Dashing job to render personalised Chuck Norris based facts into a text widget.
This job utilises the Internet Chuck Norris Database JSON api.
A randomly chosen forename and surname from an array of team members is chosen and passed to the icnd json api, and a Chuck Norris based fact, with the Chuck and the Norris replaced with our teammembers name is returned, and then sent to a dashing widget.
Put the chuck.rb
file into the /jobs
Add an entry into your dashboard file - see the example.
If you need to use a proxy, populate the details in chuck.rb
and comment/uncomment the appropriate res = ...
Some of the icnd jokes might be seen to be a bit cheeky, so use can try to limit those by altering the limitTo
attribute - see the api.
Thanks for the cool idea. I had no idea a Chuck Norris DB existed! I noticed that some HTML entities (
) were showing up in the text. I was able to unescape them by using the cgi gem and modifying thejoke