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Forked from kastnerkyle/
Created July 11, 2024 12:26
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Single file handwriting experiment
# Author: Kyle Kastner
# License: BSD 3-clause
# Thanks to Jose (@sotelo) for tons of guidance and debug help
# Credit also to Junyoung (@jych) and Shawn (@shawntan) for help/utility funcs
# Strangeness in init could be from onehots, via @igul222. Ty init for one hot layer as N(0, 1) just as in embedding
# since is basically an embedding
import os
import re
import tarfile
from collections import Counter
import sys
import pickle
import numpy as np
import theano
import theano.tensor as tensor
from theano.sandbox.rng_mrg import MRG_RandomStreams as RandomStreams
from scipy import linalg
class base_iterator(object):
def __init__(self, list_of_containers, minibatch_size,
self.list_of_containers = list_of_containers
self.minibatch_size = minibatch_size
self.make_mask = make_mask
self.start_index = start_index
self.stop_index = stop_index
self.slice_start_ = start_index
self.axis = axis
if axis not in [0, 1]:
raise ValueError("Unknown sample_axis setting %i" % axis)
self.one_hot_class_size = one_hot_class_size
if one_hot_class_size is not None:
assert len(self.one_hot_class_size) == len(list_of_containers)
def reset(self):
self.slice_start_ = self.start_index
def __iter__(self):
return self
def next(self):
return self.__next__()
def __next__(self):
self.slice_end_ = self.slice_start_ + self.minibatch_size
if self.slice_end_ > self.stop_index:
# TODO: Think about boundary issues with weird shaped last mb
raise StopIteration("Stop index reached")
ind = slice(self.slice_start_, self.slice_end_)
self.slice_start_ = self.slice_end_
if self.make_mask is False:
res = self._slice_without_masks(ind)
if not all([self.minibatch_size in r.shape for r in res]):
# TODO: Check that things are even
raise StopIteration("Partial slice returned, end of iteration")
return res
res = self._slice_with_masks(ind)
# TODO: Check that things are even
if not all([self.minibatch_size in r.shape for r in res]):
raise StopIteration("Partial slice returned, end of iteration")
return res
def _slice_without_masks(self, ind):
raise AttributeError("Subclass base_iterator and override this method")
def _slice_with_masks(self, ind):
raise AttributeError("Subclass base_iterator and override this method")
class list_iterator(base_iterator):
def _slice_without_masks(self, ind):
sliced_c = [np.asarray(c[ind]) for c in self.list_of_containers]
if min([len(i) for i in sliced_c]) < self.minibatch_size:
raise StopIteration("Invalid length slice")
for n in range(len(sliced_c)):
sc = sliced_c[n]
if self.one_hot_class_size is not None:
convert_it = self.one_hot_class_size[n]
if convert_it is not None:
raise ValueError("One hot conversion not implemented")
if not isinstance(sc, np.ndarray) or sc.dtype == np.object:
maxlen = max([len(i) for i in sc])
# Assume they at least have the same internal dtype
if len(sc[0].shape) > 1:
total_shape = (maxlen, sc[0].shape[1])
elif len(sc[0].shape) == 1:
total_shape = (maxlen, 1)
raise ValueError("Unhandled array size in list")
if self.axis == 0:
raise ValueError("Unsupported axis of iteration")
new_sc = np.zeros((len(sc), total_shape[0],
new_sc = new_sc.squeeze().astype(sc[0].dtype)
new_sc = np.zeros((total_shape[0], len(sc),
new_sc = new_sc.astype(sc[0].dtype)
for m, sc_i in enumerate(sc):
new_sc[:len(sc_i), m, :] = sc_i
sliced_c[n] = new_sc
return sliced_c
def _slice_with_masks(self, ind):
cs = self._slice_without_masks(ind)
if self.axis == 0:
ms = [np.ones_like(c[:, 0]) for c in cs]
elif self.axis == 1:
ms = [np.ones_like(c[:, :, 0]) for c in cs]
assert len(cs) == len(ms)
return [i for sublist in list(zip(cs, ms)) for i in sublist]
def get_dataset_dir(dataset_name):
""" Get dataset directory path """
return os.sep.join(os.path.realpath(__file__).split
(os.sep)[:-1] + [dataset_name])
def check_fetch_iamondb():
""" Check for IAMONDB data
This dataset cannot be downloaded automatically!
partial_path = get_dataset_dir("iamondb")
ascii_path = os.path.join(partial_path, "lineStrokes-all.tar.gz")
lines_path = os.path.join(partial_path, "ascii-all.tar.gz")
files_path = os.path.join(partial_path, "task1.tar.gz")
for p in [ascii_path, lines_path, files_path]:
if not os.path.exists(p):
files = "lineStrokes-all.tar.gz, ascii-all.tar.gz, and task1.tar.gz"
url = ""
url += "iam-on-line-handwriting-database/"
url += "download-the-iam-on-line-handwriting-database"
err = "Path %s does not exist!" % p
err += " Download the %s files from %s" % (files, url)
err += " and place them in the directory %s" % partial_path
raise ValueError(err)
return partial_path
def dense_to_one_hot(labels_dense, num_classes=10):
"""Convert class labels from scalars to one-hot vectors."""
labels_shape = labels_dense.shape
labels_dense = labels_dense.reshape([-1])
num_labels = labels_dense.shape[0]
index_offset = np.arange(num_labels) * num_classes
labels_one_hot = np.zeros((num_labels, num_classes))
labels_one_hot.flat[index_offset + labels_dense.ravel()] = 1
labels_one_hot = labels_one_hot.reshape(labels_shape+(num_classes,))
return labels_one_hot
def tokenize_ind(phrase, vocabulary):
phrase = phrase + " "
vocabulary_size = len(vocabulary.keys())
phrase = [vocabulary[char_] for char_ in phrase]
phrase = np.array(phrase, dtype='int32').ravel()
phrase = dense_to_one_hot(phrase, vocabulary_size)
return phrase
def fetch_iamondb():
from lxml import etree
partial_path = check_fetch_iamondb()
pickle_path = os.path.join(partial_path, "iamondb_saved.pkl")
if not os.path.exists(pickle_path):
input_file = os.path.join(partial_path, 'lineStrokes-all.tar.gz')
raw_data =
transcript_files = []
strokes = []
idx = 0
for member in raw_data.getmembers():
if member.isreg():
content = raw_data.extractfile(member)
tree = etree.parse(content)
root = tree.getroot()
points = []
for StrokeSet in root:
for i, Stroke in enumerate(StrokeSet):
for Point in Stroke:
points = np.array(points)
points[:, 2] = -points[:, 2]
change_stroke = points[:-1, 0] != points[1:, 0]
pen_up = points[:, 0] * 0
pen_up[:-1][change_stroke] = 1
pen_up[-1] = 1
points[:, 0] = pen_up
idx += 1
strokes_bp = strokes
strokes = [x[1:] - x[:-1] for x in strokes]
strokes = [np.vstack([[0, 0, 0], x]) for x in strokes]
for i, stroke in enumerate(strokes):
strokes[i][:, 0] = strokes_bp[i][:, 0]
# Computing mean and variance seems to not be necessary.
# Training is going slower than just scaling.
data_mean = np.array([0., 0., 0.])
data_std = np.array([1., 20., 20.])
strokes = [(x - data_mean) / data_std for x in strokes]
transcript_files = [x.split(os.sep)[-1]
for x in transcript_files]
transcript_files = [re.sub('-[0-9][0-9].xml', '.txt', x)
for x in transcript_files]
counter = Counter(transcript_files)
input_file = os.path.join(partial_path, 'ascii-all.tar.gz')
raw_data =
member = raw_data.getmembers()[10]
all_transcripts = []
for member in raw_data.getmembers():
if member.isreg() and"/")[-1] in transcript_files:
fp = raw_data.extractfile(member)
cleaned = [t.strip() for t in fp.readlines()
if t != '\r\n'
and t != '\n'
and t != '\r\n'
and t.strip() != '']
# Try using CSR
idx = [n for n, li in enumerate(cleaned) if li == "CSR:"][0]
cleaned_sub = cleaned[idx + 1:]
corrected_sub = []
for li in cleaned_sub:
# Handle edge case with %%%%% meaning new line?
if "%" in li:
li2 = re.sub('\%\%+', '%', li).split("%")
li2 = [l.strip() for l in li2]
if counter["/")[-1]] != len(corrected_sub):
# Last file transcripts are almost garbage
all_transcripts[-1] = 'A move to stop'
all_transcripts.append('A move to stop')
all_transcripts.append('A move to stop')
all_transcripts.append('A move to stop')
all_transcripts.append('Marcus Luvki')
all_transcripts.append('Hallo Well')
# Remove outliers and big / small sequences
# Makes a BIG difference.
filter_ = [len(x) <= 1200 and len(x) >= 300 and
x.max() <= 100 and x.min() >= -50 for x in strokes]
strokes = [x for x, cond in zip(strokes, filter_) if cond]
all_transcripts = [x for x, cond in
zip(all_transcripts, filter_) if cond]
num_examples = len(strokes)
# Shuffle for train/validation/test division
rng = np.random.RandomState(1999)
shuffle_idx = rng.permutation(num_examples)
strokes = [strokes[x] for x in shuffle_idx]
all_transcripts = [all_transcripts[x] for x in shuffle_idx]
all_chars = ([chr(ord('a') + i) for i in range(26)] +
[chr(ord('A') + i) for i in range(26)] +
[chr(ord('0') + i) for i in range(10)] +
[',', '.', '!', '?', ';', ' ', ':'] +
["#", '&', '+', '[', ']', '{', '}'] +
["/", "*"] +
['(', ')', '"', "'", '-', '<UNK>'])
code2char = dict(enumerate(all_chars))
char2code = {v: k for k, v in code2char.items()}
vocabulary_size = len(char2code.keys())
unk_char = '<UNK>'
y = []
for n, li in enumerate(all_transcripts):
y.append(tokenize_ind(li, char2code))
pickle_dict = {}
pickle_dict["target_phrases"] = all_transcripts
pickle_dict["vocabulary_size"] = vocabulary_size
pickle_dict["vocabulary_tokenizer"] = tokenize_ind
pickle_dict["vocabulary"] = char2code
pickle_dict["data"] = strokes
pickle_dict["target"] = y
f = open(pickle_path, "wb")
pickle.dump(pickle_dict, f, -1)
with open(pickle_path, "rb") as f:
pickle_dict = pickle.load(f)
return pickle_dict
def plot_lines_iamondb_example(X, title="", save_name=None):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
f, ax = plt.subplots()
x = np.cumsum(X[:, 1])
y = np.cumsum(X[:, 2])
size_x = x.max() - x.min()
size_y = y.max() - y.min()
f.set_size_inches(5 * size_x / size_y, 5)
cuts = np.where(X[:, 0] == 1)[0]
start = 0
for cut_value in cuts:
ax.plot(x[start:cut_value], y[start:cut_value],
'k-', linewidth=1.5)
start = cut_value + 1
if save_name is None:
plt.savefig(save_name, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0)
def implot(arr, title="", cmap="gray", save_name=None):
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
f, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.matshow(arr, cmap=cmap)
def autoaspect(x_range, y_range):
The aspect to make a plot square with ax.set_aspect in Matplotlib
mx = max(x_range, y_range)
mn = min(x_range, y_range)
if x_range <= y_range:
return mx / float(mn)
return mn / float(mx)
x1 = arr.shape[0]
y1 = arr.shape[1]
asp = autoaspect(x1, y1)
if save_name is None:
def np_zeros(shape):
return np.zeros(shape).astype(theano.config.floatX)
def np_normal(shape, random_state, scale=0.01):
if type(shape[0]) is tuple:
shp = (shape[1][0], shape[0][0]) + shape[1][1:]
shp = shape
return (scale * random_state.randn(*shp)).astype(theano.config.floatX)
def np_ortho(shape, random_state, scale=1.):
if type(shape[0]) is tuple:
shp = (shape[1][0], shape[0][0]) + shape[1][1:]
flat_shp = (shp[0], np.prd(shp[1:]))
shp = shape
flat_shp = shape
g = random_state.randn(*flat_shp)
U, S, VT = linalg.svd(g, full_matrices=False)
res = U if U.shape == flat_shp else VT # pick one with the correct shape
res = res.reshape(shp)
return (scale * res).astype(theano.config.floatX)
def as_shared(arr, name=None):
""" Quick wrapper for theano.shared """
if type(arr) in [float, int]:
if name is not None:
return theano.shared(np.cast[theano.config.floatX](arr))
return theano.shared(np.cast[theano.config.floatX](arr), name=name)
if name is not None:
return theano.shared(value=arr, borrow=True)
return theano.shared(value=arr, name=name, borrow=True)
def apply_shared(list_of_numpy):
return [as_shared(arr) for arr in list_of_numpy]
def make_weights(in_dim, out_dims, random_state):
return apply_shared([np_normal((in_dim, out_dim), random_state)
for out_dim in out_dims])
def gru_weights(input_dim, hidden_dim, random_state):
shape = (input_dim, hidden_dim)
W = np.hstack([np_normal(shape, random_state),
np_normal(shape, random_state),
np_normal(shape, random_state)])
b = np_zeros((3 * shape[1],))
Wur = np.hstack([np_normal((shape[1], shape[1]), random_state),
np_normal((shape[1], shape[1]), random_state), ])
U = np_normal((shape[1], shape[1]), random_state)
return W, b, Wur, U
class GRU(object):
def __init__(self, input_dim, hidden_dim, random_state):
self.input_dim = input_dim
self.hidden_dim = hidden_dim
W, b, Wur, U = gru_weights(input_dim, hidden_dim, random_state)
self.Wur = as_shared(Wur)
self.U = as_shared(U)
self.shape = (input_dim, hidden_dim)
def get_params(self):
return self.Wur, self.U
def step(self, inp, gate_inp, prev_state):
dim = self.shape[1]
gates = tensor.nnet.sigmoid(, self.Wur) + gate_inp)
update = gates[:, :dim]
reset = gates[:, dim:]
state_reset = prev_state * reset
next_state = tensor.tanh(, self.U) + inp)
next_state = next_state * update + prev_state * (1 - update)
return next_state
class GRUFork(object):
def __init__(self, input_dim, hidden_dim, random_state):
self.input_dim = input_dim
self.hidden_dim = hidden_dim
W, b, Wur, U = gru_weights(input_dim, hidden_dim, random_state)
self.W = as_shared(W)
self.b = as_shared(b)
self.shape = (input_dim, hidden_dim)
def get_params(self):
return self.W, self.b
def proj(self, inp):
dim = self.shape[1]
projected =, self.W) + self.b
if projected.ndim == 3:
d = projected[:, :, :dim]
g = projected[:, :, dim:]
d = projected[:, :dim]
g = projected[:, dim:]
return d, g
def logsumexp(x, axis=None):
x_max = tensor.max(x, axis=axis, keepdims=True)
z = tensor.log(tensor.sum(tensor.exp(x - x_max),
axis=axis, keepdims=True)) + x_max
return z.sum(axis=axis)
def bernoulli_and_bivariate_gmm(true, mu, sigma, corr, coeff, binary,
n_dim = true.ndim
shape_t = true.shape
true = true.reshape((-1, shape_t[-1]))
true = true.dimshuffle(0, 1, 'x')
mu_1 = mu[:, 0, :]
mu_2 = mu[:, 1, :]
sigma_1 = sigma[:, 0, :]
sigma_2 = sigma[:, 1, :]
binary = (binary + epsilon) * (1 - 2 * epsilon)
c_b = tensor.sum(tensor.xlogx.xlogy0(true[:, 0], binary) + tensor.xlogx.xlogy0(
1 - true[:, 0], 1 - binary), axis=1)
inner1 = (0.5 * tensor.log(1. - corr ** 2 + epsilon))
inner1 += tensor.log(sigma_1) + tensor.log(sigma_2)
inner1 += tensor.log(2. * np.pi)
t1 = true[:, 1]
t2 = true[:, 2]
Z = (((t1 - mu_1)/sigma_1)**2) + (((t2 - mu_2) / sigma_2)**2)
Z -= (2. * (corr * (t1 - mu_1)*(t2 - mu_2)) / (sigma_1 * sigma_2))
inner2 = 0.5 * (1. / (1. - corr**2 + epsilon))
cost = - (inner1 + (inner2 * Z))
nll = -logsumexp(tensor.log(coeff) + cost, axis=1)
nll -= c_b
return nll.reshape(shape_t[:-1], ndim=n_dim-1)
def sample_bernoulli_and_bivariate_gmm(mu, sigma, corr, coeff, binary,
theano_rng, epsilon=1E-5):
idx = tensor.argmax(theano_rng.multinomial(pvals=coeff, dtype=coeff.dtype),
mu = mu[tensor.arange(mu.shape[0]), :, idx]
sigma = sigma[tensor.arange(sigma.shape[0]), :, idx]
corr = corr[tensor.arange(corr.shape[0]), idx]
mu_x = mu[:, 0]
mu_y = mu[:, 1]
sigma_x = sigma[:, 0]
sigma_y = sigma[:, 1]
z = theano_rng.normal(size=mu.shape, avg=0., std=1., dtype=mu.dtype)
un = theano_rng.uniform(size=binary.shape)
binary = tensor.cast(un < binary, theano.config.floatX)
s_x = (mu_x + sigma_x * z[:, 0]).dimshuffle(0, 'x')
s_y = mu_y + sigma_y * (
(z[:, 0] * corr) + (z[:, 1] * tensor.sqrt(1. - corr ** 2)))
s_y = s_y.dimshuffle(0, 'x')
s = tensor.concatenate([binary, s_x, s_y], axis=1)
return s
def gradient_clipping(grads, rescale=5.):
grad_norm = tensor.sqrt(sum(map(lambda x: tensor.sqr(x).sum(), grads)))
scaling_num = rescale
scaling_den = tensor.maximum(rescale, grad_norm)
scaling = scaling_num / scaling_den
return [g * scaling for g in grads]
class adam(object):
Adam optimizer
Based on implementation from @NewMu / Alex Radford
def __init__(self, params, learning_rate, b1=0.1, b2=0.001, eps=1E-8):
self.learning_rate = as_shared(learning_rate)
self.b1 = b1
self.b2 = b2
self.eps = eps
self.memory_ = [theano.shared(np.zeros_like(p.get_value()))
for p in params]
self.velocity_ = [theano.shared(np.zeros_like(p.get_value()))
for p in params]
self.itr_ = theano.shared(np.array(0.).astype(theano.config.floatX))
def updates(self, params, grads):
learning_rate = self.learning_rate
b1 = self.b1
b2 = self.b2
eps = self.eps
updates = []
itr = self.itr_
i_t = itr + 1.
fix1 = 1. - (1. - b1) ** i_t
fix2 = 1. - (1. - b2) ** i_t
lr_t = learning_rate * (tensor.sqrt(fix2) / fix1)
for n, (param, grad) in enumerate(zip(params, grads)):
memory = self.memory_[n]
velocity = self.velocity_[n]
m_t = (b1 * grad) + ((1. - b1) * memory)
v_t = (b2 * tensor.sqr(grad)) + ((1. - b2) * velocity)
g_t = m_t / (tensor.sqrt(v_t) + eps)
p_t = param - (lr_t * g_t)
updates.append((memory, m_t))
updates.append((velocity, v_t))
updates.append((param, p_t))
updates.append((itr, i_t))
return updates
def get_shared_variables_from_function(func):
shared_variable_indices = [n for n, var in enumerate(func.maker.inputs)
if isinstance(var.variable,
shared_variables = [func.maker.inputs[i].variable
for i in shared_variable_indices]
return shared_variables
def get_values_from_function(func):
return [v.get_value() for v in get_shared_variables_from_function(func)]
def safe_zip(*args):
"""Like zip, but ensures arguments are of same length.
Borrowed from pylearn2
base = len(args[0])
for i, arg in enumerate(args[1:]):
if len(arg) != base:
raise ValueError("Argument 0 has length %d but argument %d has "
"length %d" % (base, i+1, len(arg)))
return zip(*args)
def set_shared_variables_in_function(func, list_of_values):
# TODO : Add checking that sizes are OK
shared_variable_indices = [n for n, var in enumerate(func.maker.inputs)
if isinstance(var.variable,
shared_variables = [func.maker.inputs[i].variable
for i in shared_variable_indices]
[s.set_value(v) for s, v in safe_zip(shared_variables, list_of_values)]
def save_weights(save_weights_path, items_dict):
print("Saving weights to %s" % save_weights_path)
weights_dict = {}
# k is the function name, v is a theano function
for k, v in items_dict.items():
if isinstance(v, theano.compile.function_module.Function):
# w is all the numpy values from a function
w = get_values_from_function(v)
for n, w_v in enumerate(w):
weights_dict[k + "_%i" % n] = w_v
if len(weights_dict.keys()) > 0:
np.savez(save_weights_path, **weights_dict)
print("Possible BUG: no theano functions found in items_dict, "
"unable to save weights!")
def save_checkpoint(save_path, pickle_item):
old_recursion_limit = sys.getrecursionlimit()
with open(save_path, mode="wb") as f:
pickle.dump(pickle_item, f, protocol=-1)
def load_checkpoint(saved_checkpoint_path):
old_recursion_limit = sys.getrecursionlimit()
with open(saved_checkpoint_path, mode="rb") as f:
pickle_item = pickle.load(f)
return pickle_item
def handwriting_sample(rval, random_state, idx=-1):
# mu
# sigma
# corr
# coeff
# binary
mu, sigma, corr, coeff, binary = rval
binary = binary[idx:, 0]
coeff = coeff[idx:, :]
# Renormalize coeffs
eps = 1E-6
coeff = (coeff / (coeff.sum(axis=-1, keepdims=True) + eps))
mu_x = mu[idx:, 0, :]
mu_y = mu[idx:, 1, :]
sigma_x = sigma[idx:, 0, :] + eps
sigma_y = sigma[idx:, 1, :] + eps
corr = corr[idx:, :]
z_x = random_state.randn(*mu_x.shape)
z_y = random_state.randn(*mu_y.shape)
chosen = []
for i in range(len(coeff)):
chosen.append(np.argmax(random_state.multinomial(1, coeff[i])))
chosen = np.array(chosen)
s_x = mu_x + sigma_x * z_x
s_y = mu_y + sigma_y * ((z_x * corr) + z_y * np.sqrt(1. - corr ** 2))
binarized = random_state.binomial(1, binary).ravel()[:, None]
s_x = s_x[np.arange(len(s_x)), chosen.ravel()][:, None]
s_y = s_y[np.arange(len(s_x)), chosen.ravel()][:, None]
return binarized, s_x, s_y, chosen
if __name__ == "__main__":
import argparse
iamondb = fetch_iamondb()
X = iamondb["data"]
y = iamondb["target"]
vocabulary = iamondb["vocabulary"]
vocabulary_size = iamondb["vocabulary_size"]
X = np.array([x.astype(theano.config.floatX) for x in X])
y = np.array([yy.astype(theano.config.floatX) for yy in y])
minibatch_size = 50
n_epochs = 100 # Used way at the bottom in the training loop!
cut_len = 300 # Used way at the bottom in the training loop!
random_state = np.random.RandomState(1999)
train_itr = list_iterator([X, y], minibatch_size, axis=1, stop_index=10000,
valid_itr = list_iterator([X, y], minibatch_size, axis=1, start_index=10000,
X_mb, X_mb_mask, c_mb, c_mb_mask = next(train_itr)
input_dim = X_mb.shape[-1]
n_hid = 400
att_size = 10
n_components = 20
n_out = 3
n_chars = vocabulary_size
n_density = 1 + 6 * n_components
desc = "Handwriting generation based on Graves' "
desc += " Generating Sequences with Recurrent Neural Networks"
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=desc)
parser.add_argument('-s', '--sample',
help='Sample from a checkpoint file',
parser.add_argument('-p', '--plot',
help='Plot training curves from a checkpoint file',
parser.add_argument('-w', '--write',
help='The string to write out (default first minibatch)',
def restricted_float(x):
x = float(x)
if x < 0.0:
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("%r not range [0.0, inf]" % (x,))
return x
parser.add_argument('-b', '--bias',
help='Bias parameter as a float',
def restricted_int(x):
if x is None:
# None makes it "auto" sample
return x
x = int(x)
if x < 1:
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("%r not range [1, inf]" % (x,))
return x
parser.add_argument('-sl', '--sample_length',
help='Number of steps to sample, default is automatic',
parser.add_argument('-c', '--continue', dest="cont",
help='Continue training from another saved model',
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.plot is not None or args.sample is not None:
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
if args.sample is not None:
checkpoint_file = args.sample
checkpoint_file = args.plot
if not os.path.exists(checkpoint_file):
raise ValueError("Checkpoint file path %s" % checkpoint_file,
" does not exist!")
checkpoint_dict = load_checkpoint(checkpoint_file)
train_costs = checkpoint_dict["overall_train_costs"]
valid_costs = checkpoint_dict["overall_valid_costs"]
X_mb, X_mb_mask, c_mb, c_mb_mask = next(valid_itr)
prev_h1, prev_h2, prev_h3 = [np_zeros((minibatch_size, n_hid))
for i in range(3)]
prev_kappa = np_zeros((minibatch_size, att_size))
prev_w = np_zeros((minibatch_size, n_chars))
bias = args.bias
if args.sample is not None:
predict_function = checkpoint_dict["predict_function"]
attention_function = checkpoint_dict["attention_function"]
sample_function = checkpoint_dict["sample_function"]
if args.write is not None:
sample_string = args.write
print("Sampling using sample string %s" % sample_string)
oh = dense_to_one_hot(
np.array([vocabulary[c] for c in sample_string]),
c_mb[:len(oh), :, :] = oh[:, None, :]
c_mb = c_mb[:len(oh)]
c_mb_mask = c_mb_mask[:len(oh)]
if args.sample_length is None:
# Automatic sampling stop as described in Graves' paper
# Assume an average of 30 timesteps per char
n_steps = 30 * c_mb.shape[0]
step_inc = n_steps
max_steps = 25000
max_steps_buf = max_steps + n_steps
completed = [np.zeros((max_steps_buf, 3))
for i in range(c_mb.shape[1])]
max_indices = [None] * c_mb.shape[1]
completed_indices = set()
# hardcoded upper limit
while n_steps < max_steps:
rvals = sample_function(c_mb, c_mb_mask, prev_h1, prev_h2,
prev_h3, prev_kappa, prev_w, bias,
sampled, h1_s, h2_s, h3_s, k_s, w_s, stop_s, stop_h = rvals
for i in range(c_mb.shape[1]):
max_ind = None
for j in range(len(stop_s)):
if np.all(stop_h[j, i] > stop_s[j, i]):
max_ind = j
if max_ind is not None:
completed_indices = completed_indices | set([i])
completed[i][:max_ind] = sampled[:max_ind, i]
max_indices[i] = max_ind
# if most samples meet the criteria call it good
if len(completed_indices) >= .8 * c_mb.shape[1]:
n_steps += step_inc
print("Completed sampling after %i steps" % n_steps)
# cut out garbage
completed = [completed[i] for i in completed_indices]
cond = c_mb[:, np.array(list(completed_indices))]
fixed_steps = args.sample_length
rvals = sample_function(c_mb, c_mb_mask, prev_h1, prev_h2,
prev_h3, prev_kappa, prev_w, bias,
sampled, h1_s, h2_s, h3_s, k_s, w_s, stop_s, stop_h = rvals
completed = [sampled[:, i]
for i in range(sampled.shape[1])]
cond = c_mb
print("Completed sampling after %i steps" % fixed_steps)
rlookup = {v: k for k, v in vocabulary.items()}
for i in range(len(completed)):
ex = completed[i]
ex_str = "".join([rlookup[c]
for c in np.argmax(cond[:, i], axis=1)])
s = "lines_%i.png" % i
plot_lines_iamondb_example(ex, title=ex_str, save_name=s)
print("Plotting complete, exiting...")
print("No plotting arguments, starting training mode!")
X_sym = tensor.tensor3("X_sym")
X_sym.tag.test_value = X_mb
X_mask_sym = tensor.matrix("X_mask_sym")
X_mask_sym.tag.test_value = X_mb_mask
c_sym = tensor.tensor3("c_sym")
c_sym.tag.test_value = c_mb
c_mask_sym = tensor.matrix("c_mask_sym")
c_mask_sym.tag.test_value = c_mb_mask
bias_sym = tensor.scalar("bias_sym")
bias_sym.tag.test_value = 0.
init_h1 = tensor.matrix("init_h1")
init_h1.tag.test_value = np_zeros((minibatch_size, n_hid))
init_h2 = tensor.matrix("init_h2")
init_h2.tag.test_value = np_zeros((minibatch_size, n_hid))
init_h3 = tensor.matrix("init_h3")
init_h3.tag.test_value = np_zeros((minibatch_size, n_hid))
init_kappa = tensor.matrix("init_kappa")
init_kappa.tag.test_value = np_zeros((minibatch_size, att_size))
init_w = tensor.matrix("init_w")
init_w.tag.test_value = np_zeros((minibatch_size, n_chars))
params = []
cell1 = GRU(input_dim, n_hid, random_state)
cell2 = GRU(n_hid, n_hid, random_state)
cell3 = GRU(n_hid, n_hid, random_state)
params += cell1.get_params()
params += cell2.get_params()
params += cell3.get_params()
# Use GRU classes only to fork 1 inp to 2 inp:gate pairs
inp_to_h1 = GRUFork(input_dim, n_hid, random_state)
inp_to_h2 = GRUFork(input_dim, n_hid, random_state)
inp_to_h3 = GRUFork(input_dim, n_hid, random_state)
att_to_h1 = GRUFork(n_chars, n_hid, random_state)
att_to_h2 = GRUFork(n_chars, n_hid, random_state)
att_to_h3 = GRUFork(n_chars, n_hid, random_state)
h1_to_h2 = GRUFork(n_hid, n_hid, random_state)
h1_to_h3 = GRUFork(n_hid, n_hid, random_state)
h2_to_h3 = GRUFork(n_hid, n_hid, random_state)
params += inp_to_h1.get_params()
params += inp_to_h2.get_params()
params += inp_to_h3.get_params()
params += att_to_h1.get_params()
params += att_to_h2.get_params()
params += att_to_h3.get_params()
params += h1_to_h2.get_params()
params += h1_to_h3.get_params()
params += h2_to_h3.get_params()
h1_to_att_a, h1_to_att_b, h1_to_att_k = make_weights(n_hid, 3 * [att_size],
h1_to_outs, = make_weights(n_hid, [n_density], random_state)
h2_to_outs, = make_weights(n_hid, [n_density], random_state)
h3_to_outs, = make_weights(n_hid, [n_density], random_state)
params += [h1_to_att_a, h1_to_att_b, h1_to_att_k]
params += [h1_to_outs, h2_to_outs, h3_to_outs]
inpt = X_sym[:-1]
target = X_sym[1:]
mask = X_mask_sym[1:]
context = c_sym * c_mask_sym.dimshuffle(0, 1, 'x')
inp_h1, inpgate_h1 = inp_to_h1.proj(inpt)
inp_h2, inpgate_h2 = inp_to_h2.proj(inpt)
inp_h3, inpgate_h3 = inp_to_h3.proj(inpt)
u = tensor.arange(c_sym.shape[0]).dimshuffle('x', 'x', 0)
u = tensor.cast(u, theano.config.floatX)
def calc_phi(k_t, a_t, b_t, u_c):
a_t = a_t.dimshuffle(0, 1, 'x')
b_t = b_t.dimshuffle(0, 1, 'x')
ss1 = (k_t.dimshuffle(0, 1, 'x') - u_c) ** 2
ss2 = -b_t * ss1
ss3 = a_t * tensor.exp(ss2)
ss4 = ss3.sum(axis=1)
return ss4
def step(xinp_h1_t, xgate_h1_t,
xinp_h2_t, xgate_h2_t,
xinp_h3_t, xgate_h3_t,
h1_tm1, h2_tm1, h3_tm1,
k_tm1, w_tm1, ctx):
attinp_h1, attgate_h1 = att_to_h1.proj(w_tm1)
h1_t = cell1.step(xinp_h1_t + attinp_h1, xgate_h1_t + attgate_h1,
h1inp_h2, h1gate_h2 = h1_to_h2.proj(h1_t)
h1inp_h3, h1gate_h3 = h1_to_h3.proj(h1_t)
a_t =
b_t =
k_t =
a_t = tensor.exp(a_t)
b_t = tensor.exp(b_t)
k_t = k_tm1 + tensor.exp(k_t)
ss4 = calc_phi(k_t, a_t, b_t, u)
ss5 = ss4.dimshuffle(0, 1, 'x')
ss6 = ss5 * ctx.dimshuffle(1, 0, 2)
w_t = ss6.sum(axis=1)
attinp_h2, attgate_h2 = att_to_h2.proj(w_t)
attinp_h3, attgate_h3 = att_to_h3.proj(w_t)
h2_t = cell2.step(xinp_h2_t + h1inp_h2 + attinp_h2,
xgate_h2_t + h1gate_h2 + attgate_h2, h2_tm1)
h2inp_h3, h2gate_h3 = h2_to_h3.proj(h2_t)
h3_t = cell3.step(xinp_h3_t + h1inp_h3 + h2inp_h3 + attinp_h3,
xgate_h3_t + h1gate_h3 + h2gate_h3 + attgate_h3,
return h1_t, h2_t, h3_t, k_t, w_t
init_x = as_shared(np_zeros((minibatch_size, n_out)))
srng = RandomStreams(1999)
def _slice_outs(outs):
k = n_components
outs = outs.reshape((-1, n_density))
mu = outs[:, 0:2*k].reshape((-1, 2, k))
sigma = outs[:, 2*k:4*k].reshape((-1, 2, k))
corr = outs[:, 4*k:5*k]
coeff = outs[:, 5*k:6*k]
binary = outs[:, 6*k:]
sigma = tensor.exp(sigma - bias_sym) + 1E-6
corr = tensor.tanh(corr)
coeff = tensor.nnet.softmax(coeff * (1. + bias_sym)) + 1E-6
binary = tensor.nnet.sigmoid(binary * (1. + bias_sym))
return mu, sigma, corr, coeff, binary
# Used to calculate stopping heuristic from sections 5.3
u_max = 0. * tensor.arange(c_sym.shape[0]) + c_sym.shape[0]
u_max = u_max.dimshuffle('x', 'x', 0)
u_max = tensor.cast(u_max, theano.config.floatX)
def sample_step(x_tm1, h1_tm1, h2_tm1, h3_tm1, k_tm1, w_tm1, ctx):
xinp_h1_t, xgate_h1_t = inp_to_h1.proj(x_tm1)
xinp_h2_t, xgate_h2_t = inp_to_h2.proj(x_tm1)
xinp_h3_t, xgate_h3_t = inp_to_h3.proj(x_tm1)
attinp_h1, attgate_h1 = att_to_h1.proj(w_tm1)
h1_t = cell1.step(xinp_h1_t + attinp_h1, xgate_h1_t + attgate_h1,
h1inp_h2, h1gate_h2 = h1_to_h2.proj(h1_t)
h1inp_h3, h1gate_h3 = h1_to_h3.proj(h1_t)
a_t =
b_t =
k_t =
a_t = tensor.exp(a_t)
b_t = tensor.exp(b_t)
k_t = k_tm1 + tensor.exp(k_t)
ss_t = calc_phi(k_t, a_t, b_t, u)
# calculate and return stopping criteria
sh_t = calc_phi(k_t, a_t, b_t, u_max)
ss5 = ss_t.dimshuffle(0, 1, 'x')
ss6 = ss5 * ctx.dimshuffle(1, 0, 2)
w_t = ss6.sum(axis=1)
attinp_h2, attgate_h2 = att_to_h2.proj(w_t)
attinp_h3, attgate_h3 = att_to_h3.proj(w_t)
h2_t = cell2.step(xinp_h2_t + h1inp_h2 + attinp_h2,
xgate_h2_t + h1gate_h2 + attgate_h2, h2_tm1)
h2inp_h3, h2gate_h3 = h2_to_h3.proj(h2_t)
h3_t = cell3.step(xinp_h3_t + h1inp_h3 + h2inp_h3 + attinp_h3,
xgate_h3_t + h1gate_h3 + h2gate_h3 + attgate_h3,
out_t = + +
mu, sigma, corr, coeff, binary = _slice_outs(out_t)
s = sample_bernoulli_and_bivariate_gmm(mu, sigma, corr, coeff, binary,
x_t = s
return x_t, h1_t, h2_t, h3_t, k_t, w_t, ss_t, sh_t
n_steps_sym = tensor.iscalar()
(sampled, h1_s, h2_s, h3_s, k_s, w_s, stop_s, stop_h), supdates = theano.scan(
outputs_info=[init_x, init_h1, init_h2, init_h3,
init_kappa, init_w, None, None],
# Testing step function
r = step(inp_h1[0], inpgate_h1[0], inp_h2[0], inpgate_h2[0],
inp_h3[0], inpgate_h3[0],
init_h1, init_h2, init_h3, init_kappa, init_w, context)
r = step(inp_h1[1], inpgate_h1[1], inp_h2[1], inpgate_h2[1],
inp_h3[1], inpgate_h3[1],
r[0], r[1], r[2], r[3], r[4], context)
(h1, h2, h3, kappa, w), updates = theano.scan(
sequences=[inp_h1, inpgate_h1,
inp_h2, inpgate_h2,
inp_h3, inpgate_h3],
outputs_info=[init_h1, init_h2, init_h3, init_kappa, init_w],
outs = + +
mu, sigma, corr, coeff, binary = _slice_outs(outs)
cost = bernoulli_and_bivariate_gmm(target, mu, sigma, corr, coeff, binary)
cost = cost * mask
cost = cost.sum() / mask.sum() # / cut_len might make more sense
grads = tensor.grad(cost, params)
grads = gradient_clipping(grads, 10.)
learning_rate = 1E-4
opt = adam(params, learning_rate)
updates = opt.updates(params, grads)
train_function = theano.function([X_sym, X_mask_sym, c_sym, c_mask_sym,
init_h1, init_h2, init_h3, init_kappa,
init_w, bias_sym],
[cost, h1, h2, h3, kappa, w],
cost_function = theano.function([X_sym, X_mask_sym, c_sym, c_mask_sym,
init_h1, init_h2, init_h3, init_kappa,
init_w, bias_sym],
[cost, h1, h2, h3, kappa, w])
predict_function = theano.function([X_sym, X_mask_sym, c_sym, c_mask_sym,
init_h1, init_h2, init_h3, init_kappa,
init_w, bias_sym],
[mu, sigma, corr, coeff, binary],
attention_function = theano.function([X_sym, X_mask_sym, c_sym, c_mask_sym,
init_h1, init_h2, init_h3, init_kappa,
[kappa, w], on_unused_input='warn')
sample_function = theano.function([c_sym, c_mask_sym, init_h1, init_h2,
init_h3, init_kappa, init_w, bias_sym,
[sampled, h1_s, h2_s, h3_s, k_s, w_s,
stop_s, stop_h],
checkpoint_dict = {}
checkpoint_dict["train_function"] = train_function
checkpoint_dict["cost_function"] = cost_function
checkpoint_dict["predict_function"] = predict_function
checkpoint_dict["attention_function"] = attention_function
checkpoint_dict["sample_function"] = sample_function
print("Beginning training loop")
train_mb_count = 0
valid_mb_count = 0
start_epoch = 0
monitor_frequency = 1000 // minibatch_size
overall_train_costs = []
overall_valid_costs = []
if args.cont is not None:
continue_path = args.cont
if not os.path.exists(continue_path):
raise ValueError("Continue model %s, path not "
"found" % continue_path)
saved_checkpoint = load_checkpoint(continue_path)
trained_weights = get_values_from_function(
set_shared_variables_in_function(train_function, trained_weights)
overall_train_costs = saved_checkpoint["overall_train_costs"]
overall_valid_costs = saved_checkpoint["overall_valid_costs"]
start_epoch = len(overall_train_costs)
except KeyError:
print("Key not found - model structure may have changed.")
print("Continuing anyways - statistics may not be correct!")
def _loop(function, itr):
prev_h1, prev_h2, prev_h3 = [np_zeros((minibatch_size, n_hid))
for i in range(3)]
prev_kappa = np_zeros((minibatch_size, att_size))
prev_w = np_zeros((minibatch_size, n_chars))
X_mb, X_mb_mask, c_mb, c_mb_mask = next(itr)
n_cuts = len(X_mb) // cut_len + 1
partial_costs = []
for n in range(n_cuts):
start = n * cut_len
stop = (n + 1) * cut_len
if len(X_mb[start:stop]) < 1:
# edge case where there is only one sample left
# just ignore the last sample
bias = 0. # No bias in training
rval = function(X_mb[start:stop],
c_mb, c_mb_mask,
prev_h1, prev_h2, prev_h3, prev_kappa, prev_w, bias)
current_cost = rval[0]
prev_h1, prev_h2, prev_h3 = rval[1:4]
prev_h1 = prev_h1[-1]
prev_h2 = prev_h2[-1]
prev_h3 = prev_h3[-1]
prev_kappa = rval[4][-1]
prev_w = rval[5][-1]
return partial_costs
for e in range(start_epoch, start_epoch + n_epochs):
train_costs = []
while True:
partial_train_costs = _loop(train_function, train_itr)
if train_mb_count % monitor_frequency == 0:
print("starting train mb %i" % train_mb_count)
print("current epoch mean cost %f" % np.mean(train_costs))
train_mb_count += 1
except StopIteration:
valid_costs = []
while True:
partial_valid_costs = _loop(cost_function, valid_itr)
if valid_mb_count % monitor_frequency == 0:
print("starting valid mb %i" % valid_mb_count)
print("current validation mean cost %f" % np.mean(
valid_mb_count += 1
except StopIteration:
mean_epoch_train_cost = np.mean(train_costs)
mean_epoch_valid_cost = np.mean(valid_costs)
checkpoint_dict["overall_train_costs"] = overall_train_costs
checkpoint_dict["overall_valid_costs"] = overall_valid_costs
print("epoch %i complete" % e)
print("epoch mean train cost %f" % mean_epoch_train_cost)
print("epoch mean valid cost %f" % mean_epoch_valid_cost)
print("overall train costs %s" % overall_train_costs)
print("overall valid costs %s" % overall_valid_costs)
checkpoint_save_path = "model_checkpoint_%i.pkl" % e
weights_save_path = "model_weights_%i.npz" % e
save_checkpoint(checkpoint_save_path, checkpoint_dict)
save_weights(weights_save_path, checkpoint_dict)
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