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Created November 3, 2022 01:37
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x86_64 multiboot2 long mode bootstrap.
; A basic multiboot2 compatible longmode bootstrap that loads into a higher half kernel.
; It identity maps the lower 1GB of memory
; And then maps the lowest 1GB of memory to the last 2GB of memory. (higher-half)
; Then it jumps to entry64 if it successfuly enters long mode, entry32 if it loads successfully
; but is on a computer that does not support long mode, and error if it fails to load.
; This section of the code is for 32 bit execution
bits 32
section .text
; These must be global to be seen by the linker script
global mboot
global _start
; Removes kernel_offset from `a`
; This is needed because our linker script maps everything to the higher half
; of the address space, and we have not initialized paging untill rather far down our code.
%define offset 0xFFFFFFFF80000000
%define no_offset(a) a-offset
dd 0xE85250D6
; Architecture -- 0 is protected mdoe
dd 0
; Header Size
dd mboot_end - mboot
; Checksum
dd -(0xE85250D6+0+mboot_end-mboot)
; End tag
dw 0
dw 0
dd 8
; Entry point
; Initialize new stack
mov esp, no_offset(stack)
; Save the multiboot registers
mov [no_offset(mboot_ebx)], ebx
mov [no_offset(mboot_eax)], eax
; If these first two checks fail, they will jump to error
; Check that we are using multiboot
call check_multiboot
; Check that CPUID is supported
call check_cpuid
; Check that longmode is supported
call check_longmode ; Note, if long mode is not supported, this will jump to entry 32
; Initialize paging and enable long mode
call initialize_paging
; Enable paging
call enable_paging
; We are now in compatibility mode
; Load the long mode GDT
call load_gdt
; Far jump to the 64 bit entry point to enable long mode
jmp 0x08:no_offset(entry64)
; Paging
; Initializes longmode paging
; Map lower half of the PML4 (first entry, starting at 0x00)
mov eax, no_offset(paging_pdpt_low) ; Remember to use physical addresses here
or eax, 0b11 ; Set flags in the lower 12 bits as present and read/write
mov [no_offset(paging_pml4)], eax
; Map the 511th PML4 entry with the higher-half pdpt
mov eax, no_offset(paging_pdpt_high)
or eax, 0b11
mov [no_offset(paging_pml4) + 511 * 8], eax
; Map the higher half pdpt. We offset the page directory at 510 so that
; the kernel is at the desired address
mov eax, no_offset(paging_pd)
or eax, 0b11
mov [no_offset(paging_pdpt_high) + 510 * 8], eax
; Identity map the lower half pdpt
mov eax, no_offset(paging_pd)
or eax, 0b11
mov [no_offset(paging_pdpt_low)], eax
; Map the page tables
mov eax, no_offset(paging_pts) ; The physical address of all page tables to map
mov ebx, 0b11 ; Each entry should have the present and read/write flags set
mov ecx, 512 * 512 ; We are mapping 512 entries over 512 page tables
mov edx, 0 ; We want the pages to start mapping at physical address 0
call map_pts ; Map the page tables
; Map the page directory to the page tables.
mov eax, no_offset(paging_pd) ; The physical address of the page directory to map
mov ebx, 0b11 ; Each entry should have the present and read/write flags set
mov ecx, 512 ; We are mapping 512 page directory entries
mov edx, no_offset(paging_pts) ; The physical addresses of the page tables we are mapping into the page directory.
call map_pd ; Map the page directory
; Load the PML4 into the cr3 register
mov eax, no_offset(paging_pml4)
mov cr3, eax ; CR3 is a control register, and thus can only be accessed by a register-to-register mov
; Enable PAE
mov eax, cr4
or eax, 1 << 5 ; Bit 5 of CR4 is the PAE bit
mov cr4, eax
; Enable longmode
mov ecx, 0xC0000080 ; Read MSR 0xC0000080, which contains the long mode bit
or eax, 1 << 8 ; Enable the long mode bit (bit 8)
wrmsr ; Write eax to MSR 0xC0000080
; Paging is initialized and ready to be enabled
; Return
; Enables paging
mov eax, cr0 ; Load CR0 and set bit 31, which enables paging
or eax, 1 << 31
mov cr0, eax
; Maps the page tables using a custom designed linear method.
; Because we know all page tables are going to be contiguous, we can treat them as a signle list of page
; tables instead of recursively mapping over each paging structure.
; Arguments:
; EAX: The physical address of the page table structures
; EBX: The flags to apply to each page table
; ECX: The number of page tables to map
; EDX: The physical address to start mapping at
; Clear all bits of EBX that are not flags
and ebx, 0xFFF ; The flags are the first 12 bits.
; Apply the flags to the offset address. We only need to do this once,
; because we can guarentee the bottom 12 bits wont be modified.
or edx, ebx
.map1: ; The main loop which maps a single address
; Move the address into the table at address EAX
mov [eax], edx
; Go to the next page by adding the page size to offset.
add edx, 0x1000 ; This does not modify the flags.
; Go to the next page table
add eax, 8 ; Each page table is 8 bytes in size.
; Decrement and loop if ecx is larger than zero
dec ecx
jnz .map1
; Return
; Maps a page directory to an array of page tables
; Arguments:
; EAX: The physical address of the page directory
; EBX: The flags to apply to each page directory
; ECX: The number of entries to map
; EDX: The physical address of the page tables to map
; Clear all non-flag values in EBX
; So that we don't accidentally overwrite the address
; of the page tables
and ebx, 0xFFF
; Apply the flags to the physical address
; This only needs to be done once, because we can guarentee that
; the lower 12 bits will not change until we are done
or edx, ebx
.map1: ; The main loop that maps a single page directory
; Move the address and flags into the table
mov [eax], edx
; Go to the next page table entry
add edx, 0x1000 ; This does not modify the flags.
; Go to the next page directory entry
add eax, 8 ; Each entry is 8 bytes long
; Decrement and loop if ecx is larger than zero
dec ecx
jnz .map1
; Return
; Utilities
; Loads the GDT
lgdt [no_offset(gdt64_ptr)]
; Checks
; Verifies that we have been loaded by a multiboot loader.
; jumps to error if we encounter an issue
cmp eax, 0x36d76289
jne error
; Checks if CPUID is supported. Based on OSDEV wiki implementation.
; Copy FLAGS to EAX
pop eax
; Also copy to ebx so we can compare it later
mov ebx, eax
; Flip the ID bit
xor eax, 1 << 21
; Save EAX, with the ID bit flipped to FLAGS using the stack
push eax
; Get flags again
pop eax
; Restore flags to the old version
push ebx
; If eax and ebx are the same, then CPUID does not exist
xor eax, ebx
jz error
; Verifies that the CPU supports long mode. Based on OSDEV wiki implementation.
; Check if CPUID has the extended functions
mov eax, 0x80000000
cpuid ; CPUID should place the highest possible function into eax
cmp eax, 0x80000001
; So if the higest possible function is lower than the long mode bit, then there is no long mode
jb entry32
; If we got here, the CPU supports the extended functions.
; So lets check for long mdoe in CPUID EAX = 0x80000001
mov eax, 0x80000001
test edx, 1 << 29 ; Check the long mode bit (bit 29)
jz entry32 ; Jump to the 32 bit entry if long mode is non existant
; If we reached here, long mode is supported
; Post-Bootstrap
; This is where the code jumps to if we are unable to load long mode.
jmp $
; Any other startup errors should hang here
jmp $
bits 64 ; Enter 64 bits here
; This is where the code jumps to once we are loaded into long mode
; Reset the segment registers
mov ax, 0x00
mov ss, ax
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
mov fs, ax
mov gs, ax
; Reload the multiboot registers
mov eax, [mboot_eax]
mov ebx, [mboot_ebx]
; Print something to screen
mov [0xb8000], byte 'a'
; Loop forever
jmp $
; BSS Section
section .bss
; Paging structures
; Make sure this section is aligned on a page boundary
align 0x1000
; We have a single pml4 (Page Map Level 4)
resb 0x1000 ; All paging structures take up 0x1000 (4096/a single page) of bytes
; Two PDPTs (Page Directory Poitner Table). This is so we can map the physical address space to the higher half *and* identity map the lower half.
; This is so we can jump to long mode from protected mode before we can address the higher half.
resb 0x1000
resb 0x1000
; All of these following paging structures are used twice: once on the higher half and once on the lower half.
; There is also enough to address 1GB, which is much more than we need, but is a nice number that is easy to map (512 page tables)
; A single page directory
resb 0x1000
; 512 page tables (8GB of address space)
resb 0x1000 * 0x0200
; Other structures
; Multiboot saved info addresses
mboot_eax: resd 1
mboot_ebx: resd 1
; The stack
stack resb 1024 ; Reserve 1024 bytes of stack
; Data section
section .data
; GDT structures
; The pointer to the gdt
gdt_size: dw no_offset(gdt64_end) - no_offset(gdt64_start) - 1
gdt_offset: dd no_offset(gdt64_start) ; We want the physical address of the gdt
dd 0x00000000
dd 0x00000000
; The code segment
dw 0xFFFF
dw 0x0000
db 0x00
db 0b10011010
db 0b10101111
db 0x00
dw 0x0000
dw 0x0000
db 0x00
db 0b10010010
db 0b10101111
db 0x00
run: build
qemu-system-x86_64 image.iso
nasm -f elf64 bootstrap.asm -o bootstrap.o
ld -z max-page-size=0x1000 -S -o kernel.elf -Tlink.ld bootstrap.o
mv kernel.elf image/boot/kernel.elf
grub-mkrescue -o image.iso image
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