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Created March 9, 2022 13:35
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  • Save wipfli/cbb6a25888e90884be22a715ace80cdd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save wipfli/cbb6a25888e90884be22a715ace80cdd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

digitalocean droplet:

128 GB / 16 CPUs
400 GB SSD Disk
8 TB transfer


docker run --memory=120g -e JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS="-Xmx100g -Xms100g" -v "$(pwd)/data":/data --download --download-threads=10 --download-chunk-size-mb=1000 --nodemap-type=sparsearray --nodemap-storage=ram --area=planet --bounds=world


0:00:00 INF -   sort: Sort rendered features by tile ID
0:00:00 INF -   mbtiles: Encode each tile and write to data/output.mbtiles
0:00:00 INF [download] - 
0:00:00 INF [download] - Starting...
0:00:02 INF [download] - Downloading to data/sources/
0:00:02 INF [download] - Downloading to data/sources/planet.osm.pbf
0:00:02 INF [download] - Downloading (redirected to to data/sources/
0:00:02 INF [download] - Downloading to data/sources/
0:00:03 INF [download] - Finished downloading to data/sources/
0:00:05 INF [download] - Finished downloading to data/sources/
0:00:12 INF [download] -  lake_centerlines: [ 5.9M 100% 587k/s ] water_polygons: [ 803M 100%  78M/s ] natural_earth: [ 168M  40%  16M/s ] osm: [ 2.7G   4% 278M/s ]  cpus: 2 gc:  0% mem: 870M/107G direct: 215k postGC: 50M
0:00:22 INF [download] -  lake_centerlines: [ 5.9M 100%    0/s ] water_polygons: [ 803M 100%    0/s ] natural_earth: [ 227M  54% 5.8M/s ] osm: [   6G   9% 322M/s ]  cpus: 2.1 gc:  0% mem: 1.2G/107G direct: 215k postGC: 50M
0:00:32 INF [download] -  lake_centerlines: [ 5.9M 100%    0/s ] water_polygons: [ 803M 100%    0/s ] natural_earth: [ 267M  63%   4M/s ] osm: [ 9.2G  14% 327M/s ]  cpus: 2.2 gc:  0% mem: 1.4G/107G direct: 215k postGC: 50M
0:00:42 INF [download] -  lake_centerlines: [ 5.9M 100%    0/s ] water_polygons: [ 803M 100%    0/s ] natural_earth: [ 298M  70%   3M/s ] osm: [  12G  18% 306M/s ]  cpus: 2.1 gc:  0% mem: 1.7G/107G direct: 215k postGC: 50M
0:00:52 INF [download] -  lake_centerlines: [ 5.9M 100%    0/s ] water_polygons: [ 803M 100%    0/s ] natural_earth: [ 353M  83% 5.5M/s ] osm: [  15G  23% 321M/s ]  cpus: 2.3 gc:  0% mem: 2G/107G direct: 215k postGC: 50M
0:00:59 INF [download] - Finished downloading to data/sources/
0:01:02 INF [download] -  lake_centerlines: [ 5.9M 100%    0/s ] water_polygons: [ 803M 100%    0/s ] natural_earth: [ 423M 100%   7M/s ] osm: [  18G  28% 324M/s ]  cpus: 2.4 gc:  0% mem: 2.3G/107G direct: 197k postGC: 50M
0:01:12 INF [download] -  lake_centerlines: [ 5.9M 100%    0/s ] water_polygons: [ 803M 100%    0/s ] natural_earth: [ 423M 100%    0/s ] osm: [  21G  33% 309M/s ]  cpus: 2 gc:  0% mem: 2.6G/107G direct: 196k postGC: 50M
0:01:22 INF [download] -  lake_centerlines: [ 5.9M 100%    0/s ] water_polygons: [ 803M 100%    0/s ] natural_earth: [ 423M 100%    0/s ] osm: [  25G  37% 317M/s ]  cpus: 2.3 gc:  0% mem: 3G/107G direct: 196k postGC: 50M
0:01:32 INF [download] -  lake_centerlines: [ 5.9M 100%    0/s ] water_polygons: [ 803M 100%    0/s ] natural_earth: [ 423M 100%    0/s ] osm: [  28G  42% 322M/s ]  cpus: 2.3 gc:  0% mem: 3.2G/107G direct: 196k postGC: 50M
0:01:42 INF [download] -  lake_centerlines: [ 5.9M 100%    0/s ] water_polygons: [ 803M 100%    0/s ] natural_earth: [ 423M 100%    0/s ] osm: [  31G  47% 309M/s ]  cpus: 2.2 gc:  0% mem: 3.5G/107G direct: 196k postGC: 50M
0:01:52 INF [download] -  lake_centerlines: [ 5.9M 100%    0/s ] water_polygons: [ 803M 100%    0/s ] natural_earth: [ 423M 100%    0/s ] osm: [  34G  52% 319M/s ]  cpus: 2.4 gc:  0% mem: 3.8G/107G direct: 196k postGC: 50M
0:02:02 INF [download] -  lake_centerlines: [ 5.9M 100%    0/s ] water_polygons: [ 803M 100%    0/s ] natural_earth: [ 423M 100%    0/s ] osm: [  37G  57% 324M/s ]  cpus: 2.6 gc:  0% mem: 4.1G/107G direct: 196k postGC: 50M
0:02:12 INF [download] -  lake_centerlines: [ 5.9M 100%    0/s ] water_polygons: [ 803M 100%    0/s ] natural_earth: [ 423M 100%    0/s ] osm: [  40G  61% 313M/s ]  cpus: 2.2 gc:  0% mem: 4.4G/107G direct: 196k postGC: 50M
0:02:22 INF [download] -  lake_centerlines: [ 5.9M 100%    0/s ] water_polygons: [ 803M 100%    0/s ] natural_earth: [ 423M 100%    0/s ] osm: [  44G  66% 320M/s ]  cpus: 2.3 gc:  0% mem: 4.7G/107G direct: 196k postGC: 50M
0:02:32 INF [download] -  lake_centerlines: [ 5.9M 100%    0/s ] water_polygons: [ 803M 100%    0/s ] natural_earth: [ 423M 100%    0/s ] osm: [  47G  71% 321M/s ]  cpus: 2.4 gc:  0% mem: 5G/107G direct: 196k postGC: 50M
0:02:42 INF [download] -  lake_centerlines: [ 5.9M 100%    0/s ] water_polygons: [ 803M 100%    0/s ] natural_earth: [ 423M 100%    0/s ] osm: [  50G  76% 316M/s ]  cpus: 2.3 gc:  0% mem: 5.3G/107G direct: 196k postGC: 50M
0:02:52 INF [download] -  lake_centerlines: [ 5.9M 100%    0/s ] water_polygons: [ 803M 100%    0/s ] natural_earth: [ 423M 100%    0/s ] osm: [  53G  80% 316M/s ]  cpus: 2.4 gc:  0% mem: 376M/107G direct: 196k postGC: 64M
0:03:02 INF [download] -  lake_centerlines: [ 5.9M 100%    0/s ] water_polygons: [ 803M 100%    0/s ] natural_earth: [ 423M 100%    0/s ] osm: [  56G  85% 320M/s ]  cpus: 2.6 gc:  0% mem: 649M/107G direct: 196k postGC: 64M
0:03:12 INF [download] -  lake_centerlines: [ 5.9M 100%    0/s ] water_polygons: [ 803M 100%    0/s ] natural_earth: [ 423M 100%    0/s ] osm: [  60G  90% 315M/s ]  cpus: 2.4 gc:  0% mem: 937M/107G direct: 196k postGC: 64M
0:03:22 INF [download] -  lake_centerlines: [ 5.9M 100%    0/s ] water_polygons: [ 803M 100%    0/s ] natural_earth: [ 423M 100%    0/s ] osm: [  63G  94% 300M/s ]  cpus: 2 gc:  0% mem: 1.2G/107G direct: 180k postGC: 64M
0:03:32 INF [download] -  lake_centerlines: [ 5.9M 100%    0/s ] water_polygons: [ 803M 100%    0/s ] natural_earth: [ 423M 100%    0/s ] osm: [  65G  98% 253M/s ]  cpus: 1.6 gc:  0% mem: 1.4G/107G direct: 131k postGC: 64M
0:03:42 INF [download] -  lake_centerlines: [ 5.9M 100%    0/s ] water_polygons: [ 803M 100%    0/s ] natural_earth: [ 423M 100%    0/s ] osm: [  66G 100% 120M/s ]  cpus: 0.6 gc:  0% mem: 1.5G/107G direct: 49k postGC: 64M
0:03:45 INF [download] - Finished downloading to data/sources/planet.osm.pbf
0:03:45 INF [download] -  lake_centerlines: [ 5.9M 100%    0/s ] water_polygons: [ 803M 100%    0/s ] natural_earth: [ 423M 100%    0/s ] osm: [  66G 100%  31M/s ]  cpus: 0.1 gc:  0% mem: 1.5G/107G direct: 32k postGC: 64M
0:03:45 INF [download] - Finished in 3m45s cpu:8m8s avg:2.2
0:03:45 INF [download] -   download-lake_centerlines_chunk-downloader  1x(0% 0.1s done:3m44s)
0:03:45 INF [download] -   download-water_polygons_chunk-downloader    1x(1% 3s sys:2s done:3m41s)
0:03:45 INF [download] -   download-natural_earth_chunk-downloader     1x(1% 2s sys:2s done:2m47s)
0:03:45 INF [download] -   download-osm_chunk-downloader              10x(21% 47s sys:41s done:13s)
0:03:45 INF - error loading /data/sources/wikidata_names.json: java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: data/sources/wikidata_names.json
0:03:45 INF - Using merge sort feature map, chunk size=1000mb workers=16
0:03:46 INF - dataFileCache open start
0:03:46 INF [lake_centerlines] - 
0:03:46 INF [lake_centerlines] - Starting...
0:03:47 INF [lake_centerlines] -  read: [  29k 100%  48k/s ] write: [    0    0/s ] 0    
    cpus: 7.6 gc:  0% mem: 417M/107G direct: 515k postGC: 79M
    read( -%) ->    (0/1k) -> process( -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%) ->   (0/67k) -> write( -%)
0:03:47 INF [lake_centerlines] -  read: [  29k 100%    0/s ] write: [    0    0/s ] 0    
    cpus: 4.6 gc:  0% mem: 417M/107G direct: 515k postGC: 79M
    read( -%) ->    (0/1k) -> process( -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%) ->   (0/67k) -> write( -%)
0:03:47 INF [lake_centerlines] - Finished in 0.6s cpu:5s avg:7.7
0:03:47 INF [lake_centerlines] -   read     1x(53% 0.3s)
0:03:47 INF [lake_centerlines] -   process 16x(4% 0s)
0:03:47 INF [lake_centerlines] -   write    1x(0% 0s)
0:03:47 INF [water_polygons] - 
0:03:47 INF [water_polygons] - Starting...
0:03:57 INF [water_polygons] -  read: [  769   5%   76/s ] write: [   4M 402k/s ] 234M 
    cpus: 15.5 gc:  9% mem: 5.7G/107G direct: 52M postGC: 1.6G
    read(61%) ->   (1k/1k) -> process(70% 69% 75% 72% 71% 72% 76% 79% 68% 76% 74% 77% 74% 74% 70% 70%) -> (28k/67k) -> write(16%)
0:04:07 INF [water_polygons] -  read: [ 1.4k  10%   66/s ] write: [ 8.2M 422k/s ] 481M 
    cpus: 15.8 gc:  6% mem: 14G/107G direct: 52M postGC: 1.9G
    read(26%) ->  (998/1k) -> process(92% 93% 88% 92% 92% 91% 91% 93% 93% 93% 86% 94% 88% 82% 90% 87%) -> (8.6k/67k) -> write(16%)
0:04:17 INF [water_polygons] -  read: [ 2.1k  15%   75/s ] write: [  12M 441k/s ] 734M 
    cpus: 15.8 gc:  4% mem: 22G/107G direct: 52M postGC: 2.4G
    read(38%) ->  (972/1k) -> process(92% 94% 92% 95% 94% 95% 87% 95% 94% 92% 85% 93% 89% 96% 85% 93%) -> (7.3k/67k) -> write(17%)
0:04:27 INF [water_polygons] -  read: [ 2.8k  20%   70/s ] write: [  17M 450k/s ] 994M 
    cpus: 15.7 gc:  7% mem: 6.8G/107G direct: 52M postGC: 3.1G
    read(33%) ->   (1k/1k) -> process(90% 85% 91% 87% 91% 90% 92% 88% 92% 83% 89% 89% 88% 92% 91% 90%) -> (15k/67k) -> write(17%)
0:04:37 INF [water_polygons] -  read: [ 3.7k  26%   82/s ] write: [  22M 484k/s ] 1.2G 
    cpus: 15.8 gc:  6% mem: 3.4G/107G direct: 52M postGC: 3.4G
    read(26%) ->   (1k/1k) -> process(94% 91% 89% 85% 89% 94% 94% 94% 94% 85% 87% 94% 93% 94% 90% 94%) ->  (8k/67k) -> write(18%)
0:04:47 INF [water_polygons] -  read: [ 4.7k  33%   99/s ] write: [  28M 615k/s ] 1.6G 
    cpus: 15.8 gc:  5% mem: 8.6G/107G direct: 52M postGC: 4G
    read(25%) ->   (1k/1k) -> process(95% 94% 95% 87% 90% 90% 94% 91% 93% 90% 93% 93% 92% 90% 94% 95%) -> (9.9k/67k) -> write(22%)
0:04:57 INF [water_polygons] -  read: [ 5.5k  39%   87/s ] write: [  33M 550k/s ] 1.9G 
    cpus: 15.9 gc:  1% mem: 38G/107G direct: 52M postGC: 4.1G
    read(24%) ->   (1k/1k) -> process(94% 96% 99% 85% 97% 98% 98% 96% 98% 94% 97% 90% 97% 98% 99% 98%) -> (6.7k/67k) -> write(21%)
0:05:07 INF [water_polygons] -  read: [ 5.9k  41%   40/s ] write: [  35M 210k/s ] 2G   
    cpus: 15.9 gc:  1% mem: 6.1G/107G direct: 52M postGC: 4G
    read( 0%) ->   (1k/1k) -> process(99% 99% 98% 88% 98% 99% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 99%) -> (9.1k/67k) -> write(11%)
0:05:17 INF [water_polygons] -  read: [ 7.5k  52%  152/s ] write: [  63M 2.7M/s ] 3.3G 
    cpus: 11.3 gc:  0% mem: 32G/107G direct: 52M postGC: 3.7G
    read( 1%) ->   (1k/1k) -> process(62% 69% 65% 63% 63% 99% 63% 62% 63% 63% 62% 78% 62% 62% 62% 56%) -> (63k/67k) -> write(60%)
0:05:27 INF [water_polygons] -  read: [ 9.5k  66%  203/s ] write: [ 110M 4.6M/s ] 5.3G 
    cpus: 5.9 gc:  0% mem: 24G/107G direct: 52M postGC: 3.5G
    read( 1%) ->   (1k/1k) -> process(30% 32% 30% 29% 31% 36% 30% 30% 29% 31% 29% 31% 30% 30% 30% 30%) -> (65k/67k) -> write(99%)
0:05:37 INF [water_polygons] -  read: [  11k  81%  214/s ] write: [ 159M 4.9M/s ] 7.5G 
    cpus: 4.7 gc:  0% mem: 19G/107G direct: 52M postGC: 3.5G
    read( 1%) ->   (1k/1k) -> process(24% 23% 22% 23% 24% 24% 22% 24% 23% 24% 24% 24% 23% 23% 22% 23%) -> (64k/67k) -> write(99%)
0:05:47 INF [water_polygons] -  read: [  13k  96%  215/s ] write: [ 209M 4.9M/s ] 9.7G 
    cpus: 4.8 gc:  0% mem: 14G/107G direct: 52M postGC: 3.5G
    read( -%) ->  (583/1k) -> process(23% 22% 26% 23% 24% 24% 25% 25% 25% 22% 22% 23% 23% 22% 24% 22%) -> (62k/67k) -> write(99%)
0:05:50 INF [water_polygons] -  read: [  14k 100%  213/s ] write: [ 222M 4.9M/s ] 10G  
    cpus: 4.8 gc:  0% mem: 30G/107G direct: 52M postGC: 3.5G
    read( -%) ->    (0/1k) -> process( -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%) ->   (0/67k) -> write( -%)
0:05:50 INF [water_polygons] -  read: [  14k 100%    0/s ] write: [ 222M    0/s ] 10G  
    cpus: 0 gc:  0% mem: 30G/107G direct: 52M postGC: 3.5G
    read( -%) ->    (0/1k) -> process( -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%) ->   (0/67k) -> write( -%)
0:05:50 INF [water_polygons] - Finished in 2m3s cpu:25m46s gc:4s avg:12.6
0:05:50 INF [water_polygons] -   read     1x(19% 24s sys:4s wait:1m26s done:5s)
0:05:50 INF [water_polygons] -   process 16x(71% 1m27s sys:17s wait:28s)
0:05:50 INF [water_polygons] -   write    1x(42% 52s sys:15s wait:1m9s)
0:05:50 INF [natural_earth] - unzipping /data/sources/ to data/tmp/natearth.sqlite
0:05:55 INF [natural_earth] - 
0:05:55 INF [natural_earth] - Starting...
0:06:03 INF [natural_earth] -  read: [ 349k 100%  41k/s ] write: [  33k   4k/s ] 10G  
    cpus: 2.9 gc:  0% mem: 36G/107G direct: 52M postGC: 3.5G
    read( -%) ->    (0/1k) -> process( -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%) ->   (0/67k) -> write( -%)
0:06:03 INF [natural_earth] -  read: [ 349k 100%    0/s ] write: [  33k    0/s ] 10G  
    cpus: 6.1 gc:  0% mem: 36G/107G direct: 52M postGC: 3.5G
    read( -%) ->    (0/1k) -> process( -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%) ->   (0/67k) -> write( -%)
0:06:03 INF [natural_earth] - Finished in 9s cpu:25s avg:2.9
0:06:03 INF [natural_earth] -   read     1x(83% 7s)
0:06:03 INF [natural_earth] -   process 16x(7% 0.6s wait:8s)
0:06:03 INF [natural_earth] -   write    1x(0% 0s wait:8s)
0:06:03 INF [osm_pass1] - 
0:06:03 INF [osm_pass1] - Starting...
0:06:13 INF [osm_pass1] -  nodes: [ 154M  15M/s ] 1.6G  ways: [    0    0/s ] rels: [    0    0/s ] blocks: [  368   36/s ]
    cpus: 10.5 gc: 12% mem: 8.2G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 7.4G hppc: 1.6k
    read(23%) ->    (0/43) -> parse(55% 53% 55% 56% 54% 58% 56% 52% 59% 55% 53% 57% 53% 51%) ->   (29/30) -> process(79%)
0:06:24 INF [osm_pass1] -  nodes: [ 282M  12M/s ] 3.2G  ways: [    0    0/s ] rels: [    0    0/s ] blocks: [  658   28/s ]
    cpus: 9.6 gc: 19% mem: 15G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 15G hppc: 1.6k
    read(19%) ->    (0/43) -> parse(40% 44% 40% 43% 40% 39% 38% 43% 41% 43% 38% 44% 37% 40%) ->   (29/30) -> process(77%)
0:06:34 INF [osm_pass1] -  nodes: [ 432M  15M/s ] 5.1G  ways: [    0    0/s ] rels: [    0    0/s ] blocks: [  957   29/s ]
    cpus: 9.5 gc: 19% mem: 26G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 23G hppc: 1.6k
    read(18%) ->    (0/43) -> parse(40% 42% 42% 43% 37% 44% 44% 41% 41% 35% 38% 44% 42% 41%) ->   (29/30) -> process(81%)
0:06:44 INF [osm_pass1] -  nodes: [ 593M  16M/s ] 6.9G  ways: [    0    0/s ] rels: [    0    0/s ] blocks: [ 1.3k   35/s ]
    cpus: 9.4 gc: 15% mem: 36G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 30G hppc: 1.6k
    read(22%) ->    (0/43) -> parse(47% 43% 42% 42% 44% 46% 44% 45% 41% 41% 47% 45% 43% 49%) ->   (28/30) -> process(84%)
0:06:54 INF [osm_pass1] -  nodes: [ 748M  15M/s ] 8.5G  ways: [    0    0/s ] rels: [    0    0/s ] blocks: [ 1.6k   36/s ]
    cpus: 9.8 gc: 16% mem: 39G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 37G hppc: 1.6k
    read(23%) ->    (0/43) -> parse(42% 47% 46% 48% 45% 46% 45% 43% 51% 45% 43% 48% 48% 46%) ->   (29/30) -> process(82%)
0:07:04 INF [osm_pass1] -  nodes: [ 915M  16M/s ] 10G   ways: [    0    0/s ] rels: [    0    0/s ] blocks: [   2k   37/s ]
    cpus: 9.3 gc: 11% mem: 43G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 40G hppc: 1.6k
    read(23%) ->    (0/43) -> parse(41% 46% 43% 47% 58% 49% 45% 51% 51% 47% 46% 50% 51% 50%) ->   (29/30) -> process(89%)
0:07:14 INF [osm_pass1] -  nodes: [ 1.1B  19M/s ] 12G   ways: [    0    0/s ] rels: [    0    0/s ] blocks: [ 2.4k   39/s ]
    cpus: 9.3 gc:  5% mem: 55G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 45G hppc: 1.6k
    read(21%) ->    (0/43) -> parse(54% 52% 53% 60% 51% 51% 52% 53% 50% 55% 59% 52% 49% 52%) ->   (28/30) -> process(94%)
0:07:24 INF [osm_pass1] -  nodes: [ 1.3B  19M/s ] 14G   ways: [    0    0/s ] rels: [    0    0/s ] blocks: [ 2.8k   38/s ]
    cpus: 9 gc:  3% mem: 61G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 46G hppc: 1.6k
    read(21%) ->    (0/43) -> parse(58% 53% 52% 49% 56% 53% 56% 55% 49% 56% 57% 46% 56% 52%) ->   (29/30) -> process(93%)
0:07:34 INF [osm_pass1] -  nodes: [ 1.5B  20M/s ] 16G   ways: [    0    0/s ] rels: [    0    0/s ] blocks: [ 3.2k   40/s ]
    cpus: 9.4 gc:  4% mem: 50G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 49G hppc: 1.6k
    read(21%) ->    (0/43) -> parse(61% 57% 57% 54% 56% 57% 54% 55% 55% 56% 51% 56% 59% 52%) ->   (29/30) -> process(96%)
0:07:44 INF [osm_pass1] -  nodes: [ 1.7B  21M/s ] 18G   ways: [    0    0/s ] rels: [    0    0/s ] blocks: [ 3.6k   40/s ]
    cpus: 9.2 gc:  1% mem: 79G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 50G hppc: 1.6k
    read(20%) ->    (0/43) -> parse(53% 61% 51% 58% 63% 58% 54% 54% 52% 53% 58% 57% 55% 57%) ->   (29/30) -> process(99%)
0:07:54 INF [osm_pass1] -  nodes: [ 1.9B  20M/s ] 20G   ways: [    0    0/s ] rels: [    0    0/s ] blocks: [   4k   38/s ]
    cpus: 9.5 gc:  6% mem: 35G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 33G hppc: 1.6k
    read(19%) ->    (0/43) -> parse(54% 56% 60% 54% 51% 52% 59% 45% 51% 53% 51% 48% 60% 54%) ->   (29/30) -> process(94%)
0:08:04 INF [osm_pass1] -  nodes: [ 2.1B  16M/s ] 21G   ways: [    0    0/s ] rels: [    0    0/s ] blocks: [ 4.3k   31/s ]
    cpus: 9.4 gc: 15% mem: 38G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 37G hppc: 1.6k
    read(15%) ->    (0/43) -> parse(43% 40% 44% 42% 50% 41% 41% 42% 44% 47% 38% 44% 44% 43%) ->   (29/30) -> process(85%)
0:08:14 INF [osm_pass1] -  nodes: [ 2.2B  17M/s ] 23G   ways: [    0    0/s ] rels: [    0    0/s ] blocks: [ 4.6k   27/s ]
    cpus: 8.8 gc: 13% mem: 48G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 48G hppc: 1.6k
    read(12%) ->    (0/43) -> parse(44% 40% 40% 47% 43% 42% 35% 43% 43% 38% 42% 48% 44% 41%) ->   (29/30) -> process(87%)
0:08:24 INF [osm_pass1] -  nodes: [ 2.4B  18M/s ] 25G   ways: [    0    0/s ] rels: [    0    0/s ] blocks: [ 4.8k   28/s ]
    cpus: 8.6 gc:  9% mem: 39G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 34G hppc: 1.6k
    read(13%) ->    (0/43) -> parse(37% 42% 46% 40% 49% 39% 45% 50% 50% 47% 44% 41% 48% 47%) ->   (29/30) -> process(90%)
0:08:34 INF [osm_pass1] -  nodes: [ 2.6B  20M/s ] 27G   ways: [    0    0/s ] rels: [    0    0/s ] blocks: [ 5.2k   31/s ]
    cpus: 8.8 gc:  7% mem: 41G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 38G hppc: 1.6k
    read(14%) ->    (0/43) -> parse(51% 54% 46% 48% 42% 38% 49% 50% 49% 48% 53% 48% 47% 52%) ->   (29/30) -> process(93%)
0:08:44 INF [osm_pass1] -  nodes: [ 2.8B  17M/s ] 28G   ways: [    0    0/s ] rels: [    0    0/s ] blocks: [ 5.4k   26/s ]
    cpus: 8.4 gc: 13% mem: 51G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 50G hppc: 1.6k
    read(11%) ->    (0/43) -> parse(46% 41% 37% 43% 28% 46% 38% 30% 49% 41% 42% 40% 40% 31%) ->   (29/30) -> process(87%)
0:08:54 INF [osm_pass1] -  nodes: [   3B  19M/s ] 30G   ways: [    0    0/s ] rels: [    0    0/s ] blocks: [ 5.7k   28/s ]
    cpus: 8.9 gc: 10% mem: 45G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 43G hppc: 1.6k
    read(13%) ->    (0/43) -> parse(44% 41% 44% 43% 50% 41% 48% 52% 49% 38% 49% 48% 46% 41%) ->   (29/30) -> process(90%)
0:09:04 INF [osm_pass1] -  nodes: [ 3.2B  21M/s ] 32G   ways: [    0    0/s ] rels: [    0    0/s ] blocks: [   6k   30/s ]
    cpus: 9.1 gc:  9% mem: 52G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 49G hppc: 1.6k
    read(13%) ->    (0/43) -> parse(57% 54% 47% 47% 50% 50% 43% 51% 47% 44% 47% 44% 45% 53%) ->   (29/30) -> process(91%)
0:09:14 INF [osm_pass1] -  nodes: [ 3.4B  18M/s ] 33G   ways: [    0    0/s ] rels: [    0    0/s ] blocks: [ 6.3k   26/s ]
    cpus: 8.8 gc: 14% mem: 64G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 62G hppc: 1.6k
    read(11%) ->    (0/43) -> parse(51% 43% 42% 44% 37% 39% 45% 41% 36% 44% 41% 46% 34% 35%) ->   (29/30) -> process(86%)
0:09:24 INF [osm_pass1] -  nodes: [ 3.6B  18M/s ] 35G   ways: [    0    0/s ] rels: [    0    0/s ] blocks: [ 6.5k   27/s ]
    cpus: 8.4 gc: 10% mem: 70G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 69G hppc: 1.6k
    read(11%) ->    (0/43) -> parse(48% 38% 36% 52% 45% 48% 38% 40% 41% 44% 39% 48% 44% 43%) ->   (29/30) -> process(89%)
0:09:34 INF [osm_pass1] -  nodes: [ 3.8B  18M/s ] 37G   ways: [    0    0/s ] rels: [    0    0/s ] blocks: [ 6.8k   25/s ]
    cpus: 8.9 gc: 12% mem: 53G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 52G hppc: 1.6k
    read(11%) ->    (0/43) -> parse(43% 37% 42% 40% 38% 35% 43% 40% 44% 44% 41% 40% 41% 33%) ->   (29/30) -> process(88%)
0:09:44 INF [osm_pass1] -  nodes: [   4B  20M/s ] 39G   ways: [    0    0/s ] rels: [    0    0/s ] blocks: [ 7.1k   29/s ]
    cpus: 8.5 gc:  7% mem: 68G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 55G hppc: 1.6k
    read(12%) ->    (1/43) -> parse(49% 50% 46% 32% 48% 46% 55% 56% 45% 46% 42% 50% 48% 35%) ->   (28/30) -> process(92%)
0:09:54 INF [osm_pass1] -  nodes: [ 4.2B  21M/s ] 41G   ways: [    0    0/s ] rels: [    0    0/s ] blocks: [ 7.4k   30/s ]
    cpus: 8.7 gc:  8% mem: 60G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 59G hppc: 1.6k
    read(13%) ->    (0/43) -> parse(48% 40% 49% 41% 43% 50% 49% 45% 51% 46% 44% 52% 50% 50%) ->   (29/30) -> process(92%)
0:10:04 INF [osm_pass1] -  nodes: [ 4.4B  17M/s ] 42G   ways: [    0    0/s ] rels: [    0    0/s ] blocks: [ 7.7k   25/s ]
    cpus: 8.4 gc: 14% mem: 71G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 71G hppc: 1.6k
    read(11%) ->    (0/43) -> parse(34% 37% 31% 34% 37% 45% 43% 47% 40% 39% 39% 33% 46% 45%) ->   (29/30) -> process(86%)
0:10:14 INF [osm_pass1] -  nodes: [ 4.5B  19M/s ] 44G   ways: [    0    0/s ] rels: [    0    0/s ] blocks: [ 7.9k   27/s ]
    cpus: 8.6 gc: 10% mem: 60G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 78G hppc: 1.6k
    read(12%) ->    (0/43) -> parse(47% 46% 42% 47% 46% 34% 46% 34% 44% 48% 53% 32% 42% 45%) ->   (29/30) -> process(90%)
0:10:24 INF [osm_pass1] -  nodes: [ 4.7B  18M/s ] 46G   ways: [    0    0/s ] rels: [    0    0/s ] blocks: [ 8.2k   26/s ]
    cpus: 8.3 gc: 10% mem: 59G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 58G hppc: 1.6k
    read(11%) ->    (0/43) -> parse(52% 44% 33% 35% 36% 46% 50% 42% 46% 43% 38% 46% 46% 34%) ->   (29/30) -> process(87%)
0:10:34 INF [osm_pass1] -  nodes: [ 4.9B  18M/s ] 47G   ways: [    0    0/s ] rels: [    0    0/s ] blocks: [ 8.5k   26/s ]
    cpus: 8.2 gc: 11% mem: 77G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 69G hppc: 1.6k
    read(11%) ->    (0/43) -> parse(35% 34% 35% 43% 40% 45% 40% 31% 53% 43% 51% 41% 32% 41%) ->   (28/30) -> process(88%)
0:10:44 INF [osm_pass1] -  nodes: [ 5.1B  20M/s ] 49G   ways: [    0    0/s ] rels: [    0    0/s ] blocks: [ 8.8k   29/s ]
    cpus: 8.7 gc:  8% mem: 69G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 74G hppc: 1.6k
    read(12%) ->    (0/43) -> parse(32% 43% 52% 56% 46% 50% 46% 47% 44% 52% 54% 40% 42% 49%) ->   (28/30) -> process(92%)
0:10:54 INF [osm_pass1] -  nodes: [ 5.4B  22M/s ] 51G   ways: [    0    0/s ] rels: [    0    0/s ] blocks: [ 9.1k   32/s ]
    cpus: 9.2 gc:  7% mem: 62G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 61G hppc: 1.6k
    read(13%) ->    (0/43) -> parse(50% 53% 50% 43% 53% 46% 51% 62% 55% 46% 62% 51% 48% 53%) ->   (29/30) -> process(93%)
0:11:04 INF [osm_pass1] -  nodes: [ 5.6B  19M/s ] 53G   ways: [    0    0/s ] rels: [    0    0/s ] blocks: [ 9.4k   28/s ]
    cpus: 8.8 gc: 10% mem: 68G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 67G hppc: 1.6k
    read(12%) ->    (0/43) -> parse(37% 49% 51% 43% 46% 37% 48% 50% 35% 51% 42% 45% 42% 43%) ->   (28/30) -> process(89%)
0:11:14 INF [osm_pass1] -  nodes: [ 5.7B  19M/s ] 54G   ways: [    0    0/s ] rels: [    0    0/s ] blocks: [ 9.7k   26/s ]
    cpus: 8.4 gc: 11% mem: 77G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 76G hppc: 1.6k
    read(11%) ->    (0/43) -> parse(44% 40% 43% 42% 43% 42% 40% 38% 36% 43% 38% 56% 34% 44%) ->   (29/30) -> process(88%)
0:11:24 INF [osm_pass1] -  nodes: [ 5.9B  18M/s ] 56G   ways: [    0    0/s ] rels: [    0    0/s ] blocks: [ 9.9k   25/s ]
    cpus: 7.9 gc:  8% mem: 70G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 66G hppc: 1.6k
    read(11%) ->    (0/43) -> parse(41% 37% 39% 43% 41% 39% 47% 41% 40% 45% 46% 45% 37% 33%) ->   (29/30) -> process(90%)
0:11:34 INF [osm_pass1] -  nodes: [ 6.1B  21M/s ] 58G   ways: [    0    0/s ] rels: [    0    0/s ] blocks: [  10k   30/s ]
    cpus: 8.9 gc:  9% mem: 73G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 71G hppc: 1.6k
    read(12%) ->    (0/43) -> parse(45% 49% 44% 52% 44% 47% 51% 48% 56% 39% 56% 50% 36% 52%) ->   (29/30) -> process(91%)
0:11:44 INF [osm_pass1] -  nodes: [ 6.3B  17M/s ] 59G   ways: [    0    0/s ] rels: [    0    0/s ] blocks: [  10k   24/s ]
    cpus: 8.3 gc: 14% mem: 72G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 72G hppc: 1.6k
    read(10%) ->    (1/43) -> parse(31% 26% 38% 49% 35% 47% 41% 41% 35% 37% 41% 39% 33% 36%) ->   (29/30) -> process(86%)
0:11:54 INF [osm_pass1] -  nodes: [ 6.5B  19M/s ] 61G   ways: [    0    0/s ] rels: [    0    0/s ] blocks: [  10k   27/s ]
    cpus: 8.5 gc: 11% mem: 79G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc: 1.6k
    read(11%) ->    (0/43) -> parse(49% 43% 36% 31% 45% 43% 49% 40% 35% 41% 39% 53% 49% 47%) ->   (29/30) -> process(89%)
0:12:04 INF [osm_pass1] -  nodes: [ 6.7B  16M/s ] 62G   ways: [    0    0/s ] rels: [    0    0/s ] blocks: [  11k   23/s ]
    cpus: 8.6 gc: 15% mem: 83G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 82G hppc: 1.6k
    read( 9%) ->    (0/43) -> parse(26% 30% 35% 36% 38% 37% 43% 35% 43% 31% 30% 28% 46% 36%) ->   (29/30) -> process(84%)
0:12:14 INF [osm_pass1] -  nodes: [ 6.9B  18M/s ] 64G   ways: [    0    0/s ] rels: [    0    0/s ] blocks: [  11k   26/s ]
    cpus: 8.7 gc: 12% mem: 81G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 79G hppc: 1.6k
    read(10%) ->    (0/43) -> parse(40% 50% 40% 41% 43% 39% 36% 37% 46% 39% 31% 45% 47% 39%) ->   (29/30) -> process(87%)
0:12:24 INF [osm_pass1] -  nodes: [   7B  16M/s ] 65G   ways: [    0    0/s ] rels: [    0    0/s ] blocks: [  11k   23/s ]
    cpus: 8.4 gc: 14% mem: 86G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 83G hppc: 1.6k
    read( 9%) ->    (0/43) -> parse(40% 42% 31% 48% 42% 40% 38% 29% 38% 39% 27% 34% 31% 43%) ->   (29/30) -> process(86%)
0:12:34 INF [osm_pass1] -  nodes: [ 7.2B  18M/s ] 67G   ways: [    0    0/s ] rels: [    0    0/s ] blocks: [  11k   25/s ]
    cpus: 8.4 gc: 12% mem: 85G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 81G hppc: 1.6k
    read(10%) ->    (0/43) -> parse(46% 41% 32% 33% 44% 40% 40% 48% 41% 42% 31% 40% 38% 40%) ->   (29/30) -> process(88%)
0:12:44 INF [osm_pass1] -  nodes: [ 7.4B  19M/s ] 68G   ways: [    0    0/s ] rels: [    0    0/s ] blocks: [  12k   26/s ]
    cpus: 9 gc: 12% mem: 80G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 79G hppc: 1.6k
    read(10%) ->    (0/43) -> parse(40% 37% 48% 43% 41% 36% 31% 33% 50% 51% 47% 44% 50% 46%) ->   (28/30) -> process(88%)
0:12:54 INF [osm_pass1] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 7.3M/s ] 69G   ways: [  14M 1.4M/s ] rels: [    0    0/s ] blocks: [  12k   27/s ]
    cpus: 8.8 gc: 13% mem: 85G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 83G hppc: 1.6k
    read(14%) ->   (14/43) -> parse(36% 42% 41% 33% 40% 37% 34% 39% 43% 42% 39% 40% 41% 42%) ->   (29/30) -> process(86%)
0:13:04 INF [osm_pass1] -  nodes: [ 7.5B    0/s ] 69G   ways: [  51M 3.6M/s ] rels: [    0    0/s ] blocks: [  12k   37/s ]
    cpus: 9.9 gc: 14% mem: 81G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 80G hppc: 1.6k
    read(21%) ->   (15/43) -> parse(51% 50% 50% 50% 49% 50% 47% 48% 48% 47% 49% 50% 47% 47%) ->   (28/30) -> process(81%)
0:13:14 INF [osm_pass1] -  nodes: [ 7.5B    0/s ] 69G   ways: [  97M 4.6M/s ] rels: [    0    0/s ] blocks: [  13k   42/s ]
    cpus: 9.7 gc:  7% mem: 90G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 79G hppc: 1.6k
    read(22%) ->   (14/43) -> parse(53% 56% 53% 54% 58% 53% 53% 52% 50% 56% 56% 50% 50% 50%) ->   (29/30) -> process(91%)
0:13:24 INF [osm_pass1] -  nodes: [ 7.5B    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 140M 4.2M/s ] rels: [    0    0/s ] blocks: [  13k   35/s ]
    cpus: 9.5 gc: 13% mem: 86G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 83G hppc: 1.6k
    read(17%) ->   (15/43) -> parse(50% 50% 46% 47% 47% 46% 50% 47% 47% 45% 48% 48% 48% 48%) ->   (29/30) -> process(82%)
0:13:34 INF [osm_pass1] -  nodes: [ 7.5B    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 183M 4.2M/s ] rels: [    0    0/s ] blocks: [  13k   34/s ]
    cpus: 10.3 gc: 14% mem: 83G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 80G hppc: 1.6k
    read(16%) ->   (14/43) -> parse(48% 45% 44% 43% 48% 45% 44% 47% 48% 46% 47% 46% 45% 48%) ->   (29/30) -> process(81%)
0:13:44 INF [osm_pass1] -  nodes: [ 7.5B    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 235M 5.2M/s ] rels: [    0    0/s ] blocks: [  14k   43/s ]
    cpus: 10.4 gc:  9% mem: 88G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 79G hppc: 1.6k
    read(19%) ->   (14/43) -> parse(56% 58% 52% 55% 58% 58% 56% 55% 55% 59% 53% 56% 56% 53%) ->   (29/30) -> process(87%)
0:13:54 INF [osm_pass1] -  nodes: [ 7.5B    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 284M 4.8M/s ] rels: [    0    0/s ] blocks: [  14k   37/s ]
    cpus: 9.9 gc: 13% mem: 82G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 83G hppc: 1.6k
    read(15%) ->   (14/43) -> parse(51% 48% 53% 51% 46% 49% 50% 49% 51% 49% 50% 51% 50% 49%) ->   (29/30) -> process(83%)
0:14:04 INF [osm_pass1] -  nodes: [ 7.5B    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 333M 4.9M/s ] rels: [    0    0/s ] blocks: [  14k   36/s ]
    cpus: 9.6 gc: 12% mem: 85G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 79G hppc: 1.6k
    read(15%) ->   (15/43) -> parse(44% 45% 45% 47% 46% 46% 46% 45% 48% 46% 44% 47% 45% 46%) ->   (29/30) -> process(81%)
0:14:14 INF [osm_pass1] -  nodes: [ 7.5B    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 386M 5.2M/s ] rels: [    0    0/s ] blocks: [  15k   39/s ]
    cpus: 9.6 gc: 13% mem: 86G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 82G hppc: 1.6k
    read(14%) ->   (15/43) -> parse(48% 48% 50% 47% 50% 49% 48% 50% 50% 47% 52% 47% 46% 47%) ->   (29/30) -> process(85%)
0:14:24 INF [osm_pass1] -  nodes: [ 7.5B    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 438M 5.2M/s ] rels: [    0    0/s ] blocks: [  15k   36/s ]
    cpus: 10.2 gc: 15% mem: 83G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 84G hppc: 1.6k
    read(11%) ->   (15/43) -> parse(44% 43% 48% 46% 43% 46% 46% 45% 44% 47% 52% 43% 45% 47%) ->   (29/30) -> process(76%)
0:14:34 INF [osm_pass1] -  nodes: [ 7.5B    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 494M 5.4M/s ] rels: [    0    0/s ] blocks: [  16k   37/s ]
    cpus: 10.5 gc: 16% mem: 85G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 80G hppc: 1.6k
    read(11%) ->   (15/43) -> parse(49% 47% 44% 45% 46% 44% 45% 47% 47% 46% 44% 47% 46% 46%) ->   (29/30) -> process(80%)
0:14:44 INF [osm_pass1] -  nodes: [ 7.5B    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 555M 6.1M/s ] rels: [    0    0/s ] blocks: [  16k   43/s ]
    cpus: 9.5 gc:  8% mem: 80G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 78G hppc: 1.6k
    read(13%) ->   (14/43) -> parse(48% 48% 52% 53% 57% 50% 51% 50% 50% 52% 52% 52% 51% 54%) ->   (29/30) -> process(90%)
0:14:54 INF [osm_pass1] -  nodes: [ 7.5B    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 614M 5.8M/s ] rels: [    0    0/s ] blocks: [  17k   42/s ]
    cpus: 9.5 gc:  9% mem: 76G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 76G hppc: 1.6k
    read(13%) ->   (15/43) -> parse(51% 51% 53% 47% 49% 50% 52% 51% 52% 53% 52% 53% 51% 52%) ->   (29/30) -> process(88%)
0:15:04 INF [osm_pass1] -  nodes: [ 7.5B    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 672M 5.7M/s ] rels: [    0    0/s ] blocks: [  17k   41/s ]
    cpus: 9.3 gc:  8% mem: 93G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 77G hppc: 1.6k
    read(13%) ->   (15/43) -> parse(49% 52% 49% 48% 56% 51% 50% 51% 48% 51% 49% 47% 55% 50%) ->   (29/30) -> process(87%)
0:15:14 INF [osm_pass1] -  nodes: [ 7.5B    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 733M   6M/s ] rels: [    0    0/s ] blocks: [  17k   42/s ]
    cpus: 9.9 gc: 11% mem: 89G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 79G hppc: 1.6k
    read(13%) ->   (15/43) -> parse(51% 51% 53% 52% 56% 56% 50% 50% 53% 55% 52% 50% 48% 55%) ->   (29/30) -> process(84%)
0:15:24 INF [osm_pass1] -  nodes: [ 7.5B    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 789M 5.6M/s ] rels: [    0    0/s ] blocks: [  18k   39/s ]
    cpus: 9.7 gc: 15% mem: 88G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 83G hppc: 1.6k
    read(11%) ->   (15/43) -> parse(47% 45% 47% 48% 48% 52% 53% 46% 50% 48% 46% 49% 45% 48%) ->   (29/30) -> process(77%)
0:15:34 INF [osm_pass1] -  nodes: [ 7.5B    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 840M   5M/s ] rels: [    0    0/s ] blocks: [  18k   35/s ]
    cpus: 10.6 gc: 14% mem: 78G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 76G hppc: 1.6k
    read(10%) ->   (15/43) -> parse(49% 48% 52% 50% 48% 48% 52% 49% 50% 50% 49% 48% 51% 53%) ->   (29/30) -> process(74%)
0:15:44 INF [osm_pass1] -  nodes: [ 7.5B    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 840M    0/s ] rels: [ 7.8M 788k/s ] blocks: [  18k   12/s ]
    cpus: 5.1 gc: 10% mem: 87G/107G direct: 52M postGC: 83G hppc: 723M
    read( -%) ->   (10/43) -> parse(16% 17% 16% 16% 16% 16% 17% 17% 16% 17% 16% 17% 16% 16%) ->   (24/30) -> process(86%)
0:15:47 INF [osm_pass1] -  nodes: [ 7.5B    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 840M    0/s ] rels: [ 9.7M 822k/s ] blocks: [  18k   11/s ]
    cpus: 4.1 gc: 13% mem: 83G/107G direct: 52M postGC: 84G hppc:   1G
    read( -%) ->    (0/43) -> parse( -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%  -%) ->    (0/30) -> process( -%)
0:15:47 DEB [osm_pass1] - processed blocks:18,742 nodes:7,538,107,733 ways:840,641,373 relations:9,712,543
0:15:47 INF [osm_pass1] - Finished in 9m43s cpu:1h28m12s gc:1m5s avg:9.1
0:15:47 INF [osm_pass1] -   read     1x(14% 1m22s sys:56s wait:7m30s done:3s)
0:15:47 INF [osm_pass1] -   parse   14x(45% 4m24s wait:4m39s)
0:15:47 INF [osm_pass1] -   process  1x(87% 8m27s wait:10s)
0:15:47 INF [osm_pass2] - 
0:15:47 INF [osm_pass2] - Starting...
0:15:57 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [  49M   1% 4.9M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 227M 474k/s ] 10G   blocks: [  118   1%   11/s ]
    cpus: 15.6 gc:  3% mem: 82G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 81G hppc:   1G
    read(14%) -> (101/116) -> process(94% 97% 94% 95% 97% 94% 94% 96% 90% 95% 93% 90% 86% 92% 86%) -> (8.1k/66k) -> write(26%)
0:16:07 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 131M   2% 8.1M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 234M 688k/s ] 11G   blocks: [  313   2%   19/s ]
    cpus: 15 gc:  2% mem: 79G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 78G hppc:   1G
    read(11%) -> (101/116) -> process(92% 91% 97% 97% 92% 97% 92% 93% 91% 93% 94% 96% 93% 93% 91%) -> (8.4k/66k) -> write(34%)
0:16:17 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 202M   3% 7.1M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 242M 802k/s ] 12G   blocks: [  480   3%   16/s ]
    cpus: 15.5 gc:  2% mem: 91G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 78G hppc:   1G
    read(11%) -> (100/116) -> process(93% 94% 97% 91% 93% 95% 96% 92% 93% 95% 95% 96% 94% 94% 96%) -> (8.1k/66k) -> write(45%)
0:16:27 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 261M   3% 5.8M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 252M 972k/s ] 13G   blocks: [  619   3%   13/s ]
    cpus: 14.9 gc:  3% mem: 79G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 78G hppc:   1G
    read( 8%) -> (100/116) -> process(92% 91% 89% 90% 93% 93% 91% 89% 93% 91% 87% 88% 93% 89% 89%) ->  (7k/66k) -> write(56%)
0:16:37 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 336M   4% 7.5M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 260M 866k/s ] 14G   blocks: [  768   4%   14/s ]
    cpus: 15.5 gc:  2% mem: 79G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 78G hppc:   1G
    read( 8%) -> (101/116) -> process(95% 98% 97% 97% 92% 97% 98% 95% 97% 98% 96% 97% 97% 96% 93%) -> (7.6k/66k) -> write(48%)
0:16:47 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 414M   5% 7.7M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 267M 638k/s ] 15G   blocks: [  920   5%   15/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  3% mem: 89G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 8%) -> (101/116) -> process(94% 97% 96% 96% 96% 96% 93% 94% 97% 97% 97% 94% 97% 94% 93%) -> (8.6k/66k) -> write(34%)
0:16:57 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 499M   7% 8.5M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 271M 422k/s ] 15G   blocks: [ 1.1k   6%   18/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  2% mem: 87G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 78G hppc:   1G
    read(11%) -> (100/116) -> process(97% 96% 97% 97% 97% 96% 97% 95% 97% 97% 97% 97% 98% 97% 93%) -> (9.8k/66k) -> write(24%)
0:17:07 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 584M   8% 8.3M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 274M 331k/s ] 16G   blocks: [ 1.2k   7%   18/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  3% mem: 77G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 78G hppc:   1G
    read(11%) -> (101/116) -> process(96% 97% 92% 93% 96% 96% 96% 96% 94% 96% 94% 94% 96% 96% 96%) -> (6.5k/66k) -> write(18%)
0:17:17 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 668M   9% 8.4M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 278M 384k/s ] 16G   blocks: [ 1.4k   8%   19/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  2% mem: 89G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read(12%) -> (101/116) -> process(95% 98% 98% 94% 96% 97% 95% 98% 97% 98% 98% 98% 98% 98% 97%) -> (7.6k/66k) -> write(19%)
0:17:27 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 754M  10% 8.6M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 281M 252k/s ] 16G   blocks: [ 1.6k   9%   19/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  2% mem: 83G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read(12%) -> (101/116) -> process(98% 93% 96% 96% 96% 96% 97% 98% 94% 96% 98% 95% 98% 97% 95%) -> (5.9k/66k) -> write(14%)
0:17:37 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 835M  11% 8.1M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 285M 440k/s ] 17G   blocks: [ 1.8k  10%   18/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  3% mem: 88G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read(11%) -> (101/116) -> process(95% 92% 97% 96% 97% 97% 97% 95% 95% 97% 97% 96% 96% 97% 95%) -> (6.2k/66k) -> write(26%)
0:17:47 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 915M  12% 7.9M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 292M 693k/s ] 18G   blocks: [   2k  11%   17/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  2% mem: 81G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read(10%) -> (101/116) -> process(98% 98% 95% 98% 98% 94% 98% 98% 97% 97% 94% 98% 98% 98% 95%) -> (9.1k/66k) -> write(38%)
0:17:57 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 994M  13% 7.8M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 296M 367k/s ] 18G   blocks: [ 2.2k  12%   15/s ]
    cpus: 13.7 gc:  2% mem: 86G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 8%) -> (101/116) -> process(97% 64% 96% 95% 97% 97% 64% 65% 96% 68% 96% 62% 95% 96% 92%) -> (7.6k/66k) -> write(20%)
0:18:07 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [   1B  14% 7.6M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 298M 223k/s ] 18G   blocks: [ 2.3k  13%   15/s ]
    cpus: 11.3 gc:  2% mem: 78G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 9%) -> (101/116) -> process(94% 23% 96% 95% 95% 95% 22% 20% 95% 24% 96% 24% 95% 94% 94%) -> (9.3k/66k) -> write(13%)
0:18:17 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 1.1B  15% 7.3M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 301M 270k/s ] 19G   blocks: [ 2.5k  13%   15/s ]
    cpus: 11 gc:  1% mem: 89G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 8%) -> (101/116) -> process(94% 19% 93% 94% 94% 95% 22% 20% 95% 20% 95% 23% 91% 95% 94%) -> (8.2k/66k) -> write(15%)
0:18:27 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 1.2B  16% 7.2M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 303M 283k/s ] 19G   blocks: [ 2.6k  14%   14/s ]
    cpus: 11.4 gc:  2% mem: 82G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 8%) -> (101/116) -> process(90% 23% 91% 92% 86% 91% 24% 23% 88% 24% 88% 88% 92% 90% 90%) -> (8.2k/66k) -> write(16%)
0:18:37 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 1.2B  17%   8M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 306M 293k/s ] 19G   blocks: [ 2.8k  15%   15/s ]
    cpus: 13.9 gc:  2% mem: 84G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 8%) -> (101/116) -> process(95% 88% 95% 95% 94% 95% 52% 52% 94% 93% 92% 96% 95% 93% 97%) ->  (7k/66k) -> write(17%)
0:18:47 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 1.3B  18% 8.7M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 309M 277k/s ] 19G   blocks: [ 2.9k  16%   17/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  2% mem: 93G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 9%) -> (101/116) -> process(93% 97% 98% 97% 96% 96% 94% 97% 95% 97% 96% 97% 96% 96% 98%) -> (7.5k/66k) -> write(15%)
0:18:57 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 1.4B  20% 8.7M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 312M 244k/s ] 20G   blocks: [ 3.1k  17%   16/s ]
    cpus: 15.2 gc:  3% mem: 80G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 8%) -> (101/116) -> process(97% 94% 97% 96% 96% 97% 94% 95% 94% 96% 97% 97% 97% 97% 97%) -> (7.5k/66k) -> write(13%)
0:19:07 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 1.5B  21% 8.3M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 316M 466k/s ] 20G   blocks: [ 3.3k  18%   15/s ]
    cpus: 15.2 gc:  2% mem: 89G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 7%) -> (101/116) -> process(97% 98% 98% 97% 97% 97% 97% 97% 97% 93% 96% 96% 91% 96% 97%) ->  (7k/66k) -> write(25%)
0:19:17 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 1.6B  22% 8.8M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 319M 264k/s ] 20G   blocks: [ 3.4k  19%   16/s ]
    cpus: 15.2 gc:  2% mem: 81G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 8%) -> (101/116) -> process(97% 94% 96% 97% 97% 97% 96% 97% 96% 94% 95% 97% 92% 94% 97%) ->  (8k/66k) -> write(14%)
0:19:27 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 1.7B  23% 8.5M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 322M 358k/s ] 21G   blocks: [ 3.6k  19%   15/s ]
    cpus: 15.2 gc:  2% mem: 87G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 8%) -> (101/116) -> process(97% 95% 96% 95% 95% 97% 95% 97% 97% 97% 96% 96% 97% 96% 97%) ->  (8k/66k) -> write(19%)
0:19:37 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 1.8B  24% 8.3M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 327M 431k/s ] 21G   blocks: [ 3.7k  20%   15/s ]
    cpus: 15.2 gc:  2% mem: 80G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 7%) -> (101/116) -> process(97% 97% 96% 96% 97% 95% 97% 94% 95% 97% 97% 96% 92% 96% 95%) -> (11k/66k) -> write(25%)
0:19:47 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 1.8B  25% 8.5M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 331M 400k/s ] 22G   blocks: [ 3.9k  21%   15/s ]
    cpus: 15.2 gc:  2% mem: 87G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 76G hppc:   1G
    read( 7%) -> (101/116) -> process(96% 96% 96% 96% 97% 93% 97% 96% 94% 97% 97% 97% 96% 96% 95%) -> (7.6k/66k) -> write(23%)
0:19:57 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 1.9B  26% 8.7M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 334M 347k/s ] 22G   blocks: [ 4.1k  22%   16/s ]
    cpus: 15.2 gc:  2% mem: 81G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 7%) -> (101/116) -> process(97% 98% 98% 97% 98% 96% 98% 97% 96% 98% 97% 95% 93% 98% 98%) -> (7.6k/66k) -> write(18%)
0:20:07 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [   2B  27% 8.2M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 340M 574k/s ] 22G   blocks: [ 4.2k  23%   16/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  2% mem: 77G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 7%) -> (101/116) -> process(95% 97% 97% 95% 97% 96% 97% 92% 93% 94% 97% 97% 95% 98% 97%) -> (8.9k/66k) -> write(26%)
0:20:17 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 2.1B  29% 8.1M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 347M 650k/s ] 23G   blocks: [ 4.4k  23%   13/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  2% mem: 89G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 6%) -> (101/116) -> process(97% 97% 97% 97% 97% 97% 97% 95% 96% 96% 97% 96% 93% 97% 95%) -> (7.6k/66k) -> write(29%)
0:20:27 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 2.2B  30% 8.2M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 351M 422k/s ] 23G   blocks: [ 4.5k  24%   12/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  2% mem: 87G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 6%) -> (101/116) -> process(97% 98% 97% 96% 97% 96% 95% 97% 92% 96% 96% 96% 96% 95% 96%) -> (6.6k/66k) -> write(21%)
0:20:37 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 2.3B  31% 8.5M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 357M 597k/s ] 23G   blocks: [ 4.6k  25%   13/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  3% mem: 82G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 6%) -> (101/116) -> process(95% 97% 97% 96% 95% 96% 96% 97% 95% 97% 94% 97% 96% 96% 97%) -> (7.2k/66k) -> write(31%)
0:20:47 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 2.4B  32% 8.5M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 361M 422k/s ] 24G   blocks: [ 4.7k  26%   13/s ]
    cpus: 15.2 gc:  2% mem: 82G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 6%) -> (101/116) -> process(95% 96% 97% 95% 96% 96% 96% 97% 96% 96% 96% 97% 96% 93% 97%) -> (8.1k/66k) -> write(20%)
0:20:57 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 2.4B  33% 9.1M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 364M 299k/s ] 24G   blocks: [ 4.9k  26%   13/s ]
    cpus: 15.2 gc:  2% mem: 90G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 6%) -> (101/116) -> process(97% 97% 96% 97% 96% 97% 97% 94% 97% 96% 96% 96% 97% 94% 95%) ->  (7k/66k) -> write(17%)
0:21:07 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 2.5B  34% 8.8M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 367M 276k/s ] 24G   blocks: [   5k  27%   13/s ]
    cpus: 15.1 gc:  2% mem: 88G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 6%) -> (101/116) -> process(97% 95% 96% 97% 97% 97% 96% 96% 97% 96% 97% 95% 96% 97% 97%) -> (8.7k/66k) -> write(15%)
0:21:17 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 2.6B  35%   9M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 369M 261k/s ] 25G   blocks: [ 5.2k  28%   13/s ]
    cpus: 15.2 gc:  3% mem: 80G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 6%) -> (101/116) -> process(94% 95% 96% 95% 94% 92% 97% 95% 95% 97% 97% 96% 97% 97% 97%) -> (8.9k/66k) -> write(15%)
0:21:27 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 2.7B  37% 8.9M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 372M 298k/s ] 25G   blocks: [ 5.3k  28%   13/s ]
    cpus: 15.1 gc:  2% mem: 93G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 6%) -> (101/116) -> process(97% 97% 95% 97% 97% 95% 96% 97% 97% 93% 97% 96% 97% 97% 98%) ->  (9k/66k) -> write(16%)
0:21:37 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 2.8B  38% 8.8M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 375M 274k/s ] 25G   blocks: [ 5.4k  29%   13/s ]
    cpus: 15.2 gc:  2% mem: 89G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 6%) -> (101/116) -> process(95% 95% 93% 95% 95% 96% 96% 97% 97% 93% 97% 97% 96% 96% 95%) -> (5.9k/66k) -> write(15%)
0:21:47 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 2.9B  39%   9M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 378M 289k/s ] 25G   blocks: [ 5.6k  30%   13/s ]
    cpus: 15.1 gc:  3% mem: 81G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 6%) -> (101/116) -> process(94% 96% 97% 97% 95% 95% 97% 96% 96% 97% 97% 95% 96% 95% 96%) -> (8.8k/66k) -> write(16%)
0:21:57 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [   3B  40% 8.9M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 381M 276k/s ] 26G   blocks: [ 5.7k  31%   13/s ]
    cpus: 15.1 gc:  2% mem: 79G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 6%) -> (101/116) -> process(96% 95% 97% 97% 95% 97% 96% 96% 96% 95% 97% 96% 95% 97% 97%) -> (6.9k/66k) -> write(16%)
0:22:07 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 3.1B  41% 9.3M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 383M 211k/s ] 26G   blocks: [ 5.8k  31%   13/s ]
    cpus: 15.1 gc:  2% mem: 87G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 76G hppc:   1G
    read( 6%) -> (101/116) -> process(96% 95% 97% 97% 97% 97% 97% 94% 97% 95% 96% 95% 96% 95% 93%) -> (6.8k/66k) -> write(11%)
0:22:17 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 3.2B  43% 8.6M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 385M 241k/s ] 26G   blocks: [   6k  32%   12/s ]
    cpus: 15.1 gc:  2% mem: 83G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 6%) -> (101/116) -> process(96% 96% 97% 95% 97% 97% 97% 96% 96% 94% 97% 96% 96% 96% 96%) -> (5.8k/66k) -> write(13%)
0:22:27 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 3.3B  44%   9M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 388M 247k/s ] 26G   blocks: [ 6.1k  33%   13/s ]
    cpus: 15.1 gc:  2% mem: 79G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 6%) -> (100/116) -> process(94% 95% 95% 95% 96% 96% 93% 94% 95% 94% 95% 94% 95% 94% 96%) -> (10k/66k) -> write(14%)
0:22:37 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 3.3B  45% 8.6M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 392M 382k/s ] 27G   blocks: [ 6.2k  33%   12/s ]
    cpus: 15.1 gc:  2% mem: 87G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 6%) -> (101/116) -> process(96% 96% 95% 94% 95% 94% 96% 94% 96% 96% 96% 97% 97% 95% 96%) -> (7.9k/66k) -> write(22%)
0:22:47 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 3.4B  46% 8.5M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 395M 358k/s ] 27G   blocks: [ 6.3k  34%   12/s ]
    cpus: 15.1 gc:  2% mem: 84G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 78G hppc:   1G
    read( 5%) -> (101/116) -> process(95% 94% 94% 95% 94% 95% 95% 95% 95% 97% 94% 96% 95% 92% 93%) -> (5.5k/66k) -> write(19%)
0:22:57 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 3.5B  47% 8.9M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 398M 247k/s ] 27G   blocks: [ 6.5k  35%   12/s ]
    cpus: 15 gc:  2% mem: 93G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 6%) -> (101/116) -> process(97% 93% 96% 96% 95% 96% 96% 96% 96% 94% 95% 97% 96% 94% 95%) ->  (7k/66k) -> write(14%)
0:23:07 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 3.6B  48% 8.8M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 402M 395k/s ] 28G   blocks: [ 6.6k  35%   12/s ]
    cpus: 15.1 gc:  2% mem: 92G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 6%) -> (101/116) -> process(97% 96% 95% 95% 95% 97% 95% 97% 96% 97% 96% 97% 96% 97% 97%) -> (8.1k/66k) -> write(21%)
0:23:17 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 3.7B  50%   9M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 404M 198k/s ] 28G   blocks: [ 6.7k  36%   12/s ]
    cpus: 15.1 gc:  3% mem: 83G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 6%) -> (101/116) -> process(95% 96% 94% 95% 95% 94% 96% 96% 95% 94% 95% 95% 95% 96% 95%) -> (6.6k/66k) -> write(12%)
0:23:27 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 3.8B  51% 8.9M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 406M 213k/s ] 28G   blocks: [ 6.8k  37%   12/s ]
    cpus: 15 gc:  2% mem: 81G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 6%) -> (101/116) -> process(95% 95% 97% 96% 98% 95% 97% 96% 97% 95% 95% 97% 96% 95% 96%) -> (7.6k/66k) -> write(12%)
0:23:37 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 3.9B  52% 8.8M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 408M 223k/s ] 28G   blocks: [   7k  37%   12/s ]
    cpus: 14.9 gc:  2% mem: 77G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 6%) -> (101/116) -> process(94% 94% 95% 95% 95% 94% 95% 95% 95% 90% 96% 94% 93% 93% 95%) -> (8.2k/66k) -> write(13%)
0:23:47 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [   4B  53%   9M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 410M 238k/s ] 29G   blocks: [ 7.1k  38%   12/s ]
    cpus: 15 gc:  2% mem: 85G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 6%) -> (101/116) -> process(95% 96% 96% 96% 96% 92% 95% 93% 96% 96% 96% 96% 95% 96% 96%) -> (7.9k/66k) -> write(14%)
0:23:57 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 4.1B  54% 8.8M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 413M 282k/s ] 29G   blocks: [ 7.2k  39%   12/s ]
    cpus: 15 gc:  2% mem: 82G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 6%) -> (101/116) -> process(94% 94% 95% 95% 96% 94% 95% 94% 94% 96% 94% 94% 94% 94% 94%) -> (7.9k/66k) -> write(15%)
0:24:07 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 4.1B  56% 8.8M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 416M 271k/s ] 29G   blocks: [ 7.4k  40%   12/s ]
    cpus: 14.9 gc:  2% mem: 90G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 6%) -> (101/116) -> process(96% 95% 93% 95% 92% 95% 96% 94% 95% 95% 94% 96% 95% 96% 95%) -> (7.4k/66k) -> write(15%)
0:24:17 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 4.2B  57% 8.8M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 419M 303k/s ] 30G   blocks: [ 7.5k  40%   12/s ]
    cpus: 14.9 gc:  2% mem: 90G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 6%) -> (101/116) -> process(95% 95% 95% 95% 96% 94% 95% 96% 96% 95% 95% 94% 94% 97% 95%) -> (6.6k/66k) -> write(16%)
0:24:27 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 4.3B  58% 8.5M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 423M 360k/s ] 30G   blocks: [ 7.6k  41%   12/s ]
    cpus: 15.1 gc:  3% mem: 83G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 6%) -> (101/116) -> process(95% 95% 97% 95% 95% 96% 93% 96% 91% 94% 94% 93% 95% 96% 95%) ->  (8k/66k) -> write(19%)
0:24:37 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 4.4B  59% 9.2M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 425M 228k/s ] 30G   blocks: [ 7.7k  42%   13/s ]
    cpus: 15.1 gc:  2% mem: 81G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 6%) -> (101/116) -> process(94% 95% 97% 96% 97% 95% 96% 96% 97% 97% 97% 96% 96% 97% 97%) -> (6.9k/66k) -> write(13%)
0:24:47 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 4.5B  60%   9M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 427M 208k/s ] 30G   blocks: [ 7.9k  42%   12/s ]
    cpus: 15.1 gc:  2% mem: 78G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 6%) -> (101/116) -> process(94% 96% 97% 96% 95% 94% 96% 95% 94% 97% 94% 97% 95% 96% 95%) -> (7.5k/66k) -> write(11%)
0:24:57 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 4.6B  62% 9.1M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 430M 259k/s ] 30G   blocks: [   8k  43%   13/s ]
    cpus: 15.1 gc:  2% mem: 88G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 6%) -> (101/116) -> process(97% 95% 97% 97% 94% 97% 97% 96% 97% 93% 97% 96% 97% 97% 95%) -> (7.7k/66k) -> write(14%)
0:25:07 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 4.7B  63% 9.2M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 432M 240k/s ] 31G   blocks: [ 8.1k  44%   13/s ]
    cpus: 15.1 gc:  2% mem: 88G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 78G hppc:   1G
    read( 6%) -> (101/116) -> process(93% 96% 96% 94% 97% 96% 97% 96% 93% 95% 97% 95% 96% 95% 94%) ->  (8k/66k) -> write(12%)
0:25:17 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 4.8B  64% 8.9M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 434M 240k/s ] 31G   blocks: [ 8.3k  44%   12/s ]
    cpus: 15 gc:  3% mem: 80G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 6%) -> (101/116) -> process(95% 95% 95% 96% 96% 97% 96% 95% 95% 96% 97% 96% 96% 97% 95%) -> (8.2k/66k) -> write(13%)
0:25:27 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 4.9B  65% 9.1M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 437M 237k/s ] 31G   blocks: [ 8.4k  45%   13/s ]
    cpus: 15 gc:  2% mem: 78G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 6%) -> (101/116) -> process(97% 96% 95% 97% 96% 96% 95% 97% 97% 96% 93% 96% 97% 96% 96%) -> (6.8k/66k) -> write(13%)
0:25:37 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [   5B  66% 8.8M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 439M 233k/s ] 31G   blocks: [ 8.5k  46%   12/s ]
    cpus: 15 gc:  2% mem: 87G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 6%) -> (101/116) -> process(95% 94% 91% 95% 94% 96% 92% 96% 96% 94% 95% 95% 94% 96% 95%) -> (6.4k/66k) -> write(13%)
0:25:47 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [   5B  68% 9.2M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 441M 192k/s ] 31G   blocks: [ 8.7k  46%   13/s ]
    cpus: 15 gc:  2% mem: 86G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 6%) -> (101/116) -> process(96% 97% 96% 96% 96% 96% 96% 96% 97% 97% 96% 97% 96% 94% 97%) ->  (9k/66k) -> write(11%)
0:25:57 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 5.1B  69% 8.8M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 443M 203k/s ] 32G   blocks: [ 8.8k  47%   12/s ]
    cpus: 15.1 gc:  3% mem: 79G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 6%) -> (101/116) -> process(96% 96% 97% 92% 94% 96% 97% 93% 97% 96% 95% 94% 97% 96% 95%) -> (9.9k/66k) -> write(11%)
0:26:07 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 5.2B  70% 9.5M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 445M 231k/s ] 32G   blocks: [ 8.9k  48%   13/s ]
    cpus: 15.1 gc:  2% mem: 78G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 6%) -> (101/116) -> process(97% 97% 97% 97% 98% 98% 97% 96% 97% 96% 95% 94% 97% 96% 97%) -> (9.8k/66k) -> write(13%)
0:26:17 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 5.3B  71% 8.9M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 448M 235k/s ] 32G   blocks: [   9k  49%   12/s ]
    cpus: 15.1 gc:  2% mem: 93G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 6%) -> (101/116) -> process(97% 96% 95% 92% 95% 96% 95% 96% 97% 97% 97% 96% 95% 96% 96%) -> (9.9k/66k) -> write(12%)
0:26:27 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 5.4B  72% 8.7M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 451M 375k/s ] 32G   blocks: [ 9.2k  49%   12/s ]
    cpus: 15.1 gc:  3% mem: 87G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 5%) -> (101/116) -> process(97% 96% 97% 96% 96% 92% 96% 95% 96% 97% 96% 96% 96% 97% 95%) -> (7.2k/66k) -> write(21%)
0:26:37 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 5.5B  74%   9M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 454M 253k/s ] 33G   blocks: [ 9.3k  50%   12/s ]
    cpus: 15.1 gc:  2% mem: 85G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 6%) -> (101/116) -> process(95% 96% 97% 97% 96% 96% 94% 95% 93% 94% 95% 97% 97% 95% 93%) -> (7.5k/66k) -> write(14%)
0:26:47 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 5.6B  75% 8.9M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 457M 288k/s ] 33G   blocks: [ 9.4k  51%   12/s ]
    cpus: 15 gc:  3% mem: 78G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 6%) -> (101/116) -> process(96% 96% 95% 95% 95% 95% 97% 96% 97% 95% 95% 94% 96% 96% 94%) -> (8.2k/66k) -> write(16%)
0:26:57 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 5.7B  76% 8.9M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 460M 349k/s ] 33G   blocks: [ 9.6k  51%   12/s ]
    cpus: 15.1 gc:  2% mem: 77G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 5%) -> (101/116) -> process(96% 97% 97% 97% 95% 95% 97% 96% 96% 96% 97% 96% 95% 96% 96%) -> (9.2k/66k) -> write(20%)
0:27:07 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 5.8B  77% 9.3M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 463M 233k/s ] 34G   blocks: [ 9.7k  52%   12/s ]
    cpus: 15.2 gc:  2% mem: 88G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 6%) -> (101/116) -> process(94% 97% 96% 94% 96% 97% 97% 95% 94% 97% 96% 97% 90% 97% 96%) -> (9.4k/66k) -> write(13%)
0:27:17 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 5.9B  78%   9M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 466M 305k/s ] 34G   blocks: [ 9.8k  53%   12/s ]
    cpus: 15.1 gc:  2% mem: 89G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 5%) -> (101/116) -> process(97% 93% 95% 98% 97% 97% 97% 97% 98% 96% 98% 97% 97% 98% 98%) -> (7.6k/66k) -> write(17%)
0:27:27 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [   6B  80% 9.2M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 468M 195k/s ] 34G   blocks: [ 9.9k  53%   12/s ]
    cpus: 15.1 gc:  3% mem: 82G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 5%) -> (101/116) -> process(97% 96% 93% 92% 97% 97% 94% 97% 96% 96% 95% 95% 96% 95% 96%) -> (9.2k/66k) -> write(11%)
0:27:37 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [   6B  81%   9M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 470M 241k/s ] 34G   blocks: [  10k  54%   12/s ]
    cpus: 15.1 gc:  2% mem: 82G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 5%) -> (101/116) -> process(97% 96% 95% 92% 96% 98% 97% 97% 97% 96% 96% 97% 96% 97% 97%) -> (8.1k/66k) -> write(13%)
0:27:47 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 6.1B  82% 9.1M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 473M 243k/s ] 35G   blocks: [  10k  55%   12/s ]
    cpus: 15.1 gc:  3% mem: 77G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 6%) -> (101/116) -> process(92% 94% 95% 96% 96% 93% 97% 97% 94% 95% 97% 96% 97% 97% 96%) -> (7.4k/66k) -> write(14%)
0:27:57 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 6.2B  83% 9.4M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 475M 206k/s ] 35G   blocks: [  10k  55%   13/s ]
    cpus: 15.1 gc:  2% mem: 93G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 6%) -> (101/116) -> process(97% 97% 94% 97% 96% 97% 95% 96% 97% 97% 97% 97% 98% 98% 96%) -> (8.1k/66k) -> write(11%)
0:28:07 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 6.3B  85% 9.1M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 477M 234k/s ] 35G   blocks: [  10k  56%   12/s ]
    cpus: 15.1 gc:  2% mem: 91G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 5%) -> (101/116) -> process(96% 97% 93% 97% 95% 97% 97% 96% 95% 97% 97% 95% 95% 93% 95%) -> (8.3k/66k) -> write(13%)
0:28:17 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 6.4B  86% 9.2M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 479M 233k/s ] 35G   blocks: [  10k  57%   12/s ]
    cpus: 15.1 gc:  3% mem: 85G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 5%) -> (101/116) -> process(96% 97% 96% 97% 96% 97% 96% 95% 95% 95% 96% 95% 95% 96% 96%) -> (10k/66k) -> write(13%)
0:28:27 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 6.5B  87% 9.2M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 482M 263k/s ] 35G   blocks: [  10k  57%   12/s ]
    cpus: 15.2 gc:  2% mem: 84G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 5%) -> (101/116) -> process(97% 95% 97% 95% 94% 97% 97% 97% 93% 97% 97% 94% 97% 97% 95%) -> (7.4k/66k) -> write(14%)
0:28:37 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 6.6B  88% 8.7M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 486M 389k/s ] 36G   blocks: [  10k  58%   12/s ]
    cpus: 15.1 gc:  3% mem: 79G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 5%) -> (101/116) -> process(96% 96% 95% 97% 94% 95% 97% 97% 94% 95% 97% 95% 97% 96% 95%) ->  (8k/66k) -> write(20%)
0:28:48 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 6.7B  89%   9M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 489M 359k/s ] 36G   blocks: [  11k  59%   12/s ]
    cpus: 15.2 gc:  2% mem: 80G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 5%) -> (101/116) -> process(97% 94% 97% 97% 97% 97% 97% 96% 95% 95% 96% 97% 97% 96% 97%) -> (5.6k/66k) -> write(18%)
0:28:58 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 6.8B  90% 7.4M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 493M 314k/s ] 36G   blocks: [  11k  59%   10/s ]
    cpus: 12.3 gc:  2% mem: 78G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 4%) -> (101/116) -> process(69% 84% 89% 86% 70% 82% 67% 81% 83% 64% 77% 63% 67% 86% 88%) -> (8.5k/66k) -> write(15%)
0:29:08 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 6.8B  91% 6.4M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 494M 167k/s ] 36G   blocks: [  11k  60%    8/s ]
    cpus: 8.8 gc:  1% mem: 79G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 4%) -> (101/116) -> process(70% 58% 86% 41% 64% 60% 49% 20% 76% 57% 39% 69% 21% 49% 80%) -> (8.7k/66k) -> write( 9%)
0:29:18 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 6.9B  92% 8.2M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 498M 414k/s ] 37G   blocks: [  11k  60%   12/s ]
    cpus: 13.6 gc:  2% mem: 87G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 5%) -> (101/116) -> process(80% 93% 74% 93% 89% 94% 86% 86% 85% 95% 94% 82% 82% 77% 86%) -> (6.9k/66k) -> write(20%)
0:29:28 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [   7B  93% 8.7M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 501M 243k/s ] 37G   blocks: [  11k  61%   12/s ]
    cpus: 14.9 gc:  2% mem: 83G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 5%) -> (101/116) -> process(95% 93% 91% 96% 89% 95% 96% 92% 97% 92% 91% 94% 95% 95% 97%) ->  (7k/66k) -> write(14%)
0:29:38 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.1B  94% 7.5M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 504M 282k/s ] 37G   blocks: [  11k  62%   10/s ]
    cpus: 12.3 gc:  2% mem: 80G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 4%) -> (101/116) -> process(92% 77% 80% 87% 71% 58% 75% 63% 88% 58% 74% 83% 86% 88% 90%) -> (6.9k/66k) -> write(14%)
0:29:48 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.2B  96% 8.9M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 506M 184k/s ] 37G   blocks: [  11k  62%   12/s ]
    cpus: 14.3 gc:  2% mem: 91G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 5%) -> (101/116) -> process(90% 85% 91% 94% 96% 89% 96% 88% 95% 93% 94% 85% 92% 94% 94%) -> (7.1k/66k) -> write(10%)
0:29:58 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.2B  97% 9.1M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 507M 188k/s ] 37G   blocks: [  11k  63%   12/s ]
    cpus: 15 gc:  2% mem: 87G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 5%) -> (101/116) -> process(96% 96% 95% 94% 96% 95% 95% 96% 94% 91% 97% 96% 95% 93% 94%) -> (6.9k/66k) -> write(11%)
0:30:08 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.3B  98% 9.3M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 510M 204k/s ] 38G   blocks: [  11k  64%   12/s ]
    cpus: 15.1 gc:  3% mem: 80G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 5%) -> (101/116) -> process(96% 96% 97% 96% 97% 96% 95% 97% 97% 96% 96% 93% 96% 96% 96%) -> (7.4k/66k) -> write(11%)
0:30:18 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.4B  99% 8.7M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 512M 254k/s ] 38G   blocks: [  12k  64%   12/s ]
    cpus: 15 gc:  2% mem: 78G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 6%) -> (101/116) -> process(97% 95% 97% 96% 94% 95% 95% 94% 97% 96% 97% 97% 96% 96% 96%) -> (7.3k/66k) -> write(14%)
0:30:23 DEB [osm_pass2:process] - Sorting long long multimap...
0:30:28 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100% 5.7M/s ] 69G   ways: [    0   0%    0/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 513M 142k/s ] 38G   blocks: [  12k  65%    7/s ]
    cpus: 9.9 gc:  2% mem: 82G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 77G hppc:   1G
    read( 4%) -> (101/116) -> process(54% 52% 53% 56% 56% 54% 55% 92% 58% 57% 56% 56% 59% 54% 54%) -> (8.2k/66k) -> write( 8%)
0:30:28 DEB [osm_pass2:process] - Sorted long long multimap 5s cpu:19s avg:3.8
0:30:38 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 944k   0%  94k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 522M 885k/s ] 39G   blocks: [  12k  65%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15 gc:  4% mem: 89G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 76G hppc:   1G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(86% 88% 85% 86% 88% 88% 86% 90% 87% 87% 89% 88% 84% 90% 72%) -> (32k/66k) -> write(50%)
0:30:48 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 2.7M   0% 179k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 536M 1.3M/s ] 40G   blocks: [  12k  65%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.6 gc:  7% mem: 82G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 78G hppc:   1G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(90% 88% 92% 85% 88% 92% 91% 91% 90% 87% 86% 92% 91% 91% 89%) -> (9.2k/66k) -> write(76%)
0:30:58 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [   5M   1% 233k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 549M 1.3M/s ] 41G   blocks: [  12k  65%    2/s ]
    cpus: 15.6 gc:  4% mem: 91G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 78G hppc:   1G
    read( 2%) -> (101/116) -> process(87% 90% 90% 92% 94% 92% 85% 91% 88% 93% 94% 88% 92% 93% 91%) -> (13k/66k) -> write(74%)
0:31:08 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [   7M   1% 197k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 563M 1.3M/s ] 43G   blocks: [  12k  65%    2/s ]
    cpus: 15.6 gc:  5% mem: 83G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 78G hppc:   1G
    read( 2%) -> (101/116) -> process(90% 92% 90% 91% 92% 92% 90% 92% 93% 93% 93% 93% 93% 90% 93%) -> (27k/66k) -> write(76%)
0:31:18 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [   9M   1% 201k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 576M 1.3M/s ] 44G   blocks: [  12k  65%    2/s ]
    cpus: 15.6 gc:  6% mem: 80G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 79G hppc:   1G
    read( 2%) -> (101/116) -> process(89% 93% 92% 87% 89% 90% 90% 90% 90% 93% 88% 92% 92% 93% 91%) -> (11k/66k) -> write(75%)
0:31:28 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [  11M   1% 251k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 589M 1.2M/s ] 45G   blocks: [  12k  65%    2/s ]
    cpus: 15.6 gc:  5% mem: 88G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 78G hppc: 1.1G
    read( 2%) -> (101/116) -> process(94% 87% 91% 88% 92% 90% 90% 92% 92% 91% 85% 85% 90% 92% 91%) -> (9.3k/66k) -> write(71%)
0:31:38 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [  13M   2% 179k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 600M 1.1M/s ] 46G   blocks: [  12k  66%    2/s ]
    cpus: 15.5 gc:  4% mem: 88G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 78G hppc: 1.1G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(92% 92% 90% 92% 94% 88% 93% 91% 84% 93% 91% 90% 93% 92% 94%) -> (24k/66k) -> write(65%)
0:31:48 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [  14M   2% 146k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 610M 949k/s ] 47G   blocks: [  12k  66%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.5 gc:  5% mem: 85G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 78G hppc: 1.1G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(95% 89% 94% 93% 92% 92% 95% 87% 93% 93% 95% 91% 90% 93% 95%) ->  (9k/66k) -> write(55%)
0:31:58 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [  16M   2% 171k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 619M 922k/s ] 48G   blocks: [  12k  66%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  4% mem: 86G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 78G hppc: 1.2G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(93% 95% 94% 94% 89% 92% 94% 93% 92% 95% 95% 94% 89% 95% 93%) -> (7.4k/66k) -> write(52%)
0:32:08 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [  18M   2% 169k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 628M 849k/s ] 49G   blocks: [  12k  66%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.5 gc:  4% mem: 91G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 78G hppc: 1.2G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(91% 96% 94% 95% 95% 91% 95% 95% 94% 95% 95% 90% 94% 93% 95%) -> (8.8k/66k) -> write(48%)
0:32:18 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [  19M   2% 148k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 636M 870k/s ] 50G   blocks: [  12k  66%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.5 gc:  4% mem: 91G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 78G hppc: 1.2G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(95% 88% 87% 86% 92% 90% 94% 95% 92% 94% 93% 89% 95% 95% 93%) ->  (8k/66k) -> write(49%)
0:32:28 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [  21M   3% 168k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 644M 796k/s ] 50G   blocks: [  12k  66%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  6% mem: 94G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 78G hppc: 1.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(87% 93% 93% 92% 91% 92% 92% 93% 93% 93% 88% 86% 93% 93% 93%) ->  (8k/66k) -> write(46%)
0:32:38 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [  23M   3% 176k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 652M 791k/s ] 51G   blocks: [  12k  66%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  5% mem: 84G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 78G hppc: 1.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(94% 94% 94% 87% 92% 94% 89% 94% 94% 94% 92% 93% 94% 94% 93%) -> (21k/66k) -> write(45%)
0:32:48 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [  24M   3% 161k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 660M 758k/s ] 52G   blocks: [  12k  66%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.5 gc:  5% mem: 85G/107G direct: 58M postGC: 79G hppc: 1.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(88% 93% 95% 92% 86% 95% 86% 93% 95% 93% 92% 93% 91% 95% 95%) -> (7.7k/66k) -> write(44%)
0:32:58 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [  26M   3% 130k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 665M 519k/s ] 52G   blocks: [  12k  66%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  5% mem: 79G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 78G hppc: 1.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(94% 88% 92% 86% 94% 94% 94% 91% 93% 94% 91% 94% 93% 93% 92%) -> (9.9k/66k) -> write(31%)
0:33:08 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [  27M   3%  95k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 670M 461k/s ] 53G   blocks: [  12k  66%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.2 gc:  2% mem: 92G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 78G hppc: 1.6G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(95% 96% 96% 98% 97% 95% 92% 97% 93% 93% 94% 96% 96% 96% 96%) -> (9.6k/66k) -> write(28%)
0:33:18 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [  27M   3%  87k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 675M 532k/s ] 53G   blocks: [  12k  66%   <1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  3% mem: 89G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 78G hppc: 1.6G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(96% 97% 94% 96% 96% 96% 96% 95% 95% 96% 96% 96% 96% 89% 95%) -> (10k/66k) -> write(31%)
0:33:28 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [  29M   3% 136k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 681M 613k/s ] 54G   blocks: [  12k  67%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  4% mem: 81G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 78G hppc: 1.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(92% 96% 95% 96% 96% 95% 94% 93% 96% 96% 96% 94% 94% 88% 96%) -> (7.2k/66k) -> write(36%)
0:33:38 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [  31M   4% 198k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 688M 694k/s ] 54G   blocks: [  12k  67%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.5 gc:  3% mem: 88G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 79G hppc: 1.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(94% 89% 96% 94% 94% 97% 91% 89% 93% 93% 95% 92% 96% 91% 96%) -> (10k/66k) -> write(40%)
0:33:48 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [  32M   4% 160k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 695M 710k/s ] 55G   blocks: [  12k  67%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  5% mem: 93G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 78G hppc: 1.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(92% 91% 95% 94% 94% 92% 95% 87% 95% 95% 94% 95% 94% 95% 89%) -> (19k/66k) -> write(40%)
0:33:58 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [  34M   4% 169k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 702M 633k/s ] 55G   blocks: [  12k  67%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  5% mem: 84G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 79G hppc: 1.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(93% 90% 91% 94% 93% 93% 94% 95% 95% 94% 94% 92% 95% 94% 94%) -> (9.6k/66k) -> write(37%)
0:34:08 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [  36M   4% 151k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 707M 528k/s ] 56G   blocks: [  12k  67%    1/s ]
    cpus: 12.6 gc:  4% mem: 93G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 79G hppc: 1.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(95% 73% 66% 95% 74% 64% 86% 82% 80% 61% 68% 96% 66% 72% 67%) ->  (8k/66k) -> write(30%)
0:34:18 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [  37M   4% 145k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 712M 512k/s ] 56G   blocks: [  12k  67%    1/s ]
    cpus: 12.1 gc:  4% mem: 87G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 78G hppc: 1.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(96% 92% 40% 96% 95% 38% 95% 94% 79% 65% 47% 95% 49% 46% 40%) -> (8.2k/66k) -> write(29%)
0:34:28 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [  39M   5% 225k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 718M 553k/s ] 56G   blocks: [  12k  67%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15 gc:  5% mem: 82G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 78G hppc:   2G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(89% 94% 86% 93% 92% 93% 92% 92% 88% 90% 92% 93% 90% 92% 91%) -> (8.3k/66k) -> write(30%)
0:34:38 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [  41M   5% 204k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 723M 586k/s ] 57G   blocks: [  12k  67%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  5% mem: 82G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 79G hppc:   2G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(93% 95% 89% 94% 86% 94% 92% 94% 94% 94% 91% 91% 94% 94% 89%) -> (8.1k/66k) -> write(33%)
0:34:48 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [  44M   5% 227k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 729M 584k/s ] 57G   blocks: [  12k  67%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  6% mem: 91G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 78G hppc:   2G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(86% 94% 93% 94% 89% 84% 94% 93% 94% 92% 86% 92% 94% 94% 94%) -> (7.7k/66k) -> write(33%)
0:34:58 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [  46M   6% 208k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 735M 583k/s ] 58G   blocks: [  12k  67%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  5% mem: 91G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 79G hppc:   2G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(95% 94% 93% 92% 90% 92% 95% 90% 95% 95% 95% 94% 94% 91% 93%) -> (12k/66k) -> write(33%)
0:35:08 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [  47M   6% 172k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 740M 534k/s ] 58G   blocks: [  12k  68%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  7% mem: 79G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 78G hppc:   2G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(93% 92% 91% 83% 90% 92% 89% 84% 93% 87% 93% 92% 92% 90% 89%) -> (7.6k/66k) -> write(30%)
0:35:18 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [  49M   6% 171k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 746M 572k/s ] 58G   blocks: [  12k  68%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  4% mem: 91G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 79G hppc:   2G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(91% 96% 96% 95% 96% 95% 92% 96% 88% 92% 96% 93% 96% 96% 95%) -> (10k/66k) -> write(33%)
0:35:28 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [  52M   6% 253k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 752M 575k/s ] 59G   blocks: [  12k  68%    2/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  4% mem: 87G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 79G hppc:   2G
    read( 2%) -> (100/116) -> process(92% 94% 90% 94% 95% 95% 95% 96% 95% 91% 88% 95% 96% 85% 93%) ->  (8k/66k) -> write(33%)
0:35:38 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [  54M   6% 185k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 758M 571k/s ] 59G   blocks: [  12k  68%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  4% mem: 94G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 79G hppc:   2G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(95% 94% 94% 87% 94% 95% 95% 89% 94% 88% 95% 91% 95% 94% 95%) -> (9.6k/66k) -> write(33%)
0:35:48 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [  55M   7% 162k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 763M 495k/s ] 60G   blocks: [  12k  68%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  3% mem: 88G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 79G hppc:   2G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(96% 94% 92% 96% 93% 95% 96% 96% 96% 93% 96% 96% 96% 89% 96%) -> (9.2k/66k) -> write(28%)
0:35:58 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [  56M   7%  95k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 767M 396k/s ] 60G   blocks: [  12k  68%   <1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  3% mem: 90G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 79G hppc:   2G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(95% 88% 94% 96% 92% 92% 94% 90% 94% 96% 96% 94% 95% 92% 95%) -> (8.9k/66k) -> write(24%)
0:36:08 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [  58M   7% 159k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 771M 481k/s ] 60G   blocks: [  12k  68%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  5% mem: 88G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 78G hppc:   2G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(94% 93% 95% 95% 93% 94% 94% 91% 95% 95% 95% 94% 89% 94% 94%) -> (9.2k/66k) -> write(28%)
0:36:18 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [  60M   7% 212k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 777M 566k/s ] 61G   blocks: [  12k  68%    2/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  5% mem: 79G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 79G hppc:   2G
    read( 2%) -> (101/116) -> process(93% 93% 95% 94% 90% 95% 92% 94% 93% 95% 95% 94% 95% 95% 91%) -> (7.8k/66k) -> write(32%)
0:36:28 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [  61M   7% 141k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 782M 487k/s ] 61G   blocks: [  12k  68%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  4% mem: 84G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 79G hppc:   2G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(93% 95% 93% 95% 92% 95% 94% 89% 93% 95% 95% 95% 89% 96% 90%) -> (9.8k/66k) -> write(28%)
0:36:38 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [  63M   8% 144k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 787M 528k/s ] 61G   blocks: [  12k  68%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  5% mem: 86G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 78G hppc:   2G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(93% 94% 94% 93% 92% 92% 89% 94% 94% 95% 92% 90% 92% 94% 92%) -> (10k/66k) -> write(30%)
0:36:48 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [  65M   8% 211k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 793M 595k/s ] 62G   blocks: [  12k  68%    2/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  4% mem: 79G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 79G hppc:   2G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(96% 94% 95% 96% 95% 87% 95% 90% 92% 94% 95% 96% 95% 96% 95%) -> (6.1k/66k) -> write(34%)
0:36:58 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [  67M   8% 182k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 799M 570k/s ] 62G   blocks: [  12k  69%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  4% mem: 88G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 79G hppc:   2G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(95% 93% 92% 91% 94% 94% 89% 93% 93% 95% 96% 95% 92% 92% 90%) -> (8.2k/66k) -> write(32%)
0:37:08 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [  69M   8% 179k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 804M 548k/s ] 63G   blocks: [  12k  69%    1/s ]
    cpus: 14.9 gc:  5% mem: 94G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 79G hppc: 2.6G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(91% 88% 91% 90% 91% 88% 90% 90% 91% 90% 92% 88% 91% 91% 94%) -> (10k/66k) -> write(31%)
0:37:18 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [  70M   8% 161k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 810M 542k/s ] 63G   blocks: [  12k  69%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  5% mem: 86G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 79G hppc: 2.6G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(94% 90% 85% 94% 91% 90% 94% 91% 94% 94% 94% 94% 94% 95% 93%) -> (9.1k/66k) -> write(31%)
0:37:28 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [  72M   9% 182k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 816M 588k/s ] 63G   blocks: [  12k  69%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  5% mem: 92G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 79G hppc: 2.6G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(91% 87% 91% 91% 91% 92% 93% 94% 94% 94% 92% 94% 94% 94% 91%) -> (9.8k/66k) -> write(33%)
0:37:38 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [  74M   9% 218k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 822M 653k/s ] 64G   blocks: [  12k  69%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  5% mem: 91G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 79G hppc: 2.6G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(92% 93% 94% 95% 88% 95% 93% 95% 93% 92% 94% 89% 92% 95% 94%) -> (9.6k/66k) -> write(36%)
0:37:48 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [  76M   9% 189k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 829M 661k/s ] 64G   blocks: [  12k  69%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.5 gc:  5% mem: 89G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 80G hppc: 2.6G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(84% 93% 93% 88% 94% 90% 87% 92% 94% 92% 90% 94% 90% 94% 94%) -> (12k/66k) -> write(37%)
0:37:58 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [  78M   9% 194k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 836M 692k/s ] 65G   blocks: [  12k  69%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  6% mem: 83G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 79G hppc: 2.6G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(92% 93% 93% 93% 91% 93% 87% 91% 91% 92% 92% 93% 93% 86% 93%) ->  (8k/66k) -> write(38%)
0:38:08 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [  80M  10% 214k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 843M 687k/s ] 65G   blocks: [  12k  69%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  4% mem: 83G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 79G hppc: 2.6G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(94% 91% 91% 94% 95% 94% 93% 87% 90% 94% 95% 95% 95% 94% 95%) -> (7.2k/66k) -> write(38%)
0:38:18 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [  82M  10% 225k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 850M 677k/s ] 66G   blocks: [  12k  69%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.5 gc:  4% mem: 94G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 79G hppc: 2.6G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(94% 90% 86% 89% 96% 85% 95% 92% 90% 94% 93% 95% 95% 94% 96%) -> (9.8k/66k) -> write(37%)
0:38:28 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [  84M  10% 202k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 856M 680k/s ] 66G   blocks: [  13k  69%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  6% mem: 80G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 80G hppc: 2.6G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(91% 94% 93% 91% 94% 94% 93% 90% 94% 93% 89% 92% 88% 93% 92%) -> (10k/66k) -> write(37%)
0:38:38 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [  86M  10% 204k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 863M 660k/s ] 67G   blocks: [  13k  70%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  6% mem: 93G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 79G hppc: 2.6G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(93% 92% 92% 90% 94% 93% 88% 92% 92% 90% 93% 88% 86% 90% 80%) ->  (8k/66k) -> write(36%)
0:38:48 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [  89M  11% 213k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 870M 711k/s ] 67G   blocks: [  13k  70%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  4% mem: 80G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 79G hppc: 2.6G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(95% 95% 93% 90% 95% 95% 93% 94% 94% 95% 93% 95% 93% 94% 89%) -> (13k/66k) -> write(39%)
0:38:58 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [  91M  11% 217k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 876M 620k/s ] 68G   blocks: [  13k  70%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  6% mem: 88G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 79G hppc: 2.6G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(91% 83% 92% 87% 94% 94% 89% 94% 89% 94% 90% 83% 89% 93% 92%) -> (21k/66k) -> write(35%)
0:39:08 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [  93M  11% 177k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 882M 599k/s ] 68G   blocks: [  13k  70%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.1 gc:  4% mem: 85G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 79G hppc: 2.6G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(95% 94% 93% 91% 94% 85% 92% 95% 89% 95% 94% 89% 95% 88% 92%) -> (10k/66k) -> write(34%)
0:39:18 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [  95M  11% 214k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 888M 577k/s ] 68G   blocks: [  13k  70%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  5% mem: 83G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 80G hppc: 2.6G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(91% 88% 92% 91% 91% 89% 95% 93% 89% 94% 90% 93% 90% 95% 93%) -> (7.7k/66k) -> write(33%)
0:39:28 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [  96M  12% 173k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 894M 588k/s ] 69G   blocks: [  13k  70%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  4% mem: 94G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 79G hppc: 2.6G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(94% 94% 94% 94% 93% 95% 95% 95% 94% 94% 84% 93% 95% 93% 95%) -> (6.2k/66k) -> write(33%)
0:39:38 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [  98M  12% 192k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 900M 581k/s ] 69G   blocks: [  13k  70%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  6% mem: 80G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 80G hppc: 2.6G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(94% 87% 94% 94% 88% 91% 93% 94% 90% 94% 93% 93% 94% 92% 94%) -> (8.6k/66k) -> write(32%)
0:39:48 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 100M  12% 190k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 906M 579k/s ] 70G   blocks: [  13k  70%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  5% mem: 94G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 80G hppc: 2.6G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(94% 91% 95% 91% 93% 93% 94% 92% 84% 94% 93% 83% 92% 89% 89%) -> (7.4k/66k) -> write(33%)
0:39:58 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 102M  12% 175k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 912M 642k/s ] 70G   blocks: [  13k  70%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  6% mem: 92G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 79G hppc: 2.6G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(93% 92% 94% 93% 93% 93% 90% 91% 92% 90% 92% 87% 92% 92% 93%) -> (9.9k/66k) -> write(36%)
0:40:08 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 104M  12% 186k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 918M 632k/s ] 71G   blocks: [  13k  70%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  4% mem: 81G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 80G hppc: 2.6G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(94% 93% 94% 92% 93% 95% 95% 95% 95% 94% 92% 93% 94% 93% 95%) -> (9.5k/66k) -> write(35%)
0:40:18 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 106M  13% 195k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 925M 616k/s ] 71G   blocks: [  13k  70%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  6% mem: 89G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 79G hppc: 2.6G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(90% 90% 93% 92% 89% 93% 88% 93% 91% 88% 93% 93% 89% 90% 87%) -> (19k/66k) -> write(34%)
0:40:28 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 108M  13% 231k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 931M 663k/s ] 71G   blocks: [  13k  70%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  6% mem: 93G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 80G hppc: 2.6G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(93% 94% 94% 92% 90% 94% 90% 92% 93% 91% 89% 90% 93% 94% 92%) -> (14k/66k) -> write(36%)
0:40:38 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 111M  13% 232k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 938M 677k/s ] 72G   blocks: [  13k  71%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  5% mem: 93G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 80G hppc: 2.6G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(94% 92% 94% 94% 90% 87% 91% 91% 88% 86% 93% 90% 92% 91% 93%) -> (7.2k/66k) -> write(37%)
0:40:48 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 113M  13% 227k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 945M 652k/s ] 72G   blocks: [  13k  71%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  6% mem: 87G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 79G hppc: 2.6G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(93% 94% 88% 94% 88% 94% 93% 94% 93% 87% 92% 94% 90% 94% 94%) ->  (9k/66k) -> write(36%)
0:40:58 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 114M  14% 166k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 951M 605k/s ] 73G   blocks: [  13k  71%    1/s ]
    cpus: 14.7 gc:  6% mem: 81G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 80G hppc: 3.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(89% 88% 84% 81% 89% 88% 85% 86% 81% 88% 94% 89% 87% 88% 89%) -> (8.6k/66k) -> write(34%)
0:41:08 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 116M  14% 193k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 957M 679k/s ] 73G   blocks: [  13k  71%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  6% mem: 83G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 80G hppc: 3.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(92% 90% 92% 86% 91% 93% 89% 92% 89% 93% 86% 93% 93% 93% 93%) -> (9.7k/66k) -> write(37%)
0:41:18 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 118M  14% 193k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 964M 688k/s ] 74G   blocks: [  13k  71%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  5% mem: 92G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 80G hppc: 3.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(95% 94% 94% 95% 87% 92% 93% 94% 91% 92% 95% 95% 93% 93% 95%) -> (8.7k/66k) -> write(38%)
0:41:28 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 121M  14% 246k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 971M 656k/s ] 74G   blocks: [  13k  71%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.5 gc:  5% mem: 81G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 81G hppc: 3.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(94% 87% 95% 90% 94% 82% 91% 91% 95% 90% 92% 95% 89% 91% 94%) -> (8.9k/66k) -> write(36%)
0:41:39 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 123M  15% 231k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 978M 713k/s ] 75G   blocks: [  13k  71%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  6% mem: 84G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 80G hppc: 3.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(93% 93% 94% 93% 93% 91% 92% 93% 90% 92% 93% 93% 94% 94% 86%) -> (9.2k/66k) -> write(39%)
0:41:49 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 125M  15% 198k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 985M 701k/s ] 75G   blocks: [  13k  71%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  6% mem: 91G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 81G hppc: 3.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(93% 85% 94% 93% 90% 93% 93% 93% 91% 88% 93% 92% 93% 92% 93%) -> (10k/66k) -> write(39%)
0:41:59 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 127M  15% 195k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 991M 635k/s ] 76G   blocks: [  13k  71%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  6% mem: 81G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 81G hppc: 3.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(92% 86% 92% 86% 93% 89% 88% 89% 87% 93% 91% 91% 91% 91% 91%) -> (10k/66k) -> write(35%)
0:42:09 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 129M  15% 197k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 998M 657k/s ] 76G   blocks: [  13k  71%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  5% mem: 83G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 80G hppc: 3.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(95% 92% 93% 89% 89% 89% 95% 95% 92% 95% 95% 95% 95% 94% 95%) -> (10k/66k) -> write(37%)
0:42:19 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 131M  16% 180k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [   1B 623k/s ] 77G   blocks: [  13k  71%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  4% mem: 88G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 81G hppc: 3.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(90% 92% 94% 94% 96% 86% 96% 95% 96% 95% 90% 95% 91% 88% 96%) -> (7.2k/66k) -> write(35%)
0:42:29 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 133M  16% 194k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [   1B 586k/s ] 77G   blocks: [  13k  72%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  6% mem: 86G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 80G hppc: 3.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(87% 93% 94% 93% 93% 92% 89% 93% 94% 86% 93% 92% 87% 94% 94%) -> (9.9k/66k) -> write(33%)
0:42:39 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 134M  16% 155k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [   1B 557k/s ] 77G   blocks: [  13k  72%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  5% mem: 90G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 80G hppc: 3.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(89% 94% 94% 92% 93% 94% 93% 88% 95% 94% 94% 94% 94% 90% 93%) -> (9.5k/66k) -> write(31%)
0:42:49 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 136M  16% 195k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [   1B 594k/s ] 78G   blocks: [  13k  72%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  5% mem: 92G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 81G hppc: 3.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(88% 92% 91% 93% 92% 91% 92% 94% 93% 92% 87% 86% 84% 93% 90%) -> (8.3k/66k) -> write(33%)
0:42:59 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 138M  17% 211k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [   1B 609k/s ] 78G   blocks: [  13k  72%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  7% mem: 93G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 80G hppc: 3.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(89% 89% 92% 92% 88% 92% 93% 87% 92% 92% 93% 89% 90% 93% 91%) -> (7.7k/66k) -> write(34%)
0:43:09 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 141M  17% 213k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [   1B 612k/s ] 79G   blocks: [  13k  72%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  5% mem: 85G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 80G hppc: 3.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(93% 94% 91% 91% 94% 94% 94% 90% 89% 94% 91% 94% 92% 87% 93%) -> (7.3k/66k) -> write(34%)
0:43:19 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 143M  17% 203k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [   1B 617k/s ] 79G   blocks: [  13k  72%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  5% mem: 92G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 81G hppc: 3.4G
    read( 1%) ->  (98/116) -> process(94% 90% 89% 95% 88% 92% 94% 93% 92% 91% 92% 94% 86% 94% 91%) -> (8.8k/66k) -> write(34%)
0:43:29 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 145M  17% 227k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [   1B 670k/s ] 80G   blocks: [  13k  72%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  6% mem: 81G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 80G hppc: 3.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(93% 89% 89% 93% 94% 94% 93% 94% 92% 93% 93% 89% 91% 94% 94%) -> (7.4k/66k) -> write(37%)
0:43:39 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 147M  18% 200k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [   1B 615k/s ] 80G   blocks: [  13k  72%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  6% mem: 87G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 81G hppc: 3.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(93% 93% 91% 94% 91% 93% 92% 93% 93% 88% 87% 90% 93% 87% 87%) -> (7.1k/66k) -> write(34%)
0:43:49 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 149M  18% 194k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [   1B 606k/s ] 80G   blocks: [  13k  72%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  5% mem: 93G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 81G hppc: 3.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(92% 92% 93% 94% 91% 91% 95% 92% 91% 92% 89% 81% 95% 91% 92%) -> (8.8k/66k) -> write(34%)
0:43:59 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 151M  18% 184k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [   1B 631k/s ] 81G   blocks: [  13k  72%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  6% mem: 80G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 80G hppc: 3.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(93% 88% 91% 93% 93% 94% 88% 88% 93% 93% 90% 94% 94% 94% 93%) -> (6.7k/66k) -> write(35%)
0:44:09 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 153M  18% 184k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [   1B 621k/s ] 81G   blocks: [  13k  72%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  5% mem: 83G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 80G hppc: 3.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(92% 92% 91% 89% 93% 94% 90% 93% 94% 95% 87% 90% 92% 92% 84%) -> (11k/66k) -> write(34%)
0:44:19 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 155M  18% 212k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [   1B 635k/s ] 82G   blocks: [  13k  73%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  7% mem: 86G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 80G hppc: 3.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(93% 92% 92% 91% 93% 93% 93% 92% 92% 92% 85% 92% 87% 93% 89%) -> (8.5k/66k) -> write(34%)
0:44:29 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 157M  19% 190k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [   1B 625k/s ] 82G   blocks: [  13k  73%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  6% mem: 82G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 81G hppc: 3.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(94% 84% 91% 93% 94% 94% 89% 92% 94% 93% 91% 92% 91% 94% 93%) -> (7.1k/66k) -> write(32%)
0:44:39 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 159M  19% 222k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [   1B 619k/s ] 82G   blocks: [  13k  73%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.5 gc:  4% mem: 89G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 80G hppc: 3.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(94% 84% 91% 95% 95% 93% 92% 94% 95% 90% 95% 90% 85% 90% 92%) -> (10k/66k) -> write(33%)
0:44:49 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 161M  19% 242k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [   1B 627k/s ] 83G   blocks: [  13k  73%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  6% mem: 91G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 80G hppc: 3.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(93% 94% 93% 92% 93% 94% 94% 94% 93% 92% 93% 93% 87% 90% 94%) -> (7.7k/66k) -> write(34%)
0:44:59 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 163M  19% 188k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.1B 627k/s ] 83G   blocks: [  13k  73%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  7% mem: 83G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 81G hppc: 3.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(92% 92% 93% 85% 93% 93% 91% 92% 89% 93% 91% 92% 90% 92% 93%) -> (6.2k/66k) -> write(34%)
0:45:09 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 165M  20% 196k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.1B 601k/s ] 84G   blocks: [  13k  73%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  6% mem: 88G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 81G hppc: 3.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(93% 90% 93% 87% 93% 90% 94% 88% 93% 89% 89% 94% 88% 92% 87%) -> (10k/66k) -> write(34%)
0:45:19 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 167M  20% 191k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.1B 603k/s ] 84G   blocks: [  13k  73%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  7% mem: 89G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 80G hppc: 3.4G
    read( 1%) ->  (99/116) -> process(90% 93% 88% 93% 91% 93% 90% 93% 90% 93% 88% 92% 93% 91% 92%) -> (9.2k/66k) -> write(34%)
0:45:29 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 169M  20% 218k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.1B 618k/s ] 85G   blocks: [  13k  73%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  6% mem: 81G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 80G hppc: 3.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(93% 92% 93% 93% 93% 94% 91% 89% 86% 90% 91% 94% 93% 94% 94%) -> (8.2k/66k) -> write(34%)
0:45:39 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 171M  20% 183k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.1B 611k/s ] 85G   blocks: [  13k  73%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  5% mem: 94G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 80G hppc: 3.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(94% 91% 94% 92% 88% 93% 88% 93% 87% 92% 93% 93% 91% 94% 84%) -> (11k/66k) -> write(34%)
0:45:49 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 173M  21% 183k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.1B 624k/s ] 85G   blocks: [  13k  73%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  7% mem: 84G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 81G hppc: 3.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(92% 91% 89% 91% 91% 82% 90% 92% 90% 92% 92% 92% 86% 93% 93%) -> (6.8k/66k) -> write(35%)
0:45:59 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 175M  21% 208k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.1B 599k/s ] 86G   blocks: [  13k  73%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  5% mem: 90G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 81G hppc: 3.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(88% 91% 90% 94% 94% 90% 88% 90% 93% 88% 88% 93% 91% 94% 92%) ->  (7k/66k) -> write(33%)
0:46:09 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 177M  21% 198k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.1B 588k/s ] 86G   blocks: [  13k  73%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  6% mem: 92G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 80G hppc: 3.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(87% 93% 91% 91% 93% 93% 90% 91% 93% 86% 91% 92% 92% 93% 93%) -> (11k/66k) -> write(33%)
0:46:19 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 179M  21% 222k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.1B 631k/s ] 87G   blocks: [  13k  74%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  5% mem: 86G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 81G hppc: 3.4G
    read( 1%) ->  (99/116) -> process(90% 88% 91% 88% 94% 93% 94% 92% 91% 91% 94% 94% 92% 94% 94%) -> (10k/66k) -> write(35%)
0:46:29 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 181M  22% 189k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.1B 613k/s ] 87G   blocks: [  13k  74%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  5% mem: 91G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 81G hppc: 3.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(90% 86% 92% 88% 93% 82% 93% 94% 88% 92% 92% 93% 92% 88% 93%) -> (9.7k/66k) -> write(34%)
0:46:39 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 183M  22% 199k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.1B 620k/s ] 87G   blocks: [  13k  74%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  7% mem: 82G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 80G hppc: 3.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(89% 93% 93% 93% 92% 90% 93% 93% 86% 91% 90% 90% 90% 91% 92%) -> (10k/66k) -> write(34%)
0:46:49 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 185M  22% 219k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.1B 618k/s ] 88G   blocks: [  13k  74%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  5% mem: 94G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 81G hppc: 3.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(95% 92% 94% 93% 93% 94% 95% 94% 95% 92% 90% 92% 91% 91% 94%) -> (6.8k/66k) -> write(34%)
0:46:59 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 187M  22% 200k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.1B 536k/s ] 88G   blocks: [  13k  74%    1/s ]
    cpus: 14.3 gc:  6% mem: 86G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 82G hppc: 4.6G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(71% 77% 86% 83% 83% 89% 83% 85% 78% 84% 84% 84% 82% 81% 83%) -> (11k/66k) -> write(29%)
0:47:09 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 189M  23% 199k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.1B 604k/s ] 89G   blocks: [  13k  74%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.2 gc:  7% mem: 86G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 82G hppc: 4.6G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(89% 90% 87% 88% 90% 88% 91% 91% 92% 89% 91% 90% 92% 87% 89%) -> (11k/66k) -> write(33%)
0:47:19 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 191M  23% 194k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.1B 624k/s ] 89G   blocks: [  13k  74%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  5% mem: 89G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 82G hppc: 4.6G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(93% 92% 91% 93% 89% 93% 93% 93% 94% 95% 88% 89% 92% 87% 92%) ->  (5k/66k) -> write(34%)
0:47:29 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 193M  23% 223k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.1B 621k/s ] 89G   blocks: [  13k  74%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  7% mem: 84G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 82G hppc: 4.6G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(92% 85% 92% 92% 90% 90% 93% 88% 87% 91% 82% 92% 91% 92% 89%) -> (10k/66k) -> write(34%)
0:47:39 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 195M  23% 186k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.2B 592k/s ] 90G   blocks: [  13k  74%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  6% mem: 88G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 82G hppc: 4.6G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(93% 87% 93% 93% 93% 91% 94% 86% 93% 92% 93% 91% 87% 91% 92%) -> (10k/66k) -> write(33%)
0:47:49 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 197M  24% 183k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.2B 535k/s ] 90G   blocks: [  13k  74%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  6% mem: 82G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 81G hppc: 4.6G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(89% 89% 91% 88% 93% 91% 92% 90% 93% 90% 88% 93% 82% 89% 93%) -> (9.4k/66k) -> write(30%)
0:47:59 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 200M  24% 237k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.2B 595k/s ] 90G   blocks: [  13k  74%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  6% mem: 84G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 82G hppc: 4.6G
    read( 1%) -> (100/116) -> process(91% 93% 88% 91% 94% 94% 94% 92% 93% 90% 93% 92% 94% 89% 92%) -> (8.2k/66k) -> write(33%)
0:48:09 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 202M  24% 203k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.2B 545k/s ] 91G   blocks: [  13k  75%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  6% mem: 84G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 82G hppc: 4.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(81% 93% 92% 90% 88% 89% 93% 86% 83% 84% 90% 89% 93% 93% 93%) -> (7.7k/66k) -> write(30%)
0:48:19 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 204M  24% 225k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.2B 556k/s ] 91G   blocks: [  13k  75%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.2 gc:  7% mem: 84G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 82G hppc: 4.7G
    read( 1%) ->  (99/116) -> process(92% 92% 93% 93% 91% 93% 89% 89% 93% 90% 92% 91% 93% 89% 89%) -> (8.3k/66k) -> write(31%)
0:48:29 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 206M  25% 197k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.2B 537k/s ] 91G   blocks: [  14k  75%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  8% mem: 82G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 82G hppc: 4.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(85% 90% 88% 89% 89% 91% 91% 83% 91% 88% 89% 90% 87% 84% 89%) -> (7.4k/66k) -> write(30%)
0:48:39 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 208M  25% 226k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.2B 549k/s ] 92G   blocks: [  14k  75%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  6% mem: 89G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 82G hppc: 4.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(93% 92% 94% 91% 94% 94% 94% 92% 92% 90% 91% 90% 91% 92% 94%) -> (12k/66k) -> write(30%)
0:48:49 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 210M  25% 194k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.2B 559k/s ] 92G   blocks: [  14k  75%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  7% mem: 91G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 82G hppc: 4.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(87% 91% 92% 86% 89% 93% 91% 91% 90% 92% 92% 83% 85% 83% 89%) -> (11k/66k) -> write(31%)
0:48:59 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 212M  25% 216k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.2B 576k/s ] 92G   blocks: [  14k  75%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  7% mem: 94G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 82G hppc: 4.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(91% 92% 92% 82% 92% 90% 90% 90% 92% 90% 92% 91% 92% 91% 87%) -> (9.3k/66k) -> write(32%)
0:49:09 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 214M  26% 219k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.2B 576k/s ] 93G   blocks: [  14k  75%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  6% mem: 85G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 82G hppc: 4.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(90% 91% 87% 93% 91% 87% 93% 91% 92% 81% 94% 92% 91% 89% 88%) -> (6.2k/66k) -> write(31%)
0:49:19 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 217M  26% 226k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.2B 577k/s ] 93G   blocks: [  14k  75%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  6% mem: 85G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 82G hppc: 4.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(93% 92% 92% 94% 91% 91% 94% 88% 93% 85% 93% 92% 91% 94% 93%) -> (10k/66k) -> write(32%)
0:49:29 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 219M  26% 199k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.2B 562k/s ] 93G   blocks: [  14k  75%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  6% mem: 89G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 82G hppc: 4.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(86% 89% 92% 94% 90% 92% 93% 94% 94% 92% 89% 92% 92% 91% 94%) -> (6.5k/66k) -> write(31%)
0:49:39 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 220M  26% 171k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.2B 560k/s ] 94G   blocks: [  14k  75%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  7% mem: 85G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 81G hppc: 4.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(91% 91% 91% 88% 92% 92% 91% 92% 91% 88% 85% 91% 82% 90% 93%) -> (11k/66k) -> write(31%)
0:49:49 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 223M  27% 250k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.2B 597k/s ] 94G   blocks: [  14k  75%    2/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  5% mem: 89G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 82G hppc: 4.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(88% 92% 94% 92% 94% 94% 90% 94% 92% 93% 94% 95% 92% 92% 94%) -> (10k/66k) -> write(33%)
0:49:59 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 225M  27% 193k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.2B 562k/s ] 94G   blocks: [  14k  76%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  6% mem: 86G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 82G hppc: 4.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(88% 93% 94% 86% 88% 94% 82% 93% 91% 89% 93% 85% 92% 90% 89%) -> (7.8k/66k) -> write(31%)
0:50:09 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 227M  27% 197k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.2B 588k/s ] 95G   blocks: [  14k  76%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.2 gc:  7% mem: 83G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 82G hppc: 4.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(91% 92% 88% 92% 90% 92% 88% 88% 91% 86% 92% 92% 91% 91% 88%) -> (8.9k/66k) -> write(32%)
0:50:19 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 229M  27% 195k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.2B 566k/s ] 95G   blocks: [  14k  76%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  6% mem: 85G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 82G hppc: 4.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(92% 93% 94% 94% 91% 90% 84% 92% 90% 87% 93% 90% 92% 93% 92%) -> (7.1k/66k) -> write(32%)
0:50:29 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 231M  28% 231k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.2B 573k/s ] 96G   blocks: [  14k  76%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  6% mem: 86G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 82G hppc: 4.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(92% 94% 92% 94% 87% 93% 90% 94% 89% 86% 92% 91% 87% 86% 91%) -> (6.8k/66k) -> write(32%)
0:50:39 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 233M  28% 228k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.3B 604k/s ] 96G   blocks: [  14k  76%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  6% mem: 83G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 82G hppc: 4.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(92% 91% 94% 94% 90% 93% 93% 93% 93% 90% 92% 92% 90% 89% 93%) ->  (8k/66k) -> write(34%)
0:50:49 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 235M  28% 179k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.3B 571k/s ] 96G   blocks: [  14k  76%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  6% mem: 89G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 82G hppc: 4.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(93% 91% 89% 93% 91% 90% 89% 83% 84% 94% 93% 84% 93% 93% 92%) -> (11k/66k) -> write(32%)
0:50:59 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 237M  28% 199k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.3B 587k/s ] 97G   blocks: [  14k  76%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  6% mem: 88G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 82G hppc: 4.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(93% 89% 90% 94% 94% 92% 94% 94% 89% 89% 88% 91% 94% 92% 90%) -> (9.4k/66k) -> write(33%)
0:51:09 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 240M  29% 238k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.3B 578k/s ] 97G   blocks: [  14k  76%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  7% mem: 84G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 82G hppc: 4.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(88% 92% 86% 92% 90% 85% 89% 89% 93% 93% 92% 89% 92% 91% 88%) ->  (8k/66k) -> write(32%)
0:51:19 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 241M  29% 188k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.3B 598k/s ] 98G   blocks: [  14k  76%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  5% mem: 87G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 82G hppc: 4.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(92% 89% 90% 94% 94% 94% 95% 94% 95% 91% 95% 95% 95% 88% 95%) -> (7.5k/66k) -> write(34%)
0:51:29 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 243M  29% 197k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.3B 572k/s ] 98G   blocks: [  14k  76%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  6% mem: 87G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 82G hppc: 4.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(86% 91% 87% 81% 87% 91% 85% 93% 90% 91% 88% 93% 92% 88% 93%) -> (9.2k/66k) -> write(32%)
0:51:39 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 246M  29% 213k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.3B 601k/s ] 98G   blocks: [  14k  76%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  7% mem: 86G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 82G hppc: 4.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(92% 92% 91% 92% 83% 91% 92% 92% 91% 91% 91% 92% 93% 88% 91%) -> (10k/66k) -> write(34%)
0:51:49 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 248M  30% 199k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.3B 596k/s ] 99G   blocks: [  14k  77%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  6% mem: 87G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 82G hppc: 4.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(93% 94% 93% 90% 90% 89% 91% 93% 88% 93% 90% 94% 92% 94% 86%) -> (7.8k/66k) -> write(33%)
0:51:59 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 249M  30% 186k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.3B 570k/s ] 99G   blocks: [  14k  77%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  7% mem: 82G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 82G hppc: 4.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(90% 92% 90% 84% 84% 91% 92% 91% 88% 88% 88% 92% 87% 91% 92%) -> (5.8k/66k) -> write(32%)
0:52:09 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 251M  30% 185k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.3B 611k/s ] 99G   blocks: [  14k  77%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  5% mem: 86G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 82G hppc: 4.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(92% 95% 93% 93% 87% 92% 94% 94% 94% 90% 91% 94% 94% 93% 95%) -> (8.6k/66k) -> write(34%)
0:52:19 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 253M  30% 218k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.3B 563k/s ] 100G  blocks: [  14k  77%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  6% mem: 81G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 81G hppc: 4.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(89% 91% 89% 87% 92% 84% 92% 91% 91% 89% 89% 92% 92% 90% 89%) -> (7.1k/66k) -> write(31%)
0:52:29 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 256M  30% 225k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.3B 592k/s ] 100G  blocks: [  14k  77%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  5% mem: 82G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 82G hppc: 4.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(94% 95% 94% 93% 93% 94% 95% 91% 94% 95% 90% 91% 94% 89% 90%) -> (8.6k/66k) -> write(33%)
0:52:39 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 258M  31% 200k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.3B 572k/s ] 101G  blocks: [  14k  77%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  6% mem: 82G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 82G hppc: 4.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(90% 93% 91% 90% 93% 93% 93% 93% 91% 88% 92% 93% 84% 79% 89%) -> (6.9k/66k) -> write(32%)
0:52:49 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 260M  31% 214k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.3B 588k/s ] 101G  blocks: [  14k  77%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  6% mem: 94G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 82G hppc: 4.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(91% 94% 93% 92% 91% 94% 94% 92% 93% 93% 92% 93% 86% 90% 89%) -> (11k/66k) -> write(33%)
0:52:59 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 262M  31% 201k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.3B 581k/s ] 101G  blocks: [  14k  77%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  5% mem: 95G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 82G hppc: 4.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(92% 90% 89% 90% 94% 92% 93% 92% 93% 86% 84% 92% 89% 89% 91%) -> (11k/66k) -> write(32%)
0:53:09 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 264M  31% 236k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.3B 591k/s ] 102G  blocks: [  14k  77%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.2 gc:  7% mem: 92G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 82G hppc: 4.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(93% 90% 91% 92% 93% 91% 93% 88% 90% 92% 93% 89% 91% 92% 86%) -> (6.3k/66k) -> write(33%)
0:53:19 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 266M  32% 181k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.3B 553k/s ] 102G  blocks: [  14k  77%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  8% mem: 82G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 82G hppc: 4.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(90% 90% 90% 89% 91% 88% 80% 82% 90% 91% 86% 86% 92% 85% 91%) ->  (8k/66k) -> write(30%)
0:53:29 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 268M  32% 236k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.4B 595k/s ] 102G  blocks: [  14k  77%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  6% mem: 85G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 82G hppc: 4.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(93% 93% 87% 92% 90% 91% 93% 93% 93% 94% 89% 93% 93% 86% 89%) -> (10k/66k) -> write(32%)
0:53:39 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 271M  32% 229k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.4B 571k/s ] 103G  blocks: [  14k  78%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.5 gc:  5% mem: 90G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 82G hppc: 4.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(90% 93% 94% 92% 92% 93% 89% 87% 94% 92% 88% 92% 92% 89% 89%) -> (7.1k/66k) -> write(31%)
0:53:49 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 273M  33% 231k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.4B 572k/s ] 103G  blocks: [  14k  78%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  7% mem: 90G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 82G hppc: 4.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(83% 93% 93% 93% 88% 90% 92% 91% 92% 91% 92% 92% 92% 93% 90%) -> (8.1k/66k) -> write(31%)
0:53:59 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 275M  33% 230k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.4B 547k/s ] 103G  blocks: [  14k  78%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  5% mem: 95G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 82G hppc: 4.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(92% 93% 89% 94% 93% 88% 88% 94% 93% 93% 86% 87% 94% 93% 91%) -> (7.7k/66k) -> write(30%)
0:54:09 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 278M  33% 241k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.4B 592k/s ] 104G  blocks: [  14k  78%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  7% mem: 84G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 82G hppc: 4.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(91% 92% 93% 88% 92% 93% 89% 90% 91% 93% 90% 90% 88% 82% 89%) -> (10k/66k) -> write(33%)
0:54:19 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 280M  33% 229k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.4B 602k/s ] 104G  blocks: [  14k  78%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  6% mem: 94G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 82G hppc: 4.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(87% 87% 87% 93% 93% 94% 87% 88% 88% 93% 91% 93% 93% 87% 94%) -> (8.5k/66k) -> write(33%)
0:54:29 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 282M  34% 222k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.4B 597k/s ] 104G  blocks: [  14k  78%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  7% mem: 95G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 82G hppc: 4.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(89% 90% 90% 86% 91% 92% 92% 92% 92% 91% 90% 89% 83% 89% 89%) -> (9.5k/66k) -> write(33%)
0:54:40 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 284M  34% 214k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.4B 613k/s ] 105G  blocks: [  14k  78%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  6% mem: 87G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 82G hppc: 4.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(86% 90% 91% 94% 94% 90% 93% 94% 94% 91% 92% 93% 93% 91% 93%) -> (8.4k/66k) -> write(34%)
0:54:50 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 287M  34% 211k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.4B 569k/s ] 105G  blocks: [  14k  78%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  7% mem: 82G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 82G hppc: 4.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(90% 91% 91% 92% 91% 87% 89% 86% 86% 90% 88% 92% 86% 91% 84%) ->  (7k/66k) -> write(31%)
0:55:00 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 289M  34% 210k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.4B 610k/s ] 106G  blocks: [  14k  78%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  6% mem: 87G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 82G hppc: 4.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(92% 93% 94% 94% 86% 94% 91% 94% 94% 92% 94% 94% 94% 92% 86%) -> (10k/66k) -> write(33%)
0:55:10 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 291M  35% 231k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.4B 601k/s ] 106G  blocks: [  14k  78%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  5% mem: 86G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 82G hppc: 4.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(93% 92% 86% 91% 90% 92% 91% 88% 94% 89% 94% 94% 91% 89% 83%) -> (6.3k/66k) -> write(33%)
0:55:20 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 293M  35% 194k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.4B 538k/s ] 106G  blocks: [  14k  78%    1/s ]
    cpus: 13.7 gc:  6% mem: 87G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 83G hppc: 6.5G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(82% 82% 78% 79% 82% 81% 77% 81% 82% 81% 82% 81% 80% 80% 94%) -> (8.9k/66k) -> write(30%)
0:55:30 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 295M  35% 215k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.4B 589k/s ] 107G  blocks: [  14k  78%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  7% mem: 85G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 83G hppc: 6.5G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(90% 92% 88% 91% 92% 91% 86% 82% 89% 93% 91% 93% 93% 84% 90%) -> (7.3k/66k) -> write(34%)
0:55:40 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 297M  35% 204k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.4B 598k/s ] 107G  blocks: [  14k  79%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  6% mem: 87G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 84G hppc: 6.5G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(92% 90% 92% 89% 93% 93% 82% 90% 90% 92% 93% 92% 93% 83% 92%) -> (6.7k/66k) -> write(34%)
0:55:50 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 299M  36% 215k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.4B 584k/s ] 107G  blocks: [  14k  79%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  6% mem: 84G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 83G hppc: 6.5G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(91% 88% 91% 93% 90% 93% 85% 88% 93% 92% 93% 91% 93% 90% 88%) -> (10k/66k) -> write(32%)
0:56:00 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 301M  36% 210k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.4B 558k/s ] 108G  blocks: [  14k  79%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  6% mem: 84G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 84G hppc: 6.5G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(92% 89% 84% 90% 85% 87% 91% 93% 93% 92% 88% 93% 91% 88% 89%) -> (9.5k/66k) -> write(31%)
0:56:10 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 304M  36% 222k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.4B 583k/s ] 108G  blocks: [  14k  79%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  5% mem: 92G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 84G hppc: 6.5G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(94% 93% 90% 93% 91% 94% 91% 93% 92% 94% 85% 92% 94% 93% 94%) -> (10k/66k) -> write(33%)
0:56:20 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 306M  36% 187k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.5B 551k/s ] 108G  blocks: [  14k  79%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  7% mem: 87G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 83G hppc: 6.5G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(89% 89% 87% 90% 89% 84% 92% 87% 87% 85% 83% 89% 91% 84% 92%) -> (7.8k/66k) -> write(30%)
0:56:30 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 308M  37% 235k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.5B 561k/s ] 109G  blocks: [  14k  79%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  6% mem: 89G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 84G hppc: 6.5G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(89% 93% 88% 93% 90% 92% 88% 93% 93% 91% 94% 92% 90% 93% 92%) -> (7.7k/66k) -> write(31%)
0:56:40 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 310M  37% 212k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.5B 567k/s ] 109G  blocks: [  14k  79%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  7% mem: 85G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 84G hppc: 6.5G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(86% 89% 91% 83% 91% 91% 92% 82% 90% 89% 90% 84% 90% 91% 92%) -> (9.7k/66k) -> write(31%)
0:56:50 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 312M  37% 213k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.5B 579k/s ] 110G  blocks: [  14k  79%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  6% mem: 86G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 83G hppc: 6.5G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(90% 89% 89% 91% 93% 90% 92% 91% 93% 88% 91% 88% 87% 85% 90%) -> (7.8k/66k) -> write(32%)
0:57:00 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 315M  37% 237k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.5B 608k/s ] 110G  blocks: [  14k  79%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  7% mem: 96G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 83G hppc: 6.5G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(92% 89% 92% 89% 89% 86% 88% 88% 92% 93% 91% 93% 92% 92% 92%) -> (8.4k/66k) -> write(33%)
0:57:10 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 317M  38% 231k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.5B 561k/s ] 110G  blocks: [  14k  79%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  8% mem: 85G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 84G hppc: 6.5G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(85% 90% 88% 91% 85% 86% 91% 88% 91% 92% 90% 83% 89% 86% 87%) -> (11k/66k) -> write(31%)
0:57:20 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 319M  38% 197k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.5B 603k/s ] 111G  blocks: [  14k  79%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  7% mem: 84G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 84G hppc: 6.5G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(91% 93% 91% 91% 90% 93% 90% 92% 92% 84% 92% 93% 92% 91% 92%) ->  (9k/66k) -> write(33%)
0:57:30 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 321M  38% 216k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.5B 567k/s ] 111G  blocks: [  14k  80%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  7% mem: 94G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 84G hppc: 6.5G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(89% 92% 87% 91% 85% 90% 82% 91% 88% 83% 85% 90% 89% 90% 91%) -> (9.4k/66k) -> write(31%)
0:57:40 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 323M  38% 185k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.5B 534k/s ] 111G  blocks: [  14k  80%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  6% mem: 86G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 84G hppc: 6.5G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(93% 93% 91% 92% 90% 89% 89% 90% 90% 90% 94% 92% 92% 87% 91%) -> (8.8k/66k) -> write(30%)
0:57:50 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 326M  39% 274k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.5B 573k/s ] 112G  blocks: [  14k  80%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.2 gc:  7% mem: 89G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 83G hppc: 6.5G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(90% 90% 92% 92% 87% 86% 93% 92% 89% 90% 92% 91% 89% 92% 87%) -> (11k/66k) -> write(31%)
0:58:00 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 328M  39% 208k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.5B 560k/s ] 112G  blocks: [  14k  80%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  7% mem: 86G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 84G hppc: 6.5G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(90% 91% 90% 93% 89% 85% 92% 92% 86% 86% 80% 85% 90% 84% 93%) -> (8.1k/66k) -> write(31%)
0:58:10 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 330M  39% 253k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.5B 619k/s ] 112G  blocks: [  14k  80%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  6% mem: 92G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 84G hppc: 6.5G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(94% 90% 93% 94% 92% 93% 93% 92% 94% 90% 82% 94% 94% 91% 86%) -> (6.8k/66k) -> write(33%)
0:58:20 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 333M  40% 236k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.5B 606k/s ] 113G  blocks: [  14k  80%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  7% mem: 91G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 84G hppc: 6.5G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(90% 89% 80% 87% 88% 91% 88% 92% 92% 87% 85% 91% 90% 92% 87%) -> (7.9k/66k) -> write(33%)
0:58:30 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 335M  40% 216k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.5B 590k/s ] 113G  blocks: [  15k  80%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  7% mem: 93G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 84G hppc: 6.5G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(90% 90% 90% 89% 81% 88% 88% 91% 88% 89% 92% 91% 89% 84% 88%) -> (11k/66k) -> write(32%)
0:58:40 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 337M  40% 230k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.5B 593k/s ] 113G  blocks: [  15k  80%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  7% mem: 95G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 84G hppc: 6.5G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(91% 93% 93% 87% 93% 88% 90% 93% 93% 93% 92% 89% 93% 88% 87%) -> (10k/66k) -> write(32%)
0:58:50 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 339M  40% 226k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.5B 551k/s ] 114G  blocks: [  15k  80%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  8% mem: 91G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 83G hppc: 6.5G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(89% 86% 91% 91% 90% 86% 90% 88% 84% 86% 85% 89% 92% 90% 80%) -> (7.1k/66k) -> write(30%)
0:59:00 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 341M  41% 205k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.5B 535k/s ] 114G  blocks: [  15k  80%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  6% mem: 92G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 84G hppc: 6.5G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(93% 87% 87% 91% 93% 92% 90% 87% 88% 92% 87% 90% 91% 92% 90%) -> (6.2k/66k) -> write(30%)
0:59:10 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 344M  41% 242k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.6B 632k/s ] 114G  blocks: [  15k  80%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  7% mem: 91G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 84G hppc: 6.5G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(92% 90% 87% 93% 84% 92% 87% 86% 92% 92% 86% 92% 92% 86% 92%) -> (10k/66k) -> write(34%)
0:59:20 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 346M  41% 195k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.6B 560k/s ] 115G  blocks: [  15k  81%    1/s ]
    cpus: 14.4 gc:  7% mem: 86G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 84G hppc: 6.5G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(83% 82% 82% 84% 84% 85% 85% 83% 85% 83% 76% 84% 80% 82% 84%) -> (11k/66k) -> write(31%)
0:59:30 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 348M  41% 206k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.6B 581k/s ] 115G  blocks: [  15k  81%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  6% mem: 95G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 83G hppc: 6.5G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(94% 91% 91% 94% 88% 91% 94% 90% 93% 93% 94% 91% 93% 94% 93%) -> (11k/66k) -> write(32%)
0:59:40 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 350M  42% 195k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.6B 545k/s ] 115G  blocks: [  15k  81%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  9% mem: 88G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 83G hppc: 6.5G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(88% 89% 86% 83% 86% 89% 85% 87% 88% 91% 88% 91% 88% 86% 83%) -> (9.9k/66k) -> write(30%)
0:59:50 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 352M  42% 219k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.6B 589k/s ] 116G  blocks: [  15k  81%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  5% mem: 92G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 83G hppc: 6.5G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(93% 87% 90% 90% 88% 92% 93% 94% 94% 93% 91% 93% 89% 85% 93%) -> (6.8k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:00:00 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 354M  42% 233k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.6B 588k/s ] 116G  blocks: [  15k  81%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  7% mem: 90G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 83G hppc: 6.5G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(90% 85% 91% 92% 89% 93% 88% 92% 90% 90% 91% 92% 91% 90% 92%) -> (11k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:00:10 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 357M  43% 278k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.6B 553k/s ] 116G  blocks: [  15k  81%    2/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  6% mem: 92G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 84G hppc: 6.5G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(88% 87% 86% 90% 94% 88% 93% 93% 92% 86% 93% 90% 90% 84% 93%) -> (8.6k/66k) -> write(30%)
1:00:20 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 359M  43% 196k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.6B 554k/s ] 117G  blocks: [  15k  81%    1/s ]
    cpus: 14.4 gc:  6% mem: 88G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 83G hppc: 6.5G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(82% 87% 86% 88% 87% 84% 87% 88% 87% 84% 79% 87% 83% 88% 87%) -> (8.4k/66k) -> write(30%)
1:00:30 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 361M  43% 237k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.6B 554k/s ] 117G  blocks: [  15k  81%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  7% mem: 83G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 83G hppc: 6.5G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(88% 87% 88% 91% 91% 87% 91% 91% 83% 88% 88% 82% 83% 92% 88%) -> (6.4k/66k) -> write(31%)
1:00:40 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 364M  43% 232k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.6B 586k/s ] 117G  blocks: [  15k  81%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  6% mem: 88G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 83G hppc: 6.5G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(94% 93% 90% 91% 94% 88% 91% 93% 90% 94% 90% 94% 88% 92% 91%) -> (9.2k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:00:50 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 366M  44% 219k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.6B 576k/s ] 118G  blocks: [  15k  81%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  8% mem: 85G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 83G hppc: 6.5G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(85% 89% 89% 91% 91% 92% 83% 92% 83% 87% 89% 88% 88% 88% 90%) -> (10k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:01:00 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 368M  44% 212k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.6B 578k/s ] 118G  blocks: [  15k  81%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  6% mem: 86G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 84G hppc: 6.5G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(93% 90% 90% 91% 91% 92% 89% 91% 87% 89% 89% 91% 83% 86% 92%) -> (6.1k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:01:10 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 370M  44% 213k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.6B 578k/s ] 118G  blocks: [  15k  82%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  7% mem: 85G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 84G hppc: 6.5G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(93% 88% 91% 86% 91% 92% 93% 83% 92% 93% 92% 92% 90% 89% 92%) ->  (8k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:01:20 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 372M  44% 217k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.6B 541k/s ] 119G  blocks: [  15k  82%    1/s ]
    cpus: 14.7 gc:  6% mem: 88G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 83G hppc: 6.5G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(88% 84% 85% 83% 87% 87% 88% 82% 87% 85% 86% 84% 84% 86% 85%) -> (8.3k/66k) -> write(30%)
1:01:30 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 375M  45% 217k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.6B 529k/s ] 119G  blocks: [  15k  82%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  7% mem: 88G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 84G hppc: 6.5G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(93% 92% 93% 92% 83% 92% 89% 92% 90% 91% 91% 90% 87% 92% 88%) -> (6.8k/66k) -> write(29%)
1:01:40 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 376M  45% 172k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.6B 558k/s ] 119G  blocks: [  15k  82%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  7% mem: 87G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 83G hppc: 6.5G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(89% 87% 91% 91% 90% 89% 83% 87% 92% 90% 89% 88% 92% 88% 90%) -> (10k/66k) -> write(31%)
1:01:50 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 379M  45% 233k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.6B 585k/s ] 120G  blocks: [  15k  82%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.2 gc:  6% mem: 88G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 83G hppc: 6.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(83% 87% 90% 89% 90% 84% 90% 86% 92% 90% 85% 86% 90% 87% 90%) -> (10k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:02:00 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 381M  45% 250k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.6B 598k/s ] 120G  blocks: [  15k  82%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  6% mem: 92G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 84G hppc: 6.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(91% 88% 87% 93% 91% 91% 88% 92% 93% 93% 91% 90% 93% 94% 91%) -> (7.1k/66k) -> write(33%)
1:02:10 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 383M  46% 219k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.7B 579k/s ] 120G  blocks: [  15k  82%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  7% mem: 89G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 83G hppc: 6.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(85% 92% 88% 86% 88% 88% 91% 89% 92% 90% 88% 89% 90% 91% 90%) -> (9.8k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:02:20 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 385M  46% 207k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.7B 543k/s ] 121G  blocks: [  15k  82%    1/s ]
    cpus: 14.9 gc:  7% mem: 85G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 83G hppc: 6.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(86% 88% 82% 84% 84% 84% 88% 83% 88% 86% 81% 85% 85% 87% 86%) -> (10k/66k) -> write(30%)
1:02:30 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 388M  46% 220k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.7B 577k/s ] 121G  blocks: [  15k  82%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  6% mem: 91G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 84G hppc: 6.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(92% 91% 83% 92% 92% 89% 92% 89% 93% 93% 93% 89% 91% 89% 93%) -> (7.3k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:02:40 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 390M  46% 245k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.7B 576k/s ] 121G  blocks: [  15k  82%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  6% mem: 92G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 83G hppc: 6.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(92% 91% 91% 87% 85% 92% 92% 88% 93% 93% 92% 90% 84% 91% 92%) -> (8.2k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:02:50 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 392M  47% 234k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.7B 553k/s ] 122G  blocks: [  15k  82%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  7% mem: 84G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 84G hppc: 6.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(92% 90% 90% 85% 86% 87% 88% 90% 88% 90% 89% 92% 92% 87% 86%) ->  (9k/66k) -> write(30%)
1:03:00 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 395M  47% 253k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.7B 575k/s ] 122G  blocks: [  15k  82%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  7% mem: 85G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 84G hppc: 6.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(90% 89% 92% 88% 89% 90% 91% 90% 92% 90% 89% 90% 92% 89% 89%) -> (7.9k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:03:10 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 397M  47% 236k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.7B 568k/s ] 122G  blocks: [  15k  83%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  7% mem: 84G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 84G hppc: 6.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(92% 91% 86% 92% 81% 89% 91% 89% 91% 89% 92% 86% 84% 89% 91%) -> (15k/66k) -> write(31%)
1:03:20 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 400M  48% 213k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.7B 580k/s ] 123G  blocks: [  15k  83%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  6% mem: 90G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 84G hppc: 6.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(94% 93% 93% 90% 91% 90% 90% 89% 87% 89% 92% 90% 88% 83% 92%) -> (6.7k/66k) -> write(31%)
1:03:30 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 402M  48% 219k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.7B 596k/s ] 123G  blocks: [  15k  83%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  7% mem: 95G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 84G hppc: 6.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(92% 85% 90% 88% 91% 88% 90% 91% 89% 91% 92% 90% 88% 88% 90%) -> (7.2k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:03:40 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 404M  48% 223k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.7B 575k/s ] 123G  blocks: [  15k  83%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  7% mem: 83G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 83G hppc: 6.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(84% 90% 89% 91% 90% 89% 92% 91% 81% 87% 92% 86% 86% 87% 88%) -> (8.2k/66k) -> write(31%)
Mar 09, 2022 12:34:55 PM org.geotools.referencing.factory.DeferredAuthorityFactory disposeBackingStore
INFO: Disposing class org.geotools.referencing.factory.epsg.hsql.ThreadedHsqlEpsgFactory backing store
1:03:45 INF - Database closed
1:03:50 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 407M  48% 259k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.7B 587k/s ] 124G  blocks: [  15k  83%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  6% mem: 91G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 84G hppc: 6.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(90% 88% 93% 92% 91% 92% 91% 90% 91% 88% 90% 89% 90% 90% 89%) -> (7.7k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:04:00 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 409M  49% 216k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.7B 594k/s ] 124G  blocks: [  15k  83%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  7% mem: 93G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 83G hppc: 6.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(91% 92% 90% 89% 88% 92% 91% 84% 90% 89% 89% 82% 91% 92% 88%) -> (6.3k/66k) -> write(33%)
1:04:10 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 411M  49% 235k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.7B 577k/s ] 124G  blocks: [  15k  83%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  7% mem: 88G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 84G hppc: 6.7G
    read( 1%) -> (100/116) -> process(90% 84% 91% 90% 89% 91% 90% 87% 84% 91% 84% 85% 89% 84% 90%) -> (9.6k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:04:20 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 414M  49% 278k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.7B 577k/s ] 125G  blocks: [  15k  83%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15 gc:  8% mem: 90G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 84G hppc: 6.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(86% 82% 84% 90% 90% 83% 90% 90% 88% 88% 89% 86% 88% 90% 90%) -> (7.5k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:04:30 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 416M  50% 235k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.7B 573k/s ] 125G  blocks: [  15k  83%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  7% mem: 94G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 83G hppc: 6.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(92% 87% 91% 86% 88% 92% 84% 86% 91% 87% 88% 91% 91% 89% 90%) -> (9.5k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:04:41 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 418M  50% 217k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.7B 551k/s ] 125G  blocks: [  15k  83%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  7% mem: 83G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 83G hppc: 6.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(89% 85% 87% 90% 90% 88% 90% 81% 91% 88% 90% 91% 88% 90% 84%) -> (8.5k/66k) -> write(30%)
1:04:51 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 421M  50% 238k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.7B 576k/s ] 125G  blocks: [  15k  83%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  6% mem: 91G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 84G hppc: 6.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(90% 93% 91% 94% 92% 93% 90% 91% 92% 94% 92% 91% 91% 85% 89%) -> (8.2k/66k) -> write(31%)
1:05:01 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 424M  50% 285k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.8B 595k/s ] 126G  blocks: [  15k  84%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  7% mem: 95G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 83G hppc: 6.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(89% 89% 92% 88% 90% 90% 91% 90% 86% 92% 87% 89% 89% 86% 93%) -> (12k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:05:11 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 426M  51% 218k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.8B 581k/s ] 126G  blocks: [  15k  84%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  8% mem: 84G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 84G hppc: 6.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(87% 89% 88% 84% 86% 87% 88% 90% 82% 89% 87% 87% 90% 83% 91%) -> (7.9k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:05:21 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 428M  51% 218k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.8B 580k/s ] 126G  blocks: [  15k  84%    1/s ]
    cpus: 14.9 gc:  6% mem: 90G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 84G hppc: 6.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(91% 91% 85% 88% 91% 85% 89% 91% 87% 81% 91% 85% 88% 91% 90%) -> (4.9k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:05:31 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 430M  51% 232k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.8B 605k/s ] 127G  blocks: [  15k  84%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  8% mem: 84G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 84G hppc: 6.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(84% 88% 85% 87% 86% 92% 89% 90% 92% 90% 89% 92% 89% 89% 90%) ->  (9k/66k) -> write(33%)
1:05:41 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 433M  52% 236k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.8B 598k/s ] 127G  blocks: [  15k  84%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  6% mem: 84G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 83G hppc: 6.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(88% 88% 89% 90% 93% 77% 91% 90% 91% 87% 87% 91% 92% 92% 85%) -> (10k/66k) -> write(33%)
1:05:51 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 435M  52% 217k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.8B 617k/s ] 127G  blocks: [  15k  84%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  5% mem: 91G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 84G hppc: 6.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(88% 93% 89% 91% 94% 88% 94% 93% 94% 86% 92% 94% 91% 93% 94%) -> (7.4k/66k) -> write(34%)
1:06:01 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 437M  52% 225k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.8B 612k/s ] 128G  blocks: [  15k  84%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  6% mem: 90G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 83G hppc: 6.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(93% 90% 93% 87% 92% 91% 91% 93% 90% 93% 91% 93% 91% 88% 93%) -> (10k/66k) -> write(34%)
1:06:11 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 440M  52% 288k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.8B 578k/s ] 128G  blocks: [  15k  84%    2/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  6% mem: 85G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 83G hppc: 6.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(90% 88% 87% 91% 90% 90% 85% 92% 85% 92% 91% 90% 88% 84% 93%) -> (11k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:06:21 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 443M  53% 248k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.8B 590k/s ] 128G  blocks: [  15k  84%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15 gc:  7% mem: 86G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 84G hppc: 6.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(90% 90% 89% 88% 86% 90% 89% 89% 87% 90% 90% 87% 90% 91% 89%) -> (7.2k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:06:31 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 445M  53% 219k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.8B 593k/s ] 129G  blocks: [  15k  84%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  6% mem: 84G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 83G hppc: 6.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(92% 87% 91% 85% 87% 88% 84% 89% 86% 87% 89% 89% 93% 86% 88%) -> (7.8k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:06:41 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 447M  53% 251k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.8B 585k/s ] 129G  blocks: [  15k  84%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  6% mem: 88G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 84G hppc: 6.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(92% 92% 92% 80% 92% 90% 90% 89% 92% 83% 91% 91% 93% 85% 90%) -> (8.1k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:06:51 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 449M  54% 210k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.8B 611k/s ] 130G  blocks: [  15k  85%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  6% mem: 91G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 84G hppc: 6.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(91% 90% 92% 91% 91% 92% 90% 93% 89% 92% 94% 93% 92% 90% 90%) -> (9.8k/66k) -> write(33%)
1:07:01 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 452M  54% 208k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.8B 586k/s ] 130G  blocks: [  15k  85%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  7% mem: 88G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 84G hppc: 6.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(89% 92% 88% 85% 88% 89% 91% 90% 90% 92% 84% 89% 88% 87% 82%) -> (10k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:07:11 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 454M  54% 236k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.8B 622k/s ] 130G  blocks: [  15k  85%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  5% mem: 94G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 84G hppc: 6.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(89% 89% 90% 88% 90% 92% 90% 93% 94% 91% 94% 93% 93% 89% 94%) -> (9.8k/66k) -> write(34%)
1:07:21 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 457M  54% 268k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.8B 597k/s ] 131G  blocks: [  15k  85%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.1 gc:  7% mem: 94G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 84G hppc: 6.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(89% 85% 90% 87% 84% 85% 86% 90% 91% 88% 91% 86% 90% 87% 90%) -> (10k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:07:31 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 459M  55% 262k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.8B 601k/s ] 131G  blocks: [  15k  85%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  7% mem: 88G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 84G hppc: 6.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(90% 88% 83% 84% 90% 91% 89% 82% 89% 84% 81% 83% 90% 91% 84%) -> (10k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:07:41 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 462M  55% 228k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.8B 618k/s ] 131G  blocks: [  15k  85%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  6% mem: 92G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 84G hppc: 6.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(85% 93% 93% 94% 91% 95% 88% 92% 90% 88% 90% 94% 94% 94% 91%) -> (6.5k/66k) -> write(33%)
1:07:51 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 464M  55% 280k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.9B 618k/s ] 132G  blocks: [  15k  85%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  6% mem: 88G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 84G hppc: 6.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(91% 86% 93% 94% 93% 92% 86% 91% 92% 89% 89% 92% 92% 92% 91%) -> (7.7k/66k) -> write(33%)
1:08:01 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 467M  56% 240k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.9B 603k/s ] 132G  blocks: [  15k  85%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  6% mem: 90G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 84G hppc: 6.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(93% 88% 87% 92% 89% 91% 88% 91% 87% 87% 91% 87% 89% 86% 90%) -> (10k/66k) -> write(33%)
1:08:11 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 469M  56% 242k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.9B 605k/s ] 132G  blocks: [  15k  85%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  7% mem: 88G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 84G hppc: 6.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(89% 89% 90% 93% 93% 92% 92% 84% 89% 89% 87% 91% 92% 83% 92%) -> (6.1k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:08:21 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 472M  56% 249k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.9B 593k/s ] 133G  blocks: [  15k  85%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.2 gc:  7% mem: 92G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 84G hppc: 6.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(89% 85% 84% 92% 87% 92% 90% 85% 89% 91% 91% 84% 90% 84% 87%) -> (7.8k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:08:31 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 474M  56% 225k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.9B 591k/s ] 133G  blocks: [  16k  85%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  6% mem: 88G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 84G hppc: 6.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(92% 90% 93% 92% 92% 89% 91% 88% 91% 86% 91% 85% 92% 83% 87%) -> (9.5k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:08:41 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 476M  57% 242k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.9B 589k/s ] 133G  blocks: [  16k  85%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  6% mem: 90G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 84G hppc: 6.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(92% 92% 92% 87% 88% 88% 92% 93% 89% 86% 91% 93% 93% 93% 91%) -> (6.3k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:08:51 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 479M  57% 267k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.9B 601k/s ] 134G  blocks: [  16k  86%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  6% mem: 94G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 84G hppc: 6.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(93% 88% 94% 92% 92% 90% 91% 93% 91% 91% 90% 92% 91% 87% 90%) -> (9.9k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:09:01 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 481M  57% 230k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.9B 591k/s ] 134G  blocks: [  16k  86%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  8% mem: 89G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 83G hppc: 6.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(91% 89% 84% 84% 88% 90% 83% 88% 83% 90% 84% 89% 91% 87% 90%) -> (10k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:09:11 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 484M  58% 247k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.9B 604k/s ] 134G  blocks: [  16k  86%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  6% mem: 88G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 84G hppc: 6.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(89% 77% 90% 92% 92% 92% 88% 89% 92% 87% 84% 93% 91% 89% 87%) -> (8.5k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:09:21 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 486M  58% 243k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.9B 617k/s ] 134G  blocks: [  16k  86%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.2 gc:  7% mem: 86G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 84G hppc: 6.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(91% 82% 87% 92% 92% 91% 90% 88% 84% 91% 90% 92% 91% 88% 92%) -> (10k/66k) -> write(33%)
1:09:31 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 489M  58% 262k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.9B 597k/s ] 135G  blocks: [  16k  86%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  7% mem: 90G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 83G hppc: 6.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(82% 91% 90% 89% 93% 92% 82% 87% 91% 91% 91% 91% 90% 82% 90%) -> (9.9k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:09:41 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 491M  59% 241k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.9B 601k/s ] 135G  blocks: [  16k  86%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  6% mem: 87G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 84G hppc: 6.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(83% 84% 93% 93% 93% 83% 85% 93% 93% 92% 85% 88% 86% 89% 91%) -> (9.9k/66k) -> write(33%)
1:09:51 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 494M  59% 278k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.9B 624k/s ] 135G  blocks: [  16k  86%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  7% mem: 90G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 84G hppc: 6.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(90% 88% 83% 88% 92% 93% 90% 92% 92% 91% 92% 88% 91% 91% 86%) -> (6.5k/66k) -> write(34%)
1:10:01 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 497M  59% 247k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.9B 620k/s ] 136G  blocks: [  16k  86%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  7% mem: 84G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 84G hppc: 6.7G
    read( 1%) -> (100/116) -> process(89% 88% 90% 87% 83% 91% 91% 92% 92% 88% 91% 89% 92% 90% 85%) -> (10k/66k) -> write(33%)
1:10:11 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 499M  59% 255k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.9B 586k/s ] 136G  blocks: [  16k  86%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  8% mem: 83G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 83G hppc: 6.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(90% 88% 89% 89% 89% 90% 90% 79% 90% 90% 87% 88% 82% 91% 81%) -> (12k/66k) -> write(31%)
1:10:21 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 502M  60% 249k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.9B 612k/s ] 136G  blocks: [  16k  86%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  6% mem: 89G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 84G hppc: 6.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(89% 92% 93% 93% 92% 93% 94% 89% 90% 89% 93% 87% 93% 89% 89%) -> (8.4k/66k) -> write(33%)
1:10:31 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 504M  60% 223k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 1.9B 581k/s ] 137G  blocks: [  16k  86%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  7% mem: 91G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 84G hppc: 6.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(90% 91% 88% 88% 91% 89% 91% 89% 92% 84% 91% 91% 88% 87% 85%) -> (10k/66k) -> write(31%)
1:10:41 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 507M  60% 266k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [   2B 586k/s ] 137G  blocks: [  16k  87%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  6% mem: 86G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 84G hppc: 6.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(92% 89% 93% 85% 90% 87% 85% 92% 94% 88% 94% 90% 91% 84% 92%) -> (8.7k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:10:51 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 509M  61% 222k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [   2B 599k/s ] 137G  blocks: [  16k  87%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  7% mem: 85G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 84G hppc: 6.7G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(91% 87% 92% 92% 91% 90% 90% 88% 91% 88% 84% 91% 91% 90% 89%) -> (6.1k/66k) -> write(33%)
1:11:01 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 511M  61% 178k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [   2B 462k/s ] 138G  blocks: [  16k  87%    1/s ]
    cpus: 12.8 gc:  6% mem: 88G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 0%) -> (101/116) -> process(71% 71% 73% 90% 73% 70% 70% 73% 73% 75% 73% 73% 71% 69% 74%) -> (11k/66k) -> write(25%)
1:11:11 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 513M  61% 229k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [   2B 575k/s ] 138G  blocks: [  16k  87%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  7% mem: 87G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(90% 92% 89% 91% 91% 82% 87% 89% 92% 92% 81% 90% 86% 90% 89%) -> (8.1k/66k) -> write(31%)
1:11:21 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 515M  61% 246k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [   2B 558k/s ] 138G  blocks: [  16k  87%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  7% mem: 86G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(87% 90% 90% 92% 92% 83% 84% 90% 89% 89% 90% 90% 87% 90% 83%) -> (8.2k/66k) -> write(30%)
1:11:31 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 518M  62% 247k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [   2B 577k/s ] 139G  blocks: [  16k  87%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  7% mem: 86G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(90% 90% 87% 86% 91% 84% 90% 90% 87% 90% 83% 90% 88% 87% 86%) -> (8.4k/66k) -> write(31%)
1:11:41 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 520M  62% 231k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [   2B 591k/s ] 139G  blocks: [  16k  87%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  8% mem: 87G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(90% 83% 88% 87% 90% 90% 85% 86% 89% 92% 83% 89% 92% 87% 90%) -> (11k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:11:51 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 522M  62% 218k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [   2B 599k/s ] 139G  blocks: [  16k  87%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  7% mem: 89G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(81% 86% 87% 91% 78% 86% 91% 92% 89% 92% 91% 92% 89% 91% 91%) -> (5.5k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:12:01 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 525M  62% 238k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [   2B 597k/s ] 140G  blocks: [  16k  87%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  7% mem: 93G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (100/116) -> process(91% 89% 89% 87% 90% 91% 89% 89% 91% 85% 77% 92% 87% 85% 89%) -> (8.9k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:12:11 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 527M  63% 251k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [   2B 602k/s ] 140G  blocks: [  16k  87%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  7% mem: 91G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(89% 89% 83% 91% 87% 91% 92% 91% 87% 92% 88% 92% 88% 92% 83%) -> (9.8k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:12:21 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 530M  63% 259k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [   2B 610k/s ] 140G  blocks: [  16k  87%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  7% mem: 93G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(81% 82% 90% 91% 89% 88% 90% 92% 91% 88% 91% 92% 92% 91% 92%) -> (7.8k/66k) -> write(33%)
1:12:31 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 532M  63% 264k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [   2B 593k/s ] 140G  blocks: [  16k  88%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  7% mem: 92G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(86% 88% 91% 88% 85% 87% 90% 88% 90% 86% 83% 92% 91% 90% 88%) -> (6.9k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:12:41 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 535M  64% 210k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [   2B 551k/s ] 141G  blocks: [  16k  88%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  7% mem: 88G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(89% 93% 89% 85% 93% 88% 91% 90% 89% 85% 83% 93% 92% 89% 88%) -> (8.4k/66k) -> write(30%)
1:12:51 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 537M  64% 210k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [   2B 551k/s ] 141G  blocks: [  16k  88%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  6% mem: 94G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(93% 88% 92% 84% 92% 86% 89% 92% 92% 87% 90% 93% 87% 90% 87%) -> (11k/66k) -> write(30%)
1:13:01 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 539M  64% 234k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [   2B 554k/s ] 141G  blocks: [  16k  88%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  7% mem: 89G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(92% 85% 89% 90% 82% 91% 90% 91% 92% 91% 84% 86% 86% 89% 82%) -> (10k/66k) -> write(30%)
1:13:11 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 541M  64% 212k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [   2B 553k/s ] 142G  blocks: [  16k  88%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  7% mem: 92G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(85% 92% 89% 88% 93% 92% 92% 85% 82% 92% 82% 90% 89% 85% 85%) -> (10k/66k) -> write(31%)
1:13:21 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 543M  65% 214k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [   2B 552k/s ] 142G  blocks: [  16k  88%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  7% mem: 94G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(91% 90% 92% 83% 82% 84% 87% 90% 91% 92% 90% 89% 91% 88% 87%) -> (7.4k/66k) -> write(31%)
1:13:31 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 545M  65% 212k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.1B 562k/s ] 142G  blocks: [  16k  88%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  7% mem: 87G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(92% 85% 92% 89% 80% 85% 89% 88% 89% 89% 87% 87% 91% 91% 91%) -> (12k/66k) -> write(31%)
1:13:41 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 548M  65% 246k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.1B 565k/s ] 143G  blocks: [  16k  88%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  7% mem: 87G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(92% 89% 90% 92% 84% 89% 85% 87% 81% 85% 89% 91% 92% 93% 92%) -> (6.8k/66k) -> write(31%)
1:13:51 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 550M  66% 231k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.1B 582k/s ] 143G  blocks: [  16k  88%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  7% mem: 92G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(91% 83% 86% 86% 87% 86% 88% 92% 89% 90% 92% 92% 89% 90% 85%) -> (6.4k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:14:02 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 553M  66% 246k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.1B 591k/s ] 143G  blocks: [  16k  88%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  7% mem: 88G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(92% 89% 89% 91% 90% 88% 91% 91% 86% 88% 83% 89% 92% 90% 88%) -> (27k/66k) -> write(33%)
1:14:12 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 555M  66% 218k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.1B 620k/s ] 144G  blocks: [  16k  88%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  7% mem: 86G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(86% 91% 91% 90% 88% 90% 92% 88% 87% 86% 91% 88% 91% 92% 85%) -> (7.9k/66k) -> write(34%)
1:14:22 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 557M  66% 215k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.1B 584k/s ] 144G  blocks: [  16k  89%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  7% mem: 89G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(88% 88% 92% 92% 91% 92% 91% 84% 89% 85% 89% 81% 86% 88% 90%) -> (9.8k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:14:32 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 559M  67% 229k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.1B 580k/s ] 145G  blocks: [  16k  89%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  7% mem: 93G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(91% 82% 83% 85% 86% 92% 88% 85% 92% 91% 92% 89% 90% 91% 89%) -> (8.9k/66k) -> write(33%)
1:14:42 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 562M  67% 227k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.1B 565k/s ] 145G  blocks: [  16k  89%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  7% mem: 89G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(89% 90% 91% 91% 83% 87% 85% 84% 92% 89% 83% 90% 91% 85% 91%) -> (9.5k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:14:52 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 564M  67% 214k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.1B 572k/s ] 145G  blocks: [  16k  89%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  7% mem: 89G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(88% 90% 89% 91% 86% 87% 91% 91% 86% 92% 84% 87% 91% 86% 87%) -> (8.3k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:15:02 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 566M  67% 214k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.1B 576k/s ] 146G  blocks: [  16k  89%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  6% mem: 93G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(93% 92% 87% 90% 89% 87% 90% 94% 92% 93% 91% 85% 91% 91% 93%) -> (5.3k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:15:12 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 568M  68% 225k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.1B 580k/s ] 146G  blocks: [  16k  89%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  7% mem: 89G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(92% 91% 90% 92% 91% 91% 90% 92% 89% 92% 85% 87% 87% 92% 91%) -> (6.8k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:15:22 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 570M  68% 214k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.1B 592k/s ] 146G  blocks: [  16k  89%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  7% mem: 95G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(91% 93% 86% 86% 89% 91% 90% 86% 86% 91% 85% 87% 92% 92% 90%) -> (10k/66k) -> write(33%)
1:15:32 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 573M  68% 262k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.1B 597k/s ] 147G  blocks: [  16k  89%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  7% mem: 92G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(89% 92% 91% 91% 92% 86% 92% 90% 85% 86% 87% 87% 92% 92% 83%) -> (8.2k/66k) -> write(33%)
1:15:42 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 575M  68% 232k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.1B 580k/s ] 147G  blocks: [  16k  89%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  8% mem: 87G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(89% 92% 91% 87% 90% 91% 81% 89% 90% 88% 86% 90% 85% 87% 86%) -> (8.6k/66k) -> write(31%)
1:15:52 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 578M  69% 229k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.1B 565k/s ] 147G  blocks: [  16k  89%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  8% mem: 91G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(85% 92% 89% 91% 91% 88% 90% 85% 79% 90% 90% 88% 87% 90% 86%) ->  (8k/66k) -> write(31%)
1:16:02 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 580M  69% 202k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.1B 577k/s ] 148G  blocks: [  16k  89%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  7% mem: 87G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(89% 92% 90% 87% 88% 86% 90% 92% 80% 88% 92% 87% 88% 92% 88%) -> (10k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:16:12 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 582M  69% 246k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.1B 568k/s ] 148G  blocks: [  16k  89%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  7% mem: 90G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(89% 92% 87% 91% 89% 91% 90% 85% 84% 86% 88% 83% 92% 92% 93%) -> (10k/66k) -> write(31%)
1:16:22 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 585M  70% 251k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.2B 580k/s ] 148G  blocks: [  16k  90%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  8% mem: 89G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(91% 91% 90% 91% 87% 85% 90% 87% 88% 88% 90% 90% 88% 78% 81%) -> (7.5k/66k) -> write(31%)
1:16:32 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 587M  70% 243k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.2B 607k/s ] 149G  blocks: [  16k  90%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  8% mem: 88G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(89% 90% 87% 86% 83% 87% 92% 81% 79% 88% 91% 91% 90% 85% 91%) -> (10k/66k) -> write(33%)
1:16:42 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 589M  70% 225k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.2B 617k/s ] 149G  blocks: [  16k  90%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  6% mem: 86G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(89% 90% 89% 91% 89% 94% 93% 91% 92% 88% 85% 93% 91% 91% 92%) -> (8.4k/66k) -> write(34%)
1:16:52 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 592M  70% 239k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.2B 632k/s ] 149G  blocks: [  16k  90%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  7% mem: 94G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(90% 92% 92% 92% 88% 91% 92% 91% 82% 87% 90% 88% 83% 91% 83%) -> (6.8k/66k) -> write(34%)
1:17:02 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 594M  71% 262k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.2B 617k/s ] 150G  blocks: [  16k  90%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  8% mem: 93G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(91% 91% 90% 86% 87% 90% 87% 91% 89% 90% 88% 87% 84% 88% 92%) -> (10k/66k) -> write(33%)
1:17:12 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 597M  71% 233k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.2B 588k/s ] 150G  blocks: [  16k  90%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  8% mem: 88G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(86% 83% 88% 88% 87% 83% 89% 92% 89% 91% 88% 91% 90% 89% 83%) -> (10k/66k) -> write(33%)
1:17:22 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 599M  71% 234k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.2B 599k/s ] 150G  blocks: [  16k  90%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  7% mem: 94G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(88% 90% 93% 84% 87% 91% 84% 89% 88% 90% 89% 90% 92% 87% 87%) -> (7.9k/66k) -> write(33%)
1:17:32 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 601M  72% 245k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.2B 590k/s ] 151G  blocks: [  16k  90%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  8% mem: 90G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(86% 89% 87% 81% 90% 89% 91% 90% 78% 89% 88% 89% 90% 90% 80%) -> (12k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:17:42 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 604M  72% 234k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.2B 595k/s ] 151G  blocks: [  16k  90%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  7% mem: 95G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(92% 83% 92% 87% 80% 90% 91% 88% 91% 90% 90% 85% 90% 88% 87%) -> (11k/66k) -> write(33%)
1:17:52 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 606M  72% 224k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.2B 595k/s ] 151G  blocks: [  16k  90%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  7% mem: 91G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(85% 87% 92% 83% 88% 91% 88% 91% 85% 88% 88% 84% 92% 88% 84%) -> (8.5k/66k) -> write(33%)
1:18:02 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 609M  72% 241k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.2B 612k/s ] 152G  blocks: [  16k  91%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  8% mem: 87G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(84% 84% 84% 89% 89% 91% 91% 83% 90% 91% 83% 89% 87% 88% 86%) -> (6.9k/66k) -> write(33%)
1:18:12 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 611M  73% 242k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.2B 616k/s ] 152G  blocks: [  16k  91%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  8% mem: 86G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(91% 91% 91% 84% 85% 90% 86% 91% 87% 90% 88% 89% 88% 89% 90%) -> (9.8k/66k) -> write(34%)
1:18:22 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 614M  73% 279k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.2B 593k/s ] 153G  blocks: [  17k  91%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  8% mem: 94G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(92% 89% 87% 89% 81% 91% 92% 87% 90% 91% 87% 85% 91% 90% 92%) -> (11k/66k) -> write(33%)
1:18:32 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 616M  73% 214k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.2B 548k/s ] 153G  blocks: [  17k  91%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  8% mem: 87G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(92% 89% 82% 86% 92% 85% 90% 85% 86% 92% 86% 85% 91% 92% 90%) -> (9.9k/66k) -> write(30%)
1:18:42 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 618M  74% 201k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.2B 550k/s ] 153G  blocks: [  17k  91%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  7% mem: 89G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(85% 90% 91% 92% 86% 91% 91% 83% 88% 87% 84% 89% 92% 90% 92%) -> (12k/66k) -> write(31%)
1:18:52 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 620M  74% 234k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.2B 582k/s ] 154G  blocks: [  17k  91%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  6% mem: 89G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(92% 87% 85% 88% 83% 90% 94% 92% 86% 90% 90% 88% 91% 93% 91%) -> (10k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:19:02 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 623M  74% 249k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.2B 595k/s ] 154G  blocks: [  17k  91%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  7% mem: 94G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(92% 90% 87% 89% 84% 92% 87% 85% 86% 91% 86% 89% 84% 88% 89%) -> (12k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:19:12 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 625M  74% 214k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.3B 588k/s ] 154G  blocks: [  17k  91%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  8% mem: 87G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(91% 92% 91% 89% 87% 88% 91% 91% 91% 87% 84% 92% 84% 92% 85%) -> (9.3k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:19:22 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 628M  75% 259k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.3B 616k/s ] 155G  blocks: [  17k  91%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  7% mem: 94G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(92% 84% 90% 91% 91% 88% 84% 92% 91% 92% 90% 93% 90% 89% 85%) -> (10k/66k) -> write(34%)
1:19:32 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 630M  75% 244k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.3B 576k/s ] 155G  blocks: [  17k  91%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  8% mem: 89G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(88% 85% 83% 86% 90% 87% 90% 87% 85% 86% 89% 85% 86% 91% 90%) -> (8.7k/66k) -> write(31%)
1:19:42 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 632M  75% 220k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.3B 607k/s ] 155G  blocks: [  17k  91%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  7% mem: 87G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(89% 91% 83% 86% 91% 93% 87% 85% 91% 87% 92% 90% 88% 92% 89%) -> (12k/66k) -> write(33%)
1:19:52 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 635M  76% 234k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.3B 565k/s ] 156G  blocks: [  17k  92%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  6% mem: 92G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(85% 90% 83% 90% 92% 91% 87% 88% 87% 90% 90% 89% 92% 93% 92%) -> (8.2k/66k) -> write(31%)
1:20:02 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 636M  76% 172k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.3B 512k/s ] 156G  blocks: [  17k  92%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  6% mem: 89G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 0%) -> (101/116) -> process(93% 94% 92% 90% 93% 91% 93% 87% 92% 84% 86% 89% 90% 91% 91%) -> (7.6k/66k) -> write(29%)
1:20:12 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 639M  76% 240k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.3B 567k/s ] 156G  blocks: [  17k  92%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  7% mem: 93G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(90% 91% 91% 93% 88% 91% 86% 88% 92% 93% 88% 88% 91% 93% 89%) -> (7.6k/66k) -> write(31%)
1:20:22 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 641M  76% 266k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.3B 556k/s ] 157G  blocks: [  17k  92%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  6% mem: 88G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(91% 93% 91% 93% 89% 93% 94% 87% 91% 92% 94% 91% 84% 93% 80%) -> (8.6k/66k) -> write(31%)
1:20:32 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 644M  77% 250k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.3B 573k/s ] 157G  blocks: [  17k  92%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  6% mem: 93G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(92% 93% 91% 93% 93% 81% 89% 91% 93% 88% 89% 90% 89% 83% 89%) -> (13k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:20:42 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 646M  77% 226k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.3B 591k/s ] 157G  blocks: [  17k  92%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  7% mem: 91G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(92% 91% 92% 90% 88% 87% 86% 92% 88% 81% 91% 90% 86% 83% 90%) -> (10k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:20:52 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 648M  77% 224k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.3B 601k/s ] 158G  blocks: [  17k  92%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  7% mem: 95G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(91% 88% 84% 91% 88% 85% 90% 90% 90% 92% 89% 91% 84% 88% 85%) -> (9.1k/66k) -> write(33%)
1:21:02 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 651M  77% 253k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.3B 588k/s ] 158G  blocks: [  17k  92%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  6% mem: 87G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(88% 86% 88% 91% 90% 88% 94% 91% 93% 89% 88% 86% 91% 88% 88%) -> (7.9k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:21:12 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 653M  78% 225k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.3B 611k/s ] 158G  blocks: [  17k  92%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  5% mem: 86G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(89% 88% 90% 92% 89% 94% 92% 88% 91% 93% 94% 90% 85% 85% 94%) -> (9.4k/66k) -> write(34%)
1:21:22 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 655M  78% 224k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.3B 601k/s ] 159G  blocks: [  17k  92%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  6% mem: 91G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(92% 83% 83% 84% 93% 92% 92% 94% 89% 89% 93% 92% 87% 89% 89%) -> (6.2k/66k) -> write(33%)
1:21:32 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 658M  78% 282k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.3B 614k/s ] 159G  blocks: [  17k  92%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  7% mem: 89G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(91% 89% 86% 88% 91% 91% 92% 92% 85% 92% 92% 92% 91% 85% 91%) -> (7.8k/66k) -> write(34%)
1:21:42 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 661M  79% 266k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.3B 609k/s ] 159G  blocks: [  17k  93%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  9% mem: 86G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(86% 88% 87% 88% 89% 87% 89% 88% 87% 82% 88% 89% 90% 85% 89%) -> (4.9k/66k) -> write(33%)
1:21:52 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 663M  79% 255k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.3B 621k/s ] 160G  blocks: [  17k  93%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  7% mem: 95G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(89% 90% 90% 92% 81% 91% 87% 82% 86% 85% 87% 81% 92% 90% 92%) -> (8.7k/66k) -> write(34%)
1:22:02 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 666M  79% 237k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.4B 604k/s ] 160G  blocks: [  17k  93%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  8% mem: 90G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(86% 90% 86% 90% 85% 84% 89% 89% 87% 91% 88% 91% 84% 88% 91%) -> (10k/66k) -> write(33%)
1:22:12 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 668M  80% 241k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.4B 603k/s ] 160G  blocks: [  17k  93%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  7% mem: 87G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(84% 89% 85% 89% 86% 92% 92% 91% 88% 91% 85% 90% 92% 82% 91%) ->  (6k/66k) -> write(33%)
1:22:22 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 670M  80% 213k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.4B 597k/s ] 161G  blocks: [  17k  93%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.1 gc:  7% mem: 93G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(91% 84% 91% 88% 89% 80% 85% 90% 90% 84% 87% 88% 89% 86% 89%) -> (8.7k/66k) -> write(33%)
1:22:32 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 673M  80% 253k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.4B 586k/s ] 161G  blocks: [  17k  93%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  7% mem: 90G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(88% 91% 84% 87% 86% 91% 88% 90% 90% 87% 90% 92% 88% 91% 91%) ->  (8k/66k) -> write(33%)
1:22:42 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 675M  80% 192k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.4B 569k/s ] 161G  blocks: [  17k  93%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  6% mem: 95G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(91% 89% 87% 93% 91% 93% 89% 87% 93% 81% 85% 90% 92% 92% 87%) -> (8.3k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:22:52 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 677M  81% 257k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.4B 596k/s ] 162G  blocks: [  17k  93%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  7% mem: 92G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(89% 85% 87% 87% 87% 92% 90% 87% 91% 84% 92% 90% 91% 88% 91%) -> (7.2k/66k) -> write(33%)
1:23:02 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 680M  81% 257k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.4B 626k/s ] 162G  blocks: [  17k  93%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  7% mem: 91G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(92% 88% 90% 91% 80% 91% 91% 86% 83% 92% 92% 90% 90% 90% 90%) -> (7.9k/66k) -> write(34%)
1:23:12 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 683M  81% 300k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.4B 613k/s ] 162G  blocks: [  17k  93%    2/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  7% mem: 88G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(88% 84% 88% 91% 91% 87% 90% 91% 88% 80% 91% 87% 90% 91% 89%) -> (11k/66k) -> write(33%)
1:23:22 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 685M  82% 236k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.4B 577k/s ] 163G  blocks: [  17k  93%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  6% mem: 86G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(84% 91% 92% 86% 85% 83% 94% 93% 93% 92% 91% 84% 89% 89% 87%) -> (9.7k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:23:32 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 688M  82% 218k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.4B 599k/s ] 163G  blocks: [  17k  94%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  5% mem: 89G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(93% 92% 82% 94% 92% 90% 89% 90% 92% 91% 84% 89% 88% 93% 90%) -> (11k/66k) -> write(33%)
1:23:42 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 690M  82% 230k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.4B 617k/s ] 164G  blocks: [  17k  94%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  6% mem: 88G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(85% 92% 93% 90% 88% 90% 88% 92% 94% 91% 87% 90% 89% 93% 89%) -> (9.4k/66k) -> write(34%)
1:23:52 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 692M  82% 222k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.4B 607k/s ] 164G  blocks: [  17k  94%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  7% mem: 94G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(92% 89% 92% 84% 91% 92% 89% 85% 92% 86% 81% 93% 93% 86% 90%) -> (8.8k/66k) -> write(33%)
1:24:02 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 695M  83% 292k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.4B 604k/s ] 164G  blocks: [  17k  94%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  8% mem: 88G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(91% 92% 88% 91% 86% 86% 85% 90% 89% 88% 91% 90% 91% 89% 91%) -> (7.7k/66k) -> write(33%)
1:24:12 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 698M  83% 261k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.4B 576k/s ] 164G  blocks: [  17k  94%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  7% mem: 86G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(89% 91% 89% 91% 90% 86% 88% 87% 86% 92% 87% 85% 88% 92% 90%) -> (9.3k/66k) -> write(31%)
1:24:22 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 700M  83% 264k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.4B 563k/s ] 165G  blocks: [  17k  94%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  7% mem: 92G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(89% 87% 89% 90% 92% 91% 89% 87% 92% 82% 84% 89% 88% 83% 92%) -> (9.3k/66k) -> write(31%)
1:24:32 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 702M  84% 212k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.4B 567k/s ] 165G  blocks: [  17k  94%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  7% mem: 95G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(87% 83% 89% 82% 88% 92% 86% 92% 81% 89% 92% 90% 92% 87% 92%) -> (7.4k/66k) -> write(31%)
1:24:42 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 705M  84% 244k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.4B 580k/s ] 165G  blocks: [  17k  94%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  7% mem: 94G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(87% 93% 87% 92% 93% 89% 92% 84% 82% 86% 92% 88% 91% 93% 92%) -> (7.4k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:24:52 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 707M  84% 218k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.5B 594k/s ] 166G  blocks: [  17k  94%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  6% mem: 93G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(90% 91% 91% 88% 90% 93% 94% 88% 87% 91% 87% 91% 93% 91% 87%) -> (9.7k/66k) -> write(33%)
1:25:02 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 710M  84% 262k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.5B 601k/s ] 166G  blocks: [  17k  94%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  7% mem: 92G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(92% 91% 89% 90% 92% 90% 90% 93% 83% 87% 91% 92% 89% 90% 90%) -> (9.9k/66k) -> write(33%)
1:25:12 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 712M  85% 246k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.5B 577k/s ] 166G  blocks: [  17k  94%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  7% mem: 89G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(92% 93% 89% 91% 93% 86% 86% 89% 93% 85% 90% 84% 92% 87% 85%) -> (10k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:25:23 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 715M  85% 286k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.5B 573k/s ] 167G  blocks: [  17k  95%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  7% mem: 93G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(84% 91% 93% 92% 87% 89% 86% 90% 91% 86% 90% 89% 90% 80% 88%) -> (7.9k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:25:33 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 717M  85% 226k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.5B 575k/s ] 167G  blocks: [  17k  95%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  7% mem: 95G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 87G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(86% 92% 92% 90% 88% 90% 83% 82% 92% 90% 88% 91% 91% 90% 91%) -> (7.3k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:25:43 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 720M  86% 256k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.5B 586k/s ] 167G  blocks: [  17k  95%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  7% mem: 93G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(93% 92% 87% 88% 90% 92% 89% 83% 91% 89% 91% 92% 90% 86% 93%) -> (8.7k/66k) -> write(33%)
1:25:53 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 722M  86% 210k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.5B 589k/s ] 168G  blocks: [  17k  95%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  7% mem: 90G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(92% 93% 88% 88% 91% 91% 92% 86% 88% 85% 85% 93% 93% 85% 93%) -> (8.8k/66k) -> write(33%)
1:26:03 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 725M  86% 267k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.5B 581k/s ] 168G  blocks: [  17k  95%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  7% mem: 87G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(88% 91% 82% 86% 85% 91% 90% 80% 91% 91% 92% 90% 86% 91% 87%) -> (10k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:26:13 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 727M  87% 279k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.5B 587k/s ] 168G  blocks: [  17k  95%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  8% mem: 95G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(87% 90% 83% 91% 91% 87% 85% 85% 90% 83% 89% 91% 87% 86% 90%) -> (6.9k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:26:23 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 730M  87% 262k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.5B 593k/s ] 169G  blocks: [  17k  95%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  7% mem: 87G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 87G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(91% 80% 89% 88% 87% 90% 90% 92% 86% 90% 91% 85% 88% 90% 91%) -> (9.6k/66k) -> write(33%)
1:26:33 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 733M  87% 243k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.5B 594k/s ] 169G  blocks: [  17k  95%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  7% mem: 95G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 87G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(92% 88% 85% 88% 91% 85% 93% 84% 91% 88% 92% 89% 90% 90% 93%) -> (8.4k/66k) -> write(33%)
1:26:43 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 735M  87% 215k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.5B 600k/s ] 169G  blocks: [  17k  95%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  7% mem: 94G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(90% 90% 89% 89% 91% 90% 83% 87% 90% 92% 89% 87% 90% 86% 86%) -> (7.3k/66k) -> write(33%)
1:26:53 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 737M  88% 228k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.5B 606k/s ] 170G  blocks: [  17k  95%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  7% mem: 91G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(91% 89% 91% 86% 92% 84% 89% 89% 83% 91% 92% 89% 92% 92% 90%) -> (20k/66k) -> write(33%)
1:27:03 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 740M  88% 316k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.5B 599k/s ] 170G  blocks: [  17k  95%    2/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  6% mem: 90G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(87% 86% 86% 92% 89% 93% 89% 92% 89% 89% 90% 92% 89% 94% 93%) -> (9.9k/66k) -> write(33%)
1:27:13 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 743M  88% 287k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.5B 576k/s ] 170G  blocks: [  17k  96%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  7% mem: 87G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(85% 88% 81% 91% 85% 77% 88% 90% 91% 92% 90% 89% 90% 91% 88%) -> (10k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:27:23 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 745M  89% 230k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.5B 579k/s ] 171G  blocks: [  17k  96%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  7% mem: 94G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(92% 79% 87% 92% 82% 89% 86% 91% 88% 91% 91% 83% 89% 90% 91%) -> (11k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:27:33 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 748M  89% 218k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.5B 595k/s ] 171G  blocks: [  17k  96%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  7% mem: 87G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(90% 85% 92% 91% 83% 88% 91% 90% 89% 92% 86% 90% 88% 90% 89%) -> (7.1k/66k) -> write(33%)
1:27:43 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 750M  89% 234k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.6B 600k/s ] 171G  blocks: [  17k  96%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  6% mem: 87G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(93% 92% 93% 89% 94% 92% 94% 82% 85% 91% 87% 87% 93% 89% 85%) ->  (8k/66k) -> write(33%)
1:27:53 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 752M  90% 250k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.6B 582k/s ] 172G  blocks: [  17k  96%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  6% mem: 95G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(90% 91% 91% 87% 93% 84% 85% 93% 87% 90% 88% 92% 83% 86% 83%) -> (7.4k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:28:03 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 755M  90% 307k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.6B 593k/s ] 172G  blocks: [  18k  96%    2/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  7% mem: 93G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(88% 88% 90% 91% 86% 90% 89% 92% 82% 90% 80% 92% 90% 84% 84%) -> (7.7k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:28:13 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 758M  90% 259k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.6B 605k/s ] 172G  blocks: [  18k  96%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  8% mem: 86G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(89% 89% 85% 88% 86% 89% 92% 90% 89% 90% 84% 91% 89% 88% 89%) -> (14k/66k) -> write(33%)
1:28:23 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 760M  91% 230k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.6B 574k/s ] 173G  blocks: [  18k  96%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  7% mem: 94G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(90% 86% 86% 92% 88% 92% 90% 86% 92% 92% 88% 90% 90% 87% 83%) -> (7.7k/66k) -> write(31%)
1:28:33 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 763M  91% 228k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.6B 579k/s ] 173G  blocks: [  18k  96%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  7% mem: 92G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(86% 90% 91% 85% 91% 77% 87% 85% 86% 87% 89% 89% 89% 88% 86%) -> (7.8k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:28:43 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 765M  91% 274k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.6B 594k/s ] 173G  blocks: [  18k  96%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.5 gc:  5% mem: 94G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 85G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(89% 91% 91% 93% 90% 87% 86% 85% 92% 93% 89% 94% 94% 92% 93%) -> (10k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:28:53 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 768M  91% 272k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.6B 572k/s ] 174G  blocks: [  18k  97%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  7% mem: 92G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(92% 89% 87% 88% 81% 89% 89% 89% 89% 89% 91% 82% 91% 87% 86%) -> (10k/66k) -> write(31%)
1:29:03 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 771M  92% 258k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.6B 577k/s ] 174G  blocks: [  18k  97%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  8% mem: 90G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(92% 91% 87% 83% 83% 86% 88% 85% 89% 92% 88% 91% 86% 87% 89%) -> (9.2k/66k) -> write(31%)
1:29:13 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 773M  92% 241k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.6B 581k/s ] 174G  blocks: [  18k  97%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  6% mem: 87G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(86% 82% 93% 87% 89% 86% 94% 91% 87% 93% 93% 83% 93% 92% 92%) -> (11k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:29:23 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 775M  92% 215k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.6B 580k/s ] 175G  blocks: [  18k  97%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  6% mem: 89G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(92% 92% 93% 84% 81% 90% 93% 91% 82% 92% 92% 93% 88% 83% 84%) -> (13k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:29:33 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 777M  93% 216k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.6B 592k/s ] 175G  blocks: [  18k  97%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  7% mem: 88G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(91% 91% 93% 92% 91% 83% 89% 93% 88% 93% 90% 93% 83% 85% 92%) -> (7.3k/66k) -> write(33%)
1:29:43 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 781M  93% 326k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.6B 592k/s ] 175G  blocks: [  18k  97%    2/s ]
    cpus: 15.2 gc:  8% mem: 86G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(90% 86% 91% 87% 90% 89% 89% 91% 83% 90% 91% 91% 87% 89% 89%) -> (7.2k/66k) -> write(33%)
1:29:53 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 783M  93% 226k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.6B 585k/s ] 176G  blocks: [  18k  97%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  7% mem: 91G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(86% 86% 86% 93% 90% 90% 92% 90% 84% 89% 89% 90% 84% 86% 92%) -> (12k/66k) -> write(33%)
1:30:03 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 786M  94% 245k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.6B 563k/s ] 176G  blocks: [  18k  97%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  7% mem: 87G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(88% 93% 91% 81% 89% 83% 93% 88% 82% 90% 90% 92% 88% 90% 91%) -> (13k/66k) -> write(32%)
1:30:13 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 788M  94% 229k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.6B 566k/s ] 176G  blocks: [  18k  97%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  7% mem: 91G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(88% 91% 88% 79% 88% 91% 91% 83% 86% 91% 89% 91% 88% 92% 90%) -> (9.7k/66k) -> write(31%)
1:30:23 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 790M  94% 230k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.6B 528k/s ] 177G  blocks: [  18k  97%    1/s ]
    cpus: 14.2 gc:  6% mem: 93G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(79% 81% 83% 80% 81% 86% 79% 82% 83% 82% 86% 80% 84% 84% 85%) -> (8.5k/66k) -> write(30%)
1:30:33 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 792M  94% 229k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.7B 565k/s ] 177G  blocks: [  18k  97%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  8% mem: 89G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(86% 87% 89% 90% 88% 89% 91% 85% 92% 87% 83% 92% 90% 90% 92%) -> (8.5k/66k) -> write(31%)
1:30:43 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 795M  95% 231k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.7B 564k/s ] 177G  blocks: [  18k  98%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.3 gc:  7% mem: 89G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(91% 87% 91% 92% 89% 91% 87% 86% 87% 91% 85% 91% 90% 91% 87%) -> (8.2k/66k) -> write(31%)
1:30:53 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 797M  95% 230k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.7B 553k/s ] 177G  blocks: [  18k  98%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  7% mem: 95G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(88% 87% 91% 89% 91% 90% 92% 85% 92% 91% 84% 89% 90% 84% 90%) -> (8.6k/66k) -> write(31%)
1:31:03 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 800M  95% 246k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.7B 552k/s ] 178G  blocks: [  18k  98%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  8% mem: 92G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(85% 89% 85% 86% 91% 87% 92% 84% 88% 81% 88% 91% 81% 88% 87%) -> (9.4k/66k) -> write(30%)
1:31:13 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 802M  95% 259k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.7B 570k/s ] 178G  blocks: [  18k  98%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  8% mem: 88G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(85% 89% 82% 84% 88% 88% 92% 86% 91% 91% 88% 90% 84% 92% 92%) -> (10k/66k) -> write(31%)
1:31:23 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 804M  96% 228k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.7B 515k/s ] 178G  blocks: [  18k  98%    1/s ]
    cpus: 14.4 gc:  7% mem: 89G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(83% 84% 82% 81% 82% 82% 84% 84% 83% 83% 82% 82% 83% 84% 76%) -> (10k/66k) -> write(28%)
1:31:33 INF [osm_pass2] -  nodes: [ 7.5B 100%    0/s ] 69G   ways: [ 807M  96% 228k/s ] rels: [    0   0%    0/s ] features: [ 2.7B 559k/s ] 179G  blocks: [  18k  98%    1/s ]
    cpus: 15.4 gc:  7% mem: 92G/107G direct: 59M postGC: 86G hppc: 9.4G
    read( 1%) -> (101/116) -> process(92% 92% 91% 86% 89% 88% 93% 93% 89% 92% 89% 84% 91% 87% 90%) -> (10k/66k) -> write(31%)
Worker osm_pass2_process-7 died
Worker osm_pass2_process-10 died
Worker osm_pass2_process-9 died
Worker osm_pass2_process-5 died
Worker osm_pass2_process-4 died
Worker osm_pass2_process-1 died
Worker osm_pass2_process-12 died
Worker osm_pass2_process-3 died
Worker osm_pass2_process-8 died
Worker osm_pass2_process-2 died
Worker osm_pass2_process-13 died
Worker osm_pass2_process-11 died
Worker osm_pass2_process-14 died
Worker osm_pass2_process-6 died
Worker osm_pass2_process-15 died
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalStateException: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
        at com.onthegomap.planetiler.stats.ProgressLoggers.await(
        at com.onthegomap.planetiler.stats.ProgressLoggers.awaitAndLog(
        at com.onthegomap.planetiler.worker.WorkerPipeline.awaitAndLog(
        at com.onthegomap.planetiler.reader.osm.OsmReader.pass2(
        at com.onthegomap.planetiler.Planetiler.lambda$addOsmSource$0(
        at com.onthegomap.planetiler.Planetiler.lambda$ifSourceUsed$5(
        at com.onthegomap.planetiler.basemap.BasemapMain.main(
        at com.onthegomap.planetiler.Main.main(
Caused by: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
        at java.base/java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.reportGet(Unknown Source)
        at java.base/java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.get(Unknown Source)
        at com.onthegomap.planetiler.stats.ProgressLoggers.await(
        ... 9 more
Caused by: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
        at java.base/java.util.Arrays.copyOf(Unknown Source)
        at com.carrotsearch.hppc.LongArrayList.ensureBufferSpace(
        at com.carrotsearch.hppc.LongArrayList.add(
        at com.onthegomap.planetiler.collection.LongLongMultimap$DenseOrderedHppcMultimap.putAll(
        at com.onthegomap.planetiler.reader.osm.OsmReader.processWayPass2(
        at com.onthegomap.planetiler.reader.osm.OsmReader.lambda$pass2$6(
        at com.onthegomap.planetiler.reader.osm.OsmReader$$Lambda$888/ Source)
        at com.onthegomap.planetiler.worker.WorkerPipeline$Builder.lambda$addWorker$0(
        at com.onthegomap.planetiler.worker.WorkerPipeline$Builder$$Lambda$743/ Source)
        at com.onthegomap.planetiler.worker.Worker.lambda$new$0(
        at com.onthegomap.planetiler.worker.Worker$$Lambda$602/ Source)
        at java.base/java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$ Source)
        at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
        at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
        at java.base/ Source)
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