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Last active August 20, 2019 20:02
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Libwally Java and Python setup

Libwally - Java set up



Swig is needed to wrap the comipiled Libwally C++ code to provide an interface for Java. You can install Swig following the instructions here:

Compiling Libwally with Java wrapper

git clone

cd libwally-core


./configure --enable-elements --enable-swig-java --enable-debug


make check

If you need to later delete the generate files you can run:


... before then running autogen, configure, make etc.

Java tests and examples

To run the existing tests

The Java tests and examples are located in libwally-core/src/swig_java/src/com/blockstream/test

You can run each test individually by moving to the src folder:

cd libwally-core/src

And then calling the test while setting the path to the Wally jar file:

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.libs java -Djava.library.path=.libs -classpath swig_java/src com.blockstream.test.test_tx

If you make you own test/examples within the test folder, you can compile them:

javac swig_java/src/com/blockstream/test/

And then run them:

LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.libs java -Djava.library.path=.libs -classpath swig_java/src com.blockstream.test.your_test

The src/swig_java/src/com/blockstream/libwally/ fle contains the Java interface definitions.

Existing examples:

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