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Created December 13, 2017 14:58
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  • Save wilm42/42a93424958e549ce490d67e3aa242e1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save wilm42/42a93424958e549ce490d67e3aa242e1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
1. Clean the caches, nuke node_modules, watchman, etc by running this in terminal: `watchman watch-del-all && rm -rf $TMPDIR/react-* && rm -rf node_modules/ && npm cache clean --force`
2. Open package.json, select everything inside of the dependencies object, cmd/ctrl + x, and paste into notes. Save package.json
3. In terminal, reinstall everything by doing `npm install --save [*insert the name of each package here.*]` as of writing, the following command contains all of the packages in master: `npm install --save axios base64-js form-data humps jest-cli lodash moment phone-formatter prop-types react react-native react-native-android-keyboard-adjust react-native-ble-plx react-native-code-push react-native-communications react-native-datepicker react-native-fcm react-native-image-picker react-native-linear-gradient react-native-looped-carousel react-native-progress react-native-navigation react-native-splash-screen react-native-version-number react-redux redux redux-persist redux-thunk remote-redux-devtools reselect validator`
4. Open src/components/userFeedback/ProgressCircle.js and on line `74` change `React.PropTypes.node` to just `PropTypes.node` and save
5. Open node_modules/react-native-looped-carousel/index.js, at the top add `import PropTypes from "prop-types"`, and change all of the proptypes from 'React.PropTypes.whatever' to just `PropTypes.whatever` and save.
6. launch for android `npm run android`
7. When phone launches, it will be held up on loading / splash screen (Turning off the splash screen doesn't help, it is just replaced by a blank white screen). On my end I'm able to double click the square button in the android nav tray to force it past this loading screen.
8. Voila. The app loads. Easy, right? :^|
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