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raidTarget = {
order = 24,
type = 'group',
name = L["Raid Target"],
get = function(info) return[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.raidTarget[info[#info]] end,
set = function(info, value)[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.raidTarget[info[#info]] = value; NP:ConfigureAll() end,
disabled = function() return not (E.db.nameplates and E.db.nameplates.filters and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter] and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers and E.db.nameplates.filters[selectedNameplateFilter].triggers.enable) end,
args = {
types = {
name = "",
// something doesnt feel quite right with the return value at the bottom - can i be doing this in a better way?
function checkTeacherResponses(request) {
var email = request[studentResponseEmailColumn-1]
var studentId = email.split("@")[0].split(".")[2]
var requests = []
var class1request = {
"teacher" : request[studentResponseCourse1TeacherColumn-1],
"class": request[studentResponseCourse1CodeColumn-1]
local NM = GetSpellInfo(202767);
local HM = GetSpellInfo(202768);
local FM = GetSpellInfo(202771);
local LS = GetSpellInfo(194153);
local SW = GetSpellInfo(190984);
local maxpower = UnitPowerMax("player" , SPELL_POWER_LUNAR_POWER);
AP_Bar_Current_Cast = 0;
AP_Bar_Current = UnitPower("player", SPELL_POWER_LUNAR_POWER, forceUpdate);
local currentSpell = UnitCastingInfo('player');
local currentChannel = UnitChannelInfo('player');
local specGroup = GetActiveSpecGroup();
local maxpower = UnitPowerMax("player" , SPELL_POWER_LUNAR_POWER);
local currentSpellChannel = nil;
wing5wong / doesntwork.lua
Created January 12, 2017 11:26
function(progress, r1, g1, b1, a1, r2, g2, b2, a2)
local colors_for_astral = {}
colors_for_astral[0] = {red = .2, green = .2, blue = .2}
--uncomment this, bar always purple (>10 ASP)
-- colors_for_astral[9] = {red = .5, green = 0, blue = .5}
colors_for_astral[39] = {red = 0, green = 0.5, blue = 1}
colors_for_astral[59] = {red = 0.5, green = 0, blue = 0.5}
// OR
<div class="page" id="subjects">
<select name="thing" id="thing" v-model="thing">
<option value="1">1</option>
<option value="2">2</option>
EthnicityCode - multiple, not nested within an <EthnicityCodes> element.
EnrollingProvider - multiple, not nested within an <EnrollingProviders> element.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
var course= new Vue({
el: "#app",
data: {
courses: [{
id: 1,
name: 'my course',
students: [