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Last active October 23, 2018 22:30
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Branch Organization


Work is done within a feature branch created from master. You've incrementally gotten the feature branch working as expected; however, you'd prefer to re-organize your commits so that you can better reason about the changes.


Let's create a new repository in order to set the stage:

 % mkdir repo
 % cd repo
 % git init
 % touch {a,b,c}.txt
 % git add --all
 % git commit -m 'added a, b, and c'


As a git user, I want to create feature "d, e, and f"

Let's make a mess (err...feature)

 % git checkout -b feature/a-b-c
 #=> Switched to a new branch 'feature/a-b-c'

 # apathetic, yet deceptively entertaining commit message for e.txt.
 % touch e.txt
 % git add e.txt
 % git commit -m 'added some file -- I guess it was e.txt; whatever!'

 % touch d.txt
 % git add d.txt
 % git commit -m 'added d.txt'
 # oh nooooh; we've done this out of order...oh well, let's continue but fix it later.

 % touch f.txt
 % git add f.txt
 % git commit -m 'added f.txt'

 % touch n.txt
 % git add n.txt
 % git commit -m 'added n.txt -- looks like we have gotten ahead of ourselves'

Let's review the state of things

Current list of files

What have we done in only this branch (excludes stuff from master)

I don't get it...what's the problem again?

  1. The commits are out of order (though, this normally doesn't matter as long as the code works as expected)
  2. n.txt shouldn't be here; however, we should preserve it as it can be used with another feature branch.
  3. Also, we've incorrectly named our branch feature/a-b-c; it should be feature/d-e-f

Preserving n

 % git show --format=oneline --abbrev-commit

 % git checkout -b temp-stash master
 % git cherry-pick --no-commit 6773a35
 % git status

 % git stash save 'added n.txt'
 % git stash list
 #=> stash@{0}: On temp-stash: added n.txt

 % git checkout feature/a-b-c
 #=> Switched to branch 'feature/a-b-c'

 % git branch -D temp-stash

Let's review

At this point, we need to:

  1. undo commit 6773a35 (we won't lose anything since the content is stashed).
  2. rename feature/a-b-c to feature/d-e-f.
  3. squash all of the commits into a single commit allowing a neat merge.

We have a few options:

  1. git revert: while this would work, on it's own, it further extends the many commit problem by adding yet another commit.

  2. git rebase --interactive: this would work just fine in most cases; however, the syntax is a bit daunting if you haven't spent a lot of time using it. Also, for some use-cases, there are other valid methods. That being said, for completness, the correct git rebase --interactive command sequence would be:

     % git rebase --interactive HEAD~5
     #=> since there are 5 commits that we want to squash together:
     #=> the initial commits of {d,e,f,n}.txt (4) and the revert of n.txt (1)
     #=> 4 + 1 = 5 (that was hard)

NOTE: if you were following along with the git rebase --interactive, do not go forward with it, abort!

Revert, Checkout, Merge, Squash, profit

 % git revert 6773a35
 % ls -lah
 #=> look mah, no n.txt

 % git checkout -b feature/d-e-f master
 #=> correcting our branch name

 % git branch

 % git merge --squash feature/a-b-c

 % git status

 % git commit -m 'added d, e, and f'
 % git log

 % git branch -D feature/a-b-c
 % git branch

Epilogue (github pull requests)

If you have an existing pull request out on the original topic branch, after squashing, you might think you need to open a new pull request. That is not the case. You can simply force push (use --force or +HEAD) over the old un-squashed branch and your pull request comparison view will reflect a single commit while the files updated count will be as it was pre-squash.

In other words, you should not have to open a new pull request losing valuable code review comments.

Epilogue (on "shared" branches)

If you are concerned about "shared" branches (as you should be):

  1. Try not to do that if you can :)- it is an open invitation for pain and makes git rebase --interactive even less attractive. That's a shame because sometimes, it's the right tool.

  2. If you must do the "shared" branch dance, make sure to use git merge --squash or git rebase --interactive ONLY once the feature is complete, just before issuing a pull request. Those sharing the branch should be well-informed that they MUST stop integrating into the branch immediately. Renaming the branch can certainly help in this regard.

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