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Last active May 30, 2017 10:54
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Save wipxj3/6a481c1efda4c55c0bfd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
require "formula"
class Imagemagick < Formula
homepage ""
url ""
sha256 "cac5dda165ab603a2f56110daf41811233d93c6fdd84e94a8430e057041d8e68"
head "",
:using => UnsafeSubversionDownloadStrategy
bottle do
# sha1 "c395c3d14542a6c002fef70dca747f79df7a2df2" => :yosemite
# sha1 "aef09c33ac55f1b006d197aa9f14286a6af825a6" => :mavericks
# sha1 "2421db9b50fabf940c4572791e5c5f73ffd009c8" => :mountain_lion
option "with-quantum-depth-8", "Compile with a quantum depth of 8 bit"
option "with-quantum-depth-16", "Compile with a quantum depth of 16 bit"
option "with-quantum-depth-32", "Compile with a quantum depth of 32 bit"
option "with-perl", "enable build/install of PerlMagick"
option "without-magick-plus-plus", "disable build/install of Magick++"
option "with-jp2", "Compile with Jpeg2000 support"
option "enable-hdri", "Compile with HDRI support"
depends_on "libtool" => :run
depends_on "pkg-config" => :build
depends_on "jpeg" => :recommended
depends_on "libpng" => :recommended
depends_on "freetype" => :recommended
depends_on :x11 => :optional
depends_on "fontconfig" => :optional
depends_on "libtiff" => :optional
depends_on "little-cms" => :optional
depends_on "little-cms2" => :optional
depends_on "libwmf" => :optional
depends_on "librsvg" => :optional
depends_on "liblqr" => :optional
depends_on "openexr" => :optional
depends_on "ghostscript" => :optional
depends_on "webp" => :optional
depends_on "homebrew/versions/openjpeg21" if build.with? "jp2"
depends_on "xz"
def pour_bottle?
# If libtool is keg-only it currently breaks the bottle.
# This is a temporary workaround until we have a better fix.
not Formula["libtool"].keg_only?
skip_clean :la
def install
args = [ "--disable-osx-universal-binary",
args << "--disable-opencl" if build.include? "disable-opencl"
args << "--without-gslib" if build.without? "ghostscript"
args << "--without-perl" if build.without? "perl"
args << "--with-gs-font-dir=#{HOMEBREW_PREFIX}/share/ghostscript/fonts" if build.without? "ghostscript"
args << "--without-magick-plus-plus" if build.without? "magick-plus-plus"
args << "--enable-hdri=yes" if build.include? "enable-hdri"
if build.with? "quantum-depth-32"
quantum_depth = 32
elsif build.with? "quantum-depth-16"
quantum_depth = 16
elsif build.with? "quantum-depth-8"
quantum_depth = 8
if build.with? "jp2"
args << "--with-openjp2"
args << "--without-openjp2"
args << "--with-quantum-depth=#{quantum_depth}" if quantum_depth
args << "--with-rsvg" if build.with? "librsvg"
args << "--without-x" if build.without? "x11"
args << "--with-fontconfig=yes" if build.with? "fontconfig"
args << "--with-freetype=yes" if build.with? "freetype"
args << "--with-webp=yes" if build.with? "webp"
# versioned stuff in main tree is pointless for us
inreplace "configure", "${PACKAGE_NAME}-${PACKAGE_VERSION}", "${PACKAGE_NAME}"
system "./configure", *args
system "make install"
def caveats
s = <<-EOS.undent
For full Perl support you must install the Image::Magick module from the CPAN.
The version of the Perl module and ImageMagick itself need to be kept in sync.
If you upgrade one, you must upgrade the other.
For this version of ImageMagick you should install
version #{version} of the Image::Magick Perl module.
s if build.with? "perl"
test do
system "#{bin}/identify", test_fixtures("test.png")
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