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Last active September 13, 2023 17:35
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Super basic code to scan for and connect to v5 devices using the python bleak library. Prints out all data read over the user port.
import argparse
import asyncio
from bleak import BleakScanner, BleakClient
SERVICE_UUID = "08590f7e-db05-467e-8757-72f6faeb13d5"
CHAR1_UUID = "08590f7e-db05-467e-8757-72f6faeb1306"
CHAR2_UUID = "08590f7e-db05-467e-8757-72f6faeb1316"
CHAR3_UUID = "08590f7e-db05-467e-8757-72f6faeb13e5"
def char2_callback(characteristic, data: bytearray):
async def main(args: argparse.Namespace):
print("scanning for 5 seconds, please wait...")
devices = await
return_adv=True, cb=dict(use_bdaddr=args.macos_use_bdaddr),
# Find all devices with characteristic 08590f7e-db05-467e-8757-72f6faeb13d5
# and that are from texas instruments (54:6C:0E:*:*:*)
devs = []
for k, (d, a) in devices.items():
# We want to scan for texas instruments devices:
# 54:6C:0E:*:*:*
#if not k.startswith("54:6C:0E"):
# continue
# We are also trying to identify services with UUID
# 08590f7e-db05-467e-8757-72f6faeb13d5
if SERVICE_UUID not in a.service_uuids:
# Sort by largest rssi
devs = sorted(devs, key = lambda v: v[0].rssi)
# If there are no devices, exit
if len(devs) < 1:
print("No V5 Brains Found")
# Get the first device
device = devs[0]
async with BleakClient(device[0]) as client:
# Read CHAR3. It should return 0xdeadface (big endian)
magic = await client.read_gatt_char(CHAR3_UUID)
# If not, drop the device
if int.from_bytes(magic, "big") != 0xdeadface:
print("No V5 Devices Found")
# Now, write 0xffffffff to CHAR3
await client.write_gatt_char(CHAR3_UUID, bytes([0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff]))
out = str()
while True:
# At this point, the brain will show a message with a number. The number needs to be read
# from the user as a string, and each digit converted into a byte and send as a payload of four bytes
confirm = input("Enter Code On Brain's Screen > ")
if len(confirm) != 4 or not confirm.isnumeric():
print("Code must be four numeric characters")
out = confirm
if len(confirm) != 4 or not confirm.isnumeric():
print("Internal error")
# Convert to bytes
confirm_bytes = bytes(int(c) for c in out)
# Write these bytes to CHAR3
await client.write_gatt_char(CHAR3_UUID, confirm_bytes)
# Now read from CHAR3 until we get the confirm bytes back
cresp = bytes([])
while cresp != confirm_bytes:
cresp = await client.read_gatt_char(CHAR3_UUID)
print("Confirmation Complete")
# Now CHAR3 can be communicated with using regular V5 serial commands!
# Make sure to respect MTU and everything else should work just like a serial port.
# VEXCode sets up notifications for characteristics 1 and 2
# Char2 is the user port. Char3 is the system port.
await client.start_notify(CHAR2_UUID, char2_callback)
while True:
await asyncio.sleep(1.0)
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
help="when true use Bluetooth address instead of UUID on macOS",
args = parser.parse_args()
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There are way more mac addresses the brain can have. For example, mine started with 00:81:F9. Here is a full list of addresses:

Might just be easier to check the names of each device instead. The brain has this name: VEX_V5

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Hmm, interesting. I wonder if it has anything to do with what batch they were in, because all of the brains that I tested on had the same prefix on the mac address, but they were all built at around the same time. The mac address part is not really needed, as it really checks for the Service UUID. It just speeds up discovery a little because it does not require directly requesting information from the Bluetooth device (from what I can tell). I'll remove it for now, and once I can work with a brain again will add the stuff for checking the name.

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