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Last active March 19, 2018 23:25
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poloniex web socket
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- encoding : utf-8 -*-
import asyncio
import json
import threading
import datetime
import time
from requests import get as __get__
from collections import OrderedDict
import websockets
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:47.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/47.0',
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
API_LINK = 'wss://'
SUBSCRIBE_COMMAND = '{"command":"subscribe","channel":$}'
TICKER_OUTPUT = 'TICKER UPDATE {}={}(last),{}(lowestAsk),{}(highestBid),{}(percentChange),{}(baseVolume),{}(quoteVolume),{}(isFrozen),{}(high24hr),{}(low24hr)'
TRADE_OUTPUT = 'TRADE {}={}(tradeId),{}(bookSide),{}(price),{}(size),{}(timestamp)'
ORDER = {}
class PoloniexSubscriber(object):
def __init__(self):
tickers_data = self._get_all_tickers()
self._tickers_list = []
self._tickers_id = {} # map to tranlate id (integer) to ticker name
for ticker, data in tickers_data.items():
self._tickers_id[data['id']] = ticker
self._sub_thread = None
self._event_loop = None
self._last_seq_dic = {}
def get_tickers(self):
return self._tickers_list
def _get_all_tickers(self):
content = get(GET_TICKERS_URL)
return content
def start_subscribe(self):
self._sub_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._start_subscriber)
self._sub_thread.daemon = True
def _start_subscriber(self):
self._event_loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()
async def _subscribe(self):
async with websockets.connect(API_LINK) as websocket:
# first subscribe to ticker channel and all tickers update channels
await websocket.send(SUBSCRIBE_COMMAND.replace('$', str(TICKER_SUBSCRIBE)))
for ticker in self._tickers_list:
req = SUBSCRIBE_COMMAND.replace('$', '\"' + ticker + '\"')
await websocket.send(req)
# now parse received data
while True:
message = await websocket.recv()
data = json.loads(message, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict)
if 'error' in data:
raise Exception('error arrived message={}'.format(message))
if data[0] == 1010:
# this mean heartbeat
if len(data) < 2:
raise Exception('Short message arrived message={}'.format(message))
if data[1] == 1:
# this mean the subscription is success
if data[1] == 0:
# this mean the subscription is failure
raise Exception('subscription failed message={}'.format(message))
if data[0] == TICKER_SUBSCRIBE:
values = data[2]
ticker_id_int = values[0]
# last = values[1]
# lowestAsk = values[2]
# highestBid = values[3]
# percentChange = values[4]
# baseVolume = values[5]
# quoteVolume = values[6]
# isFrozen = values[7]
# high24hr = values[8]
# low24hr = values[9]
ticker_id = self._tickers_id[ticker_id_int]
out_list = [ticker_id] + values[1:]
ticker_id = self._tickers_id[data[0]]
seq = data[1]
for update in data[2]:
# this mean this is snapshot
if update[0] == 'i':
# UPDATE[1]['currencyPair'] is the ticker name
self._last_seq_dic[ticker_id] = seq
asks = []
for price, size in update[1]['orderBook'][0].items():
asks.append([price, size])
bids = []
for price, size in update[1]['orderBook'][1].items():
bids.append([price, size])
# printing just 5 levels(this book can be 3000 levels)
for level in asks[0:1]:
msg('{} book: asks((price,size)): ({},{})'.format(ticker_id, level[0], level[1]))
for level in bids[0:1]:
msg('{} book: bids((price,size)): ({},{})'.format(ticker_id, level[0], level[1]))
# this mean add or change or remove
elif update[0] == 'o':
if self._last_seq_dic[ticker_id] + 1 != seq:
raise Exception('Problem with seq number prev_seq={},message={}'.format(
self._last_seq_dic[ticker_id], message))
price = update[2]
side = 'bid' if update[1] == 1 else 'ask'
size = update[3]
# this mean remove
if size == '0.00000000':
msg('Remove {},side={},price={}'.format(ticker_id, side, price))
# this mean add or change
msg('Add or change {},side={},price={},size={}'.format(ticker_id, side, price, size))
# this mean trade
elif update[0] == 't':
if self._last_seq_dic[ticker_id] + 1 != seq:
raise Exception('Problem with seq number prev_seq={},message={}'.format(
self._last_seq_dic[ticker_id], message))
trade_id = update[1]
book_side = 'bid' if update[2] == 1 else 'ask'
price = update[3]
size = update[4]
timestamp = update[5]
out_list = [ticker_id, trade_id, book_side, price, size, timestamp]
self._last_seq_dic[ticker_id] = seq
def get_timestamp():
return'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')[:-3]
def msg(msg):
print("{} {}".format(get_timestamp(), msg))
def get(u):
return _get(build_requests(u))
def build_requests(u, d={}, h={}):
payload = {}
if d:
payload['data'] = d
payload['url'] = u
payload['headers'] = h
payload['timeout'] = DEFAULT_TIME_OUT
return payload
def _get(payload):
req = __get__(**payload)
return json_decode(req.text)
except Exception:
print("[!][_get] {}".format(payload))
return None
def json_decode(content):
return json.loads(content)
except Exception:
print("[!][json_decode] {}".format(content))
return content
if __name__ == '__main__':
sub = PoloniexSubscriber()
while True:
#print("##### while True #####")
except KeyboardInterrupt:
# quit
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