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Created December 27, 2022 07:53
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  • Save wirwolf/f49277951fde37c282d431e5f340c074 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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prom error
kind: Prometheus
annotations: rancher-monitoring cattle-monitoring-system
creationTimestamp: '2022-12-20T12:02:36Z'
generation: 3
app: rancher-monitoring-prometheus rancher-monitoring Helm rancher-monitoring 42.1.0
chart: kube-prometheus-stack-42.1.0
heritage: Helm
release: rancher-monitoring
- apiVersion:
fieldsType: FieldsV1
.: {} {} {}
.: {}
f:app: {} {} {} {} {}
f:chart: {}
f:heritage: {}
f:release: {}
.: {}
.: {}
f:alertmanagers: {}
f:containers: {}
f:enableAdminAPI: {}
f:evaluationInterval: {}
f:externalUrl: {}
f:hostNetwork: {}
f:image: {}
f:listenLocal: {}
f:logFormat: {}
f:logLevel: {}
f:paused: {}
f:podMonitorNamespaceSelector: {}
f:podMonitorSelector: {}
f:portName: {}
f:probeNamespaceSelector: {}
f:probeSelector: {}
f:replicas: {}
f:retention: {}
f:retentionSize: {}
f:routePrefix: {}
f:ruleNamespaceSelector: {}
f:ruleSelector: {}
f:scrapeInterval: {}
.: {}
f:fsGroup: {}
f:runAsGroup: {}
f:runAsNonRoot: {}
f:runAsUser: {}
f:serviceAccountName: {}
f:serviceMonitorNamespaceSelector: {}
f:serviceMonitorSelector: {}
f:shards: {}
f:version: {}
f:volumes: {}
f:walCompression: {}
manager: helm
operation: Update
time: '2022-12-20T12:02:36Z'
- apiVersion:
fieldsType: FieldsV1
.: {}
f:availableReplicas: {}
.: {}
.: {}
f:lastTransitionTime: {}
f:observedGeneration: {}
f:status: {}
f:type: {}
.: {}
f:lastTransitionTime: {}
f:observedGeneration: {}
f:status: {}
f:type: {}
f:paused: {}
f:replicas: {}
.: {}
.: {}
f:availableReplicas: {}
f:replicas: {}
f:shardID: {}
f:unavailableReplicas: {}
f:updatedReplicas: {}
f:unavailableReplicas: {}
f:updatedReplicas: {}
manager: PrometheusOperator
operation: Update
time: '2022-12-26T14:37:47Z'
name: rancher-monitoring-prometheus
namespace: cattle-monitoring-system
resourceVersion: '96326800'
uid: 88f491b0-fbb9-412f-b622-214c3faf6ee7
selfLink: >-
availableReplicas: 1
- lastTransitionTime: '2022-12-26T14:37:47Z'
observedGeneration: 3
status: 'True'
type: Available
- lastTransitionTime: '2022-12-20T12:02:40Z'
observedGeneration: 3
status: 'True'
type: Reconciled
paused: false
replicas: 1
- availableReplicas: 1
replicas: 1
shardID: '0'
unavailableReplicas: 0
updatedReplicas: 1
unavailableReplicas: 0
updatedReplicas: 1
- apiVersion: v2
name: rancher-monitoring-alertmanager
namespace: cattle-monitoring-system
pathPrefix: /
port: http-web
- args:
- nginx
- '-g'
- daemon off;
- '-c'
- /nginx/nginx.conf
image: rancher/mirrored-library-nginx:1.21.1-alpine
name: prometheus-proxy
- containerPort: 8081
name: nginx-http
protocol: TCP
runAsGroup: 101
runAsUser: 101
- mountPath: /nginx
name: prometheus-nginx
- mountPath: /var/cache/nginx
name: nginx-home
enableAdminAPI: false
evaluationInterval: 30s
externalUrl: http://rancher-monitoring-prometheus.cattle-monitoring-system:9090
hostNetwork: false
listenLocal: false
logFormat: logfmt
logLevel: info
paused: false
podMonitorNamespaceSelector: {}
podMonitorSelector: {}
portName: http-web
probeNamespaceSelector: {}
probeSelector: {}
replicas: 1
retention: 10d
retentionSize: 39GiB
routePrefix: /
ruleNamespaceSelector: {}
ruleSelector: {}
scrapeInterval: 30s
fsGroup: 2000
runAsGroup: 2000
runAsNonRoot: true
runAsUser: 1000
serviceAccountName: rancher-monitoring-prometheus
serviceMonitorNamespaceSelector: {}
serviceMonitorSelector: {}
shards: 1
version: v2.39.1
- emptyDir: {}
name: nginx-home
- configMap:
defaultMode: 438
name: prometheus-nginx-proxy-config
name: prometheus-nginx
walCompression: true
## Deploy a Prometheus instance
enabled: true
## Annotations for Prometheus
annotations: {}
## Service account for Prometheuses to use.
## ref:
create: true
name: ""
annotations: {}
# Service for thanos service discovery on sidecar
# Enable this can make Thanos Query can use
# `--store=dnssrv+_grpc._tcp.${kube-prometheus-stack.fullname}-thanos-discovery.${namespace}.svc.cluster.local` to discovery
# Thanos sidecar on prometheus nodes
# (Please remember to change ${kube-prometheus-stack.fullname} and ${namespace}. Not just copy and paste!)
enabled: false
annotations: {}
labels: {}
## Denotes if this Service desires to route external traffic to node-local or cluster-wide endpoints
externalTrafficPolicy: Cluster
## Service type
type: ClusterIP
## gRPC port config
portName: grpc
port: 10901
targetPort: "grpc"
## HTTP port config (for metrics)
httpPortName: http
httpPort: 10902
targetHttpPort: "http"
## ClusterIP to assign
# Default is to make this a headless service ("None")
clusterIP: "None"
## Port to expose on each node, if service type is NodePort
nodePort: 30901
httpNodePort: 30902
# ServiceMonitor to scrape Sidecar metrics
# Needs thanosService to be enabled as well
enabled: false
interval: ""
## scheme: HTTP scheme to use for scraping. Can be used with `tlsConfig` for example if using istio mTLS.
scheme: ""
## tlsConfig: TLS configuration to use when scraping the endpoint. For example if using istio mTLS.
## Of type:
tlsConfig: {}
## Metric relabel configs to apply to samples before ingestion.
metricRelabelings: []
## relabel configs to apply to samples before ingestion.
relabelings: []
# Service for external access to sidecar
# Enabling this creates a service to expose thanos-sidecar outside the cluster.
enabled: false
annotations: {}
labels: {}
loadBalancerIP: ""
loadBalancerSourceRanges: []
## gRPC port config
portName: grpc
port: 10901
targetPort: "grpc"
## HTTP port config (for metrics)
httpPortName: http
httpPort: 10902
targetHttpPort: "http"
## Denotes if this Service desires to route external traffic to node-local or cluster-wide endpoints
externalTrafficPolicy: Cluster
## Service type
type: LoadBalancer
## Port to expose on each node
nodePort: 30901
httpNodePort: 30902
## Configuration for Prometheus service
annotations: {}
labels: {}
clusterIP: ""
## Port for Prometheus Service to listen on
port: 9090
## To be used with a proxy extraContainer port
targetPort: 8081
## List of IP addresses at which the Prometheus server service is available
## Ref:
externalIPs: []
## Port to expose on each node
## Only used if service.type is 'NodePort'
nodePort: 30090
## Loadbalancer IP
## Only use if service.type is "LoadBalancer"
loadBalancerIP: ""
loadBalancerSourceRanges: []
## Denotes if this Service desires to route external traffic to node-local or cluster-wide endpoints
externalTrafficPolicy: Cluster
## Service type
type: ClusterIP
## Additional port to define in the Service
additionalPorts: []
# additionalPorts:
# - name: authenticated
# port: 8081
# targetPort: 8081
## Consider that all endpoints are considered "ready" even if the Pods themselves are not
## Ref:
publishNotReadyAddresses: false
sessionAffinity: ""
## Configuration for creating a separate Service for each statefulset Prometheus replica
enabled: false
annotations: {}
## Port for Prometheus Service per replica to listen on
port: 9090
## To be used with a proxy extraContainer port
targetPort: 9090
## Port to expose on each node
## Only used if servicePerReplica.type is 'NodePort'
nodePort: 30091
## Loadbalancer source IP ranges
## Only used if servicePerReplica.type is "LoadBalancer"
loadBalancerSourceRanges: []
## Denotes if this Service desires to route external traffic to node-local or cluster-wide endpoints
externalTrafficPolicy: Cluster
## Service type
type: ClusterIP
## Configure pod disruption budgets for Prometheus
## ref:
## This configuration is immutable once created and will require the PDB to be deleted to be changed
enabled: false
minAvailable: 1
maxUnavailable: ""
# Ingress exposes thanos sidecar outside the cluster
enabled: false
# For Kubernetes >= 1.18 you should specify the ingress-controller via the field ingressClassName
# See
# ingressClassName: nginx
annotations: {}
labels: {}
servicePort: 10901
## Port to expose on each node
## Only used if service.type is 'NodePort'
nodePort: 30901
## Hosts must be provided if Ingress is enabled.
hosts: []
# -
## Paths to use for ingress rules
paths: []
# - /
## For Kubernetes >= 1.18 you should specify the pathType (determines how Ingress paths should be matched)
## See
# pathType: ImplementationSpecific
## TLS configuration for Thanos Ingress
## Secret must be manually created in the namespace
tls: []
# - secretName: thanos-gateway-tls
# hosts:
# -
## ExtraSecret can be used to store various data in an extra secret
## (use it for example to store hashed basic auth credentials)
## if not set, name will be auto generated
# name: ""
annotations: {}
data: {}
# auth: |
# foo:$apr1$OFG3Xybp$ckL0FHDAkoXYIlH9.cysT0
# someoneelse:$apr1$DMZX2Z4q$6SbQIfyuLQd.xmo/P0m2c.
enabled: false
# For Kubernetes >= 1.18 you should specify the ingress-controller via the field ingressClassName
# See
# ingressClassName: nginx
annotations: {}
labels: {}
## Redirect ingress to an additional defined port on the service
# servicePort: 8081
## Hostnames.
## Must be provided if Ingress is enabled.
# hosts:
# -
hosts: []
# - prometheus-cattle-monitoring-system
## Paths to use for ingress rules - one path should match the prometheusSpec.routePrefix
paths: []
# - /
## For Kubernetes >= 1.18 you should specify the pathType (determines how Ingress paths should be matched)
## See
# pathType: ImplementationSpecific
## TLS configuration for Prometheus Ingress
## Secret must be manually created in the namespace
tls: []
# - secretName: prometheus-ingress-tls
# hosts:
# - prometheus-cattle-monitoring-system.
## Configuration for creating an Ingress that will map to each Prometheus replica service
## prometheus.servicePerReplica must be enabled
enabled: false
# For Kubernetes >= 1.18 you should specify the ingress-controller via the field ingressClassName
# See
# ingressClassName: nginx
annotations: {}
labels: {}
## Final form of the hostname for each per replica ingress is
## {{ ingressPerReplica.hostPrefix }}-{{ $replicaNumber }}.{{ ingressPerReplica.hostDomain }}
## Prefix for the per replica ingress that will have `-$replicaNumber`
## appended to the end
hostPrefix: ""
## Domain that will be used for the per replica ingress
hostDomain: ""
## Paths to use for ingress rules
paths: []
# - /
## For Kubernetes >= 1.18 you should specify the pathType (determines how Ingress paths should be matched)
## See
# pathType: ImplementationSpecific
## Secret name containing the TLS certificate for Prometheus per replica ingress
## Secret must be manually created in the namespace
tlsSecretName: ""
## Separated secret for each per replica Ingress. Can be used together with cert-manager
enabled: false
## Final form of the secret for each per replica ingress is
## {{ tlsSecretPerReplica.prefix }}-{{ $replicaNumber }}
prefix: "prometheus"
## Configure additional options for default pod security policy for Prometheus
## ref:
allowedCapabilities: []
allowedHostPaths: []
volumes: []
## Scrape interval. If not set, the Prometheus default scrape interval is used.
interval: ""
selfMonitor: true
## scheme: HTTP scheme to use for scraping. Can be used with `tlsConfig` for example if using istio mTLS.
scheme: ""
## tlsConfig: TLS configuration to use when scraping the endpoint. For example if using istio mTLS.
## Of type:
tlsConfig: {}
## Metric relabel configs to apply to samples before ingestion.
metricRelabelings: []
# - action: keep
# regex: 'kube_(daemonset|deployment|pod|namespace|node|statefulset).+'
# sourceLabels: [__name__]
# relabel configs to apply to samples before ingestion.
relabelings: []
# - sourceLabels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_node_name]
# separator: ;
# regex: ^(.*)$
# targetLabel: nodename
# replacement: $1
# action: replace
## Settings affecting prometheusSpec
## ref:
## If true, pass --storage.tsdb.max-block-duration=2h to prometheus. This is already done if using Thanos
disableCompaction: false
## APIServerConfig
## ref:
apiserverConfig: {}
## Allows setting additional arguments for the Prometheus container
## ref:
additionalArgs: []
## Interval between consecutive scrapes.
## Defaults to 30s.
## ref:
scrapeInterval: ""
## Number of seconds to wait for target to respond before erroring
scrapeTimeout: ""
## Interval between consecutive evaluations.
evaluationInterval: 1m
## ListenLocal makes the Prometheus server listen on loopback, so that it does not bind against the Pod IP.
listenLocal: false
## EnableAdminAPI enables Prometheus the administrative HTTP API which includes functionality such as deleting time series.
## This is disabled by default.
## ref:
enableAdminAPI: false
## WebTLSConfig defines the TLS parameters for HTTPS
## ref:
web: {}
## Exemplars related settings that are runtime reloadable.
## It requires to enable the exemplar storage feature to be effective.
exemplars: ""
## Maximum number of exemplars stored in memory for all series.
## If not set, Prometheus uses its default value.
## A value of zero or less than zero disables the storage.
# maxSize: 100000
# EnableFeatures API enables access to Prometheus disabled features.
# ref:
enableFeatures: []
# - exemplar-storage
## Image of Prometheus.
repository: prometheus/prometheus
tag: v2.41.0
sha: ""
## Tolerations for use with node taints
## ref:
tolerations: []
# - key: "key"
# operator: "Equal"
# value: "value"
# effect: "NoSchedule"
## If specified, the pod's topology spread constraints.
## ref:
topologySpreadConstraints: []
# - maxSkew: 1
# topologyKey:
# whenUnsatisfiable: DoNotSchedule
# labelSelector:
# matchLabels:
# app: prometheus
## Alertmanagers to which alerts will be sent
## ref:
## Default configuration will connect to the alertmanager deployed as part of this release
alertingEndpoints: []
# - name: ""
# namespace: ""
# port: http
# scheme: http
# pathPrefix: ""
# tlsConfig: {}
# bearerTokenFile: ""
# apiVersion: v2
## External labels to add to any time series or alerts when communicating with external systems
externalLabels: {}
## enable --web.enable-remote-write-receiver flag on prometheus-server
enableRemoteWriteReceiver: false
## Name of the external label used to denote replica name
replicaExternalLabelName: ""
## If true, the Operator won't add the external label used to denote replica name
replicaExternalLabelNameClear: false
## Name of the external label used to denote Prometheus instance name
prometheusExternalLabelName: ""
## If true, the Operator won't add the external label used to denote Prometheus instance name
prometheusExternalLabelNameClear: false
## External URL at which Prometheus will be reachable.
externalUrl: ""
## Define which Nodes the Pods are scheduled on.
## ref:
nodeSelector: {}
## Secrets is a list of Secrets in the same namespace as the Prometheus object, which shall be mounted into the Prometheus Pods.
## The Secrets are mounted into /etc/prometheus/secrets/. Secrets changes after initial creation of a Prometheus object are not
## reflected in the running Pods. To change the secrets mounted into the Prometheus Pods, the object must be deleted and recreated
## with the new list of secrets.
secrets: []
## ConfigMaps is a list of ConfigMaps in the same namespace as the Prometheus object, which shall be mounted into the Prometheus Pods.
## The ConfigMaps are mounted into /etc/prometheus/configmaps/.
configMaps: []
## QuerySpec defines the query command line flags when starting Prometheus.
## ref:
query: {}
## Namespaces to be selected for PrometheusRules discovery.
## If nil, select own namespace. Namespaces to be selected for ServiceMonitor discovery.
## See for usage
ruleNamespaceSelector: {}
## If true, a nil or {} value for prometheus.prometheusSpec.ruleSelector will cause the
## prometheus resource to be created with selectors based on values in the helm deployment,
## which will also match the PrometheusRule resources created
ruleSelectorNilUsesHelmValues: false
## PrometheusRules to be selected for target discovery.
## If {}, select all PrometheusRules
ruleSelector: {}
## Example which select all PrometheusRules resources
## with label "prometheus" with values any of "example-rules" or "example-rules-2"
# ruleSelector:
# matchExpressions:
# - key: prometheus
# operator: In
# values:
# - example-rules
# - example-rules-2
## Example which select all PrometheusRules resources with label "role" set to "example-rules"
# ruleSelector:
# matchLabels:
# role: example-rules
## If true, a nil or {} value for prometheus.prometheusSpec.serviceMonitorSelector will cause the
## prometheus resource to be created with selectors based on values in the helm deployment,
## which will also match the servicemonitors created
serviceMonitorSelectorNilUsesHelmValues: false
## ServiceMonitors to be selected for target discovery.
## If {}, select all ServiceMonitors
serviceMonitorSelector: {}
## Example which selects ServiceMonitors with label "prometheus" set to "somelabel"
# serviceMonitorSelector:
# matchLabels:
# prometheus: somelabel
## Namespaces to be selected for ServiceMonitor discovery.
serviceMonitorNamespaceSelector: {}
## Example which selects ServiceMonitors in namespaces with label "prometheus" set to "somelabel"
# serviceMonitorNamespaceSelector:
# matchLabels:
# prometheus: somelabel
## If true, a nil or {} value for prometheus.prometheusSpec.podMonitorSelector will cause the
## prometheus resource to be created with selectors based on values in the helm deployment,
## which will also match the podmonitors created
podMonitorSelectorNilUsesHelmValues: false
## PodMonitors to be selected for target discovery.
## If {}, select all PodMonitors
podMonitorSelector: {}
## Example which selects PodMonitors with label "prometheus" set to "somelabel"
# podMonitorSelector:
# matchLabels:
# prometheus: somelabel
## Namespaces to be selected for PodMonitor discovery.
## See for usage
podMonitorNamespaceSelector: {}
## If true, a nil or {} value for prometheus.prometheusSpec.probeSelector will cause the
## prometheus resource to be created with selectors based on values in the helm deployment,
## which will also match the probes created
probeSelectorNilUsesHelmValues: true
## Probes to be selected for target discovery.
## If {}, select all Probes
probeSelector: {}
## Example which selects Probes with label "prometheus" set to "somelabel"
# probeSelector:
# matchLabels:
# prometheus: somelabel
## Namespaces to be selected for Probe discovery.
## See for usage
probeNamespaceSelector: {}
## How long to retain metrics
retention: 10d
## Maximum size of metrics
retentionSize: 39GiB
## Enable compression of the write-ahead log using Snappy.
walCompression: true
## If true, the Operator won't process any Prometheus configuration changes
paused: false
## Number of replicas of each shard to deploy for a Prometheus deployment.
## Number of replicas multiplied by shards is the total number of Pods created.
replicas: 1
## EXPERIMENTAL: Number of shards to distribute targets onto.
## Number of replicas multiplied by shards is the total number of Pods created.
## Note that scaling down shards will not reshard data onto remaining instances, it must be manually moved.
## Increasing shards will not reshard data either but it will continue to be available from the same instances.
## To query globally use Thanos sidecar and Thanos querier or remote write data to a central location.
## Sharding is done on the content of the `__address__` target meta-label.
shards: 1
## Log level for Prometheus be configured in
logLevel: info
## Log format for Prometheus be configured in
logFormat: logfmt
## Prefix used to register routes, overriding externalUrl route.
## Useful for proxies that rewrite URLs.
routePrefix: /
## Standard object's metadata. More info:
## Metadata Labels and Annotations gets propagated to the prometheus pods.
podMetadata: {}
# labels:
# app: prometheus
# k8s-app: prometheus
## Pod anti-affinity can prevent the scheduler from placing Prometheus replicas on the same node.
## The default value "soft" means that the scheduler should *prefer* to not schedule two replica pods onto the same node but no guarantee is provided.
## The value "hard" means that the scheduler is *required* to not schedule two replica pods onto the same node.
## The value "" will disable pod anti-affinity so that no anti-affinity rules will be configured.
podAntiAffinity: ""
## If anti-affinity is enabled sets the topologyKey to use for anti-affinity.
## This can be changed to, for example,
## Assign custom affinity rules to the prometheus instance
## ref:
affinity: {}
# nodeAffinity:
# requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution:
# nodeSelectorTerms:
# - matchExpressions:
# - key:
# operator: In
# values:
# - e2e-az1
# - e2e-az2
## The remote_read spec configuration for Prometheus.
## ref:
remoteRead: []
# - url: http://remote1/read
## additionalRemoteRead is appended to remoteRead
additionalRemoteRead: []
## The remote_write spec configuration for Prometheus.
## ref:
remoteWrite: []
# - url: http://remote1/push
## additionalRemoteWrite is appended to remoteWrite
additionalRemoteWrite: []
## Enable/Disable Grafana dashboards provisioning for prometheus remote write feature
remoteWriteDashboards: false
## Resource limits & requests
resources: {}
# requests:
# memory: 400Mi
## Prometheus StorageSpec for persistent data
## ref:
# storageSpec:
# volumeClaimTemplate:
# spec:
# accessModes:
# - ReadWriteOnce
# resources:
# requests:
# storage: 40Gi
# volumeMode: Filesystem
# storageClassName: longhorn-local
## Using PersistentVolumeClaim
# volumeClaimTemplate:
# spec:
# storageClassName: gluster
# accessModes: ["ReadWriteOnce"]
# resources:
# requests:
# storage: 50Gi
# selector: {}
## Using tmpfs volume
# emptyDir:
# medium: Memory
# Additional volumes on the output StatefulSet definition.
- name: nginx-home
emptyDir: {}
- name: prometheus-nginx
name: prometheus-nginx-proxy-config
defaultMode: 438
# Additional VolumeMounts on the output StatefulSet definition.
volumeMounts: []
## AdditionalScrapeConfigs allows specifying additional Prometheus scrape configurations. Scrape configurations
## are appended to the configurations generated by the Prometheus Operator. Job configurations must have the form
## as specified in the official Prometheus documentation:
## As scrape configs are
## appended, the user is responsible to make sure it is valid. Note that using this feature may expose the possibility
## to break upgrades of Prometheus. It is advised to review Prometheus release notes to ensure that no incompatible
## scrape configs are going to break Prometheus after the upgrade.
## AdditionalScrapeConfigs can be defined as a list or as a templated string.
## The scrape configuration example below will find master nodes, provided they have the name .*mst.*, relabel the
## port to 2379 and allow etcd scraping provided it is running on all Kubernetes master nodes
additionalScrapeConfigs: []
# - job_name: kube-etcd
# kubernetes_sd_configs:
# - role: node
# scheme: https
# tls_config:
# ca_file: /etc/prometheus/secrets/etcd-client-cert/etcd-ca
# cert_file: /etc/prometheus/secrets/etcd-client-cert/etcd-client
# key_file: /etc/prometheus/secrets/etcd-client-cert/etcd-client-key
# relabel_configs:
# - action: labelmap
# regex: __meta_kubernetes_node_label_(.+)
# - source_labels: [__address__]
# action: replace
# targetLabel: __address__
# regex: ([^:;]+):(\d+)
# replacement: ${1}:2379
# - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_node_name]
# action: keep
# regex: .*mst.*
# - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_node_name]
# action: replace
# targetLabel: node
# regex: (.*)
# replacement: ${1}
# metric_relabel_configs:
# - regex: (kubernetes_io_hostname|failure_domain_beta_kubernetes_io_region|beta_kubernetes_io_os|beta_kubernetes_io_arch|beta_kubernetes_io_instance_type|failure_domain_beta_kubernetes_io_zone)
# action: labeldrop
## If scrape config contains a repetitive section, you may want to use a template.
## In the following example, you can see how to define `gce_sd_configs` for multiple zones
# additionalScrapeConfigs: |
# - job_name: "node-exporter"
# gce_sd_configs:
# {{range $zone := .Values.gcp_zones}}
# - project: "project1"
# zone: "{{$zone}}"
# port: 9100
# {{end}}
# relabel_configs:
# ...
## If additional scrape configurations are already deployed in a single secret file you can use this section.
## Expected values are the secret name and key
## Cannot be used with additionalScrapeConfigs
additionalScrapeConfigsSecret: {}
# enabled: false
# name:
# key:
## additionalPrometheusSecretsAnnotations allows to add annotations to the kubernetes secret. This can be useful
## when deploying via spinnaker to disable versioning on the secret, 'false'
additionalPrometheusSecretsAnnotations: {}
## AdditionalAlertManagerConfigs allows for manual configuration of alertmanager jobs in the form as specified
## in the official Prometheus documentation<alertmanager_config>.
## AlertManager configurations specified are appended to the configurations generated by the Prometheus Operator.
## As AlertManager configs are appended, the user is responsible to make sure it is valid. Note that using this
## feature may expose the possibility to break upgrades of Prometheus. It is advised to review Prometheus release
## notes to ensure that no incompatible AlertManager configs are going to break Prometheus after the upgrade.
additionalAlertManagerConfigs: []
# - consul_sd_configs:
# - server:
# scheme: http
# datacenter: dev
# tag_separator: ','
# services:
# - metrics-prometheus-alertmanager
## If additional alertmanager configurations are already deployed in a single secret, or you want to manage
## them separately from the helm deployment, you can use this section.
## Expected values are the secret name and key
## Cannot be used with additionalAlertManagerConfigs
additionalAlertManagerConfigsSecret: {}
# name:
# key:
# optional: false
## AdditionalAlertRelabelConfigs allows specifying Prometheus alert relabel configurations. Alert relabel configurations specified are appended
## to the configurations generated by the Prometheus Operator. Alert relabel configurations specified must have the form as specified in the
## official Prometheus documentation:
## As alert relabel configs are appended, the user is responsible to make sure it is valid. Note that using this feature may expose the
## possibility to break upgrades of Prometheus. It is advised to review Prometheus release notes to ensure that no incompatible alert relabel
## configs are going to break Prometheus after the upgrade.
additionalAlertRelabelConfigs: []
# - separator: ;
# regex: prometheus_replica
# replacement: $1
# action: labeldrop
## If additional alert relabel configurations are already deployed in a single secret, or you want to manage
## them separately from the helm deployment, you can use this section.
## Expected values are the secret name and key
## Cannot be used with additionalAlertRelabelConfigs
additionalAlertRelabelConfigsSecret: {}
# name:
# key:
## SecurityContext holds pod-level security attributes and common container settings.
## This defaults to non root user with uid 1000 and gid 2000.
runAsGroup: 2000
runAsNonRoot: true
runAsUser: 1000
fsGroup: 2000
## Priority class assigned to the Pods
priorityClassName: ""
## Thanos configuration allows configuring various aspects of a Prometheus server in a Thanos environment.
## This section is experimental, it may change significantly without deprecation notice in any release.
## This is experimental and may change significantly without backward compatibility in any release.
## ref:
thanos: {}
# secretProviderClass:
# provider: gcp
# parameters:
# secrets: |
# - resourceName: "projects/$PROJECT_ID/secrets/testsecret/versions/latest"
# fileName: "objstore.yaml"
# objectStorageConfigFile: /var/secrets/object-store.yaml
## Containers allows injecting additional containers. This is meant to allow adding an authentication proxy to a Prometheus pod.
## if using proxy extraContainer update targetPort with proxy container port
- name: prometheus-proxy
- nginx
- -g
- daemon off;
- -c
- /nginx/nginx.conf
image: rancher/mirrored-library-nginx:1.21.1-alpine
- containerPort: 8081
name: nginx-http
protocol: TCP
- mountPath: /nginx
name: prometheus-nginx
- mountPath: /var/cache/nginx
name: nginx-home
runAsUser: 101
runAsGroup: 101
# containers:
# - name: oauth-proxy
# image:
# args:
# - --upstream=
# - --http-address=
# - ...
# ports:
# - containerPort: 8081
# name: oauth-proxy
# protocol: TCP
# resources: {}
## InitContainers allows injecting additional initContainers. This is meant to allow doing some changes
## (permissions, dir tree) on mounted volumes before starting prometheus
initContainers: []
## PortName to use for Prometheus.
portName: "http-web"
## ArbitraryFSAccessThroughSMs configures whether configuration based on a service monitor can access arbitrary files
## on the file system of the Prometheus container e.g. bearer token files.
arbitraryFSAccessThroughSMs: false
## OverrideHonorLabels if set to true overrides all user configured honor_labels. If HonorLabels is set in ServiceMonitor
## or PodMonitor to true, this overrides honor_labels to false.
overrideHonorLabels: false
## OverrideHonorTimestamps allows to globally enforce honoring timestamps in all scrape configs.
overrideHonorTimestamps: false
## IgnoreNamespaceSelectors if set to true will ignore NamespaceSelector settings from the podmonitor and servicemonitor
## configs, and they will only discover endpoints within their current namespace. Defaults to false.
ignoreNamespaceSelectors: false
## EnforcedNamespaceLabel enforces adding a namespace label of origin for each alert and metric that is user created.
## The label value will always be the namespace of the object that is being created.
## Disabled by default
enforcedNamespaceLabel: ""
## PrometheusRulesExcludedFromEnforce - list of prometheus rules to be excluded from enforcing of adding namespace labels.
## Works only if enforcedNamespaceLabel set to true. Make sure both ruleNamespace and ruleName are set for each pair
## Deprecated, use `excludedFromEnforcement` instead
prometheusRulesExcludedFromEnforce: []
## ExcludedFromEnforcement - list of object references to PodMonitor, ServiceMonitor, Probe and PrometheusRule objects
## to be excluded from enforcing a namespace label of origin.
## Works only if enforcedNamespaceLabel set to true.
## See
excludedFromEnforcement: []
## QueryLogFile specifies the file to which PromQL queries are logged. Note that this location must be writable,
## and can be persisted using an attached volume. Alternatively, the location can be set to a stdout location such
## as /dev/stdout to log querie information to the default Prometheus log stream. This is only available in versions
## of Prometheus >= 2.16.0. For more details, see the Prometheus docs (
queryLogFile: false
## EnforcedSampleLimit defines global limit on number of scraped samples that will be accepted. This overrides any SampleLimit
## set per ServiceMonitor or/and PodMonitor. It is meant to be used by admins to enforce the SampleLimit to keep overall
## number of samples/series under the desired limit. Note that if SampleLimit is lower that value will be taken instead.
enforcedSampleLimit: false
## EnforcedTargetLimit defines a global limit on the number of scraped targets. This overrides any TargetLimit set
## per ServiceMonitor or/and PodMonitor. It is meant to be used by admins to enforce the TargetLimit to keep the overall
## number of targets under the desired limit. Note that if TargetLimit is lower, that value will be taken instead, except
## if either value is zero, in which case the non-zero value will be used. If both values are zero, no limit is enforced.
enforcedTargetLimit: false
## Per-scrape limit on number of labels that will be accepted for a sample. If more than this number of labels are present
## post metric-relabeling, the entire scrape will be treated as failed. 0 means no limit. Only valid in Prometheus versions
## 2.27.0 and newer.
enforcedLabelLimit: false
## Per-scrape limit on length of labels name that will be accepted for a sample. If a label name is longer than this number
## post metric-relabeling, the entire scrape will be treated as failed. 0 means no limit. Only valid in Prometheus versions
## 2.27.0 and newer.
enforcedLabelNameLengthLimit: false
## Per-scrape limit on length of labels value that will be accepted for a sample. If a label value is longer than this
## number post metric-relabeling, the entire scrape will be treated as failed. 0 means no limit. Only valid in Prometheus
## versions 2.27.0 and newer.
enforcedLabelValueLengthLimit: false
## AllowOverlappingBlocks enables vertical compaction and vertical query merge in Prometheus. This is still experimental
## in Prometheus so it may change in any upcoming release.
allowOverlappingBlocks: false
## Minimum number of seconds for which a newly created pod should be ready without any of its container crashing for it to
## be considered available. Defaults to 0 (pod will be considered available as soon as it is ready).
minReadySeconds: 0
# Required for use in managed kubernetes clusters (such as AWS EKS) with custom CNI (such as calico),
# because control-plane managed by AWS cannot communicate with pods' IP CIDR and admission webhooks are not working
# Use the host's network namespace if true. Make sure to understand the security implications if you want to enable it.
# When hostNetwork is enabled, this will set dnsPolicy to ClusterFirstWithHostNet automatically.
hostNetwork: false
additionalRulesForClusterRole: []
# - apiGroups: [ "" ]
# resources:
# - nodes/proxy
# verbs: [ "get", "list", "watch" ]
additionalServiceMonitors: []
## Name of the ServiceMonitor to create
# - name: ""
## Additional labels to set used for the ServiceMonitorSelector. Together with standard labels from
## the chart
# additionalLabels: {}
## Service label for use in assembling a job name of the form <label value>-<port>
## If no label is specified, the service name is used.
# jobLabel: ""
## labels to transfer from the kubernetes service to the target
# targetLabels: []
## labels to transfer from the kubernetes pods to the target
# podTargetLabels: []
## Label selector for services to which this ServiceMonitor applies
# selector: {}
## Namespaces from which services are selected
# namespaceSelector:
## Match any namespace
# any: false
## Explicit list of namespace names to select
## Explicit list of namespace names to select
# matchNames: []
## Endpoints of the selected service to be monitored
# endpoints: []
## Name of the endpoint's service port
## Mutually exclusive with targetPort
# - port: ""
## Name or number of the endpoint's target port
## Mutually exclusive with port
# - targetPort: ""
## File containing bearer token to be used when scraping targets
# bearerTokenFile: ""
## Interval at which metrics should be scraped
# interval: 30s
## HTTP path to scrape for metrics
# path: /metrics
## HTTP scheme to use for scraping
# scheme: http
## TLS configuration to use when scraping the endpoint
# tlsConfig:
## Path to the CA file
# caFile: ""
## Path to client certificate file
# certFile: ""
## Skip certificate verification
# insecureSkipVerify: false
## Path to client key file
# keyFile: ""
## Server name used to verify host name
# serverName: ""
additionalPodMonitors: []
## Name of the PodMonitor to create
# - name: ""
## Additional labels to set used for the PodMonitorSelector. Together with standard labels from
## the chart
# additionalLabels: {}
## Pod label for use in assembling a job name of the form <label value>-<port>
## If no label is specified, the pod endpoint name is used.
# jobLabel: ""
## Label selector for pods to which this PodMonitor applies
# selector: {}
## PodTargetLabels transfers labels on the Kubernetes Pod onto the target.
# podTargetLabels: {}
## SampleLimit defines per-scrape limit on number of scraped samples that will be accepted.
# sampleLimit: 0
## Namespaces from which pods are selected
# namespaceSelector:
## Match any namespace
# any: false
## Explicit list of namespace names to select
# matchNames: []
## Endpoints of the selected pods to be monitored
# podMetricsEndpoints: []
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