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Created August 14, 2023 15:18
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<template #body>
<div class="container-fluid header-content my-0 mx-0 border-0 shadow-none">
class="btn btn-icon-onlyP p-0 m-0"
<span class="name">
{{ campaignName }}
<p class="mt-3">List of Ad Sets / Ads that have triggered this alert.</p>
<p class="mt-5">CAMPAIGN-LEVEL ALERT <b><i>TODO</i></b></p>
<p class="mt-5">AD SETS ALERT</p>
<pre>adSetTableHeaders: {{ adSetTableHeaders }}</pre>
adSetsTableData - can't get this to appear in the table below! : {{ adSetsTableData }}
<!-- TODO: For some reason, data in the omni bs table is not being loaded -->
<template #status="{ data }">
{{ data }}
<template #adSetName="{ data }">
{{ data }}
<span class="text-capitalize">{{ data }}</span>
<template #adsManager="{ data }">
<span>{{ data }}</span>
<p class="mt-5">AD ALERTS <b><i>TODO</i></b></p>
<script setup>
import { computed, ref, onMounted } from 'vue'
import OmniBsModal from '@/components/Omni/OmniBsModal.vue'
import OmniBsTable from '@/components/Omni/OmniBsTable.vue'
import { capitaliseSentence } from '@/utils/helperFunctions'
import WarningOrErrorIconColumn from './WarningOrErrorIconColumn.vue'
const alertsModal = ref(null)
const props = defineProps({
alertName: {
type: String,
default: 'Alerts',
campaignName: {
type: String,
default: null,
violatingAdSets: {
type: Array,
default: () => [],
violatingAds: {
type: Array,
default: () => [],
// TODO: temporarily commented out until we get one table working.
// This can then be used for the ad table
// const adsTableData = computed(() => => ({
// status: true, // todo
// adName: ad.ad_name,
// adsManager: 'Todo',
// })))
const adSetsTableData = computed(() => => ({
status: true, // todo
adSetName: adSet.ad_set_name,
adsManager: 'Todo',
// TODO: use this for ad table
// const adTableHeaders = [
// {
// text: 'PAUSE',
// value: 'status',
// sortable: false,
// columnSize: 2,
// },
// {
// text: 'NAME',
// value: 'adName',
// sortable: false,
// columnSize: 4,
// },
// {
// text: 'ADS MANAGER',
// value: 'adsManager',
// sortable: false,
// columnSize: 2,
// },
// ]
const adSetTableHeaders = [
text: 'PAUSE',
value: 'status',
sortable: false,
columnSize: 2,
text: 'NAME',
value: 'adSetName',
sortable: false,
columnSize: 4,
text: 'ADS MANAGER',
value: 'adsManager',
sortable: false,
columnSize: 2,
const emit = defineEmits(['alertsModalClosed'])
const hideAlertsModal = () => {
onMounted(() => {
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