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Last active October 24, 2023 18:54
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Possibly the fastest description of a car for visualising vehicle control in Matplotlib with only NumPy.
from math import cos, sin
from typing import NamedTuple
import numpy as np
from numpy.typing import NDArray
class Vertices(NamedTuple):
Vertices of a vehicle's outline and wheels.
outlines: NDArray[np.float64]
front_right_wheel: NDArray[np.float64]
rear_right_wheel: NDArray[np.float64]
front_left_wheel: NDArray[np.float64]
rear_left_wheel: NDArray[np.float64]
def get_rotation_matrix(angle: float) -> NDArray[np.float64]:
cos_angle = cos(angle)
sin_angle = sin(angle)
return np.array([
( cos_angle, sin_angle),
(-sin_angle, cos_angle)
def get_face_centre(vertices: NDArray[np.float64]) -> NDArray[np.float64]:
return np.array([
0.5*(vertices[0][0] + vertices[2][0]),
0.5*(vertices[0][1] + vertices[2][1])
class CarDescription:
Description of a car for visualising vehicle control in Matplotlib.
All calculations are done w.r.t the vehicle's rear axle to reduce computation steps.
At initialisation
:param overall_length: (float) vehicle's overall length [m]
:param overall_width: (float) vehicle's overall width [m]
:param rear_overhang: (float) distance between the rear bumper and the rear axle [m]
:param tyre_diameter: (float) diameter of the vehicle's tyre [m]
:param tyre_width: (float) width of the vehicle's tyre [m]
:param axle_track: (float) length of the vehicle's axle track [m]
:param wheelbase: (float) length of the vehicle's wheelbase [m]
At every time step
:param x: (float) x-coordinate of the vehicle's rear axle
:param y: (float) y-coordinate of the vehicle's rear axle
:param yaw: (float) vehicle's heading [rad]
:param steer: (float) vehicle's steering angle [rad]
:return outlines: (ndarray) vehicle's outlines [x, y]
:return front_right_wheel: (ndarray) vehicle's front-right axle [x, y]
:return rear_right_wheel: (ndarray) vehicle's rear-right axle [x, y]
:return front_left_wheel: (ndarray) vehicle's front-left axle [x, y]
:return rear_left_wheel: (ndarray) vehicle's rear-right axle [x, y]
def __init__(self,
overall_length: float,
overall_width: float,
rear_overhang: float,
tyre_diameter: float,
tyre_width: float,
axle_track: float,
wheelbase: float
rear_axle_to_front_bumper = overall_length - rear_overhang
centreline_to_wheel_centre = 0.5 * axle_track
centreline_to_side = 0.5 * overall_width
vehicle_vertices = np.array([
(-rear_overhang, centreline_to_side),
( rear_axle_to_front_bumper, centreline_to_side),
( rear_axle_to_front_bumper, -centreline_to_side),
(-rear_overhang, -centreline_to_side)
half_tyre_width = 0.5 * tyre_width
centreline_to_inwards_rim = centreline_to_wheel_centre - half_tyre_width
centreline_to_outwards_rim = centreline_to_wheel_centre + half_tyre_width
# Rear right wheel vertices
wheel_vertices = np.array([
(-tyre_diameter, -centreline_to_inwards_rim),
( tyre_diameter, -centreline_to_inwards_rim),
( tyre_diameter, -centreline_to_outwards_rim),
(-tyre_diameter, -centreline_to_outwards_rim)
self.outlines = np.concatenate([vehicle_vertices, [vehicle_vertices[0]]])
self.rear_right_wheel = np.concatenate([wheel_vertices, [wheel_vertices[0]]])
# Reflect the wheel vertices about the x-axis
self.rear_left_wheel = self.rear_right_wheel.copy()
self.rear_left_wheel[:, 1] *= -1
# Translate the wheel vertices to the front axle
front_left_wheel = self.rear_left_wheel.copy()
front_right_wheel = self.rear_right_wheel.copy()
front_left_wheel[:, 0] += wheelbase
front_right_wheel[:, 0] += wheelbase
# Translate front wheels to origin
self.fr_wheel_centre = get_face_centre(front_right_wheel)
self.fl_wheel_centre = get_face_centre(front_left_wheel)
self.fr_wheel_origin = front_right_wheel - self.fr_wheel_centre
self.fl_wheel_origin = front_left_wheel - self.fl_wheel_centre
# Class variables
self.position = np.empty(2)
self.yaw_vector = np.empty((2, 2))
def plot_car(self, x: float, y: float, yaw: float, steer: float) -> Vertices:
self.position[:] = [x, y]
# Rotation matrices
self.yaw_vector = get_rotation_matrix(yaw)
steer_vector = get_rotation_matrix(steer)
# Rotate the wheels about its position
front_right_wheel = self.fr_wheel_origin.copy()@steer_vector + self.fr_wheel_centre
front_left_wheel = self.fl_wheel_origin.copy()@steer_vector + self.fl_wheel_centre
reshaped_position = self.position[:, None]
outlines = + reshaped_position
rear_right_wheel = + reshaped_position
rear_left_wheel = + reshaped_position
front_right_wheel = + reshaped_position
front_left_wheel = + reshaped_position
return Vertices(
def main():
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
# Based on Tesla's model S 100D (
overall_length = 4.97
overall_width = 1.964
tyre_diameter = 0.4826
tyre_width = 0.265
axle_track = 1.7
wheelbase = 2.96
rear_overhang = 0.5 * (overall_length - wheelbase)
colour = 'black'
# Initial state
x = 30.0
y = -10.0
yaw = np.pi / 4
steer = np.deg2rad(25)
desc = CarDescription(overall_length, overall_width, rear_overhang, tyre_diameter, tyre_width, axle_track, wheelbase)
desc_plots = desc.plot_car(x, y, yaw, steer)
ax = plt.axes()
for desc_plot in desc_plots:
ax.plot(*desc_plot, color=colour)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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