- among
- castSwitch
- clamp
- cmp
- equal
- levenshteinDistance
- levenshteinDistanceAndPath
- max
- min
- mismatch
- predSwitch
- isSameLength
- isPermutation
- either
- cache
- cacheBidirectional
- map
- each
- filter
- filterBidirectional
- group
- chunkBy
- joiner
- reduce
- fold
- cumulativeFold
- splitter
- substitute
- sum
- mean
- uniq
- permutations
- all
- any
- balancedParens
- boyerMooreFinder
- commonPrefix
- count
- countUntil
- endsWith
- find
- canFind
- findAdjacent
- findAmong
- findSkip
- findSplit
- findSplitBefore
- findSplitAfter
- minCount
- maxCount
- minElement
- maxElement
- minPos
- maxPos
- minIndex
- maxIndex
- skipOver
- startsWith
- until
- completeSort
- isSorted
- isStrictlyMonotonic
- ordered
- strictlyOrdered
- partition
- pivotPartition
- isPartitioned
- partition3
- makeIndex
- merge
- multiSort
- sort
- schwartzSort
- partialSort
- topN
- topNCopy
- topNIndex
- nextPermutation
- nextEvenPermutation
- bringToFront
- copy
- fill
- initializeAll
- move
- moveEmplace
- moveAll
- moveEmplaceAll
- moveSome
- moveEmplaceSome
- remove
- reverse
- strip
- stripLeft
- stripRight
- swap
- swapAt
- swapRanges
- uninitializedFill
- cartesianProduct
- largestPartialIntersection
- largestPartialIntersectionWeighted
- multiwayMerge
- multiwayUnion
- setDifference
- setIntersection
- setSymmetricDifference
- array
- assocArray
- byPair
- uninitializedArray
- minimallyInitializedArray
- overlap
- insertInPlace
- sameHead
- sameTail
- replicate
- split
- join
- replace
- replaceInto
- replaceInPlace
- replaceFirst
- replaceLast
- replaceSlice
- appender
Only for characters and static immutable
- fullHexDigits
- hexDigits
- lowerHexDigits
- digits
- octalDigits
- letters
- uppercase
- lowercase
- whitespace
- newline
- isAlphaNum
- isAlpha
- isLower
- isUpper
- isDigit
- isOctalDigit
- isHexDigit
- isWhite
- isControl
- isPunctuation
- isGraphical
- isPrintable
- toLower
- toUpper
- toDecimalString
- toHex
- absUnsign
- divMod
- bitfields
- taggedPointer
- taggedClassRef
- swapEndian
- nativeToBigEndian
- bigEndianToNative
- nativeToLittleEndian
- littleEndianToNative
- peek
- read
- write
- append
- bitsSet
- thisTid
- ownerTid
- spawn
- spawnLinked
- send
- prioritySend
- receive
- receiveOnly
- receiveTimeout
- setMaxMailboxSize
- register
- unregister
- locate
- scheduler
- yield
- yield
- initOnce
- to
- roundTo
- parse
- text (but different return type)
- wtext
- dtext
- octal
- emplace
- unsigned
- signed
- asOriginalType
- castFrom
- hexString
- toChars
- csvReader
- csvNextToken
- demangle
- isValidCodePoint
- encodingName
- canEncode
- isValidCodeUnit
- isValid
- validLength
- sanitize
- firstSequence
- lastSequence
- index
- decode
- decodeReverse
- safeDecode
- encodedLength
- encode
- codePoints
- codeUnits
- transcode
- bomTable
- getBOM
- utfBOM
- assertNotThrown
- assertThrown
- enforce
- errnoEnforce
- enforceEx
- collectException
- collectExceptionMsg
- emptyExceptionMsg
- assumeUnique
- assumeWontThrow
- doesPointTo
- mayPointTo
- ifThrown
- handle
- basicExceptionCtors
- read
- readText
- write
- append
- rename
- remove
- getSize
- getTimes
- getTimesWin
- setTimes
- timeLastModified
- exists
- getAttributes
- getLinkAttributes
- setAttributes
- isDir
- attrIsDir
- isFile
- attrIsFile
- isSymlink
- attrIsSymlink
- chdir
- mkdir
- mkdirRecurse
- rmdir
- symlink
- readLink
- getcwd
- thisExePath
- preserveAttributesDefault
- copy
- rmdirRecurse
- dirEntries
- slurp
- tempDir
- formattedWrite
- formattedRead
- singleSpec
- formatValue
- unformatValue
- format
- sformat
- unaryFun
- binaryFun
- lessThan
- greaterThan
- equalTo
- reverseArgs
- binaryReverseArgs
- not
- partial
- adjoin
- compose
- pipe
- memoize
- toDelegate
- forward
- getopt
- config
- optionChar
- endOfOptions
- assignChar
- arraySep
- defaultGetoptPrinter
- defaultGetoptFormatter
- parseJSON
- toJSON
- MmFile
- download
- upload
- get
- post
- put
- del
- options
- trace
- connect
- isEmail
- dirSeparator
- pathSeparator
- isDirSeparator
- baseName
- dirName
- rootName
- driveName
- stripDrive
- extension
- stripExtension
- setExtension
- withExtension
- defaultExtension
- withDefaultExtension
- buildPath
- chainPath
- buildNormalizedPath
- asNormalizedPath
- pathSplitter
- isRooted
- isAbsolute
- absolutePath
- asAbsolutePath
- relativePath
- asRelativePath
- filenameCharCmp
- filenameCmp
- globMatch
- isValidFilename
- isValidPath
- expandTilde
- spawnProcess
- spawnShell
- wait
- tryWait
- kill
- pipe
- pipeProcess
- pipeShell
- execute
- executeShell
- userShell
- nativeShell
- thisProcessID
- thisThreadID
- escapeShellCommand
- escapeWindowsArgument
- escapeShellFileName
- environment
- execv
- execve
- execvp
- execvpe
- browse
- isUniformRNG
- isSeedable
- unpredictableSeed
- rndGen
- uniform
- uniform01
- uniformDistribution
- choice
- randomShuffle
- partialShuffle
- dice
- randomCover
- randomSample
- lastSocketError
- wouldHaveBlocked
- getAddressInfo
- getAddress
- parseAddress
- socketPair
- isFileHandle
- write
- writeln
- writef
- writefln
- readf
- readln
- popen
- lines
- chunks
- toFile
- stdin
- stdout
- stderr
- openNetwork
- fromStringz (but rcstring.fromStringz)
- toStringz
- indexOf
- lastIndexOf
- indexOfAny
- lastIndexOfAny
- indexOfNeither
- lastIndexOfNeither
- representation
- capitalize
- splitLines
- lineSplitter
- stripLeft
- stripRight
- strip
- chomp
- chompPrefix
- chop
- leftJustify
- leftJustifier
- rightJustify
- rightJustifier
- center
- centerJustifier
- detab
- detabber
- entab
- entabber
- translate
- makeTrans
- makeTransTable
- translate
- inPattern
- tr
- isNumeric
- soundexer
- soundex
- abbrev
- column
- wrap
- outdent
- assumeUTF
- lineSep
- paraSep
- nelSep
- isCodepointSet
- isIntegralPair
- codepointSetTrie
- codepointTrie
- isUtfMatcher
- utfMatcher
- toTrie
- toDelegate
- unicode
- graphemeStride
- decodeGrapheme
- byGrapheme
- byCodePoint
- sicmp
- icmp
- combiningClass
- compose
- decompose
- decomposeHangul
- composeJamo
- normalize
- allowedIn
- isWhite
- isLower
- isUpper
- asLowerCase
- asUpperCase
- asCapitalized
- toLowerInPlace
- toUpperInPlace
- toLower
- toUpper
- isAlpha
- isMark
- isNumber
- isAlphaNum
- isPunctuation
- isSymbol
- isSpace
- isGraphical
- isControl
- isFormat
- isPrivateUse
- isSurrogate
- isSurrogateHi
- isSurrogateLo
- isNonCharacter
- decode
- decodeComponent
- encode
- encodeComponent
- uriLength
- emailLength
- isValidDchar
- stride
- strideBack
- toUCSindex
- toUTFindex
- decode
- decodeFront
- decodeBack
- encode
- codeLength
- validate
- toUTF8
- toUTF16
- toUTF32
- toUTFz
- toUTF16z
- count
- replacementDchar
- byCodeUnit
- byChar
- byWchar
- byDchar
- byUTF
- md5UUID
- sha1UUID
- randomUUID
- parseUUID
- ZipArchive