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Updated @gruber's regex with a modified version that looks for 2-13 letters rather than trying to look for specific TLDs, and many other improvements. (UPDATE 2018-07-30: Support for IPv4 addresses, bare hostnames, naked domains, xn-- internationalized domains, and more... see comments for BREAKING CHANGE.)
# Single-line version:
# Commented multi-line version:
(https?:\/{1,3})? # Capture $1: (optional) URL scheme, colon, and slashes
( # Capture $2: Entire matched URL (other than optional protocol://)
[\w.\-]+\. # looks like domain name
(?:[a-z]{2,13}) # ending in common popular gTLDs
| #
(?<=http:\/\/|https:\/\/)[\w.\-]+ # hostname preceded by http:// or https://
\/ # followed by a slash
(?: # One or more:
[^\s()<>{}\[\]]+ # Run of non-space, non-()<>{}[]
| # or
\([^\s()]*?\([^\s()]+\)[^\s()]*?\) # balanced parens, one level deep: (…(…)…)
\([^\s]+?\) # balanced parens, non-recursive: (…)
(?: # End with:
\([^\s()]*?\([^\s()]+\)[^\s()]*?\) # balanced parens, one level deep: (…(…)…)
\([^\s]+?\) # balanced parens, non-recursive: (…)
| # or
[^\s`!()\[\]{};:'\".,<>?«»“”‘’] # not a space or one of these punct chars
| # OR, the following to match naked domains:
(?<!@) # not preceded by a @, avoid matching foo@_gmail.com_(?<![@.])
\. # avoid matching the last two parts of an email domain like in
(?:[a-z]{2,13}) # ending in common popular gTLDs
| # or
(?:(?:[0-9](?!\d)|[1-9][0-9](?!\d)|1[0-9]{2}(?!\d)|2[0-4][0-9](?!\d)|25[0-5](?!\d))[.]?){4} # IPv4 address, as seen in
(?!@) # not succeeded by a @, avoid matching "" in ""
(?: # One or more:
[^\s()<>{}\[\]]+ # Run of non-space, non-()<>{}[]
| # or
\([^\s()]*?\([^\s()]+\)[^\s()]*?\) # balanced parens, one level deep: (…(…)…)
\([^\s]+?\) # balanced parens, non-recursive: (…)
(?: # End with:
\([^\s()]*?\([^\s()]+\)[^\s()]*?\) # balanced parens, one level deep: (…(…)…)
\([^\s]+?\) # balanced parens, non-recursive: (…)
| # or
[^\s`!()\[\]{};:'\".,<>?«»“”‘’] # not a space or one of these punct chars
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gruber commented Jan 10, 2022 via email

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winzig commented Jan 10, 2022


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hrieke commented Jan 11, 2022

Thank you both for the prompt reply!

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It seems like the regex would still have catastrophic backtracking issue when string has multiple trailing punctuation:

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winzig commented May 4, 2022

Possibly, but I'm able to run it in an environment (.NET) where I'm able to specify a timeout for my regex, to handle edge cases like this that have never come up for me.

That being said, if you solve the backtracking issue, definitely let me know. :trollface:

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winzig commented May 4, 2022

To put it in context: I just tested your URL on regex101. When I end your URL with 12 question marks, it executes in TWELVE MILLISECONDS. When I add the 13th question mark, regex101 complains about catastrophic backtracking...

"But is it illegal though."

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