certainly saw the truth of that in 2014 and 2015.\nFor all the confusion of the Government's economic story the underlying drumbeat has been constant cuts to those who can least afford it.\nIn the last six months, the Liberals have changed\ntheir rhetoric\ntheir tactics\ntheir leader\ntheir Treasurer\nand half their Cabinet\nBut they haven't changed their minds.\nTheir hit-list remains intact\nThe sinister whispering campaign against the NDIS dialled up.\nThe plan to sell-off Medicare gathering steam.\nSchools, hospitals, TAFE and universitieslined up for another round of slash-and-burn.\nWorking Mums face another year of insults and uncertainty.\nFamilies face savage cuts to essential payments. \nAnd despite the vital contribution they make to our economy and our society, young people always seem to always bear the brunt of the Liberal Party's attacks\nTrying to increase university fees\nStripping away their penalty rates\nSlashing support for job-seekers and apprentices\nUndermining their superannuation\nWrecking the environment, their future\nAnd prioritising the interests of speculators ahead of first-home buyers\nWhat on earth have young people done to deserve this?\nNo generation has been asked to make a greater provision for their own future than this young Australians.\nThis generation enter the workforce in bigger numbers\n\nThey pay their Medicare long before most of them need it\nPaying super to save over four decades of work.\nAnd they make a greater contribution to the costs of their university than ever before.\nThe people who will build the next age of Australian prosperity, deserve better.\nINVESTMENT\nAnd every government always has a choice about how they allocate taxpayer resources.\nThey can choose to distribute them to people who already enjoy an advantaged position. \nOr they can use them to help disadvantaged people get an opportunity to better themselves.\nTackling inequality is a growth strategy, an economic strategy, a productivity strategy a plan that grows our middle class and our national wealth.\nThis is why Labor invests in a decent social safety net, with carefully-targeted support for working class families, job-seekers and pensioners.\nWe will invest in essential economic building blocks like education, from the early years right through\nNeeds-based funding for our schools.\nBacking public TAFE, not dodgy private providers\nAnd keeping university affordable.\nEducation is a growth strategy and no country in human history has gotten smarter by increasing the price its citizens pay for learning.\nWe will invest in primary care, keeping Australians healthy and productive.\nUniversal Medicare is not only a basic instrument of equality of opportunity.\nIt is also a productivity measure. It is a growth strategy.\nMedicare\nincreases participation\nenhances our international competitiveness\nit improves the fiscal sustainability of our health system.\nEven more than that, Medicare is an Australian community standard.\nMedicare talks to each of us about who we are as a society.\nUnder Labor, Medicare is not for sale.\nWe will invest in infrastructure to unlock the productive capacity of our cities and regions.\nTurbo-charging Infrastructure Australia with a new $10 billion financing facility.\nA new generational focus on decision-making quarantined from petty political bickering.\nAnd removing the hurdles which discourage superannuation funds from the infrastructure market.\nIt's time to encourage some of Australia's $2.3 trillion of national savings, into value-for-money nation-building projects.\nImproving the liveability of our cities\nLinking up our regional towns\nBoosting amenity in our great suburbs.\nAnd creating jobs and growth through a stable pipeline of construction, while guaranteeing superannuation savers a reliable and reasonable return.\nOn workplace relations, we have no time and no tolerance for corruption.\nNot in the union movement, not in the boardroom.\nThat's why we've pledged to improve governance standards by boosting the powers of ASIC and doubling penalties.\nBut we will never improve productivity and create good jobs through class war where one side is always the enemy and penalty rates are only a target.\nWe need more collaboration and co-operation on major projects.\nBut we don't need an election fought on creating a second industrial bureaucracy. \nGovernments must also help grow the wealth-creating private sector.\nThis means investing in technology a first-rate, fibre NBN, giving Australia's regional businesses the opportunity to engage with our region.\nRevitalising our manufacturing sector through investment in defence industries and renewables.\nBuilding, maintaining and sustaining the next generation of Australian submarines in Australia.\nCombining national security with new technology to create high-skill blue collar jobs.\nWe have also outlined plans to free-up business capital across the commercial life-cycle.\nBetter micro-financing for new companies. \nTax incentives to get big investors backing start-ups.\nAnd a $500 million Smart Investment Fund to help early stage, high-potential companies. \nOur Shadow Minister Michelle Rowland is championing the rights of small businesses and easing the burden of litigation costs with a practical middle ground solution to the debate about an effects test. \nThen there is the massive economic opportunity of taking real action on climate change.\nBy 2030 there will be $2.5 trillion of investment in renewable energy in our region alone.\nEmissions trading will be the biggest market in the world.\nThe next three or four years are crucial in tackling climate change.\nOnly Labor's renewable energy policy and our plan to build an internationally-linked emissions trading scheme will guarantee Australian firms engage with these opportunities.\nOnly Labor will put consumers back in charge of their power bills and attract leading-edge manufacturing jobs in renewables.\nBut by far the greatest contribution any government could make to our economy is greater equality for the women of Australia.\nEqual recognition for paid and unpaid work.\nEquality in leadership, and an equal right for every woman to be safe in her home, free from the evil of family violence.\nEquality for women is a growth strategy and it will be a first-order priority for the next Labor Government.\nBut by the greatest contribution any Government can make to our economy, and I acknowledge the power of education and the power of Medicare, and the power of productivity, but if Labor alone accomplishes this following task, we would be a much richer, more successful nation. I talk about greater equality for the women of Australia. Equal recognition for paid and unpaid work, equality in leadership and the equal right for every woman to be safe in her own home, free from the evil of family violence.\nFULL EMPLOYMENT\nI know the timing of the election and the Budget are hot topics.\nThose things are out of my hands.\nOnly God and Mr Turnbull know and at least one of them would probably consider the comparison unflattering.\nWhat really matters is not when the election will be it's what it will be about. \nThe choice confronting Australians is already clear\nMore cuts under the Liberals, or more jobs under Labor.\nA Liberal Party leaving people behind or a Labor party putting people at the centre of all of our decisions.\nIn that spirit, tomorrow evening Jenny Macklin will be launching a major report shaped by her two years of consultations with the business and social investment community.\nIt's not a collection of 'announceables', nor an election manifesto it stretches a bigger canvas and serves a higher purpose.\nJenny's report is a prompt for new thinking on old questions inequality, poverty, disadvantage and unemployment.\nAmong the recommendations is a commitment to 'full employment'.\nThis is a phrase older than the light on the hill.\nThe meaning we apply in modern Labor is broader and deeper.\nWhen Ben Chifley and his government spoke about 'full employment' as their great objective.\nTheir priority was finding work for the half-million Australians who'd come home from war.\nTheir fear was of another Great Depression, a second wave of mass unemployment.\nSeven decades beyond Chifley, the social harm of high unemployment remains high, remains real.\nAnd the benefits of empowering more people with the dignity of work will always be Labor bedrock.\nBut the employment challenges confronting us today are as radically different as the solutions we must offer.\nIn 2016, Wyong, Braybrook and Maryborough, double-digit unemployment is a devastating reality for many young Australians.\nWhole regions of our country have been rocked by closures. \nIn the past two and a half years as I have travelled around this country, I've witnessed it firsthand in Western Sydney, the Hunter, Geelong, North-West Tassie, North Queensland, and the suburbs of Adelaide and Perth. \nThis roll-call reminds us that the march of new technology is not merely something to applaud.\nIt must also be a call to arms a warning that Australians will need new skills and better training to win the jobs of the future.\nBehind the monthly headline of the unemployment rate, there is a more complex story to tell about work in Australia.\nRight now over one million Australians are under-employed.\nPeople working part time who want to be working full time.\nPeople employed as 'full time' who are only offered part-time hours and conditions.\nAnd the rapidly increasing rate of casual employees presents challenges too, particularly for women and those in low-paid industries where insecure work all too often leads to exploitation.\nThe media and the unions have played an important role in exposing the shameful practices of employers like 7-eleven, Pizza Hut and a slew of labour hire firms.\nThese are not backyard operators, this is not small time.\nThese are multinational companies global brands.\nIn February, Brendan O'Connor, Lisa Chesters and I responded to these revelations with a strong policy to crack down on worker exploitation.\nI recognise the importance of flexible, adaptive and productive workplaces I worked with employees and management to achieve them for nearly twenty years.\nBut I will never accept an Australian economy where a vast underclass of Australians are trapped working for six dollars an hour.\nFor modern Labor, full employment means every Australian working to their full capacity.\nWe enhance Australia's capacity with needs-based funding for schools and affordable, accessible higher education.\nWe lift capacity through the National Disability Insurance Scheme boosting the participation opportunities of hundreds of thousands of people with disability, and their carers.\nWe broaden capacity with strong TAFEs, training young people and re-training adult workers.\nWe boost capacity by making smart investments, and attracting good investments in infrastructure, renewables, defence manufacturing, biotechnology, tourism, food and fibre.\nWe secure capacity with the great Australian safety net fair wages, decent pensions, universal healthcare and compulsory superannuation.\nFor Labor, full employment is a social and economic good.\nWhen every Australian is given the opportunity to fulfil their potential we are a stronger economy, and a better society.\nFull employment is about prosperity for everyone who works and prosperity which works for everyone.\nCONCLUSION\nAfter two and half years, Labor's philosophy, our priorities and our policies are on the table for all to see.\nWe are not wasting our time deciding when to make a decision.\nInstead we are offering the Australian people a schematic, a detailed, funded, positive plan.\nA plan for the next decade, not just the next opinion poll.\nA plan for\nCreating jobs and training Australians to do them\nInvesting in education\nProtecting Medicare\nMaking our tax system fair for all\nEquality for women\nAnd taking real action on climate change\nWe are the underdogs this year, there's no doubt about that.\nBut as a wise man once said\nIn the great race of politics I'd always prefer to be one out, one back, coming into the straight, posed with position and momentum, ready to hit the line strong.\nThank you.\nLEADERS DEBATE OPENING ADDRESS\nTonight I would like to talk directly to the Australian people. I thank you for taking the time to listen. This election is not just about the next three years it's about the next 10 and 15 and 20 years. It is about your future, your future for your children and your grandchildren. This election is about a strong economy and a fair society. It is about Labor's positive plans for a strong economy and a fair society. Labor's plans which will one, ensure we have rigid budget measures, two, that we make sure that we have nation building infrastructure, Aussie jobs, Aussie apprentices, local content and, three, education from childcare right through to schools to TAFE and to universities, ensuring that Australians are equipped to compete for the jobs of the future in our region.\nLabor has positive plans. Labor will ensure that we make sure that Australians get high quality education. We will make sure that Australian children get the best quality schools. We will do this by making sure that we have well-funded, positive plans.\nThe real challenge for Australia of course is to ensure that we have fairness in our society. The only way we can have a strong and sustainable economy, maintain a decent standard of living, make sure that there is equality for all Australians, is to ensure that we have fairness.\nYou can trust Labor to protect Medicare. Trust Labor to stand up for education and training. Trust Labor to ensure fair taxation and housing affordability. Trust Labor to take action on renewable energy and climate change. Trust Labor to ensure the equal treatment of women in our society.\nThis is Labor's plan. They are plans which will ensure jobs, education and Medicare. By contrast, our opponents have got a plan which puts big business at the centre of their economic strategy.\nOur opponents have had three economic plans in the last three months. First of all it was a 15 per cent GST. Then it was to propose that state governments be allowed to levy additional income taxes and now it's a $50 billion tax giveaway for large businesses in Australia. This is a very expensive risk. $50 billion for large companies, $7 billion of that will go to large Australian banks, NAB, Westpac, Commonwealth Bank and ANZ. These are matters which are a very expensive gamble. Much of this money will go to overseas shareholders. It will derive little economic benefit.\nNow of course these economic theories have been tested before by Thatcher and by Reagan but it's a very risky expensive gamble to take with Australian taxpayer money for little economic benefit. Labor has the best plans to ensure real jobs genuine growth and fairness in our society and I would ask you to vote Labor at the next election."
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, speeches:
"Thank you, thank you very much. Thank you all. Thank you so much. Thank you Craig, thanks mate, thank you for your very warm welcome to Reid.\nThank you Barnaby. Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce you are a great Coalition colleague and around the Cabinet table a powerful advocate as we have heard today for regional Australia and your electorate of New England.\nDeputy Leader Foreign Minister, friend of so many years, Julie Bishop - thank you for your extraordinary tireless dedication to our cause. Thank you for the way you make us proud every time you stand up as our Foreign Minister in the councils of the world. Nobody has travelled more miles or visited more electorates in the course of this election than you. You are the most tireless advocate for our great cause.\nAll my Cabinet and Parliamentary colleagues and candidates, Premier Mike Baird and our State colleagues, Tony Nutt and the hard working campaign team, thank you. Thank you. As I thank Lucy and our family, for their support today and throughout this long campaign.\nI welcome today my distinguished predecessors John Howard and his wife Jeanette and Tony Abbott with his wife Margie.\nJohn you set the gold standard leading the most successful and effective Government; your reforms set Australia up for the longest period of prosperity in our history.\nTony you brought to an end the chaos and dysfunction of the Rudd-Gillard-Rudd years and you remain a powerful and dedicated advocate too for our great cause. John and Tony we salute you.\nNow my fellow Australians, at this election my Coalition team presents a clear economic plan to secure Australia's future.\nWe know and Australians know, that the pace and scale of economic change is unprecedented in all of human history.\nOur opportunities have never been greater but challenges, risks and uncertainty abound.\nThere has never been a more exciting time to be an Australian.\nBut only if your optimism and confidence is matched with a clear-eyed understanding of what makes the economy work, what makes businesses invest and hire, and an ability to see the world as it is, not how you would like it to be.\nThis is a time which demands stable majority Government, experienced economic leadership and a national economic plan which will deliver stronger growth and more jobs.\nA national economic plan which recognises the nature and the tenor of our times - both the opportunities and the challenges - and gives us the resilience we need to succeed.\nOnly the Liberal National Coalition can deliver that plan, that security, that leadership.\nEverything we seek to achieve, all of our hopes, our dreams depend on strong economic growth.\nThis is not something I learned in a textbook - anymore than you did.\nWe know that the economy is people - their lives, their futures, their security.\nA strong economy is one where businesses are confident of the future and are prepared to take the risk of investing, expanding and hiring.\nOur business tax cuts encourage small and medium businesses to do just that.\n100,000 of them with turnovers of between $2m and $10m and employing 2.2 million Australians will only join smaller companies to get a tax cut on July 1 if we are re-elected.\nA strong economy means a mum whose kids are now at school and wants to work a few more days, or work full-time, will have plenty of opportunities to do so. And our childcare reforms will make it easier for her to do so too.\nA strong economy means that young men and women who have left school and are looking for a job will find an employer who is hiring and happy to give them a start.\nOur PaTH program with job training and internships will provide additional support to youth employment.\nA strong economy means we can fund our Innovation and Science Agenda to ensure our kids learn the digital skills of the 21st century, our research is commercialised to create jobs here at home and investors support start-up companies.\nIt means that a smart kid who wants to be an engineer can work at the cutting edge of technology here in Australia - because our advanced manufacturing is forging ahead supported by our defence industry investment plan.\nA strong economy means that senior Australians know their children will be in good jobs, their investments will deliver better returns and that Government will have growing revenues to support their pensions and health care.\nIt means that the farmer is getting much better prices for his cattle and can afford to hire a local contractor to replace his fences, clean out a dam or build a new shed.\nIt means the cafe, the restaurant, the hotel has more tourists and they hire more staff to cater for them.\nAll thanks to our big export trade deals.\nA strong economy means that businesses and builders will be hard at work on new homes and tradesmen will have more jobs.\nIt means that a manufacturer has more export orders, can buy more equipment, hire more workers and expand their business.\nA stronger economy means we can fund over $50 billion in 21st century road, rail and other infrastructure including the Western Sydney Airport and the 39,000 jobs it will create.\nA stronger economy means we can afford to fund world-class education and health services, including Medicare, without weighing down our children and grandchildren with more debt and deficits.\nFairness between generations means we must live within our means.\nAnd it also means we can afford to leave a cleaner environment to those children with programs like our $1 billion investment plan to improve water quality in the Great Barrier Reef catchment, our $1 billion Clean Energy Innovation Fund, our $1 billion National Landcare Program or our $2.55 billion Emissions Reduction Fund.\nA strong economy means we can meet and beat our international obligations to address climate change and do so without massive hikes in electricity prices as Labor would do.\nSo a strong economy is not about academic theory - it is about millions of Australians being able to lead better lives, with more choices, better jobs, more opportunities and when working days are ended, a more secure retirement.\nNow we have a national economic plan because the prosperity and security of 24 million Australians depend on it.\nNow succeeding in this 21st century cannot be taken for granted.\nYes the opportunities have never been greater, but so is the competition, and so are the uncertainties.\nThe shockwaves in the past 48 hours from Britain's vote to leave the European Union are a sharp reminder of the volatility in the global economy.\nAlways expect the unexpected.\nWe will need to renegotiate vital trade deals with Europe and with Britain.\nNow we concluded five in the last three years - Japan, Korea, China, Singapore and the Trans Pacific Partnership.\nIn six years Labor concluded none. Think about it. Think about it. Think about what those trade deals have done to drive jobs and growth around Australia. Think what they have done in regional Australia. Think what they have done in Tasmania for example seeing stronger growth than it has in a generation. Right across the country our opening up opportunities for Australian exporters in every field to those big open markets has ensured that we have been able to make a transition from a mining construction boom to the more diverse economy of the 21st century.\nThat is what we need. More diverse, more innovative, smarter, more productive \xe2\x80\x93 that's the economy that wins, and keeps on winning.\nAn economy that is resilient - supporting enterprise, investment and innovation so Australians can seize the opportunities of our times but also handle the challenges and headwinds.\nSo there is a clear cut choice at this election.\nWe present our fellow Australians with a national economic plan every element of which supports more investment, stronger economic growth and more jobs.\nOur plan invests over a billion dollars to promote leading-edge innovation in our industries and to prepare our children for the jobs of the future.\nOur plan promotes export trade deals the ones we have done and the ones we will do to generate thousands of new export opportunities, giving our businesses premium access to the biggest economies in our region.\nOur plan invests in local defence industries to ensure every defence dollar possible supports advanced manufacturers and thousands of Australians jobs.\nOur Enterprise Tax Plan provides tax relief to tens of thousands of small-to-medium family businesses now and to all companies over time so they can invest, grow and hire more Australians.\nOur plan commits to a sustainable Budget with the toughest crackdowns on multinational tax avoidance - companies found to shift profits offshore to avoid tax will pay that tax plus a large penalty rate of tax.\nEvery element of our plan is fully costed and paid for - it's all there in the Budget and it guarantees record investments in health, Medicare and schools.\nAnd not only does it drive higher growth and more jobs, it reduces our deficits every year until we come back into balance in 2020/21.\nOn the other hand, our opponents in the Labor Party have no economic plan at all.\nLabor believes its best hope of being elected is to have trade union officials phone frail and elderly Australians in their homes at night, to scare them, to scare them into thinking they are about to lose something which has never been at risk.\nBill Shorten put this Medicare lie at the heart of his election campaign.\nAnd they boast of how many people they have deceived.\nThat's not an alternative government, that's an Opposition unfit to govern.\nWhen he's not trying to frighten older Australians, Mr Shorten is prosecuting an anti-business, anti-growth agenda more toxic and backward-looking than any Labor leader in a generation.\nTax hikes on business and investment; more special deals for his union mates; higher deficits and higher debt.\nEvery element of his platform will discourage investment and employment. It is a recipe for economic stagnation.\nHis vision splendid is to run the nation like a trade union.\nWell the volunteer firefighters of Victoria know what that looks like.\nAnd on every building site around Australia, honest tradesmen and builders know the high price they pay for the lawlessness and the thuggery of the CFMEU.\nIf returned at this election, we will convene a joint sitting to restore the rule of law in the construction industry and reinstate the Australian Building and Construction Commission so Australians can have the infrastructure of the 21st century that they need at a price that they can afford.\nLabor and the Greens will fight tooth and nail to defend their paymasters in the CFMEU.\nIt's the same old Labor; a replay of the Gillard years, and another power-sharing fiasco with the Greens and Independents.\nThat is why I am urging Australians today and through this week very carefully to consider their vote, both in the House of Representatives and the Senate.\nWe present a stable Coalition majority Government with a positive national economic plan that secures our future - and is working today.\nThe alternative at this election is a Labor Party that has lost its way, or a protest vote for Greens or Independents.\nVote for any of them and you could end up with Bill Shorten as Prime Minister in a government where unions, Greens and Independents pull the strings.\nThis will mean less investment, less employment and an economy going into reverse.\nIt would mean higher deficits and more debt.\nBusinesses and families would be hit by more than $100 billion in new Labor taxes including higher taxes on investment.\nHousing values would fall in an already fragile property market and rents would rise, because of Labor's investment-destroying ban on negative gearing and a 50 per cent hike in capital gains tax.\nRemember the 35,000 owner-drivers, small family enterprises forced off the roads in a cynical power grab cooked up between Labor and the Transport Workers' Union, unable to work, unable to pay the grocery bill let alone the mortgage. That's what Bill Shorten did in his deal with the Transport Workers' Union.\nIf Labor returns to power those mum-and-dad businesses will, as the TWU assures us, once again be targeted by Mr Shorten.\nLike the CFA volunteer firefighters in Victoria, their independence can only be assured under a re-elected Coalition Government.\nA chaotic Labor-Greens-Independents alliance would wreck havoc on the economy, and put at risk living standards and our future opportunities.\nThe threat is real so we need to be crystal-clear about what our votes will mean.\nWhen it comes to the minor parties, be they Lambie, Xenophon, Lazarus or Hanson - if you only really know the leader of a minor party, but you don't really know their candidates, and you don't really know their policies then don't vote for them.\nIf your local vote is for Labor, Greens or an Independent, and you are in one of the 20 or so key battleground seats across the country, it is a vote for the chaos of a hung Parliament, a budget black hole, big Labor taxes, less jobs and more boats.\nOnly a Liberal or National vote ensures stable government, a clear economic plan, real funding for the aged, Medicare and education; more jobs and strong borders.\nSo again, leave nothing in doubt.\nVote for your local Liberal or National in the House and in the Senate.\nOur clear economic plan is more essential than ever as we enter this period of uncertainty in global markets following the British vote to leave the European Union.\nGreat opportunities are accompanied by great challenges.\nThe upheaval reminds us there are many things in the global economy over which we have no control.\nCalm heads, steady hands, and a strong economic plan are critical for Australia to withstand any of those negative repercussions.\nAt a time of uncertainty the last thing we need is a Parliament in disarray.\nWe have weathered global shocks before and weathered them well.\nDespite the greatest terms of trade shock in our history with the fall in global commodity prices since the peak of the mining boom; in the year to March we are growing faster than any of the G7 economies and well above the OECD average.\nIn the last calendar year there were 300,000 new jobs created.\nOur unemployment rate of 5.7 per cent is well beneath what was anticipated when we came to Office.\nNow none of this happens by chance. Strong economic leadership supporting hard-working Australians means that, even with difficult global headwinds, we continue to grow our economy and expand our workforce.\nIf we see this plan through over the next three years I believe Australians will have every reason to approach the decades ahead as they do today - confident, outward-looking, secure, self-assured.\nIf on the other hand, we were to falter in our plan to transition the economy, there is a real risk of Australia falling off the back of the pack of the world's leading economies.\nThis is no time to pull the doona over our heads \xe2\x80\x93 or as Labor and the Greens would have it, to pretend that the good times will just keep rolling no matter how much you tax, how much you borrow, or how much you spend.\nThat is just not how it works in the global economy of the 21st century.\nTo seize the opportunities, we have to be competitive and to that end ensure government is not imposing additional tax burdens on businesses and families that stifle the incentives to innovate, to invest, to grow, to create jobs.\nI know Australians are up for this challenge \xe2\x80\x93 I have enormous confidence in the resilience and resourcefulness of this nation.\nAnd today I can announce additional policies from our Coalition team to support our national economic plan for jobs and growth.\nAs Barnaby noted we are determined to ensure that none of our regional communities across Australia are left behind as we make the transition to a stronger new economy. As home to a third of all Australians, our regions must be at the frontline of the drive for innovation, jobs and growth.\nOur Regional Jobs Fund is a major commitment by the Coalition to ensure those regional communities facing difficulties in transition will be able to maintain their attraction as fantastic places to live, raise a family, work and invest.\nAs we build a stronger economy, it is vital that we also do all we can to ensure all Australians, especially young Australians, are not left behind.\nThat is why the Coalition will deliver a record $73.6 billion over the next four years for all Australian schools. It is a strong and fully-funded commitment to our children and their future.\nToday, I can announce an additional $48 million for scholarships under the Smith Family's Learning for Life program. This will help disadvantaged students to complete year 12 and transition to work or further education and training.\nThe Coalition will also invest $31 million in programs to encourage more girls and women to study and work in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.\nOf the 4.8 million Australians aged 60 years and over, only around 20 per cent of households have a smartphone. To make their lives easier, to help them retain their independence, to keep them connected to families and friends, I am announcing today a $50 million Coalition strategy to assist seniors who want to improve their digital literacy skills.\nAnd as announced earlier today, my Government will be investing $192 million more in frontline mental health services including twelve suicide prevention sites around Australia, ten more Headspace centres and at the same time using smart phone and other technology to make these services more accessible.\n\nThis complements our support for veterans' mental health programs, itself a reminder that we best honour the diggers of Gallipoli and Fromelles by supporting the veterans and their families of today.\nOur Coalition plan offers practical policy solutions to strengthen the economy, strengthen our society, and leverage opportunities for a better future.\nNational security and economic security go hand in hand.\nThere is no higher responsibility for government than protecting our borders and ensuring that our nation is well-prepared to deal with threats to our security.\nThe historic investment by my Government in Australia's defence industries provides our defence forces with the support they need to keep us safe.\nOnly a strong Australia can be a safe Australia.\nAfter six years of abject Labor neglect and indecision, our continuous shipbuilding strategy will ensure that Australia retains a sovereign capability to build and sustain naval vessels, securing thousands of advanced manufacturing jobs for decades to come.\nOur border protection policy depends on three pillars - boat turn-backs, offshore processing and Temporary Protection Visas.\nLabor has already abandoned TPVs so they do not have the same policy as we do - they don't even claim to have the same policy as we do. And who would trust them on the rest.\nWe must never forget how Labor in government failed Australia at the border.\nLabor's abandonment of John Howard's proven border protection policy opened the door to the people smugglers.\nThe result - 50,000 unauthorised arrivals on 800 boats, 1,200 deaths at sea of which we know, over 8,000 children put into detention, 17 detention centres opened and an $11 billion border protection budget blowout.\nIn contrast, the Coalition has restored security at the border, integrity to our immigration program - and with it the trust of the Australian public.\nI am proud to announce that today marks 700 days without a successful people-smuggling venture to our country.\nI am also very proud to announce that we have removed every child from detention in Australia.\nBut the lesson of Labor in government is that success cannot be taken for granted and can be all too easily undone.\nThe fact is 50 Labor candidates, members and senators do not support Mr Shorten's stated policy on boats. Whatever he may say today, any policy commitment would be under siege the moment Labor came to office.\nIn tandem with the Greens, Labor would overturn the very policies that have kept our borders secure.\nWe know this because hope rarely triumphs over experience.\nThey have failed Australia before.\nThe people smugglers are looking for the earliest sign that an Australian Government will waver.\nWe must not. I will not. The Coalition is resolute in defending the sovereignty, the security of our borders.\nOur policies are tough. There is no doubt about that.\nBut these policies have stopped the drownings at sea. They have restored the integrity of and trust in our large but orderly immigration and refugee programs.\nPublic trust in the Government to determine who can come to Australia and how long they can stay is an essential foundation of our success as a multicultural society.\nIt begins as Craig said with respect for the world's oldest continuous culture, that of our First Australians and extends to a celebration of our rich diversity as a nation built by immigration.\nStrong border protection policies instil confidence. A weak and failing system has the opposite effect.\nThat is the risk in a Labor-Greens-independent alliance - they lack the conviction, they lack the will to keep our borders secure.\nTo protect our economic security and to protect our borders, we need a stable Coalition majority Government - not a Parliament in chaos.\nTo further strengthen our domestic security I announce initiatives that go to that most fundamental of liberties \xe2\x80\x93 the right to live without fear of violence.\nMy first announcement as Prime Minister was a new $100 million package to encourage all Australians squarely to confront the ugly truth of violence against women and children in our society.\nToday I can announce a $64 million commitment to crack down on the trafficking of illegal firearms on our streets, in particular by criminal gangs.\nThis will extend the work of our National Anti-Gang Squad in tracking and detecting the illegal guns trade in our cities and regions and locking up those who seek to profit from it.\nAnd it will build up the forensic and intelligence assets of the Australian Federal Police to better detect incoming shipments of illegal firearms and to go after the criminal syndicates who sell them.\nThe Government I lead will live within our means.\nThis is not only the prudent thing to do - it is the right thing to do. There is nothing fair about piling a mountain of debt on the shoulders of our children and grandchildren.\nAnd it serves as a crucial buffer against external risks and shocks.\nMy Coalition team is determined to show the economic leadership to ensure young Australians do not start from behind.\nThat is why I counsel all Australians against a roll of the dice on independents or minor parties.\nA vote for anyone other than the Liberal and National Party candidates and there is a risk Australians will next week find themselves with Bill Shorten as Prime Minister - and no certainty at all about their future.\nThat is why I am urging every Australian to think of this election as if their single vote will determine what sort of government we have after July the 2nd.\nWe can have the sort of chaotic government we see in Queensland today, with a minority Labor government trapped in policy paralysis.\nOr there is the alternative model of a stable, confident administration under Premier Mike Baird here in New South Wales. Under Premier Baird a strong economy and strong budget position is funding new roads and rail and better health and education services.\nAt this election for our nation's leadership, I am asking Australians to make a clear choice - back a strong and stable Coalition majority Government that can press ahead with our plan for a stronger new economy.\nOur plan will deliver the economic security that enables Australians to fulfil their aspirations as individuals, as families, as communities.\nThat is why I am asking my fellow Australians at this election to support our Coalition's National Economic Plan for a Strong New Economy.\nThis national economic plan will secure Australia's position for decades to come as a high-wage, first world economy of the 21st Century, with a generous social welfare safety net.\nThat means a thriving business sector, where there is the confidence to create more jobs, where small family enterprises are encouraged to think big \xe2\x80\x93 to invest, to innovate, to grow their business and employ other Australians.\nThis means an Australia competing with the world's best in the hi-tech industries and all the other jobs of the future and a strong sustainable advanced manufacturing sector, sharing in the heavy lifting in our new economy.\nOur farmers and service industries flourishing like never before, with millions of new customers in the markets of Asia to our north, where half of the world's middle class will soon reside.\nAnd only disciplined financial management can guarantee the long-term funding we need to support the hospitals and schools, the roads, the infrastructure - all the services Australians want and expect from government.\nMy fellow Australians we alone have the economic plan our nation needs in these times of opportunity and challenge.\nWe have always been a lucky country - but today more than ever we need to make our own luck.\nGet this right and together Australians will succeed as never before.\n2 PRE-ELECTION ADDRESS TO THE NATIONAL PRESS CLUB \nThank you Chris so much. Well, here we are, at the end of a long campaign. We are here meeting on the land of the Ngunnawal people and I want to acknowledge them, their custodianship and their elders past and present as we bring to an end this campaign and we hand the determination of the great decision here in this election, the great choice, to the people whose it is \xe2\x80\x93 the Australian people, because they will now have their say about the next three years.\nThese past eight weeks have reinforced for me that the Australian people, now more than ever, are focused overwhelmingly on the economic realities confronting Australia.\nOne strong sentiment I have picked up from so many visits to so many electorates right across the country, is this: Australians want the government they elect to get on with the job of ensuring that we have a strong economy that can set us up for the future; in uncertain times globally, they are looking for a greater sense of common purpose.\nI believe they want our Parliament to offload the ideology, to end the juvenile theatrics and the gotcha moments, to drop the personality politics.\nThey want our focus to be on the issues that matter to them, an end to division for division's sake.\nAustralians are entitled to expect that of their Parliament.\nIn these uncertain times, we need to stick together. Stick to our economic plan, grow our economy, create more jobs and build a better future for all Australians.\nAt this election, my Coalition team is presenting a clear economic plan to secure Australia's future.\nFrom day one, if re-elected, we will be working harder than ever to deliver our national economic plan - driving investment, jobs and growth, firing up our high-tech innovation sector, ensuring as many of our defence dollars are spent here in Australia, investing in advanced manufacturing, opening up thousands more export opportunities for farmers, tourism and service industries in the giant markets of Asia. Providing tax incentives for tens of thousands of small family enterprises to grow, to innovate, to invest and to employ more Australians and ensuring that the Budget is managed responsibly and prudently so that we can guarantee funding, well into the future, for hospitals, schools, Medicare, roads and all the other vital services and infrastructure.\nFrom day one, my Government will be seeking passage of legislation to deliver middle income tax cuts to over 2.5 million Australian taxpayers and enterprise tax cuts to 870,000 incorporated small businesses with turnovers below $10 million.\nThose businesses currently employ 3.44 million Australians and our tax cuts will encourage them to grow, providing more jobs for all Australians.\nFrom day one, if re-elected, the Coalition will be presenting legislation to amend the Fair Work Act so we can stop the takeover of the Country Fire Authority in Victoria - protecting 60,000 volunteer firefighters from a power grab orchestrated by the United Firefighters Union and the Andrews Labor government in Victoria.\nAnd we will convene a joint sitting to approve the two vital economic reforms that were double dissolution triggers for this election - the reinstatement of the Australian Building and Construction Commission to restore the rule of law to the construction industry; and the Registered Organisations Bill to hold union officials and employer organisations accountable to the same standards of probity and transparency as apply to company directors.\nFrom day one, my Coalition team will be doing everything in our power to safeguard Australians and Australian business from the risk of any external shock flowing from Britain's vote to withdraw from the European Union.\nThe aftermath of the Brexit vote is only one of a range of factors driving uncertainty and apprehension in a fragile global economy. It is the duty of the Australian Government to keep this volatility on global markets under close and constant scrutiny \xe2\x80\x93 we have to be swift and sure-footed to pre-empt any negative effects that could affect investment, growth and jobs here at home.\nNow I have taken action this week with the Treasurer, who is here today, with the Finance Minister, Mathias Cormann, to ensure the new government, whomever is elected, will have the best informed analysis and advice from our Council of Financial Regulators \xe2\x80\x93 the Reserve Bank, the Treasury, APRA and ASIC \xe2\x80\x93 on any measures we may need to take, to limit the impact on our economic interests.\nIf re-elected I will meet at the very earliest opportunity with the New Zealand Prime Minister, John Key, so we can work closely together as we navigate our respective trade negotiations with Europe and with Britain.\nAustralians expect strong and decisive economic leadership.\nThey expect political leaders to have the experience to manage the risks sensibly and shrewdly -frame a plan of action and get it done.\nThis is vital to confidence and confidence is the key to economic security. \nI believe Australians share my excitement at the great opportunities ahead. From the farmers, winegrowers and orchardists of Tasmania now selling their clean, green produce into major world markets. Like Josef Chromy, a local winemaker in the Tamar Valley who, thanks to our export trade deals, is now able to access new customers across Asia, Europe and North American markets; or Grove Juice in Brisbane which, thanks to our Japan Free Trade Agreement, is now able to produce an additional 70 thousand bottles of fresh Australian orange juice.\nTo those advanced designers and manufacturers across the country that are making the most of our defence industry investment, such as Daronmont in Adelaide, Quickstep in Geelong or Austal in Western Australia, which is Australia's largest defence exporter.\nTo the small businesses like the advanced manufacturer Omni Tanker in Western Sydney or Daisy's Garden Supply in Victoria - that because of our enterprise tax cuts will be in a position to invest in and expand their businesses and hire more staff.\nTo the IT entrepreneurs, like Wayne Gerard, the co-founder of RedEye in Brisbane, at the frontier of the digital economy, or businesses like Carbon Revolution in Geelong who are bringing to life our National Innovation and Science Agenda.\nNow Australia has done well to record 3.1 per cent growth in the year to March, better than any of the G7 economies and well above the OECD average.\nBut that in itself reminds us that we are in a low-growth global economy and we need to have a weather eye out for significant headwinds.\nGiven that uncertainty, my strong sense is that what Australians are looking for most from this election, is a step up in political culture - strong, decisive, resolute leadership, yet with a focus on what unites rather than divides. \nThat is the leadership my team and I offer to the Australian people.\nDuring the campaign, you have heard me emphasise the critical importance of Australians electing a strong Coalition majority Government.\nOpen markets, globalisation, the speed of technological advancement is changing our world at a scale and a pace unprecedented in human experience.\nIn this dynamic global economy, our opportunities as Australians have never been greater, nor our horizons wider.\nBut to succeed in the 21st century is not a given: we as Australians have to make our own luck, we have to make the transition to an economy that is more diverse, more innovative, smarter, more productive \xe2\x80\x93 an economy that wins and keeps on winning.\nAustralia's 24 million people - all of us - all Australians, they are our greatest asset.\nThe talent, ingenuity and enterprise of hard-working Australians has delivered great success to this nation.\nFor that success story to continue in the decades ahead, we have to make important choices and that's why I am asking my fellow Australians, at this election, to support our Coalition's National Economic Plan for a Strong New Economy.\nA stronger economy provides the jobs and the growth that allows people to plan their lives with greater confidence and certainty.\nIt provides the economic benefits to pay the mortgage, buy a car, put the kids through school, pay for a holiday.\nA stronger economy guarantees funding for vital social services.\nNow economic security is a concept known to every family as it maps out the household budget; by every mum and dad worried about their job, worried about the next pay cheque, worried about the next contract.\nMy vision is to set Australia up for decades to come as a high wage, first world economy of the 21st century with a generous social welfare safety net.\nThat means a thriving business sector, where small family enterprises are encouraged to think big. Our Enterprise Tax Plan does just that.\nIt means Australia is competing with the world's best in the high tech industries and the jobs of the future.\nI want to see our farmers and our service industries flourishing like never before, with millions of new customers in the markets of Asia to our north, where half of the world's middle class will soon reside.\nAccording to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the number of small businesses now exporting increased by 12.9 per cent in the last financial year alone.\nThey are taking advantage of our export trade deals with China, Korea, Japan and Singapore, which provide premium access for Australian business to the leading economies in our part of the world.\nAnd it will only be disciplined financial management and a strong economy that can deliver the growth in revenues to guarantee funding for health and education and all the other services Australians want and expect from government.\nIf you want a strong Medicare and we do, if you want well-funded schools and world-class roads and hospitals and infrastructure and we do - you need a strong economy to pay for it.\nOur plan gives Australians and Australian families economic security in an uncertain world.\nNow our opponents at this election cannot offer that reassurance \xe2\x80\x93 they do not have an economic plan.\nLabor's one and only strategy is to tiptoe back into government in a chaotic alliance with Greens, minor parties and independents.\nIn an uncertain world, Labor offers only greater uncertainty.\nThey have nothing to say about jobs, growth or our economic future.\nInstead they talk about higher taxes, more spending, higher deficits, more debt.\nThey have been making commitments they cannot pay for and cannot deliver.\nThat explains the shambles around their budget costings. Over this campaign, it has been a sorry tale of Labor budget backflips and policy reversals. \nThe first was on foreign aid, where they previously had said our policy approach was one they \xe2\x80\x9ccertainly couldn't continue with\xe2\x80\x9d.\nThen they backflipped on the $4.5 billion Schoolkids Bonus, which they had previously said was \xe2\x80\x9ca demonstration of Labor's commitment to education.\xe2\x80\x9d\nAnd then there's the changes to the pension asset test - another backflip.\nThey were the same changes that Bill Shorten only opposed very recently in his book, saying that \xe2\x80\x9cwhen Labor formulates retirement policy...we look beyond the headlines and cheap politics.\xe2\x80\x9d \nThen in the shadow of our Coalition campaign rally and away from the critical eye of all of you here in the Canberra Press Gallery, Labor finally unveiled their Budget costings.\nIn that document, Labor not only revealed they have no plan for jobs and growth. They acknowledged that their fiscal strategy is to drag the Budget further into red ink by $16.5 billion over the next four years. \nIn fact, Labor's bottom line will be worse than the Coalition over the next seven years. Put another way, by the election in 2022, Labor would still not have enough savings to pay for the promises they've made in this election.\nLabor would be borrowing over $11 million more than the Government each and every day over the next four years.\nTheir budget bottom line over the medium term relies on over $100 billion in additional taxes, with tax revenue approaching 26 per cent of GDP \xe2\x80\x93 this would take Labor to the highest tax-to-GDP ratio in this country since at least 1970.\nLabor's fiscal strategy is predicated on no further tax relief for a decade or more. By 2027, under that scenario, an additional 750,000 Australians will be paying the top marginal tax rate of 49 per cent - a $19 billion tax grab guaranteed to stifle the incentives to work. \nHard-working Australians will be appalled and the closer you look, the more destructive it becomes.\nA negative gearing and capital gains tax policy which aims to hit Australians with $37 billion of tax increases - one of the largest tax increases in recent history. Yet Labor refuses to reveal what impact it believes this massive tax hike will have on housing prices, rents, investment, housing supply, confidence, or the wider economy. \nA superannuation policy which extraordinarily banks all of the revenue that the Government's policies will raise - but which - adopts none of the Government's policies. The refusal by Labor to identify the policy measures to support these savings defies all of the rules and rigours of public finance. For all we know, Labor could adopt the Greens' superannuation policies. Sixteen million Australians planning for retirement are left with not a clue about how Labor would change the superannuation system. How is this acceptable? \nA hospitals policy which provides or promises an additional $2 billion over 11 years - when Labor has for the last two years, been promising an additional $57 billion in spending. They have failed to fund over 96 per cent of the so-called hospital cuts they solemnly swore they would restore and were advertising on television about last night. What a Labor hoax.\nAnd a childcare policy that increases funding over the first two years and then cuts it over the next two.\nIn contrast, my Coalition team takes a methodical approach to Budget repair. Living within our means is fundamental to the Coalition's national economic plan.\nFor every new dollar we spend, we make sure we find another dollar at least, through savings, elsewhere in the Budget.\nThe Treasurer, Scott Morrison, brought down our Budget on May 3 which showed net improvements to the Budget of $1.7 billion.\nWe began submitting campaign costings on 17 June. They are publicly available for all to examine and question.\nThe end result of our announcements over the campaign is an improvement in the Budget bottom line each and every year, totalling $1.1 billion.\nIn the Budget we announced as you know, the most comprehensive changes to the taxation of superannuation in a decade.\nNow not all of these policies have been popular, but they make the system fairer and more flexible.\nWe had the courage to put them in the Budget and take them to an election. \nWe will not be making any further changes to superannuation in the next term of Government if we are re-elected. Mr Shorten cannot match that claim.\nOur superannuation goes to the heart of economic security.\nMr Shorten and Labor are now a policy vacuum on this vital issue, playing political games with the retirement plans of millions of Australians.\nLike his Budget black hole this demonstrates no economic leadership at all.\nLabor'srecklessness is utterly ill-suited to the demands of our times.\nThey are in denial about the state of the Budget and the risks in the global economy.\nAs leading economists have confirmed, if elected, Labor's fiscal profligacy and ill-discipline could put our AAA credit rating at risk.\nBill Shorten has no economic plan to deal with the challenges of securing our future in the 21st century.\nHis priority at the election is purely political.\nAs he says himself, he wants to run Australia like a trade union. \nHow else to explain his incredibly ideological war against business.\nHow else to explain his dishonest campaign to frighten frail and elderly people into thinking their health services are at risk.\nMedicare is guaranteed under the Coalition and Bill Shorten knows it.\nHe has been mocked in this very room for spreading these falsehoods.\nHe diminishes only himself, but he persists with these lies in the hope that he can deceive enough Australians to think that government services never at risk are under threat.\nAustralians are well and truly over this tactic of setting out deliberately and dishonestly to fuel fear and division.\nThe only long-term threat to our universal health care system is the risk of governments adopting tax and spend policies that stifle economic growth, damage business confidence, discourage investment and employment.\nOnly a stronger economy can deliver the growth in revenues we need to pay, in the longer term, for the services that we want.\nAnd only the Coalition has the plan to drive that growth.\nOnly the Coalition has a plan to support investment and create jobs.\nOnly the Coalition's spending commitments are fully funded, with a sustainable path to surplus.\nOnly the Coalition will protect our borders and keep Australians safe.\nAnd only the Coalition can form strong, stable majority Government.\nIt is worth remembering that Australia has not had a strong majority Government returned to office at an election going back to 2007.\nAnd that is why this election is a critical choice for Australians.\nLeave it to independents and preferences to decide and Australians will find themselves, this time next week, with no clarity about their future. \nIt is a roll of the dice that could well result in Bill Shorten as Prime Minister, with unions, Greens and independents pulling the strings.\nThis threat is real. So when it comes to the minor parties - be they Lambie, Xenophon, Lazarus or Hanson - Australians need to consider very carefully the impact on practical policy outcomes and the workability of the Parliament.\nI say to Australians again; if you don't know the leader of a minor party, or if that is all you know - the identity of the minor party's leader, but you don't know their candidates - and you don't really know their policies, then don't vote for them.\nAustralians won't want to end up next week with a result they didn't see coming So I say again, a vote for Labor, Greens or an independent in one of the 20 key battleground seats across the country, is, in effect, a vote for the chaos of a hung parliament; a budget black hole; big Labor taxes; less jobs; more boats.\nWe can have the sort of chaotic government we see in today's Queensland, with a minority Labor Government trapped in policy paralysis.\nOr there is the alternative model of a stable, confident administration under Premier Mike Baird in NSW, where a strong economy and strong Budget position is funding new roads and rail and better health and education. \nSo that is why I am urging Australians to vote for their local Liberal or National candidate in the House and in the Senate and to return a stable Coalition majority Government so we can stick to the plan that is delivering jobs and growth and securing our economic future.\nNow obviously, there is not the time here to name them all, but can I mention just two local candidates who exemplify the dedication and the energy we ask of our elected representatives.\nNed Mannoun, in the southwest Sydney seat of Werriwa and Julia Banks, our candidate for the seat of Chisholm, in Melbourne's east, have both campaigned so well. They are in with a chance of claiming two long-held Labor electorates.\nBoth are part of our great story as an immigrant nation. Both come with direct practical experience in business. Both bring real passion and commitment to the communities they serve.\nSo today, as I urge all Australians to vote for their local Liberal and National candidates in the House and in the Senate, I give a special shout out to Ned Mannoun in Werriwa and Julia Banks in Chisholm, two outstanding candidates.\nNow, my Coalition team is determined that we show strong economic leadership and bring all our experience to the task of building a strong new economy.\nOur role as leaders is to address the real priorities in people's lives \xe2\x80\x93 secure incomes, sustainable health and education systems, a safe society and more and better jobs for their children.\nEvery element of our Coalition economic plan is directed at delivering the stronger economy so vital for Australians to achieve these aspirations.\nTogether, Australians have the talents and the capacity to make the successful transition to a stronger new economy. Together, as a nation, we have the resourcefulness, the resilience to get the job done.\nAnd I believe Australians, overwhelmingly, would think it is not before time that our Parliament began to work with a greater unity of purpose towards that goal.\nSo get the next three years right, stick together, stick to our economic plan and we can all look forward with confidence and optimism to an Australia where our very best years are still ahead of us.\n3 CAMPAIGN PITCH\nGood afternoon. On a very non-political note happy Mother's Day to all Australia's mothers. We love you all so much. Your love has made us what we are. Happy Mother's Day.\nNow, I have returned from visiting the Governor-General as you have observed. The Governor-General has accepted my advice to dissolve both houses of Parliament effective tomorrow morning, and call an election for both Houses, a double dissolution on 2 July.\nAt this election Australians will have a very clear choice; to keep the course, maintain the commitment to our national economic plan for growth and jobs, or go back to Labor, with its higher taxing, higher spending, debt and deficit agenda, which will stop our nation's transition to the new economy dead in its tracks.\nWe live in a time of remarkable opportunity. We live in an era when the scale and pace of economic change is unprecedented through all of human history. The opportunities for Australia have never been greater. There are many challenges. But if we embrace this future with confidence and with optimism, with self-belief and a clear plan, then we will succeed as we have never succeeded before.\nOur economic plan for jobs and growth is as clear as it is critical - to support this transition to the new economy of the 21st century.\nIt is the most exciting time to be an Australian. These are exciting times. But we must embark on these times, embrace these opportunities, meet these challenges, with a plan and we have laid out a clear economic plan to enable us to succeed.\nWe have set up an Innovation and Science Agenda which will ensure that right across our nation we are more innovative in business, in academia, in government, ensuring that we are able in these times of rapid change to meet them with the agility and the ingenuity and the imagination that makes for success.\nWe are ensuring through our Innovation and Science Agenda that our children have the skills of the 21st century, and that our researchers and scientists, the best in the world, are collaborating with Australian business and industry so that we see more of the fruits of their work in Australian jobs and Australian enterprise.\nWe have laid out a Defence Industry Investment Plan which will equip our armed forces with the capabilities they need to keep us safe in this century. And we will develop and build those capabilities so far as we can right here in Australia.\nEvery dollar we can spend in Australia we will. And we will do so by investing in Australian advanced manufacturing, in Australian technology, in Australian science, in Australian industry creating thousands of high-tech jobs right across our nation.\nAnd we live in a region that has seen the most remarkable growth. Little more than a generation ago, China was an impoverished nation barely part of the global economy. It is now the world's largest or on some measures the second largest economy. That is just part of the changes we have witnessed.\nIn a few years more than half of the world's middle class will be living in Asia. The opportunities for Australia are enormous. But we have to have the means to seize them. And we have established export trade deals right across the region with Korea, Japan, and with China itself.\nWith the Trans Pacific Partnership and only a few days ago enhancing our Free Trade Agreement and military cooperation with the Republic of Singapore.\nThat is providing jobs and economic growth right across Australia in services, in tourism and education, in agriculture, right across the board, opening those markets has created enormous opportunities for jobs and growth.\nA vital part of our plan is to ensure that young Australians get into employment, that young Australians, particularly who struggle with getting started in a job, develop the employability that will set them up for life. And we have set out, as you have seen in our budget, a youth employment plan that will help more than 100,000 young Australians into jobs with the PaTH program preparing them to work as interns to get that experience, to get into employment.\nOur tax system is a key part of our plan. It is one of the biggest influences the Federal Government has on our economy. We are reforming our tax system to make it more sustainable and fit for purpose in the 21st century.\nWe have established and are establishing the toughest anti-avoidance laws in the developed world. We believe in lower taxes. We do. But it is not optional to pay them.\nMultinationals will have to pay their fair share in Australia. The laws we are setting in place are the world's best.\nAnd we are providing tax relief for Australian businesses with our enterprise tax plan, beginning with smaller businesses with a turnover of $10 million or less and then working up so that after 10 years all Australian companies will be paying 25% corporate tax rather than 30, making our tax rate more competitive, providing the incentives for investment and for jobs.\nWe are providing relief for middle income earners, so that people in the middle income bracket do not move into the second highest tax bracket, in the way they otherwise would. Our reforms to superannuation, which affect only the 4 per cent of highest income earners, in any negative way or adverse way, these reforms make our superannuation system fairer and more flexible. 96 per cent of Australians will either be unaffected or better off. People on low incomes, under $37,000, will have their tax offset by our new reforms on their superannuation contribution.\nWomen, in particular, who have been out of the workforce will be able to come back in and catch up on unused concessional contributions. And older Australians will be able to contribute past the age of 65 and self-employed people will be able to contribute in the same way as if they were employed. These are critical reforms to make our tax system fairer, more flexible and fit for purpose. Everything we are committed to, with record spending on hospitals, on health, on education and infrastructure, is fully funded. Every single one of our commitments is paid for.\nNow the double dissolution that the Governor-General has agreed to is, as you know, brought about because the Senate has twice refused to pass legislation relating to the accountability of unions and employer organisations, and most critically, has twice refused to pass legislation to re-establish the Australian Building and Construction Commission. The reestablishment of that commission, in particular, which will be the consequence of us winning this election, if the Australian people so decide, that will restore the rule of law to the construction sector, which employs a million Australians. It is a vital economic reform and critical to our continued success.\nNow, our national economic plan is already reaping rewards for Australians. We are seeing business confidence and growth at higher levels. Last year, the economy grew 3 per cent in real terms. Over 300,000 jobs were created, last year, the highest since 2007. And 26,000 new jobs were created in the month of March alone.\nThat is the record that we have established already, and we will be seeking the mandate of the Australian people to continue and complete that national economic plan, because that is the key to us achieving and realising the great opportunities of these exciting times.\nDuring this election campaign, my opponent, Mr Shorten, will undoubtedly make very big promises, or continue to make very big promises of higher spending. And I ask Australians when they hear these promises, from him and from Labor to remember that Labor has no credible or coherent way to pay for them, other than through more debt and higher taxes. The choice cannot be clearer at this election.\nWe have an economic plan for growth and jobs. Every single element of it is designed, is calculated, determined, to deliver stronger economic growth and more jobs for Australians. On the other hand, our opponents are promising to increase income tax, they are opposing a tax cut for Australian businesses. They are proposing to increase capital gains tax by 50 per cent, a tax on investment.\nNow, all of us know that if you want to have less of something, you increase the tax on it. That is how health organisations justify and urge governments, as we are doing, to increase the tax on tobacco. Labor clearly wants to have less investment. They are increasing by 50 per cent the tax on investment.\nAfter three years they have learnt nothing from the failure of the Rudd- Gillard-Rudd years, in which Mr Shorten, of course was a leading player. And reports, repeating the policy failures of the Labor era in government we see one experiment after another, one failed experiment after another.\nWe see Labor now proposing to ban negative gearing on every single asset class except new dwellings. This will deliver a massive shock to the property market at a time, as the Reserve Bank Governor said only a few days ago, property prices are moderating. It puts at risk the investments of millions of Australians. It stands in the pathway, blocking the road to entrepreneurship.\nUnder Labor's plan, not only will the tax on investment be increased by 50%, but a person who seeks to get started in business and borrows money, and has no capital other than their own, their human capital, under Labor's plan that person will not be able to offset any losses they have against their personal income. But a wealthy person, of course, will be able to offset it against their investment income. So, Labor, claiming to speak for fairness, but in really speaking for nothing more than increasing taxes, stands in the way of Australians getting ahead.\nUnlike the Labor Party, Australians know we can be trusted to keep Australia safe and secure.\nThe human capital. Under Labor's plan that person will not be able to offset any losses they have against their personal income. But a wealthy person of course, would be able to offset it against their investment income. So Labor claiming to fairness, but then really speaking for nothing more than increasing taxes, stands in the way of Australians getting ahead.\nUnlike the Labor Party, Australians know we can be trusted to keep Australia safe and secure. Our Defence investment plan and our re-equipment of our armed forces is making up for six years of neglect under Labor.\nAnd we know all too well, the shocking and tragic experiment Labor conducted in Government which saw 50,000 unauthorised arrivals by sea and over a thousand drowned at sea. We will maintain our border protection policies. Australians know that we will keep our borders secure. They know that the Coalition, totally united, is committed to keeping our borders safe. And when we do so, as we have done since we returned to Government, what we do is underpin the confidence that Australians have in a Government that controls its own borders. In a Government that is able to manage an immigration system, a humanitarian program, and build towards \xe2\x80\x93 as we have done so successfully \xe2\x80\x93 the most successful multicultural society in the world.\nSo the question is clear; do we stay the distance with our national economic plan for jobs and growth? Or do we go back to Labor, which has no plan, only politics, only a recipe for more debt, more spending, more unfunded promises, every measure they have proposed so far, absolutely calculated to stand in the way of investment, to stand in the way of jobs.\nThese are exciting times for Australia. These are times for confidence, for optimism, for a clear plan and we will be seeking a mandate from the Australian people on the 2nd of July. I will be seeking a mandate from the Australian people, as the Prime Minister of this country, to carry out this plan because we know that it will lay the way, clear the way for us to have the greatest years in our history. These are times unprecedented in opportunity. There are uncertainties. There are challenges. But with a clear vision, a clear plan and confidence in Australia and its people, our greatest days surely are ahead of us.\ncouple of patient guys who've been waiting for a beer and I'd better go and join them.\n4 ECONOMIC POLICY ADDRESS\nLadies and gentleman we are living in a time of economic change unprecedented in human history in both its scale and its pace.\nHardworking Australians are seeing this reality on the nightly news \xe2\x80\x93 how trade, globalization, and, above all, technological change is producing both new opportunities and also uncertainty in their world.\nAll Australians, not just economists, know we need to innovate and build new industries and strengthen existing ones because the mining construction boom has ended and the economy must transition to create new sources of growth and jobs.\nOur resilience our resourcefulness is being tested in an intensely competitive and volatile global economy.\nBut if we as Australians make the right calls to ensure a strong economy and embrace enterprise and innovation to drive jobs and growth, we can secure our future as a high-wage first world economy with a generous social safety net.\nThat's why Australians face a critical choice on July 2.\nThis election is about two very different versions of what Australia should look like in the future. Two very different visions.\nMy Coalition team's national economic plan sets Australia up for a secure and successful future in the 21st century. We are the only team at this election with an economic plan and every element of our Plan is directed at generating stronger economic growth, and more jobs.\nOur opponents take a different and very complacent view: they seem to assume economic growth is a given, and that no matter how much you tax, how much you spend, the good times will just keep rolling.\nOur Plan will encourage more businesses to grow, to invest and to employ. And we will live within our means with record spending on education, health and infrastructure and at the same time bring the Budget back into balance.\nThe Budget that Scott brought down is our plan. It is all set out. Not a lot of pictures. A lot of numbers and a lot of analysis.\nLabor on the other hand wants to deny tax cuts to all but the smallest businesses, run larger deficits, incur more debt, increase taxes on business and investment - in other words discourage investment and employment.\nNow do we need more investment; do we need more enterprise and more jobs? Of course we do.\nAustralians can see in our policy measures that encourage that - you lower the tax on investment, you get more investment.\nWhat is Labor doing? It is increasing taxes on investment, reducing the return on investment. That will result inevitably in less investment and that means less jobs.\nNow Australia has survived the greatest terms of trade shock in its history. With the wind back, inevitable wind back I might add, of the mining construction boom.\nIn fact, we are doing much better than surviving.\nHow has this happened? It is not by chance.\nWe are recording strong growth in many sectors, information and telecommunications, tourism, financial services, retail trade and health care. Agricultural incomes have grown strongly on the back of our export trade deals.\nAll of this indicates our plan is working - a stronger and more diverse economy, with industries old and new contributing to the heavy lifting. \nIn times like these - here citizens of the lucky country, more than ever we have to make your own luck.\nIf we were to falter in our strong and disciplined approach to transitioning our economy, there is a real risk of us falling off the back of the pack of the world's leading economies.\nToday I'm going to take you through my Coalition team's Plan for a Stronger, New Economy.\nI want to explain exactly what we mean when we talk about \xe2\x80\x9cJobs and Growth\xe2\x80\x9d.\nI'm going to explain how the elements of our plan are designed to make Australia more innovative, more productive, and more competitive, and how our plan is working already to deliver strong growth and more jobs.\nI want to stress to you why it is critical to our economic security that we stick to this plan.\nIf we see our plan through over the next three years, Australians will have every reason to approach the future with great confidence and optimism.\nHalf of the world's middle class will soon reside in Asia. This gives Australian business massive opportunities to grow new global markets that will deliver jobs at home.\nTo seize these opportunities, we have to help ensure our businesses are nimble and competitive. We have to promote a vibrant culture of enterprise and innovation - in every industry from agriculture to advanced manufacturing. Innovation is not just for twenty-something programmers; it is the key for every firm to be successful in the 21st century.\nOur GDP grew 3.1 per cent in the year to March, faster than any of the G7 economies and well above the OECD average.\nThat doesn't happen by accident. You need strong economic leadership. You need a pro-growth pro-business agenda that delivers investment and jobs.\nMy Government is providing that leadership and driving that plan for jobs and growth.\nIn the last calendar year, 300,000 new jobs were created; almost two thirds of these were women.\nThe unemployment rate at 5.7 per cent is well below where it had been anticipated to be when we came into government.\nAnd the Budget is now on an achievable path back to surplus.\nOur economy and our Budget are now heading in the right direction.\nBut to ensure our longer-term economic security, we can and must do more to stay ahead of the curve.\nLet me turn to exports, a key element, a key driver of success for us in the future.\nCritical to our economic plan are our export trade deals, ensuring our businesses have premium access to the world's largest and most dynamic economies, including our major trading partners in Asia - where within a few years will be found half of the world's middle class consumers.\nThis has all happened in a few decades. This is what I mean about the extraordinary times in which we live. The pace and the scale of change has no precedent in human history.\nOur export trade deals with China, Korea and Japan are giving our farmers a competitive edge and higher prices, our tourism sector more visitors, our colleges and universities more students and they are opening the doors for all our exporters, especially services, into these giant markets.\nThe Trans-Pacific Partnership free-trade agreement our Government negotiated with the United States and 10 other leading world economies awaits ratification by the US Congress and we are negotiating new trade deals with the rising economic giants, India and Indonesia.\nThe results are already strong. In the last quarter, we recorded a 4.4 per cent lift in exports, and 6 per cent for the year. Services exports grew by 14 per cent over the year - the fastest growth since 2000.\nNow it is worth remembering that Labor, under pressure from a ferocious ACTU campaign to block ChAFTA, only agreed a minute before midnight to pass the legislation ratifying that historic trade deal.\nThe Greens and Nick Xenophon are also vocal opponents of this element of our plan to generate jobs and growth.\nOnly this week, the ACTU was again piling pressure on Labor, if elected, to reopen elements of these agreements.\nIt is another pointer to the chaos and economic uncertainty likely to arise if a Labor-Greens-Independents alliance is revived at this election.\nOur export trade deals are creating jobs right across Australia and in every sector;\nThe fisherman Karl Krause who is getting record prices for the world's best lobsters caught on his boat the Carmen in the waters of Northern Tasmania\nThe Mornington Peninsula Brewery in Victoria, which has become the first Australian craft brewery to export to mainland China\nGrove Juice in southern Queensland which has sold almost 100,000 bottles of orange and apple juices into the Japanese and Korean markets\nPhilmac the 85 year old plumbing components maker in Adelaide, now exporting to 30 countries with its innovative fittings to connect Imperial and metric gauge pipe networks\nA.H. Beard the 117 year old mattress maker, now sending a container of Australian made mattresses to China every three days\nWine makers like Warren Randall of Seppeltsfield who described the ChAFTA \xe2\x80\x9cas the single most important development in wine marketing\xe2\x80\x9d for the 39 years he has been in the business\nAnd so many other innovators in technology and advanced manufacturing like Carbon Revolution in Geelong producing the lightest wheel rims in the world.\nLet's be very clear about this.\nGlobalisation means we are now in a much larger global market. More opportunities but also more competition.\nIf we want to pull the doona over our head, like Labor and the Greens and pretend it's not happening, then we will be left behind.\nWe have to embrace these opportunities, seize them and win.\nAnd we can only do that with a plan.\nWe have that plan, and we can see that it is working. We can see that Australians can compete and win on global markets.\nOur national economic plan creates these incentives and opportunities to grow - the risk of an alliance of Labor, the Greens, independents and the unions is that they will make it harder for enterprising Australians to take their products and ideas to the world. \nAnother key driver is directly supporting Australian enterprise.\nSmall and medium businesses, many of them family owned businesses, are at the heart of our economy. Their energy and commitment is vital to jobs and growth.\nOur Plan for a Strong, New Economy backs small and medium business.\nUnder our plan from July 1 businesses with a turnover of less than $10 million will receive a tax cut and access to instant asset write-offs.\nLabor has said it will only support tax cuts to businesses which turn over less than $2 million.\nThat means if we are not re-elected, 100,000 small and medium businesses with turnovers between $2 and $10 million and employing 2.2 million Australians will get no support to invest, to employ, to grow.\nThe tax cuts we will keep, we will deliver will help every one of those employers, encouraging more investment in businesses, more jobs, higher retained earnings, higher real wages.\nUntil very recently, Mr Shorten was happy to say that tax cuts for business were good for jobs, growth, productivity and higher wages.\nLet me quote to you from his interview from March, 2012:\n\xe2\x80\x9cAny student of Australian business and economic history since the mid-eighties knows that part of Australia's success was derived through the reduction in the company tax rate. We need to be able to make life easier for Australian business, which employs two in three Australians.\xe2\x80\x9d\nWell said, you might say. A penetrating glimpse of the obvious, from presumably, a student of Australian business and economic history. Sadly the student, Mr Shorten has either lost his memory, or lost his way.\nThe proven experience of business tax cuts is as he said in 2012, that they generate growth and jobs. \nBasic common sense and economic principles confirm it. Economic modelling confirms it. Statistical research confirms it. Chris Bowen has confirmed it. He went so far as to write a book about it. \nPeter Costello cut company tax, as did Paul Keating. So persuaded was he that he cut it twice!\nWhen Peter Costello reduced our company tax to 30 per cent, we were the 9th lowest in the OECD. Now we are at the uncompetitive bottom of the pack with 27 OECD nations having a lower company tax rate than us.\nSince 2008 New Zealand has cut its company tax rate from 33 to 28 percent.\nAnd over the same period the UK has gradually reduced its company tax rate from 30 to 20 percent, and will further reduce it to 18 percent by 2020.\nMore investment means more jobs and higher wages. As businesses put more money into their enterprise, they grow. As they grow they need to have more people. As they grow they are more profitable, they can then pay their employees more.\nLabor and the Greens see a conflict between business and workers. Well let's try this quiz? Who would you rather work for - a business that is doing well, investing and growing? Or one that is struggling, burdened by too much tax?\nStruggling to succeed in markets because there isn't the encouragement to enter them. Who would you rather work for? A business that is achieving well, investing more and growing, or one that is struggling? Its obvious isn't it? And yet everything Labor and the Greens are doing will discourage business and discourage investment. And when they do that they discourage employment.\nNow Independent Economics' Chris Murphy, who led the tax modelling work for Labor's Henry Tax Review when Bill Shorten was last in government, shows that the benefit to Australian consumers from our enterprise tax plan is $2.39 of benefit for every single dollar of tax cut.\nNow that is exactly the kind of economic dividend for workers that was once championed very persuasively and effectively in government by Paul Keating - but which is now repudiated by the modern Labor party.\nThese are economy-wide gains - the benefit of jobs and growth - that Bill Shorten is opposing, just so he can play cheap politics with his toxic attacks on \xe2\x80\x9cthe big end of town\xe2\x80\x9d.\nIn the next term of Parliament, the only firms which will get enterprise tax cuts under our plan, are small-to-medium businesses that collectively employ more than 4.4 million hard-working Australians.\nThey are not big banks. Overwhelmingly they are Australian-owned, hard-working family enterprises.\nNow we are backing also young Australians who need a job, young Australians who have struggled to get into the work force. Scott Morrison set out an innovative PaTH Program in the budget, which will ensure that 120,000 young unemployed Australians have the opportunity to get into a job and get the experience of work.\nThe industry response to this initiative has been very encouraging, with the Motor Trades Association of Australia, representing more than 60,000 automotive businesses nationwide, signalling they will partner in this initiative. They're looking to provide internships to 4000 of those job-seekers. This has been a very well received initiative and it tackles that challenge, that problem of long-term youth unemployment.\nInnovation and advanced manufacturing are also key drivers of our Plan.\nOur innovation and science plan will bring more great Australian ideas to market. Under our $1.1 billion National Innovation and Science Agenda, we are offering real incentives for start-up companies in the industries on the frontier of technology.\nAnd its worth reflecting what we're doing there. We're providing tax offsets and we're providing relief from capital gains tax. Why are we doing that? Why does everyone agree that is a good approach? Because we know that if you want more of something, you reduce the tax on it. If you want less of something, you increase the tax on it. So what we're doing is we're reducing tax in order to promote more investment. And that will deliver more investment.\nWhat Labor is doing, they are increasing taxes on investment and that can have only one consequence, of less investment and less jobs, less opportunities for Australians.\nNow to succeed in the 21st century, we need to ensure that Australia and Australians are more innovative, more technologically sophisticated. That is clear.\nOur plan will prepare our children for the jobs of the future with a greater focus on science, technology, engineering and maths and skills in digital literacy like coding. Likewise, the investment by my Government in Australia's defence industries, is central to our plan to ensure national security and economic security for generations to come. Under our defence industry plan, 12 offshore patrol vessels will be under construction in two years' time. Australian workers building those vessels with Australian steel.\nA year later, the building of nine Future Frigates will commence. Then in 2022, we will start construction of the first of 12 regionally superior submarines, the single biggest investment in our military history.\nThese projects will drive jobs, growth and innovation for 50 years.\nUsing the most sophisticated technology in the world, the submarine build alone creates nearly 3000 direct and indirect jobs in Australia. And it is vital to understand that our naval shipbuilding program goes well beyond these projects, well beyond the submarine project. For our advanced manufacturing sector, the benefits will be decades-long, across the entire national supply chain.\nThis is a commitment that puts our opponents to shame.\nThe Labor-Greens-Independent government cut more than $18 billion from Defence funding and delayed more than 100 projects.\nOur plan \xe2\x80\x93 our naval shipbuilding program - will transform our defence industries and sustain them for decades.\nAnd the benefits of these elements of our Plan, like all of the Plan, begin right now.\nNow let me turn now to Labor's fiscal fantasy.\nOur Labor opponents as you know, are inclined to push their performance measures out to a 10-year time frame, because they have no way of paying for the promises they make.\nKevin Rudd gave us a 2020 vision. I might say, it's been often observed, that a vision without resources is a hallucination.\n[Laughter]\nThe 2020 vision of Kevin Rudd crumbled in the chaos of the Labor-Greens minority government debacle. The result was a Budget in structural deficit and the loss of confidence and certainty in our economic future.\nMuch like Kevin Rudd, now Bill Shorten wants to take us on a flight of fantasy to 2026.\nSame old Labor. Australians will not be taken for fools.\nMr Shorten could have spared us the gloss and hype of the launch of his brochure and simply told Australians the unvarnished truth.\nAfter taxing the life out of the economy, Labor still ends up with much bigger deficits over the next four years - the forward estimates. That is the plain truth from which they cannot hide.\nThey cannot or will not tell us how much bigger these deficits will be. Nor have they, nor can they, offer a credible pathway back to a responsible budget position.\nBill Shorten jokes about piling more and more funding promises onto his spend-o-meter.\nThis is nothing to laugh about. Labor's reckless approach to our nation's public finances would have very serious consequences for the economic security of all Australians. As we have heard in the warnings this week from prominent commentators and economists about the risk Labor's trajectory of increasing deficits would pose to our credit rating.\nLabor's promise for the next three years is to spend more money we don't have, slow economic growth and employment by increasing taxes on business and investment and as a consequence run higher deficits and run up more debt for our children and grandchildren to pay off. So much for fairness. Piling more and more debt on our children and grandchildren to pay off.\nLet me paint you a clear picture, by way of contrast, of what Our National Economic Plan can deliver in the life of the next Parliament. This is not some over-the-horizon promise. It is our assessment of the positive, practical gains from a fully costed and funded Plan for jobs and growth to be delivered over the next three years.\nBy 2019, over 99.5 per cent of businesses - employing nearly 40 per cent of working Australians - will be benefiting from our enterprise tax plan. There will not a big bank, or large multinational among them. For the most part, these will be locally owned, family run businesses including your local newsagent or builder.\nBy 2019, international tourists to Australia will be spending an extra $5 billion a year in real dollars, in our economy, nearly half of this increase accounted for by tourists from China and India.\nBy 2019, there will be nearly 100,000 young Australians helped into work by our PaTH youth employment program.\nBy 2019, Australia will be shipping 1.1 million tonnes of beef worldwide \xe2\x80\x93 including 170,000 tonnes to China, 294,000 tonnes to Japan, 190,000 tonnes to Korea and 300,000 tonnes to the United States. This is enough, Barnaby Joyce assures me, to make 21 billion hamburgers.\n[Laughter]\nBy 2019, our tax cuts for middle income earners will put $2.8 billion back into the pockets of around two and a half million Australians.\nBy 2019, the Budget will be well on the way to a responsible surplus, with the deficit being reduced to $5.9 billion in 2019-20, and returning to surplus the following year.\nAnd by 2019, because we are living within our means we can ensure the funding we provide to schools will have grown by a further 26 per cent to $19.8 billion each year. \nThat is the fundamental distinction between our approach and that of Labor.\nOur Plan is set out in the Budget, fully costed and funded.\nOur commitments are bankable; our fiscal projections are prudent; and it is all part of a coherent, carefully-constructed plan that is already delivering tangible results.\nLabor's alternative program is a leap into the unknown - or perhaps the all too well known and bitterly remembered. It is the same old Labor, built around promises they can't pay for and will never be able to deliver. \nThe flaw in the Labor Party's thinking is that they assume economic growth and just take it as a given. They can increase taxes, rack up more debt, spend more. And none of this, they assume, is going to have any effect on the economy.\nLet's not kid ourselves.\nThere are plenty of economic risks on the horizon, particularly in the global economy. There are risks in the things that we can't control, like the price of iron ore, or growth projections in China, or the stability of the Eurozone.\nBut what I know for sure, is that we are best able to deal with these challenges, if we have a strong and resilient economy, if we have a Government with strong economic leadership which understands what drives business.\nA government with an economic plan that will encourage investment and employment. That's the Government I lead. That's the clear plan we have laid out. That's the plan that will deliver us the jobs and growth in the years ahead: a strong economy, a resilient economy, backing the enterprise and commitment of Australians.\nOnly a sustainable budget, built on strong economic growth, can deliver Australians the services they want and expect, like guaranteed funding for health, education and infrastructure.\nNeither Labor nor their friends the Greens or Independents, have a credible plan to deal with the economic challenges of this the 21st century. Our Labor opponents have nothing to say about generating investment and enterprise. They have nothing to say about securing prosperity today, or forging the growth of the industries and jobs of the future.\nLabor's only plan is to impose $100 billion in additional taxes over the next 10 years.\nThey are proposing taxes which will actively slow economic growth. Labor's policies would kill incentive, damage jobs and stop the successful transition of the our economy dead in its tracks.\nLet's be quite clear about this. You want more investment; you lower the tax on investment.\nAs I said a moment ago, that is why we recently all voted to provide capital gains tax relief and offsets to encourage people to invest in start-up companies. That's why we provide tax incentives for research and development. It's obvious, that's why taxes have been increased and imposed over many years on tobacco- to discourage people from smoking. If you want less of something you increase the tax on it. Labor plainly wants less investment. And that means less growth, less jobs.\nThey're planning to ban negative gearing - the ability of working Australians to invest and offset losses against their personal wage or salary income.\nThey're banning negative gearing on every single asset class - shares, business, property, commercial property, residential property - except for new dwellings.\nSo what's that going to do? That also restricts and reduces investment.\nYou reduce investment, you reduce growth and jobs.\nWhat about capital gains tax? That is a classic tax on investment and they are going to increase it by 50 per cent. Has only one result- again, less investment.\nNow this is what awaits Australians, should we return to the chaos of a Labor-Greens alliance. Less investment, less jobs, less confidence, less economic growth and more uncertainty. A less secure future for all of us, but especially for those for whom we should be acting with the greatest fiduciary trust- the greatest and deepest responsibility. Our children and our grandchildren. Labor renders their future insecure, and uncertain.\nWe are ensuring with every element of our plan, that their future is secured. That there will be greater opportunities for them to start a business, to find a new job, to find a better job. For them to seize the opportunities of the hour. We are creating that environment with an economic plan- every element of which will deliver stronger economic growth and jobs. And our opponents seem determined to go in precisely the opposite direction.\n This is a very clear choice. And so as pre-poll voting opens in the next few days, I urge all Australians to think very carefully, about the choice they are to make.\nJust a few thousand votes across a handful of seats will decide if the Greens and Independents will be once again calling the shots in a Shorten-Greens minority government.\nA vote for any candidate other than a Coalition candidate is a vote for this chaos.\nWe have seen the effect of this dysfunction in the Senate, with vital economic reforms being blocked by Labor, Greens and the independents.\nThat is why I called this double dissolution election.\nRestoring the rule of law in our construction industry through the restoration of the Australian Building and Construction Commission, is an essential reform if Australians are to have the infrastructure they need at a price they can afford \xe2\x80\x93 from hospitals and schools, to office towers or apartment blocks.\nLabor, the Greens and cross-benchers blocked this reform twice in the Senate, despite evidence to the Heydon Royal Commission showing widespread malfeasance by union officials on construction sites across the country.\nAt the latest count, there are more than 100 officials of the CFMEU before courts and tribunals on more than a thousand charges over breaches of industrial law.\nBill Shorten in Government set up the RSRT with the express objective of putting owner drivers out of business to benefit large trucking companies whose employees were members of the TWU.\nAnd it worked. 50,000 owner drivers were off the road, they were out of business, their families had no income.\nThankfully we were, just, able to abolish that Tribunal and keep those families in business. But make no mistake if Labor wins this election, as it did before, the RSRT will be back - the Transport Workers Union will demand and will get its reward and family businesses once again will be the losers.\nAnd, now, in Victoria, unfolding we see an outrageous attempt by the Andrews Labor Government and the United Firefighters Union to impose an effective takeover by the union of the Country Fire Authority volunteers.\nLike the SES, like the Surf Lifesavers Associations, the CFA volunteers are vital to the fabric of our community.\nWe have been reminded of the selfless service of our volunteers this very week.\nAnd that is why we are committed to standing shoulder to shoulder with the volunteers and amending the Fair Work Act to protect volunteer organisations, like the CFA, from union takeovers.\nThat is why it is so important Australians consider their vote very carefully at this election, for both the Senate and the House of Representatives.\nEvery single vote for the Nick Xenophon Team, the Independents or Labor or the Greens brings us closer to Bill Shorten and The Greens running Australia.\nThat would mean Labor's tax hikes on investment, the Greens tax hikes on superannuation, and Nick Xenophon's tax hikes on traded goods.\nSo now is not the time for a protest vote or a wasted vote; it is the time to use your vote in support of a strong economic plan \xe2\x80\x93 and to prevent a hung parliament that would bring government and our economic transition to a grinding halt, costing jobs and imperilling our future.\nIf you want a better future for yourself and your family, don't risk yet another change of government, yet another Labor Prime Minister and the chaos of yet another minority government.\nThe only way to ensure that there is continued, strong, stable government with a clear national economic plan is to vote for the Coalition in both houses.\nWith your vote we can complete the job we've started, stick to our economic plan for jobs and growth \xe2\x80\x93 and together we can make Australia stronger and our future more secure.\nThank you very much.\nLEADERS' DEBATE: OPENING ADDRESS\nThank you. We live in remarkable times. An era unprecedented in human history where the pace and scale of economic change is pre-eminent and unprecedented. China 40 years ago, barely part of the global economy, now the world's largest single economy and our largest trading partner. Within a few years half of the world's middle class will be living to our north in East Asia.\nWe have seen the pace of change in technology as great businesses and great industries are overtaken by newcomers. These are times of enormous opportunity and uncertainty. These are times of great challenge. These are times when we need a clear economic plan to secure our future. To ensure that Australians remain a high wage, generous social welfare net, first-world economy.\nAnd I have that plan. My Government has set out a national economic plan, every single element of which, will create stronger economic growth, and more and better jobs for Australians in the future and that is not just a list of statistics. We measure the economy in numbers and percentages and growth figures, but where it counts is with every single Australian's life, and their opportunities.\nThe young person leaving school who wants to get a job, a strong economy means there'll be more opportunities. When he or she is a little older, wanting to start their own business they will be better able to do that if there is a stronger economy, greater confidence, the ability to invest, the ability to borrow, and grow that business.\nAnd then larger businesses, where will they invest their money? Where will they decide to build up their operations? They'll do it in an economy that is strong and that is what we are creating with our national economic plan, based on innovation. We know that if we are to be competitive in the years to come we must be more innovative, we must be at the cutting edge of technology, so every element of our plan points to that.\nSupporting start-up businesses, ensuring that our defence spending is spent in Australia on advanced manufacturing, on technology, ensuring that we give small and medium businesses a tax cut, so that they have more to invest in their business.\nFive million Australians work for businesses that generate $10 million a year or less in revenue. They will get a tax cut on July 1 if we are elected. Right across the board every element points to more growth and more jobs.\nHere in Reconciliation Week on the land of the Ngunnawal people which we acknowledge here in Canberra, we note that our policies supporting Indigenous entrepreneurship have had the result of creating 39,000 more jobs among Indigenous Australians, and increasing by 10 fold the amount of Government contracts going to Indigenous businesses.\nRight across the board our future is underpinned by an economic plan for growth and jobs."
, speakers:
{ name: "Bill Shorten"
, title: "Opposition Leader (Labor Party)"
{ name: "Malcolm Turnbull"
, title: "Prime Minister of Australia (Liberal)"
, topics:
[ {x: 100, y: 333, name: "Australia", re: /\b(Australian*)\b/gi}
, {x: 424, y: 203, name: "Aussie", re: /\b(Aussie)\b/gi}
// , {x: 412, y: 203, name: "Australia", re: /\b(Australia)\b/gi}
// , {x: 431, y: 203, name: "Arithmetic", re: /\b(Arithmetic)\b/gi}
// , {x: 58, y: 265, name: "Auto", re: /\b(Auto(?:mobile)?)\b/gi, arrow: "auto"}
, {x: 125, y: 301, name: "Better", re: /\b(Better)\b/gi}
// , {x: 361, y: 256, name: "Biden", re: /\b(Biden)\b/gi}
// , {x: 81, y: 235, name: "bin Laden", re: /\b((?:Osama )?bin Laden)\b/gi}
, {x: 692, y: 319, name: "Business", re: /\b(business[a-z]*)\b/gi, arrow: "business"}
, {x: 184, y: 179, name: "Broadband", re: /\b(nbn|broadband)\b/gi}
, {x: 341, y: 179, name: "Budget", re: /\b(Budget)\b/gi}
, {x: 134, y: 179, name: "Change", re: /\b(Change)\b/gi}
, {x: 484, y: 179, name: "China", re: /\b(China)\b/gi}
, {x: 364, y: 179, name: "Choice", re: /\b(Choice)\b/gi}
// , {x: 862, y: 217, name: "Church", re: /\b(church)\b/gi}
, {x: 620, y: 339, name: "Debt", re: /\b(Debt)\b/gi}
, {x: 430, y: 340, name: "Equality", re: /\b(equality)\b/gi}
, {x: 133, y: 240, name: "Equality", re: /\b(equality)\b/gi, arrow: "gaymarriage" }
, {x: 410, y: 340, name: "Economy", re: /\b(econom[a-z]+)\b/gi}
, {x: 267, y: 218, name: "Education", re: /\b(Education)\b/gi}
, {x: 393, y: 224, name: "Energy", re: /\b(Energy)\b/gi}
// , {x: 73, y: 206, name: "Equal pay", re: /\b(Equal pay)\b/gi}
, {x: 721, y: 230, name: "Fail", re: /\b(fail[a-z]*)\b/gi}
, {x: 109, y: 212, name: "Fair", re: /\b(Fair)\b/gi}
, {x: 650, y: 246, name: "Faith", re: /\b(faith)\b/gi}
, {x: 401, y: 113, name: "Families", re: /\b(famil[a-z]+)\b/gi}
, {x: 214, y: 248, name: "Fight", re: /\b(f[oi]ght[a-z]*)\b/gi}
// , {x: 829, y: 215, name: "Flag", re: /\b(flag)\b/gi}
, {x: 139, y: 177, name: "Forward", re: /\b(Forward)\b/gi}
, {x: 139, y: 377, name: "Great", re: /\b(great)\b/gi}
, {x: 439, y: 357, name: "Greens", re: /\b(greens)\b/gi, arrow: "greens" }
// , {x: 677, y: 211, name: "Freedom", re: /\b(freedom)\b/gi}
, {x: 527, y: 256, name: "God", re: /\b(God)\b/gi}
, {x: 527, y: 356, name: "Global", re: /\b(Global)\b/gi}
, {x: 125, y: 199, name: "Government", re: /\b(Government)\b/gi}
, {x: 194, y: 156, name: "Health", re: /\b(Health)\b/gi}
, {x: 507, y: 199, name: "Hope", re: /\b(Hope)\b/gi}
// , {x: 435, y: 244, name: "Immigration", re: /\b(immigra[a-z]+)\b/gi}
, {x: 264, y: 272, name: "Invest", re: /\b(Invest(?:ment|ments|ing)?)\b/gi}
// , {x: 802, y: 248, name: "Job creators", re: /\b(job creator(?:s)?)\b/gi}
, {x: 505, y: 116, name: "Jobs", re: /\b(job[a-z]*)\b/gi}
, {x: 221, y: 299, name: "Labor", re: /\b(shorten|labor)\b/gi}
, {x: 321, y: 199, name: "Liberal", re: /\b(turnbull|liberal[s]*)\b/gi}
, {x: 598, y: 275, name: "Leadership", re: /\b(leader[a-z]*)\b/gi}
// , {x: 52, y: 228, name: "Level playing field", re: /\b(level(?: the)? playing field)\b/gi}
, {x: 568, y: 225, name: "Marry", re: /\b(marry|married|marriage)\b/gi}
// , {x: 143, y: 223, name: "Medicaid", re: /\b(medicaid)\b/gi}
, {x: 225, y: 304, name: "Medicare", re: /\b(Medicare)\b/gi}
, {x: 120, y: 268, name: "Middle class", re: /\b(middle[- ]+class)\b/gi}
, {x: 26, y: 245, name: "Millionaires", re: /\b(millionaire(?:s)?)\b/gi}
// , {x: 316, y: 205, name: "Military", re: /\b(military)\b/gi}
// , {x: 287, y: 124, name: "Obama", re: /\b(Obama)\b/gi}
// , {x: 687, y: 253, name: "Obamacare", re: /\b(Obamacare)\b/gi}
// , {x: 476, y: 236, name: "Oil / Gas", re: /\b(oil|gas)\b/gi}
// , {x: 915, y: 225, name: "Red tape", re: /\b(Red tape)\b/gi}
, {x: 839, y: 251, name: "Regulation", re: /\b(regulat[a-z]*)\b/gi}
// , {x: 534, y: 354, name: "Romney", re: /\b(Romney)\b/gi}
// , {x: 465, y: 289, name: "Ryan", re: /\b(Ryan)\b/gi}
, {x: 349, y: 222, name: "Science", re: /\b(science)\b/gi}
, {x: 224, y: 199, name: "Seniors", re: /\b(Seniors)\b/gi}
, {x: 597, y: 140, name: "Small business", re: /\b(small[- ]+business[a-z]*)\b/gi}
, {x: 715, y: 185, name: "Spending", re: /\b(spend[a-z]*)\b/gi}
, {x: 669, y: 152, name: "Success", re: /\b(succe[a-z]*)\b/gi}
, {x: 444, y: 187, name: "Tax", re: /\b(tax[a-z]*)\b/gi}
, {x: 444, y: 187, name: "Together", re: /\b(together)\b/gi}
, {x: 885, y: 247, name: "Unemployment", re: /\b(unemploy[a-z]+)\b/gi, arrow: "unemployment"}
, {x: 171, y: 281, name: "Veteran", re: /\b(veterans?)\b/gi}
, {x: 314, y: 252, name: "Vote", re: /\b(Vote|voter|voters|voting)\b/gi}
// , {x: 164, y: 243, name: "Wall Street", re: /\b(Wall Street)\b/gi}
, {x: 401, y: 274, name: "War", re: /\b(war(?:s)?)\b/gi}
, {x: 308, y: 323, name: "Women", re: /\b(wom[ae]n)\b/gi, arrow: "women"}
, {x: 179, y: 206, name: "Workers", re: /\b(workers?)\b/gi}
(function() {
var width = 970,
height = 540;
var collisionPadding = 4,
clipPadding = 4,
minRadius = 16, // minimum collision radius
maxRadius = 65, // also determines collision search radius
maxMentions = 100, // don't show full transcripts
activeTopic; // currently-displayed topic
var formatShortCount = d3.format(",.0f"),
formatLongCount = d3.format(".1f"),
formatCount = function(d) { return (d < 10 ? formatLongCount : formatShortCount)(d); };
var r = d3.scale.sqrt()
.domain([0, d3.max(data.topics, function(d) { return d.count; })])
.range([0, maxRadius]);
var force = d3.layout.force()
.size([width, height - 80])
.on("tick", tick);
var node =".g-nodes").selectAll(".g-node"),
label =".g-labels").selectAll(".g-label"),
arrow =".g-nodes").selectAll(".g-note-arrow");".g-nodes").append("rect")
.attr("class", "g-overlay")
.attr("width", width)
.attr("height", height)
.on("click", clear);
.on("hashchange", hashchange);"#g-form")
.on('keydown', count)
.on("submit", submit);
// Update the known topics.
function updateTopics(topics) {
topics.forEach(function(d) {
d.r = r(d.count); = Math.max(minRadius, d.r);
d.k = fraction(d.parties[0].count, d.parties[1].count);
if (isNaN(d.k)) d.k = .5;
if (isNaN(d.x)) d.x = (1 - d.k) * width + Math.random();
d.bias = .5 - Math.max(.1, Math.min(.9, d.k));
force.nodes(data.topics = topics).start();
tick({alpha: 0}); // synchronous update
// Update the displayed nodes.
function updateNodes() {
node =, function(d) { return; });
var nodeEnter = node.enter().append("a")
.attr("class", "g-node")
.attr("xlink:href", function(d) { return "#" + encodeURIComponent(; })
var democratEnter = nodeEnter.append("g")
.attr("class", "g-democrat");
.attr("id", function(d) { return "g-clip-democrat-" +; })
var republicanEnter = nodeEnter.append("g")
.attr("class", "g-republican");
.attr("id", function(d) { return "g-clip-republican-" +; })
.attr("class", "g-split");
.attr("y", function(d) { return -d.r - clipPadding; })
.attr("height", function(d) { return 2 * d.r + 2 * clipPadding; });".g-democrat rect")
.style("display", function(d) { return d.k > 0 ? null : "none" })
.attr("x", function(d) { return -d.r - clipPadding; })
.attr("width", function(d) { return 2 * d.r * d.k + clipPadding; });".g-republican rect")
.style("display", function(d) { return d.k < 1 ? null : "none" })
.attr("x", function(d) { return -d.r + 2 * d.r * d.k; })
.attr("width", function(d) { return 2 * d.r; });".g-democrat circle")
.attr("clip-path", function(d) { return d.k < 1 ? "url(#g-clip-democrat-" + + ")" : null; });".g-republican circle")
.attr("clip-path", function(d) { return d.k > 0 ? "url(#g-clip-republican-" + + ")" : null; });".g-split")
.attr("x1", function(d) { return -d.r + 2 * d.r * d.k; })
.attr("y1", function(d) { return -Math.sqrt(d.r * d.r - Math.pow(-d.r + 2 * d.r * d.k, 2)); })
.attr("x2", function(d) { return -d.r + 2 * d.r * d.k; })
.attr("y2", function(d) { return Math.sqrt(d.r * d.r - Math.pow(-d.r + 2 * d.r * d.k, 2)); });
.attr("r", function(d) { return r(d.count); });
// Update the displayed node labels.
function updateLabels() {
label =, function(d) { return; });
var labelEnter = label.enter().append("a")
.attr("class", "g-label")
.attr("href", function(d) { return "#" + encodeURIComponent(; })
.attr("class", "g-name")
.text(function(d) { return; });
.attr("class", "g-value");
.style("font-size", function(d) { return Math.max(8, d.r / 2) + "px"; })
.style("width", function(d) { return d.r * 2.5 + "px"; });
// Create a temporary span to compute the true text width.
.text(function(d) { return; })
.each(function(d) { d.dx = Math.max(d.r * 2.5, this.getBoundingClientRect().width); })
.style("width", function(d) { return d.dx + "px"; })
.text(function(d) { return formatShortCount(d.parties[0].count) + " - " + formatShortCount(d.parties[1].count); });
// Compute the height of labels when wrapped.
label.each(function(d) { d.dy = this.getBoundingClientRect().height; });
// Update the active topic.
function updateActiveTopic(topic) {
d3.selectAll(".g-head").attr("class", topic ? "g-head g-has-topic" : "g-head g-hasnt-topic");
if (activeTopic = topic) {
node.classed("g-selected", function(d) { return d === topic; });
d3.selectAll(".g-head a").text(;".g-democrat .g-head span.g-count").text(formatCount(topic.parties[0].count));".g-republican .g-head span.g-count").text(formatCount(topic.parties[1].count));
} else {
node.classed("g-selected", false);
d3.selectAll(".g-head a").text("various topics");
d3.selectAll(".g-head span.g-count").text("some number of");
// Update displayed excerpts.
function updateMentions(mentions) {
var column = d3.selectAll(".g-mentions")
.style("display", function(d) { return d.truncated ? "block" : null; });
var mention = column.selectAll(".g-mention")
.data(groupMentionsBySpeaker, function(d) { return d.key; });
var mentionEnter = mention.enter().insert("div", ".g-truncated")
.attr("class", "g-mention");
.attr("class", "g-speaker")
.text(function(d) { var s = data.speakers[d.key]; return s ? : d.key; });
.attr("class", "g-speaker-title")
.text(function(d) { var s = data.speakers[d.key]; return s && s.title; });
.sort(function(a, b) { return b.values.length - a.values.length; });
var p = mention.selectAll("p")
.data(function(d) { return d.values; })
.html(function(d) { return d.section.speech.text.substring(d.start, d.end).replace(, "<a>$1</a>"); });
if (activeTopic) {
p.attr("class", "g-hover");
} else {
p.each(function(d) {"a")
.attr("href", "#" + encodeURIComponent(
// Bind the arrow path elements with their associated topic.
function updateArrows() {
arrow =
data.topics.filter(function(d) { return d.arrow; }),
function(d) { return ? : d.arrow; });
// Return a random sample of mentions per party, one per topic.
// Mentions are returned in chronological order.
function sampleMentions() {
return, i) {
return data.topics
.map(function(d) { return d.parties[i].mentions; })
.filter(function(d) { return d.length; })
.map(function(d) { return d[Math.floor(Math.random() * d.length)]; })
// Return displayable mentions per party for the specified topic.
// If too many, a random sample of matching mentions is returned.
// Mentions are returned in chronological order.
function findMentions(topic) {
return, i) {
var mentions = topic.parties[i].mentions;
if (mentions.length > maxMentions) {
shuffle(mentions).length = maxMentions;
mentions.truncated = true;
return mentions;
// Group mentions by speaker, collapse overlapping excerpts.
function groupMentionsBySpeaker(mentions) {
return d3.nest()
.key(function(d) { return d.section.speaker; })
// Given an array of mentions, computes the start and end point of the context
// excerpt, and then collapses any overlapping excerpts.
function collapseMentions(mentions) {
var sentenceRe = /([!?.)]+)\s+/g, // sentence splitting requires NLP
n = mentions.length,
// First compute the excerpt contexts.
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
d0 = mentions[i];
d0.start = excerptStart(d0);
d0.end = excerptEnd(d0);
// Then collapse any overlapping excerpts (from the same speech).
for (i = 1, d1 = mentions[0]; i < n; ++i) {
d0 = d1;
d1 = mentions[i];
if ( ===
&& d1.start >= d0.start
&& d1.start < d0.end) {
d1.start = -1;
d0.end = d1.end;
d1 = d0;
// Returns the start index of the excerpt for the specified mention.
function excerptStart(mention) {
var i = sentenceRe.lastIndex = Math.max(mention.section.i, mention.i - 80), match;
while (match = sentenceRe.exec(mention.section.speech.text)) {
if (match.index < mention.i - 20) return match.index + match[0].length;
if (i <= mention.section.i) break;
sentenceRe.lastIndex = i = Math.max(mention.section.i, i - 20);
return mention.section.i;
// Returns the end index of the excerpt for the specified mention.
function excerptEnd(mention) {
var i = mention.section.j, match;
sentenceRe.lastIndex = mention.j + 40;
match = sentenceRe.exec(mention.section.speech.text);
return match ? Math.min(match.index + match[1].length, i) : i;
return mentions.filter(function(d) { return d.start >= 0; });
// Orders mentions chronologically: by speech and position within speech.
function orderMentions(a, b) {
return - || a.i - b.i;
// Assign event handlers to topic links.
function linkTopic(a) {
a .on("click", click)
.on("mouseover", mouseover)
.on("mouseout", mouseout);
// Returns the topic matching the specified name, approximately.
// If no matching topic is found, returns undefined.
function findTopic(name) {
for (var i = 0, n = data.topics.length, t; i < n; ++i) {
if ((t = data.topics[i]).name === name || new RegExp("^" + (t = data.topics[i]).re.source + "$", "i").test(name)) {
return t;
// Returns the topic matching the specified name, approximately.
// If no matching topic is found, a new one is created.
function findOrAddTopic(name) {
var topic = findTopic(name);
if (!topic) {
topic = data.topic(name.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + name.substring(1));
topic.y = 0;
return topic;
// Simulate forces and update node and label positions on tick.
function tick(e) {
.each(bias(e.alpha * 105))
.attr("transform", function(d) { return "translate(" + d.x + "," + d.y + ")"; });
.style("left", function(d) { return (d.x - d.dx / 2) + "px"; })
.style("top", function(d) { return (d.y - d.dy / 2) + "px"; });"stroke-opacity", function(d) {
var dx = d.x -, dy = d.y -;
return dx * dx + dy * dy < d.r * d.r ? 1: 0;
// A left-right bias causing topics to orient by party preference.
function bias(alpha) {
return function(d) {
d.x += d.bias * alpha;
// Resolve collisions between nodes.
function collide(alpha) {
var q = d3.geom.quadtree(data.topics);
return function(d) {
var r = + maxRadius + collisionPadding,
nx1 = d.x - r,
nx2 = d.x + r,
ny1 = d.y - r,
ny2 = d.y + r;
q.visit(function(quad, x1, y1, x2, y2) {
if (quad.point && (quad.point !== d) && d.other !== quad.point && d !== quad.point.other) {
var x = d.x - quad.point.x,
y = d.y - quad.point.y,
l = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y),
r = + quad.point.r + collisionPadding;
if (l < r) {
l = (l - r) / l * alpha;
d.x -= x *= l;
d.y -= y *= l;
quad.point.x += x;
quad.point.y += y;
return x1 > nx2 || x2 < nx1 || y1 > ny2 || y2 < ny1;
// Fisher–Yates shuffle.
function shuffle(array) {
var m = array.length, t, i;
while (m) {
i = Math.floor(Math.random() * m--);
t = array[m];
array[m] = array[i];
array[i] = t;
return array;
// Given two quantities a and b, returns the fraction to split the circle a + b.
function fraction(a, b) {
var k = a / (a + b);
if (k > 0 && k < 1) {
var t0, t1 = Math.pow(12 * k * Math.PI, 1 / 3);
for (var i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { // Solve for theta numerically.
t0 = t1;
t1 = (Math.sin(t0) - t0 * Math.cos(t0) + 2 * k * Math.PI) / (1 - Math.cos(t0));
k = (1 - Math.cos(t1 / 2)) / 2;
return k;
// Update the active topic on hashchange, perhaps creating a new topic.
function hashchange() {
var name = decodeURIComponent(location.hash.substring(1)).trim();
updateActiveTopic(name && name != "!" ? findOrAddTopic(name) : null);
// Count how many matches your current word has.
function count() {
var name =, have, nums = ['', ''];
setTimeout(function() {
name = name.value.trim();
if (name.length) {
have = topic({ name: name
, re: new RegExp("\\b(" + d3.requote(name) + ")\\b", "gi")
nums = { return d.mentions.length; });
d3.selectAll('.word-count').data(nums).text(function(d){return d;});
}, 0);
// Trigger a hashchange on submit.
function submit() {
var name =;
location.hash = name ? encodeURIComponent(name) : "!"; = "";
// Clear the active topic when clicking on the chart background.
function clear() {
// Rather than flood the browser history, use location.replace.
function click(d) {
location.replace("#" + encodeURIComponent(d === activeTopic ? "!" :;
// When hovering the label, highlight the associated node and vice versa.
// When no topic is active, also cross-highlight with any mentions in excerpts.
function mouseover(d) {
node.classed("g-hover", function(p) { return p === d; });
if (!activeTopic) d3.selectAll(".g-mention p").classed("g-hover", function(p) { return p.topic === d; });
// When hovering the label, highlight the associated node and vice versa.
// When no topic is active, also cross-highlight with any mentions in excerpts.
function mouseout(d) {
node.classed("g-hover", false);
if (!activeTopic) d3.selectAll(".g-mention p").classed("g-hover", false);
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