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Last active April 2, 2024 17:22
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Pytorch implementation of Hungarian Algorithm
# Pytorch implementation of Hungarian Algorithm
# Inspired from here :
# Despite my effort to parallelize the code, there is still some sequential workflows in this code
from typing import Tuple
import torch
from torch import Tensor
device = torch.device('cuda') if torch.cuda.is_available() else torch.device('cpu')
def min_zero_row(zero_mat: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]:
sum_zero_mat = zero_mat.sum(1)
sum_zero_mat[sum_zero_mat == 0] = 9999
zero_row = sum_zero_mat.min(0)[1]
zero_column = zero_mat[zero_row].nonzero()[0]
zero_mat[zero_row, :] = False
zero_mat[:, zero_column] = False
mark_zero = torch.tensor([[zero_row, zero_column]], device = device)
return zero_mat, mark_zero
def mark_matrix(mat: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor]:
zero_bool_mat = (mat == 0)
zero_bool_mat_copy = zero_bool_mat.clone()
marked_zero = torch.tensor([], device = device)
while (True in zero_bool_mat_copy):
zero_bool_mat_copy, mark_zero = min_zero_row(zero_bool_mat_copy)
marked_zero = torch.concat([marked_zero, mark_zero], dim = 0)
marked_zero_row = marked_zero[:, 0]
marked_zero_col = marked_zero[:, 1]
arange_index_row = torch.arange(mat.shape[0], dtype=torch.float, device = device).unsqueeze(1)
repeated_marked_row = marked_zero_row.repeat(mat.shape[0], 1)
bool_non_marked_row = torch.all(arange_index_row != repeated_marked_row, dim = 1)
non_marked_row = arange_index_row[bool_non_marked_row].squeeze()
non_marked_mat = zero_bool_mat[non_marked_row.long(), :]
marked_cols = non_marked_mat.nonzero().unique()
is_need_add_row = True
while is_need_add_row:
repeated_non_marked_row = non_marked_row.repeat(marked_zero_row.shape[0], 1)
repeated_marked_cols = marked_cols.repeat(marked_zero_col.shape[0], 1)
first_bool = torch.all(marked_zero_row.unsqueeze(1) != repeated_non_marked_row, dim = 1)
second_bool = torch.any(marked_zero_col.unsqueeze(1) == repeated_marked_cols, dim = 1)
addit_non_marked_row = marked_zero_row[first_bool & second_bool]
if addit_non_marked_row.shape[0] > 0:
non_marked_row = torch.concat([non_marked_row.reshape(-1), addit_non_marked_row[0].reshape(-1)])
is_need_add_row = False
repeated_non_marked_row = non_marked_row.repeat(mat.shape[0], 1)
bool_marked_row = torch.all(arange_index_row != repeated_non_marked_row, dim = 1)
marked_rows = arange_index_row[bool_marked_row].squeeze(0)
return marked_zero, marked_rows, marked_cols
def adjust_matrix(mat: Tensor, cover_rows: Tensor, cover_cols: Tensor) -> Tensor:
bool_cover = torch.zeros_like(mat)
bool_cover[cover_rows.long()] = True
bool_cover[:, cover_cols.long()] = True
non_cover = mat[bool_cover != True]
min_non_cover = non_cover.min()
mat[bool_cover != True] = mat[bool_cover != True] - min_non_cover
double_bool_cover = torch.zeros_like(mat)
double_bool_cover[cover_rows.long(), cover_cols.long()] = True
mat[double_bool_cover == True] = mat[double_bool_cover == True] + min_non_cover
return mat
def hungarian_algorithm(mat: Tensor) -> Tensor:
dim = mat.shape[0]
cur_mat = mat
cur_mat = cur_mat - cur_mat.min(1, keepdim = True)[0]
cur_mat = cur_mat - cur_mat.min(0, keepdim = True)[0]
zero_count = 0
while zero_count < dim:
ans_pos, marked_rows, marked_cols = mark_matrix(cur_mat)
zero_count = len(marked_rows) + len(marked_cols)
if zero_count < dim:
cur_mat = adjust_matrix(cur_mat, marked_rows, marked_cols)
return ans_pos
# Example 1
mat = torch.tensor(
[[7, 6, 2, 9, 2],
[6, 2, 1, 3, 9],
[5, 6, 8, 9, 5],
[6, 8, 5, 8, 6],
[9, 5, 6, 4, 7]], device = device)
ans_pos = hungarian_algorithm(mat)
res = mat[ans_pos[:, 0].long(), ans_pos[:, 1].long()]
# Example 2
mat = torch.tensor(
[[108, 125, 150],
[150, 135, 175],
[122, 148, 250]], device = device)
ans_pos = hungarian_algorithm(mat)
res = mat[ans_pos[:, 0].long(), ans_pos[:, 1].long()]
# Example 3
mat = torch.tensor(
[[1500, 4000, 4500],
[2000, 6000, 3500],
[2000, 4000, 2500]], device = device)
ans_pos = hungarian_algorithm(mat)
res = mat[ans_pos[:, 0].long(), ans_pos[:, 1].long()]
# Example 4
mat = torch.tensor(
[[5, 9, 3, 6],
[8, 7, 8, 2],
[6, 10, 12, 7],
[3, 10, 8, 6]], device = device)
ans_pos = hungarian_algorithm(mat)
res = mat[ans_pos[:, 0].long(), ans_pos[:, 1].long()]
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I have extracted ultralytics and DETR code, passed 1000 lines to GPT4 to refactor it. So, here is my PyTorch implementation of Hungarian loss function with SciPy assignment problem solver in 12 lines of code.

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@ivanstepanovftw Scipy.optimize's implementation of linear sum assignment requires a numpy array. Moving the iou tensor to cpu to get it as a numpy array will detach it from the computation graph, meaning you can't calculate grads on it anymore.

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@LivesayMe, while this is true, linear sum assignment only returns indices that are required for Hungarian loss to be used as a mask to permute indices in predicted and target tensors. Take a look at minimal implementation of my Hungarian loss implementation on Github Gist:

def hungarian_loss(outputs, targets):
    cost_matrix = torch.cdist(outputs, targets, p=1)
    row_ind, col_ind = linear_sum_assignment(cost_matrix.cpu().detach().numpy())
    matched_outputs = outputs[row_ind]
    matched_targets = targets[col_ind]
    loss = F.l1_loss(matched_outputs, matched_targets)
    return loss

Here you see that matched_outputs located at the same device as outputs, and matched_targets are located at the same device as targets, while they are being permuted by row_ind and col_ind of type numpy.ndarray.

Note that in this hungarian_loss implementation requires both outputs and targets to not be batched, i.e. tensor dims are (set_length, set_features). For batched implementation you need to adapt the code for batching, i.e.:

def criterion(x, y, x_lengths, y_lengths):
    hungarian = torch.tensor(0.0)
    for i in range(x.shape[0]):
        hungarian += hungarian_loss(x[i, :x_lengths[i]], y[i, :y_lengths[i]])
    hungarian /= x.shape[0]  # batchmean
    return hungarian

If you still not sure if it works in product, learn how Ultralytics YOLO code works, and even uses alternative solvers, such as lap.lapjv from Search for repo:ultralytics/ultralytics linear_sum_assignment.

In case if you want alternatives to Hungarian loss, take a look into Chamfer distance written in both CPU and CUDA code.

from pytorch3d.loss import chamfer_distance

def criterion(x, y, x_lengths, y_lengths):
    cham, cham_norm = chamfer_distance(x, y, x_lengths, y_lengths, point_reduction='mean', single_directional=False, abs_cosine=True)
    return cham

If you have any questions feel free to ask, I will happy to answer it.

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