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Last active September 29, 2015 11:57
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Persistent screen session wrapper
# adapted from
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long qw(:config bundling require_order);
my $usage = "Usage: $0 [OPTION...] HOST [SESSION_NAME] [SSH_OPTION...]\n";
my $helpmsg = $usage . <<'EOF;';
Log into a remote machine and start a screen session named SESSION_NAME. If a
session with that name is already running, attach to it. Defaults to 'default'
if a name is not specified.
-l, --list display the screen sessions available on the login host
--help display this help and exit
my $list;
GetOptions( 'l|list' => \$list,
'help' => sub { print $helpmsg; exit } )
or die $usage . "Try `$0 --help' for more information.\n";
my ($host, $session, @ssh_opts);
while( @ARGV )
my $opt = shift @ARGV;
if ( $opt =~ /^-\w$/ ) { push @ssh_opts, $opt, shift @ARGV }
elsif( $opt =~ /^-\w/ ) { push @ssh_opts, $opt }
elsif( not defined $host ) { $host = $opt }
elsif( not defined $session ) { $session = $opt }
else { push @ssh_opts, $opt }
die $usage if not defined $host;
$session ||= 'default';
my $optstring = join ' ', @ssh_opts;
if( $list )
my @lines = split /\n/, qx(ssh $optstring $host screen -list);
my %sessions;
for my $line ( @lines )
my ($num, $session, $status) = $line =~ /^\s*(\d+)\.(\S+)\s+\(([^\)]*)\)/
or next;
my ($type) = $status =~ /(attached|detached)/i;
warn( "$0: bad screen line: `$line'\n" ), next if not $type;
my $desc = " $session\t($num.$session)";
$desc .= "\t[$status]" if $status !~ /^$type$/i;
$sessions{$type}{$session} = $desc;
for my $type ( sort keys %sessions )
print uc $type, "\n";
print $sessions{$type}{$_}, "\n" for sort keys %{ $sessions{$type} };
system qq(ssh $optstring -t $host "screen -S $session -dr || screen -S $session");
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