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Created February 8, 2018 18:46
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webhook response
{ timestamp: 1518115547309,
webhookEvent: 'jira:issue_updated',
issue_event_type_name: 'issue_assigned',
{ self: '',
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'24x24': '',
'16x16': '',
'32x32': '' },
displayName: 'Winnie Luk',
active: true,
timeZone: 'America/Los_Angeles' },
{ id: '10010',
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key: 'TES-11',
{ issuetype: [Object],
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lastViewed: '2018-02-08T10:45:47.259-0800',
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created: '2018-01-20T14:31:08.627-0800',
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assignee: [Object],
updated: '2018-02-08T10:45:47.298-0800',
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components: [],
timeoriginalestimate: null,
description: 'Very important issue!!',
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customfield_10008: null,
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customfield_10009: null,
attachment: [],
summary: 'Update task status by dragging and dropping from column to column >> Try dragging this task to "Done"',
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comment: [Object] } },
changelog: { id: '10059', items: [ [Object] ] } }
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