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Last active July 31, 2023 15:33
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Linear interpolation of a 2D line with SciPy.
from numpy import arange, array, concatenate, cumsum, ediff1d, float64, hypot
from numpy.typing import NDArray
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
def linear_interpolation(
x: NDArray[float64],
y: NDArray[float64],
linear_displacement: float
) -> tuple[NDArray[float64], NDArray[float64]]:
interpolate a line with a desired linear displacement between each point
x (NDArray[float64]): x-coordinates of the coarse line [m]
y (NDArray[float64]): y-coordinates of the coarse line [m]
linear_displacement (float): desired linear displacement between each point [m]
interpolated_x (NDArray[float64]): x-coordinates of the interpolated line [m]
interpolated_y (NDArray[float64]): y-coordinates of the interpolated line [m]
distance = concatenate(([0], cumsum(hypot(ediff1d(x), ediff1d(y)))))
points = array([x, y]).T
interp = interp1d(distance, points, axis=0, kind='linear')
s = arange(0, distance[-1], linear_displacement)
return interp(s).T # type: ignore
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