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Created July 30, 2012 16:16
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GoogleVisualr Gem - Bubble Chart Creation Example
def bubble_chart
data_table =
data_table.new_column('string', 'ID')
data_table.new_column('number', 'Life Expectancy')
data_table.new_column('number', 'Fertility Rate')
data_table.new_column('string', 'Region')
data_table.new_column('number', 'Population')
data_table.add_rows( [
['CAN', 80.66, 1.67, 'North America', 33739900],
['DEU', 79.84, 1.36, 'Europe', 81902307],
['DNK', 78.6, 1.84, 'Europe', 5523095],
['EGY', 72.73, 2.78, 'Middle East', 79716203],
['GBR', 80.05, 2, 'Europe', 61801570],
['IRN', 72.49, 1.7, 'Middle East', 73137148],
['IRQ', 68.09, 4.77, 'Middle East', 31090763],
['ISR', 81.55, 2.96, 'Middle East', 7485600],
['RUS', 68.6, 1.54, 'Europe', 141850000],
['USA', 78.09, 2.05, 'North America', 307007000]
opts = {
:width => 800, :height => 500,
:title => 'Correlation between life expectancy, fertility rate and population of some world countries (2010)',
:hAxis => { :title => 'Life Expectancy' },
:vAxis => { :title => 'Fertility Rate' },
:bubble => { :textStyle => { :fontSize => 11 } }
@chart =, opts)
<div id='chart'></div>
<%= render_chart @chart, 'chart' %>
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