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Last active May 28, 2024 21:28
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PowerShell Script to Manage Chrome & Edge Settings via Local Group Policy
Manages browser settings through local group policy objects (LGPO).
Outputs a table of the current browser management policies (LGPO). No new polices will be set.
Resets all existing browser management policies (LGPO). No new policies will be set.
.PARAMETER SearchEngine
Specify the default search engine. Supported values are 'Google' or 'Bing'.
param (
[Alias('Report')][switch]$Audit, # Audit extension management policies (LGPO)
[Alias('Clear')][switch]$Reset, # Reset browser management policies
[Alias('Search')][string]$SearchEngine # Default search engine
$ComputerPolicyFile = ($env:SystemRoot + '\System32\GroupPolicy\Machine\registry.pol')
$ChromeKey = 'Software\Policies\Google\Chrome'
$ChromeUpdateKey = 'Software\Policies\Google\Update'
$EdgeKey = 'Software\Policies\Microsoft\Edge'
$EdgeUpdateKey = 'Software\Policies\Microsoft\EdgeUpdate'
# Default Search Engine for browser policies
if ($SearchEngine) {
switch ($SearchEngine.ToLower()) {
'google' {
$SearchURL = '{google:baseURL}search?q={searchTerms}&{google:RLZ}{google:originalQueryForSuggestion}{google:assistedQueryStats}{google:searchFieldtrialParameter}{google:searchClient}{google:sourceId}ie={inputEncoding}'
$SuggestURL = '{google:baseURL}complete/search?output=chrome&q={searchTerms}'
'bing' {
$SearchURL = '{bing:baseURL}search?q={searchTerms}'
$SuggestURL = '{bing:baseURL}qbox?query={searchTerms}'
default { throw "$SearchEngine is not supported." }
Write-Output "`nChecking for necessary PowerShell modules..."
try {
# Set PowerShell to TLS 1.2 (
[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
# Install NuGet package provider
if (!(Get-PackageProvider -ListAvailable -Name 'NuGet' -ErrorAction Ignore)) {
Write-Output 'Installing NuGet package provider...'
Install-PackageProvider -Name 'NuGet' -MinimumVersion -Force
# Set PSGallery to trusted repository
Register-PSRepository -Default -InstallationPolicy 'Trusted' -ErrorAction Ignore
if (!(Get-PSRepository -Name 'PSGallery' -ErrorAction Ignore).InstallationPolicy -eq 'Trusted') {
Set-PSRepository -Name 'PSGallery' -InstallationPolicy 'Trusted'
# Install & Import PolicyFileEditor module
if (!(Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name 'PolicyFileEditor' -ErrorAction Ignore)) {
Write-Output 'Installing PolicyFileEditor module...'
Install-Module -Name 'PolicyFileEditor' -Force
Import-Module 'PolicyFileEditor'
Write-Output 'Modules installed.'
catch {
throw $Error
$Policies = @()
$Keys = @($ChromeKey, $ChromeUpdateKey, $EdgeKey, $EdgeUpdateKey)
Write-Output "`nResetting existing browser management policies..."
foreach ($Key in $Keys) { $Policies += Get-PolicyFileEntry -Path $ComputerPolicyFile -All | Where-Object { $_.Key -eq $Key } }
$Policies | Remove-PolicyFileEntry -Path $ComputerPolicyFile -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Output 'Browser management policies reset.'
if (!$Audit -and !$Reset) {
$Policies = @()
$Keys = @($ChromeKey, $EdgeKey)
# Shared Policies
foreach ($Key in $Keys) {
$Policies += @(
[PSCustomObject]@{ Key = $Key; ValueName = 'AutoplayAllowed'; Data = '0'; Type = 'Dword' } # Disable media autoplay
[PSCustomObject]@{ Key = $Key; ValueName = 'BackgroundModeEnabled'; Data = '0'; Type = 'Dword' } # Disable background mode
[PSCustomObject]@{ Key = $Key; ValueName = 'ConfigureDoNotTrack'; Data = '1'; Type = 'Dword' } # Enable Do Not Track
[PSCustomObject]@{ Key = $Key; ValueName = 'DefaultNotificationsSetting'; Data = '2'; Type = 'Dword' } # Disable desktop notifications
[PSCustomObject]@{ Key = $Key; ValueName = 'ForceGoogleSafeSearch'; Data = '1'; Type = 'Dword' } # Enable Google SafeSearch
if ($SearchEngine) {
$Policies += @(
[PSCustomObject]@{ Key = $Key; ValueName = 'DefaultSearchProviderEnabled'; Data = '1'; Type = 'Dword' } # Enable default search provider
[PSCustomObject]@{ Key = $Key; ValueName = 'DefaultSearchProviderName'; Data = $SearchEngine; Type = 'String' } # Set default search provider name
[PSCustomObject]@{ Key = $Key; ValueName = 'DefaultSearchProviderSearchURL'; Data = $SearchURL; Type = 'String' } # Set default search provider
[PSCustomObject]@{ Key = $Key; ValueName = 'DefaultSearchProviderSuggestURL'; Data = $SuggestURL; Type = 'String' } # Set default suggestion provider
$Policies += @(
# Chrome Policies
[PSCustomObject]@{ Key = $ChromeKey; ValueName = 'AbusiveExperienceInterventionEnforce'; Data = '1'; Type = 'Dword' } # Prevents sites with abusive experiences from opening new windows/tabs
[PSCustomObject]@{ Key = $ChromeKey; ValueName = 'AdsSettingForIntrusiveAdsSites'; Data = '2'; Type = 'Dword' } # Block intrusive Ads
[PSCustomObject]@{ Key = $ChromeKey; ValueName = 'DisableSafeBrowsingProceedAnyway'; Data = '1'; Type = 'Dword' } # Prevent SafeBrowsing bypass
[PSCustomObject]@{ Key = $ChromeKey; ValueName = 'RemoteAccessHostAllowRemoteAccessConnections'; Data = '0'; Type = 'Dword' } # Disable Chrome Remote Access
[PSCustomObject]@{ Key = $ChromeKey; ValueName = 'SafeSitesFilterBehavior'; Data = '1'; Type = 'Dword' } # Filter adult content
# Google Software Updates
[PSCustomObject]@{ Key = $ChromeUpdateKey; ValueName = 'InstallDefault'; Data = '4'; Type = 'Dword' } # Allow machine-wide installs only
[PSCustomObject]@{ Key = $ChromeUpdateKey; ValueName = 'UpdateDefault'; Data = '1'; Type = 'Dword' } # Always allow updates (all channels)
# Microsoft Edge Policies
[PSCustomObject]@{ Key = $EdgeKey; ValueName = 'ForceBingSafeSearch'; Data = '1'; Type = 'Dword' } # Enable Bing Safe Search (Moderate)
[PSCustomObject]@{ Key = $EdgeKey; ValueName = 'PreventSmartScreenPromptOverride'; Data = '1'; Type = 'Dword' } # Prevent SmartScreen bypass
[PSCustomObject]@{ Key = $EdgeKey; ValueName = 'SmartScreenEnabled'; Data = '1'; Type = 'Dword' } # Enable SmartScreen
[PSCustomObject]@{ Key = $EdgeKey; ValueName = 'SmartScreenPuaEnabled'; Data = '1'; Type = 'Dword' } # Block PUAs/PUPs
[PSCustomObject]@{ Key = $EdgeKey; ValueName = 'TyposquattingCheckerEnabled'; Data = '1'; Type = 'Dword' } # Warn user on typosquatting sites
[PSCustomObject]@{ Key = $EdgeUpdateKey; ValueName = 'UpdateDefault'; Data = '1'; Type = 'Dword' } # Always allow updates (all channels)
Write-Output "`nSetting browser management policies..."
$Policies | Set-PolicyFileEntry -Path $ComputerPolicyFile -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Output "Browser management policies set.`n"
gpupdate /force /wait:0
$Policies = @()
$Keys = @($ChromeKey, $ChromeUpdateKey, $EdgeKey, $EdgeUpdateKey)
foreach ($Key in $Keys) { $Policies += Get-PolicyFileEntry -Path $ComputerPolicyFile -All -ErrorAction Stop | Where-Object { $_.Key -eq $Key } }
$TableProperties = @(@{Label = 'Policy'; Expression = { $_.ValueName } }, @{Label = 'Value'; Expression = { $_.Data } })
$GroupBy = @{Label = 'Browser'; Expression = {
switch -Wildcard ($_.Key) {
'*Google*' { 'Google Chrome' }
'*Microsoft*' { 'Microsoft Edge' }
Write-Output "`nBrowser Management Policies (LGPO)"
$Policies | Format-Table -Property $TableProperties -GroupBy $GroupBy
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