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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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GA Front End Sessions

Planning Sessions
Session Dates and Exercises
Repo Workflow for Coordinators
Misc Links

Planning Sessions

  • Every other week, between Meetup sessions
  • Focus: creating solutions, responding to emails, maintain meetup site, compiling resources and thinking about what we need to change week-to-week
  • Unless there's a conflict, coordinators will meet in the evening on Tuesdays of the planning week to work on solutions

Meetup Listing

  • Include link to repo ahead of time so attendees can download files?
  • Include links and resouces in the Meetup's discussion board (rather than externally or via email)

Meetup Sessions

Ideas on Structure
  • Nametags
  • Set up workspace to encourage paring and collaboration
  • Introduce exercise by showing presented solution
  • Set timer for first session of work (~ 25 min)
  • Break to discuss ideas, blockers, etc
  • Set timer for next session
  • Break to discuss
  • Last session
  • Ask for feedback
  • At least one session coordinator will create a solution to the exercise that can be presented at the beginning and end of the session
  • HTML solutions will be posted online at (repo name)
  • Code solutions will be on the repo and will be available for anyone who wants to review
  • Coordinators will email the links to the solutions, at the latest, by the end of the week when the meetup takes place

Session Dates and Exercises

Below is a calendar based on the curriculum we have. It doesn't have any sessions for speakers, and some of the exercises are spread to two weeks. Both of these things will undoubtedly change as we go, especially because this calendar takes us all the way to September, but I just slotted in what we have for now.

Date Type Topics
March 18 Planning
March 25 Meetup Engine Labs PSD to HTML, Gist
April 1 Planning
April 8 Meetup Engine Labs About
April 15 Planning
April 22 Meetup Engine Labs Contact
April 29 Planning
May 6 Meetup Intro to CSS3 Properties
May 13 Planning
May 20 Meetup Intro to Responsive Design 1 of 2
May 27 Planning
June 3 Meetup Intro to Responsive Design 2 of 2
June 10 Planning
June 17 Meetup In Browser Problem Solving
June 24 Planning
July 1 Meetup Intro to jQuery 1 of 2
July 8 Planning
July 15 Meetup Intro to jQuery 2 of 2
July 22 Planning
July 29 Meetup Slideshow
August 5 Planning
August 12 Meetup Form Validation
August 19 Planning
August 26 Meetup Photo Mosaic 1 of 2
September 2 Planning
September 9 Meetup Photo Mosaic 2 of 2

Workflow for Session Coordinators

For each project, general steps. Set up a remote repo

  1. On Github, go to the page for a repo you want to use.
    For example, you want to work on the PSD to HTML project.
  2. Click Fork in the top right of the page. More about forking a repo.
    Note: It may take a few minutes to fork the repo. Once the fork is complete, you're redirected to your new repo page. For example, here is my clone page from the PSD to HTML project.
  3. On the right sidebar of the forked repo page, click the clipboard icon next to the input for SSH clone URL.
    Note: You need this to make a local copy of all of the files.
  4. Click Settings on the righthand column of the repo page. Click Collaborators and add any contributors to the repo that you'd like.
    Note: Contributors are able to push and pull from the repo.

Local: Create a local version of repo

  1. In the terminal, make a directory for all Front End session projects
    $ mkdir Projects
  2. Go inside of folder.
    $ cd Projects
  3. After you've copied the SSH clone URL from step 3 above, run the command below. This creates a directory and copies all files from the repo into your local machine.
    $ git clone (PUT SSH clone URL HERE)
    Note: Mine was git clone Once you hit enter, you'll see a couple of lines starting with Cloning into 'ga-psd-html-engine-labs-contact'... and ending with something like Checking connectivity... done..
  4. Go inside the newly created repo directory
    $ cd cd ga-psd-html-engine-labs-contact/
  5. Open in your text editor
    $ subl .
  6. Make a change to one of the files, or create a new file. I created a README markdown file, which will be the main page on the repo page on Github.
  7. Back in the terminal, you want to stage the changes as something you want Git to track.
    $ git add .
  8. Make a commit of the change.
    $ git commit -m "initial commit"
  9. Push the commit to your remote repository.
    $ git push origin master
  10. If you go to your Github page, you should be able to see the commit. If you made the markdown README file, you'll see the contents of your file are rendered below repo directory list.
  11. If you want, you can make separate branches for working. For example, you may want to set up a development branch for working on features, and you might use master branch for completed code.

Misc Links

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