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Created October 17, 2014 16:42
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# This is a way to parallelize long running operations between multiple
# tmux sessions. Basically a poor mans map-reduce for use on caujob02 (or
# other high memory production machines).
# See UserAddressUpdate for an example of how to implement something being
# run. Basically you just create a class that inherits from
# RunTmuxSession and supply a query and some code to run for each row
# result of that query. More on this in RunTmuxSession.
# This launches {steps} number of tmux sessions and splits the id
# range supplied by the query of the class specified between the tmux
# sessions.
# In order be able to start/stop/resume we store a redis key (that expires in
# a week) with a hash of last-id processed. This allows you to kill the tmux
# session at anytime and restart the whole process. If you want to start at
# the beginning just pass in restart:true and it'll nuke the redis hash
# You need to run this outside of a tmux session.
# When running on production use prodrunner instead of 'be rails r'
# Example:
# # note - there can be no spaces passed in to the string passed to runner
# # when using prodrunner
# be rails r "
# 'MigrationTools::DistributedTmux::UserAddressUpdate',10)"
# optionally you can pass in
# sleep_delay: seconds to sleep between launching steps
# restart: false (default) if true it will clear all redis keys
class MigrationTools::DistributedTmux::LaunchTmuxSessions
class << self
def run(klass, steps, sleep_delay: 60, restart: false)
klass = klass.constantize
steps = steps.to_i
min_id = klass.query.minimum(:id)
max_id = klass.query.maximum(:id)
object_count = max_id - min_id + 1
step_size = (object_count / steps.to_f).ceil
session_name =
script_name = "#{}.run(first_id,last_id,step)"
if restart
WithRedis.with(klass.redis_hset_name) do |r|
`tmux kill-session -t#{session_name}`
`tmux new-session -d -s#{session_name} -n0`
(steps - 1).times do |i|
`tmux new-window -t#{session_name}:#{i+1} -n#{i+1}`
batch_count = 0
runner = if Rails.env.development?
'bundle exec rails r'
# TODO: we might want to split up min(:id) max(:id) and send
# ids instead of doing find_in_batches. Sort of like we do in
# RunLongUpdate
steps.times do |i|
first_id = min_id + (i * step_size)
last_id = first_id + step_size - 1
puts "#{i}: ids: #{first_id} -> #{last_id}"
exec = %(tmux send-keys -t#{session_name}:#{i}
"#{script_name.gsub('first_id', first_id.to_s)
.gsub('last_id', last_id.to_s)
.gsub('step', i.to_s)}"'
puts exec
puts "sleeping for #{sleep_delay}"
sleep sleep_delay.to_i
puts "You've created #{steps} tmux windows in session #{session_name}"
puts `tmux ls`
puts ""
puts "You can tmux in via:"
puts "tmux at -t#{session_name}"
puts ""
puts "You can select windows once in tmux via:"
puts "ctrl-b-w"
puts ""
puts "And you can detach back to console:"
puts "ctrl-b-d"
puts ""
puts "And you can kill off this via:"
puts "tmux kill-session -t#{session_name}"
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