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Created August 18, 2020 06:41
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Save wingyplus/5889fafc8a31bafffc39831fbcf8ff6e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Tue Aug 18 13:38:54 2020:["lsp#register_server", "server registered", "typescript support using typescript-language-server"]
Tue Aug 18 13:38:54 2020:["lsp#register_server", "server registered", "elixir-ls"]
Tue Aug 18 13:38:54 2020:["lsp#register_server", "server already registered", "typescript support using typescript-language-server"]
Tue Aug 18 13:38:54 2020:["lsp#register_server", "server registered", "typescript support using typescript-language-server"]
Tue Aug 18 13:38:54 2020:["lsp#register_server", "server already registered", "elixir-ls"]
Tue Aug 18 13:38:54 2020:["lsp#register_server", "server registered", "elixir-ls"]
Tue Aug 18 13:38:54 2020:["vim-lsp signs enabled"]
Tue Aug 18 13:38:54 2020:["vim-lsp virtual text enabled"]
Tue Aug 18 13:38:54 2020:["vim-lsp highlighting enabled"]
Tue Aug 18 13:38:54 2020:["s:on_text_document_did_open()", 1, "elixir", "/Users/thanabodee/src/", "file:///Users/thanabodee/src/"]
Tue Aug 18 13:38:54 2020:["Starting server", "elixir-ls", ["/Users/thanabodee/.local/share/vim-lsp-settings/servers/elixir-ls/elixir-ls"]]
Tue Aug 18 13:38:54 2020:[{"response": {"data": {"__data__": "vim-lsp", "lsp_id": 3, "server_name": "elixir-ls"}, "message": "started lsp server successfully"}}]
Tue Aug 18 13:38:54 2020:["--->", 3, "elixir-ls", {"method": "initialize", "params": {"rootUri": "file:///Users/thanabodee/src/", "initializationOptions": null, "capabilities": {"workspace": {"configuration": true, "applyEdit": true}, "textDocument": {"implementation": {"linkSupport": true}, "documentSymbol": {"symbolKind": {"valueSet": [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]}, "hierarchicalDocumentSymbolSupport": false}, "semanticHighlightingCapabilities": {"semanticHighlighting": true}, "codeAction": {"codeActionLiteralSupport": {"codeActionKind": {"valueSet": ["", "quickfix", "refactor", "refactor.extract", "refactor.inline", "refactor.rewrite", "source", "source.organizeImports"]}}, "dynamicRegistration": false}, "completion": {"completionItem": {"snippetSupport": false, "documentationFormat": ["plaintext"]}, "completionItemKind": {"valueSet": [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]}}, "foldingRange": {"lineFoldingOnly": true}, "typeDefinition": {"linkSupport": true}, "typeHierarchy": false, "declaration": {"linkSupport": true}, "definition": {"linkSupport": true}}}, "rootPath": "/Users/thanabodee/src/", "processId": 43799, "trace": "off"}}]
Tue Aug 18 13:38:54 2020:["<---", 3, "elixir-ls", {"response": {"method": "window/logMessage", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": {"message": "Started ElixirLS v0.5.0", "type": 4}}}]
Tue Aug 18 13:38:54 2020:["<---", 3, "elixir-ls", {"response": {"method": "window/logMessage", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": {"message": "Elixir version: \"1.11.0-dev (82c4c36) (compiled with Erlang/OTP 23)\"", "type": 4}}}]
Tue Aug 18 13:38:54 2020:["<---", 3, "elixir-ls", {"response": {"method": "window/logMessage", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": {"message": "Erlang version: \"23\"", "type": 4}}}]
Tue Aug 18 13:38:54 2020:["<---", 3, "elixir-ls", {"response": {"method": "window/logMessage", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": {"message": "ElixirLS compiled with Elixir 1.11.0-dev and erlang 23", "type": 4}}}]
Tue Aug 18 13:38:54 2020:["<---", 3, "elixir-ls", {"response": {"id": 1, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": {"capabilities": {"codeLensProvider": {"resolveProvider": false}, "documentSymbolProvider": true, "textDocumentSync": {"save": {"includeText": true}, "change": 2, "openClose": true}, "hoverProvider": true, "workspaceSymbolProvider": true, "documentFormattingProvider": true, "signatureHelpProvider": {"triggerCharacters": ["("]}, "executeCommandProvider": {"commands": ["spec:5_n150D59RwRACJzUyyExnJp1ssP2sqY"]}, "documentOnTypeFormattingProvider": {"firstTriggerCharacter": "\n"}, "workspace": {"workspaceFolders": {"changeNotifications": false, "supported": false}}, "macroExpansion": true, "definitionProvider": true, "completionProvider": {"triggerCharacters": [".", "@", "&", "%", "^", ":", "!"]}, "referencesProvider": true}}}, "request": {"id": 1, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "initialize", "params": {"rootUri": "file:///Users/thanabodee/src/", "initializationOptions": null, "capabilities": {"workspace": {"configuration": true, "applyEdit": true}, "textDocument": {"implementation": {"linkSupport": true}, "documentSymbol": {"symbolKind": {"valueSet": [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]}, "hierarchicalDocumentSymbolSupport": false}, "semanticHighlightingCapabilities": {"semanticHighlighting": true}, "codeAction": {"codeActionLiteralSupport": {"codeActionKind": {"valueSet": ["", "quickfix", "refactor", "refactor.extract", "refactor.inline", "refactor.rewrite", "source", "source.organizeImports"]}}, "dynamicRegistration": false}, "completion": {"completionItem": {"snippetSupport": false, "documentationFormat": ["plaintext"]}, "completionItemKind": {"valueSet": [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]}}, "foldingRange": {"lineFoldingOnly": true}, "typeDefinition": {"linkSupport": true}, "typeHierarchy": false, "declaration": {"linkSupport": true}, "definition": {"linkSupport": true}}}, "rootPath": "/Users/thanabodee/src/", "processId": 43799, "trace": "off"}}}]
Tue Aug 18 13:38:54 2020:["--->", 3, "elixir-ls", {"method": "initialized", "params": {}}]
Tue Aug 18 13:38:54 2020:["--->", 3, "elixir-ls", {"method": "workspace/didChangeConfiguration", "params": {"settings": {}}}]
Tue Aug 18 13:38:54 2020:[{"response": {"data": {"__data__": "vim-lsp", "server_name": "elixir-ls"}, "message": "configuration sent"}}]
Tue Aug 18 13:38:54 2020:["s:update_file_content()", 1]
Tue Aug 18 13:38:54 2020:["--->", 3, "elixir-ls", {"method": "textDocument/didOpen", "params": {"textDocument": {"uri": "file:///Users/thanabodee/src/", "version": 1, "languageId": "elixir", "text": "defmodule DianosticsBug do\n @moduledoc \"\"\"\n Documentation for `DianosticsBug`.\n \"\"\"\n\n @doc \"\"\"\n Hello world.\n\n ## Examples\n\n iex> DianosticsBug.hello()\n :world\n\n \"\"\"\n def hello do\n :world\n end\nend\n"}}}]
Tue Aug 18 13:38:54 2020:[{"response": {"data": {"path": "file:///Users/thanabodee/src/", "__data__": "vim-lsp", "filetype": "elixir", "server_name": "elixir-ls"}, "message": "textDocument/open sent"}}]
Tue Aug 18 13:38:54 2020:[{"response": {"data": {"path": "file:///Users/thanabodee/src/", "__data__": "vim-lsp", "server_name": "elixir-ls"}, "message": "not dirty"}}]
Tue Aug 18 13:38:55 2020:["<---", 3, "elixir-ls", {"response": {"method": "textDocument/publishDiagnostics", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": {"diagnostics": [], "uri": "file:///Users/thanabodee/src/"}}}]
Tue Aug 18 13:38:55 2020:["<---", 3, "elixir-ls", {"response": {"method": "window/logMessage", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": {"message": "MIX_ENV: test", "type": 4}}}]
Tue Aug 18 13:38:55 2020:["<---", 3, "elixir-ls", {"response": {"method": "window/logMessage", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": {"message": "MIX_TARGET: host", "type": 4}}}]
Tue Aug 18 13:38:56 2020:["<---", 3, "elixir-ls", {"response": {"method": "window/logMessage", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": {"message": "Compiling 1 file (.ex)", "type": 4}}}]
Tue Aug 18 13:38:56 2020:["<---", 3, "elixir-ls", {"response": {"method": "window/logMessage", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": {"message": "warning: variable \"b\" is unused (if the variable is not meant to be used, prefix it with an underscore)\n lib/dianostics_bug_unused.ex:2: DianosticsBug.Unused.a/1\n", "type": 2}}}]
Tue Aug 18 13:38:56 2020:["<---", 3, "elixir-ls", {"response": {"method": "window/logMessage", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": {"message": "Compile took 387 milliseconds", "type": 3}}}]
Tue Aug 18 13:38:56 2020:["<---", 3, "elixir-ls", {"response": {"method": "window/logMessage", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": {"message": "[ElixirLS Dialyzer] Checking for stale beam files", "type": 3}}}]
Tue Aug 18 13:38:56 2020:["<---", 3, "elixir-ls", {"response": {"method": "textDocument/publishDiagnostics", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": {"diagnostics": [{"source": "Elixir", "range": {"end": {"character": 0, "line": 1}, "start": {"character": 0, "line": 1}}, "message": "variable \"b\" is unused (if the variable is not meant to be used, prefix it with an underscore)", "severity": 2}], "uri": "file:///Users/thanabodee/src/"}}}]
Tue Aug 18 13:38:56 2020:["s:on_stdout on_notification() error", "Vim(call):E5555: API call: Wrong type for argument 1, expecting Buffer", "function <SNR>134_on_stdout[4]..<SNR>133_on_stdout[94]..<SNR>114_on_notification[10]..lsp#ui#vim#diagnostics#handle_text_document_publish_diagnostics[13]..lsp#ui#vim#virtual#set[14]..<SNR>122_clear_virtual, line 7"]
Tue Aug 18 13:38:56 2020:["<---", 3, "elixir-ls", {"response": {"method": "window/logMessage", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": {"message": "[ElixirLS WorkspaceSymbols] Indexing...", "type": 3}}}]
Tue Aug 18 13:38:56 2020:["<---", 3, "elixir-ls", {"response": {"method": "window/logMessage", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": {"message": "[ElixirLS Dialyzer] Found 1 changed files in 12 milliseconds", "type": 3}}}]
Tue Aug 18 13:38:56 2020:["<---", 3, "elixir-ls", {"response": {"method": "window/logMessage", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": {"message": "[ElixirLS Dialyzer] Analyzing 0 modules: []", "type": 3}}}]
Tue Aug 18 13:38:56 2020:["<---", 3, "elixir-ls", {"response": {"method": "window/logMessage", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": {"message": "[ElixirLS Dialyzer] Analysis finished in 80 milliseconds", "type": 3}}}]
Tue Aug 18 13:38:56 2020:["<---", 3, "elixir-ls", {"response": {"method": "window/logMessage", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": {"message": "[ElixirLS WorkspaceSymbols] Module discovery complete", "type": 3}}}]
Tue Aug 18 13:38:56 2020:["<---", 3, "elixir-ls", {"response": {"method": "textDocument/publishDiagnostics", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": {"diagnostics": [{"source": "Elixir", "range": {"end": {"character": 0, "line": 1}, "start": {"character": 0, "line": 1}}, "message": "variable \"b\" is unused (if the variable is not meant to be used, prefix it with an underscore)", "severity": 2}], "uri": "file:///Users/thanabodee/src/"}}}]
Tue Aug 18 13:38:56 2020:["s:on_stdout on_notification() error", "Vim(call):E5555: API call: Wrong type for argument 1, expecting Buffer", "function <SNR>134_on_stdout[4]..<SNR>133_on_stdout[94]..<SNR>114_on_notification[10]..lsp#ui#vim#diagnostics#handle_text_document_publish_diagnostics[13]..lsp#ui#vim#virtual#set[14]..<SNR>122_clear_virtual, line 7"]
Tue Aug 18 13:38:56 2020:["<---", 3, "elixir-ls", {"response": {"method": "window/logMessage", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": {"message": "Dialyzer analysis is up to date", "type": 3}}}]
Tue Aug 18 13:38:56 2020:["<---", 3, "elixir-ls", {"response": {"method": "window/logMessage", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": {"message": "[ElixirLS WorkspaceSymbols] 57 callbacks added to index", "type": 3}}}]
Tue Aug 18 13:38:56 2020:["<---", 3, "elixir-ls", {"response": {"method": "window/logMessage", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": {"message": "[ElixirLS Dialyzer] Writing manifest...", "type": 3}}}]
Tue Aug 18 13:38:57 2020:["<---", 3, "elixir-ls", {"response": {"method": "window/logMessage", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": {"message": "[ElixirLS WorkspaceSymbols] 328 modules added to index", "type": 3}}}]
Tue Aug 18 13:38:57 2020:["<---", 3, "elixir-ls", {"response": {"method": "window/logMessage", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": {"message": "[ElixirLS Dialyzer] Done writing manifest in 1009 milliseconds.", "type": 3}}}]
Tue Aug 18 13:38:57 2020:["<---", 3, "elixir-ls", {"response": {"method": "window/logMessage", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": {"message": "[ElixirLS WorkspaceSymbols] 431 types added to index", "type": 3}}}]
Tue Aug 18 13:39:05 2020:["<---", 3, "elixir-ls", {"response": {"method": "window/logMessage", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": {"message": "[ElixirLS WorkspaceSymbols] 6542 functions added to index", "type": 3}}}]
Tue Aug 18 13:39:18 2020:["s:on_text_document_did_close()", 1]
Tue Aug 18 13:39:18 2020:["s:on_text_document_did_open()", 2, "elixir", "/Users/thanabodee/src/", "file:///Users/thanabodee/src/"]
Tue Aug 18 13:39:18 2020:["add signs", 1]
Tue Aug 18 13:39:18 2020:[{"response": {"data": {"__data__": "vim-lsp", "server_name": "elixir-ls"}, "message": "server already started"}}]
Tue Aug 18 13:39:18 2020:[{"response": {"data": {"__data__": "vim-lsp", "init_result": {"id": 1, "jsonrpc": "2.0", "result": {"capabilities": {"codeLensProvider": {"resolveProvider": false}, "documentSymbolProvider": true, "textDocumentSync": {"save": {"includeText": true}, "change": 2, "openClose": true}, "hoverProvider": true, "workspaceSymbolProvider": true, "documentFormattingProvider": true, "signatureHelpProvider": {"triggerCharacters": ["("]}, "executeCommandProvider": {"commands": ["spec:5_n150D59RwRACJzUyyExnJp1ssP2sqY"]}, "documentOnTypeFormattingProvider": {"firstTriggerCharacter": "\n"}, "workspace": {"workspaceFolders": {"changeNotifications": false, "supported": false}}, "macroExpansion": true, "definitionProvider": true, "completionProvider": {"triggerCharacters": [".", "@", "&", "%", "^", ":", "!"]}, "referencesProvider": true}}}, "server_name": "elixir-ls"}, "message": "lsp server already initialized"}}]
Tue Aug 18 13:39:18 2020:["--->", 3, "elixir-ls", {"method": "workspace/didChangeConfiguration", "params": {"settings": {}}}]
Tue Aug 18 13:39:18 2020:[{"response": {"data": {"__data__": "vim-lsp", "server_name": "elixir-ls"}, "message": "configuration sent"}}]
Tue Aug 18 13:39:18 2020:["s:update_file_content()", 2]
Tue Aug 18 13:39:18 2020:["--->", 3, "elixir-ls", {"method": "textDocument/didOpen", "params": {"textDocument": {"uri": "file:///Users/thanabodee/src/", "version": 1, "languageId": "elixir", "text": "defmodule DianosticsBug.Unused do\n def a(b) do\n \"1\"\n end\nend\n"}}}]
Tue Aug 18 13:39:18 2020:[{"response": {"data": {"path": "file:///Users/thanabodee/src/", "__data__": "vim-lsp", "filetype": "elixir", "server_name": "elixir-ls"}, "message": "textDocument/open sent"}}]
Tue Aug 18 13:39:18 2020:[{"response": {"data": {"path": "file:///Users/thanabodee/src/", "__data__": "vim-lsp", "server_name": "elixir-ls"}, "message": "not dirty"}}]
Tue Aug 18 13:39:18 2020:["<---", 3, "elixir-ls", {"response": {"method": "window/logMessage", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": {"message": "MIX_ENV: test", "type": 4}}}]
Tue Aug 18 13:39:18 2020:["<---", 3, "elixir-ls", {"response": {"method": "window/logMessage", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": {"message": "MIX_TARGET: host", "type": 4}}}]
Tue Aug 18 13:39:18 2020:["<---", 3, "elixir-ls", {"response": {"method": "textDocument/publishDiagnostics", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": {"diagnostics": [{"source": "Elixir", "range": {"end": {"character": 13, "line": 1}, "start": {"character": 2, "line": 1}}, "message": "variable \"b\" is unused (if the variable is not meant to be used, prefix it with an underscore)", "severity": 2}], "uri": "file:///Users/thanabodee/src/"}}}]
Tue Aug 18 13:39:18 2020:["add signs", 1]
Tue Aug 18 13:39:18 2020:["<---", 3, "elixir-ls", {"response": {"method": "window/logMessage", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": {"message": "Compile took 224 milliseconds", "type": 3}}}]
Tue Aug 18 13:39:18 2020:["<---", 3, "elixir-ls", {"response": {"method": "window/logMessage", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": {"message": "[ElixirLS Dialyzer] Checking for stale beam files", "type": 3}}}]
Tue Aug 18 13:39:18 2020:["<---", 3, "elixir-ls", {"response": {"method": "textDocument/publishDiagnostics", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": {"diagnostics": [{"source": "Elixir", "range": {"end": {"character": 13, "line": 1}, "start": {"character": 2, "line": 1}}, "message": "variable \"b\" is unused (if the variable is not meant to be used, prefix it with an underscore)", "severity": 2}], "uri": "file:///Users/thanabodee/src/"}}}]
Tue Aug 18 13:39:18 2020:["add signs", 1]
Tue Aug 18 13:39:18 2020:["<---", 3, "elixir-ls", {"response": {"method": "window/logMessage", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": {"message": "[ElixirLS Dialyzer] Found 1 changed files in 4 milliseconds", "type": 3}}}]
Tue Aug 18 13:39:18 2020:["<---", 3, "elixir-ls", {"response": {"method": "window/logMessage", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": {"message": "[ElixirLS Dialyzer] Analyzing 0 modules: []", "type": 3}}}]
Tue Aug 18 13:39:18 2020:["<---", 3, "elixir-ls", {"response": {"method": "window/logMessage", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": {"message": "[ElixirLS Dialyzer] Analysis finished in 13 milliseconds", "type": 3}}}]
Tue Aug 18 13:39:18 2020:["<---", 3, "elixir-ls", {"response": {"method": "textDocument/publishDiagnostics", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": {"diagnostics": [{"source": "Elixir", "range": {"end": {"character": 13, "line": 1}, "start": {"character": 2, "line": 1}}, "message": "variable \"b\" is unused (if the variable is not meant to be used, prefix it with an underscore)", "severity": 2}], "uri": "file:///Users/thanabodee/src/"}}}]
Tue Aug 18 13:39:18 2020:["add signs", 1]
Tue Aug 18 13:39:18 2020:["<---", 3, "elixir-ls", {"response": {"method": "window/logMessage", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": {"message": "Dialyzer analysis is up to date", "type": 3}}}]
Tue Aug 18 13:39:19 2020:["<---", 3, "elixir-ls", {"response": {"method": "window/logMessage", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": {"message": "[ElixirLS Dialyzer] Writing manifest...", "type": 3}}}]
Tue Aug 18 13:39:19 2020:["<---", 3, "elixir-ls", {"response": {"method": "window/logMessage", "jsonrpc": "2.0", "params": {"message": "[ElixirLS Dialyzer] Done writing manifest in 878 milliseconds.", "type": 3}}}]
Tue Aug 18 13:39:31 2020:["s:on_text_document_did_close()", 2]
Tue Aug 18 13:39:31 2020:["s:on_exit", 3, "elixir-ls", "exited", 143]
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