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Created June 27, 2016 12:06
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Example: Plot of the Brillouin Function
% Brillouin Function
% Author: Mark Wibrow
function coth (i)
return math.cosh(i) / math.sinh(i)
function brillouin (J, x)
if x == 0 then
return 0
return (2*J+1)/(2*J)*coth((2*J+1)/(2*J)*x) -
\directlua{tex.print("" .. brillouin(#1,#2))}%
x = 2cm/10,
scale = 3,
axis/.style = {help lines, -{Stealth[length = 1.5ex]}},
brillouin/.style = {domain = -5:10, samples = 100}
\draw [axis] (-5,0) -- (10,0);
\draw [axis] (0,-1) -- (0,1.5);
\draw [densely dotted] (0,{ Brillouin(1, 100)} ) -- ++(10,0);
\draw [red] plot [brillouin] (\x, { Brillouin(1, \x)});
\draw [green] plot [brillouin] (\x, { Brillouin(5, \x)});
\draw [blue] plot [brillouin] (\x, { Brillouin(50, \x)});
\node [align = center, anchor = west] at (1,1.3) {%
B_J(x) &= \tfrac{2J + 1}{2J}
&&\coth \left ( \tfrac{2J + 1}{2J} x \right ) \\
&\quad - \tfrac{1}{2J}
&&\coth \left ( \tfrac{1}{2J} x \right )
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