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Created July 2, 2019 11:19
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DDD 宣言的な設計をCommon Lispで実装してみる
#|-*- mode:lisp -*-|#
exec ros -Q -- $0 "$@"
(progn ;;init forms
#+quicklisp(ql:quickload '(:prove) :silent t)
(defpackage :ros.script.specification-combination.3771051914
(:use :cl :prove))
(in-package :ros.script.specification-combination.3771051914)
;; 人のクラス定義
(defclass person () ((gender :initarg :gender :accessor gender)
(age :initarg :age :accessor age)))
;;; 仕様のクラス定義
(defclass marriage-spec () ())
(defclass age-spec (marriage-spec)
((age :initarg :age :accessor age)))
(defclass gender-spec (marriage-spec)
((gender :initarg :gender :accessor gender)))
(defclass or-spec (marriage-spec)
((specs :type 'marriage-spec :initarg :specs :accessor specs)))
(defclass and-spec (marriage-spec)
((specs :type 'marriage-spec :initarg :specs :accessor specs)))
;;; 仕様に対する判定
;; orは複数の仕様がどれか満たされたときに満たされる
(defmethod satisfyp ((spec or-spec) (candidate person))
(reduce #'(lambda (acc sp) (or acc (satisfyp sp candidate))) (specs spec) :initial-value nil))
;; andは複数の仕様の全てが満たされたときに満たされる
(defmethod satisfyp ((spec and-spec) (candidate person))
(reduce #'(lambda (acc sp) (and acc (satisfyp sp candidate))) (specs spec) :initial-value t))
;; 年齢の仕様は,人の年齢が仕様の年齢以上であったときに満たされる
(defmethod satisfyp ((spec age-spec) (candidate person))
(>= (age candidate) (age spec)))
;; 性別の仕様は,人の性別が仕様の性別と同じときに満たされる
(defmethod satisfyp ((spec gender-spec) (candidate person))
(eq (gender spec) (gender candidate)))
;; make-instanceを書かずにすむ表記用のマクロ
(defmacro age-spec (&rest rest)
`(make-instance 'age-spec ,@rest))
(defmacro gender-spec (&rest rest)
`(make-instance 'gender-spec ,@rest))
(defmacro or-spec (&rest rest)
`(make-instance 'or-spec :specs (list ,@rest)))
(defmacro and-spec (&rest rest)
`(make-instance 'and-spec :specs (list ,@rest)))
;; 結婚できる仕様を作成
(defparameter *marriage-spec*
(or-spec (and-spec (age-spec :age 18)
(gender-spec :gender :male))
(and-spec (age-spec :age 16)
(gender-spec :gender :female))))
;; 人のインスタンスを作成
(defparameter *16-male*
(make-instance 'person :age 16 :gender :male))
(defparameter *16-female*
(make-instance 'person :age 16 :gender :female))
(defparameter *18-male*
(make-instance 'person :age 18 :gender :male))
(defparameter *18-female*
(make-instance 'person :age 18 :gender :female))
;; テスト
(defun run-test ()
(plan 4)
(subtest "16歳男性は結婚できない"
(ok (not (satisfyp *marriage-spec* *16-male*))))
(subtest "16歳女性は結婚できる"
(ok (satisfyp *marriage-spec* *16-female*)))
(subtest "18歳男性は結婚できる"
(ok (satisfyp *marriage-spec* *18-male*)))
(subtest "18歳女性は結婚できる"
(ok (satisfyp *marriage-spec* *18-female*)))
(defun main (&rest argv)
(declare (ignorable argv))
;;; vim: set ft=lisp lisp:
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windymelt% ./specification-combination.ros                                                                                       5594:windymeltnoMacBook-puro

    ✓ T is expected to be T

    ✓ T is expected to be T

    ✓ T is expected to be T

    ✓ T is expected to be T

✓ 4 tests completed

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